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British N. .Adverliser
The stolid l}ritlsll way of deinta
'things oan be uniquely dramatic, It
is aortot tnaefl briefly that Malox 1310-
imp has by four weeks' Aglhting add
ed twenty Ave airpiauos to his pre
vious bag of forty-seven, malting flim
world-ohaanpaon ; being too valuable
to sacrifice to the laws of chance,
he has been sent home again, When
Guynoxner and Rielhthafen ran their
totals tip toward Bishop's seventy-
two each ascending mark was herald-
ed to the world The British aces
fairly match the French, but the
public scarcely known names and re-
cords, To this rule there aro only a
Ghali e New 4lecord
August 151h, 1918
few such exceptions as the late I Most Assuredly We Want
Captain Ball, no prin(ip)a involved
is that England expects every, man
to do his -duty atad marks •no ono
service for speeiai recognition. The
air -service is enveloped .in general
darkness , we knew only that the
cautious rosters of .enemy planes de-
stroyed issued periodically are very
satisfactory ; and •our imaginations
aro stimulated by such an occasional
flash as that which lens us see Bis-
hop surpassing all xivals.—New York
h;veuing Post,
The Canadian Pantile is advertising
$12.00 rate to Winnipeg fan Farm
Laborers, 22nd
How to Have Coal and
Wood for Next Winter
by getting a Perfectipn or Puritan Oil Cooking Stove
And make sure of a supply of Coal' Oil or Gasoline
(as it undoubtedly will be short at times)
Get a 25 -gallon or a 45 -gallon
steel tank
1 Second-hand Gasoline Stove
2 Second-hand Ovens
White Footwear
This season, without a doubt, will be the season of ail the
seasons for Women's White Footwear !
We're showing the Best White Shoes made, and we ask
the attention of the woman who enjoys wearing Choice
'White Footwear of Special Merit I
White Boots
White Oxfords
White Pumps
Ladies' Military or the New Low Tread
Walking Heels
$1.:5, $2.0u, $3.00 and
11 I O
we shoe will have Well Dressed Handsome looking Feet iur Shoe Service is always Painstaking and every woman
Save .Money
About Ave dozen work shirts, in 'blue, khaki, and black and white
stripe, SPECIAL PRICE 79e
.Five dozen Carpenter's Aprons striped cottonade, at half the price
of material used, EACH , ,,,.•,„, ,, 23c
irHIRTY pairs Women's Split Oxfords, solid leather shoe, regu-
lar pride $1,50, SPECIAL PRICE ,,, $1.19
Men's Harvest Boots, in mule skin , split leather, black or tan
Two dozen pairs Men's Trousers, in striped worsted, SPECIAL
PRICE ,,,,,,te. $2.25
Plumsteel Bros.
Dainty Enough
For a Queen
yet priced so as to be within
everybody's reach, That ex-
aetly, describes our bedroom
furniture of which we are jest-
ly proud. See the display and
you will .surely want one of
these graceful dressers or chif-
foniers or one of the beautiful
beds contained in the exhibit,
JAS. DUNPO..._.»
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone 28
Your Wali aper
but we do not want
you to be influenced In
our favor by anything
except the actual mer-
its and' reasonable pric-
es of the geode offer-
ed plus—your practical
good will for wbieh
we are heartily grate-
The W. D. Fair Co.
!'Orton the Cheapest
Always the Best,”
e -a .Iinum sellnuuu11N41q
Mrs. Hugh Ross has returned from
a visit at Leamington.
Mr. Alf. Rance of Toronto has been
visiting friends in town,
Miss Helen Ross is visiting friends
at Toronto and Grimsby.
Mrs, Duncan Boyd of Chicago called
on friends in town last week,
Mrs. Walkinshaw and Miss Luella
have been holidaying at Kincar-
Mrs, and Miss Struthers of Galt are
guests at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lavis and family of
Wingham were Clinton visitors on
Mr. and Mrs. Parlmer of Hensell
• visited Mr, and Mrs. A, Wilken on
Miss Grace Cleft of Toronto is
spending a vacation at her• home
in town.
Miss Jean Scott returned last week
from Grimsby, where she has been
fruit picking.
Miss Bessie Higgins of Kempville is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Gra-
haul of town,
Mr. Wylie of Toronto is the guest
of has daughter, firs. .5. E. Hogg,
at the Manse.
Miss Winnie 'Thompson is spending a
couple of weeks with Blyth and
Auburn friends.
Misses Lyla and Eleanor Thornton
of Seaforth are visiting their aunt,
lvirs. Chas, Bartliff.
Miss Gladys Holland is this week
holidaying with 1\Iiss Flossie Cole
of Goderich township.
Miss Amy Howson spent the week-
__ end as the guest of Mrs. (Dr.)
Ferguson of Kincardine.
Mrs. McCoy and children of London
are holidaying at the home of the
lady's father, Mr. A. Wilken.
Miss Ida Wilken of Detroit is ex-
pected the end of this week and
will spend a vacation at home.
Mrs. Jack MacKinnon and Master
Billie have gone on a visit to lir.
MacK.innon's people at Caledonia.
Dr. Roy Ball of Toronto has been
visiting relatives in and about
town during the past few weeks.
Miss Maida Cooper returned to Tor-
onto on Saturday after spending a
couple of weeks with relatives i.n
town. •
Mrs. Moore, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) E, I
left this morning for her home at
Hot Springs, Verginia.
Mr. Boeck and Miss Ione returned
Friday from Bracehrid'ge where
Mr. Bouck has been teaching in
the summer Model school.
Miss Sparks and Mrs. Webster of
Brantford have been visiting at
the home of the former's sister,
Mrs. (Rev.) W. B. Moulton.
Mrs. Wilfrid C, Farquhar and chil-
dren left on Tuesday to join Mr,
Farquhar at Saskatoon. They in-
tend making their home in the
west in future.
Miss 13, F. Ward, principal of the
School of Commerce, returned last
week from a vacation spent at her
home at Rockville, Md. She was
accompanied by her sister, Miss
Mercy Ward, who will spend some
weeks here.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball have return-
ed from a fortnight's holiday, Mr.
Bali combined business with pleas-
ure by taking a trip up the Lakes
from Sarnia to Duluth taking
photos for the Northern Naviga-
tion Co. Ile found it a very de-
lightful trip.
Mr. Austin Hoare has returned from
the training camp at London and
has dotted the uniform. Austin has
received his honorable discharge
but may be again called, as any
man may bo, and if so will readily
respond as he did at first, though
both his brothers are hi uniform,
one having been in France for
sonic time.
IV -Tr. Lawrence Morrison, who has
been holidaying at his home in
Mullett and visiting with Clinton
friends for• the past month, lett
yesterday afternoon for Chicago,
where he Etas been employed on the
general postofoc stall for some
time. Lawrence is ender call of
the Military authorities of the
United States and expects to be inuniform before the end of the
month. Although be has lived
neatly all his life in Canada he
was born under the Stars and
;Stripes and is an American eiti-
7en and will serve with the Astor -
scan Army, having' been for MA116
3,ears en The News -Record staff Ave
take a special interest in him and
wish hien good luck,
Give a Day's Thought to These
GuaranteedLinens for thellome
QW1NG to the war conditions and the scarcity of flax, pure linens are getting very scarce, conse-
gnently,advancing in price. A wise woman whose constant thought is the `dome Beautiful'
and the economical, management thereof will consider this matter. Read this list carefully and
give It your attention, Not perhaps you are not really in need of new linens at present but if you
wish to save money on your purchase buy them now when you can get them at about half the
price they will be shortly. Or if you don't need them yourself perhaps you have a young friend
who is anticipating a home of her own and what Ls more acceptable than linens.
Tablecloths -
Table Napkins
Tray Cloths
Beautiful bleached Irish Damask, satin finish, aIl•round, single and double bor-
ders, a variety of designs, leaves, sprays, doral, figures, dots, etc., also tabling by
the yard.
Pure bleached linen, a large range of choice designs,
Hand embroidered and Plauen lace centerpieces and doylies, in dainty patterns,
"Plauen laee, hand embroidered and drawn work, hemstitched edges, all pure linen
A household necessity, always in demand, carefully selected, pure linen huckaback
towels, hemstitched, plain and embroidered damask borders, guest and large sizes.
Also bleached and unbleached turkish towels, with fancy stripes and all white,
Reliable linen towelings, values that are thoroughly dependable, check and stripe
glses toweling, heavy crash, plain linen huck and tea cloths. These materials are
steadily advancing in price.
Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects, good heavy
Colne in and we will be pleased to show you our stock.
If you don't see what you want, ask for it.
Agents for
Priestl ey's Dress
Agents for
Butterick Patterns
People You Know
blaster Sam Sereeton of London is
this week the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C'uningilame.
Mrs, James Livermore and Mrs._
Ernest Jackson are spending a few
clays this week as the guests of
Rev, B. G. and Mrs. Powell of
Gunner Laverne Cook of Peteh*.iwa
(.'amp, eldest son of Mr. Joshua
Cook, spent the week -end at his
hone in town, his last have be-
fore going overseas.
Misses Etre Smith and Brie ,iltt••w-
art of Seaforth and Lynetta Doupo
of Toronto have been visiting the
former's aunt, Mrs. Thos. Masan,
Mill street, during the past week.
AMr, and Mrs, Eddie Shepherd return-
ed to Toronto on Monday after-
noon after spending a fortnight
• with the former's mother, Mrs.
,James Shepherd, 'Townshend street.
Mrs. G. R. McBrien of Toronto, bet-
ter known to Clinton people as
Miss Delle Walker, is visiting at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. W.
Elliott, Mrs, 1iel3rien's husband is
Mr. 'Phos. Mellis left on Saturday
last for an extended visit with his
son John of Detroit,
The Messrs.. McEwan of Goderich
wage recent visitors with their un-
cle, Mt. C+eo. McKay. '
Miss Sylpha Moore left for De-
troit for a fortnight's visit with
her sister, who resides in that city.
Miss Bertha Mackenzie of Toronto
is spending a week with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie.
Miss Louisa McClymont, who has
been spending a 'week with her par-
ents' returned on Tuesday of this
week to resume her position in Lon-
Mr. and. Mrs. Verne Terryberry of
Tuckersmith visited with the lat-
tet's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas.'Mc-
Some of the farmers about here
have been threshing their wheat and
barley and report a splendid yield.
The ehurches'hero will hold their
annual picnio at Bayfield on Tuesday
of next week. As it is to be a un-
ion picnic it is to bo hoped both
congregations will he there in large
numbers. This is a good way to
exhibit a spirit of unity.
Stanleq Township
On '1'tresday evening of last week a
prayer meeting was held at the
home of Mt, and Mrs. A. Meliwah,
Rev. Dr.. Stewart conducting it.
The weather was extremely warm
but nevettltoless about sixty persons
gathered, Dr. ,Stewart delivered an
earnest address and was listened to
with pleasure and profit.
tilts. AIway and family of, IComoka
are enjoying a few weeks at their
summer cottage in Lakeside Park.
Miss McIntyre. of Strathroy is
spending a fete weeks in the village.
Messrs. Charles and Kenneth Don-
aldson of Wfngham are spending
their holidays with their grandpar-
ents, lir, and Mrs. ,James Donald-
lir. Frank Dunham of Kitchener
joined his wife and family at the
n n Fy t and
\lhioweeko-endridaat the Insal
e, Theyspent all
returned on Monday to their home
at Kitchener.
Mr, Hugh McLaren, wife and child
are the guests of Mrs. lieLaren's
mother, Airs. Stirling, for a week.
IRev. E. A. Sllaw of St. Marys, a
former pastor, will occupy the pul-
pit of the Methodist church on Sun-
day morning next at 11.30.
Mr. and Mrs, Angus hlePlterson and
son of Moose Jaw were the guests
of Air, D. II, McNaughton last week.,
Miss Clara Moore of Detroit and,
cousin, bliss Sellars of Gladstone,
Mich., are visiting Miss Moore's
father, Mr. Samuel Moore.
Rev, 1:, A. Shaw, wife and daugh-
ters, Misses ,Joy and Laurel, of St,
Marys ; Airs. McArthur and daugh-
ter, Miss Inez, Mrs, Miller and
daughters, Misses Helen and Billy,
London ; Mr. and Mrs. Wren, 'Toron-
to ; Mr. and Mrs, Peters, _Stratford ;
W. Baegnor, West bioukton ; W. P.
Frank, St. Marys, and Mr. and Mrs.
Kerr, Kitchener, ,are summering in
Deer Lodge Park,
Miss Garret and Miss Motherhoad
spent the past week at Goderich at-
tending the Chataugua.
Mrs, Farman of Marino City,
Mich,, is the gust of her brother,
Mr.• J. W. 'Tippet.
Miss Clerk, 'Thetford, an`tl Mr.
Stewart Laird, Essex, are guests at
the Albion.
illiss Eliza Reid of Syracuse, N.
Y,, is tihe guest of her sister, bi'rs.
Company Farming --Why Not
"Is it possible for groups of peo-
ple In many' of our cities, towns, and
even villages, to undertake some
form of company -farming 7" This
question is being asked in a circular
letter just issued by the Organiza'
tion of Resources Committee of On-
tario. The idea Is to enlarge the
actiivities from community gardening
?ebonies to grain production on [arm
lands, Groupsof business men and
others in urban centres are urged to
organize now in order to take over
good vacant land in the neighbor-
hood and get it ready for cnitiva-
tiott so that it may produce a 1010
crop, (Iolnpatly'•farming operation
are now being carried out with a
great Ileal of success at St, Cathar-
ines, Sarnia, Windsor, Owen Sound,
Weston and Oshawa, Citizens of
every town are, asked to get togeth-
er and talk it over.
Dr. _3, J, Courtiee of Winnipeg,
who was attending the Dental Asso-
ciation Convention at Chicago, took
a run over home and spent a few
days with his parents, lir, and Mrs.
A, J. Courtier), this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Calbick of Winona
and Mrs, (.Dr.) kiowel of Bay Port,
Mich,, are with their mother, Mrs,
R. Acheson, in her ,illness.
11r, and Mrs. D. J. Burns spent
the week -end visiting lir. A. Gray,
our former cheesemaker, at Atwood.
MIrs. C. T, Johnliton and slaughter,
Dell, who have been visiting friends
fora few weeks returned tp Toronto
on Monday last.
The Sunday school will have charge
of the Sunday morning service for
the next two Sundays, the evening
services being supplied, in the ab-
sence of the pastor, Rev. A. Sin-
clair, who is taking his holidays.
Quite a number of the farmers are
through cutting and expect to finish
harvesting this week,
Mrs. Robt. Acheson is, we regret
to report, very ill at time of writ -
Mr. and Mrs. ,J, H. Lowery of
North Bay are visiting the lady's
father, Mr. Joseph Proctor.
A clergyman holding high office in
Manitoba, Rev. J, W. Churchill,
president of the Manitoba Methodist
Conference, attempted to purchase a
ticket from the Canadian Northern
conductor from Winnipeg: to Portage
la Prairie, but was unable to pro-
duce. his registration card, and was
.deposited on the prairie with his
baggage several miles out of Winni-
peg one day met long ago. The
clergyman in question was referred
to in these columns a few weeks agci
as an old IIolmesvllle boy who had
made good. This just proves, how-
ever, that there's not so much dif-
ference between clever people and
people not so •clever. Anyone of us
might have forgotten out: registra-
tion card and got into trouble in
just the sane way. This will he a
warning t0 lis.
"1 am sorry to say that the only
criticism I have heard of the Can-
adians' , effort has come from Can-
adians at home, Therefore I hope
the members of the press here now
will instruct and inform the people
at home of the wonderful things
that have been accomplished, I do
not tot one moment arena that Can-
ada alone is winning ibis war, but
there is no section doing its share
more thoroughly than that element
led by (,en. Currie in France, Gen,
Turner in England and Gen. h'icw-
burn In Canada."
iIIO11i t Fallout at a dinner given in
London, ling,
A fire in a pi'gstyn at Barrie re
suited in a loss of aheut $1415,
Londesboro. .
Air. and Mrs, James Webster of
Toronto spent the week -end with then
formes's mother in Londesboro,
Mrs. H. Cornish of Keewatin has
been renewing old acquaintances
around here during the past week.
Mrs. Win. Norris of Guelph is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Sant Lee,
Pte, Otto Eaton spent the week-
end with his friend, Mr. Frank Tani-
hlyn. .
Hiss Elia Lee spent a week with
her brother, Mr. Wesley Lee of fort
fir. and MIrs, C. H. Manning and
Misses Nellie and Elsie and Mr, and
Mrs. W. '1', Brunsdon spent Sunday,
at Grand Bend and Bayfield, calling
on Rev, lir, Abrey and family at
Bas hold.
Mr. .Tis, Brown and little daugh-
ter, Beatrice, of Clinton 'spent Sat-
urday and Sunday with his nephew,
Mr. %Samuel Lee,
Miss Edith Sampson visited with
her friend, Hiss Doris Osterhout ok-
Goderieli, last week.
Miss Alice Bell visited with her
aunt, Mrs. Macdonald of London.
Mrs, Arthur Brunsdon, who has
been spending the past few weeks
with friends here, has returned to
Galt where she will spend a few
weeks before leaving for her home in
Sovereign, Sask.
Rev, and Mrs. Osterhout and Miss
Doris and Masters Jack and Douglas
of Goderich have been calling on
friends here this week,
Mrs. McKinnon, who has been vis-
iting .at the home of Mr, Wm. Cald-
well, Ilullett, has returned to Tor-
Pavilion, Jowett's Grote
Wednes'y night Aug, 21
from 8 to 12
Blackstone -Buckley
Five -piece Orchestra
and up-to•date Fixtures
of all kinds
Plumbing, Roofing,
Troughing and Furnace
Estimates Cheerfully Given
B y am.
Plumbers and Electricians
Picone 1