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August 8th, 1n18
l 1a
How to Have Coal a.
Wood tor Next Winter
Moat Assuredly w•'eWant
Your�p�,yy�Wll aPaper
but we do not want
you to be. influenced in
our favor by anything
except the actual mer-
its and reasonable pric-
es of the geode offer-
ed plus --your practical
good will for which
we are heartily grate-
T e W. D. Fair CO..
''Often rho Cheapest
by getting a Perfection or Puritan Oil Cooking Stove
And make sure of a supply of Coal Oil or Gasoline
(as it undoubtedly will be short at times)
Get a 25 -gallon or a 45 -gallon
steel tank
Always the 13eet'i'
1 Second-hand Gasoline Stove
2 Second-hand Ovens
1 White Footwear
This season, without a doubt, will be the seasen of ail the
seasons for Women's White Footwear !
We're showing the Hest White Shoes made, and we ask
the attention of the woman who enjoys wearing Choice
White Footwear of Special Merit
White Boots
White Oxfords
White Pumps
Ladies' Military or the New Low Tread
Walking Heels
$2.0u, $3,00 and $4.00
Our Shoe Service is always Painstaking and every woman
we shoe will have Well Dressed Handsome looking Feet !
'emanseleem.3e- -.. ate,
Save Money
!About five dozen work shirts, in blue, khaki, and black and white
stripe, SPECIAL PRICE 790
Five dozen Carpenter's Aprons striped cottonade, at half the price
of material used, EACH 23c
ITEIRTY pairs Women's Split Oxfords, solid leather shoe, regu-
lar pride $1.50, SPECIAL PRICE $1.19
Men's Harvest Boots, in mule skin , split leather, black or tan
Two dozen pairs Men's Trousers, in striped worsted, SPECIAL
PRICE $2,26
Plurnsteei Bros.
Dainty Enough
For a Queen
yet priced so as to be Within
everybody's reach, That ex-
actly, describes out bedroom
furniture of Welch we are just,
ly proud. See the display and
you will surely want one of
these graeettrl dressers or chif-
foniers or one of the beatitilul
beds eolatainod in the exhibit.
Undertaker and i utieral Director.
28 •* PhbnE 1j
Miss Cora Clue is visiting her sister
at Welland. _
Col. Rance was in London during
the past week.
Lieut. Tucker of the Salvation Army
is visiting Toronto friends.
Miss Campbell of Hamilton is the
guest of Mrs. J. G. Moven.
Miss Clete Dunford was with Sea -
forth friends for the holiday.
Miss Annice Bartlifr is spending a
fortnight with London friends.
Miss McTavish and Miss Jennie
Grant are in Goderich this week.
Mrs. Norman Kennedy spent the
week -end with her sister in Strat-
Miss Margaret Cudmore is visiting
her cousin, Miss Richards of Strat-
Mr. Wilbur Ford of Peterhoro is
spending his vacation at his hone
in town.
Rev. E. 0. and Mrs. Fordo and babe
left yesterday for a holiday visit
at Hopeville.
Miss Isabel Johnston is this week
visiting Rev. Canon and Mrs.
Gunne of London.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey and fam-
ily motored over to Markdale to
spend the holiday,
Miss Margaret Wiseman has return-
eturned to Ottawa after a visit at the
Parental home in town.
Capt, J. I%..-Fairfull and Mrs. Fair -
full are the guests this week of Mr,
and Mrs. A. J. Morrish.
Miss Mitchell of 'reroute is the
guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. A.
Robinson, at the Rectory.
Miss Marjorie Agnew, who has been
visiting in town, leaves this week
for her home in Medicine Hat.
Mrs. Cardiff has rettuned to her
home in Brussels alter a visit with
her daughter, Mrs, II. Bartliff.
Miss Lillian Fairfull loft Thursday
for Leamington after spending a
few weeks with Clinton friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Clark of Goder-
ich were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Bell over the week-
Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCaughey re-
turned to their home in Peterboro
on Monday after a fortnight's vis-
it here.
Misses Kathleen East and Susie
Carling of Toronto are the guests
of the former's sister, Mrs. G.
Miss Murray returned to Toronto on
Thursday afternoon after spending
a month at the Home of her, uncle,
Dr. Thompson„
Mr. and Mrs. A, Neilans motored
over to Petrolea and spent the
week -end with their daughter, Mrs.
E. E. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Wallis and Mr.
and Mrs, A. T. Cooper returned
Friday from a very pleasant trip
to Toronto and Niagara.
Miss S. Kempton of Lueknow visit-
ed friends in town last week and
on her return home she was accom-
panied by Master Nelles McNeil.
Rev. J. J, Patterson of Sarnia,
who preached in Willis church on
Sunday last, was the guest while
in town of Mr: and Mrs, W. D,
141r, and Mrs, T. J. 'McNeil, Mr.
• Murray McNeil and Mr, Percy
Ladd motored to London on Fri-
day and spent the week -end with
Miss Grace Walker, who has been
picking fruit since the beginning of
Me • holidays, left Monday to
'Lake charge of a school at Tis-
dale, Sask.
Misses Winnie and .Jessie O'Neil,
Maud and Editir Torrance, B. Me -
Iver and Whnio Thompson are in
Goderich this week tatting in the
Mr. Levan and Miss Miunio Levan,
who have been visiting friends • at
Londesboro and vicinity Inc the
east month, called on frientls in
town last week.
Mt. T. W, Ilawkins Went to Hamil-
ton for the holiday and on his re-
turn was accompanied by Mrs.
Hawkins and children, wird had
been spending several weeks there.
Mr, and Mrs. T,: E. East and Mas-
ter Jack of Oshawa were weekend
visitors in town, Mr. East re-
tiree(' home Monday evening but
Mrs, East and little son are re-
maining for a longer visit,
Mt. and Mrs. W, S. Downs, Mr, and
Mrs. R. B. Latter and Mies Eta
Sf, Carter motored to Clifford last
week to visit friends, They also
visited at the keine of Ree. T, W,
Hazelwood of Lebanan and With
friends in L` t tve 1
rs o heforC recuri t -
Give a Day's Thought to These
GuaranteedLinens for theHome
OWING to the war conditions and the scarcity of flax, pure linens are getting very scarce, conse
gnently advancing in price, A wise woman whose constant thought is the `bonze Beautiful'
and the economical tnanagement thereof will consider this matter, Read this list carefully and
give it your attention, No I perhaps you are not really in need of new linens at present but if you
wish to save money on your purchase buy them now when you can get them at about half the
price they wilt be shortly, Or if you don't need them yourself perhaps you have, a young friend
who is anticipating a home of her own and what is more acceptable than linens.
Tablecloths -
Table Napkins
Tray Cloths
Beautiful bleached Irish Damask, satin finish, all•round, single and double bor•
ders, a variety of designs, leaves. sprays, floral, figures, dots, ate,, also tabling by
the yard.,
Pure bleached linen, a large range, of choice designs,
Hand embroidered and Plauen lace ce.lterpieces and doylies; in dainty patterns
Plauen lace, hand embroidered and drawn work, hemstitched edges, all pure linen
A household necessity, always in demand, carefully selected, pure liken huckaback
towels, hemstitched, plain and embroidered damask borders, guest and large sizes.
Also bleached and. unbleached turkish towels, with fancy stripes and all white,
Reliable linen towelings, values that are thoroughly dependable, check and stripe
glses toweling, heavy crash, plain linen huck and tea cloths. These materials are
steadily advancing in price.
Extra fine weaves, choicest designs in floral, spray and figured effects, good heavy
Come in and we will be pleased to show you our stock.
If you don't see what you want, ask for it.
Agents for
Priestley's Dress
Agents for
Butterick Patterns
Mr. aiul Mrs. Geo. Stafford and
daughter, Versa, of Vienna and Mr.
and Mrs. Earle McLean and son of
Alymer were guests with Mr. '.Thos.
Mellis and family from Saturday un-
til Tuesday of last week,
Mrs. Kokes, and daughter Minnie of
1-lolmesvilie were guests with Mr,
and Mrs. Archie Noakes of Kippen.
They motored to London on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, ,1. McCracken and
Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Taylor, all of
London, were guests last week with
Mrs. Geo. Taylor. They also visit-
ed Wingham friends.
Mr, Alex, Sproat of Toronto is
visiting in and around Kippen.
Rev. R. D. Stevenson of Stratford
spoke in the interest of the Lord's
Day Alliance last Sunday at Kippen
Presbyterian church and also at
Ililisgreen. Ho is greatly interested
in the preservation of the Sabbath.
Mrs.• Wm. Johnston of St. Louis
was the guest on 'Tuesday of this
week of Mrs, Jas. Miller, •
Mrs, Percy Clark and son Bertie
of Zurich are this week visiting Mrs.
Wm: Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Potter of
Holmesville spent part of last week
with their relatives, Mr, John White-
man and Mrs. John Anderson, Mr.
Potter many years ago lived in this
district and meets many old friends
about here,
Dr. Aitken and fancily, who have
been holidaying at Port Perry and
Courtright, returned last Friday.
They were accompanied home by the
doctor's father and mother, who -
will visit here for some days. The
gentlemen motored to Grey County
on Saturday to visit some frientls
. Mrs. Wm, Ivison has so far re-
covered as to be able to go to vis-
it with her daughter, Mrs. Sterling
McPhail, at Porter's Hill, She ex-
pects to remain for a month,
Miss Mabel Whiteman of 'Toronto
is visiting with her patents. Mr, an
is visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, John Whiteman:
Staniete TowICIship
Last spring while building a fence
along the road a farmer of the sec-
ond concession found, when digging
a post hole, a stone which resembled
a itttrrtan head, with the features
more or less plainly ,narked. For
the amusement of the travelling plib-
lie, and especially the children, the
tamer fastened the peculiar stone
on one of the posts,. On Thursday
last a couple of young men going
along the road, thinking it a smart
trick, took a large stone and began
pounding the statue, The farmer,
hearing the noise, ran to the rescue
but not before the NCO had been
pretty badly broken tap. It wag per-
haps a fortunate thing, for the boys
that the farmer is a good-natured
man for the penalty for doing dam-
age to private, property is a heavy
London Road
Mr. Wm. Ross of the London Road
is now driving a Ford car,
itliss Fanny Waldron is the guest
of Miss E. Waldron.
Miss Tighe is the guest of her
uncle, Mr, J. Quigley.
A meeting of the Patriotic So-
ciety will be held at the home of
Mrs. •3.. Shipley on Thursday of next
Mr. Scott Davidson Ieft on Fri-
day for London to join his battalion
after a six weeks' leave of absence.
He has left a mother, two sisters
and a thirteen year old brother to
carry on the farm work while he
serves the hmpire. On the evening
prior to his departure a large num-
ber of his friends in this vicinity met
at his home and presented him with
an address together with a wrist
watch, fountain pen; signet ring, mil-
itary • brush and a purse of money.
The address was read by G. W. Lay-
ton and the presentation made by
Miss Mabel Ross. Following is the
To Mr. J. S. Davidson,
Brumfield, Ont,
Dear Scott, --On the eve el your
,departure from our midst in answer
to your country's call to go forth
to train and perhaps battle for what
we believe to be freedom and right,
we realize that you are sacrificing
much in the severing of home ties
and, what is to you, a mote congen-
ial life. In making this change we
know that you will feel that duty's
call must be responded to before all.
else. We are proud tonight to know
that you are uniting and will share
in part with those thousands of
young men who are making history
for Canada during these years of
warfare. We can assure you that
in the circle of your old friends, and
neighbors you will always be remem-
bered and we wish you God speed
and safe keeping in your new sphere
of work, Will you accept this wrist
Watch and other gifts as tokens of
our esteem, Moping they will prove
useful to you.
. —3. T. McKnight, F, J. Lane, i
McKillop Township.
Flax pulling is nearly completed
and the barley, which ie above au
average crop, 1s ht the shock.,
Rev, Mr.. McLean and Mrs. Mc-
Lean of Orillfa ' are visiting the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
Mrs, Good of Toronto, who was
visiting friends hers, has returned
Mr. '.Tltotnas Price of Soaforth was
out in the Leadbury section booking
for fat cattle for 'ehfpmen't.
Quarterly. meeting • services were
bend at Waltonon Methodistchurch
last ,Sabbath and the business meet-
ing on the following Tuesday,
Mr. Thos. Ilunking of the 13th
con. received word one day last week
that his son, Pte. Harvey flunking,
had been. wounded while fighting in
Miss Margaret bleCool returned to
Toronto on Monday after spending
the past fortnight under the parental
Mrs. Arthur Brunsdon spent a few
days with Mrs. Howard Brunsdon of
Mr. and Mrs, J. Stalker of Inger-
sel are visiting with Mr. Stalker's
sister, Mrs, D. Geddes.
Miss Bertha Brogden of London
spent the week -end et her home
Mr. and Miss Lavin of Toronto re-
turned home last Friday after
spending a few weeks at the home
of Mr. Chas, Ruddell.
A picnic party of about thirty en-
joyed themselves at, Grand Bend on
Friday last,
Miss Della McCool is home from
Toronto for her holidays.
Pte, Cameron Geddes and his sis-
ter, Eugene, and Mr, Dau Ferguson
and Miss Isabelle of Belgrave spent
Monday at the home of Mr. Dan
The regular meeting 01 the Red
Cross Society will meet at the
home of Mrs. C. RuddeIl on Friday
of next week,
Rev. Mr, McGachern of Toronto
took the services in the. Presbyter-
ian church last Sunday..
Mr. and 14Irs, W. H. Lyon and Mr.
and Mrs. D. Geddes attended the
garden party in Blyth on Tuesday
Miss Alice Yungblutt of Auburn is
visiting her sister, Mrs, Jolin Nott,
Mt. Russell Atcheson of Stratford
spent a few days with friends here,
Port Albert
Robert Bennett, wife and tamily 01
Chicago who were visiting his Par-
ents the past week left for their
home on Monday, making the trip
by auto.
blas, W. W. Hawkins of Chicago,
who has been visiting Mr. and Mao.
Will Grey and Miss Pena Hawkins,
left Monday for her home,
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester and family
of Stratford are enjoying their sum-
mer cottage at present.
Rain would be a welcome visitor
in this section at present.
Ilaying is about ended for this
season and has been a very good
Some of the boys who have been
in training at London left on Sale
Imlay for overseas so the report
goes, Hope they will return again
Canadian i, fn
Th anad au 1 acid . is advert s
The c g
$12,00 rate to Winnipeg fur Farrar
Laborers, -22nd
Rev. Mr. Moulton of Clinton gave,
a most interesting and profitable ad-
dress at the Goderich township mem-
orial and also Thanksgiving held on
Sunday evening last in harnieny
with Lieut. -Governor's proclamation.
The Rev. gentleman is always wel-
come in Holmesville as lits acidcess-
es are full of inspiration and m-
struction, Mr, N. W. Trewartha very
ably and eloquently moved the reso-
lution pledging our further assist-
ance in working for the interest and
helpfulness of the cause of the At -
Quite a number from this vicinity;
attended the meeting held in Clinton:
on Sunday afternoon when Rev. A..
Sinclair gave a line address on the
cause of Britain's entry into the
That the weather is extremely bot.
is not only attested by the reeletry
on the thermometer at 98 degrees ,u
the shade but the farmers working nt
the harvest fields say the weather is
terribly hot.
Mrs. Jermyn and son of WiteSeani,
mother and brother of Mrs. I Rev.)
A. Sinclair, visited at the parsonage
over the week -end,
The quarterly sacrament services
were held in the Methodist church
on Sunday morning last, There e as
a good meeting and a good atten-
dance. The business meeting on
Monday evening was quite success-
ful. The board decided to increiso
the pastor's salary one hundred dol-
The Fuel Controller has issued
illations affecting the importation,
sale and delivery of coal,
Pavilion, Jowett's Grove
Wednes'y night Aug. FE4.
from 8 to 1 z
Blackstone -Buckley
Five -piece Orchestt a
Eieetric irM g
and up-to-date Fixtures
of all kinds
Plumbing, Roofing,
Troughing and Furnace
Estimates Cheerfully Given
B.. am& Sutter
Pltimbers and Electricians
Phone 7,