The Clinton News Record, 1918-8-8, Page 7f /y epQ
Y3 L'?out
r� EVery
G0 n BED
lir Evt
ingram'sMillkweed Cre °
atlOk �54g111FADES,n .'"ry" is,;(pe,
R & cilanFUITUUSr y W(N P"'r'b.
6099155.19 RCADIIy ABSORDiD
a "o "'1:; TpIT M(cH
In trams
Two Sizes -50c and $1
You are young but once, but
you can be youthful always if
you care for your complexion
properly. Daily use ofIngram's
Milkweed Cream prevents
blemishes,overcomes pimples
and other eruptions. Since
1885 its distinctive therapeutic
quality has been giving health
to the skin and youthful color to
the complexion. It keepsyour
skin toned up, soft and clean.
The refined way to banish
oiliness and shininess of nose
and forehead induced by
perspiration, is to apply a light
touch of Ingram's Velveola
Souveraine Face Powder, 50c.
Italsoconcealsthe minorbiem-
ishes. Included in the complete
line of Ingram's toilet products
at your druggist's is Ingram's
Zodenta for the teeth, 25c.
A Picture
with Each Purchase
Each time you buy a package of
Ingram's Toilet Aide or Perfume
your druggist will give you, without
charge, a large portrait of a world -
famed motion picture actress. Each
time you get a different portrait so
you make a collection for your
home. Ask your druggist. (93)
F. F. Ingram Co., Windsor Ontario
iic`raMC-1L7„' i`."s=
Writer Warns Against Imagining That
Germany Is Nearing Collapse
Through Pinch of Hunger.
While never the immediate major
objectives of Germany's strategy, food
many bread forays. Belgium, North
France, Serbia, Rumania, Bulgaria,
Venetia, Poland and Russia have all
rondo their forced contributions to
the leaders of German armies, -
"The Allies' failure to run the
Dardenelles gave the food advantage
to Germany. Russia was eliminated
as a source of supplies, and was soon
to disappear as a military factor, Even
while she was at war with Germany,
,part of Russia's surplus stocks of
wheat were finding their way to the
Central powers through Sweden, Ru-
mania and Finland.
Making War Pay For Itself.
has been an important factor In every
campaign thus far in the present war.
This is he opinion voiced by Thomas
II. Dickinson, of the United States
Food Administration., in an article in
the Atlantic Monthly, from which we
. quote the following:
"If the German empire builder looks
to the future, the Gorman general
looks to the present strategy. Ger,
many must not starve while she is car-.
lying on her campaigns, Every cam-
paign must as nearly as possible sup-
port Itself. The power which dictates
the expansion 1n the oast; which
fights on three fronts to win here a
battle and there a campaign; which
uses billets and billets; which directs
drives of gas, of heavy gulls, of sym-
pathy, and of ideas, does not content
itself with a distant goal.
Huns are a Foraging Host.
"Tho German army is not a caravan
pushing' through a desert, It is a
foraging host, travelling through a
fertile country where the bine are full
and the fields are ready for the har-
vest, It has been part of the stra-
tegy of Gomany to fight always on the
enemy's land, By so doing, she Vi-
cuna food for her own army, and to
just this extent weakens the force of
his apposition, Germany's' .progress
"-. has always been into the harvest
fields of the Toe,
"While not the immediate major
objective 1n any one at -Germany's
campaigns, food has always been a
factor in the mapping of the cam-
paign, And in every case Germany
has won such substatence prizes as
the campaign offered, The great
drives may be looked upon as so
ou can vary
of the strength
of youri
POSTU til.
by using either
more or less of
he powder to
the cup. A level
easpoon Mrd
seems to please
most people.
Whet(e Supplied Are Distributed to the W i the mark
Firing Line, ,
1111)' mad lepoing t0 I'ailttoad, 11:1111 1s A. p, t 4141 f t atileelet
1ltnttrW JAHVA grparaerY 44.
prolnk!ly belted by a vigilant'. Traffic 7434 11,77114 3t, west 7.0.0019
Control A long (whim of A S 0 I --�
wtlgottg flea the road.'
TlieY ere supply waggly of a div)• Two 1'U�t1l r
sional train, halting its ttn'n to drew
supplies from the peolk•trains whirls I
arrive badly fruit the base, bringing
rations for Pan 0.111 beast• t l j
The senior supply eMeer makes a
short cut aet'0$5 to the ivlldorness of
sidings, tracks, stacks of stores, for-
ego, fuel, and salvage etenpriedng lin
"'advnncod railhead,"
Tho S.S.Q, picks 1419 way amid
gangs of ja•bbor!ng Chinamen, 11111 ob-
jective Is a sandbagged but:bearing
the sign "it,S.O." leestdo itis another',
labelled '14.T.O."
Tho railway transport officer sees
to the traffic arrangements. 'rho rail-
head supply officer takes over the stlp-
ply tralne as they arrive, cbecking
the oontenis and issuing tiler to the
various Envisions and unite "feeding"
off his railhead.
Each division has its senior officer,
whose Job it is to see that' it receives
all, if not more, than its lawful require-
ments, to the last pint and pound. If
any item oil rood or forage Is deficient,
it must be procued promptly else-
where, from time reserve.
.A word to the supply column supply
officer is all now that is necessary.
Spare lorries are standing by for such
The 5.5.0, returns to hie wagon.;,
now drawing up beside thte•pack-train,
Each truck bears the identification
number of the division to which it is
assigned. One truck or more is pack-
ed Light with bread -eighty loaves to The well -cut separate waist and
a sack. Others are loaded with frozen skirt are always appreciated by the
beef or mutton. There are trucks of woman of good taste, McCall Pate
groceries, hay, oats, and any_.amount'tern No. 8401, Ladies' Blouse. In '7
of sundries, down to fly -papers, .wood- sizes, 34 to 46 bust, No. 8433, Ladies/
preservdng ail, and cigarettes. Two or Three -Piece Skirt. In '7 sizes,
In theory, lorries only should be 22 to 84 waist. Price, 20 cents each.
loading this bulk of stuff at railhead,
conveying it forward to "refilling
point," for shipment there into A.S.C.
horse wagons.
But thon'in theory railhead should
always be some ten or fifteen miles
behind the firing -line, whereas this one
is scarcely five. Next weals, what is
more it is to be pushed up closer still:
And then look outafor shells!..
Brothers in Arms,
Upon these fields of Flanders and those
plains of Italy,
Brothers! At this dire moment
there is waged titanic strife;
Nearly every stream in Europe now
runs red unto the sea,
From hills, war -tramped, where free-
dom is sore struggling for her
And we were happy, happy lads at
home but yesterday,
With bat and ball, with oar and rod,
with song and feast and mirth;
War's challenge made us men at once,
and broke the charm of play,
And hero we'll die ere freedom shall
bo driven from the,earth,
re rn Wanted
e u9'e )1 n 1114.' ce or cream all
through the. year. We 1yty the 11µ1.11'I1 S"$
market price, Our plant is 1•Is'lt1 pp
'Fhe. S.S,Q:Ii oar turns info tile In- eats, an htenneee 1110139 1806, 19rap sit
"The strategy of battle was always
turned to the service of the strategy
of bread. Germany knows well how
to make war pay far itself. Let war
always be made, on the enemy's terri-
tory. By so doing you twice beggar
him. You take from hire his source
of supplies, and you add them to your
own store. . ,
"Even during Germany's giant of-
fensive of 1918 we read mournful ac-
counts of .her food shortages. We
are told that she may at any time col-
lapse through hunger. We roadof
riots, of sawdust bread, and of synth-
etic meat. There may be some truth
In the accouns of -Individual hardship,
but all he evidence shows that Ger-
ma.ny is not anywhro near a general
collapse, either through a break In
morale or through he pinch of hunger.
Every year that Germany fights finds
her food position stronger, Every one
of her great engagements has been of
the nature of a foraging expedition,
salve the lest, and It is still too early
to say that she has not added to her
steres in this,
"The multiplying of talk in America
concerning the collapse of the Ger-
man fighting spirit has gone past the
point of harmless speculation. It has
become positive misrepresentation,
and if persisted in will amount to aid
and comfort to the enemy. Let us
take case that we do not fight Ger-
many's battle for her."
Direct Cause of -Death of Thousands of
Little Ones,
The fly Is a relentless foe of the
On the hairy legs and sticky mouth
pai'•ta these pests carry dlserfse germ*,
If they get into baby's milk, or light
on the clean bottles or nipples or
crawl over the child's hands or face
they leave behind a trail of the a In-
fectious' germs, Germs trans ni ed in
Think! Some will see the fourth Yule-
tide dawn to the roar of guns;
For all who lie neigh folded hills
• we cannot stop to weep,
And wo-Fr'eedom's cast citadel -
must face the furious'Huns;
And on the frontiers of the world
appointed vigile keep.
Then, brothers, can you wonder that,
in mud and rain we ask
When, in the lull of firing, we wipe
our smoky brow:
"0, where in all the future will you
find a grander task,
Where will a year of man's short
life count more than here and
-Alexander Louie Fraser.
Inexpensive Course Will Flt Them for
work of Dairymaids,
"The work Is waiting for them 1f 1
girls will take the dairying course and I
go in for 1t in earnest," says Professor I
Dean, Professor of Dally husbandry I
Tat the Ontario Agricultural College,
The dairymaid Is now ono of the
world's war wlrkers Never again in
sunbonnet and -gingham frock, per-
haps, but certainly In breeches and
Canada Is only meeting about 14t
per cent, of the British butter require-
msnts-wheoh is not good enough for
such a country as this, Labor on dairy
farms Is scarce, There are approxi.
mately 3,600,500 cows in Canada at
the present time and they are ready
to do their shale 14 they get human
co-oporatdop, The beat use le not be-
ing maces'of them at the present time,
Rutter and cheese are needed by the
.Allies as they never were before,
this manner are one of the - important Canadian girls have a rare oppor•
tuulty here to hell), There are colleges
causes of "pummer corpasnt" and the all over the Doluieiou Where hey can
resultant deaths o•f thousands of babes ; get Insruotlon in dairying, , The
0V017 summer, I course is 'Vert and inexpensive, Think
A running of the bowel's, par't'icular- !t over and 000 if you wouldn't like to
ly when aocompanded by vomiting, i bo a da1•ry-farmer-ettel,
should pause anxiety on the part of
the parent, It Is a particularly bad
eign in het weather, If, at any time,
more especially during the summon,
a green watery steo1 appears, or as
many as three watery movements cc- New York export manager of the tri.
cur during a day, call in your family tisli firm of Frederick Huth aed Com-
pdtystcla.n at ohne. lie is better able pang, and Mr, Miguel A, olcaiz at
to do something for the baht' if ended Caracas, Venezuela, have been visit -
in early than if called in late, While 111g the Canada ,'rood Board, They
walling for him to come, give nothing have quantities of slides, tobaeno, Doi`
but boiled water, properly cooled, fee and cocoa fpr which they want a
)Coop the baby comfortable; D.1) not Canadian market., while in return they
turn it into a fireless cooker w1111 Sneed such eon1meditles as canned
clothing that does not permit the body goads, malt, etc,
host to escape,
- o>----, Aesaagd'a L4F.17a9r#9 Owego 9.o;ds, elite
Perla To Eat Chestnut Vett " IM1,en the Oteede of Potts 9(3419
'1'µp@ to ilii elalrbl}i�' bllh tent 4114;
m • aft r 'the. I+ a lfeGll tlxaihsi
South American Visitors,
With a ,view to a greater inter-
change of commerce b011960n tgouth
America and Canada, Mr, 1i7, W. Lheyd,
Dr, Lnboeso, 11/0194110 y 114 a))lath' p
1 seliool p't A.ngora, 0,.199 t�e ilgs of � py
9940049 41 bread a av1 cls -
'ca pp
spatch �h � l the � d t
Mesh in the Scheele,
Tits springing up of the community
chores here end there indietetee clearly
that music has passed the .dilettante
stage, And it is a healthy sign. The
destr0 for expres331081 tuna not. be
stiifod, whatever its channel, and when
that channel happens to be of a mltSI-
3411 1)atu10, 3190 need for facilities for
further development end expansion
boeomes a question .of individual at-
tention no longer, but fe national issue,
Psi'tkulat1y presillg is the want of
=Me in the 01110015/ acid it its this
department that most harm may be
wrought by inelilcipnt methods, sare-
lesa tuition o1' mistaken ideals, With
the developing of a scientific: system
of propaganda, Hutch 1130311881 waste
will be eliminated, many ar1halc rules
discarded, and a promising couree of
countryside nuislcal education p011104 '
to a vigorous conclusion.
Fashio'n's Changes.
One can say as a certainty that itt
the twentieth century no one vriil be
able to boast that he has created any-
thing absolutely now in fashions. The
crinolines of the Empress Eugenie
were a reminiscence of the panniers
of Marie Antoinette; and long hofoi'e
her time, in the 'Or'ient, woolen had
conceived the idea of enlarging their
skirts by means of hoops. A few
years ago women of fashion affected
high waists and sheath dresses, but
before them Mme Recamier had done
the same thing, and the dresses el
Mme Recamier' were suggested by the
Greeks and the Romans In short,
like everything else, fashion is a part
of the same everlasting coane and goo.
We do not advance es we are so prone
to imagine; we repeat our steps,
e—.0-0-0—o—o— 0 —0-0--0--0-0--0
1 I
o--O—o—O—O—O— 0--0-•-e--O-0—O--O
Sore corns, Hard corns, soft coins or
hay kind of a corn can shortly be lift-
ed right out with the fingers if you
will apply on the corn a few drops of
freezone, says a Cincinnati authority.
At little coat one can get a small
bottle of freezone at any drug store,
which will positively rid one's feet of
every corn or callus without pain or
soreness or the danger of infection.
This new drug is an other com-
pound, and dries the moment it is ap-
plied and does not inflame or even Ir-
ritate the surrounding tissue. Just
think! You can lift off your corns and
calluses now without a bit of pain or
soronoss•. 1f your druggist hasn't
freezone he can easily got a small bot-
tle for you from his wholesale drug
Colored Scavengers.
Parts streets have roceatly gained
in picturesqueness by the employment
of colored scavengers. Ebony -hued
Senegalese and copper -colored Arabs
from Algiers and Morocco, whose ter-
ra cotta fazes' contrast eo dolicionely
with the pale blue soldiers' uniform,
clean, or affect to clean, motiropo1itan
thoroughfares. In the boulevard there
is a giant negro, with the lordly gait
of an Afrloan. prince, who trails his
besom behind him as majesticaly as
If it were a peacock's feather fan.
Here is an especially attractive de-
sign for the popular pajamas. Mc-
Call Pattern No. 8411, Ladies' and
Misses' Pajamas. In 3 sizes, small,
32, 841 medium, 36, 38; and large, 40,1
42 bust. Price, 20 cents.
Those patterns may, be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co,, 70 Bond St., Tor-
onto, Dept. W.
Make this beauty.. lotion cheaply for
your face, neck, arms•and hands,
At the cost of a small jar et ordinary
cold cream one can prepare a full quar-
ter pint of the most wonderful lemon
akin softener and complexion beauti-
fier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh
lemons into a bottle containing three
ounces of orohnrd white. Care should
be taken to strain the juice through a
fine cloth so no lemon pulp_ gets in,
then this lotion will keep fresh for
months, Every woman knows that
lemon juice is uped to bleach and re-
move stroll. blentishoa as frookiea, sal-
lowness and tan and es the 1{loal skin
softouer, whitener sad beautifier,
Just try 111 Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the gr000r and make
up a quarter pint of this sweetly frag-
rant lemon lotion and massage dt dally
into the face, nook, arms and hands.
It is marvelous to smoothen rough,
red hands,
The Friendless Soldier,
While mothers smile, who fain would
wildly weep,
And sweethearts idea, ill token troth
to keep;
He leans against the stolid station
Without, it peema, a single soul at all
To hold his handl to sorrow if he diel
Dost mark his face'? `)'hen pay to him
Ltiaard's Lia5rneut Ouxes D1Dbtheals.
ch ; pard s rgttjl a e some o eif4 try 1)11110111
Chestnuts, wh1o11 used to he . gold In eYt} rough 9 4.9 shopper 'b
aof� 1411 )taw light and delicate they lie
pr usion do it a etree,ts o P0, 1'11, i'l5v49 4O;net-
disar0peaved from ills lll,+i41 o1 ll0 s...., -
saving q i>t'
paving in potatoes ant w Mall Gell.
be 41100404 b 114111 141 nt 111 11?ze il,
q �
aoeord1ll tea 793117 W Gil Wee 4',
ggnstrated 'befog the e iielny of
Ide101'00011414917'' Ago 414 1•$413
poili• s out, 1111(1 I�iye Id Ino (IA*1i
Montreal, May 29th,
Minard's -Liniment Co., Limited.
Yarmouth, N.S.
.Oeutlemen,-1 beg to let you
that I have used MINARD'S
MENT for some time, and I find
best I have ever used for the
and muscles. '
Yours very truly,
The Champion Clog and Pedestal
Dancer of Canada.
The King is Overworked,
There is much conoern quietly 614^
pressed in the inner circles of Court
as to the health of King George, It
is said that while the King keep)) hard
at work about all the time, night and
day, 11e is not in the best o:1 iip1?4ts,
and shows considerable indisposition
at times when it 1nig11t bee e0t44
tht}t ha would shows rit Nacos
that our beloved Kin , is taxing alis
ene1tl Os too g1Gat la 1'163 3easele9s ef-
eerlte tie attell(1 kill of the {lililctltnlp
n adtl 114049 s@l y lay P p(39111an, !incl
l p , the pa151e thea to t n things that
woil cl toad tit Hovis o the Offering
1 n the Weed clad and there Perlia sly
j greeted by the (lata$n 4 the W91$, ' a
”; Ctttll. 199 not 0111141l� Iia 4111 nverfvorlxe+i;
and 415041 �,0 1•leai(1 ilio ins°eat 941lleidon
of the wealll eau90il by the war, This
4ioprassop iris 81)111tss pal at 4im001
eett950 an ntiispol3�l011,
i'#9. 9 nleetent 'CITE! 9eAl1p91,
Igir'i.1lil Tto, 82—'1£1
Vole NAT.le
IOID3tI,F J'1�Wli} AYMER VOR a i5
. e ,n 1V yr RnterIo. Owner eoltur tv
f ranee, ',YI61 soli 619 000, workb,slogi3tsr
tl1At a st st, .An !Y +3. Ok, e/a Uis
,'ubitOlhing, 9e .l+lrnited, Toronto.
VVY4l,ia lOWIJII'rAU Nl6W11PAl'i51S
Ii 491111 111, p1!01!nit 1)9.111 1 e Naplol'n
OntV.rlo, loeurxnce o0rt•led 31,sc§111,-,W91'
\R Yoe 37.200 .0I qulpk sale, ,
Utlse3l-1'utlishtnls Go 1.,139„ T111'ontn.
D U P 11)1{1e 111 A NSW U"4» )NAI,ANP
" Puppies, that noble breed now so
nearly1,Lt tA. tlfileeelo tA:bl,otnfo 4, quo.
AI.O.1F'4'13 tv.N5'EX)
�iibNTti 1VANTD111---Si3Oee, '101)
1.14(1 tnalte It In your county With cut'
(3401 atillins Canlbinxtiml 3700)903', One
gqaloslnau banks )295,56 8119 lb'333, 00,11119.
(300th•. 343(91, 40110 20 1n two hours,
Othu353 "3,ult'Y. 4p 1410 .)ally Np aapi'
1331 nou04sra3'Y, (1„ado alllpped 13, 101,01)10
nn iimla, 7nrrltary 'gotnr, fast,
binatiwrite 93131013 to ge, 311'8 your $4014, (1001 -
o'rodur•u3 E10., 'i'hmnxa Bldg.,
Presto.. 1,)00.
d'1A4701B1t TumonH, 1123341'$, 70TC,,.
II,) fntern4l and externa3, cured ,3vlth•
out nein by our home treatment, Write
lo,. Limited, late,Dr,
l0nt.n Modlcu)
k„ 0
Pinnacles all guess
.7ork, Makeslight,
wholesome broad,
rolls, etc., without
trouble. Saves Goer
and help, eon env
the Neli..: food
Convenient, quick
end clean—(anis
do not touch dough.
�Delivered all charges
paid to your home, or
through your dealer—
(our loaf size 02.75
Dight loaf size $3.25.
you CAN'T CUT OUT I89NT07p ti
but you can clean them off promptly with
The Magic liouling Olntmen6...
Swains end heal, all tolommnlun,, sit h as burnsp,
aoald,, blows, sun, hon,, pile3 and nbeee,ses--4
soldfor over 25 year3. All deolgr,, or t rico us.
MI= µ561S0• COMPANY, 11amleun, Camel
and you work the horse settle tend.
Does not blister or remove the
hair . S2.50 per bottle, delivered.
Will tell you more if you write.
Book 4 R free. ABSORBINE, JR,e
the antiseptic linitnent for mankind,
tt reduces Varicose 'Veins, Ruptured
Muscles or Ligaments. Enlarged Glands. Wen,
Cysts. Allays pain qukkly, race 81.25 a 904410
At draggles or delivered.
W. F,110190, P. D. F.,51 s !vans 51115., Montreal, Oen;
I-5610,9lec sed Absorbine, Jr., are nude la Casae&
it the
Never allow anything to keep you
from being polite. Courtesy is a kindly
and thoughtful consideration of others
that will give you a distinctive posi-
tion and win the admiration of all
with whom you come in contact,
Send a Dominion Express 'Money
Order, Five Dollars costs three, omits,
An elevator for the Aiberta Pacific.
Grain Company is being erected at
taivard's O.lnintent Cares Garret in pews
If you want to add piquancy to cot-
tage cheese, either purchased at the
store or made at home add a few
chopped -up -cherries, Another way
of varyi;ig the flavor is to mix In 'it
tiny chopped onions,
N thN better o; 11adk
�q ny kuru w �,i,
Farmers. who ship their wool
direct to es get better prices
than farmers who sell to the
general store.
who has sold his wool both
ways, sad note what he says -
or, better still, write us for our
prices ; they will show you how
much you lose by selling to the
General Store.
we pay the highest prices of any Erna
in the country and aro the h.rgestwoo I
dealers in Cnmdn. Payment is re-
mitted the sante day wool is received.
ah 1p us yourwool to-dny-you win be
more than pleased if you do, and ate
assured of n square deal from us. 2
Mechanical Perfection
There are many reasons why
the AutoStrop is the ideal
aviator's raster, but one stands out
Moro prominently than the others
wad will instantly appeal 30 every
knight of the Air", that is. its
mo0hanical perfection.
Every aviator (mows and appreciates
what mochdntoal parfectlon means --
Ws 'plane must be perfect In every
doted to avoid accidents.
Ilia razor most be perfection itself
to Sive complete satisfaction. The
AutoStrop is the one razor that will
give contin1nus sorv30a Olthout the
•s, 0/10070000 of buyin39 now blades,
sharpen 3t Is 31,0 oatyy razor that
sharpens it own..381,050 aut0matl-
colly-chs 12 Ludes you r0003vo
woa1 the AutoStrop will sive you at
)oast 500 clean, comfortable shaves.
Special Military Outfit
Price, $5.00
At l.eodbe Stereo Everywhere
AldtoSirop "SafetyRazorCo.
Lila." Dake St„ Li - 10,0830, 003.
odness Sealed I
For Gi'sod
Air is the arch -enemy of preserves.
Keep it out and you keep the goodness
in. Easy enough—if you seal the glass-
es and jars with thelted Pal'owax,
Preserves So sealed can't lose that
delicious, freshly -picked quality.
Parowax imparts no taste or odor to
preserves, and completely bars out mold
a1161 fermentation. At your grocers or
druggists—In inexpensive 1 lb. and
as I3ranohes In All Cities.
Noihiot9 b err `' (3.1tate
bat_ *NAPPY