HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-8-8, Page 6„s•
A -Positive Luxury iNlinfusiotv
Pure Tea, without admixture •
of Aay Kind, fortignjo its growth,
Curtly of a job at headquartere van”
rest till he bad got bineselt ettethed
ginfatallad 110 would net
tu a !Wilting divisiou, had 00110 duty
Iii the trenolos, and hud leerned et
SLP a AWAY TO BATTI-EFFIONT Oat _hnd 'what It is to be shot over,
rotwn wlm know Iffee best tell ine
UNANNOUNCED. that the °blot (Mange wrought in nim
the NM` 1P an added couildeeee and
Selarellunee. And Yet on one fike my
Heir go British Throne Passed His ear, giro It I. , . t, me t hl
8 °MY receu iy in,
the lira imPreesiou be Makes te that
aVacetIon" in InspectIne
War Plaets. of being yoneefor hie years, The
last Crimea of hie boyhood show them.
""rlie Prince of Wales," said the solved in a certain diflidenee of 108t1 -
Court Circular, "ettended by Captain neis a diffidence, bowever, delightfully
the Lord allatul N, Hamilton,' (Orem,- in keeping with his fresh young taco,
his frank geze, and a total lack or any
tiler Guard), bail left the Palace on hie
, kind of efrectation, Tbe Prince will
return to the front,"
The event, and the ,anuolincemen1 of he none the worse roe maturing late.
tie has, f should judge, an obseyvant
it only Otos 11 had happened, were
characteristic of the way the members mind tied his father'e habit of think.
in eir Isttigwflyor 11%111;1)1f, leaanidn 1111
of the roeel faulty go about
duties, sari a Leaden correepondent.
If ever these was 1111 occasion that thoroughiS._,0
lent itself to imputes' appeal this as-
suredly was one, The thought of the A SEEMING MIRACLE,
13y Arthur Henry Gooden ,
CH AinER XV.—(Cont'cl.). I log grimly, and from. his peciset drew
Julietta teak from her blouse the a typewritten paper
deed, as yet unrecorded, a ) " • . rasned proem crisis or Brittsb histcey 5 e•
"" thI , Burt.'1 heir to the British throne in this, su-
g' .
"I'm glad, Uncle Jim," she said, her What dye mean? Burt,
voice trenibling a little, 'that—that his ariii savagely. "Come—open all
1 turning to the front Ip , resume his
that to do it --P11 be ruined!" gotshare ot the perils of the mightiest
I was right in thinking as 1 did about Your gatee, you men
! You've
Maggie has no right to call this place . e
"We don't nate a hg if ye are, struggle in humau annals Is one to
you. Auntie 800111$ to think
her hohe extended the Paper t0 me but I think she's mistaken. ruined, snarled Dsan. 'We've saved move all men's hearts and imagine -
your worthless hide—that's all. Sign Hons. Had the people of London
Wurrell, quietly. 1 thiBs hisurmurewe'll in limp sur-
• S •
"Will you glance at this, please 1 1
render, then scrawled his name under
It's a deed showing that I have trans- those of the ranehers.
ferred all my right, title, and interesti,
When. he finished he looked up, a
in this ranch to Maggie and her baby. .
1 terrible expression on his face.
It's perfectly legal." I "Did—" he licked his lips nervous -
"I'm all shook up," murmured Mrs.: ly and went on: "Did ye see Jake Rob-
Wuerell, and fainted. bins? He went by us down there.
In the parlor a little later Worrell The water had him."
relinquished the baby to her mother,. Juliette turned away, to find Clay's
known beforehand that he was go ng
they would gladly have thronged the
streets, to give Ulm a send-off that,
while local in form, would have been
national In the realms behind it. The
Prince, had he cbosen, could have
driven from the paten to the station
between cheering and eanuMastic
crowds, the central figure in a popu-
lar pageant, and could have started on
his momentous journey with the good
and sat down heavily. protecting .arm about her.
the ranch, Lizzie," he said chilly. wishes of his fellow countrymen ring -
"I'm glad you—you found out about t At the late brealcfast table next t
"I've aded like a crook—but—but it morning Wurrell came in and gave tag in au aara.
Juliette, weary and heartsick, a yel-
come on hatisnot,his v
by degrees; I never just I low envelope. th:uv,t,atyoriteihjoussy 11 is
thought how it'd seem—well, there
Tuliette took the telegram, and felt
a load off in rey mind, girl. don't a5 though a cold hand had clamped ll, is not the British way, There was
"Never mind, TJnele Jim. Now 1 di4w1A-al.01:Pe°1,11a aVer heart. With trembl-ino display, no bid for applause, noth-
opened it, and was not ing that could even remotely suggest
about—" 1 surprised to find 11 a lengthy message, eelf-advertiseinent. The 'Prince slip -
"That ain't all," he continued. "I 'ent with utter disregard of chasges: i ped away unannounced and unnoticed,
got a note Andy Burt give your dad 6
Just like any ordinary o111001', and the
afore he died and it rightly belongs I once told you that I would some i public did not even know he WO.8 go-
ing until he wee gone.
to youi I'll go get it for you 001V, clay have my own y'ay with you. This
He rose,but Juliette caught him in time your Uncle Paul wins. Helen
a swift, vigorous hug. Drake and I were married this even -
A little after eight that evening Ing. We are leaving immediately for
two cars drove into La Vine. In the 1 Honolulu. Wire us congratulations
foremost was Clay Thorpe and Worst at Frisco.
rell. In the second sat Dean, Juliette,' Uncle Paul.
and another rancher. The petition
had been duly signed, and the 0om-1 l'Bad news?" demanded Wurrell,
mittee appointed by the ranchers was , iously.
losing no time in presenting it to I "Look out, she's gong to faint!"
Andy Burt. • I cried Mrs. Wurrell.
"You do the Wild's', Thorpe," said • Julietta shook her head, end slowly
Dear; grimly.
Cis'nbdded and pounded vigorous -
"What—" she paused, then a smile
ly at the door. It was opened by an broke over he face, and the color Oils seat In the House of Lorde; he
old woman, 13urt's housekeeper. flooded into her cheeks. "What did: has become Inevitably a public agave time we held bini in bed. ITIS cora
"Is Mr. Burt in?" you say the Thorpe ranch numbed in whom rdl are interested; these Is stant remarks were: 'Where are niy
"No." The woman eyed them nod-was,l Uncle Jim? I—I want to call I a keen desire Lo arrive at some de-, boot? Where is my gun? 1 want to
finite impression of his character and kill those de—(1 Bodies.ternpe'
r ment "As he became clearer he was told
No one doubts that the Prince is that he never could go back to the
shaping more than well. ft would be treadles, as he had only one eye and soup, make another good filling. i
t customary allowance on fruit, cereals.
odd if hs were not. Born into one of was deaf In one car. But he rejoin. another is cucumber chopped with the and desserts. Ordinarily we use 1601 11 naturally a fight. The strongest
Ole happiest, least ostentatious, hard- ed; 'if I had two eyes, 1 should shut
est -working households in the land, one to look down my gun and shoot.'
the son of a rather whose whole life is He was so set on going back that,
governed by a sense of duty and of a seeing the circumstances, the King
granted. him special leave to return.ss
'Since then he has served two
clearly as in these grim days, he began years in the front line of trenches,
life under the soundest and most been wounded and In hospital twice,
wholesome auspices. Itis education but always returning to duty."
continued and confirmed the good
him. "There ts no Place in the world," PAY FOR Ml?NDING ONVN SHOES., tomato paste (such as is used with hill Canning Centre, which donated', reign triumphant?
start that birth and heredity had giveu gal . no
1 epaghetti), sardines pounded to a for shipment overseas and local mine: "Life M war—all of life that is.
' tar hospitals $4,500 worth of canned healthy. Peace is only sthiving foe
goods, and the Ontario Department of ' mastery with other weapone. Thnt
Agriculture has worked out a conerete I is the law of nature."
Osborne and then at Dartmouth, into e plan similar to the one tried at Perk -1 "So every one will light until every
1110 strict democracy of the British Germany has become very serious. A' It has been discovered that flies hill lent year. In each case a com-: one is de dr
navy; and the lessons in orderliness, substitute for - leather is now used! are very sensitive to certain odors mittee appointed by the executive of i "Theweakest will go under. They
self•restraint and duty that a boy which 0 a composition of wood and! and that they will take pains to avoid the local Women's Institute will be in are the disease. The strongest will
there learns—apart from Lhe supreme old and used leather, but even this has l places where they prevail. charge. The Provincial Government live; and after that the stronger and
lesson that being e Prince is not '
become scarce. There was so much i Lavender is one of these odors. Buy Institute, through the Branch will nay • stronger, till there is perfect health."
every-thing—are of the kind that last, profiteering in this substitute that the• 5, cents' worth of oil of lavender at for the equipment, will send a demons! "But it may be that Pulsate will
and that insensibly form character government has, prohibited shoe deal-; the drug store, mix with an equal grater to assist in starting the work ' keep a few slaves?"
along honest and manly lines. Ox• ers frem selling it, and it can now be amount of water and spray from a and will render further assist -mice AS I "Certainly," said tho German.
ford and Paris and the specialised In- obtained only at government stations.. common glass atomizer in places occasion demands from time to Hine,' "Those who care not to fight that they
tensive training that all in his post- The Bremer Burger Zeitung protests: where flies collect. Further information may be secured: may rule are in their nature slaves."
tion have to undergo, completed the bitterly against this prohibition in al This odor, which flies find so ob- by writing to the Institute Branch,.
i "I had had enough of it," the officer
Prince's education, or the formal part long editorial, and says that, instead' noxious that it quickly drives them Parliament Building's, Toronto. ' concluded. "It was nauseating. But
of it, and turned Mut out a good aver- of working for the good of the publicri — ------"----''''' - - •—• - ' - 1 the man was genuine in his beliefs
it has really created another hardship.' DESPATCH -RIDING By that time there was enough of it . snd so obsessed by his elementary
aboard to neeessitate a month In bos- :11011021 of virility that it was a waste
pita', wondering how the road to Hill of time to argue with him. His con-
-- would look when I got across a " (-options were quite Millie. and not a
saddle again. ' doubt assailed him. The hideous
—as-- ' world of his vision seemed to him a 'eas
1 natural and a gloriony world."
Why He Was Thankful.
Two Tonunies lied their dugout I,
blown in on top of them. Al first It i Birds' Nests For Soup.
looked as if they must have been l
lcilled, but we worked like demons to I The birds' nests from which till
dig them out In the hope of finding I far-famed ChilleSe SOUP is made are
them EdiVO. A iter a quartet of a n l built by a species of swallow that
hour we mannged to drag them out abounds on the coasts of j eve, Ceylon,
covered with bruises and unconscious, and Borneo, and consists of a gola.
but whole. We tried artincial reSpira-; tinoes substance obtained from 10141'
tion, brandy, and all sorts of things, . ine plants. The Pests are bullet
At last they came round, and one of , either in chicken broth or in mins g
themegyve had always thought him a : almonds, and the essnit very meal
bit a a weed before—turned round : resembles vermicelli soup, except tha!
to the other where he lay and gasped; it is far more costly.
"Man, yon's gran.' D'yo ken, we've
escapit th' afternoon fatigue."
. •
Remarkable Case of Endurance of the
Human Body.
Sandwiches are in such constant de- away, is very pleasant and refreshing'
mend for the picnic basket, the tea to most people, As the mixture is
tray and the luneheon box that new harmless to everything but flies (1 11111
kinds, if they are good, are always be sprayed freely firound the dining
may peove useful; ' Other odors which flies don't relish
welcome, The following suggestions' NOM, on the table linen, etc,
Greer' Butter,—Feesh, or green, but are those of geranium, mignonette,
ter makes an excellent foundation ma -1 heliotrope, white cloves, honeysuckle
Unity'. Beat half a pound of new, un-: and hop bloseoins.
salted butter to a cream and add aI .A French scientiet claims that files
Nothing in the waris more amazing
than the resistance or frail human
mechanism to the 11.101it terrible
wounds that steel and load can make.
An :English nurse 1010 89.W some hard
service la a Belgian fleld hospital,
througb which streams of wounded
were continually pouring, tells Of the
remarkable case of Jean Lassoux,
brSish maker of Liege,
"He' was brought into our ward On
a stretther, with his head enswatbed
In blood-stathed bandages. A bullet
had gone through his left eye, • dam-
aged part of the brain, and come out
by the right ear,
• "The surgeon said nothing could
be done 101' him at present; he meet
Just fie still and the bandages which
had been applied lu the trench must
not be touched. He was profoundly
unconscious and breathed heavily.
We though he was dying. t.
"As he lay there In. tbut pitiful con-
dition, the Colonel of the regiment
108.8 announced, with. other officers.
Opening a little leather...carte, he took
out the highest order of the Belgian
Ariny, the "Premier Order of Leo-
pold" and pinned It on the wounded
MOD'S shirt, placing by hire a long
parchment on which were enrolled
the eagle of his reghnent, congratula-
tions on his bravery, and records of
a list of brave deeds which won Idle
honor 510(1 dist I action."
"Seim WEIS with tut for weeks; bis
brain was not normal, even when he
left us. Duringathe first part of the
Character and Temperament.
The Prince or Wales must have
listen back With him many pleasant
recollections of his leave 111 England.
Tho last few weeks have 'brought him
as 'closely in touch with the people at
home as the last three years and more
Wive brought him in touch with the
soldiers the front. He bas visited
Wales, Cornwall, the Clyde, hospitals
and munfficm winks; he has taken
• sent4gi
DIRECTIONS WItli f.P.,,,C11 CAN. "is
gill of thick (meant that has been, have an intense dislike for blue, and EgiA CONOIIEST
whipped stiff, If the butter Is to be I, that roma decorated in this celor are ,
used alone, add little salt, mustard I niuell more likely to be free from these
and Cayenne pepper; otherwise, leave' dangerone insect pests.
111, unseasoned. Chopped parsley, Another good way of getting rid of
chives, mint or nasturtiume rubbed flieti)s to mix a tablespoonful each of
into green butter make a savory ! cream, black pepper And brown sugar,
sandwich Ailing,. Water eress =Reif I Put this in sEtumennd darken the
another good coinbination with the I room except for the one window in
butter. Pick the small, green leaves which the saucer is placed.
from the Sterne of a handful "of water Pyrethum powder furnishes anah-
cress and chop thept in a wooden chop- i er effective weapon to use against files,
ping bowl; then mix them with uni Burning a little of this stupefies them
seasoned green butter in the proper- ee that they can be swept up and
tion of one part butter and two putts burned.
cress. For a refreshing fruit -and -
butter filling cut an orange into very
small Pieces, skin and all, and add
smell quantity of sugar. Mix orange
and butter, half and half, and stir In a
Save The Sugar.
• There are still some women in
Canada who do not seem to be aware
that it is against the law to make ie- unaulterated Prussian -ism 51111 55l5
1 ing from cane sugar. 'It is surely . in the German ranks the conclusion
teaspbonful of lemon juice just before •
you are to use the mixture, apparent to anyone who is in the habit of one rBitish officer who has inter -
Prussia to Build New and Virile
civtlizatimi on the Ruins
of The Old.
Despite their for years of fight- reas.
ing seine of the German prisoners of
war gill are obsessed by the German
idea of conquering the world. That
Picnic Butter.—The following is a
good substitute for peanut butter,
;which cannot always be bought fresh
in warm weather, Put a pint of pea-
nuts and half a pint of almonds—
bought ready-shelled—into a dish,
pour boiling water over them and bit
them stand for five minutes. At the
end of that time drain off the water
and add more; then dip the nuts out,
a few at a time, and remove the skins
by rubbing the nuts gently between
the fingers. Boil the two kinds of
nuts separately in salad oil, and when
they are well browned salt them gen-
ously. "Ain't come about, the dam,
have ye?"
"Eh?" qv -aged Clay "The dam?
What dam?"
"Why, about ten minutes ago a man —
come in with word that somethin' was Si
ome Po nts About a Diabolical Inven•
wrong with the reservoir—Jake Rob-: tion of a German Chemist.
bine, I think it was. He and Anclyi
hustled off together in Andy's ear."1 Gas, the most diabolical horror of
• Up in the hills behind town was the modern war, was first employed by
reservoir which controlled the waters the Germane on April 22nd, 1911. mother whose warnaheartecluess and
practicality have never shone forth so
(The end.)
e• —
of buying cakes that substitutes, Had viewed a number 0 re
chiefly maple syrup, are now being One of them he describes as "en le-
nsed by all the bakers. telligent university man." The
Here is a simple recipe for maple British officer quotes their converse -
icing which should serve for special tion as follows:
occasions, although there is very lit- "I do not wish to insult you, said
tle excuse now for any kind of icing the Geeman, "bet you English are
on cakes: 2 cups maple or corn syrup, well -intended fools. We W110 govern
2 teaspoons shortening., 1 egg white. in Germany are not like you. We
Boil ayrun until it spins a thread. Add govern the fools; the fools govern
shortening. Pour slowly over beaten you
white of egg. Beat until stiff enough "Your principles are sweeping," Te-
te spread on cake. plied the Briton. "To come down to
There is no question about it—mere practice what have you to say about
sugar must be saved by individuals in the guilt of beginning the war?"
erously on a platter. Next, put them their homes. "Guilt?" demanded the German; "it
Candy manufacturers have had was a glory. I claim it for Ger-
through a food chopper, twice with the'
largest knife and 'then twice with the, their sugar allowance cut by 50 per num "
smallest. Mix two tablespoonfuls o. • cent. 1 Bakers and cake and biscuit
salad oil with the paste and put it, manufacturers have all had restrie-
away in small jelly tumblers, protect -
1 thins laid upon them. Limitations
ed by paraffin on top. When y.°11 are 1 have been placed on private holdings
ready to use the mixture, stir two; of sugar.
tablespoonfuls of thick cream into al These measures have been as effec-
teacupful of it. I tive as 'CMS expected. But more is
Vegetable Filling.—Many common asked of the individual in the way of
garden vegetables make delicious fill- volentary denial.
ings for sandwiches. ' Asparagus or. is God. There is no other. Press
tender green peas mashed, and corn- the use of the sugar bowl. We want will rend the veil of the temple, .but
: That is to say --let us be sparing In
blued with melted butter, vinegar and she will destroy to create. Against
all we can get for the canning season.
seasoning make an appetizing. It will help if we stop taking sugar '
Prussian might the werld as it ex -
"spread" for sandwiches. Lima beans, ists to -day will fall in ruins, but
run through a sieve to remove the ourselves to one level teaspoonful. It . i will build a better and more
in tea 011d coffee or at least confine pauss.a
skins and mixed with canned tomato vile world in its place, Strength
. will also help if we cut in half our 1 on.y
I will survive. •The life of men
"That is hardly your official view."
"The official view is for the fools."
"But you believe in the Prussian
purpose behind all this," asked the
British officer.
Only the Strongest Will Live
"I do, as in nothing else," replied
the (lemma "The Prussian purpose
of Cottonwood Creek. The four men, Thousands of Canadians and French
glanced at each other; thenawithout al colored troops were choked to death.
word, Clay went leaping down the Nearest, a famous chemist
steps, sprang into his ear, and wastPrefeseer
gone. at Berlin Univeriity, is said to have
Leaving the startled housekeeper , urged the use ot poison gas.
crying vainly after them, the four] Another professor — Esther — was
clambered into Dean's car. Clay given charge of the gassoperations.
self-starter had given 'him a long lead, Ile had been - experimenting in this
but after cranking up. Dean whirled direction even before the war started,
off hi a cloud of dust; the long road
- ----1 Ilis nrobleni ivas to find a gas easily
seemed deserted in the moonlight and -
. and cheaply made, and highly poison -
the car leaped forward madly. '
"Take chances!" roared •Jim Wur-I one. It bad to be compressible, so
tell from the rear seat. "That there that it might be transported easily,
Robbins means dirt, Dean. Burt was and it had to be heavier than air, so
a fool ler goin' off with him--" that it would keep close to the ground.
The rest was lost in a wild bounce' There were few gases that met; all
of the car. Dean "took chances.": these requirements. Haber decided on
Then, with a suddenness that WAS chlorine, of which. vast quantities were
startling, they swerved around a bend available Frani the German alkali
into the great bowl under the reser-i
1 works.'
voir, and Dean bore down on his
brakes. To carry the gas, stout steel 0y1111 -
Flooded with moonlight eveey inch ders thirty inches long, sixty-eight
of the scene was powerfully distinct. inches across, were contrived. Forty -
Ahead lay the cars of Burt and Clay, five pounds of gas was compressed to
T th i !lit the canon a liquid and stored in each. The total
solid part of ripe tomatoes and mix- more sugar than we need and thereby
ed with butter, vinegar and a dash of 1 lose
much of the flavor of our food. It
onion. will not hurt any of us to do with less.
New Fillings for More Substantial, —
S dwichere—For chopped chicken; Community Canning.
sandwiches mix two cupfuls of fine-!
shopped chicken with one cupful of The Women's -Institute of Ontario I will go with it'?" ,
crisp cabbage and two green peppers has made arrangements for several' "The old virtue was womanish,"
with French dressing of oil and virie- province this year. A remarkable the .sisaisdut.ohnegtphri.toner • "The new virtue
or canned pimentos. Combine that community canning centres in
fill' ismade of cord was made last year by the Park- I "In that blessed future will wax
in force and cunning NY1 11V0.
"It will be going back to the Flood,"
said the Briton.
"Prussia is the Flood."
"And when the old world is drown-
ed virtue and all such weaknesses
WIlitain P1. an English gentleman like the guar- Ticket of Admission to Shop and Ex-- Paste, and chopped hard-boiled eggs -
used to say, "for ma ng
ter -deck of an English man-of-war." tra Charge For Material.
The Prince was thrust early, first at
and leatlher shoetion in Good-bye To Flies.
d • ed stee lv into the water-trickl- weight of each was ninety pounds. A age specimen of handy, clean, .
iliral L ' ser-Neueeten Nachrich-,
• •
ing gorge. To the left the bowl sheer- 1 siphon device allowed the gas to be
ed. up to the white concrete dam, and eniplted into the air in three minutes,
on its brink. sharply silhouetted inra. Two pioneer regiments, officeaed by
black against the sky, was the stoop-
; chemists, meteorologists, and other
ing figure of a man.
"It's Jalse!" cried Wurrell as, he scientists, were specially trained to
leaped :From the car. .bandle gas.
! The most favourable wind for gas is
Juliette had turned to the right,
perhaps by instinct. There, below one moving at about eight miles an
them in the filtering light of the hour. This carries gas at twice the
- moon -speared gorge, appeared the pace at a man walking quickly,
figure of Clay Thorpe stooping overt Before a gas atl.ack, several thous -
a bound and =Unless figure—Andy ' end cylinders are burled in the para -
Burt! 1 pets of the trenches, In the first at -
"Stop hire! Stop jakel" scream- tack the Germans had one cylinder to
ed Julietta. "He's cutting the dam." every yard, but the- number has been'
The three men turned and dashed
madly to the steel) slope. Clay ,
When the wind and other conditions
loolcd up, waved a hand to Julietta, When
• with one hand palled the half-, aro favorable, the Gorman infantry'
freed Burt to his feet. But it was I leave the front trenches to the gas
too late. , . !Pioneers, who attach lead pipes, and
Careless of himself, craving only, turn on the cylinders from one to five
'vengeance, Jake Robbins had taken' at a time in each battery (twenty
that vegemice in devilish cunning.'
Luring Andy Burt, leaving him bound i
The "smoke helmet" with 'which our
in the gorge below the dam, Rob
--- ---
bins had then one to execute hie' - -
task above. The waters .which had . invulnerable to any form of gas. It
made Burt's fortune, which had ma- , originated from the idea of a Canadiaa
ed se much wreckage and bitternese ' sergeant, who thought he saw Ger.
and misery, should take his life, !mans wearing (helm Ile was mis-
Staling up, Julietta saw the whole' taken, but our scientists used Lite idea.
white concrete face suddenly dieap-; Sprayers, something like those Used
pear' in a great burst of dust; there for fruit trees, are used to "kill" gas
was a dull, earth -shaking tear, and ageing in the trenches.
'Toilette, flung to the ground, knew;
that the clam had been dyatunitecl. I $10,000 RED CROSS GIFT.
For a long moment she could not' —
move. She heard the awful rush of New York Flour Profiteer Offers Pro -
the descending torrent tie it thund-
ered down into the gorge, seep sing' sent in USU. of Penalty,
English youth, ,
His Real Education. ! er of a Family," in which he 'complains I
:Acrobats on Wheels Who Carry On
'Mid Gas and Shells.
j ten there is a letter signed "The Filth -
But the , Prince himself would say that he is unable to have the shoes:
that his real education onlY begun ; of his children mended, as shoemakers; If you want ekcitement, try des -
He therefore is obliged to mend them i patch -riding on the Western Frout. It
1 is wouderful how eoon one learns In
with the war. From the first moment ' and cobblers have no material on Med.
fall • off the "old grid" when the
of its outbreak he had but one ambin,
tion—to get to the front, and the ' himself as best he can, and this hel
weeks he speut in fighting Lord.;ands very nasatiseadery. He sees' scream of a shell is heard coming in
, no other way out of the difficult§ butt your direction, and what Miracles on
Kitchener, and tradition, and a net- 1
yetis officialdom on that point, were to go barefoot. I contortion a.re performed in 1110 effort
l to find protection in a six-inch ditch
probably the most exasperating in his The Germith goveinment is 110'v es -
whole life, A friend of his was des- , tablishing public repair and mending 1 full of water, The man who has
cribing to me a little while ago an stations in many of the cities, Oa! dodged shells and raced gas for six
months up and .down the lines is a
evening when the Prince was dining payment of one main ter a es. g 61 Mon
with the guards during the retreat admission any man is entitled to make I past -master in the art of taking cover.
from Mons. All through the dinner use of this establishment for repairing' Even taking cover has Rs disad-
I vantages, as the following story shows.
the telephone was ringng, first for tliis his OW11 shoes. Tools and machinery
A. despatchgider on leave Was walk -
officer and then for that, and eaeh as are provided for this perpose, bet thej
he received his happy summons to the material for •mending must be paid' ing along a London street when a
front, made his excuses and went jubi- for extra. These establishments oral 1110101' tiro went off just ahead of him,
lantly oft, But ne one rang for the open daily from nine A.M. 10 111,011,0' BY natural Instinct he sprang (IOW 11 the
Prince, Aching to serve and prove noon and from two to five o'clock in I open trapdoor of a bakery Mose by,
himself, he seemed almost the only the afternoon, " and landed In a tub of yeast which
officer present whom the War Office was cooling in the bakehouse, He
did not want. Mrith each fresh good-finallY got free of the mixture just lo
bye his tontines% his depi'eeslon, his UNSINKABLE LIFE RAFT- time to return to France.
apparent uselessness became more Among civilians at home I find a
marked. 11( 111/51 he could contain him- Craft is Kept Upright by Water widespread belief that "out there"
Ballast, rules of 1110 road aro enknown. P1115
"I can't stand it They
. . most 101 me' . b d '
Numerouis desirable features have is not so. Same our enemies in the
and a choking voiee, he burst forth,
go." And at last (her did. , neon coin ne in a new type of life early days of the war started a metho-
dical and sustained offensive to wipe
From Boy to Man, Magazine, that makes it distinctive
raft, shown in the Popular Mechanical the poor despateh-rider off the face, of
the earth the rules of the game have
I will not say that the last three end among the many inventions of this varied,sbut they must still be closely
the Prince. Al tho runda.mentals of etruetion, the uncle4lele being a du- observed if the despatch -rider is to
safely stable his bike and slt down to
a, 11011 years have boon the malting of character. The raft is a dual con-
1galii the American Red Crose,hits 110 MIS made already.. I mean that matter 'whir. i Way ' .. , thrownhis food ration at the end or a perfect
trees, hurling boulders, a mig ty, character, in all that really matters, plicate of the upper side, so that, no
leaping, white -maned freed, Then, as '' t° day.
-1. h . e emiernit Welk of mares, because ' giVen proof. of the entitles that every Most, Above and below a central
1 timbers that a your agrld" on a black night into
It ie rather unpleasant to be jerked
1 11 hole full of wets% or to Plan
she (Mated to her feet and over the asen. euriched by a goodly sum for Its long before the war began ho had the water, a "right side' floats upper -
self, no
longer, With tears in his oyes
edge of the slope, she saw be ow et
• 1 !I • •it 1 •1 Ad 'Matra -
foamy waters. With that she plungs gen remit:gms, The amount or the
contributIon is $10,000, and the man
who donated 11 15 Samuel Eckstein, a
flour merchant of Nate York, who was
charged before the Federal Food
Board 01 selling flour to unlicensed
dealers and telling flour at margins of
profit in excess of the 75 cents- barrel
permitted by Mr. Hoover's organize -
Mr. Eekstein himself suggested that
the case :.gainst him be closed by a
$10,000 donation to he Red Cross in
lieu or action ou his Ifeense, The
amounareprosente eurn two and ono -
half limos 1110 amount of oyercluirgee
by Mg Eckstein from January 1 to,
July 1, 1018.
ed forward, not an roetant too soon.
Even as she gripped the hand of
Clay, who pulled after hint the figure,
of Burt, the main body of the dam,
fatally weakened by the exploded
hole, went out in another thunderous
eoar. Sliding and slipping, the three
• struggled up the steep side, to be
p.ulled .over the brink by Wurrell end
Oddly enough, Andy Butt was the
firet 10 POSOVOr himacilf.
"Comer A hoatse ahotit broke
front his lips as110 8100d Up beside the
exhausted Clay, "We got tie open
the gates to every ditch', This'll flood
every 1001 0' land 1 got, traps and all,"
Demi blether' him as ha stetted to
the ear. Clay came, to his feet, stnil.
went looks and hopes for in his son
tincl his son's friends—truthrulnas,
generosity, and simpliong a mind and
nature. But what the war hoe done
for him is to turn a boy into a man.
It has brought him experiences other-•
18150 unimaginable. It has thrown Min
into intimate contact with all sorts
and conditions of men. He has seen
life, and he has seen detail, In the roar
and at 01080 range. Not since the days
of" the Bleak Priime has aity heir to
aid British thsone had such school -
big., •
And it all past a his Maine
keenneas and vitality that the Prince
bite claimed the right to rue the risks
and abate 111 the danger of his brother
Officera, Ile could no 'more be a dots
frainewOrk or wavy a s ie
makes it practically unsinkable, is a
low wall eneircling seats for eight or
more. Water which washes over the
side flows off through drains termin-
ating hi valves that permit; an out-
ward flew only. In the centre a tho
raft are two large metal cylinders,
one in the upper sides and one in the
lower side,
placed and to end, the ad-
jacent ends being open and the oppo-
site ends closed. Tho cylinder in the
underside vapidly fills with water
whon the raft is afloat, acting as bal-
last, while the opposite ono reniains
filled with ith: though partly burner5.
od, and helps keep the raft upright,
Oare are previded And 11101'0 IS storage
space for proviSione.
Old Roman Coins In the Trenches.
Roman pennies inscribed "Nero" with a small flat brush in
and "Caesar," were turned up near i brush need not be washed every (lny
Coble by Australian troops, who 1 but when it ie washed n strong seal
were digging trenches on what was lather and soda should be used so tha
apparently an old battlefield. I it may he thoroughly c'eassed.
• •ans-• . • -ge.- ee,..g. • . . 0. • '3.''gen
For greasing baking pans e bow
of one of the cheaper 51/1.11000,unselt
ed dripping's or one of he 'bettor sub
stitutes may be kept in the ice lee
11100 11)113 seek 181111 a Hun airman oat
for your scalp.
Ilut the acrobats on wheels take
such things calmly, and in time a sort 1
or sixth sense enables you to smell
shell -holes on. the darkest, tvinter 1
night, and Jerry line lately been too
busy running (may from our airmen:
to worry us 11111011 with low machine. I
can fire from above.
Tho greatest trouble the 130143)01311'rider hes to fft'ee is gas, Amid the
many stinks of the bettlefleld ono
more or less is barely nolteenble, and
I have myself been blissfully ignorant
of any gas in the vicinity until 'er.!
riving at' the mid of roy journey, tl
found everyone with gas-maske 051,
wont .1 ...amt. war e.wits
rrHal Pure, rich, mellow
tone, and the sensitive
reeponelvenose 01 111 Ie
famotie Instrument torn.
Wee to lift It high above
the oommonplace. It le a
pine that will maintain,
its enduring charm for
letea014-0 Model, $500.00
c000dwo Olcitgit and Largett Plaine Maltese
acea- nettriselegresessetareentecteegsraerates
. 1. <A' Kg. .4.0. • ..P.•