HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-7-18, Page 8FRE P. JACKSON .T13E PRACTICAL SHOE MAN" tememeneseelsenewineweemme ass, mit P. GOOD PLACE, TOO. '< From The 13eneville InteillgenSen) The probleni of where to spepel the -satiation is oveashadoweil • by the prehlem of .how to finaaaee it, Moth - wants the .money to can fruit With, the coal )nae wante the money before he will carry in the coal, and the gash •end carry handier ad groc- er and baker also have a Ilea on the mono), impossible to ignore, looks as If a good many vaoetions would' lie spent in the back yard gardens, i '• •? Hunan reconstructive' is one of the major tasks impabed by partiei- Pation in the war, • ' 01l>al+nln Novo -Regard! July 1 b l Ill Tuekersrnith Township (1Yiost I.asp,rcdly w Want Mr. and Mrs, George Maneol anti two eltiideen of Toronto Spout couple of days last week as the guests of tin) lady's sister, Mrs. (:kris, O'13riela. r--- Miss. I'lsele O'Brien 'of Toronto to spendinga vnoation at her beano Your Wall Paper Business. The merchants of Tileouburg, Ont,, have promised to see that the farm- ers in Soutit Oxford do not Ma ltelp during the harvest. Plans are being made now to provlllo help t ' save the crops, How to He Coal and Wood for Next Winter SAVE IT NOW by getting a Perfection or Puritan Oil Cooking Stove WE HAVE THEM. And make sure of a supply of Coal 011 or Gasoline (as it undoubtddly will be short at times) Get a 25 -gallon or a 45 -gallon steel tank WE HAVE THEM CHEAP--- 1 HEAP-1 Second-hand Gasoline Stove 2 Second-hand Ovens Viesmitmasisesestositivci HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES i 1 White Footwear 1 This season, without a doubt, will be the season of ail the seasons for Women's White Footwear We're showing the Best White Shoes made, and we ask the attention of the Woman who enjoys wearing Choice White Footwear of Special Merit t - White Boots White Oxfords White Pumps Ladies' Military or the New Low Tread Walking Heels $1.75, $2.Ou, $3.00 and $4.00 Our Shoe Service is always Painstakingand everywoman we shoe will have Well Dressed Handsme lookig Peet t pzemennommulamosmitson 4102354111111111/11 Special Order Clothing Our new set of samples for Ordered Clothing for spring is now here, and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest selections of High-grade woolens we have ever shown. Our styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come and look -them over and get one of our new Style Books. We are also showing some new natty styles in Men's and Women's Boots, Men's .Hats, Ties and Shirts See our table of Glen's Boots at $3,50 a pair Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PRONE 25 AGENTS -SEMI -READY CLOTHING. NEW IDEA. PATTERNS. Dainty Enough Its For a Queen yet prieed an as to be within evctybody's reach. That ex- actly, describes our bedroom furniture of which we are just- ly proud. See the display and you will surely want one of these gracefol dressers or chif- foniers or one of the beautiful beds contained, ih the exhibit. JAS. DUNFORD DUNFORD Undertaker arid P un .era 1 Director,. 28 Phone 11141* 28 bet Wo do not want you to be influenced In our favox by anything except the actual mer- its and reasonable pr10- es of the Bonds offer- ed plus -your practical good will for which we are •heartily grate- fuh Tie W. D. Fair GOr Often the Cheapest Always the Best." ti 1 911441 i ppt ateeMmmmtlee t hili deer Mr. S. 13. Stothers is -in Guelph this week. • Mrs. Hugh Ross is visiting ,friends at Leamington. Mrs. Iiiggins of Ketnptvillc is visit- ing Mrs, Wm, Graham.. Miss L. Logan of 'Toronto is the guest of Mrs. R. Rowland. Miss Mabel Cluff is visiting Mrs. do la Penotioro at Kincardine. Mr, Henry Baker goes to Toronto this week on a )nusiness trip. Miss Grace Walker visited at Bel - grave and Wingham last week, Mrs, (Dr.) Struthers and babe have returned from a visit in Whitby. Mr, and Airs. Ernest Rumball and family spent Sunday at Constance, Miss Hattie Courtice is in McKillop spending her vacation doing farm work, Mrs. J. McLeod was with Goderich township friends lest week for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John May and daugh- ters of Toronto were visitors 10 town this week, Mrs. Grant and Dors. Herriot of St. MIarys are visiting i.he former's daughter, Mars. .3, Wiseman, Miss Isabel Draper left last week to visit her cousins, Mrs. Westgate and Mrs. Moreton of Sandwich, Miss Hill spent last week as the guest of her sister, DIrs, Joint R. Noble of the Iiuron Road, east. Mrs. Watters and little daughter of Seattle, Wash., are the guests this week of Miss Florence C'uninghatne. Misses Marion Irwin, Marjorie and Ruth MeMath and Viola Cook Mit yesterday for Freeman to engage in fruit picking. Miss Zella Carter of Westfield is the the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Frank Hollyman and Miss Mar- garet argaret Carter of town. Mrs. .1. N: Harrison aud daughter, Miss Mabel, of Brunswick, Md., are visiting the lady's sister, firs, H. I'emtebaker of town. Mrs. Dickenson and her son, Mr. W. L. Dickenson, of Hamilton spent a few days is town last week. They • had been visiting in Seaforth. .,. Miss MacUallum o1 Kincardine was in town 'on Friday for few hours •on herway home after spending a few daps with Goderich friends. Miss Ruby Irwin of Toronto, who has been visiting her parents, hit. and Mrs. J. A. Irwin of town, leaves again on Saturday for Tor- onto. Mrs, E. Harness and Misses Phillipa and Mae Harness of Exeter were in town on Thursday last, having come up to attend the wedding of the former's son. Mrs, A. Forde returned to Toronto on Saturday after spending a couple of weeks as the guest of her son, Rev, E. 0. Fordo at the Baptist parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. ISbner Finch, Misses Norine and Verna, Mr. and Mrs. James Finch and Mrs. Macdonald motored to Stratford and spent the week -end with friends, - Miss Sadie Miaha1fy was in Seaforth on Monday and Tuesday attending the marriage of her cousin, Miss Mae Carmichael, to Mr. Stewart of Rensall, tench event took place on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Penttebakor and their guests, Mrs. Harrison, and daughter, spent the week -end with the sister of Mrs. Pennebaker and Mrs. Harrison, Miss Burrows of- Sheppardton. Mrs, W. L. Wade of Fort William antl Miss Massy of Killarney, Mn,,athe former a sister-in-Iaw and the latter a cousin, are the guests of Mrs. E. G. Courtice, and of other friends hereabouts. Air, Gordon McCartney of Guelph, formerly of Clinton, spent a couple of days in town last week. r.ennw- ing old friendships. He renewed his subscription to The News -Record while Imre remarking that they would not like to do without the Clinton news each week. Mir, and Mrs, W. S. Downs and chil- dron, accompanied by Misses E. Scott and 14I. (+ilicinson, motored up to Clifford on Saturday and spent the week -end as the guests of Mr, and Mrs, John R. .Scott, Master ieveret and Miss Muriel Downs re- mained for the week with their aunt at CHOW, Mr. 1F', W. Evans and his sister, Miss Mildred hems, of Brantford, fe+re ntetly of Clinton, are both in the Brantford hospital suffering from .typhoid levet:, Their stoat, Diiss Cole, who was spending the sunt•. )nor wt ltt t ,bcr m,• returned to to'ivn oh 'Tuesday °vetting, It is 110310(1 that tete attack will Peovo •to he . a light oite, B iJ Y Scarce Goods at LessThan; ill Priv Sc TM titch Fh .eri Flannelette Ianket WOMEN'S STORE Dry, Goods, house Furnishings phone 64 Neat to Royal Bank ®• t ' ir9 1I4 MEN'S STORE • Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library Eagfneld Mrs. Ed. Reid and daughters and friend, Mrs. J. F. McTcer,- and son of Owen Sound left yesterday for Goderich to visit the former's sis- ter, Mrs, B. Young, and meet Capt. Ed. Reid of the D. 0, ee. Dollard, which is in Goderich this week -end. Miss Proctor of Toronto is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Geo, King. Air. W. P. Clement, wife and child, and Mfrs. E. W. Clement and children of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Trott and child of St, Thomas are guests of Hiss Ferguson's. Misses (lertie and Dorothy Brydges and Miss Jennie Wightman of Bel - grave are the guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. Brandon. • Mrs. Fisher of Kitchener is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. A. Ed- wards, The Women's Patriotic Society will hold an afternoon tea and sale of home-made baking on the Queen's Hotel lawn on ,Saturday, .July 20th. All donations will be thankfully re- ceived. Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Robinson of McKillop are the • guests of their son, MIr, Will Robinson, at his summer cottage 00 Catherine street. Misses Lou and Edna Arnold and Miss Leona Zinger of Kitchener are guests at A. E. Erwin's. Mrs, McMillan and daughter, Miss Florence McMillan, of London are summering in Mr, James Campbell's cottage on Chiniquy street. Mrs: Bingley and daughters, Misses Flo and. Ada Bingley, Miss Rath - well and Miss Mary Mallard of De- troit are spending the summer at Mise Rathwell's summer residence on Ann street, Mies Ethel Ramsay of Rochester is the guest of Miss Maud Castle, MIiss Norah Beattie is visiting her aunt, Mrs, A, E. Erwin. Miss Evelyn Pollock of Bancroft is spending her holidays under the par- ental root Miss Ada Dewar of Kltncardino is the guest of her brother, Dir. David Dewar. - Mr, R. Dailey of the Sterling Bank, Dungannon, spent Sunday in the village, Mr, .lathes Campbell and sister, Miss Margaret Campbell, were vis- iting friends at Toronto during the Past week. 141issee Lula and Hilda King were in Condon this week. They were ac- companied home by Pte. A.= l3alel of military camp, London, who motor- ed up. Messrs, Clarence Poliock and Frank Icing aro spending their holidays un- der the parental roofs. Mrs. Percy Dimont of Detroit is Visiting' her parents, Mr. told Mrs, J. W, Tippet, Miss Latter and Miele Kudop or Stratford were the guests of Miss a Lut e k. 7tin week. g last On Sunday, July 28th, the Method - fete will hold their annual ahttiver- sary, Rev, Orr, Anderson of Laino beth, father t;C tine preseit pastor,• l will conduct the services both morn- ing orning and evening. Special music will be rendered during the services, Mr. and Mrs. Arley Attwood and child of Detroit are visiting their parents in the village. Bliss Milne and Miss Marshall, London, are the guests of Misses McDonagh at their summer cottage in Lakeside Park. The. Rev. ,\she -Everest will take for Itis subject at the morning ser- vice in 'Trinity church next Sunday : "The Problem of Sull'ering," The annual garden patty will be held on the rectory lawn on "riday eventing of next creek, when a good time is expected. Kippen Mr. and Mrs. Richards of Brussels, accompanied by their son Charles, draftsman for the Hydro commission, Toronto, were the guests of Ole. and Mrs. A. Mel{enzie on Thursday last. They had been enjoying a motor trip to Windsor and Detroit, - Miss Elsie Whitmore of Tucker - smith was the guest of her friend, Miss Margaret Meflis, for some days last week, ;Hiss (1. A. McKenzie of Beech - grove Farm, Goderich township, was the guest of her brother, Mr. A, Mc- Kenzie, last week. Miss Mlelneezie had been on an extended visit with nor brother at Alma, Mien„ and other relatives, Mr, Jas, McCIylnont and family motored to London on Sunday and spent the day with friends there, 1)r, Mary Johnston is the guest of her friend, Mfrs, Moble Munn, of T'Iay township this week. Rev. D. Johnston is expected to preach in. St. AudreW's church here on Sunday evening next at eight p. m. (new time), Mr. and Mrs, J. •B. McLean, Mrs. J. Crawford anti son James motored to Ripley on Sunday to attend the funeral of efr. Sam Jackson, son-in- law of Mrs. Crawford. Mr. Jaricson will be remembered as a leading business man of FIensall a number of years ago. Constance. Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim Clark spent Sunday the guest of her cous- in, Mr. Cameron. of Tuckersmitb. Pte. John Armstfottg of London spent a few days as the guest of his parents and other friends. Quite a number around here took in the 120 at Ii.ensel!. The Adult Bible (']ass will meet this week at the home of Aire., l;d, iln•itrton for Red (Cross sorting. Mir. Wm. Mcintoslt is not enjoying the best of health. Miss Edith Riley is visiting her Mater, Mrs. Stephenson, at Brussels. Wo are glad to report that Miss Thelma Dalt and Milford Britton bout passed the Entrance exam. Kenneth McIntosh of Toronto is speed ng his vacation with his cous- in, Gilford Cololong(t. Hallett Township Mr. and Mrs. Lou Crich and Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Glen•, Sr., were week -end visitors with hir. and Mrs, Melvin J. Clark, Goderich, Misses Olive and eladehen Glew visited their aunt, .efts. Melvin .1. C.'larit of Goderich, last :week. The following is the annual report of the D.A.M.I.D.ls. Girls' Club of Mullett income—hunch fees and Anes, $1.7.70 ; membership fees, 51.80 ; do- nations, $129,00 ; proceeds of Red Cross dances, $103.33 ; Y. M. C. A. collection, 011,160 ; Red Cross collection, 016.10 ; miscellan- eous, $4,11 ; total, $283.01. ]Expenditures—Yarn, $145.88 ; sent to French Red Cross, $25.00 ; mater- ial for silk shirts, $8.10 ; material for soldiers boxes and postage, $17.- 115 17:115 ; flannel and lining of trench caps, 54,00 ; sent for soldiers' Xmas din- ner, 02.00 ; material For personal property bags, $1.91 ; material for trench towels and pillow cases, 07.- 40 ; material for wash cloths and handkerchiefs, $1.20 ; sent to Y. M. 0. A., $15.00 ; lining for quilt and bats, $1,95 ; sent to prisoner of war, 520.00 ; expenses of patriotic dances, $9,05 ; miscellancoils, $13.60 ; total, 5276.94 ; balance on hand front last year, $97,93 ; balance now on hand, 5104.63. The following was also made : 300 pairs of socks,, 20 trench towels, 22 pillow cases, 3 sweaters, 2 scarfs, 12 handkerchiefs, 36 trench caps, 48 washcloths, 19 personal property bags, 0 silk shirts, 1 quilt. —Mrs. John T. Knox, Tecas, London Road Mfrs. I'ngles of Hastings, Mich., has been visiting her sister, ;kers. Roy Plumsteel, Miss McMichael of Mullett has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Milton Wiitse, Mrs. Fred Waldron left last Thurs- day for Toronto, where she will vis- it for a time and will also visit in Kingston before going on to Edmon- ton, w'b 1'c she expects to spend some time with friends. Mrs, Collins of Stratford has been spcndleg the past fortnight as the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. Chats, and Miss E. Stevens, Mfr, II, Wi11,ve of Clintott took tbn topic at the League on 'l'uesda.y ev- ening at tine home of Mir. Bodge. Next week the meeting will be .held at the home of Mr, M. Wince and the Itev. J. A. Agnew of Clinton will be the speaker, Some of the people from this neighborhood attended the picnic) Which took enlace at Reynold yester- day, of Ibe Ontario street Sunday school, Clinton, War is out business, Wo menet win by carrying it on as 0 "side line," Hoinnesaille Next Sunday evening Court 5el wood Canadian Order of Foresters. will attend service at 8 o'clock in the Methodist church when Rec. Arthur Sinclair will preach a spe,'tal sermon to Foresters. The choir leader, Mr. Lewis Tebbutt, is at - ranging special singing by the mee- choir. It is expected that guile e large number of visitors from ',thee courts will also he present. ANNOUNCEMENTS) Elgar Ladies' Quartette. C'ontplt 1, programme for all occasions. lim : • orous and patriotic numbers a epee. ialty. Write 37 Oxford St. tW., Lee • don, Ont. A GARDEN PARTY will be held on the Rectory Lae , HAYFIELD, un Friday, July 26th A good band will be in attendan•e Stalls where fancy work and u;,"' Cul articles for the /tonic will he f sale will be open. Refreshments will be sowed, eee. Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes, etc., . he for sale 00 tine grounds. Fish Ponds, Grab Bags, tete, This will be a big occasion, eenee everybody and bring a friend. Admission, including supper, 33c. DANCE Pavilion, ,lowett's Croy. BA u PIELD Wednesday bight Jiy24 from 8 to 12 Blackstone=Buckiev Five -piece Orchestra Elco c' f:9 and up-todate Fixtures of all kinds Plumbing, Roofing, Troughing and Furnace Work Estimates Cheerfully Given B a& Sutter v Yn. d Plumbers and Electricians Phone 7