HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-7-18, Page 5July Intl►, r9Id Clinton, Nowa-Record Of Interest toYpu and Me 'G}eu, vols Ilindenbtrg it> reported Vail 0.gal11 ,vfe d011 k aDw a 'soli, who'll ge into fnom:nieg oven if -the report is eondrmed. It le said that von Hindenburg was taken, with his fatal illness follow- ing astarriiy interview with the Kaiser, 'Tie Kaiser seems to have' a strong heart and a steady wave, All that's wroftg with hint is his •beats • Tho Wivarton Moho editor waxen =bit sarcastic over the rumors which have been going the rounds of the Bruce county press to the ;effect that a number of young leen are • hiding an the "Wilds" of Koppel in order to evade the military draft, and advises ' the newspapers ,which are spreading the rumors to brush up a little on .local geography, IJe adds also, in •c me g Dnl uUIn on the story ,.of the Port Elgin editor t E g ti d t ito• vho saw -rattle- . snakes, bears, etc., while driving re- cently on the Peninsula, that years ago, before the Ontario Temperance dace Act came into effect, snakes were •Often seen even in the more southern • parts of the county," :Mould have been almost better of Editor Sayles hadn't:-ntentioned that snake, it is not always neces- sary to tell the whole truth. Almost anybody'd have swallowed the bear story, but snakes are difiesent, some - .how, * * • "What we precisely want," says von Hertling, "is that after the war restored Belgium shall, as a self - :'dependent state, not be subject to • anybody as a vessel and shall live ',with us in good, friendly relations." What a lot of faith von Hertling -seems to have. It is as if an armed ruffian were to break into the dwell- ing of a peaceable citizen, kill him in cold_ blood and knock, about and abuse bis family and then, when the• neighbors and police had hitn almost overpowered he should say : "All I want is to get out of here with a whole skin taking what spoil I can • carry ; I don't intend to take the •;house home with me and ih future I hope to.••live on the friendliest terms with this family,"• It will not be until after the passing of many gen- erations that Belgium can be ex- pected to have any warm friendly feelings towards the bully who spoiled her. Most people consider mushrooms more or less of a luxury and aro apt • to think regretfully of pre-war days when a tempting platter of done -to - a -turn beefsteak, smothered in mush- room,ss, could be enjoyed without any -untrue qualms of conscience. But the Ontario Department of Agricul- . tura is sending out a- bulletin, No • 268, calling the attention of the pee- • iple to the fact that the mushroom is a valuable, article of food which should be used freelyc This bulletin is responsible for the statement that by the non use of mushrooms Canada • annually loses many tons of valuable food which grows ready to hand. The mushroom has not a food value equal to that of meat, wheat • flour or beans but rather something equal to that of fresh vegetables, Bat as giving a flavor and variety to -food they are of distinct value. There are it seems a great many varieties of edible mushrooms and = only a comparatively few- poisonous -varieties, some of which are deadly. `.The difficulty is for people to tell the edible from tine poisonous and • this bulletin aims to explain that. Anyone interested should write to the Department for a copy of the, bulletin, which will be sent free on application. • • . Up to the present the fire loss in Canada is twenty-five percent. great- er than for the corresponding period last year. Should this rate continue the Loss fox 1918 will exceed thirty- -4n million dollars, so those wbo - are conversant with the facts assure us. And this in the face of the ur- gent call for conservation. Some people seem to have the idea that when a fire occurs only those immediately concerned are Jusers,. This is an entirely wrong, idea, !Chen a fire occurs in any community not ()lily those immediately concerned but the whole community, andin a lesser degree, the whole country sut- lers. A serious fire may not only ef- • feet one man financially so that he will find it difficult to carry on bus- iness, but it destroys a part of the • nation's wealth, rendering it dead loss. It may even be in some cases where .a man is fully insured that he niay not sutler much loss per- sonally, but in such a case. it is be- -cause the loss is distributed over a wider area, the country boars the loss. For this reason it becomes' the duty of those in public office to pro- vide means to prevent loss by fire. :Most fires are attributable, directly •or indirectly, to the carelessness, thoughtlessness or ignorance of some -one person or persons. Some of the causes of fires are ; carelessness in handling matches ; defective heating appliances o1: electric wiring ; a1 - lo .ng stoves and furnaces to be - roe overheated ; leaving matches within the reach of children, etc., -while it is a well known fact that millions of dollars worth of Can- •:ada's valuable standing timber has been destroyed by the Carelessness of bunters and teuriste in failing to extinguish camp fires. zn fact it might be said that only `those fires caned' directly by light - are non -preventable and even many of these might be prevented by a peeper !harvesting of grain and hay afad e care that bathe !are suflielent- ly ventilated to trllow the seof the vapors and gasses which at- tract, this' ligtrtnittg, This would al- •.ea prevent many fires caused by sPentaneous combu$llan, When the people generally wake up to the fact diet ninety -nide out of every one !hundred fires are prevent•, able they will bogie , to studY. con- dltioas ; fires will beootue Power anti Canada 'will be saved a serious and unneoessery drain..irpon her wealth, Countt News Before leaving for his new field in London the Rev. Geo, McKinley of Seaferth was presented by his 00- gregetion with a purse of one hun- dred dollars. Tho town council of Goderich car- ried a t;iotioa at a recent ineetiug instructing the clerk to communicate with the Humane Sooiety reeoni- mending that some recogeitiou •be given. of the heroic work of Mr. Mac Macdonald in acing to the rescue of Mr, T. Bullard, whose canoe capsiz- ed in Lako•Huron on June nth and bringing, him safely to shorn, and al- so for his efforts to locate -the "other dream- ed, r v occupant of the boat, who was n - of ed, . It was also decided to ask the Government to place a pulmotor at• life saving. Po the harborx use in The 'mayor made the suggestion t h t an officer should be placed et the Harbor to offer caution to bbys and young people about going out on the Lake when it is rough, also to look after the safety of children when bathing. A soldier, a member of the 101st battalion, writing home to Wroxeter says in his letter : "I have gone ov- er the ground where some of our boys who went over before us fell and I will say with all sincerity that the graves of the Canadian boys are very reverently cared for. A little white cross svith their name marks every grave. I have seen graves in the. Weoxeter cemetery not as well attended to as our Canadian graves in France. Miss Alice Dalton, daughter of Mr. John Dalton of Hibbert, was united in marriage at St. Columban church on Tuesday morning of last week to Mr. Francis Pope of Peterboro. Mr. Ed. Taylor of East Wawauosh recently purchased a very fine cab- inet 13runswick phonograph. The county convention of the W. C. T. U. held in Blyth last week was a great success. North Huron Liberals will meet in Wingham on July 25th for the pur- pose of choosing a candidate to op- pose the election of Dr. Case to the Ontario Legislature, the Bir lack f wheatto Owing to a la o6 Mill, Goderich, is closed down until the new crop is ready, The committee appointed to steal with the matter of selecting a suit- able property for a Children's Shel- ter has decided upon the A. Mei). Al- lan residence, Cameron street, God- erich, paying therefor the .1110 of 12,100. Possession will be given October 1st. The building in ques- tion is two storeys, is of brick and has two lots• attached, • A number of boys coming up from Toronto to hoe sugar beets in Col- borne township while passing through Benmiller broke into the Orange hall and carried oil some badges, into the school and took the school flag and also entered into the church but it is thought they took nothing from there but they :broke some windows in the Temperance hall. They .were up be- fore' the magistrate in Goderich to answerforis their misdeeds and were ordered to pay over $30 damages and costs, which was paid by the man in charge of the party who will in turn keep it out of their wages. On the occasion -of her resignation as teacher of S.S. No. 17, West Wa- wanosh, Miss Mabel Bailie was pre- sented with a very flattering address and a cabinet of china. Messrs. Thos. Sandy .and R. Grant have secured the contract of erect- ing an 80 -ft., cement arch bridge across the river on the 4th conces- sion of Ashfield, known as Disher's bridge. ala honor roll containing one hun- dred and, thirty nanicee was unveiled at Knox ohurclt, Goderich, ono Sun- day recently. Of these fifteen have already made the supreme sacrifice. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howson of Wingham have been presented with a handsome silver medal won by their son, Corp. George Howson, for brav- ery on the field, Wingham's tax rate has. been fixed at 85S mills for this year, which is hall a mill higher than last year. The strike of moulders in the Wingliam foundry has been settled and the workmen are again in their places, A Military Medal won by Pte. Lyle Bill some little time ago was lately received by his parents at Brucefleld. The medal was given in recognition of bravery at the battle of Vinry Ridge. 1800 worth of Victory Bonds, pur- chased by Mr., Cleo. Mason of Wing - ham, were destroyed when. •his evife.,''1 clearing a lot of papers from the table where they bad been laid, con- signed onsigned the whole to the fire. James Bowman, M.P., for North Huron has removed. from. Brussels to Toronto. The Maitland River has been so low this year: that in places then - ping trills have had to add steam to tho usual water. power, Miss Clark of St. Helens, who holds a first class teachers' certifi- cate, has been engaged to teach in Walton school at a salary of 1075, Mr, Simon 'Bedard, a well-known and esteemed resident of Drysdale, died recently alter an illness of a tew months. • Mr. and Mrs, ..1. Rogerson motored over from Bradford, Pa., recently to visit Rev. Dr, and Mrs, Medd .at Exeter. Mr. Rogerson, who is a pronianent 011 operator of Pennsyl- vania, and 'iris wile are intimate Mende of Dr. and Mrs. Medd. bit. W. *Hinge): of %trridh, while assisting in getting wood out of a swainll, ha his log broken when a log struck a root and tools an uncx- p9ated swing,. Willlohnil,a Cheney of '1'wokersmith was ,the winner of the Caulsty Sche1- arship in the 1000111 Ptllttratico 1�. t .�,a 1 s, r Exeter, Stewart Stanburi , I. ,xn t, oiltain- ed 1110 highest marks in West Huron Inspeetoreto 10 the recent Entrance exams. A quint wedding took Plage at the home of ilirs, Jelin Carinlohael, Sea- forth, on Tuesday when her young, - est daughter, iMac, beeame the bride of bit•• John Stewart of Flensall, Rev. Dr. Larkin performed the cere- mony. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart left the salve afternoon for a short hon- eymoon trip to Toronto and Niag- ara Falls.' They will settle later on the groom's ferns near Henson, Varna The Young Girls' Knitting Club of Varna intend bolding a patriotic tea on the lawn of Mr. James Steep on Tuesday evening next, M1, and Mrs. James ti anless have returned home after spending the week visatt�r g friends in London. Privates Will Stephenson, George e Reid, Alf. Johnston and Goo. I'luett of Carling Heights, Loudon, spent the week -end et their respective hom- es here, A large number from here tools in the Orange celebration at Hensel!. Varna lodge feels quite proud of having taken first prize for their flag. Miss Rowntree of London returned home after spending the week at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Ings. Mr. Geo. Johnston spent Sunday with friends near Seaiorth. Master Tommie Chuter is able to be out again after his severe attack of appendicitis. Mr. Russel Austin has engaged with Mr, -Geo. Johnston for the sum- mer months. The Varna Patriotic Society gave an entertainment on Tuesday even- ing which proved to be a great suc- cess. Tho chief feature was the ad- dress of the Rev. Mr. Garrett of Hensel], a returned soldier, who told some interesting stories of his ex- periences among the soldier boys in France. Local talent furnished the musical part of the entertainment and it was all very%enjoyable. The proceeds amounted to about forty dollars. The July shipment of the society stere consisted of : 4 pillows, 7 suits pyjamas, 18 pairs socks, besides 14 pairs socks and 7 shirts scut to the home boys overseas. Stanieu Township The farmers of the Second conces- sion held their annual pionic in Mr. McGregor's grove on Saturday after- noon last. It was a little earlier than usual this year on account of the fact that a number of the sol- dier boys were home on leave from camp and, altbodgh arranged on short notice, there was a good turn- out and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent in football, baseball, ten- nis, swinging and other games. Sev- eral of the ladies spent a couple of hours industriously knitting for the soldiers. The soldiers present were: Privates Greg McGregor, Stanley Jackson, Walter Moffat and Percy Deihl. Unfortunately E. J. Glen was under quarantine at London and could not be present. The suggestion was made that when the war is over and people can settle clown to enjoy life again that the Pipers' or Kilty baud should be secured for these annual gatherings. Perhaps next year. We'll !tope so, anyway. UNCLE. EBEN WAS RIGHT. (From Judge) Old Miele Eben Jones of Nashville went into a New York life insurance office and requested a policy. "Why, uncle," said the president, "you are too old for us to take the risk. Flow old are you'?" "Ninety-seven come next August,'' said the old man, and added 'testily "11 you folks will take the trouble to look up your statistics you'll find that mighty few nteu die after they're ninety-seven." Marriages rIARNIaSbi-itrACI]0'NALp-in Clin- ton, on July 1111,117. the Rev, t m ro al 1 i.. Stewart, Lame a A 11th d, L'' Mr e, •'' onlyu >. of M 1„ Mace da by (109113, to L inters/ 0, Manistee of Exeter, ST WAR'1'-OARMICIIe1T3'I--1n See - forth, on July 10111, by the Rev. Dr, Larkin, 1VIae, daughter of Mrs, John Carmichael, to John ,Stewart of Ireusall, Births BOX -In Sealorth, on July 8th, to Mr, and Mrs, A. Box, a son, DUNBAIt--In Sarnia, on July 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunbar, a daughter. Deaths McC.ILL-In le tKillen, on July 7th, William Robt. McGill, aged 11 mouths, HICKS -In' Egmondvi116, on July 3rd, Richard Hicks, aged 70 Years, CLARIC-In Goderich, on July 11111, Margaret Clark, daughter of the Clark. late John Glark, N»3 -Et -In Seaiorth, on 'July 7th, Louis Nigh, aged 22 years, BOWMAN -In Morris township, on Judy, 4111, Wm. '1'. Bowman, in his 50th year. Dad (reading) -"If the war keeps on we won't have any oils or fats y, another year," Little Son (hopefully) -"Castor Oil, too, Dad ?" TWO NICELY FURNXSHED ROOMS -Suitable for light housekeeping. - Apply at News -Record office, -50 FOUND -ON THE ROAD BETWEEN Clinton and the cemetery, a black silk lady's cape, Owner can have sante by calling at this office and paying for this ad. 50-1 GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE - Store business, with stock of Gro- ceries, Paints, Wallpaper and Boots and Shoes. Also a six -kiln evap- orator. Business must be dispos- ed of as the proprietor has bought a farm, -E. F. Merner, Bayfield. 50 AN EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAIN on "Beautiful Ratteabury" street consisting of that attractive lot upon which our old residence stood that was burned. Quarter acre corner lot, hedged wi h forest -like trees ; one side tile underdrained ; blessed with a never -failing spring of water coming from under a tree. This is a most desirable property. Purchase this lot : it will identify you. -W. Doherty. -50 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Ten- der for Renewal of South Pier at Bayfield, Ont.," will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, August 71-1, 1918, for the completion of renewal of South Pier at Bayfield, Huron County, Ont. Plans and forms of contract can be seen, and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department and at the office f the District co 0 En- gineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Bay- field, Out. ' , Tenders will not be considered un- less made on printed fortes supplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a charter- ed Bank„payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c, of the amount of the tender. Note -Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted bank cheque for the suns of 110, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will he, returned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. By order, R, 0, DI.SROCIiERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 15111, 1918. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ON'rA a 10 IHE present national need demands that you serve if free to do so. Our soldiers cannot fight "over there" without training. You cannot serve efficient- ly "over here" without training. A. course at this school will enable you to render effective service, It is the work and the pride of the School to make its students 100 per cent, efficient, for in every walk of life the demand is for better trained men and women THE SCHOOL OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES: Business, Stenographic, Secretarial, Civil Service Business Penmanship and arranges Special Coarses for special students, Canada needs your work -think it over and write for particulars to WARD, D.A.r IVI. Aeots., .Principal M. A, STONE, Cont, Specialist, Vice -Principal PHONI5 208 SCHOOL OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT, 3RD Motorists, Attention 13ring Your easings, tires and el- carinal work 10 "Square coal Gar- age," Varna Phone Clinton 2U 4 , , t p r1 L' 8g1 '. Jflo '1 fo elrt ropy runt,. All vulean- i{ing guaranteed not to lump, blister or pull apart. W111 ou'tweal.+ rest of casing, Complete lino of repaired casings carried $5 and up. Also all new tires carried in 51904. Ilxpre$$ charges paid one way. IS, H. „EPPS a SON Phone : Clinton 020 r 14 VA1tNA FARM FOR SALE -92S; ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state of cultivation. On it are a comfort- able storey and a hall brick house with new steel roof, it good cellar, a barn 410x00 and straw .shed 22x28 with foundation raider a11, room to tie up 28 ]lead of oattle and 13 horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pigpen 24x24, a lien house 24• a x].p and ad rive shed. 2x3 0 0. There isv I ' a never ahling spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 1ie acres of orchard. „ This is a 2_ desirablepropertyk miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health snakes it necessary for me to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop 0 so desired, -Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con, 4, Mullett, Clinton P. 0. -49 FOR SALE -HOUSE AND LOT ON Princess street, half acre land with good orchard ; comfortable 7 roomed house with summer kit- chen. Terms easy. -Apply on premises to Mrs. Akan. -47 Are You Ready? with your jar rings and metal rings for the canning season ? They are small fn price but very essential to keep your fruit in good order, and it is sometimes the small things that are most needed and we nearly always forget, but this year we should see that fruit is carefully at- tended to. Wo have Jar Rubbers at 5 or 10 cents per dozen, Metal Rings at 30 cents per dozen. Use Pa'1'a- wax to make your jars perfectly air- tight, 15d'per pound. • • ONE HOUR SPECIAL Our one hour special of last week was a good success and we will con- tinue. These hour specials are sold only between the hours mentioned and at cash price with an order. 3 BARS COMFORT SOAP R, 7.30 toFO8.3020cp.m. (Limit 3 bars to one order) Terms :-Settlement of all accts, twice a month, Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PHIONE 111, Retail Grocer License No. .8-7241 CEMENT, BRAN SHORTS FLOUR - Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays TERMS -CASH JOHN HUTTON LONDESBORO Just Arrived. -- CAR McNAIR BRAND XXXXX SHINGLES Let us show you how to make a forty year shingle roof. CAR DRESSED PINE Some beautiful V matched Siding and square matched Flooring. CAR CANADA CEMENT Your assurance of perfect satisfac- tion in old and new work, CAR SOFT COAL Would strongly advise anyone with a fuenace to put in at least part of their supply of this coal, CAR CHESTNUT COKE For upstair stoves this is next •to• the genuine Anthracite from which the American Fats Administration is practically barring tis. The above items,- although of new stock aro comparatively reasonable in prices. Wo also have good supplies in our other staple lines and solicit your. inquiries. J. R. MUSTARD ERUCEF'IELD Dtlnure Oartley 0221,; Enrolremit No, 07, Porro 1 Will stand for the improveiuent of stook tlifs season at his own stable West 'End, Tuclterslnith. Terme $1a to Were., S• W. NOTT, Peepriet01 11oLs17 FOR SALE -2 STOREY fraano house, corner of a'owaahond and Kirk stre015, in good repair, oleotria lights and town water, Apply on l>.onices to Nis, L, S tong, --4.0 P011 SALE-•-WS.MIA'VIS 1011 SALE at reasonable" prices four Shorthorn Registered Bulls tr;oln 12 to 15 menthe old, Good 9oiligr0es, En- quire at Plnmstool Biros. store ox at the !arm, Menden Iload, ; lane from town, -J, Roy 1'lumsteel,-30 YOUR ()LOUSES OLEAN10D RE - paired and Pressed and et the shortest possible notfeo. Both Lad- les' and Gentlemen's clothes, Wo guarantee to do good work. I um preparedto Fro10h Dry °loan 1 adios Suits, Gent's Suite and all !(Mile of Woolen clothingIncluding Sweate ers, etc. All orders promptln at - 'tended to. Rooms over Iiunuiford'S grocery store -Wm, .7. Jago. -00 Si!vorware Sale For one week only I will alter 12 sets of stirling silver plated flatware 5 pieces to the set, regularly 10,25 for 14.25. The sets consist of burry spoon, gravy spoon, cold meat Cork, butter knife and sugar shell. Don't wait until they are all gone before coming in as these goods can't bo duplicated at near this price. Don't forget when in to ask to see the New Onward Crumb Sweeper ; does away with the old whisk and tray 'altogether, neat, quick and clean, only 14.25, selling in the city for $5.50. A few more pairs of Motor Gog- gles left. Don't wait or they will bo all gong. Come in and get a pair to protect your eyes -you should value them -we only get one pair of eyes. Active Service. Brooches and Regis- tration Card Cases now in stock. Flow about those old glasses,_ are they suiting you ? ,Better come in and have your eyes tested and see if you can't be better salted. EYES TESTED FREE. All repairs neatly and promptly, done and prices right. R. H. JOHNSON jeweler an -d Optician (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) GIRLS WANTED! WE CLAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO d FEW MORE KNIT+ TERS, ETC, 1►PPL11 AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED: THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live FOODS WE SELL ALL TIIE BREAKFAST FOODS AND ALL PHE DINNER AND SUPPER FOODS ' SPECIALS :• Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, (Grape fruit, Strawberries, Tomatoes, New Potatoes, New Cabbage BU'T'TER AND EGGS WANTED E. E. IIUNNIFORD Canadian Food Control -License No. 8-3123 Phone 45 Just Arri ved a carload of Feed Corn. We have also secured a quantity, of Choice Seed 'Cotn in the following varieties : Selected Yellow Lenining, Giant Prolific Southern Ensilage, Selected Red Cob Ensilage, Early Amber Sugar Cane. As the season has arriv- ed for the hatching , of Baby Chicks we lla170 in Stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed which we are selling at reas- onable prices. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Bull Choice): and also our 'usual line of VIM, Bran, Shorts and Feed. Highest Prides for Grain and Wool, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND F1I133D Elevator Shone 100 Residence 0-142 Retail License No, 9-2868 1lrhoieeole License No, 12--82 e CCreals Rye flour Potato flour Rice flour Barley flour Buckwheat flour Kellogg's bran W. T. O'Neil The Hub Grocery Canada Food Board License No, 8-2405 Get fly Prices on CORRUGATED IRON METAL SHINGLES AND SIDING PLUMBING AND HEATING THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Uecla Furnaces PHONE 63. Sliwop over Rowland's Hardware. d A FULL LINE OF Flour end Feed ALWAYS ON BAND two* 1 Stock of Seeds IIXILLET SEED, • TURNI?.'' SEED, + ' and other ! Small Seedy, HIGHEST PRICES FOR GRAIN; V O License Not 9-2109• Live Poultry WANTED 1,000 HENS 1,000 CHICKENSI 500 DUCKS each week at our Poultry, Feeding Plant for the balance of 1918, Pric- es paid according to quality, and fancy prices paid for large properin fattened inilkfed chickens, M0s,A; NEW LAID EGGS • Meatless days are making very, high prices for eggs. Although grain prices are high it will pay you to take special care of your flock of hens and pullets. s•s GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. NV. Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or IlolmesvllIo 4 oq 140 Canada Food Board -License No, 7-001 CREAM WANTED I We wilt buy your cream and Pus you- HIGHEST PRICES ACCURATE RECORD PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE SATISFACTION" Write us for cans. We suppiya them. Pay express charges. Pant you for the cream yore ship twice each month, Carefully weigh, sam- ple and test each can and send you a statement. Write today, prices Ara high, Agents Walton --•W. 0. Neal IClaburhMall Sa Co, Varna-Ileyyatty 33115.•. T""Seaiorth Creamefry Co. Ilex 4811 =Aroma, UN'' a