The Clinton News Record, 1918-7-11, Page 8White Footwear 1 COnsta ce. Miss Tbeima Dale aril Miss Vora Dunlop passed their exanlinatiott connection With the Conservatory of !Music, 'Toronto, with honors, They were pupils of Miss Mamie Hall. Mr. (:leo, Cook and Mr, Jas. Gra- ham of Goderich township visited xelatives In the village on Sunday. Mrs, H. 00101o00 and son and daughter sgont Sunday, with friends in Brussels. Mr, Howard Armstrong has the. foundation and Dement work dono Tor MR now drivh)g shod. Quite a number of the farmers have started to out their eq. finillett Township .Moat Assuredly we Want Your 'Wall Paper Business. Mr. L. E, Weir, who works a ;tee farm on the "pith of Iluilot't is Qolt- ten)plathtg giving tip farming for a time and leas his fart!, stook, im- p/moots, crop, 01,0„ advertised. It IS not because he's tired of foreleg for he likes it and has never done anything e1:s0 and moreover this spring bo. planned to increase pro- dilation as meet as possible• and has Se nice Drop,but the doctor leas or- dered ltihn to give up farming for a time. It is hoped that a change will he found to be heneileia)M How to Have Coal and Wood for Next Winter SAV IT NOW by getting a Perfection or Puritan Oil Cooking Stove WE HAVE THEM And make sure of a supply of Coal Oil or Gasoline (as it undoubtedly will be short at times) Get a 25 -gallon or a 45 -gallon steel tank WE HAVE THEM CHEAP - 1 Secdid-hand Gasoline Stove 2 Second-hand Ovens HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. This season, without a doubt, will be the season of ail the seasons for Women's White Footwear! \Ve're showing the Best White Shoes made, and we ask the attention of the woman who enjoys wearing Choice White Footwear of Special AXerit I White Boots White Oxfords White Pumps Ladies' Military or the New Low Tread Walking Heels $1.:5, $2.0u, $3.00 and $4,00 Our Shoe Service is always Painstaking and every woman we shoe will have Well Dressed Handsome looking Feet ! 1 1 FRED. JACKSON "TILE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN" en Special Order Clothin0 cls Our new set of samples for Ordered Clothing for spring is now here, and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest selections of High-grade woolens we have ever shown. Our styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come and look them over and get one of our new Style Books. We are. also showing some new natty styles in Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats, Ties and Shirts. See our table of lien's Boots at $3,50 a pair Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 20 AGENTS—SEMI-READY CLOTHING-, NEW IDEA' PATTERNS: yet price( s1r as to be within everybody's reach, That ex- actly, describes our bedroom furniture of which we are'just- ly proud, Coe the display and you will surely"want one of these graceful dressers or chif- foniers or ono of the beautiful bede contained in the exhibit, JAS: DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director: 28 Phone 28 but We de not 'want you to he influences] iu our !aver by anything except the aotual mer- its and reasonable pric- es of the goods Alter- ed plus—your practical good will for Web the are heartily grate- ful. The W. f. Farr Co'. "Often the Cheapest Always the Best." Miss Jessie O'Neil is expected home from the west this week. Miss Emma Stephenson of Port Ar- thur is home for the Long Vaca- tion, Miss Carrie Akam of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mrs, 0. Akam of town, Miss Lyla Ford is home from her school at.:Ottawa for the long vacation, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Mckinnon and Miss Kathleen are at Bayfield for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray spent Sunday with the former's parents near Mitchell, Mrs., E. R. Dale of Hullott has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Miller of town, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mantle of Exeter were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. G. 1). McTaggart and family took possession of their cottage at Bayfield on Friday. Mrs. Lack Kennedy of Detroit is Spending a few weeks with the parents of her husband in town. Mr, R. Seldon and Air. T. Seldon and family motored from Eagleson and visited. Mr. T. Trick of town. Mrs. J. Seeley and little daughters, Misses Vera and Grace, visited Miss Austin of Blyth last week for a few days. Mrs. Childs, Miss Childs, Mrs. Hicks and lire. Hawke of Tiverton mot- ored down to visit Mrs. '1'. Trick recently. Mrs. George Roemer and son, Mal- colm, of St. Louis, Mo., are the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs, T. 'Prick. Miss K. E. Brown, teacher from Queen Victoria school, Toronto, is holidaying with her sister, Urs, J. Crich of town. Mrs. Purvis of Parry Sound, who has hecn visiting friends at Ingersoll, is this week visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. Atkinson. Miss Marjorie Agnew, daughter of Dr. and Nirs. Agnew of Medicine Hat, formerly of Clinton, is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. W. 13rydone. Miss Shirley Hamden has been ill during the last fortnight and her place in the Public Utilities office Inas been taken by Mrs. Sutter. Miss Bawdcn 15 now recovering. Mrs. M. McIntyre left this week for a visit in the west. She will go to visit her sister in Calgary, Mrs. Geo. Stewart, and from there will probably go on to the Coast. Rev. T. J. Snowden arrived in town this week and ins getting nicely settled in his new home on Ontario street recently purchased from Mrs. A. Couch. Clinton citizens bid him a hearty welcome to town. Mr. and Mrs. Id. Marsh and Alaster Norman motored over from De- troit Last week and have been vis- iting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis of town, and with relatives and friends at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs, McGuire and Mrs. Bos- nian of Wingham motored (town on Thursday last and visited at the home of Mr.. .1, Stephenson, Miss Doreen accompanied thein home and retrained over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Colwell, who have been here since last fall, left Monday to return to Parkside, Sask. Ars. Colwell was in very • poor health when they came east in December hut is now much bet- ter. It is hoped the lady's health will continue to improve, Rev. Dr, Dickie, who preached in Willis client]. on Sunday, was the guest while fn town of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fair. Dr. Dickie is a son-in-law of the late Rev. Dr. Macdonald, who was the pastor in charge here when Willis church was organized into a separate congrega- tion, Miss Beatrice Greene leaves this at- ternooe for Hamilton, where she will spend a few clays at the sum- mer home of her uuole. and mint, Mr. and Mrs, J, Greene, and will then accompany thetas 011 a trip to New York and Princeton, N. J. They will probably bio absent three or four weeks. Mr. S. 13. S101110rs expects to he in Guelph ,nest week attending the Convention of Agriculttiral Represeu- tatiVes, who meet anntfaliy to ex- change experiences and methods and thus mid to their interest; anti enthusiasm, Last year the conven- tion was held,li, Ottawa but usual* ly it takes Place at the 0, A. (1., Guelph, Clinton News -Record July Itll, 14I& B �J � Scarce moods. at Less Scotch Than Mill Prices Fingering Yarn $2.40 lb. Flannelette Blankets $2.40 Pair, 1.1 -it SVOMEN'S STORE Dry, Goods, House Furnishings phone 64. Next to Royal Bank , W MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Alen's Furnishings Opposite Public Library MU= MOM People You Know Mr. J. Stephenson was up from Lon- don for over the week -end. Mr. 1V. Jackson. went to London yes- terday and will motor from thero to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gray and two children of Hamilton visited last week with Mrs. Wm. Graham, Mr, McGuire of Gerrie was a week- end guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Paisley, Aliss Lillian Fairfull of Kingston is visiting in town, being the guest of Miss Freida Wallis. Mrs. Sada Johnston and slaughter, ltliss Isabel, of Goderich are the guests of Mrs. T. 'trick. Mr. 11. M. • Levey, who has been spending a fete- weeks with his bro- ther, A. C. Levey, leaves today to visit his sister, Mrs. Bartza of Moncton. AIr, and Mrs. Densmore, Mrs, Clin- ton Densmore and Mrs. Brewer of St, 'Phomas motored up on Sun- dae and visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Paisley. Mr. J. Mulholland teff yesterday for the west. He goes first to Winni- peg but means to spent( the autumn assisting in saving and threshing the western crop. Hiss Marjorie Gilkinson of Chicago, Ili,, and Mies Ethel'ven Seett of (Milord, Ont., are visitors this week at the house of their aunt, Mrs, W. S. Downs, Rev. J. II. Colclough of Lloydtown, who is spending part of his vaca- tion supplying a Toronto pulpit, vi tilted his mother, Mrs, Jos. Colelottgh, this week. Mrs. 1e. Kennedy of Ontario street accompanied her sister, Mrs. J. F. Brooks to Stratford and was the guest of her aunt, Airs. 'Phomas Mere) while in the city, Miss Mary Jenkins of Woodlands Farm, Huron Road, left this morning on a trip to Medicine Iiat, Alberta, to visit her brother, who has a ranch near that town. Mrs. J. le. Brooks, who for the past two menthe has been visiting her sisters and mother, Mrs. Margaret Colquhoun of town, returned to her bone in Winnipeg on Monday. Pte. L. 'Kennedy of Uncle Sam's army visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1), Kennedy, this week. lite. Kennedy is at the Engineers' 'J'rain- ing Camp A. A. Humphreys, \'er- ginnie. Mrs. H. Moore of Hot Springs, Va., is visiting her sister,.Ahs. (Rev.) J. el, I-I'ogg at 'the manse. Miss Jean Wylie, who has been visiting at Het Springs, has returned with Mrs, Moore. Mr. C..1, Waliis returned last week from Rosctown, Sank„ where he has been farming. He will return tater to take olI his harvest, which Will hot be as abundant a one as he,' expected owing to the drought but which will add something, if bathing happens before. the har- vest, to the, world's food supply, People You Know !lir, .lames Connolly of Goderich was in town on Saturday. • Miss Mary :11eMurehie left today for Medicine Ilat, .Alberta, near there she has Laken a school kr the sum- mer. Miss Ward left. Monday for leescx where she will spend a `'w days before going to her home at heck - wood, Md. Miss Ward does rot like the southern sumn1crs and may return to Canada, bringing her mother with her for the holiday 80118011. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. .J. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Mfrs, George Lavis and Mrs. Bean were among those who attended the W. C. T. U. convention. at Blyth yes- terday. No one from Clinton took part in the Gold Medal con- test this year. Holmesvllle The garden party held on Mrs. Acheson's lawn on Friday evening last under the auspices of the Ep- worth League and Sunday sobool of the Methodist church was quite a success, The evenitng being fine a large num- ber turned out to spent] a pleasant evening in the open air. The Clin- ton Kiley band was. in attendance and dispensed sweet 1111810 through- out the evening. Instead of serving supper each one was served with just what they wished to order end in preparing the .refreshments the lad- ies had strict regard to food regula- tions. Dainty lettuce, and other kinds of sandwiches other than neat, brown bread and butter, pie and ice cream were served, One ]hundred and seventy dollars were taken in, which, after paying the expenses of the af- fair, will he. divided between the_ two departments of the church, Mr. Il. 'Tebbutt was at the receipt of custom, taking the money, and a couple of •young ladies came along and offered in payment a ten dollar bill. Mr. Tebbutt looked at the note and seeing that it was an is- sue of the Consolidated Bank of Can- ada refused to accept it. The young ladies seemed very mucin hurt and Mr•. Tebbutt didn't know whether they had themselves been taken in by a worthless hill or whether they were trying to work a slick game. They seemed to be strangers in the community. Tile Orangenten of Closicrich town- ship met in the Methodist (hetet on Sunday evening last and cit,ioyed lis- tening to two excellent addresses by the Rev, W. 13. Moulton of Clinton and the pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair. A large number were present. Compulsory ris0 of substtttites lot Wheat flour is prescribed 11 an or- der of tate Poo(1 Beard, KiPpert. Mrs. henry Johnston of Lucltnow is visiting with her son, Mr. !1'. 11, Johnston. Mr. A. T. Cooper gave a very in- telligent account of his work in con- nection with the Huron County Tem- perance Association on Sunday last in St. Andrew's church here. Mr. W. II. Johnston and family motored to the northern part of this count}' last week and visited with relatives in Ashfield and Wawanosh, also at Lucknow, Goderich and Bay- field. They had a very pleasant out- ing. Mr. Henry Strang of Usborue, bro- ther of Dr. Peter Strang, Supt. of Missions in Saskatchewan, will speak in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning, Miss McIntosh of Muncey is a visitor with the Misses Ivison. Rev. Mr, Wilson made his first ap- pearance in the Methodist church here on Sunday last and made a good impression 011 1118 hearers. We hope he may have a happy pastorate on Varna circuit. He is a man of some experience . and no doubt will do good work. Mr. Albert Johnston, AI,A., who has been on a holiday for the past two weeks' with his parents here, left on Monday to resume his posi- tion with the Excelsior Life teem- ance Co. Mr, Dan Bell, wife and children aro on a visit to Mr. Bell's mother here, ']'heir home is In Boston. Rev. J. Richardson and wife left on Saturday last for their hone in Brigden. Mr. 'I'ltos. Millis and daughter liargaret visited friends in Seaforth on Friday of last week. The farmers are busy gathering fn their hay and report an average crop. '!'here is considerable old hay in this section. Aliss ()vette Ivison, wine teaches at Money, is home for the holidays. Air. John Meelurtrie is the latest we have heard of to purchase a new car, A number tenni here intend to en- joy the celebration at Hensall 1,ext Friday and meet their friends, lev- erybody go to Mensal] on tite 19th Jaly. Miss Eva Vance of London is spending her holidays with her cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs, Percy Cole.. of this vicinity, Mr, and Alrs, Wesley ('ole returned to I(ippen to spent] a few days with Mr. and Alis. Percy Cole before re- turning to their home ie Sandusky, Mich. A number of the friends and relatives met at Mr, Cole's hone on Monday evening 1,o spend a few hours together before their depar- ture, It goes witheet saying they had a pleasant time. Air. W. Cole, who had not visited this locality for a grant many years, is very lavorab- ly impressed and says he may 00 - turn to spend tlie remainder of his days in good old lltiron. Londesboro- Miss Chrysler returned to ith„ hone in Delhi on Monday last alter spending a week with her sister, Mrs. J. 0.. Lounsbery. Mr. Thos. Lavin and his daughter, ]lies Minnie, of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. E.. Reddeli. Mr. John Lanham went to Toronto this week. Miss Doris Usterhout of Goderieb is visiting her friend, Miss Edith Sampson. Miss E. Mains of Toronto is speeding her holidays with her neith- er. Air. and Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon ase: AIrs. Arthur Brunsdon motored to Mount Forest on Sunday: Rev. Air, and Mrs. Sawyer are busy getting settled in their new• home, Mrs. E. Dewar and' children et Toronto are visiting with the lad!,•= mother, Mrs. Lyon, itev. ,Jas. Abrey took charge of the services in Belgravo on Sunday, last. Messrs. Fiord es McLeod of'enlintcc, loaded a car of oats here this week. The regular meeting of the Red Cross Society will he held on Fri- day, July 19th, at the home of NIrs. Charles Redden. For some time Misses Eleanor anti. Jean Mains, formerly of this village, have been a part of the clerical star!' of the Wrigley Co., Toronto. This firm is a branch of the same business with headquarters in Chicago, and the company is so well pleased with the efficiency of these young ladies that they have induced theist to ,loin their staff at Chicago, to tried' place they Will remove in a few days, after visiting chor friends its this vicinity. Canadian girls, ns well as Canadian men, always snake good wherever they go. Pte, Albert Austin of London spent the week -end at his hone near Blyth. Little Margaret Stewart of Sea - forth was struck on the face with a croquet mallet one day recently and several stitches were required to close the wound received. EleetrieWiring and up-to•date Fixtures of all kixds Plumbing, Roofing, Troughing and Furnace - Work • Estimates Cheerfully Given am & Sutter Plumbers altcl ialeetriciato Phone 7