HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-7-11, Page 5'11 Ii a • a .r 140 .,t tl t or s a e • ar. • --al do ;th 3i •a ;4t/ ',til Se m • ,ae 1e C ill •ag TB n 30 ;th ,111 •fo 1,'r 111 .ai m 10 so ue • Ito ar (:' •et Il tit m st' Si) ail eu in Lir at1 31 tit be ln, s0 of July lith, 1198 Clinton News -Record 'aid ng Led ?pealed re terefore, Ifo t nd olive" g ot'to hey (come Of Interest to You ;ERA- 11iie ` .. , . ` i i ll ' (fpr e Out Out a01110 sgidlers +*'+ g g, shirts s *either day and, a - great ,ass was made about it, the shirts n may ha'o keen all ut soldie when it pontos to cutting out soldiers' shirts The Nov - c r ac so 1e i s Re a d w9uld back n hi the ladies of the Chilton W.ometee Patriotic Society,who have lied nearly four )'earexperience at it Ind who are known -to be; experts, * t * • Count News !1 8325 was realized by the 1 O,D,E, fpr tip AiOxandl'a 110g]lital, G'pdcr' iC 1 0 t 1 I Da' C'1 tags i n D-1iu n1p3 l r wli t t WOO Sold, g' et/.ir, BR o of 130] atc, wltlienuwly y g taking part in •a foot taco at a church picnic recently, had the iniS- fortune to fracture his ankle, Frank Welland, who When my the onrpipy of .the Huron idxpoaftor printed for' some person or ]ferrous unknown an alleged libel upon Major Registration Returns; ., ' , for South Huron r , ,, i lie fRii'p'wlll is a liar pf the regia- b 11.4 lou of Dien and women in South Httron according to, luno- ici is ites, course a car t l to o.r5e in ii a oan it be fallen ' as an accurate ro istration or an municipalityas g y people -could register. anywhere sad did not by any ,iiieaas stick to their own municipality t Male Female Mullett 755 744 Varna*, Tho .Women's i?atl:iotia Society 111 feud giving an eitertatltment in the e , we i • hull on Tuesday da a nil next at tvliiah the 1Zt)w,yG, lt. Garrott file apP()iiltotl Alioan r09t'Rrat 1lonsail, 1t'ill tell sohn4thii1' of his b experiences .while in the tretlohes in Prange, There will also be a music- ' ` al program. The Y.G,K.O, of Varna intend hat/•• ing a garden, party on the 23rd, r IVIOtt)EI ts, Attention, Bring your exteinee, tires and el- eotrioa1 Work to "S(Mare Deal Gari !1 a p Varna Phone (Maw 626 r 1d. for +so t o f - r fen iii lope ring. Atl. vuleazl lug gpaantped flet to lutn t lli'S'ter r, pr I11 a ar•U, Will outwear, rust oY p p easing. Complete lino of repaired cast, s carried$5 and a Also all g p • new tiros oariie(i in stock, l xtivoss charges Paid 0110 way. 1'u. H.• EPS &,SON on 020 r 14 VARNA tone : Clint... Izov rl ALE a STOREY FOR ,S imine t?Ruse, oorrrehc of 7'ownsheltd end Dirk etreeta in good'repair, e , etc filo lights, and tp'wu Water,. ou Promises tp ltiirs, L. Apply . • Stodg, -�0 r •p Cereals II. N. MttS. SAI)zl� JOIINSiON WILT: visit Clinton qii Wednesday of each y rr...«.+,..*. week to take orders for Spirelle C0850116. Shy will he at the home of Mis. Trick, Rattenhurr street, wltero anymessage m be left for !; ay hoc. -3a ' Rye flour Potato knout 'l'le Giob0 the other day comment- all upon en editorial Which •appeared it a certain Ontario weekly pujler tint a few days after'saxds bend hal the editorial in questibn lead lriginailY appeared in another( veckly, editor n'otosted y' 1 tgainat the product of his brain teing credited to somebody else, !'his sort of thing could not happen 1 due credit were given when clip- dogs aro made from other papers, , . w * HayS of Seaforth, was taken . into custody mill lodged in Pembroke Jail as he was about to joinhis writ at Petawtt'vll Game rec9ntly, ,.,,7110 charge was contempt of . court, Weil- and. hewing refused to tell the name of' the person to whom ho had . d9 livered the pamphlet 'which caused.Bradford the trouble, though ordered to do so by the court, Mrs. Frocl Davis, who was visiting in. the .east with her 1)051)and and daughter, died suddenly at the home Goderich TN 493 402 Stanley, U40 002 'Hay, 022 051 Stephen • 1024 ]-077 1'upkersmlUli '6311 - 528 mextuee 530 507 Usborno , ;firs Exeter 044 870 Ileilsalt Sl4 381 Bayfield ; 133 100 Seatorth 835 1006 Clinton 641 951 '•, Marriages , OAMriR0N-BRA)F01iD - At the home of the bride's parents, God- 'oriel, June 29, Mona Pearl, eld- est daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Geo, to John Alexander Cameron o£ Toronto.. HHOLMES-WATSON-At Blyth, on June 20th, 11ineeson Stanley Hol- mes of West Monkton, 0111„ late of the 4th Canadian Mounted IRif- YOUR CLO'PIIES CLEANED RE- paired and Pressed and et the s1iortest possible notice, Both Lad - Lad - les' and Gentlemen's clothes; We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean ladies Suits, Gent's sults and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. MI orders promptiyl at- tended to. Rooms over 1[Iunnifnrd's grocery stere -Win, J, Jago. -00 Rise flour Barley flour , Buckwheat flour Kellogg's bran gg FARM FOR SALE• -92 • AORESOF splendid farm land in good state of cultivation, On it are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 40x60 and eraty shod 22x28 with foundation under all, room to rte up 28 bead of oattie and v horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, Sped room, separator room and harness room. Cement (!pots throughout except 2 box stella anti root house, A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen -house 24x10 and a drive shed 20x30, There is a never faille creek, a good well and cis tent tern, about le acres • of orchard, This is a desirable property et utiles Tr°nl Clinton, good gravelb road. I want to sell at onto as health makes it necessary for the to give up farming for the present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired. -Apply Leonard E Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Mullett, , Clinton 1 , 0. -40 '`' • Silverware Salo --� ....rn.,.� W O'Ne!l "George the Democrat" is .the .ow title given to Ring George el mgland by President Wilson, Such title from the head of a republio ke the United ,States is' a (*pipit- lent which King George and his. objects have everyreason to a - p reciate, This war is making many ban ns and one of the most grafi- of hen husband's father at Mitchell n0 Wednesday night of last week. Phe deceased lady camp east from Alberta several weeks ago and with her husband and young daughter liad bean visiting relatives in:.Goderich,a Seafortih and other points. They in tended returning to Alberta this week. Mrs, Davis was formerly Miss er formerly Margaret Davison _____ Total 7510 842e Over 1400 cards were made out for the Organization of Resources Com- mittee from those who had register- 6 ed as having had some experience in farm work. In North Huron the cards coined in this connection num- bored 1150, les, France, to Dora, 4th daugh- for of A2r. and Mrs, ',John 1Vatson of Morris township, GALLOWAY -WELLS -At Baltimoreg Md,, on June' lath, Alice Maude, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs, Chas, A. Wells Goderich to A. Clarke Galloway of Baltimore, Md, For one Week only 5 will offer 12 sets of stirring silver plated flatware 5 pieces to the set, regularly $0.25 Y r for $4,25• Tho sets consist of berry spoon, gravy spoon, aced meat fork, but ter knife and sugar shell, Dont wait until they are all gone before coming ill as these goods can't be The Canada Food No, r Hub Grocer �' Board License 8-2495 wing is the changed attitude of the wo great English-speaking peoples, he English and the American, to- each other, They are b000nl belles acquainted add that loads, s is the ease Often with uals, 1 a batter mutual understanding, * * « e Grain Growers' Association a The io west is beginning to regard ser -good Yg y g g 1 turn the�scarcit of church )}ivil- ;es in the out -lying Western cora- ,unities, There are, so it is avoir- 1, two thirds of the rural school in i Thisinchurch arvicess of any kind. without Y le provinces while in Ontario clmr- nes crowd oath other in almost ev-- :y community. We have in .Clinton, of Mr. Bert Treleaven of Dungannth, while assisting at a barn raising re- sustained an injury to his forehead Forehead just above the eye when a heave hammer fell from a Plate above him. Several stitches were required to close the wound caused but, it is thought lucky , that he happened to be looking upward at the of h as 11 the tool had faint on topof his .'head the result might have been more serious. Boys have been going in bathing 'without Bathing suits at Brussels trouble they tre likely continue. SueIi roc- Y p rises are Contrary to law, An auto accident happened on the Pp Lake Road near Exeter one day re- Dispose of Old' FIenS and Breeding Stock Early As soon as the breeding season is over, get rid of all male birds used in the breeding pens. When the egg yield drops in•the early summer, or when the egg yield sloes not pay for years feed, sell• all hens overtwo old anti even the year-olds cull pretty well. Poultry at this time of the year will bring a better price than later and feed and space hill p be saved for the best of the year- olds and the growing chicks, Old hens as a rule, especially of the p Y feed in varieties er not pay for their feed in late summer eggs. Births STEPHENSON-In Stanley, on Jima 28th, n Mr.,and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson, a daughter. BUCHAN• NAN-In Walton, on ,June 250, to Mr. and Mrs. J, S. Buchanan, a daughter. Deaths BAWDEN-In Toronto, on June 27th, Fanny Stanlake, wife of Peter Bawden of Exeter, aged 67 years. IN A4EA QRIAIVT In loving memory of George Lawra- son of Stanley,who departed this life on July 8th, 1917 -Wife and famit Y duplicated at near this price. Don't forget when In to ask to see the New Onward Crumb Sweeper ; does away with the old whisk and tray altogether, neat,- u' quick and. clean, only $4.25, selling in the city for $5.50. A few more pairs of Motor Gog- gles left. Don't waft or they will be all gone. Come in and get a pair to protect your eyes -you should value them -we onlyp Active Service Regis - ,ration Card Cases noiv in stock. How sting those old glasses, are theyv suiting you , .Better come in and have your eyes tested and see if you can't be better suited. EYES TESTED FREE, All repairs neatly and promptly done. and prices right. R. H. JOHNSON J 0 w• 01 e 0 a nil 0 p t i c f 0 n Get GU CORRUGATED MEA P LU M B I THOS. Agent for SElop over fly . Prices MON SHINGLES ft AND �iDIiiG N G ANDN e-�� HAWKII\S. Hecla Furnaces PHONE 63. Rowland's Hardware. on E ATING , FDR SALE -HOUSE AND LOT ON Princess street, half acre land with orchard ; comfortable 7 roomed house with summer kit- ellen, Terms easy. -Apply on premises to Mrs. Akam: -47 FOR SALE -WE HAVE FOR SALE at reasonable prices four Shorthorn Registered Bulls from I2 10 I5 months old„ Good pedigrees. Ea- quire at Plumsteel Bros, store or at the form, London Road �, mile from town, -J. Roy Plumsteel.-89 town with a population barely ov- that required for incorporation as Town, no less than sir • churches' ith as -many resident clergymen id a Salvation Army hall with vo officers always in charge, There -e held in this town an average of cently by which the driver of the car, Itir, John Henderson, London, who had a car full of soldiers, was badly injured. The car struck some gravel going down a hill and ran into the ditch. Mr. Henderson had his leg broken above the knee and badly lacerated below, 'He tak- Sell the young cockerels whenever they are ready throughout the sum- neer. Don't keep everything till the fall• Whenever the price is good, sell the cockerels as broilers or as small roasters. In an experiment carried on at CAME+', INTO MY POSSESSION -A, fawn colored tweed rain coat ; strap•back. Owner can have same by proving property and peying for this advertisement, -Jas, Ii, Reid, Bayfield. -49 « Pack Your Troubles in your old kit bag and smile," is the slogan of the boys at the front and we must do likewise in the us- ing of wheat substitutes. We have in stock this week the necessary sub - stitutes at popular prices : Corn dour Barley flour, perblb 100 Rya 11our, per lb 100 Rice Flour, per lb 13c Corn meal, 3 lbs. for 25c Oatmeal, 8e lbs. for 25c • Get your supplies at our store. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ONE HOUR SPECIAL- * 7.30 TO 8.30 * * * rventeen religious services per week, et counting the Sunday schools held t all the churches weekly. It looks a if something night be done by le Churches of Canada to even tinge up. •A town like Clinton rind do with half the churches and LE the clergymen. They should be was en to London hospital. • The Dominion Day celebration' in Goderich was very successful in spite of the disagreeable weather. The trades and labor procession was about a mile long and was a e fine show in itself. The receipts of the day amounted to some $1350. After the. Experimental Farm in the spring of 1917 with Leghorn chickens, the sale of the cockerels paid all ex- : penes for incubation, brooding and feed for themselves and pullets h1p until the first of September. Whoa the pullets went into winter quer- ,ers on November 1st, they had RAIN COAT LOST -ON JULY 5th, at Holmesville Garden Party or on Huron Road between Holmes- vine and the 16th, a man's fawn rain coat. Finder kindly comuhun- irate with J. J. Connell Clinton. Phone 8 on 607. 49-1 (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Clinton _ �:,....,,.,..eer I fl l S WANTED +rw WE E C 1N GIVB EMPLOYMENT TO '1t MORE KNIT-, 1PERS, ETC, &PPL' AT ONCE: MILLET Knitting Co.r LIMITED. A: FULL LINE OF • Flour and Feed ALWAYS OAT HAND - •.a.; • ! irj Stock of Seeds SEED, URNIP S)aED ' r ' and °thee • Small Seeee vided up with those who lack, here are difficulties in the tray of ice an arrangement but men of nee and vikioh are supposed to be 11e t` surmount difficulties. Everytel 1111mu111ty in Canada should havethe paying expenses the remainder will be used for patriotic work. Capt. R. R. Sloan, who has been - connected with •the Military Hospi- at Kitchener for some months,FEW has returned hometoBlythandis cost over and above what had been Paid by the sale of the cockerels just 3.9 cents each. This experiment showed not only that it paid to sell cockerels early, but it also de- that FARMS -IF YOU WANT TO SELL your farm or to purchase a farm or city property write to Harry Cantelon, Real Estate Agent, 010 Brock Ave., Toronto. 47-3 church centre and its church n- inow fences. * « * The grocer in Toronto who was g through with military work. Victor Sanders, nephew 'of Mr. C. H. Sanders of Exeter, was a dis- rnonstraled pullets could be raised much cheaper than they could be bought In the fall. r Just Arrived-- * Between 7.30 and 8.30 p.m., * * Saturday we will put on sale * * at special price a 16 oz. pack- * * age of seeded raisins for 10e. * * Between hours mentioned only, * 2 package(. ie limit wall your * order. * * * * * ` * + * * * « * * * .._ Johnson Hson & CO it •• The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PHONE 111., Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 one Hundred dollars by Judge ingsford the other day for dumping quantity of eggs in , the garbage the case and Judge lelorson :led that as the eggs is question 100 already completely spoiled when order-in-council,wlipas odich e rd ion wasim¢de under r the eggs 'were not food at the pencer on the Llandovery Castle, the hospital ship torpedoed by the Ger-.VIi mans, and it is feared he was among the victims as his name does not appear among those rescued. It was feared that Nursing -Sister Car- ling also of Exeter, was among the lost bttt apparently she was net on this ship,and Si.SHelens Mr. James Joynt left for Toronto last week to take a course in pbysi- cal trainin . g g Y Miss visiting atiW. ie J. lr°ranps,Lpndon is Mr. John Durhin, who underwent in Wingham hospital, is 9IcNSTfNvL� SHINGLES Let us show you how to make a forty year shingle roof. CAR DRESSED I I\I. PINE Some beautiful V matched Siding square matched Flooring, u ! THE CORNED STORE Live and Let Leve ------ � WE SELL ALL THE BREAKFAST - •-•- -__ .._. _ 1 HIGHEST PRICES FOR ia�RAiIT leas 1 Ferri81-Wcf,,gof License No. 9-2109. time and did not come under der, The eggs were `.`defective," iU is alleged,• when purchased frons cold storage company in December g P e about three cents per dozen, The cold storage system, as far as (Unary Polk can see, seems to be t wrong. Eggs should not be sold Canada at any time or place for roe cents per dozen ; they should used when they are flt for food not kept until they are ` only orth three cents. But it appears at dealers can sometimes buy "de- eggs, which "will not keep ore than two months" for three its per dozen. Who wants a "de- Ale*" egg at any price ? If an 'ib not good it is bad, despite e well known story -of the curate's g• Dealers in a town like Clinton are to candle their eggs and 1 Use°llf Substitutes NeCessar - 3' • + Canada's new wheat crop will not reach the consumingMisses public as flour for three months at least and in the meantime this country he be very short of wheat flour, The use of substitutes, therefore, bpeonies au imperative necessity in this country and our people should familarize themselves with methods successful- ly used in baking these substitute flours.• On the 1st of July the Canada Food Board Order became effective requiring all g public bakeries and private households -also, to use 10 percent. substitute cont. On the 15th 00 July this percentage is to be increased to 20 percent. Substi- Lutes, ,as defined by the new law, an operation doing as well as can be expected. Miss Mary Little is Thome from Al- lenford, . T r Winnie and Vera floods r have returned after spending a week visiting friends in Erin and other places. Mr. and ilIrs, Richard Martin spent e. Sunday at the. home of Mr. Robt. Woods, We are pleased to see Mr. harry Manery around again, after being so severely hurt in a runaway some tulle ago. Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Barbour of Erin,accompanied bythe Misses 1 Nina and Winnie Woods of St. Het- ens, spent the week -end in Hayfield. p y Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie and Alrs, Cameron of Guelph are visiting at Mr W. C. Webb's. CAR CANADA CEMENT Your assurance of perfect saUisfac- tion in old and new work, ,CAR SUI''", COAT; Would strongly advise anyone with a furnace to put in at least part of their supplyof this coal. CAR CHESTNUT COKE For upstate stoves this is next to the genuine Anthracite from which the American Fuel Administration is practically barring us. Tho above items although of new g stock are comparatively reasonable in prices. We also have good supplies in our other staple lines and solicit your inquiries. g H FOODS AND ALL THE DINNER AND SUPPER FOODS , ' SPECIALS e Oran es g rS .—.", CBMENI', BRAN SHORTS FLOUR Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays TERMS—CASH Lemons, Bananas, gaSt Fruit, Strawberries, Tomatoes, New Potatoes,er New Cabbae g ,•----. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED _ E. IIUNI�IF®�� 1OU Canadian Food Control-Licenseltr3r 5-3123 P ]t o n e 4 8 . • t ii1.,) We have a few Praire State 1 Incubators left. which we will sell at last year's prices rath- I than carry over -in sizes f. of 100 egg, 150 egg and 240. ,l egg capacity. ,,1 /ate ' } J ��� As there was a shortage o? ` `JOHN HUTTON LONDESBORO COPPING 4�• quired ship any but those that are end, They are then shipped to e cities and it is while there that include bran, shorts, corn flour, corn meal, edible Cornstarch, hominy, corn grits, barley flour, rolled oats, oat meal, rice, rico flour, buckwheat 0 "There's a fight going on ; are you snit?" J. B. MUSTARD'•--• 1BRUCEi'IHLD ey become "defective." dour,' potato flour, tapioca flour, ryeNN Eggs are valuable as food but ey are easily rendered unfit for od, They should 'be used when osh, like fresh fruit. Flood' the arket with thein if necessary and low people the luxtu:y of eating as any as they want occasionally• be tucked away in flour and rye meal. Potatoes ate also classed as a substitute for 'pleat flour, in propotilon of furNo. pounds of potatoes to one of the other substitutes mentioned, on ac- count of the higher percentage of water to Potatoes. A large number School of (Oi'I1rr1€1?ce CLINTON ONT. ' The Clinton Flour Aiilts will do chopping every Saturday at 8 cents a bag' FLOUR. Have you tried our North Star flour ? Made from pure Manitoba No. 1 hard wheat, TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH. poultrylast year 11 is ext- ec I t attc wail for live poultry all sea- ! a son. We are always fn the ' rri ve market for live poultry and ! will be pleased to quote you prices at any time. a carload of Feed Corn. We 'ewe* have also scented a quantity, of Choice Seed Corn in the GUNN, LANGLOIS following varieties : L N O �®I� CO.e Selected Yellow Learning,.CLINTON Giant Prolific Southern Ensilage, 'N.: W. Trewartha, ' *e4na 100 g , Manager or FloImoavitlo 4 011148 Selected Red Cob Ensilage, should not me corner of a 0010 storage plant await a rise in the market, ,;hen rgotten or overlooked until they spoiled and then dumped in e garbage,; According to facts recently brought light the cold storage companies the greatest food wasters in made, ea �, fApdile housewives spoonfulthecold Y 'sked ton. oraag0 people waste it by the ousewives should hot cense to 0e, if only by the spoonful, but o cold storage companies must be ode to discontinue wasting. of millers are ready with these 011- ferent Moura and as soon as the public demand calls for them they will be distributed tbrouglhout the trade, and are now procurable by, dealers. There has, been smote talk about the price of substitutes being high in proportion to flour but ie is expected that this condition will get as the generalg into remedyf circulation. throughout t1pr0U heat the trade. In the case of corn 'Heal, the price has advanced for corn in Chicago on account of market con- ditions. Canadian millers were de- pending ou American cotn and ad- vanced the price of corn meal ac- Considering the National Crisis and your ability, in what capacity can you serve best ? Dont say UNSKILLED LABOR— Canada needs SKILLED LABOR Untrained workers are as great a hindrance as untrained soldiers, A Course at This School will enableyou to Answer this Question with SATISFAC' TiON TO 'YOURSELF and to CANADA. a JOHN SCHOENHAI.S Thane No, 8 CLINTON License No, '4-376 Early Amber Sugar ,;ane, As the season has �- -- r ri.�t r��o w ,c 'i h A ah' tr�nu DLlnure Oartley ww., 9221' : Enrolment No, 97, form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock n. season at this s tiS9l at his awti sumo. Wed 1Snd, 7'uckerstnith, 'Porins $15 to insitte,. $i•, W. NO'I''I 'f�ren�'r.,tt�nC arrive cd for tee hatching of Baby, We will buy, your cream and guar Chicks wo Itave in stock a antee ou- Y quantity of Baby Chicle Feed 'HIGHEST. PRICF•S which we are selling at teas- ACCURATE RECORD enable prions. PROMPT RETURNS Seed Buckwheat, (Silver ENTIRE SATISFACTION Hull Choice); and also our Write its for cans, We supptys usual lino of Flout, Bran, them, Pay express charges. Pay, Shorts and Feed. yeti for the ereant you blip twice each 111011111, Carefully weigh/ sem- highest Prices for Grain and Wool, pro and test each can and send you �----, • a statement. Write today, prices ere You Bet They're Not Y rhe small boy sometimes sees oaf itt and sees fat. Ile reads the ;ns of the tithes unabashed. John, . a eo-education school in England, t finite a good iigttr0 at the exam- seione, but failed to get the high- t merles awarded in his m red cordingly on all new contracts, It is not expected that this market condition 'will continue, however, as there has heen plenty of corn in the United States since last harvest, With the 1018 0001) in -prospect, it is expected that there will be a still more plentiful supply tar the coming seas°,. The Business World Needs Your Services and its Doors are Wide Open to You TiTL SCHOOL OFFERS -THE FOLLOWING COURSES: Beal tress, .Stenographic, Secretariat, Civil Service Ensiness Ponmauship andaeeaugesSpecial Courses for special stuticui,s, For £artier particulate write to WARD, Ws. His father was astonished it iuttensed. (Jelin beaten byit ell "John,I am Medea to find ( ¢t lett hare a1.l0wed yourself to defeated by a Mere girl." , lir viewof i greet neednlet/ tress every Canadian farmer should der a B. f1'. 13.A,, AI. Accts., Principal �, 'o Specialist, M. A. STONE, Corn, PHONE. QR Vice -Principal ..._. _ .. _ .,....._. 31 ....,......._ ,.... • ee high, nn f►a Jenkins Walt Agents, A#� ��pa � —W. G, Neal FLOUR AND FLED. leinbure.-11011 it Co., t Elevator lehorie 199 Jtesidenee 9143 Varna-l3eatty B.tos, C a Retail License N0. D�••-`w3Q$ �'rm° Seaforth vt�et'tei` Ca, �1ti 1tNlt1[SpeYS 'iAnnnetn i+tn. th„-.R7; n..., weo cY.Yirini�mrt rert}s„ "Yea, father," says John, Whitish- i y, '`I Havel blit I can tell you methintrr--g1rls are not sq're12' 910010 Car air." --'i710 Argnnat).t, divot all sutpltiu wheat to the MAT- Ice() at onto. The lillt(s lire dos gerously short until file coming liar- west brings Mitt, SCHOOL OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT, 3RD MI ..... vsR ....•