The Clinton News Record, 1918-7-11, Page 3•n BRITISH RE -TAKE HAMEL AND 1,500 PRISONERS IN SURPRISE ATTACK A►1St1'Jlli a .Assisted.by 'Tanks .Advanced 11 Mile Arad a Half (rn. $•.Mile 1a'ront With 14/gilt Caisualties, duepateli trout the British Army In Femme, save:-mComplete sttoeese -Crowned the splendid surprise attach, tirade by the Atlstraiiaus et dawn on 'l`heraday against the Germans be.. ,wean Villers=liretottaeux and the Somme.. trite enemy_ 'was taken entirely un- awares and the 'big -framed lightest% from. Australia stormed. their war through the bewildered grey emits With little opposition --•a veritable. bluest tornado. which lerl a wake of death behind it Hamel village was rushed and taken in short order. Valle and Hamel Woode, with their nests or crackling machine guns, wore passed .through ea Ibougb the Australians were doing n practice charge for their botnntale Ace and aline -of enemy trenches east •of these strongholds was cleaned out and annexed: • About 1,500 prisoners were in the British eagee this afternoon, while out en the battlefield grog[ numbers of the German lemi1o1•olee inep lay silent ilo' der the brilllealsu1189190 which aould bl'Isg them no oheer. - it took the assaulting forces about an hour and a,. half to Complete their work, aid at the end or that time they had, with exceedingly light oaeuallios, wrested from the enemy a strip or, territory four littlest wide and averag- ing a mile and a half deep. 13y thle operation they eliminated a sellout in the British line and gained „valuable Digit ground. The Atetrarlans went over the top behind n large number of teaks, which were to pilot the way. Two minutee Dam that hour the British .ertlllei'Y all along the sector dropped a tremen- dous barrage on the German defences frontguns of all calibres. This wag the first warning the enemy had of i dossing trouble. Not Et word con- cerning tate attack had penetrated to Lee other side, 'Even the great un- couth tanks had been got into post• Him without the enemy being aware of the[,• presence, American prairie schooners, F,a0'ce by the' Supply Corps of alnil itir sights on the pial, the U.S. army, Markets of the World Breadstuirs Toronto, July 9,—Maotioba wheat • Tynyiry.'--1p-`-- —No. 1 Northern, $2,23'1 ; No, 2 do„ FURTHER GINS U. S, LAUNCHED 1 heat,. No. 3 , c store Na 4 wheat, $2,101/;; ill store hm't Wil- liam, including 2>,4e tax. ON THE PIAVE 52 VESSELS JULY 4Manitoba oats -No, 2 C.4V„ 86eed, No. 3 C.W., 83b4c• extra No. 1 Eesti, 83a/ae; No, 1 feed, 801&C, in store fort NEVIS FROM ENGLAND NI+WS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN aVieIA AND 1119 PEOPLE; C1ceerreueee In the IA+7ttd `fiat Reigns Septette in the Comfier• dal World, 'A correspolldont writes that West• nuo'elend bids fair to be Cue waving cornfield this year. The King and Queen will attend her - vice le St, Paul's .In July, to 00111010. morale their sliver wedding. The new )ted .(:roes hospital in Manan /toad, Tottenham, lies been for. Enaliy opened by Prinoeee Cl•letian, The met! of the British Solaniki force have subscribed through their War Savings Associations the stun of 5191,448 In War Savings Certificates. A memorial window has been dedi. cated in Lower deeding Yaluroh by the 131ehop of Chichester to the late Capt. both of bothe U.S. and Canada, are being used lit Robert Egerton Loden. Pending negotiations between the Trammel, Workers' Federation and 'rade 1;10.95 to $11,05, Rolled oats,) the company, the 13x1 tui trent-wee g Iron inc middle, Fest 1 y, a 1 ay bags, 90 lbs, $6.10 to $5,'1.6. Brttn,: a $35, Shorts, $40. Mouillie, $67. 'Hay, strikers hays returned t0 work, No. 2, per ton, cur lots, $14.50 to. I .Aa American. soldier, six feet seven $15. BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI - inches in height, was accidently tellies at lluisltp. A Roman oven has been discovered in a mound, in a meadow at Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks, The Northampton 'Tramways Cone Ontario Boys and Girls Are ! mittee have decided to Cease mumble Living. Itram-oaro on Sunday and a half-hour t earlier on week days, Winnipeg's VC�. hero, Capt. C'hrielo-1 10lizabeth Mary Ann Orchard a pher O'Kelly, has returned to France, street cat' conductress, test iter life by Lieut. E. 1J. Cox, a well-known Win- falling oft her car 011 the curve at lieu uilieg elan, was recently killed in ac- uington Oval. Son. I Tlie Battens of London are coming During the month of May there were forward well ror service under the 41 births in Moose Jaw and six deaths, Anglo•Ilalian Gd nvention, Winnipeg girls donned overalls and D'Ira, Leiper, :1..11,5., has been ap• handled freight during the recent C. pointed as woman dentist by the Es. R. atrik sex Education Committee. Live Stick Markets Toronto, duly 9—Extra choice heavy steers, $15.50 to 516.00; choice heavy steers, $14.50 to $14.75; butchers' cattle, choice, $14,50 to $15.00; do,, good, $13.75 to $14.00; do„ medium, $1.2.00 to $13,00; do., common, $10,00 William, to $1'1,00• butchers' bulls choice 12 A despatch from New York says:— Ontario wheat -,No, 2,,,Winter,pee 511.75 to $12,25; do., good hulls, 1 Airmen Drop Blazing Oil on The United Stales launched on ''Mims- car lot, $2.22; basis in store Montteal. Peas—Nominal. $11.00 to $11,50; do., medium bull;, Austrian from Balis, day a greater tonnage in ships than Berlet'—Malting', $1,2.1 to $1,26, $10.25 to $10.50; do., rough bulls, A despatch Italian Army site has lost during the whole pro- acgordingg to freights outside. $7.60 to $8.60; butchers cows, choice, 1. );leaflquarters says: — The lighting ;fess of Navythe European war, Secretary Buckwheat—$1,80, according to $ 12.00 0;tod$12,50; 12neliun, 8 b0 to $ 11.0025 o that is ah progress alongthe louver of the )Daniels acid in an ed- freights outside. 5; p g dress at the Fourth of July eelebrat[on do. common, $7.00 to $8.60; stockers, I reaches of the Piave is as severe as Manitoba flour—War quality, 8'00 to $11,00; feeders, $11.00 to was that of last west in this regiotl of the Tammany Society, More than $.10.06; new bags, Toronto and Mon- $11 50• canners and cutters $G CO to •where mud, sand and water are every 400,000 dead-weight tons, ho said, are where under foot and clumps of tall - shipyards into the water from American growing grasses are frequent. To add shipyards es a parr of the 1ndePen- t to the difficulties, rain and wind dente Day celebration, while the total storm; occasionally sweep over the American tonnage destroyedbysub- ' area. marines is estimated at 362,223 tons, At four points the Italians attached including 67,815 tons sunk before the • the Au.trian position in this region, United States entered the war. along a frontage of eight miles. In "We have launched to -day'," Mr. this comparatively small stretch no Daniels continued, more than the i less than 12 temporary bridges thrown Germans sank e? the ships 01 all across by the Austrians were destroy- nations In the last month for which ed by airplanes dropping small bar- we have (Aida! figures. The recent relit of burning oil upon them. The enemy submahtd. activities off our Italian infantry are frequently seen a coast resulted in the loss of 5,411 short distance away, calmly waiting gross tons of American stripping. During the same- time, 130,000 dead - while the bridges are attacked from weight Caus of shipping were built. $8 50, track Toronto. -: the sir, the troops then being thrown — i against the remaining Austrians. Country Produce—Wholesale About the most violent resistance BRITAIN'S 1.001) Eggs new -laid, 45 to Otic; selected, displayed by any of the enemy troops CON'T'ROLLER DEAD new laid, 47 to 48e; cartons, 48 to le that of the Bosnians and Herzegov- — 49c. inans or. this front, who are still A despatch from London sayge Butter—Creamery, solids, 45e; do„ wearing their picturesque turbans. As Viscount Rhondda (David Alfred fresh made, 40 to 47e' choice dairy the Itallatls advance they are finding Thomas), the British Food Controller, prints, 41 to 42c; ordinary dairy the dead among these already stripped died on Wednesday morning at 9 prints, 88 to 40c; bakers', 36 to 38e; by their' comrades. There are other o'ciceb l) 3'1 to 1- eyeAustrians. h ho as soon as t themselves safe within the Italian oleomargarine treat freights, prompt shipment. $11 50. good to choice, $90.00 American corn—No. $ yellow, kiln to $1.40,00; do,, coo. and need., $65.00 dried, nominal; No, 4 yellow, kiln 'to $80.00; springers, $80.00 to dried, nominal. 2 $1,{0,00; light ewes, $19,00 to $16.00; Ontario oats—No, white, 80 to yearlings, $.15.50 to $17.00; spring 81e; No. 8 white, 79 to 80c, accord- jambs, 20 to 22c; calves, $13,00 to ing to freights outside. $17,00; hogs, fed and watered, $1825; Rye—No. 2, $1.80, according to do. weighed o0` cars, $18.50. freights outside. Montreal, July 9—Choiee steers, Ontario flour — War quality, $10.55, in bags, Toronto and D'[ont. butche t' $12.50; inferior, $cher' real; prompt shipment. butchers' bulls, $10.00; botcher;' Milifeed—Car lots—Delivered Mon- cows, $7060 to $10,00; sheep $9.00 treal freights, bags included: Bran, to 61''2,00; lambs, $18,00 to $19.00; per ton, $35,00; shorts, per ton, $40.00. calves, mills -fed, $9.00 to $15,00; Hay—No. 1, per ton, $13.00 to select hogsle$29.00 to $19.25; sows, $14.00; mixed, $11,00 to $12.00, track $16.00 to $16,,.5 Toronto. Straw—Car lots, per ton, $8.00 to GOOD HARVEST IN lel ANI'1'OBA EXPECTED TISII COLUMBIA. Items From Provinces Where Many • One hundred and fifty' more men be - Nursing Sister. ion Wisher!, Winni- longing to the Birmingham pollee force Company's premises wben two dry peg, is among the nurses wounded 1t , have joined the army. kilns and the bevel siding were de- ,Et.aples May 1919. Nathan T3lrehail, a C'horley fernier, strayed by a disastrous fire, Girls' Institutes will be organized as I was fined Ll0 for failing to pun. tour Leek of white seamen on the coast euxil1arles to the Women's Inseltules l aces of land under cultivation. at Victoria has forced the British 111 Western Canada, lures taking one match ileo a 010111- authorities to arrange far the manning Winnipeg Great War Veterans are tion factory Jessie Adelaide Price, of of the imperial Munitions Board's making an effort to secure civic poli• I i.oyton, was fined ten shillings, wooden steamships by Chinese trews. Bons for returned men. i Birmingham collects about six hum The tou•)st road to the Silver Tip The Manitoba Goveruuleot has len- dred tone of old tins a year, and sells Falls at the foot of Mount Revelstoke natively decided that 'Winnipeg shat] It for ,1x300 per ton. i will be opened for traffic by the end be a city of automatic telephones. The America» Red Cross has hand -of the present month, 'L'Ite Greeley I.,ieut, 11. A. Harper, son of Prof. ll. ed the British iced Cross ,1'10,000, the Creek road is open for the summer R. Harper, or Western Canada Col. first Instalment of a donation of £30,- season. lege, Inas been killed iti action. 1000 to the Scottish Women's t-lospi- The Government-owned elk which Alien enemies in western Canada tai kava for some time Past languished FROM SUNSET COAST y9 fIA'1 TIIIg WX5$TNRN PEOP1414 ARS IIUINtI, 1, Progress of the Great West 'fold Jn a Few Pointed Paragraphs. The Deflence Packing Co. bee re• 0olved the 9ar10ti0n oC YaneQUver • Comet( ter the erection of a $50,000 cold storage>plant. It 1s Contended at Ncly Westn,lnstei' that the Fraser River pilote meet have special knowledge and outelde pilots should not be eligible, The Vancouver Stook 10xcltenge, or- ganized in 10'07, has 1'eoenliy moved into oommodious quarters at alto colt ear of Hasting8 and Honer, New West>niaster nierchaItts have just completed a buy-at•home eatll- paign by offering speeiai indttoemente in home-made manufactures The latest assays front the nee lybdenile property at Gray Creek, 13.C., have averaged about 5 per cent,, making the deposit a very important 00'0. Corporal L. V. Masters, of Rieh- nlond, B.C., who organized the that Sea Scouts in British Columbia, bas completed three months' furlough at his home. 'Steamers leaving Venvouver for the far north no longer carry great ear• goes of bottled spirits for Alaska and the Yukon, which have voted them- selves dry. Miss Mary Browne, a Cumberland nurse now overseas, was awarded the Military Medal for devotion to duty, though wounded, in the recent rattle over Paris, The output of coal by Vanvouver Island collterlea for the five months ceding May 31 aggregated 717,266 long tone. Damage to the amount of $15,000 was sustained at the Ontario Lumber are not to be alleles to buy school Lord George Hamilton stated at a at the C'olouy farm at. Eseondale will — A despatch from Winnipeg says:— lands al the coming stria of school Prosperity again stands at Manitoba's meeting or the (Juderground Electric he removed, not, as first intended, to property. Ralw•ay Company London, that they Vancouver. Islami, but to the Queen door. A rich and plentiful harvest is Charles ,iohustone, formerly seer •• carried 900000,000 forecast in the first official crop re- nary or the Moose .law Agrteulunal Passengers last. ('hartottos. port issued by the Manitoba Agrieul- vont, [f plans oil \'ducouver garage and Soo[ety, died or wounds III Prance, The wedding took place to the automobile eslablishmrnts 1014 1.011- tural Department. Mae)a' I The report indicates clearly Unit the 1 e 1 1 Chapel Royal, Savoy, recently, of Cap- summated, these places will cruse at (est a tad c crop is about six days ahead of its Since the c i4 ' S tl recent operations for die Cheese—New, large 23'. to 240; normal schedule in 70 per cent, of the dis- home A. V. Las ,man, a gory, s ta.in John ,icelaughtau. Canadians, and U o'clock in the evening and remain owever, w home on leave, and reports to scarcity lion. Doris Kitson, daughter or Lord closed till 7 in the morning and also they are taken prisoner and find { twos, 23 Yt to bac, [ g p of military dentists in Prance and Eng- and Lady Airedale. close all day on Sundays and holidays, 1 It 1' f l land. • The [louse of Keys, isle of Ulan, has By locking up Nick Enrico, the ash l 1 d i \\'innipeg'a Citizens' Committee of lrefusedthe franchise to coneoleutious British Columbia Provinctal Police lines, cry, "Down with Austria!" Rhondda weakened gradually, There Beans—Canadian, prime, bushel, tions prevalent, and the other 10 per One llnndred who did such splendid Bt t ----e.-- (were few rallies and the bulletins $7.50 to 58.00. Foreign, hand -pieced, cent. show a tendency to backward-1snrvlce during 1110 civic strike, will objectors who refuse to do work of believe that they have prevented the ROSS -RIFLE FACTORY - !from his bedside in the past few days' bushel, $6.75 to $7.00, national importance. activities of a dangerous alien enemy, TO 3IAKE REVOLVERS had held out little hope for his re-! Comb Honey -Choice, 16 or.., $3.50 nes0, not disband but will form a league to per dozen; 12 oz., $3 per dozen; sec- 5- watch civic events, A memorial has been unveiled at who was prepared to enter upon n covert'' I ends and dark comb, $2.50 to $2.75. Rev. ('r G. Stone, of Vegreville, • Great Easton, Dunmow, by General wrecking campaign. Enrico was ap- Maple syrup -Imperial gallons, SHIT' PRODUCTIONBeale Colvin, il1,P., to Iussex men who pre1Eended ho Ocean Falls just as he Viscount Rhondda was the man who oAlla. has Joined the Royal Air Force, $2. 6; 5 -gallon tins, $2.10 per gallon, WAS HIGH IN JUNE have fallen fu the war. was about to sever a high-power ]lee Alberta coal mines report. a swamp- The Freemasons of North Loudon and connect h with one of lower volt• put England and most of the United Maple sugar, per pound, 24 to 25c.--- tug of orders, and gretU. difficulty 1u Kingdom of Great Britain on rations i — A desptch from London says:—The will provide' equip and maintain a age which leads into the pulp plant American Arms Company, Limited, a and won the gratitude even of the Provisions—WholesaleBritish Admiralty announced that getting effiEnraged citizens miners.. or \'pada, Seesk., ;deet of motor ambulances for twelve for the purpose of operating the' ma - eery large order•:for the manufacture people whose food supply he regulat-I Smoked meats—Rolls, 32 to 33c; during the month of June 134,159 a town northeast of Saskatoon, smearv'months of the Western iron[, ahiaery. of revolvers for the United States. ed. Before he achieved the task it hams, medium, 87 to 38c; heavy, 30 gross tons of merchant shipping was ed yellon• Paint over the store of 1 None of the street lamps in tirlstol' Since the opening of the fur Seaa011 army haling been received by the new was generally regarded as all but MI to 31c; cooked hams, 50 to 51e; backs, completed in the United Kingdom Joseph Fournier, hardware merchant, ;will be lir during thirteen smuttier ;last fall, fora to the value of 5300,00') company, Whish has just obtained a possible. plain, 14 to 45c; backs, boneless, 48 to yards and entered for service. because Fournier had refused to sub- weeks, have Dossed through trade channels charter from the Dominion Govern- , •49c. Breakfast bacon, 40 to 41c. Eke tient and is capitalized at 52,000,000, Cottage tolls 3a to 3bc Mayo the head officeto be in Quebec. It is The C.N.R. will expend the largest a purely Canadian company, the of- __-_ ,lies, 28 to 28b5,c- fat backs, 2,r. facers heing: President, T. A. Russell, A despabch floor Amsterdam says:l Lard -Pure, tierces, 30th to 31c; tered for seuvieo. That was the Toronto; Vice -President, 11, D. Scully, —Mohammed[ V., Sultan of Turkey, tubs, 30 to 31 bac; pails, 31 to 31%e; }highest figure for any month during Toronto; and Thomas Craig, former died at 7 o'clock on Wednesday night,' prints, 3`t. to 3'Ly c. Shortening, the last ,year.' In April the shipping Rifle Company, general superintendent of the Rosstierces, 20 to 26 Sic; tubs, 251 to 11_- been ......oiled ;Flys a Constantinople despatch receiv-,263'ac; pails, 26ts to 27c; 1-19, prints, completed totalled .111,583, and in ed here byway of Vienna, 271/; to 28e. March 1(11,674 gross tons, b December 31. 1910, Mohammed V., thirty-fifth sou- 'Montreal Markets Keep a careful record of your flock to be completed y , ereign of Turkey in direct descent of Montreal, July 9 -Oats, Canadian the year round. It is the only way to and it is said that the maximum num- the House of Osman, founder of the western, No, e2, 9615c; extra No. 1 find out how much they are earning Ler of employes will reach "0.00,0. empire, came to the throne by a coup feed, 931le. Flour, new standard fpr you. FOURTEEN HUN ACES KILLED d'etat on April 27, 1909, alter hav- ing been held for thirty -throe years a e -' prisoner by his brother, Sultan Abdul Adest,a.tch from British Headgear- t.1., in the royal palace and gardens in ters in France say.,: --\o fewer than .1- fourteen leading German airmen, who were credited with a total of 363 vie- tor[es, have been killed or captured recently, including Baron Richtbofen, .. for whom 90 victories were claimed; Lt. Max Mueller, 34 victories; Lt. Von Bitelow, 28 victories. German bonll,ieg organizattbns have also lost heavily. The lolled and cam persion of the fluid, consequent to a 24spring made,laces re -porting. Of the remainder, severe attack o p eurisy, Lordlarge, 25% to 26c; twins, 213 to ..0 c, about 20 per cent, claim norma condi- A des{tach from Quebec, Que. says: --The factory formerly occupied by the Ross Rifle Company will be re- opened in September by the North SULTAN OLS TURKEY I Dry Salted' Meats—Long clears, in HAS PASSED AMAX tons, 30c; in cases, 30%c; clear bel - The record of British shipyards for June fell below that of May, when a total of '197,?74 gross tons was en - general manager, and is also on the board of directors, The contract le GI;R\1.INS FURCL'HEtt SQUEEZE BELCLUM A despatch from Amsterdam says: —The war contribution which Bel- gium has to pay to Germany, says Les Nouvelles, has been raised from 50, - lured include Capt. Kleine, Commander 000,000 francs to 60,000,000 francs of -the so-called "T('ngiand" squadron, monthly. This is equivalent to 750 francs per heed. The Germans have convoked the provincial councils to THOUSANDS ARE READY discuss the method of payment by the Belgians. 'T(5 WORK ON FARMS A despatch from Ottawa says:— Highly satisfactory results in connec- tion with the registration of the man and woman, power of Canada have been obtained, according to Senator G. D. Robertson, who, on Thursday, is- sued his first statement of returns from various constituencies in which the work has been completed. Al- . really the Registration Board has Canada Presents France With Fully Equipped Hospital A despatch from Paris says:— President Poincate went to Joinville le Pont, where Si,' Robert l3orden, in the presence of Gen, Currie, commander - several The Sand -shoes Used by Our Soldiers in Palestine When Negotiating tt e in -chief of the Canadian armies, and Sand of the Desert. several ni'oninent Canadians, present- 'i'he soldier 1n the picture look 00 re that the footgear should be a pro• hod's arc all excellent ianvens nnegliP d him with a full -et ed Canadian microns fenttn•e in the landacatie, These sand's scribe Lo the military leete',A, Fund. 'Tile people of Zanzibar have sent to Britain a further sum of 9120,000 Por Part of the proposed $2,000,000 on war purposes. new railway extensions throughout l A. hospital is to be built in 1,-Vool- Alberta and Saskatchewan. tech as a memorial to soldiers who Winnipeg Puel 0008111110(8 are ad- have fallen in the war. vised to 1ny in ail average of 65,000 tons a ulonfh during June, July and August 10 order not to crowd delivery. The City Council have nsiced the in Va ouver. Mayor Todd,of V[otoria, has been advised that the National Editorial A't+soClatiOn will meet hi the North- west in 1919. All workmen at Victoria employed No land in Hyde Park will be avail - ,in the provincial department of Pub - able for allotments. a8 1t is ail re- tic Works will be placed on an eight - mitred for military purposes, I hour basis. A dead whale, meaearing twee] One of the largest ahipmenta of the Dominion Government to take immet. seventy feet, was washed ashore at t'Red Cross Society was made last Felixstowe a few days ago. I month, when 1,002 pairs OC sacks and Wlreworm is doing a great deal of '96 pyjamas were sent from New damage In .Notts, particularly on re- Westminster to headquarters at To - coldly ploughed grass laud. rotltO, to be sent Overseas. The death took place recently all Joseph Lee, Vernon, B.C'.. an in- Swanbourne House, \V[nslon', or Lord tented German prisoner, convicted of ('ottealoe, lu his eighty-eighth year, I uttering seditious language, has been sentenced to 18 months' imprison- 5iudsummer, Iment, Mr, W. J. McIntosh, 1'.angley's When the grainfield lies like a lake of chief. of police, has been furnished with instructions to search the home- of omes of people suspected of hoarding flour or sugar, diate action that will permit- Winnipeg citizens to obtain hard coal ror next winter. A tablet to the memory of Lieut, Mowbray Perdue, youngest. son of ('bier Justice and Mrs. W. 19. Perdue, was unveiled in Holy Trinity ('butch, Winnipeg. Crop eouditions in Saskatchewan are more ravo•able than In Manitoba. Approximately 3,100 men 19 and 20 years old registered in Manitoba. Hon. W. 10. Perdue has been official- ly appointed Chief Justice or Mani- toba. P11e Calgary street railway welt show a dedeit or $26,0011 this year,• unless fares ere raised. Approximately $45,000 will be ex- pended on tale G.'r.R. to ballast the line between Talmage and Weyburn. Winnipeg 'merchants are protesting against. the. restriction of luxuries, as tnany small retailers' business will be c'iDeted, 53,000,1)00 SUBSIDY TO FLA X -GROWERS A clespatcll front London says:—The House of Commons has passed the second rending. of the bill providing for a Government subsidy of £600,000 to promote :flax growing in Ireland, to glass, When the strawberries dry in the longest g'l'ass, When hlark-eyed Swans are all ablaze, When hosts of the fireweed 'Flus[? the clearing. Then you may know that the title is nearing - 'The height - of summer, the fierce blue clays. When the night breathes deep, like a worn-out steeper, When shadows of great white clouds fall deeper, A sharper foil for the glaring sem, When out of the hush,' a bird sings rarely, When winds blow fitfully, brooks run sparely, You may know that the youth of the year is done, :�erni'e(t the ,tomes of thnilsntt1., of hospital. 'Tile hospital contains �2),OI lion. and shad with them the 1110(1 Can travel 11911fJ11 t. (11ro stilly over the (Id. PP replace the lost Belgian and Russia,) ' --- eaemople willing to give assistance m asp I •beds, which number will soon be 111-'ae'L sand. \\111011t thein the un>trcustoulcd and lrcnchernne stn face is aptiCl'Opa and to provide niateial far the Scalloped codfish and rice is do trgricO ,',' t iilc'-work, pnrf.icuLu;y sur- 0101(8, ing harses.t time. creased to 1,040. Ito prove full of pitfnlis, army, envy and ler forces. eeeeeeeeee ese-_eeeee eese ,esea eeeeeeeeseee see.'= mom"?" aeseseee R1``i'4 ee,..,,��gm����se�,,,-+.- e,,,,s--.,+hep, ,gem.,a-ee,e,,,eae ea..se,ees e.... e, ..se...xxaygee..e..M„,s,,,�...eessee 91°�•"R•,:-�•." w.,...�y v .ess ....see, ._ ...,. ._. ., aMi ,7 wP.d, ., d: -el' w.L1:11) 4,L.v fun. Training ii - Tomatoes. In order to secure the maximutn yields of first class tomatoes it is ne- cessary to train the plants upon a support, such as a five foot stake or trellis. The plants should he tied to the support every eight or ten inches and all the aide• branches which de- velop in the crotches of the leaveo should be hrokeu or cut off early in their growth before they have taken too much p11nt food or strength from the plant. This will conserve the .plants eners gles and cause the tomatoes which de- velop along the main stent to mature earlier than they normally would, Another great advantage of train- ing lies in the ease of harvesting and the reduction of disease. Many home gardeners have had trouble with snails appearing during tho night and eating holes in tilts tomatoes, 5»uils give iittle trouble if the towhee: are kept off the ground. FRENCH iN VIGOROUS 'I'ITIII. tl'1' ('A1'1'[TR18 1.1)00 )'RIi4))NlatS A. despatch from London 9.1ye: -+ The French have struck savagely against the German lines on Thurs- day, this time rutting through the enemy ranks 11051' the town of An- treches, south of Moululsolg-Tout- vent, where on Tuesday night they won a local success and raptured pris- oners. • Here the tlernlals lost, 1,000' prisoners. The French improved their positions by „raining rather hitch ground, which ran be readily defend. - eft when the (;ermttn., Dimwit their ex951118d offensive. It'13 hard for nn esopty•busg to ata11(1 upright,- 'Benjetnitt Franklin, 4 a A 4a r 1 1 4 4 __v -. aiJ12 Sw:ATsl, �4;oj/ �0jf% is AI iN { ;vie. FtRsT R out ., ,.. t� ' , . - ", t vA e / � ;�•� 9 ,..i FY;+i PI .,.. (.; .......;:r._mo w -. ./ +4 . • / r '�-^ A , R-E'ATEf-, Y�)I A 1 I I 1' I rJ_ Y �jy r/1 MAt e 1 �::.r•.-^ �;'1,... , ".r.,•••. •`-�"`-”` _...,. stet t�•.,"v" .^.a vt �o..t4� `>: 4* � �`r .i,�a sy •, '1;16 ilyj.� �/ Q /ij - "'S /�(i� � F. ,il ter' ' t �i .rit r[e;:,,- ` ' Na r 4' Yfi w .,(t "�.•u,} e�y. r ��� �/ !� . ,: ..r / ( '{' ,,Cy\ •. ✓„,,),',3.?:,?/..r, / , ., eyer (' di3 h.�,ryw -�- •.z•, `7t) e; ,. .� , R ° '- r1 et, ,�1 Y �i ` i; i J, H ,P14. 'N k e `} .F At 'r 1 A� `4 atJ', { t . i ' ��� v ''' ', yy,,�� fir_ 1(!• 1. • v,. v.. e• 3 '! vs , .r yri :.� 'E rte^. '1 lir / i,J�,�. a / 4: �. ee *? / ys k��� \: � r 1 %� .:,� F,S _, t , t�, : �tia• • � jP- v v t t :( \''.." r.'.r,L�-`'a , S`I ♦ �'. �+ t,�.. 'fib.` a a'e t '}?e e L% a i.'� '� �> 'i...PEOPLE Gjn' t / , C.`R 'dj ry ,., _ f� aa ,(41A ,M1' t + u' a Y J i bw "r� .. �i J>t+..�r , ,, w ani C y- 1 , ' ilr,r. ' - k?Ol ti• ` ,Fly, , s `3b 'el/ 'ry1, 4f 1 {{ •1. 4• . %��- '�'. ' t lira' ,til ,,� . ,•� ie 4 y",7",,. eve' A\. ,�� r l 11,r r r ; ;' . r ...:....,--- 1:7OIc THIS TOM DOM IF You pON LIKE 7NE p4A`I YDU M101iT Ai LEAST LEY OTHER ENJOYNO - J 1� ° y 0 a - n i �( ,p. �-' t'r« as w..,ii'i .. 'I _„�, - ,..-•-•” „"".. �: ..t '' a`� l ! i•. Y tris ,, '3i, ..�-"""",. ,1:::.. ,. : �. se ' ` 1 J•l J . 1'� , ••ce t qt. ,•.:, .,.« `' t r . ; .. ... ,.0 _... 2i.AY(f'eifikeltt•:,,,o. e IA o .. w ®1 •S 47 u.2r m j. Elf � S A . i .,Nits. G1 `, 0 A `') ! .• , ;�'"�L r R'. i '",�t Training ii - Tomatoes. In order to secure the maximutn yields of first class tomatoes it is ne- cessary to train the plants upon a support, such as a five foot stake or trellis. The plants should he tied to the support every eight or ten inches and all the aide• branches which de- velop in the crotches of the leaveo should be hrokeu or cut off early in their growth before they have taken too much p11nt food or strength from the plant. This will conserve the .plants eners gles and cause the tomatoes which de- velop along the main stent to mature earlier than they normally would, Another great advantage of train- ing lies in the ease of harvesting and the reduction of disease. Many home gardeners have had trouble with snails appearing during tho night and eating holes in tilts tomatoes, 5»uils give iittle trouble if the towhee: are kept off the ground. FRENCH iN VIGOROUS 'I'ITIII. tl'1' ('A1'1'[TR18 1.1)00 )'RIi4))NlatS A. despatch from London 9.1ye: -+ The French have struck savagely against the German lines on Thurs- day, this time rutting through the enemy ranks 11051' the town of An- treches, south of Moululsolg-Tout- vent, where on Tuesday night they won a local success and raptured pris- oners. • Here the tlernlals lost, 1,000' prisoners. The French improved their positions by „raining rather hitch ground, which ran be readily defend. - eft when the (;ermttn., Dimwit their ex951118d offensive. It'13 hard for nn esopty•busg to ata11(1 upright,- 'Benjetnitt Franklin, 4 a A 4a r 1 1 4 4