HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-7-4, Page 8Most Assuredly vve Want
Your Walt Paper
Row to av'e Goal and
Wood for Next Winter
by getting a Perfection or Puritng Stove
an HAVE Oil I T1iElYl.
And Leake sure of a supply of Coal Oil or Gasoline
(as it undoubtedly will be short at times)
Get a 25 -gallon or a 45•gallon
steel tank
1 Second-hand Gasoline Stove
2 Second-hand Ovens
Clinton Ne
July 41b, 1418
Why not have boyphoto
in he army. family before
Cheer yourYOURs with the best news PHOTOGRAPH from home
Make the appointment today.
We do Copying, Enlarging,
• and Amateur Finishing
ROY BALL, Photographer, Phone 66
but we do not want
you to be influoneed in
otir. favor by anything
except the actual mor -
it$ and reasonable Prier
es of the goods offor-
e(t plus—your practical
good will for which
we aro heartily grate-
Tile WeaFairGO.
'Often the Cheapest
Always the Best.1,
Scarce Ooods
Less Than Mill Prices
$2.40 lb.
White Footwear
This season without a doubt, will be the season of Ail the
seasons for Women's White Footwear !
We're showing the Best White Shoes made, anti we ask
the attention of the woman who enjoys wearing Choice
White Footwear of Special Merit !
White Boots
White Oxfords
White Pumps
Ladies' Military or the New Low Tread
Walking Heels
$1.75, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00
Our Shoe Service is always Painstaking and every woman
we shoe will have Well Dressed Handsome looking Feet t
Special Order Clothing
Mr, James Connolly of Goderich was
in town on Friday.
Miss Sadie Mahaffy was with Sea -
forth friends on Monday. •
Mrs. (Dr.) Struthers and babe are
visiting friends in Whitby.
Mrs. J. Scruton and little daughter
wore in London last week,
Miss Emma Southcombe .was up from
Stratford over the week -end.
Mrs. J. A. Robinson is visiting Mrs.
de la Penotiere of Kincardine.
Mr. Eddie Shepherd of Toronto was
up for over the week -end and holi-
Miss Ethel Wasmann, who has been
teaching at Mountsberg, is home
for the vacation.
Mr. H.- C. Holland is this week pre-
siding. at departmental exams at
Wingham High school.
Mrs. A. Porter of Goderich has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Tyn-
dall,_ during the past week.
Miss Edna Pennabaker leaves today
for a month's visit with friends at
Toronto, Oshawa and Kingston.
Mr. Chas, McKinnon, who has been
teaching at Sault Ste. Marie, has
joined his wife and child in town.
Mr, Oswald Hunt of London bas
been the guest during the past
week of Mr, and Mrs. Will llam-
blyn. •
Mrs. Joseph Finn and baby MIeredith
of Port Arthur are visiting at tiro
home of the lady's sister, Mrs.
W. II. Hellyar.
MIr. and MLs. W. U. Laternell and
Miss Margaret Combe of St.
Thomas were visitors in town
over the week -end.
MIrs. D. Steep of Stapleton returned
on Thursday after a fortnight's
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ach-
eson of Orangeville.
Mr. R. Dunbar of London spent the
week -end with his wife and little
sons at the home of the lady's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. Burnett.
Mr. Earle Steep of Stratford and
his friend, Mr. S. McCallum, spent
the Week -end as guests of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, D.
Miss Victoria Patterson of Wiugbam
spent a few days last week as the
guest .of Mrs. (Dr.) Struthers and
is this week visiting Miss Ithylo
Rev. Mr. Roy, his daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Roy, and little daughter Mad-
eline of Lambeth were the guests
of MIr. and Mrs. W. J. Paisley over
the week -end.
Miss Grace Shepherd and her niece,
little Miss Isabel Kemp, arrived
from Ottawa last week and are
spending the vacation at the form-
er's home. Mrs. Kemp is expected
next week.
MIr. Thos. Watts motored up from
Oshawa on Saturday and on his
return on Monday was accompan-
ied by his wife and two little Sons,
who had been spending some time
with the lady's parents here,
Mrs. Joseph Guest of Winghaen is
• visiting her mother, Mrs. Mitchell
of Albert street. Mr. Guest has
taken a position at Weston and
Mrs. Guest will remain here until
he has secured a suitable house.
MIr. J. E. Ilovey and Master Billy
motored to Markdalo on Satur-
day, returning. Tuesday.. On their
return they were accompanied by
Mrs. Hovey and babe, who have
been visiting in Markdalo for sev-
eral weeks.
Mrs, James Watters of Seattle,
Wash., formerly Miss Lily Miller of
Clinton, arrived at Bayfield yes-
terday evening and will visit for a
few weeks with her aunt, Mrs,
Chas. Donaldson. She will also
visit Clinton friends before return-
ing home.
MIr. and i11rs. A. Weatherwax and
two children motored down from
Orillia the end of the week and
were the guests of the lady's par-
ents, bIt,, and Mrs. D. Cantelon,
Mor. Weatherwax returned home
Tuesday but his wife and little
ones are remaining for a few
Our new set of samples for Ordered Clothing for
spring is now here, and in spite of war conditions is
one of the finest selections of High-grade woolens we
have ever shown.
Our styles are the latest
Come and 1ookithem over
Style Books:
We are also showing" some new natty stylet in
Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats, Ties and Shirts
See our table of rlen's Boots at $3.50 a pair
and our prices are very
and get one of our new
Plumsteel Bros.
$2.40 Pair, 11-
Dainty Enough
For a Queen
yet priced so as to be within
everybody's reach. That ex-
actly describes our bedroom
furniture of which Wo aro just-
ly proud. Seo the display and
you will surely want, one of
these graceful dressers or: Chif-
foniers or one of the beautiful
beds contained in the exhibit,
Undertaker and Funeral Director. 8
28 Phone 'Ili"
Dry, Goods, House Furnishings
Next to Royal Bank
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) Men's Furnishings
OppositePublic Library,
Rev. Dr. and Mfrs. Aitken left
Monday for a month's holidays at
Port Perry and Courtright. The
Dr. will also attend the Sunday
school convention at Whitby.
Rev. J. N. .Jones Preached his
farewell sermon on Sunday. The
Methodist people here were sorry to
part with him. Ile was most ener-
getic in INC different branches of the
chuIch's Work,
Miss Jean McLean, Miss Agnes oft
Sproat and Miss Etta
on Monday to attend the summer
school at Whitby.
Despite the disagreeable day a
number from here went to different
places to spend the holiday.
Mr. Jas. Sproat and sister, Miss
Marcia, accompanied by Mr. Horn
and Miss McNeil, spent the holiday
with Tuckersmitir -'and Seafortli
Mfrs. Harold Walker of Peterboro
is a visitor with her mother, Mrs.
Wm. Ivison,
Sergeant and Mrs. McDonald of
I,ondon are visitors this week with
the latter's mother, Mrs. .3. Ander-
Mr. A. I". Cooper of Clinton will
speak in the interests of the Ilur-
on Temperance Alliance on Sunday
next in the Presbyterian church.
The lawn social and concert held
on the manse grounds and in the
church last Thursday evening was 0
great success. The people came in
largo numbers and one hundred and
thirty dollars was realized. All who
took part at the concert did admir-
ably and Rev. Mr. Garret gave quite
an interesting talk an this experiences
in France and England.
H. W. C. A. and Red
The societies at this centre are re-
quested to leave their supplies at
Mor. Fair's store or at Mor. O'Neil's
grocery on or before- Saturday,
July i3th.
,The following letter was received
from headquarters re "Tho French
Day" July 14th. It is hoped the
societies will respond as generously
as they did last year
"Dear 11•Iadam,—We have received
from. Colonel Noel Marshall, Chair-
hairman of the Executive Committee of
the headquarters of the Canadian
Red Cross Society in 'Toronto, a
letter asking us to again bring to
the notice of all the Iced Cross So-
cieties and Circles of the London dis-
trict the urgent need for a fresh
ai7peal on behalf of the French Red
Cross. The magnificent response in
this district to this appeal made
last year, and the very unique and
sincere affection felt for France
`since the beginning of this war by
all her Allies, make us very confi-
dent that the response this year will
be again worthy, not only of the
cause itself, but also of this dis-
trict, which has already made an
enviable name for itself throughout
Canada for the splendid war work
Clone here during the last four years.
This confidence is echoed by the Ex-
ecutive in Toronto through Colonel
Marshall, an extract Iran whose let-
ter is as lollows : The 'Executive
Committee of the Canadian Red
Cross Society, having again receiv-
ed an urgent appeal from the London
Committee of the French Red Cross,
to take part in an Empire -wide ap-
peal for the sick and wounded sol-
diers of the French Nation and for
the French prisoners of war, I am
desired to inform you that the Ex-
ecutive, after due consideration, have
approved of our Society, through its
branches throughout the Dominion,
taking such steps as may appear to•
be most advisable within their sev-
eral jurisdictions, for the purpose of
raising funis, on or about July
11th, as Canada's contribution to
the British Empire Fund for the
soldiers of France. The Executive
feel sure that, considering the sac-
rifices our gallant Allies have been
called. upon to make and the mag-
nitude of their needs, a generous re-
sponse will be forthcoming Froin the
people of Canada to this appeal.' "
Yetirs sincerely, -
Lilian 13eek,
Lorna i•Iarrie,
Floe.. Cor,-Sec'Y
Rev. C. C. and Mrs. Kahle and fam-
ily -passed through town on Tues-
day on their way from Londes-
bore, where Mr. Keine has just
finished a successful. four-year pas-
torate of the Mlethodist church,
to their new hone at Cottam,
Ont. They were going by motor.
Although Mr. Koine had passed
through Cottam on his way to
WalketVtlt0 to the conference fn
Jutne, he said lie had paid no at-
tention to the place, not expecting
to so soon 11e located there. This
illustrates the uncertainty of the
life of a Methodist preacher,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Crafts, Miss
Velma Crafts and Edna Lyon motor-
ed from Dresden on Saturday and
spelt the week -end at the home of
Mr. Harry Lyon.
Mrs, A. E. Kerslake of Exeter
spent Sunday at Mr. H. Lyon's.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mason ae'c:
family went to Detroit to visit Mr.
Mason's parents over the week -end.
A large number from around here
attended the celebration held iii
Goderich on Dominion Day.
Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston and
MIr. and Mrs. Kunkel and little % family visited at Crediton over th.•
week -end,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore of Clinton
spent the holiday with their broth-
er-in-laW', .Mr, II, MCBrien,
M'Ir, J., 13. Lobb of Galt paid :b
flying visit to his niece, Mrs. C. L.
Tyner, on Sunday,
Miss Etta McBrien of Toronto N.
home for a vacation.
Mr. R. J. Watkins is improving his
house by giving it a coat of paint.
daughter motored up from Niagara.
Falls last week and are spending a
vacation as the guests of the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Crawford,
and with other friends hereabouts..
Mrs. Geddes of 13elgrave and Miss
MicKellar of Brandon, Man., spent a
few days with Mrs. Dan Geddes.
Miss Anne Ahrey has returned
home from Toronto bringing with
her her two nieces, the little Misses
Mr. Robert Geddes of .Belgrave
spent the week -end with his brother,
Mr. D. Geddes.
Rev. C. C. and Mrs. Keine and
faintly left on Tuesday for their
new home in (:ottani.
Mr. J. 0. Lounsbery autocd to
Delhi on Saturday and returned
this week bringing back Mrs. Louns-
bery and two children who have been
spending the past month with the
lady's another, Mrs. Chrysler,
Miss Clara Young has returned
home after spending a few weeks
with her sister, MIrs. Inert Brown of
Rev. .las. Abrey and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Watt picnicked at Bay-
field on Wednesday.
Miss Watkins of Clinton spent the
week -end with relatives here.
Miss Elsie Millar spent Tuesday
with Goderich friends.
An Appeal for Belgian
Every woman in Huron County is
called upon to assist in the work of
Belgian relief,
1st—Money-88.70 a month, Coeds,
clothes, and educates a little home-
less Belgian orphan. Anyone guar-
anteeing this amount forsix to
twelve months may have the name
and address of the chili] so saved.
$20.00 wt11 feed, clothe, house and
medically attend a poor consump-
tive, starved, rickety, ailing little
Belgian child in holland . for six
weeks -16,000 are now on the wait-
ing list. Who will save one ?
2nd—Clothing — If every Huron
County woman would mance one gar-
ment what a grand bale of clothing -
we would have to help those help-
less, homeless, suffering little ones
in 13elgiuln.
Let Huron County ego over the
top" in Belgian relief work by each
woman doing a little.
'Voter local secretary will give you
all information you may desire.
—Sara A. floveniock,
Convener, 14.C. llolgian Re,Ilot
Seaforth, June 14, 1018.
As an example to the nation, Pres-
ident Wilson has purchased a fleck
of sixteen Shropshire sheep and put
1116111 to make mutton and wool on
the lawn. behind the 'White Ilouse,
known as the President's Park,
'rhe Red Cross will meet on July
13th at the home of Mrs. W. Mair.
The continuation class in the Sum-
merhill school presented their teach-
er, Mrs. Snyder, who has resigned,..
with a handsome silver fruit dish,
at the .closing of the term,
The following is the report of the
recent promotion exams held at S.S.
No. 12 :
From Pt. 1st to Pt. 2nd—Wesley
Wright, Russell Miller, Jean Forbes,
Reginald Bali.
From Pt. 2nd 1.o '.Jr. Ind—Viola
,Johnson, Violet Watkins, Clarence -
Ball, Jean Weir.
From Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3r1—Willie
Lee (hou.), Russell Jervis (hon.),
Ray Mason, Elva Smith.
From Sr, 3rd to Jr. ltb—Mabe
Wright, Robert Johngon, Walter
Forbes, Wright,
Mrs. Edwin Britton and Mrs. W.
Britton and daughters spent a few
days as the guests of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rorie at
Warwick and other points.
Mrs. Adam Nicholson and Mrs,
McArthur spent Thursday visiting
the military camp at the Heights.
Mrs, W, Moore and son ot Toron-
to are visiting her. parents, Mr, and
Mrs. las, Mann.
Mr. and Mrs. .John Fowler of ilar-
purhey spent a week visiting friends
around here.
The Ladies' Md met at the benne
of Mrs. Chas. Micareger on 'Thurs-
Quite a few went too lllyth on
Monday while others went to Lon-
Hullett Township
Mir. and Mrs. .1, W. Kilbride spent
the. week -encs with Mr. and Mfrs, .1.
Shanahan, 'Jr.
Pte. 'rhos. Flynn of London spent
a short while at his home on Mon-
Miss Louise, Healey of Windsor is
visiting her sister, Mgrs. Wm. Mor-
Pavilion, Jowett'sGGJro've•
Wednesday night Jiy'
from 8 to 12
Blackstone -Buckley
Five -piece Orehesti a
and up.to•date Fixtures
of all kinds
Plumbing, Roofing,
Troughing and Furnace.
Estimates Cheerfully Given
yam& Sutter
y and Electricians
I lttmboas
Phone 7