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The Clinton News Record, 1918-7-4, Page 4
lio. w to Keep COOL and Contented aio'r OUT t7NDir:lt A SHADE TR10l0 WOTLI-- A HAMMOCK A FAN A BOOK PURC'IIASIeD AT eseeemeamemarememeneessemaerameta A. T. cooper 1 A. gen t: C.N. Railway, G,N.W. TelegraPh Clinton, Ontario GodtfriPh Township GQ al i township • > ou ma ,lune 251,11 with all inmmhers lirosmnt, Minutes o[ last meeting as read were approved. A petition signncl.bY lvlr. .Albert • Townshend and twenty-two other gravel pit owners was • read asking for twenty cents per 'yard for oem- ant gravel and tern emits per yard for road gravel. • On 10011011 of Councillors petition Vander - burg and Ginn that part of asking for twenty cents per yard for cement gravel be not eonsldeted as contractors find their own gravel. The part of petition asking for ten cents per yard for road gravel be considered, the council agreeing 10 Pay ten cents per yard with the utt- derstaudhlg that owners of pits keep them open also keep roads in good repair through farm, eta,, to pit without extra cost to the township, Carried. On motion of Councillors Lindsay and holland the loliewiug ;accounts were paid : Pedlar People, corrugat- ed culvert, $G7.80 ; Hiram Hill, cem- ent work Rumball bridge, $301.1'3 ; Geo. Holland, overseeing work, $10 ; Joseph -Wilson, deviation road, $3 ; Clarence Potter, lighting Lantern Rumball. bridge, $3.50 ; I•d, Brown, iron, $8.10 ; Weston Bros., Bement work WI[son's bridge, $250.00 ; 0. Ginn, overseeing work, $14.00;, Reeve and councillors' services as roa.cl commissioners, $120.00 ; J. Leslie Cox, damages to automobile 012. On motion of Councillors • ilollnnd and Lindsay council adjourned to r ••' . Monday in Auu�t R • 1st neat t rk. —Adam Gan elm r It `• t , The Young Ladies' Patriotic So- ciety will meet next week at the home of Miss Mina Middleton. A special. Orange service will he held in St. James' church, Middle- ton, at eleven o'clock (new time) next Sunday morning when Lodges No. 300 and No. 189 will •attend in a body. Also it is expected that a number of the. Clinton brethren will be present. Mr. A. F. Cooper, son of 1VIr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Cooper, was successful in passing his second years' exam in connection with the Dental College, Toronto. The lawn social, under the auspic- es of the Ebenezer congregation held on the beautiful lawn of Mr..' and Mrs. ,lotus Tebbutt on Friday even- ing, June 21st, was in every way a grand success. The weather in the morning was somewhat unfavorable but cleared off in the afternoon. on. There was a Ane turnout to enjoy the social gathering, also to par- take of the good things provided • by the Ebenezer people. The. program was pleasing and instructive. The pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair, per- formed his part as chairman in his usual genial way. The speakers of the evening were : Rev. A. E. •7oii- ,en- ttt u h man ,.. nu • a � Levey, g Clarence uc 1 me T 0 Lsb of ty-nine years of age township, conhntitted suicide by shooting himself at his own premis- es on Wednesday morning of hest week. His wife ancl one •:hill sur- vive. No motive is assigned for the rash deed. ;GRAN :TRUNK RAIL Highlands of Agnew of Ontario St, church; Clin- ton, u1sQ Prof. 151far.d of Ottawa, formerly of Bolntesvillc l00eh gave. a line address whiell woe listened 1Q with great interest. Cthere taking part la the .program were 1 The Lobb tinnily, chorus ; (Hamm) Pat- ter, Hawesville, solo ; htstr(utheatilis by 1Vldsses Joy both and ;Snyder, Goderi0Ih ; reading by Earl Pow el, incl soli by 1Vliee Lulu Lehi:, all 01 which were well rendered and Jewell appreciated hY all The 'araeeeds of Lite evening aulounted t o $70 01, Ontario Sirs, Snyder, who has been engag- ed as teacher of the Summerhill school, has resigned. That she held a high place in the esteem and re- spect of both school and section was testified by the presentation of a beautiful silver calre dish from her graduation class, and the following letter written by the trustees June 27th, 1918 "Dear .Mrs. Snyder,—We, as a school hoard, desire bo express in a few words our appreciation to you for valuable services rendered dur- ing the time which you have taught in our school. We have Fouad you to be punctual, epergetic, and profici- ent lci- ent in school work and it is through your untiring efforts and thorough methods of teaching that the pupils have made such rapid progress, Wo hope that the influence of your life upon the miuds of the pupils may continue to blossom and that your life in future may be marked with happiness and prosperity.—W. Nor- man Ball, chairman ; Oliver .1. .Jer- vis, sec. -treasurer ; Russel 0. Neal, trustee. Mrs. Snyder has alwaysI rut a great deal of herself into ner work and she cannot but feel gratified by these expressions of appreciatinn. Clinton News4eGordl July 4th, 19'I$ Countg News , 'ala food oat l Mr,WilliamCampbell, aseossor end tax collector, eedebratr oil 1115 nighty -fourth birthday an Mon- day, Dominion DAY. 072 persons registered h Zurich Oa Jeue 22nd, In Goderich the number of Tagus- trams was 2750. Mrs. John Carmichael of Seaforth announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary Mao, to Mr, John Stewart of }lcnseli. The marriage takes place nils month. The Bishop of Huron confirmed a oleos of nineteen at Blyth on Sub. day week, The Liberalr•af North IX,Oratt met in convention in WinglTam: las© x a eek k and elected officers for the y constitution was amended so as to admit of ladies being placed on the same balls as lien as to holding of - floes and a number of women were electees to office. A resolution was passed recording the disapproval of the Assooiatfon of the course taken by the Provincial loader, gr. Proud - toot, during the last_ Dominion elec- tion and since and expressing also disapproval of the extension of par- liament. Miss Dorothy Felker of Godorieh l an's 1Vfissionary Society of the Pros - was severely injured by being thrown pyterian Church was helll• in Knox From her bicycle while riding down offers you and all the family the outing of your life. ALGONQUPN' PARK MUSKOKA LAKES, GEORGIAN BAY, - LAKE OF BAYS TIMAGAMI are all famous playgrounds. Modern hotels afford d cit Y comforts but many prefer to live in tent or log cabin—your choice at reasonable cost. Secure your parlor or sleeping car accommodation fu advance. All information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor - on o, or-onto, Ont. J. RANSFORD & SON, Phone 57 Uptown Agents. es of Wesley church, and Rev. .J. A.. started in Winghain by an Ingersoll Arial. The town ie being welted tp sell Or a _� fo J a. 6 000 . n � Ito coni ant, 1 p Y loan of years, One of the beet -known comnTereial travelers in Canada, W. 15, South- gate, Sr., died at his holne in Bea - forth on Saturday morning, pb sixty-nine years, from heart trouble and other complloations, IIe had been a resident of Canada about fifty ,years, living in Toronto about thirty -Ave years tato c ming- Provo England, and .to the P years had trade his home in Sea - forth, He was engaged in 'the man- ufacture of clothing for a time but latterly ,returned to his former voca- tion as representative of several of the best known American and Can- adian anadian factories. He was a Promin- ent Mason and, a Black Knight ot the Orange Order, and took an ac- tive ctive interest in each of these so- cieties ; being a fluent speaker his services were often solicited in this connection, IIe leaves his wife, one eon, W. E„ Jr„ who was his co- worker on the road, and one daugh- ter, 1Virs. R, A, Wilson, New York. The remains were taken to Toronto for interment, Tho district institute of the Wom- pa -threaders nor the said pathmas- tern worry their souls endeavoring to keep their gangs at work dur! statute lager rlaYs• Roadwork will hereafter be done by coritraet to that township and wllll, h0 charged up in the taX0e, Cetp, Barker and 13, izroetar, two yahng Englishmen who have peen Luskin/Dug Canadian airmen during the past six menthe ox so, te':ently visited their uuele, Mr. D, Erring- ton, Sr., of West Wawan.osh, Mr, Noah Cohtsigney of DeGeoib, ag• ed ninety-two years, recently visited his son, Mr. Chas, Conslgaoy OR Seaforth. A complete suit of soldier's cicth- es, with the exception of a cap, was found in a cattle car at Exeter one day recently, the hill road to the harbor. Messrs. Dudley Holmes, Jr., and R, Blomfield, made a canoe trip from •Wingham to Goderich, a distance of eighty miles by river, reeentiy. 'They encountered some rapids but their greatest trouble was caused by shal- low water:" -11 is 0 good many years since such a trip was attempted. It used Lob be an annual eventforsome of the young tallows to try a trip from Auburn to Cioclericil during the spring freshets but eeenthis ln snot 1not bean tried for many years. Dr. Frank 'Turnbull of Clinton lust his life in such an attempt and the . since. vT' . 1 110 bi been never tee trip has Blomfield, who is an experienced canoeist, !tent on from Goderich to Kincardine. On the occasion ,of the visib of the Bishop of Iluron to Goderich last week he dedicated three memorial windows, one to the late Judge holt and also one to his son, Phillip Ter- race, and one to the late Lieut. Leo Eliot, who fell in France, the A birthday party was given by Soldiers' Aid in Exeter last week at which $130 was realized. Little bags were distributed and the admission. was as many coppers as a soldier friend was years old. Pte. Fred Bliticomb hadthe most given is e • n his name, $10,25 heilfg contributed by his friends, and he was. said to have won the prize of a cake and pair of socks, which wore sent hini from the Society. Rev. Chas. L•Iomuth of West Africa has been visiting his father, Mr. Wm. Ilomuth of Wingham. A fertilizer factory is likely to ho 4 Bayfield la Messrs. R. Wilson and Keith Mc- Lean'of Seaforth were guests at the Albion the past week. Mrs. McArthur was the. guest of Mr. and Mfrs. le.. A, Edwards over the holidays. Though the weather was most un- favorable a large crowd came to the lake for the 1st. But the usually placid I-Iuron wee so trough there was no boating of any account. A. large crowd spent the day across the river in the park, and a large num- ,er spent the day in the arranged. village tak- ing in the sports which an energetic committee had g 'ed. At 1.30 the procession started up main. street, headed- by autos and followed by the Calithumpians, to the square, where the sports were held. The following is the list of prizes : Decorated auto—Dorothy Reath , Calithutnpians, Lucy Woods and Douglas Geminhardt, Mrs, Edward Sturgeon and Mrs. •%\igle ; 100 yard Dry Goods and House Furnishing Coneh & Co. PHONE 7S. U4uilinery and Ready to - Wes r (i arments Biiy Sunimer Dresses ReadytoWealh Fashion never created prettier patterns or devised more attrac- tive styles than we are showing in these Pretty, Cool Wash Dresses 80 truly summery, so attractively smart and dressy that you will be charmed with them. Made ot pretty Muslims, Voiles, Reps, Ginghams and Chambreys, new shades and plain colors, A.11 sizes. A.11 prices Special in House 1 50 Dresses church Wroxeter, on Wednesday of race—W. Sinclair, P. Moffatt ; Uoys 14 years and under—P. Davison, Les- lie Elliott ; Girls' 14 years sad un- der—C. Struthers, Rota ilarrieon Boys' 10 years and under—C. Groov- es, G. Elliott ; Girls' 10 years and under—Jean Grooves, Lizzie Harri- son ; Girls' over 14 years—Ernestine Partridge, F, Elliott ; Boys' three- legged race—Grooves 13ros., Weston and Toms ; Girls three-legged race— F. Elliott and Reta 'Harrison, Jean Woods and Ernestine Partridge ; Boys' sack race—John McLeod,. G. Elliott ; Girls' sack race—le, 1,1111011, C. Struthers'; Standing jump—W. El- liott, P. Moffat ; Running long jump tep —P. 'Moffat, II. Stewart ; Hop, and jump—P. Moffat, W. Townshend; Nigh jump—R. G. Keyes, W. Met- calfe ; 1-3 mile race—W. Townshend, W. Sinclair ; Sawing match—Richard Elliott and Fred Davison, Melvin Davison and Roy Duncan ; Putting stone—D. I.I. ' McNaughton, Cecil Wiley ; Baby show—Mrs. Lorne, Mrs. 1V, Robinson. In the evening a grand concert was given in the town hall, which was packed to the doors. Rev. A. MVfacfarlane, to whose en- ergy much of the success of the day was due, •occupied the chair. Among- st those who took part hi the pro- gram were : Willis church quartette, aucl Miss Barbara Mciver, Miss Far- quhar, Mr., J. 10. Doherty, soloists, Mrs. MacKinnon, reader, bliss Tor- rance and Miss Cantclon, accompan- ists, all. ot Clinton ; .1VIrs. D. Stur- geon and Rev. Dor, Macfarlane of lbayiield, also each rendered a solo, and the Misses Brennan of London gave a pleasing violin and piano selection. Altogether the program was an excellent one. The Proceeds of the day amounted to $210. • Results of promotion examinations in. Bayfield : From jr. 4th to Sr. 4111-0. Gem- einhardt 04 percent., L. Elliott 61, N. Toms 60. From Sr. 31:d to Jr. 40-D, Dew- ar, 70, W. heard 00, A. Drelunann 08, L. McLeod 61, R. Davison (re- commended). From Jr, 3rd to Sr. 3rd—G. Dav- ison, ,J. Lindsay, Cl. Clark, 11. Hig- gins, II, Brownlee, J. McLeod. From So. 2nd to Jr. 3rd—b1. Wild, M. Davison, R. Williamsoh, F. Beard. From Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd—J. Fer- guson, 13. (+Ibsen, E. Merner, W. Clark, 1). Gei oinhardt, L. Harrison. Prong Sr. Pt. and to Jr. 2nd—A. McLeod, .7. Wild, N Foster, M. Ev- etest, 1, Mustard, M. Elliott, G. El- liott, C. Weston, NI. Merner. Frons Pt. 1st to Jr. Pt, 2nd -0. Harrison, 17. Gilson, G. Darling. Pt, 1st—M. Ferguson, 1x3. Merner. —1). Geddes, M. Ferguson, 'Teaehots. 4. USING' POTATO CAKES gr,. 5, Kettle, Foreman of tate Grathd-Jury at the Anizee recently held et Parry Sound, has saved four hags of flour in six months in a family of six by the use, of potato cakes as a substitute tar bread. private pavilion ab the General Hos. pLtad, Toronto, and left last week to assume her now duties. Gordon Holman, youngest son of 1 County Clerk Holman of Goderich, who has spent the past two and a hall years in France, declined; a two -months' leave on the ground that lie was needed there. This is the sort of spirit that the . Hun is fighting against and it is utterly undefeatable. Miss Irina Kennedy, daughter of Dr. Kennedy of Wingham, has been appointed house surgeon Fn the last week, There were more than a hundred delegates present. Mrs. T, A. Bell of Molesworth, president of the Presbyterial, presided. The con- ference on Mission Band work was led by Mrs. Mann of Brussels, and the conference on home Helpers' work by Mrs. Sinclair of Delmore. Miss Campbell, a returned mission- ary from India, gave an interesting address. instructive e and ht Roy Sayles, editor of the Port El- gin gin Times, who was registrar for North Bruce, tells of his experience in establishing registration places in the .Peninsula. While driving along the road he ran over a rattle snake, had to slacken his car because of a couple of woodchucks which scamper- ed ahead of him and, finally, on turning a sharp cornea, almost ran into a big, shaggy, black bear which was squatted in the middle of the road. As the car approached bruin scrambled off into the woods and the busy editor was allowed to go his way. He, the editor in question, declares, however, that he did actual- ly see them all, the snake, the wood- chucks and the bear, and, knowing that 'the folk up in the Bruce Pen- insula ate all law-abiding people, whose strongest beverage le coffee or green tea, we're inclined to believe him. But wouldn't that be and a dandy place to go hunting- in the fall ? Mr. W. II. Rouser of London has been engaged as principal of the Wingham High school to succeed Mr. C. L. Brown, who goes to Sar- nia, No more will Mullett township council worry its brains appointing Wash Skirts We passed into stock this week several dozen Ladies' Wash Skirts. Made of Gabardines, Indian Head, Reps, and Pique. All sizes, Prices $1.50 up to $5.50 w Prettg, Cool Neckwear for Bot ©alis Many new novelties in Ladies' Neckwear and Furnishings have just arrived. Dainty and pretty ideas. At all prices and for all purposes. We have 1Yl.any Exclusive Novelties in these lines i!PI��NiII Qt( ' ter - FOR SALE BY 111111 & UTTER tectarys 111A'VEt I iELOWE3t BARD tag SCEIllt ROME �PsDTMESEIIVICE,, For Tie1eets, Reservations, Liter• ature and Information, appltn A. T. Cooper, Rook Store, ton, or write R. A. Wairbalm, 13,P,A„ 68 King St, D., Toronto, Different Kinds of Heat not d owl ce should Your furnace only give you plenty of heat, but the right quality of heat. Some houses would be better without any heat than the kind their fur- naces give them. I£ you study the Sunshine Furnace you will know what the right kind of heat is and how to get it. unshine ,Furnace Montreal Winnipeg Saskatoon'' London Toronto Hamilton Edmonton Vancouver 07 St. John, MB, Calgary 250y000 Maxwell Motor Cars re N In Ow e s' Service "More Miles Per Gallon" "More Miles ors Tires" Maxwell Cars 5 -Passenger Cur - - $ 1045 045 Roadster 5-P66ae,1der, with Ad -Weather Ton - 1200 5 -Paas, Sedan - - - 1670 6 -Pass. Town Cor - 1670 All prier. P. o. h Whatnot., rel. 1V ai' with S di, ndtm•n005 Secloy & Bartliff Clinton That fact alone is sufficient testimony to the excellence of this product, For the Maxwell clientele is composed of that class of buyers who select carefully and who demand full value for their money in quality and in service. Nor do , they accept mere promises— being careful buyers they demand proofs. Perhaps the very fact that we never have made a claim for this car that has not been backed up by proof in the form of official records, accounts inpart at least, for the pre- dominance of Maxwells. Another reason -and unquestionably a potent one—is the fact that there are no freak feat- ures, no inventions, no radical innovations in this product. We do not attempt to invent new devices or to supplant tried and proven units with others of our own discovery. Every unit in this Maxwell—motor, clutch, transmission, axles, steering gear, etc. --is of standard type — though designed and made a little better, we believe, by the Maxwell organization. For five years this model has remained prac tically unchanged. Refined in details, body design changed from time to time to , keep pace with changing fahi, r Ka�well buyers demand style s wail as efficiency;- — �5i�•.o°1 . • But in all essentials of chassis design the present model is identical with that of five years ago—because that first Maxwell was right at every point. 250,000 owners endorse your judgment when you select a Maxwell Motor Car for yours. �r_.SCS, r .1 „net,, ;,aP.