HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-7-4, Page 1intoe News
No, 2048 -49th Year
help Our Brave French Allies
by responding liberally to an appeal
for the French Red Cross on
a1 Wedding Presenia is just a little different from any other
gift, There is a sentiment attached to it that remains for a
1110 time,
Those who are going to make the June bride the happiest
girl in the world, will like to feel that their gift has durable
qualitq and intrinsic merit as well as the sentiment of remem-
Those who' choose their gifts from ns are sure of obtaining
Cho quality Leics endures,
' Inspect our stock before buying.
ZO. iE. �fellgar
feevelet and Optician - Clinton
The Royal. Bank
Incorporated 1889.
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 12,911,700
Reserve andUndivided Profits 14,564,000
Total Assets 335,000,000
Head Office, Montreal
450 Branches, With world wide connection,
A general Banking business transacted.
Clinton Branch - R, E. MANNING, Manager
Reserve 8 00 000
Capital $
98 Branches in Canada.
A General Banking Business Transacted,
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
Savings Bank Department.
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
H. R. Sharp, Acting Manager, Clinton Branch
2 he Morrish
Clothing Co.
I New Suits at,
Popular Prices
Men, Bug Clothing Now
The clothing we are showing was bought months
age and is priced accordingly for quick selling. The
prices are a sound investment for anyone who expects
to require a suit this year, or two or three years hence
Prices are Bound to go Higher
11111:MME10 [111•=10 MOM
AT 15.00
Young men's suits of
Grey Tweed, single breas•
ted, belted, patch pock-
ets, 3uif on trousers, sizes
34 to 38, price $15.00,
AT 22.50
Men's suits of Fancy
Worsted, three button
sack, good trimmings.
well made, trousers with
belt loops, plain bottoms
or cuff, sizes 35 to 44,
price 22.60,
AT 20.00
Men's suits of a variety
of patterns in tweeds and
worsteds, bench tailored,
trousers plain or cu#i, size
36 to 44, price 20,00
AT 25.00
Men's suits of English
worsted, In small check
pattern, soft roll, semi -
fitted back, big range of
patterns, sizes 36 to 46,
price 26,00
Men's blue suits, two or three button sacks, plain
back, semi -fitting or belted, $16,60 to $32,00.
Agent c; P. R.
Phone 18 for S'anday or night calla'
Goderich had a "loafer" ease last
week. The magistrate re ervod se
tonne for a Week to allow the man
to find a fob at some useful work,
Mrs. Gillis D, Gilehrist, Itatten-
bury street, will be at home every
Thursday of this month and after-
wards the 3rd Thursday, in each
There will be no meeting of the
Women's Patriotic Society this Fri-
day. Next week the meeting will be
held as usual in the council chamber•
and everyone who Ilea hospital sup-
plies out to make, is urged to bring
them to this meeting that they may
all go in the July shipment.
The monthly reports will also be
given at next week's meeting.
The marriage of Miss Rosalind L,
Boyd to Captain C. E. Dowding was
quietly celebrated at Boboaygeon on
Wednesday --morning of last 'week,
June 26th. Owing to recent ber-
eavements in the bride's family only
immediate relativesi were present.
The wedding presents were numerous
and very beautiful. Capt. and Mrs.
Dowding have gone on a trip to
Victoria, 13.0„ going via London and
Chicago. They will he absent sever-
al weeks and an their return it will
be decided where they will locate.
Capt. Dowding has the good wish-
es -of many friends in Clinton and
Mrs. W. H. Ilellyar received word
Monday morning last of the death
of her father, Mr. Frederick Ilam -
shire of Preston, which occurred
Sunday evening, The late Mr. Ham -
shire had been i11 for about ten
days or so with bronchial pneumonia
and Mrs, Hellyar had been with bite
for severalda s last week
Friday he seemed to have taken a
turn for the better and she returned
hoose. The change came suddenly ou
Sunday. The deceased was sixty-
eight years of age and is survived by
leis wife and three daughters by a
former marriage : Mrs. I3. Fair,
Toronto ; Mrs. Joseph Finn, Port
.Arthur, and Mrs. Flenlyar, Mr. Hell-
yar went to Preston on Monday and
remained for the funeral which took
Place yesterday afternoon.
The Girls' Auxiliary had a garden
party ou the lawn of Mr, C. F.
Libby, Rattenbury street, on ! hers -
day evening last, which proved to
be quite a success.
The grounds were very prettily de-
corated with flags and bunting and,
especially after the lights were turn-
ed an, presented a very festive ap-
pearance. The Midway, the duel
feature, was arranged along the
51de of the fence. an William street.
the v
Supper was served on , lawn,
the younger members of the Auxil-
iary acting as waitresses.
After supper came the buy show.
Three classes were shown ; babies of
a year, from one to two and a Itslf
and from tsvo and a half
to five. Twenty-one entries vele
made and the judges, Messrs. Libby
and C'iuff, found their task a difficult
one. The prizes were finally • award-
ed as follows : Muriel, little daugh-
ter of Mrs. (Dr.) Struthers, who
was born in Henan, China, took first
prize for girl of a year and John
East C'uninghame, son of ;Ir.. and
Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, first for
boy. In the second class there were
five entries. A' special prize was
awarded to the twin sons of Mr. and
Mrs, 1;. Lawson and the judges dee
ceded that the other three ought each
to have a prize also. In the last
class little Master Ross Fitzsimons,
son of Mr. and Mrs, H, Fitzsimons
won first for boy, a silver mug, and
little 3Iiss Minlue Hudson, daughter
of Mrs. J. Hudson, first for girl, a
pair of shoes.
The Kiltie Banti, headed by the
Kazoo Band, organized for the occa-
sion, marched through town and up
to the grounds about eight -thirty.
The "Kazoos" were all right too,
and caused much fun,
The midway was the place for
amusement, You could have your
fortune told, look at curios, take a
slide on the scenic railway, ring
Canes at' so much per shot, try your:
hand at shooting, or do almost any-
thing else .you took a notion to, and
a good many did everything there
was to do.'
There was also a stile table on the
veratulah, Mrs. W. T. O'Neil wee
the winner of the centre piece donat-
ed by Mrs. '1', '1', Murphy.
The pt0cnti s of the affair amount-
ed to something over two hundred
The young ladies are especially
gratettil to Mr. and Mrs, Libby, Who
gave their lawn and the use of
inside 'telae. outside the
Mese d
us s needed. Mr. Chant
a a
c tel 4 w
camp in for a good share al staid. -
Mk, also, as he Wired the grounds
for the occasion and thus' assisted -en
making the eltair a success, Others
also assisted by draping end helped
in many ways and the 'Strung ladies
greatly appreciated all st5011 assis-
tance rendered,
THE CLINTON lieA.l$I{l7T.,,
Wheat 82.10.
lit v
tcka l)eat t 41,3E
Burley $1.10.
Oats 65e,
Butter 39c to 35e,
Eggs 37e to 380.
Live Hogs 417,00,
The Emerson Journal says: "When-
ever you see a town down alt the l,'els
and out at knees, you will Find an ov-
erwoeked and underpaid postmaster
who is kept busy sending away the
people's money to the mail order
houses in the largo cities, That's a
fact brother."
The County convention of the W.
0. T. U. will be held in Blyth on
Wednesday and- Thursday of !text
week. On the evening of Wednesday
the.Gold Medal contests will be held
and in addition a Grand Gold Medal
contest, the first ever held in Huron.
Contestants from Clinton, Goderich,
Exeter, Brussels, Wingham ,and Blyth
will compete for the two gold med-
als and the grand gold medal,
Mr, L. 0. Paisley met with an
accident on Friday which has re-
sulted in his keeping indoors ever
since. He was on his oil tank down
near Seaforth when, something go-
ing wrong with the harness, be
stopped and walked out on the ton-
gue to fix it. One of the horses
started and he lost his balance' and
fell, the wagon passing over his
foot and one hand. Ile rode home
and refilled his tank before having a
doctor to examine his foot but he
has nor been able to get out since.
FIe is to be -congratulated that his
injuries were not more serious.
Miss Pearl Courtiee of Toronto,
who was last week appointed matron
of the Military FIospitai at Whitby,
is a cousin of 14Ir. E. G. Courtiee of
town and a niece of rilr, A. J. Cour-
tire of Tlolmesville. biiss Courtice,
who is a graduate o r• du e i the 'Toronto
General Hospital, bad had some ex-
perience at the Niagara. Camp be-
fore the war and she enlisted for ov-
erseas service in )015. After a
short stay in England she went to
Salonica where she spent nearly two
years in very strenuous hospital
work. On returning to England site
served at Basingstoke for a time be-
fore coating home on leave. She was
almost ready to return overseas
when she was informed of her ap-
pointment to this important post at
Whitby. hiss Courtice le a daughter
of the late Rev. T. R. C.oUrtice and
of Mrs. Courtiee now of Toronto,
who visited Clinton anti Holmesvelle
lest year. Mrs. Courtiee also has a
soli in the A.M.C.'overseas.
Next Thursday will be French Red
C:tossda C'
y in Clinton,
The -two ;Patriotic Societies aro
taking up with enthusiasm the mat-
ter of raising a substantial sum for
this worthy cause After four years
of war our brave Ally, France, is
almost bled white and still she
stands bravely facing the most re-
lentless foe a country ever had.
Stow she does stand is a marvel.
And even now she does not ask for
help but she needs it ; needs it sore-
ly. She needs help to care for her
stricken soldiers. We, Par removed
from the scene of atrile and yet in-
terested by the tact that our own
loved ones aro fightilig side by side
with her, cannot refuse to assist by
our means to supply the accessary
food, medicine and succour for the
wounded French soldiers,
The Societies in. Clinton will or-
ganize the town and two captains
and five assistants will be appointed
for each ward. These committees
will start out at five o'clock lir the
afternoon and every house and every
person will be canvassed for a sub-
scription. It is hoped that everyone
will he as generous as possible.
Sometimes people are inclined to
say "0h, there is always. some-
thing to give to. It is give ! give 1
all the tine,"
And it is just like that. 13u1, we
have our homes here safe and com-
fortable. In l+rance, during the past
few months, fresh territory has been
over •ren by the enemy and the peo-
ple have had to leave everything
they possessed and fly for their liv-
es, Clinton raised about 4550 last
year for this purpose and it can clo
bettor that' Mint this year without
doing withetrt a meal in consequence.
Have your money ready for the
Rod Cross cars when they call at
your floor.
'Chen eta the evening the Societies
have arranged to have a jitney ser-
vice hole the town hall to add to
the feeds. Cars will bo appropriate-
ly decorated and it ride around town
can be enjoyed for ten cents, Longer
rides into the country will bo ar-
ranged for alarger el11nn
Auto parties can be
the distance. 1c des aip
made up and a pleasant little • run
into the country can be enjoyed.
All the preeeede cif the. day will go
towards swelling the French Red
tames fund,
Anyone willing to give the use of
a car oft this 00Casi011 0110111d no'tily
141rs, Brydolie-,or Miss O'Neil,
Thursday, July IIth
The Ladies' .Aid of Wesley chareil
are holding a pionic tea on Mrs. Fl;
13. -Chant's lawn this efternoon.
The towel barbers will remain open
on Thursday afternoon of next week
amd will take their weekly half holi-
day on .Friday, July 12th.
A baseball game played on Friday
evening between the town team and
the sugar beet •hoers resulted in a
score of 18--11 in favor of the
Owing to the fact that •the Mayor
and Reeve were both absent Tuesday
evening the council only met for a
few minutes, passed some accounts,
and adjourned until next Monday ev-
The county rate this year is much
higher than last and as a oonscquence
the rate struck will not be sufficient
to meet expenses. There's likely to
be about $600 of aV shortage in the
county rate estimate,
The weather was too cold and _dis-
agreeable on Monday last for meth
lawn bowling but the president and
vice-president each got a rink to-
gether and had a friendly game in
tile morning, the` president winning
by four shots. Following is the
score :
President Vice -President
E. .1. Cantelon F. Jackson
R. W. Reid J, Harland
W. Grant R. J.. Miller
W. .Jackson sk.14H. Wiitse skip 10
The Organization of Resources
Committee, having received permis-
sion from the Registration Board,
are having the male caries gone over
and a new card, giving necessary
data, is being made for every man
brought up on a farm or who ex-
pressed a willingness to work on a
farm. This is not for farmers, of
course, but only for those men re-
siding in urban centres who have
had farm experience. The informa-
tion so gathered will be used to dir-
ect suitable help where it is most
needed on the farms, Registrar Grigg
has undertaken to have the cards in
South I•Iuron gone over and the'
work is already under way.
Mrs. ,Tames Shepherd and Mrs.
Robson of town received word last
Thursday morning of the death,
which tools place at Los Angeles,
Cal., of their only sister, Mrs. J.
N. Hurn. The deceased lady Whose
home was in Chicago, had gone to
California for her health but it was
not thought that her condition was
so serious. Her daughter had joined
her but. ai couple of weeks previously
and her death was a great shock to
her family. Her husband and a
fancily of three sons and two daugh-
ters survive. The three sons have
been drafted into the army anis It is
thought that this had been a source
of worry to her. The remains are
being brought to Oshkosh, which had
been the family ,:esidencc for years,
for interment.
The several churches in town ob-
served the national day of prayer on
Sunday last.
s , *
Rev. Canon hill of Goderich, form-
erly of Regina, Sask., will preach in
St. Paul's church on Sunday next in
the absence of the rector.
R • •
The Sunday school of Ontario
street church will meet at two
o'clock on Sunday next instead of
two -thirty to allow those who wish
to do so to attend the Orange ser-
vice in Wesley church at time
s r *
On Sunday morning at the Baptist.
church the Sunday school will meet
at half past ten. A special Flower
service program will be given and
the parents and friends are invited.
The preaching service follows at el-
even o'clock,
At seven -thirty in the evening the
pastor will take for his subject,
"}tepee lance,"
A meeting will be held at three
o'clock 011 Sunday afternoon next in
Wesley church whoa Murphy Lodge
and Orangemen from surrounding
lodges will attend divine service,
Rev. A. re, Jones will be the preach-
er, The centre of the auditorium will
be reserved Por bhe Orangemen and
the Sunday school r00111a will be
thrown open for the occasion so
that thea will be plenty of room
for all \Vito wish to attend' 4110 ser-
'4110 ileu, Dr. Gaudier, principal of
Knox College, preached in Willis
church on Sunday last both morning
and evening and addressed an open
session of the Sunday school in the
altern on. A special patriotic pro-
granwas given by members of the
Next Sunday the peeachelr will be
the Rev. Dr. R. W. Diekle of Mon -
keel. Tho Sunday school Will n -eel',
at a quarter to tea 011 Sunday rnorn-
1115 field; and for 111e remainder' of
the neither,
Mr, IL II. Johnson • to
n le rnO(l eclat
weep after attending his nlnther'e
funeral at Paisley. The late Mrs,
Annie ,Johnson passed• away stuidell-
ly at her home near Paisley on June
the 18413. She had been complaining
for a few days previously of pot
feeling well but her condition was
not considered serious at all and her
death was a great shock to her
friends, Sho is survived by two
sons : R. H. of Clinton, and Wil-
liam of. Prince Rupert, and one
daughter, Mrs. Dudgeon of Paisley,
Mr, Johnson motored up to Paisley
Ito soon as ho was acquainted of his
mother's demise and remained until
Thursday last,
The Registration Certificates issued
by the Board, being of paper, will of
necessity not stand much wear and
tear. We would suggest that those
who have not a case in which to
carry them should paste the slip o11
a bit of muslin or linen, placing un-
der a smooth, heavy weight until
perfectly dry. Then trim off the
edges neatly and they will be found
to be much better able to with-
stand rough usage and will probably
last until the need for them is
past. Should a certificate be lost it
the number contained on the upper
right-hand corner is sent to the
Central Registrar a new one may be
obtained but it is desirable that the
original certificate be made to last
out. 'rake care of it, ,
People You Know
Mr. E. Foster of Goderich was in
town last week.
Dr. and Mrs. Axon were i11 Mitchell
over the week -end.
Rev. and Mrs. Deihl of Paisley Vis-
ited Mrs. McCiarva last week.
lir. Sylvester, of Toronto has c1rn a
guest at the home of Mrs. ff. 1 av-
Mrs. J. W. Swan and children of
Hollyrood spent the holiday in
Miss Ruby Mana Ilan of Detroit was
home for a tow days over the
week -end,
Miss Ethel Bouck left on Monday
to visit friends at Toronto and
Mrs. John -Dignan of Exeter is the
guest this week of her niece, Mrs.
J. B. Lavis.
Miss M. A. Stone leaves 4 »! »S' for
her home at Essex, where she will
spend part of her vacation.
airs. J, 13. McDonald and two chil-
dren of Toronto spent the past
week with Mrs. H. Pennahaker.
Air. R. J. Cantelon of Wingham while
in town the other clay 011110d 'ou
his cousin, Bliss Lizzie Richardson,
Miss Florence Maynard of Mitchell
was the guest of Mrs, James
Brown over the week -end and holi-
,Mr, and Mrs. Wfn. H. Lockwood and
little t !e i4liss Hazel of Ingersoll spent
the week -end at the former's hone
in town,.
Mr. James McConneil of Roaebtish,
Mich., visited his uncle, Mr.
McC'onneil of town, during 1 he
past week.
TSr• J. 13. Lobb of Galt was a visit-
or with his sister, Mrs. George
(Tolland of the Bayfield ]load, over
the week -end.
Miss May Smith returned from her
school at Elmira on Thursday and
atter spending a 101' claps in town
left yesterday for a visit in Toron-
Master Everett Downs visited Alas -
ter Carl MacPherson, Goderich, ov-
er the week -end, also taking in the
sports in that town on Cho holi-
Cadet Clarence Monaghan, son of
141x. and Mrs. T. J. .Managhln,
who is with the R.F.C., Toronto,
hwas hoe over the week -end end
Mr. 1{. Chowen of Hamilton has
been in town this week, He, :llrs,
Chown end ,hiss Bettie aro
spending a vacation here and with
Goderich friends.
Miss Garrett and Mies Mothersitead
of Washington, 1).0„ were the
gnests of Miss Ward for a few
days on their 'way to Reynold,
where they have a cottage.
Mrs. Case and her daughter, Hiss
Margaret, and hiss Gln.dys ('nus -
ins of Seaforth were. guests or.:.
Tuesday of the hisses Bentley.
Miss Margaret Is remaining lot' a
longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevenson of
Toronto are in town this week
and, if ncgotlations under way
turn out well, they will probably
take up residence here again. Clin-
ton citizens will welcome them
back to time.
Mr, C:', D. Bolick left an Monday for
Braecbridge to take charge of the
Slimmer Model School. ()wing to
DM accident last week, by Which
he broke a Meals bone in his ase
kle, 11e was obliged to use crutch-
es, Miss lone ac0011)3 nlcd her
to I3ra
Jath0 r e
a lid
IVIr,and lrs x
a i4 Ni onVelsof
1 11 Toron-
to are spending the vaeatlon time
lt1 Clinton and vicinity, Mr, Welsh
intends to Pitt in tate time lia.x
pulling. ,After "pulling" flax tor sit
weeks or so he will probably Con-
sider it at etnclf to "plant" ideas
in the minds of the youth when
the sch001 term opens agate,
People You Know
Nibs Thompson and Mrs. Marr
Paris returned home on 'Thurs-
day last after spending several
days with their cousins, the Nllsc-
es Bentley. They came by motor,
Mr. and Kra. W. S. Downs and Miss
1VIuriel, accompanied by Mr, re 'G,
Matthews, and family of Auburn,
motored to Listowel, Saturday (w-
elling, where they visited relatives
and friends over the holiday.
lira. Dowding went to London on
Thursday last and visited friends
there until Monday afternoon.
While there she saw • her son,
Capt. Dowding, and his bride oft
on a trin to 'Chicago and the west,
1Vliss Usama Lavis went down to
Oshawa on Thursday last and on
Saturday returned with a Chevro-
let car for leer brother, J. 13. Lew-
is. Misses 131va and Edna Lavis
accompanied her from Toronto and
are. spending the vacation at their
home here.
Dr. Tillman, wife and family, of
London have taken Dr. Partridge's
cottage in Lakeside Park for July.
Mr. George Mason, Sr., and son,
John Mason, wife and child, and
Mrs. Robert Beattie and family,
were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. ilk
E. lerwin on the holiday.
Miss Doily Ross, who teaches near
Woodstock, is home to 'spend the
Clarence Pollock and. the Misses
Brenner of London spent the
holiday as the guests of his mother,
Mrs, Fl. Darrah.
14Iiss Rae Govenlock of Lindsay,
was the guest of her sister, Mrs,
William Ferguson, on the holiday,
Rev. le, C. Jennings and (laugh-
ters, Misses Inez, .Katherine and:
tiar1Un, of Brantford arrived this
week and have taken possession of
their summer cottage on Cdrules
Mr. Edward Tremwith of Limit -
lord is the guest of Rev. le. Jen-
neng s at his summer cottage.
Rev, W. E. Darling, wife and
family left on Tuesday for their
new field of labor neer Brantford in
the Hamilton conference.
Mr. Charles Dupee of Edmonton,
Alta., is visiting his sister, Mrs. 1e.
Gern inhardt,
Miss Sweets of Wingham is the
guest of Miss Dorothy Heath at,
their summer cottage on the Ter-
The following are guests at Miss
Ferguson's for the season : ler.
Charles Edwards and wife, Toron-
to ; Miss 0. Baxter, London, and
Baroness .De 1-Ienri and family of
Mr. and leis. George Green and
family of Drayton and Mrs. A. Van -
stone and children of Gerrie were
the guests of their mother, 3'Irs.
Green, over the week -end.
Dr. Partride, wife and family are
spending a week at their summer
residence in Lakeside Park.
Mn,sI{irk and daughter, Miss An-
nie Birk, of 'Toronto are the guests
of Mr, and Mrs, James Sturgeon,
Thomas Brandon and wife cf Wiug-
haln were the guests of his mother,
Mrs. Brandon, over the week -end.
bliss Gower of Loudon is a guest
at the Commercial.
Mr, and Mrs. Wigle of London are
the guests of the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. ,lames Sturgeon, this
Mr. Struthers and family of Lon-
don are spending a few lays at
their summer cottage in Lakeside
Mr. and Mrs, Thornton Mustard
and fancily of Toronto arrived on
Saturday and have taken possession
of their summer cottage overlooking
the river.
Mr. J. J. M•erner, M.P., wife and
family of Seaforth were the guests
of hes brother., Mr. E. Mutter on the
Mrs. Day and family and Miss i4:tc-
Adam of Detroit and Rev. 1)r.
Dickie, wife and family of Chatham
are summering in the White. CRT.
The service. In St. Andrew's church
on Sunday evening next will be con-
ducted by the Rev, Henry Dickie nt
Mrs. E '*wood and family, hiss
Elva and Master Weir T''.rwoocl, cf
Toronto have taken Mr. George Wes -
ton's residence on Main street for
the summer.
Mr. Relit, Bailey of the Sterling
Batik, Dungannon,. Wats 1101110 over
tine week -end.
Mr. 33, A, Sander and wife oral
daughter of Kitchener were. guests of
elle lady's parents, Mr, and firs. II.
W. Erwin, over the week -end,
Miss Garret and Miss blothershcad
of Washington, D.C., arrived last
Week and have taken possession of '
their summer residence on Charles
Mr, William Johnston and wife at
London are speudine a few days. at
Clete smuttier residence on the Ter.
t al and
• William Tru mb l
Mr. and Mrs, s•
son, Mr. Albert R1011ba11, and wife,
London, were, the guests of Mr, and
Mrs. John Falconer over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott of
Ciititnn have taken a cottage in Deer
Lodge Park rot the season.
Additional Bayfield hews on page 4,;