HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-6-27, Page 7Milkweed Cream . 50c and $1.00
VelveolaSouveraipcFacePowder 50c
Rouge (3 shades) . . 50c
Zodenta 25c
Milkweed Cream Soap . 25c
Borated Talcum . .. 25c
Complexion Tablets . . 25c
iii aim
Face Powder,
The daintiness of a complexion always
free from oiliness and shininess is the de-
e -sire ofevorywoman. l3estofall powders
le Ingram's Volveola Souveraine Face
Powder. It keeps the akin smooth
and attractive. Stidesminor blemishes,
the little wrinkles, and blends so mar-
velously with the complexion that it is
scarcely visible. --It adheres even tho
the skin be warm and moist, and It has
a refined and gentle fragrance.
Forthe sake of youthful charm use In -
gram's Milkweed Cream, Its dally use
enabies you to retain the charm and
color of girlhood. It is curative and
healthful for the akin tissues. Your
druggist has a complete line of Ingram's
toilet products including Zodenta for
the teeth, (vs)
Cream Wanted
Wo supply cans, pay es rlre00 charred
aha remit daily, '�
mutual Autry Jana Clreemery 00.nto
x/43-5 sing M. Waft -
and wharves, gas and oil plants and
tanks, refrigerators, and the erection
v1CTORY so loading re and unloading machinery,
so as to release the ship in the fastest
time and make the hours lost between
trips to the U.S.A. a minimum.
Judicious Mixing.
American war cargoes are more
various than any known in the history
of modern shipping. They do not
trust all their eggs in one basket
nowadays. They send mixed' cargoes
—locomotives' wheels, and tinned
beans, ammunition wagons and type-
writers and cigarettes all in the same
boat. Similar cargoes in the next
boats. If the enemy gets one, the
others bring a supply that keeps the
engineers going.
America needs men to build and to
fight, and machinery releases men.
That is why the American railway en-
gineers are doing so much construc-
tion, because it means speed, certain-
ty ofsupply, and release of men.
Every hour's labor put in now means
many times that ntunber of hours sav-
ed later on,
A Vast 'Work is Being Accomplished
by American Engineers in
The ,American railroad engineers in
Prance are doing a year's work in
four months. One of the ways they
are going about it is by working day
and night, says a London weekly. The
handicaps and difficulties are innu-
merable. They are 8,000 miles away
from home, their supply base, to be-
gin with.
Uncle Sant on the job.
They are building everything
connected with transportation and
supply, from docks for ships
to the smallest kind of re-
ceiving station on a siding close to
the Front. Their railroad men have
done everything—carpentry and quar-
ry work, warehouse building and con-
crete mixing; they have broken stones
on the roadway, and they have put to-
gether Locomotives; they have handled
structural steel cranes. They are
laying lines in vital places, building
terminals and railroad yards—some
bigger than any In the world in area,
Adds Nearly Twenty Millions to
its Assets. Continuance of
Remarkable Growth of De-
posit Accounts During Past
Year Enables it to Render
Immense Assistance to Cana-
dian Trade and Industry.
Ilow to make a creamy beauty lotion
for a few cents.
The juice of 't vo fresh lemons
strained into a bottle containing three
ounces of orchard white makes a
whole quarter pint of the most re-
markable lemon skin beautifier at
About the cost one must pay for a
if not in rail—and the rails Laid will I small jar of the ordinary cold creams.
equal a four -track trunk line from the ! Care should be taken to strain the
seacoast to the Front. They are con -demon juice through a fine cloth so
centrating on yards and terminals, be -Ino lepton pulp gets in, then this lo-
The 66th Annual Statement of the
Merchants Batik of Canada, presented
at the annual meeting on Juno the
fifth, shows a continuation of the re-
markable progress which has attend-
ed the career of this Bank for menY
Years past, and particularly mince the
beginning of the war, Thus the total
assets of the Bank are now
$140,937,544 as compared ,381,1 h
$121,180,559 in 191'7, and
in 1916, and this growth m entirely
due to the confidence of the thrifty
Canadian public, as exhibited in a
constantly expanding volume of de-
posits. The interest-bearing deposits
of the Merchants Bank are now
$75,946,986, an increase of eleven
million dollars, the non-interest-bear-
ing deposits are $34,886,747, an in-
crease of seven and three-quarter mil-
lions, and the note circulation is
$12,327,168, an increase of three mil-
Of chief interest among the assets
is the item of Current Loans and Dis-
counts in Canada, representing the
assistance given by this Batik to the
activities of trade and industry. This
amounts to $76,194,016, an increase
for the year of nearly thirteen and a
half million dollars, showing that the
Merchants Bank is making a full use
of the facilities afforded by its ex-
panding deposit accounts, to meet the
requirements of commercial clients,
which have been greatly increased by
the rise in market price of all classes
of commodities.
Notwithstanding this generous sup-
port of Canadian business, the Bank
still maintains a strong reserve of
liquid assets. These now total
$57,667,481, against public liabilities
of $126,822,671, or a ratio of 45.6 per
cent. and they include about thirty-
four millions in the form of cash,
bank balances and call loans, imme-
diately available if required, and
$5,485,464 of Dominion and Provincial
Government securities, $14,589,065 of
Canadian municipal and non -Cana-
dian public securities (this item be-
ing composed largely of British Gov-
ernment borrowings) and $4,060,20'4
of other securities.
Profits for the year, at $1,236,680,
showed an advance, attributable
doubtless to the greater volume of
commercial business. But they were
subject to a deduction of $400,000 for
contingencies, while, war taxes and
pension fund took another. $120,000,
so that the net result after payment
r cause the French railroads are good, i
capable of bearing all the traffic, but woman knows that lemon juice is used
tion will keep fresh for months. Every of the 10 per cent, dividend was the
the lack of facilities for handling and addition of ,$$16,680 to the balance car-
storingi to bleach and remove such blemishes rind Forward, a very moderate rate of
the tonnage the Americans re-
quire is critical.
The four problems in transportation
the United States must meet are: (1)
Truck shortage in France.! (2) Lack
of terminal facilities in France. (8)
Tonnage—ships. (4) Truck shortage
in America.
It is a general, but none the less
mistaken, view that ship tonnage is
the greatest necessity for the support
of the .American Army to -day. But
first there must be places to house the
tonnage, and trucks to move it and the
terminals. Without these it would be
useless for America to send well-filled
ships to France in great numbers.
She could not handle the cargoes.
Everything for Speed.
To solve problem No. 1, the Ameri-
as freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Just try it! Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grocer and make
up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra-
grant lemon lotion and massage it
daily into the face, neck, arms and
Declares Huns Were Gods Compared
to Germans of To -day.
"You call them Huns—these crea-
tures. The Huns were gods compared
n'eth these devils. I have met them
face to face when the flush of victory
can engineers have taken over all tarns them into ruthless beasts. I
broken and unfit British, French, and !have met them when defeat has driven
Belgian trucks, and remade them. At
the same time they began building a
freight -car assembling and erecting
plant, and here the trucks which come
from the United. States in parts, box-
ed and ready, will be constructed as
fast as the materials can .be made in
the United States and shipped.
Locomotives are being erected in
just the same planner. American en-
gineers at one shop are putting to-
3--• gether and sending out on the main
line four or five locomotives every day
and they are the biggest and best lo -'defence of Antwerp. He was taken
comolves in France to -clay. I prisoner, but ad last escaped to Hol -
The tonnage crisis is being met by. land. From there the letters were
the preparation of railroading facill- I written,
ties, port improvements, such as docks rrr'eople who have just returned
them to fiendish cruelties. And they
would rule the world! God deliver us
from such a fate."
These words are from a letter to
the father of a petty officer in the
British navy who was taken prisoner
at Antwerp and has spent three and
a half years in a German prison
The writer was a naval volunteer
when the war broke out, and he was
sent with the first contingent of the
Royal Naval Reserve to assist in the
et ler)
Conservation mean
the use of foods re-
luiring less sugar,
ess fuel, and the
minimum of wheat.
requires NO SUGAR,
FloFUEL, less milk
oil cream tan t
• her'cerea s, and
is part 13A.RLEY.
it's a concentrated,,
nourlshin a o
nomical and deli
'dons food.TRY IT!
t •r 11144'_
earnings considering that every share
of capital carries with it another hun-
dred dollars of Reserve Fund.
At the annual meeting the Vice -
President, Mr. K. W. Blackwell, point-
ed out that the money in charge of
the banks was not that of "capital-
ists" in the sense in which that word
was employed by socialist agitators
but that the average holding of
Merchants Bank depositors was only
$500,00. Tho interest of this class
must be defended against unwise and
wanton action, or the whole financial
fabric would be broken clown. Mr.
D. C. Macarow, the General Manager,
stated that the assets of the Bank
had been most carefully scrutinised
and ample provision made for doubt-
ful contingencies, so that the balance -
sheet represented dollar for dollar of
actual value.
Qf ` Serge
and Satin
tt sr
" slo,s ktitsA ook .00
The Anginal *Ober Putty—Xt repitlre
Toot Water fiettleel Punctures; T3layole,
Auto Tyres; Rubber Hoots. Oualantaod
to satisfy, 55 and 40 uente Postpaid.
Mall your order to -day, ti, Schofield,
050 Dominion Ban* Bldg., Toronto,
This smart little model shows serge
and satin charmingly combined. Mc-
Call Pattern No. 7726, Misses' Dress.
In 8 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Price, 20
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co„ 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
The Fairies.
The fairies follow after
Their fairy queen and guide;
Like music is their laughter
We wonder where they 'bide.
They like to go a -straying
On starry nights in June
Among the maples swaying
Beneath the silver moon.
We often hear them dancing
The waltzes all they know;
Sometimes the moon -beams glancing
The fairies to us show.
Tn. rainbow tints and shiny
Are clad the merry elves,
Save that they're very tiny,
They look just like ourselves.
They only speak in whispers
Of things that they will do—
Those merry elfish lispers
That flit the woodlands through.
At the Cross Roads.
He was a little Belgian lad°
Whom war had somehow failed
Almost a baby face he had,
Bewildered now and vaguely: sad.
"Where are you going in the wind
And rain? And must you travel
He said, "I've started out to find
The country where the mothers are."
Some Cow.
"She's an awf'ly good cow, Our
children think the world of her, xou'l1
like her immensely"
"And how much milk does she
"Don't know exactly, but she's a
nice cow—first class."
"Well, you must have some idea—
does she give a gallon at a utilising?"
"Never kept very mpeh track."
"But you have a rough notion about
it.. Does she give as much as half a
gallon a day?"
"Couldn't say definitely. She's an
awf'ly good, kind old cow, though. If
she's got any utile she'll give 11 to
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
Australia's first extensive deposit
of slate has been discovered in New
South Wales.
Minard's Liniment Currie Garget in Cows
"We view the world with our own
eyes, each of us, and we make from
within us the world which we see."
To Satisfy Herself Munition Work
' Wasn't Too Hard for Girl.
Trow thoroughly the royal family is
at one with the people in the present
situation has been shown both by the
King's informal visit to the battle
front and by the Prince of Wales' re-
turn to duty before the expiration of
his leave, Since his return his Ma-
jesty and the Queen have been busy
visiting munition factories and equip-
ment works.
At a factory at Walthamstow the
Queen, as ever, was chiefly interest-
ed in the girl and women workers,
among whom she mingled with her
usual cheery smile, chatting most of
the time—when not passing a few
words with the girls—with Mrs.
Phipps, the organizer.
The Queen, impressed by the , ap-
pearance of the girls, remarked to i a number of other ways is self-gov-
Mrs. Phipps they seemed to be girls' timing, says a London despatch.
of a very superior type, when one of
the conducting party remarked, ''Yes,
your Majesty, we are some stunt on
these girls."
The Queen looltdd puzzled, not un-
derstanding the slang, but quietly
laughed with pleasure when it was
explained that what the official meant
was that their experience in the em-
ploynfent of female labor hart been al-
together satisfactory.
Queen Alexandra has been busy,
too, visiting factories with Princess
Victoria, throwing out a useful word
or two of advice as it occurred to
her practical mind. In one shop she
girl Iwielding a hammer and
punching identification marks on a
She thought this must be very
heavy work for a girl, but to the
Queen's inquiry the gill smilingly
replied it was quite simple now she
had grown accustomed to it. Accept-
ing an invitation to try for herself,
ftseen Alexandra held the punch do
position with one hand, ate• with the
other lilt a ;cries of hairs blows; but
en examinat on oat the mark ng fears
that they dame far short of the
standard. , 7.1
Minard's t,iiifiiteut Corea Diphtheria.
from Germany," lie writes, "say that
the officers are dazed by the colossal
losses which the IIuns have suffered
in their latest offensive. Sonic of our
returned men have seen horrible train-
loads of humanity passing through.
"Doberitz seems years ago now.
Here is one memory. If a guard wishes
to let a man know that he may not
smoke the method 'of conveying the
information is this: Remove the pipe,
cigar or cigarette :frons the mouth of
the offender by means of a blow from
the butt end of the rifle on the back
of the head.
"These guards are only expert with
the butt end of j;lteir, rifles; they can-
not shoot for toffee. I saw two guards
fire five shots at a Russian who was
lying wounded at the entrance to his
lout before they finished him; the
distance was about twenty yards. One
guard, however, was a better shot; he
oneour fellows,
and severelywounded two Russians,
"A soldier tried to draw an extra
ration from the cools house. Ile was
seen by a guard, who fired at Mini a
distance of about fifty yards and miss-
ed him. But the bullet hit a tent in
which the sten wore eating their soup;
it killed one man and caused another
to lose Ma tog.
"At Echrleach camp a poor fellow
went mad; he put Ina face through
the wireleso to a sentry, who fired
and blew his head off,
"In our dugout in Germany we had
n sweet little canary that used to sing
to }us all day long, We brought him
with its, and until we reached the
Tltlteli frontier lie never even chirped,
"When the train crossed the trot -
o No foolishness! Lift your corns
o and calluses off with fingers
o —It's like magic!
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns of
any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be
lifted right out with the fingers if you
apply upon the corn a few drops of
freezoue, says a Cincinnati authority.
For little cost one can get a small
bottle of treason° at any drug store,
which .will positively lid one's feet of
every corn or callus without pain.
This simple drug dries the moment
it is applied and does not even irri-
tate the sttrr'ouudhtg skin while ap-
plying it or afterwards. -•
This announcement will luterest
many of our readers. If your drug-
gist hasn't any freezono toll him to
surely get a small bottle for you from
his wholesale drug house.
Asits Conscription and Voluntarily In-
creases Taxes.
The Isle of Man has self-govern-
ment in regard to all taxation, and in
Cabbage Plants
Of all leading early and late
varieties, 45c. Per hundred, mail pre-
paid, *2.50 per thousand, express
Also Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts
and Onion Plants.
Plante aro being shipped success-
fully to all parte of Canada. Ask for
price list.
Herold'° Farms, Fruitland, Ontario
Pept. "Y" Niatrara District
In Ohio only about 4 par cent, of
The residents aro patriotic and the
Legislature has carried a resolution
requesting the Imperial Government
to extend the Military Service Act to
the island. The Legislature has in-
creased the tobacco duties and these
on imported spirits and beer to the
British scale and the home brewing
rates pro rata.
Minard's Liniment Co,, Limited,
Dear Sirs,—This fall I got thrown
on a fence and hurt my chest very
bad, so I could not work and it hurt
ins to breathe. I tried all kinds of
Liniments and they did me no good.
A I-
RI3' N
r A S r
One bottle ofMIN
warmed on flannels and ap-
plied en my breast, cured the. com-
Rossway, Digby
'rite Good' Old Family Friend
For over 40 seats Hirat's Pain ExIe,minator
has been taking the Pala out of ,hcummism,
lumbago, lame bark, neuralgia, sprains,
toothache and similar complaints. guy a
bottle, read the directions on the clre"uiar
in the package. At dealers, or write us,
lian,ilton, Canada
Icarus Family sake, 4504L0
HIRST'S Pec coral syrup on)ore•.
hound and Elecampanc. (39,) BOTTLE
Get Out On the Farm,
Every man is wanted on the farm
this year who ever handled a 1100 or
drove a toahl, Gat an touch with the
situation, Find out who is handling
the employment agency in your town.
51gn up for service where you will
count most during this harvest.
It is false economy to use cheap,
inferior tea, for 11 yields so poorly in
the teapot. Use only the genuine
Salads to secure the maximum num-
ber of cups to the pound and, in ad-
dition, you will enjoy the unique
Active demand for farm lands leas
led to the formation of six new land
companies in Alberta this spring.
Miaard'e Linment Cures Dieiemper.
. ,
r3 Oa. x;k'
Farmers who ship their wool
direct to us' get better prices
than farmers Who sell to the
general store.
who has sold Itis wool both
ways, and note what he says—
or better still, write us for our
prices; they will show you how
much you lose byselling to the
General Store.
We pay the highest prices of any firm
o the eouutrynadare the largestwool
deniers In Canada. Payment is re-
mitted the same day wool is received.
Ship no your wool today—you will be
more than pleased if you do, and are
assured of a square deal front us. 2
No garden is 'complete without a
rhubarb bed. Rhubarb is first in the
field and last to leave it—coming in
before the strawberry in spring and
outlasting the latest plum in fall,
8 ses1 elietweeteertset,,
Nothing batter is made
No-ki h:19 bar can be made
situ K1Pr5Usli!4mofF,"
Reduces Bursa! Enlargements,
Thickened, Swollen Tissues,
Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore-
ness from Bruises or Strains;
stops Spavin Lameness, allays pain:
Does not blister, remove the hair or
lay up the horse. $2.50, a bottle
at druggists or delivered, Book 1 R. free.
ABSURBINE, JR, for mankind—aa
antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds,
strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. Is
heals and soothes& $1.25 a bottle at drug.
gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you
EY. F.YOUNG, P. O. R.5is tymans Bldg., Montreal. Can.
..ussonnye sad Absorbioe. Yr., ire made le Camas.
8,000 Rods, from 62 cents per rod,
up, Shipped promptly from stock,
Write for Price List,
A. R. L"UNPY Toronto King St. West
Wile Hangers.
Instead of coir! for Banging up
brushes, brooms and dustpans, try
using a small wire, which will not soil
or weer out so quickly.
Keep your shoes nem'
!i N 17 ie I t3 UT Y 1i011,$E-POW104
ll Boiler, with 000 ft, of 51 In, plies!
stiff -leg Herrick; second hand Sawyea
Massey Tractor Eatglnc. Grey 1.ruri
Castings made to ardor. '4'l 1)ucnhalon
bxnundry, Tweed, Ont,
in New Ontario. Owner oing to
Franae. Will sell 52,000. Worths double'
that amount. APPIY "•7, I•i., a/0 Wilson
Publishing Co., Llmltod. Toronto,
r. and job printing plant in Eastern
Ontario. Insurance carried *1,500. 'Willi
go for 31,100 on quick sale. Box 00,
{Nilson Publishing Co.. Ltd. Toronto,
V interrnal nex rnl cured wlh.tadee'ueta
out pain by our hoar• treatment. Wrltd
ts before too elnt Medical
Co., Lmted. late,Dr,
to work in knitting mills. All
kinds of operations on Underwear
and Irosiery, Good wages paid
while learning. Write or 'phone
M4192.0101240 111 8 1110111E5
al ,a
work. Maka light,
;,winalemate 4f nd,
rattyeco welmut
.uouh1, Sam !lour
'end helm semens
the Nadas , food
Coitvplont, quick
'and ecu—hand.
do newoueh dough.
Delivered .5 rhos.pp id m your home. or
Smash your dealar—
four led lire 5231;
eight loaf dit53_25.
T,CrxPAULY CO8POn nlaa ,,e.,11AninOx,CAXADA
GOT •'',` ELL
Told by Herself. Her Sin-
cerity Should Con-
vince Others.
Christopher. I11.—"For four years I
suffered from irregularities, weakness.
was in a run dowq
condition. Two of
our best doctors
failed to do me any
good. I heard so
much about what
Vegetable Com-
pound had done for
others, I tried it)
and was cured. 1
am no longer ner-
vous, am regular,
and in excellent
health. I believe the Compound will
cure any female trouble."—Mrs. ALICE
HELLER, Christopher, Ill.
Nervousness is often a symptom of
weakness or some functional derange-
ment, which may be overcome by this
famous root and herb remedy, Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as
thousands of women have found by
1f complications exist write Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for
suggestions in regard to your ailment.
The result of its long experience is
at your service.
Nea s Pimp es With One
Cake Soap and One
Box Ointment,
Face never free from them for two
or three years. Were sore and often
became large and hard. Left dark, red
blotches that disfigured face. Nothing
did much good till tried Cuticura.
Helped from first application and now
face 1s healed.
From signed statement of Miss
Lorena Kennedy, R. R. 1, Williams-
town, Ont., March 7, 1917.
Use Cuticura Soap for toilet pur8
poses, assisted by touches of Cuticura
Ointment to soothe and heal any ten-
dency to irritation of the skin and
scalp. By using these fragrant, super -
creamy emollients for all toilet pur-
poses you may prevent many akin
and scalp troubles becoming serious.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept.A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere.
Employment Offices Essential.
There should be a farmers' employ -
meat office in each town and village
salami's Could put in their applica-
Lto s la Met and melt Could out 511,
ir aifplioatio1l8 Por works ally tie,
two partio8 could thussort'th0M8elvos,
out old got togetherwit 1omo sYsl.
1050 d1tt seine Satisfaction. Live nut.
Ors an reevoq la Canada era 'alliin,
t is °ua
tier line all was Mill as every one was the wheat sown Inst :fall will n(rt be the initiallyo n !natter and no's
straininghiseyes 10 gel, e elf copse of harvested and the Condition of the bit too Sooll,r
the new country. And just the 'Joe, crop is four points Meller dial n Year - ----�..
our canary, burst into :full 5091e agar 1Mijlai`d'M Birsdtnetlt Onkel) bolllij, Zt4,
On Land
or Sea
Tlie AutoStrop an-
swers the call effici-
ently—it is the only
razor in the world
that automatically
sharpens its own
blades, therefore, it is
the only razor that
is always ready far
The AutoStrop will
give your soldier or sailor
lad the same clean,comfort.
able shave he enjoyed at
home, no matter where ha
is Wunder what condition
he uses it.
Give hint an AutoStrop
—it's the gift ho needs,
gam) o,
55.87 Duke 0t. 'fount., Ont.
i':r it il'4tfi5tYt�i�it
Fill up your pipe with T & B—rich,
mellowed, sun -ripened Virginia.
This genuine Southern -grown leaf
has a flavor and aroma all its own.
Full bodied, yet soothing, Mother
Nature's best.
No pipe smoker should go through
"T & B. Week" without a package.
is necessary
old T
& 13
No word to
smokers. They smoke it always.
But you --if you have never tried it,
1tlnoke T & 13 thi° week and realize
the satisfaction of using a genuine
Virginia tobacco.
Fill up your pipe with "T & 13,
;t 1.14 No. 20-418
1 11