HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-6-13, Page 5June I3th, I$It Clinton News. -Record You Of Interest to _ and Me In vita of the fact .Wet !the Ger- ""*1+nldns deolarcd that Americans could. MA be transported acreenn the Allan- die in numbers sufficient to be of any ivaterial assistance to the Allies the "la"ammies are taking an active and elflolontlpart in the fighting on the Western trout already and, in spite 'ef the menace of the undersea boat, will continue 'to pour into she battle • line, a The Ontario Department of Lands, Forests and Minos, so it is said, will be obliged to spend thousands of dollars iu providing substitutes for fire rangers or take a chance on for- est fires because those having charge of the registration of man power re- fuse to allow the rangers to register through the Department. There are .about lilteen hundred fire rangers •employed in the forests of Ontario during the summer months, some of then being three or four days' jour- ney from a settlement or railway, 'station. As each one of those must register personally it is presumed that a man will have to go out and .linin each one, stay on his job until he conies out and registers and goes back, taking frotn three days to two w .eks as the case may be. Some �'paon with a fair amount of intel- ligence, scene courage and a sharp pair of sissors to clip unnecessary 'red tape, could surely devise some play which would save time and money and carry less risk of dam- age to our valuable forest lands. ---ht It is a Fine Camp and Boys are Happy The following is an interesting let- ter from Sapper J. 'Stewart Don - :aids= from the camp at Quebec : "Engineers TrainingDepot St. Johns, Quebec Sunday afternoon We arrived here in camp Tuesday :and like it very much, it is a love- ly spot, green lawns, trees, flowers :and a large swimming pool. I am tanned brown as a berry from being :out in the sun so much, and have an ,almost ferocious appetite. Our mels are rough and without variety, but everything is well cooked and 'substantial. We got porridge, biehtt, butter, meat and coffee in the :norn- •ing ; potatoes and roast beef for din- ner with bread and tea, no butter ; *for supper we get bread, Cutter, cheese, marmalade and tea. 'dot too -bad, eh ? We get up at 6,30, shine .our brass, shave and clean our boots, 'then breakfast at 7.30. At we ,go on. parade and drill until noon, Dinner at 12.30, parade again at S;5.0 until 4.30, supper at 5.30, then -'•free until 10 p.m. when lights aro ;put out, quite a new game to us. This morning we marched tie the .main barracks At6 have church ser- vice, the band furnished music and -we all had hymn books. The chap- laiu gave us a fine sermon on a son sdier's morals. There were 2500 C.E's sittiug around on the grass, the chaplain standing in the centre, ,quite an. impressive sight. Yester- day we marched ten miles headed by the brass and pipers' bands and got back nearly famished, thirsty and •dusty. We have any number of ,how- er baths and it is very refreshing, to these dip after a long =rub. There is a draft of 1,000 men leaving for France on Tuesday, but we expect to Jie here for a while yet. I met an .instructor who used to fire for me cin the yards at Fort William, who put me in charge of a squad and I drilled them all afternoon the day 'we arrived. That was a ggod start, was it not ? The drilling is quite familiar. We used to have the same .at High school at Wingham. We have a fine piano here which I make good *use of when not on duty. This is a line camp and we are quite comfort- able. I expect father will spend nest :Sunday with me here. We aro just ss thirty miles from Montreal." -Sapper J. S. Donaldson is a son set Mr, Chas, Donaldson, Wingbam, ,and a grandson of Mr., .James Don- aldson, Bayfleid. Though just twen- ty-two he has recently passed his .exam as locomotive engineer and a year ago passed his first exam as marine engineer, spending four mon- ths as third engineer on the large C.P.R, steamer Manitoba, last sea - .S011. St. Helens Another of the old pioneers has .passed away in the person of Mrs. Joynt, who died June 5111. The,fun- oral to Bethel cemetery was largely, .attended, Mr, raid Mils. Win. Campbell,. 6th con., spent Sunday on the 100.f Mr. '.Ib,n Woods of Stratford vis- ited_ old friends , li-ere last week. Mr, Jim McDonald of Guelph vis- ited at his old home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. , Robt. Shaw or Blue - vale visited friends around St, Ilel- ens last week. Mr. and Mrs. Melville 'Taylor and dUt. and Mrs. Bert Taylor or West- field spent the week -end at Ws Cl. Amisikrenirostio's, "Ssn,,,rwAlr. Robt, Woods delivered a horse to Clinton fast week, Messrs. Wilson and Alvin Woods :spent a few days at the home' of their sister, Mrs. Arnold Barbour, Erin. IT IS UP TO THE TOWNSPEOPLE 'rho able-bodied young men in Can- ada ate at the front or in training. 'The farmers have done their best and the crop is in the droo0d. The harvest is up to the townsjlbop}e. Unless they organi30 to 'help, the 'People of this country will bate to tighten their belts noxi winter, Thee is no doubt about it. CounhR News gang of wood gutters nave been at Work at 1VfeNaugllt station out- ting up all the wood upon a one - hundred, -acre lot for a Toronto lire, Ethel W. 1Crltutor, !grimily of Lthtl is in chargeof the gang, 6 n . Itev, 1. A ilielnel'oy of Dnngaileme 'u rtethathis d., Wq T Itp 1how , who had been reported missing, 'was Prisoner in Germany, 'Tho Juan be- longed to the R,F.C. and his mach- ine was brought down behind tato en- emy lines. Cameron Coolirane, of Grey town- ship was prenent03 with an address and a lino gold ai'rist watch by the friends and neighbors of the cow - 'Metal' prior to his leaving to re- port for military service 'at London. The-nlerohastts of Brussels are ob- serving Thursday afternoon . as • a weekly half holiday for the summer mouths, Little George G ambrell, the eight- year-old son of an Exeter soldier who is overseas, was run over by an" auto recently and severely injured but is recovering, Mr, John Dunn of Flurondale was emptying some gasoline near a fire one day recently and sot fire to bis. house wliioh was burned with all its eoutotits. Rev, Dr. Colin Fletcher, who was last week elected moderator of the General Assembly of the Presby- terian Church of Canada, has been for forty years pastor of the.Thant- es Road' Presbyterian church. A memorial service was held in St. Andrew's church, Blyth, recently for two members we5,o have fallen hi battle, Robert Barrett and Fred. Cuming. An Austrian recently arrested at Shep•pardton, failing to give a satis- factory account of his actions since arriving in America, was committed at Goderieh last week to the Bur - wash prison term for six months. The three Brussels youths, who pleaded guilty to' an offence against a young . girl, were sentenced by Judge Dickson of Goderieh t. to three months in jail and a fine of one hundred dollars each. A bond of five hundred dollars for • good be- haviour for two years was also re- quired from each,, Mr. C. J. Taylor, organist of ICnox church, Goderieh, has been en- gaged as musical director of Alexan- dria Presbyterian church, Brantford. Ile begins his new ditties August 1st: The postolfices at Benmilier and Port Albert will close after July 1st. A handsome memorial tablet was unveiled by the warden `at the court house, Godorich, at the meeting of the county council last week to the late Dr. Holmes, for many years county treasurer. Are There Any to Spare Hereabouts?. "If the people could really know how mucin genuine satisfaction sick soldiers actually receive from phono- graph records I am sure that every citizen who owns a machine would willingly go through his cabinet to- night and choose a selection of ree- 'ords to help bring gladness and cheer to the hearts of the stricken men who have so willingly done their said r bit,"d &lx. Fred A. Mulholland, 'Hon. Assistant Secretary s of the Toronto branch of the Red Cross, We will also accept ' old phono- graphs, gramophones, or graphono- las. "While we need all the records we can get, we can put any number of second-hand machines to excellent use. I wish the people could see the wan, furrowed faces brighten out into radiant smiles as some old- time melody reaches the ears of those who have• been long, weary weeks suffering from wounds they cheerfully received for the sake of duty. Doctors and nurses in Mili- tary hospitals agree that nothing can equal the sweet strains of music for soothing the nerves of wounded and broken men during their con- valescence. This Net being estab- lished, the officials of the Red Cross Society are making a request to the people to send all the phonograph records they can possibly spare to the Red Cross. From among those received a number of sets will he made, up into packages. One set will be sent to each local military hospital and convalescent home. Af- ter they 'have been provided for the balance will be distributed to var- ious hospitals overseas for the use of wounded soldiers in England and France. The whole scheme is the outgrowth of many expressions from returned men, and those in touch with returned men "that nothing can beat 'canned' music for dtiving away dull gloom from sick bedsid- es," Look through your cabinet to- night and make a selection to send to the Red cross as early as poss- ible. "The Golden Gate" ' The following little "rinse" was sena„ us for punlicatiolt by Miss Skimings, the "Poetess of Lake I-ruron," but we feel sure that the thought expressed is not the one actuating the Board of. Trade, in the County town in their movement for a "Greater God:orich," IVe feel sure they expect the wealth to pour in, instead of out, 311111 we're neigh- borly'omelet to hope that it will ; "Now Goderieh is call'd "i'Ise Golden Clete' That opens the, way, • At an awful rate For 0110 wealth to leave us, And te'er copse back ; And which is a ttun tale, Alack 1 Alack 1" --Poetess of Lake Muton, ""Manley Cottage," 5tauley St., Clodorieb, Oat., .711110 11, 1018. Births yUNOBLUT -In 'Mullett, 011 June 610, to Mr, and Mrs, liklward Yunghlet, a son. 041‘111l4ON--In Brucelield, Set May 31st, to Mr, and Mrs, Ili,gll Cameron, a son, DANCIY—In Soalorth, on June 2118, a 11 s V.11. e ir. and t. , W. Dau e a toll r 1Y,. daughter. S l5]1,•E--Iu W ngllain General Moss pital, on Junq 4.10, to Pte. and Mrs, Noble Steele, a 805. ANDERSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on June est, to Mr. and Mrs, Oliver 0. Anderson of East Wawanosh, a son. Deaths SIMPSOri—At Brumfield, on Juno 0th, Anti Turner, widow of the late Thomas Sirnpsorl, aged 80 years. i4IoOAUG•2IO1Y—in Morris township, on June 8th, Janie Oarbert, wife of Mr. John Thomas McCaughey, aged 44 years. VIN'I"—In Wingham, on May 31st, Mary Jane Wilson, wife of Mr. Robt. Vint, aged 48 years. ALLIN—In Colborne township, on _ Verne, June Benjamin otne son J ne 5th, nja \ , of Mt. and Mrs, Joshua Alain, aged 16 years. GAULEY—In Cleveland, on May 31st, Hugh Gauley, second son of Mr. Thomas Gauley of Goderieh, in his 42nd. year. CARLOAD OF CEMENT—CAR OF Canada Cement expected the lat- ter part of this week,—A. J. Hol- loway. • 45-1 LOST—IN CLINTON ON WEDNES- day evening, June 5th, a black leather gauntlet. Finder kindly leave at News -Record office and re- ceive reward. —45 PROTESTANT TEACHER WAN'1'- ed—For S.S. No. 9, Goderieh town- ship. Duties to commence Sept. 1st. State qualifications and sal- ary. Applications received up to June 25th by John I-Ialstead, See.- treasurer, ec,treasurer, MR. No. 3, Clinton. 45-2 AUCTION SALE—THE ADMINIS- trater of the Estate of AIice M. Fowler, deceased, will offer for sale by Public auction on Satur- day, the 22nd day of June, 1918, at 2 o'clock p.m., the following properties : Lot No. 166 on Ontario street and Lot No. 145 on Town- shend street in Clinton, containing together one-half acre of land more or less. On these lands are a com- fortable 8 -room cottage and,a fuel house and barn. The property is most desirably and centrally locat- ed and should he considered unus- ually acceptable for anyone desir- ing a small house with convenient outbuildings. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the following and other ar- ticles of furniture : Hall stand, hanging lamps, coal heater, book case and secretary, work table, dining table, clocks, couch, side- board, 3 beds and suites, happy Thought Range, chests of drawers, pictures, laundry basket, lawn mower, garden tools, dressers, mirrors, chinaware, cutlery, cruets, butter dishes, card trays, glass- ware, table linen, curtains, etc., etc. Inspection will be permitted on 20th and 21st from 7 to 9 p.m. Terms of sale of real estate, 10 percent. cash, balance in 30 days; of furniture, etc. cash strictly be- fore removal.—R. E. Manning, Ad- ministrator ; W. Brydone, Sol- icitor ; George Elliott, Auctioneer. 45-2 Tenders for Coal. Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Coal for the Dominion Build- ings," will be received at this office until. 12 o'clock noon, on Thursday, June 270, 1918, for the supply of coal for the Publid ]33uildings through- out the Dominion, Conbined specification and form of tender can be obtained at this office and from the caretakers of the dif- ferent Dominion Buildings. Perseus tendering aro notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signet. with their actual signa- tures, Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a charter- ed bank, payable to the order of tiro Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 percent. of the amount of the ten- der, By order, 11. C. ill. Si3OC'IIERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, - Ottawa, Julie 6, 1918, A PIIIVATE SALE OF HOUSE - hold furniture, including an exten- sion table, lounge, sideboard, wood boater, pictures, tnuaaius, carpets, parlor shite, music Cabinet, also odd pieces of china and silverware at the home of Mrs, A. Cloucit, Ontario street, each evening loin 7.30 to 9.30. —44 TWO FRESH COWS FOR SALT::, al- so seed grain, Pasture for a num- ber of cattle tor relit, -Apply to James E. Medd, R.R. No. 1, Clin- ton, -35 HOUSE' FOIL SALT'',. --ON MARY street, 5 rooms, stunner 1111101151, washroom, pantry, electrie. lights, furnace, hard and soft water, mod- ern ooflvonienees, a shall garden.—' Apply on premises G, A. T3rad- sbaw: —40 110LMMSVILLB MER 0 k1 A N T S' 'x1511 to an'n0tluee that during the 010)1fn00 Mot1'1115 their places or busoss will close at 6 P.M. very Weeeesday, begins}ng June 10th, 44-2 WAN'.iiOl)--A 1\IAID TO GO TO Bayfield for July and August, No 5 washing 00ironing.- h9r b, 1J. D. McTaggart. 44-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS -1N T133 estate of Alice M. Fowler, deceas- ed. -Notice Is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Alice M. Fowler, late of the Town or Clinton, in the County of Huron, spinster, de- ceased, who died on or about the 27th day of April, 1018, are re- quired to deliver 'to Russel ID. Manning, the administrator of the said estate or his- solicitor on or before the 22nd day of June, 1918, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, 0 any, held by them alt duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased % amongst the persons entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims as he shall have received duo notice and in accordance therewith. Dat- ed at Clinton, this . 4111 day of June, A.D., 1918.—W. , Brydone, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor fur the said administrator, 44-3 THREE PURE; BRED CLYDES- DALE STALLIONS Colonel Bowers Colonel Bowers has been enrolled and inspected by The Ontario Stal- lion Enrolment Board and Passed, Form 1. His Enrolment No. is 4522 and is registered in the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book as No. 19005. His route for this season is as fol- lows : Monday—Will leave his own stable and go north to Snell Bros. for noon; west and north to Robt. Watts, 13th eon., tor night. Tuesday—East and north to Wal- ton for noon ; north to Macdonald's hotel, Brussels, for night. Wednesday—East to Robt. Macdon- ald's for noon ; south to Oliver Har- ris' for night. Thursday—South to Thos. Mac - Kay's for noon ; west to John Griev- es' for night. Friday—South and East to Chas. l.ittle's for noon ; east and south to John Delaney's, Beechwood, for night. - Saturday—West to Dick House, Seatorth, for noon ; hone for night where he will remain until the fol- lowing Monday =ruing. Jas. E. Reynolds, Manager. Glenrae Glenrae has been enrolled and in- spected b The Ontario Stallion P a on and Y Enrolment Board and Passed, Ap- proved. His Enrolment No. is 1311 and is registered 01 the Canadian Cledesdato Stud Book as No, 8353. IIis route for this season will be as follows : Monday—Will leave his own stable and go by way of Huron Road to the Dick House, Seaforth, for noon, then south and west to George McCart- uey's for night. Tuesday—West to 2nd Con., Tuek- ersttnfth, then south 21 miles, then west to Charles Wasman's for noon • then south to Rippers, west 14 mil- es, then south to 'James (Green's, Parr Line, for night. Wednesday—West to Zurich to ,Johnston's hotel for one hour, west 34, miles, north through Blake to Samuel Gingericlt's for noon ; "then east 11 miles then north to 'Thomas Robinson's for night. Thursday—By way of Varna to %GIlli.am Clark's, Maitland Con., God- erieh township, for noon ; then north 1;1 miles then west to James Ster- ling's for night. Friday—East along Telephone Road to Robert Colclough's for noon; then east .i:f miles, north 11 miles their east to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. Saturday—East to ,John Noble's for noon ; then east 1i utiles, north 11 miles, then oast t0 1115 own stable where he will remain until the fol- lowing Monday morning. Tilos. 'McMichael, Sr., Manager. Royal of Dunholtnhill Royal of Dunholmhill has been en- rolled and inspected by The Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board and Pass- ed, Eerie 1. IIIc Enrolment No. is 5048 and is registered itt the Can- adian Clydesdale Stud Book as No. 18787, He will stand at his own stable, lot 8, con, 3, Mullett, and will be bred to a limited number of mares. 'PHOS. hi0hIIC'HAEL es SON, Proprietors Seafortk, - Ontario 48--4 Dunure Gartley 0221. Teurnitneht No. 97. Form 1 GNI, stand for the improvement of 811,010 this season at his own stable, (Vest lOid, Tuckersmibh, Terms $15 to 1118uro. Il. W, NOTT, Proprietor ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 0P 13osidenee and Ferriiture.—The Ad- ininistrator of the I3stete of -John 1 Gavot deotd will gift fo slo r Rale int Pobeaslie Auetign on Saturday, Juno 1611), 1018, at 2 Welonk p.111. (Statutory Time) at the pronlieee 'tie r rNo. 6 1 north part or Lot 2 3 on, p the corner of William andPrincesscess streets, Clinton,. On the premises 1s an attractive 5 -room cottage with electric lighting and 011101; appurtenances ; a been and stable combined with other outbuildings, 'lee property is most conveniently located in a central position and in pleasant surroundings. At the same bole and place will be offer- ed the following .chattels and fur- niture ; An aged pony, pony har- ness, buggy, cutter robe, 1131)1 wagon, wheel barrow, lawn mower, sot single harrows, 14 -foot ladder, 10 cords of wood more or less, and a quantity of garden tools, a Happy Thought Range, 0 wooden chairs, 0 dining chairs, a side- board, folding table, an oval centro table, several rocking chairs, 2 beds and bedding, 2 wardrobes, 1 bureau, a lounge, a rug, a what- not, a heater, and a quantity of dishes and other household effects. Terms of sale of house 10 percent. cash, balance in 80 days. Terns of sale of chattels, cash strictly. For further conditions, apply to Ralph 'Milady or W. Brydone, Sol- icitor for the Estate ; Geo. El- liott, Auctioneer, 41-2 awe EXPERIENCED TEACHER WANT- ed—Second-class professional cer- tificate. (Protestant) for U.S.S. No. 12, Goderieh and Mullett, Dut- ies to commence Sept. 3rd, 1918. Applicants to state salary and ex- perience., Applications received up to June 250.—Oliver J. Jervis, Sec.-Treas., Clinton, Ont,, R. R. No, 1. 44-3 FOR SALE—WE HAVE FOR SALE at reasonable prices four Shorthorn Registered Bulls from 12 to 15 months old. Good pedigrees. En- quire at Plumsteel Bros. store or at the farm, London Road, ? mile from town.—.J. Roy Plumsteel.-39 HOUSE TO RENT—A COMFORT - able 6 -roomed house on Orange street ; town and soft water ; gar- den with some fruit trees ; posses- sion given May lst.—Apply, to Jas. Cook, Clinton. —35 What Cereal. do You Prefer for Breakfast? Everybody has his or her likes or dislikes, but most people enjoy Corn Flakes. Our stock is fresh and crispy. Try some with your next order. Look over this list of Breakfast Foods ::— CORN FLAKES PUFFED WHEAT SHREADED WHEAT KRCTMBLES, GRAPE NUTS FLAKED WHEAT OAT MEAL, ETC. Pineapple week is next week. NOTICE On and after June lst, 1918, we respectively ask our patrons and friends to adhere strictly to the c their ac - I settlement of two -wee m counts. 13y doing so enables us to buy to better advantage for your benefit. Respectively yours, Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly eared for. PHONE 111, Comedian Food Control Retail Groner License No, 8-7241 CEMENT, BRAN SHORTS FLOUR Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays CUSTOM SAWING Sawmill will run this week TERMS --CASH JOHN HCJTTON LONDESBORO WANTED Steady, reliable mea to work on 6 inch H. 1;. Shells. Experience not necessary. Phone or apply personally to The 11013T. BELL ENGINE 8: THRI0SI1ER CO., Ltd. SEAFOR'THI, ONT. 42-3 CllOPI'JNG The Clutton FIour 111111s will do chopping every Saturday at 8 cents a bag. FLOUR Have you tried out North Star fleet 7 Heade from pare Manitoba No. 1 hard wheat, TERMS ARIE STRICTLY CASA. JOHN SCHOENII ALS Phone No. 13 MINTON HOUSE I"'OI. SALE --2 S`001tl04 trestle 1louse, 000000 of 'Townshend and Kirk streets, in good repaig, electric lights and town water, -M Apply On premiers to Mrs, L. Stong. —4A MRS, S DlE JOHNSTON 'WILL visit Clinton on Wednesday of oath week to niece orders for 5piro1la col:eets. She will be at the Moine. or Mrs, Triols, 'iiettenbury. Street, where any message may be loft fol het. —35 YOUR, ULOT[1ES CLEANED RI;- paired and Pressed and at the shortest liossible ,notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. 7 ata prepared tq French Dry Clean 1 adies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ors, etc. A11 orders promptly, at- tended to. Rooms over I•Iunnifod's grocery store—Wm. J, Jago. --00 CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELEIIY --- STORM -- MOTOR GOGGLES How about your Motor Goggles now that the hot, bright days have come'? Don't ruin your eyes by trying to do without a pair for the matter of a few cents, I have all styles from 50 cents up to $2.50 and to suit every taste. 12 different styles on display in the window. No harm to look at them. Buy now before the price goes M. Bring along your glasses for re- pair or new lens fitted. Eyes tested free. Brooches, pins, rings or barretts repaired neatly and promptly. Clocks called for and delivered. R. H. JOHNSON. Jeweler an'd Optician (Next to Hovey's Drug Store)-` GIRLS ANTED +W .WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO WI FEW MORE KNIT. T.CRS, ETC, APPLE AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co, LIE7ITED. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live llawaiian Pineapple Cook .one cup or rice until soft; pour gold water through tho rice to soparato the ker- nels, To the rice add one cup of chopped pineapple, cue cup of powdered sugar, and cue nue 01 whipped cream. Set in .a cool place ready 10 serve, until W. T. O'Neil The Hub Grocery Get fly Prices on C0DIIUDATED IRON METAL SHINCIES ANO SIDING PLUMBIC AND HERTING THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 33, Sinop over Rowland'. Hatrdware, A PULL LINE OF Flog and Feed ALWAYS ON HAND .Stock of Seeds MILLET SEED, , TURNIP SEED, and other . Small SeeiI F --a 1 HIGHEST PRICES FOR GRAIN T E A ,S Ford Med Tax imposed on Teas puts prices up ten cents per pound. Having bad a good stock on hand we will sell at the old price for a lim- ited time, 50c, 60c, and 65c, per pound, black or mixed. Not mere than ten pounds to one customer. E. E. HUNNIFURD° (Canadian Food Control License No. 8-3123.) Just Arrived a carload of Peed Corn, We have also secured a quantity of Choice Seed Corn in the following varieties ; Selected Yellow Looming, Giant Prolific Southern Ensilage, Selected fled Cob Ensilage, Early Amber Sugar Cane. As the season has ar015' ed for the hatching of Babyl Chicks we have in stock a quantity or Baby Chick Feed which we are selling at reas- onable prices, Seed Buolnvhcat, (Silver Hull Choice); and also our usual line of Flour, 13ran, Shorts and Feet. See W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR, AND FEED. Highest prices paid for Grain and Wool. • i:leeator 'Phone 1.09 Residence 0.1.12 Incubators We have a few Prairie Mato 1 Incubators left which we will j sell at last year's prices cath- 1 er than carry over—in sizes !i of 100 egg, 150 egg and 240. 1 egg capacity, j J Live Poultry As there was a shortage 02 poultry last 4o ,r. •itrit,g2(,t- edthigh prices will pre- vail for live poultry all sea- -8t3Yi. We are always in the market for live poultry and will be pleased to quote you prices at any time. ;mtlw' GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N,; .W. Trewartha, Phone 1011 Manager or Holmosvilfe 4 on 143 CREAM WANTED ! We will buy your cream and guars anter you— HIGHEST PRICES ACCURATE RECORD PROMPT RE'T'URNS ENTIRE SATISFACTION Write us for 00119. We suppijs them. Pay enema chargcs. Payr y00 for the cream you ship twice each month. Carefully weigh, sam- ple and test each eat and send you a statement. Wrlto today, priees ate 01311, Agents : Walton" --W. Il, Neal 100.)art 11ail ifs Coo Varna-4loatty Oros. 't'rn; Sn, eaforth Crearilkery Cog Dos 4811 , 5EAt!OIJPiit COT.