HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-6-13, Page 4f?iOnion News -Record JCuae 13th, l9i$ "Brighten Up" Your Rooms WITH WALL PAPER FOR '1'111, MONEY INVCS- 'I'1SD NO DECORATION GIV- ES BETTER VALUE THAN WALL PAPER. THE ASSORTMENTS ARE NOW COiV7PLE'1'E, ASIC FOR TILE "I4EA.DY 'I'RIAJMED." A. T. oopor • Aent: C',N. Railway C.N.W. Telegraph Clinton, Ontario 111E -CREAM MAKERS LICENSED, No person may manufacture ice- cream, sandy, cake, crackers, bis- cuits, pastry, confeetiolery, ice- cream cones or chewing gum, with- out first obtaining a Recuse from the Canada Food Board, on and af- ter July 1st RIA .! 3RULI(SYS EM Highlands of Ontario offers you and all the family the outing of your life. ALGONQUIN PARK MUSKOKA LAKES, GEORGIAN BAY, LAKE 05' BAYS TIMAGAM1: are all famous playgrounds, Modern hotels afford city comforts but many prefer to live in tent or log cabin—your choice at reasonable cost. Secure your parlor or sleeping car accommodation in advance. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. I•Iorn- ing, Itrict Passenger Agent, Tor- onto, Ont. J. I'1ANSFORD Lt SON, Phone 57 Uptown Agents. Constance, Airs.. Adam N1011olsoi and nephew, W, Moore, are spending.. a IOW days as the guests of the latter'e mother, Mrs. Moore of Toronto, Air. and Mtn. Fred Stophoosoo, Mrs, W. Cole And Mrs, W, Stephen- son of I3r•ussels spent Sunday in the village. Master Clifford Britton is at; pros - eat under the (t00i)r's care, • &Ir, Jas, Thuil) of Brussels is vis- iting his slater, Airs. H. Oolclough, Air. and Mrs, D. ('ole. of Ethel spout Sunday in the village.• Miss Bolla McCully is visiting.11er another in Stratford for a tow days,. THE WESTERN FAIR, September Oth to lath, 1018 The management of the Western Fair, London, Ont., are planning this year for a larger and better Ex- hibition than has ever beeo held be- fore, They are co-operating with the Government and placing space at their disposal for Exhibits of all kinds. A conference was held be- tween the J'Jxeentive Committee and Air. S. Roy Weaver, 'a representative from the Food , C'ontroller's office, Ottawa, and arrangements are being made whereby an Exhibit of very great interest will be put up by that Department. The Process Building will be entirely taken up by a Pure Food Show, which will be some- thing new and of very great interest. Space in all the buildings is being taken very rapidly and everything indicates a greater success this year than ever before. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information will be given promptly on application to the Secretary, A. M. Aunt, London, Ontario. ... 1 Activity Becomes General in Western Canada Prosperity attracts Merchants; Farmers are spying out the (and 'The greatest wheat producing areas in the world to -day are served by Canadian Northern lines. Here the incoming farmer or merchant looks for the greatest development and prosperity. Low fares, and a scenic route through New Ontario's immense forest reserve and colonization lands, add interest and enjoyment to the jimmy. Comfortable trains leave Toronto at 10.00 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days, connecting at Winnipeg for all points West. For Tickets, Reservations, Liter- ature and Information, apply to A, T Cooper, Book Store, Clin- ton, or .write R. A. Fairbairn, G.P.A., 68 Icing St. II., Toronto, CANADIAN NORTHERN Dry Goode and House Furnishing Couch it Co. PHONE 7S. idillinery and Ready to. V(rea r Garments Nemo Corset Wearers stop 1 Read 1 Heed 1 We have just learned that, be- ginning July .1st, next, there will be an increase in the price of some NEMO CORSETS, We have not yet been notified which "Nemo" models will be affected, nor how much the increase will be ; but we want ottr Nemo customers to take advantage of this advance informa- lion. \VI?. HAVE PCT IN A LARGE STOCK 0F ALL THE POd'l'LAR NEMO MODELS AND ARE PR1%,- I'ARED TO FILL YOUR WANTS, NO MATTER TIOW EXTENSIVE THEY MAY 13E. p5TICURVE-B1 I ELr-REDUCING The Last Call for Ladies' and Misses Coats and Suits We put on sale Saturday every Ladies' and llisses Stat and Coat at hig reductions. r et t 3Cool1 White Jfe5s: $ for the 0 Z'1 Ot Days Just to hand this week, s everad dozen Wash Dresses, including Voiles, Chanhrcys, Checked Voiles anti Gleghams. ALL ;4T7X5 AND PRICES. Cadieri'h Township Cadet Alvin Totvnshentl,- who. is fn traintthg at tong l raltelt, spent from Friday until Ivtonday at the parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. A. Townshend of the sixteenth. Mr, and Mrs; W., Board and Mies Nina of :Bayfield spent• Sunday as the guests of Air, and Mrs, A. Town - Amid. Miss Nita retnaiuotl for the Week,,i Mr. A. Scotuluser of Bayfield is visiting itis daughter, Mrs. A..Town- spend.- . The Young Ladles' Patriotic So- cibty will meet next week at the home of Mrs, Oliver Welsh. They In- tend having a garden party on July 25th. Mr. George .Jenkins, who has been spending several months here atter being in the west for some years, is shipping front Clinton a car of sixteen horses to the west this week, This is the second sil(pnent he has made this season. In a recent letter received from Mr. Adair C ntol n w a a who stent the winter with friends in this town- ship and in Clinton, he soya he has disposed, of a section of his land near Maple ,Creek. Ile also made a sale of a half section belonging to his brother at Regina for .$28 Per acre, Adam purchased these lands a few years ago for $G per acre. He ha but one half section left of all his holdings of 2800. acres and has planted about five thousand shade trees on this land, for which he has a standing offer, JUNE ROD AND GUN Fishing and Canoeing in Algonquin Park, The Record of a Cruise on the Kawartha Lakes, Bear Hunting on Peace River, On the Trail i al of 0gtt rsc A Day on the Bras D'Or Lakes, are some of the contents of the June is- sue. of Rod and Gun now on the nowstands, The Guns and Amenuut- tion department this 'month is of special interest containing as it does a carefully written and practical ar- ticle by one who has been "over there" on Sharpshooting in the Trenches. Every prospeptive sol- dier: should read this article for it tells the soldier how to shoot to kill, and this is what 18 needed if we are to win this war. '!'here aro other articles In this section worthy of note and the Fishing „Notes sec- tion eation is up to its usual standard. Rod and Gun, the magazine of out- door life in Canada, is published by W. J. 'Taylor, Limited at Woodstock, Ont, Varna,. On the evening of June Gth a large assembly of friends and well- wishers gathered in the hall to pre- sent the following young Wren with wrist watches prior to their leaving our midst to join the colors in de- fence of our Empire : Wm. R. Stephenson, George Bluctt, Earl Johnston, George Reid, Fred Reid, Alfred Johnston and W. Johnston. The boys will be greatly missed in many ways. Good luck go vlth theta. ,lir. Mofatt's new stone fence is quite unique and greatly improves the appearance of his farnh. Recent local showers have very much improved the appearance of the country and it is to be hoped Jack Frost will not step too heavily on the tender plants and fruit. A large number from this district attended the funeral of the late Mrs. (fart, which took place last Satur- day, to Baird's cemetery. Much sym- pathy is felt for Air. Hart in iris sad bereavement. - Huron County Kicking As- sociation It is au old saying that some peo- ple would kick if their mother-in-law was dying (but that is the excep- tion). It looks as if a new indus- try will have to he started in that good old County of Huron for the manufacture of kicking straps. At present it would make a veritable battlefield for the "Wor'ld's Cham- pionship Football Game" with Bow- man doing his best with the Brus- sels net, and Proudtoot trying to keep the Seaforth one clear, One of these representatives is charged with not seeing with the electors' eyes, and the other, vvi'th the unpardon- able sin of being broadminded, --Kin- cardine Review. • RUPTURE APPLIANCE SPECIALIST HERE New invention Flotation Rupture Without Knife, D*ngor or Ptaln. iahitiordemtosatoraforegnledredone with by the Wonderful invention of a OOnadian specialist who has devoted years to dile ono study. The marvelous newran "cwtATRUs" giros instant retentlon, rest and soearfty whore others have failed. It prevents all irritation, restores every part to ha na.tura)osition as sono as It Is used, and old style ttnssea are thrown away. Ifgait's "Quratrus" is Intended t0 asaret nature to close the opening In the short est time known without an operation and at small cost, Testimonials from mer, women anti Parente. Nothing aompilertted, No Ineenvenl. once or loss of thne,but Rist a natural retentive method. ft costs you uothtng to investigate, Delays may lie dangerous. New is the time to Tearofticou oulnowca'Waderinq(Jnn;tailiti work. J. v. MAN, 5psc ttusv, WILL VISI( the towns below. Free demonstration and - xanucs- donifeaa us Ask at hotel office for Y My poem, dates. Seafottit, Queen's Hotel, June 19' Goderich, J3edford. Hotel, June 20 CLINTON, Iiattenbury tIottse, Friday (all day and night) ]: day only --June 21 KiPPen. AA',, Georgo • Jotliteton,, a student at Ocgoode 1'lall, '1.'Q11anio, but wile has yeeeetly returned invalided from p'ranee where he was gassed, was a visitor at the home of'Mr. and11irs. W. IL. Jtohnstoth over tate week -end, He has gong to Hamilton :for treat- meat, Dr, A1tkeli has beerl ' attending a meeting of the Genera! Assembly at London, Mrs, Aitken Wont down on Monday and WetinesdaY of this week. Aar,' and Airs, J, W, and ivfiss IVlargarot MoLoan of ICiplieu and Miss Esther Moore of Cromarty Made up a party who left 'Tuesday to spend the SSnhnter in the west. We made mention last week of the serious furless of Air, Geo, Taylor i1( an hospital in Leaden,. We regret this Week to report his death which occurred friday evening last, Mr, Taylor left here a little over Ave weeks ago to r'ecei've treatment for au affection of the kidneys whichh' bard been. troubling. hint for some time. Alter arriving at the hos- pital and Ids physicians had made a thorough diagnosis of his case they found the ailment much mote advan- ced than was at first supposed. Ifo being apparently able to stared the operation as he was wonderfully vig- orous fora man of hlb years, his many friends expected hint to re- turn fully restored, but for the two weeks previous to his death his con- dition was known to be critical but still his friends continued to have hopes for his recovery. Mr. Taylor and utile came front Devonshire Eng - laud and settled here fifty years ago so that he was by far the longest settler in this district. IIe was a man who was widely known, for: a number of years he dealt largely le cattle for the English market and consequently made many trips across the Atlantic. There was a family of eight children, four boys and four girls, who all 'grew up and were married, the youngest daughter, Mrs. ,John Pepper of '1'uckersrnitit died about fifteen months ago, Mr. Tay- lor was ever of a cheery disposition, very hospitable in his home and his taking away Is a great loss to the community where he has lived so long and especially to Mrs. Taylor who has been an invalid for the past two year's. The family who survive are .Edmund in the west, Prank in Michigan., Bred and Albert of Lon- don ; the daughters are Mrs. Wm. Pope, New Westminster, 13,0. ; Mrs. Samuel Thompson of Stanley and Mrs. Geo. S. Troyer of flay. They were all here for the funeral except Edmund anti Mrs. Pope. Mrs. .1, Chambers of Clinton vis- ited with her niece, Mrs. French, be- fore the latter would leave for the west. Air. Robt. Breaeloe has been at- tending tine London Conference held at Waikervilie. Rev, ,1, hart of Brucefield --con- ducted the funeral service of the late Mr. Geo. Taylor, Rev. J. E. Jones, the regular pastor, being ab- sent at Conference. Mr. and Airs. Geo, Brock of Bruce - field attended the funeral of the late Mr. Taylor, also :lir. and Airs. El- ford of Elimville, old friends of the Taylor family were also here on the salve sad occasion. AB Young Men Must Com- ply with Law. Cutler proclamation of May 4th mon of nineteen years of age, and those who attained twenty years on or slime the 13th of October, 1017, not exempted under the Military Service Act, were required to reg- ister on or before- ,June 1st, 1918. These men, on enlistment may be continued to be treated as volun- teers. Every man so reporting must produce receipt from the Registrar that he has registered. No man should be enlisted without producing documentary proof either that he does not conte within ('lass 1, or if he does that he is complying with the law by having registered. TIIE POLICE ARE ENFORCING FOOD LAWS. All over Canada municipal police authorities are enforcing the food regulations in a firm, vigorous man- ner. They are also enforcing the Anti -Loafing Law. Therm has been a great improvement on the streets of most of the Canadian cities since this law -was passed. Fines of 51.00 and costs have been imposed in Cal- gary, Montreal, Victoria, Saskatoon, Toronto, Port Arthur, Ottawa, Re- gina, Stratford, and may other points report eases of lines and im- prisomueltt, THE ,BLOOD AND Tills,BRAIN Among the many important physi- ological fasts Haat should be as well known by people generally as they are by physicians, le the dependence of the brain for its proper adieu on the vitality of the blood. If this is impaired, the blood affords an imper- fect stimulus to the brain, and, as it necessary consequence, languor and Inactivity of the entire nervous sys- tem follows, and a tend00ey to head- ache or faintness makes its appear- ance, TO is probable that no other med- icine ever produced has clone more in the Way of revitalizing the blood, making it pure. and rich, than Hood's Sarsaparilla, which should. certainly to given a trial where there is an believe that 1 reason o 1 e tl Y ) t ) e blood is defective in quality or de- ficient in quantity, IT' YOU HAVE ANYTHING To Sell—It will pall yolt to advertise same in Tile News -Record. The gosh is Small, the tesults large.. 0.� .The Caunxli Council II/looting All the members were present -at the Julie meeting of into County council at 0oderleh last week. Atnonbilt . the communications re- eeivod weire the following : P1001 the Provincial Government enclosing a ehequo fort 58,5 MOO, the Goveremout'e share of the expeedir Hire on the county road system last Year. Frain the Pertlt 00unt3' 00110011 fav- oring an laere580 in the homestead fees on Western lands in order to help meet the large expenditure of the Federal Government, Tile scalp• reoommendod is one dollar per acre to all British subjects and subjects of allied nations, returned soldiers excepted ; $3 per acre for .subjects of neutral countries and 53 to subjects of alien nations; the latter to take the oath of allegiance before obtain- ing their title. Prom the Wentworth county couu- eil itt opposition to the "Daylight -Saving" legislation as not being fn the interests of farmers, Front the Provincial Dept, of Ag- riculture - riculture in reply to a request that five mote tractors he sent Unto the county stating that it was impos- sible to comply but that tractors could be supplied through the De- partment to private parties at $750. From AL G. Cameron asking dam- ages to the amount of $500 on be- half of Rev. E. L.-1Villianns and his mother, the result of an accident on the Bayfield Itoad when their horse fell into a hole in the road, and both were injured. From Toronto city .council. seeking co-operation in a petition asking the abolition Of the Senate. From- the Provincial (Government with regard to fuel from Algonquin Park, The County road superintendent sent; tl 1 estimates . n e t nhates f on road work as sent in by the various minor muni- cipalities. A resolution 01 regret at the death of the late caretaker, Mr. McCreath, and sympathy with his wife was passed unanimously, the members standing. Deputations were received from Middlesex re a delegation to the Government regarding "tiie London Road, the. Y.M.C. A. Iced Triangle. Fund, the Salvation Army Rescue Home, London, and the Knights of Columbus for work among the sol- diers. It - was decided that delegates would be appointed to ,petition the Government to take over the Lon- don Road, from London to Goderich or from London to W'ingham, the Middlesex deputation was not par- i,icular about the Huron terminus, Warden Elliott ; and Reeves Ford, Clinton ; Govenlock, McKillop Young, Colborne, and Powell, Turn- herry, being named as the cenunit- tee, 'Phe council decided to give a grant of $24,000 to the Y.M:.C'.A. ; 51,000 to the Salvation Army Home ; $2,- 00o to the Knights of Columbus and 53,000 to the Children's Shelter, and half 0 mill on the dollar, about 521,- 000, to the Patriotic Societies of the county, also 5100 to Miss Mar- land of Clinton for her services in connection with the House of ,.efuge. A memorial tablet to the late treasurer, Dr. Ilolmes, was unveiled by the warden on Wednesday even- ing and afterwards addresses appre- ciative of his worth were made by Air. Lane and others, 0 THE NEWS -RECORD LEADS FOR TOWN, TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY NEWS. Huilett Township The death occurred .in Morris on Saturday of a former reidde)lt Of thio township in the person of Mrs, John Thome IllpCaugitey, 'Pile de" (=sed' was n daughter of the late Timothy .C'arbert arid a slster of Mosses, Matthew 51(11 George Carbaril Of this township and Mr. John (lar. bort 08 Clinton, She had heon 111 for some months. She was in Iter forty-fourth year. Her husband sur- vives, 'l'he funeral took place on Monthly and was very largely at- tended. 500.4i1 you uANNING. Every effort Is being rade to pro+ Yldo alt eient oupplies of anger fee .the earning season, The Canada loud Board says that while striations lo the consumption of sug- ar 10 given ways are necessary and must be strictly enforced, still by, the present arrangements there will be plenty of sugar for canning pur- poses when the season arrives, Ev- ery effort should, therefore, be made to preserve fruit and vegetables to the almost permitted by increased production, No Heat Waylaid Straight walls in the deep firepot of the Sunshine Purnace pre- ventes from col- lectingash andorabsorbing b g the heat instead of allowing it to do its work in heating the ET-me—one of the feat -j. - ii ures that make the Sunshine the kind of furnace you want for your home. IflA1I ORBALSG'TTCR Mcctana Sunshine Furnace London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Saskatoon $t. John, N.B. Calgary Hamilton Edmonton Vancouver DUNLOP TIRES S • ecial Tread" -"Traction Traction Tread' Long in Service More People buy DUNLOP TIRES because they have to Greatest Safety oe Greatest Mileage pew,. o wow, I 'as at realises w se. I A ew I wee* • .a edi *el I .• r 1 Ieelniene ta/ala-1 latalal••f.-lall+.I••tsal� 4�IIrRa1 lal��ala/pl hAlaelalrleatw1+1wi1+tialwseel� CANADA DAT! OP Rapi0TRATION nems■ 50041MM CANADA REGISTRATION BOARD [Ji8918 CARD FOR FEMALES NORTH DAY YIMU TO e6 FILLED Di 8Y 88FGTY REGISTRAR 1. Name in rWI (surname tact)?"__..._.._-,..,_..._,_._..,..-._,.-,,,_. Age?..,._........_..,...:.. _ ,....,......_-.,..�.-....2. 3. Address (permanent)?_...."...-..............-.._.............-..-..----......._ ..,.-...«,,.......-..-............._......_....,._....—..._..w-... ---- Kaman MTRUET AURAL 00L1ytRY 0R F06T OFr10a CITY, TOWN, ETC, 04001RCR 4. Nationality? son you speak English? l'renoh7-- 12. state length ef, ex- Years 13. San you 5. British outdate? by birth? naturalization? marriage? porlenoo, ff anY, in. --- 0. Are you single? named? widow? divorced? (a) Genoralfarming. (a) Drive a tractor? 7, How many ohlldron or wards Willthesoehitdron lorecord'od under 18? by another registrant? (b) Truokfarming... ...-"...... ,..-.--.. ,.,. (b) Drive a motor oar? .,...,.-,.. ...__...., O. Do your health and home tips permit you, If required, to give full-time pall work? (Registrants answering "NO" hore; nand not answer any of rho 11111pirest of card. All must signaffirmation.) doubt, ahoutd "(o) Fruit farming .... (d) Poultry farming. (e) Dairy farming.-. ............ ...-, ._ (o) Drive a horse? •..,. (d) Harness a horse?..... (o) Do plain cooking?.--, ,..- 9. Do your circumstances permit you to live away from home? 14. Indicate hero any qualiroation or praotiaal oxparianue:whtch-yo4 10. What in your peasant main oocupation7 (a) If in business as employer, state number of employees. (b) If on employee, state name, business and address ofemployer. Poems, not already recordod.•`f,.:+ ,-- t (o) if full -rims voluntary worker, stale name of Society sewed. 1 6.Considering your health:training and experience, 11. State pmticulars of each, if you have (a) Trade or profession] and the national needs, in what capacity dol, you think you could carve beet? •- (b) Degree, diploma or certificate? (o Special training? tQ. De your a(rcumetancea permit you to give regul.trI full-time aorvic8 without ramunoratlon? n I acme that 1 have verified the above answers and that they are true.' Signofura of.Registramte, Procedure of Registration On June 22nd every parse residing in Canada, male or female, British or alien, of sixteen years or over, must attend One of the registration booths located in his or her district, and there observe the procedure explained below. Where to Register How to Register .44Nte Every person required to register has the privilege of The procedure of registration is simple. The registering et any of the public places provided for that questions upon the registration card can be answered purpose. The location of all such places will be very easily, but they must be answered truthfully specified in proclamations posted conspicuously. and fully. The card shown in the illustration is a facsimile of the registration card for females." An advertisement showing the card for males appears in another paper. Study the questions carefully so that you will be able to answer them promptly when registering. If you have stay special qualification, or feel that your serviees would be more beneficial to the country in some other Inc of work, say so. While aro compelled to register on Registration Day, it is not contemplated fry the ,o er ment to force the sick, feeble and aged to turn out. If sucluporsons will notify the Registrar prior to Juno 22nd of their inability to attend at a place ofregidtration, an effort will be evade to repeat tmeta at home, provided the request 18 reasonable and justified. Remember eheDny-June22ad-•Rememboribceluura--7A.m,to10p.m, Register early nett gat yourCortifieetetor yam own protection. Iseucd by auth°14ty az�l: Canada Regtsil;^atioin Bearer