HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-6-6, Page 5Juno eth., !9K Clinton NeWs4e0ord Of Interest to You and Me Jfehn Ross lAbeit,4ol, MO .01 the :bestknown jpurnelists in Toronto, etho •founder anis pullliseer of The ` trading Tele/grain, and en outelend- 1ng altiion ud tho Queen City,died d laid oakafter an 11111088 of f l t- night. John Ras Robertson was ku08l for his interest an many things but probably best known for his commotion with tee Hospital for Sick Children., This' had been his chief interest for many years, he had, .given to it over half, a million dol - tars and was interested in every department of the work for the re- lief of sugaring children, The ebii- ^dren lost a good friend when John Ross Robertson was laid away. . • "Why should nota citizen take a ,loyal vow to let his lawn go un- shorn until grass is growing over the grave of the Kaiser 1" asks Tile Mail and Empire. Since the ques- tion has been raised there seems. to •be a good many excellent reas- -ons why he should not do so. In the fleet place such a vow would be on a par with that of a man who swears ar that t a . be will not Shave his face until Ilia own patcu]at polite - /eel party is returned to power ; there's no sense in it. Then, what good will come of allowing our own /rail. premises in Canada to run • •down at the heel just because Ger- •tnany has, bidden goodbye to civiliza,_ tion ? Indeed there is every need that we should keep keen and strong our hold upon order, decency, sanity, .and good sense. There is enough of squalor,'devastation and confusion in Europe. We in • Canada, far from .the scene of strife and destruction, have no excuse for allowing things to "run to seed." It .would he a . +sorry homecoming for our brave .soldier boys if they. should .find on their return that we'd allowed our .lawns to run wild, our flowers to ' die of neglect, our beards to grow unkempt and our faces to remain .unwashed, even out of sympathy with their discomforts and priva- tions. The father of a young Can- mdian soldier is in the habit of clip- ping from the • papers anything which he thinks would interest the dad and sending them to him. -He asked if he was overdoing the clip- ping business and the reply of the soh, who wields tine pen of an or- igfhal writer, was :"Not in this •war ! These- things link us up with •'sanity, sivilization and Somewhere- eout-of-France' " The boys in France will think it almost heaven to re- eturu to Canada. We should see that Canada bears as little resemblance ;as possible to the desolation to which thole eyes have become too well accustomed, Of course the idea -was that instead of shaving lawns a cultivating flowers people should go out in the back yard and hoe potatoes or beans. That is- all right. Potatoes and beans should be cultivated in every back yard, :and perhaps in some front. yards, :too, But if an observation is made it will lie generally found that the -man who keeps his lawn and Agwer garden in good shape usually also ?has the best vegetable garden. Neither the. one or the other should 'be neglected. * * . It is said that during ilfteen mon 'ths 'sn the city of Montreal 277,000 pounds of food was destroyed owing to having been kept in cold storage until it rotted or became unlit for. • ihuman food. In Winnipeg a few months ago some thousands of pounds of chickens "were. destroyed because the cold -storage people had kept them until 'they spoiled, some of the fowl hav- ing been in cold storage since 1914: Ie. Toronto on • several occasions recently food has had to be destroy - ad because it was not sold at a low 'enough price to bring it within the -reach of ordinary householders and it rotted, • • The above are but a few instances have been noted lately and -yet newspapers in a town like Clin- ton are . bombarded almost daily with "copy" from the Canada Food Board urging thepeople to save a .cup of .flour every -day or to use .less sugar. • The News -Record and almost ev- •ery other paper in Canada is right 'with the Food Board in its efforts to save food. We believe, moreover, that much can be accomplished be the average housewife, who carefully manages her daily menu, But how tong is it going to take careful Canadian housewives to Savo the 'equivalent of those thousands of pounds of food which are being 'wantonly wasted ? The housewife Saves by the cupful and the cold storage companies waste by the bar - What is the Food Board doing about this thing ? What control has it oyer cold storage companies and Trow is it exercising that authority' If it has not complete control an order -in -council should be passed at mice giving It control, This matter is getting serious and something will have to he done and done speedily. We were informed a short time F,,,,.•fthat food wasting was now 11- o le of and anyone keeping food on :hand Until it spoiled would be held responsible. Well, who is going to be held'responsib1e for this latest waste in Montreal ? if the Food Board cannot control the cold stor- age companies better that it semis :00 he doing at the present time the Goyernrnent should take over the • .wholo system and run the plants for the saving of food, which was or- fginally supposed to be their object, instead of- allowing them to operate for the "fixing" of the markets Which Seems to he their chief kindness at 'present. • • CountU News Beit. A, 'A, Garrett, who was re- cently ordained by Bishop Williams, and has been appointed to the elteree. es of 1•iensall and Stalin, coznn10n00d his Itities on Sandal: While a` stu- dent ho enlistees and went : overseas a tree - anti saw naive service 1 L its the ales. i Lieut, W. Caldwell of Hlensall has been granted his 'discharge by the military authorities, ilo l0colztly re- turned home after nearly three years' service, Mrs, J, W Vanatter of ;Golerich, wife of W, J. Venatter of the God- orfoh Star, fell the other, day frac- turing' her wrist, At a recent meeting of the Blyth Presbyterian congregation the Rev. Mr, 'Telford was presented with an address and a guise containing $184, Rev. Mr. . Telford left the beginning of the week for the west, where he will spend the summer on a mission field, James Bowman, M.P. for North Huron, was "badgered", upon the streets of Brussels recently by a number of farmers 50110 who are a,f fected by. the amendment to the M, S. A, Mr. Geor go S otton of Wingham, who was defeated by one vote in the recent Conservative nomination for the Legislative Assembly; claims that the convention was not con- ducted fairly, The merchants of Seaforth have decided to close their places of business on Wednesday afternoon during June, July and Augdst. Mr. W. E, Southgate, Sr., of Sea - forth underwent an operation last week and at last reports was pro- gressing favorably. Mr. Daniel Clark, an old• and es- teemed resident of Egmondville, pass- ed away on Thursday last at the age of eighty-two years. The Goderich Manufacturing, Co., which was burned out last year, is contemplating- rebuilding if satis- factory arrangements can be made with the town. • Rev. R. J. McCormick of Blyth, who has been recovering from an illness at the home of his parents at Trowbridge, has returned home and is much improved in health, Sniper George MCNa11 of Auburn has been awarded the military medal for bravery on the field. He has been in France ,for nearly three years, TheL L i er'1 U a s of North Iluron are not of one \mind, it appears, as re- gards bringing out a candidate to contest the riding for the vacancy in the Legislation, caused fry the resig- nation of A. HL Musgrove. They mill decide the matter at a convention to be held in Wingham next week. If they do bring out a man there is a possibility that the man will be Dr. W. J. Milne of Blyth, ex -warden of the county, Births TOLL -In East Wawanosit, on May 26th, to bit. and Mrs. Fred W. Toll, (formerly Miss Laura Stew- art, Clinton), a daughter. LEE -At Port Colborne, on June 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Hloward, L. Lee a son, Everard Eugene. REID-In West Wawanosh, on May 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reid a so*. FRYFOGLE-In Wingham, on May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fryfogle, a son, Deaths RATIl-In Clinton, on June 2nd," William H. Rath, aged 49 years. AleVITTIE-In Clinton, on June lst, Emmeline Watkins, widow of the late 11. B, AlcVittie, aged 57 years. • POULTON-In Cleveland, Ohio, • on May 24th, Jennie D. Mutch, wife of Thos. J. Poulton, aged 57 " years, CLARK -In Egmondville, on May 30th, Daniel Clark, aged 86 years and 5 months. Hullett Tewnsttlpr The following 'is tlm report of S. S No. .6. for the month of A!lay 1 Sr. !Luiz --Wellington McCool, • Jr, 4th -Rosalie Crawford; 1)ora Vodden, ^ bt. 3rar6aret 3 rown, w I,d 3• - ur SI e Jr, l.a a Snell, Evelyn Glbbings, Edith Garbutt, Alvin Cartwright. Jr. $pd-Gortle Qeihney, Hutto Radford, Warren Gibbings, Charlie Brown, Harry Snell, llerble Vod- dee, Charlie Weymouth. lst-Berta Nott, Noripa Snell, Ernest Brom), Jr. let -Ivan Carter, Willie Stev- ens. Primer -George Radford, Best spellers -Rosalie Crawford, Dora Vodden, Laura Snell, • Edith Gorbutt, Evelyn Gibbings, • Gertie Quincy. -Olive 13. Cole, Teacher. EXPERIENCED TEACHER WANT:' cd -Second-class professional cer- tificate (Protestant) for U.S.S. No. 12, Goderich and Hullett, Dut- ies to commence Sept. 3rd, 1918. state Applicants to s to sala ry and ex- p perience„ Applications received up to Juno 25th. -Oliver J. Jervis, Sec.-Treas., Clinton, Ont,, 1t, lie No. 1. 44-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS -IN P1110 estate of Thomas Jackson, deeeas- ed. -Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of 'Phonics Jackson, late of the town of Clinton, in• the County of Huron, 'manufacturer, deceased, who died on or about the 7011 day of May, 1918, are re- quired to deliver to William Jack- son, the executor of the said es- tate or his solicitor on or beim the 22nd day oe June, 1918, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof and the nature of the securities, if • any,' held by them -all duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that af- ter the saidlast mentioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the 'persons en- titled thereto having regard only to such claims as he shall have re- ceived. due notice-amd in accordance therewith. Dated at Clinton this 4th day of June, A.D., 1918.-W, Brydone, Clinton, Ont,, Solicitor for the said executor. 44-1 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Ole Residence and Furniture. -The Ad- ministrator of the Estate of John Govet, deceased, will offer for sale at-Pubile Auction on Saturday, June 15th, 1918, at 2 o'clo8k p.m. (Statutory Time) at the premises the north part of Lot No, 263 on the corner of William and Princess streets, Clinton.. On the premises is an attractive 5 -room cottage -with electric lighting and other appurtenances ; a barn and stable combined with other outbuildings. The property is most conveniently located in a central position and in pleasant surroundings. At the same time and place will be offer- ed the following cbattels and fur- niture '" An aged pony, pony har- ness buggy, cutter robe, light t wagon, wheel barrow, lawn mower, set single harrows, 14 -foot ladder, 10 cords of wood more or less, and a quantity of garden tools, a Happy Thought Range, 0 wooden chairs, 6 dining chairs, a side- board, folding table, an oval centre table, several rocking chairs, 2 beds and bedding, 2 wardrobes, , 1 bureau, a lounge, a rug, a what- not, a heater, and a quantity of dishes and other household effects. Terms of sale of house 10 percent, cash, balance in 30 days. Terms of sale of chattels, cash strictly. For further conditions, . apply to Ralph Tipiady or W. Brydone, Sol- icitor for the Estate ; Geo. El- liott, Auctioneer. 44-2 K/1//////7" moi WH ITE STAR !LIN E !!/.�`/��+a-rsov�s rs////Ze; ANNUAL EXCURSION tear AND IiET`UPN 4rtl *2.1/3N0i4i" Illyy v Ile ANi-1 Steamer Creuhound Leaves Geduld, Tuesday, June 11th, 10 a.m., E,T. Returning leaves Detroit, Thursday,. June 131h, 1 pen., Detroit time $2 round trip. $1,50 one way --The only boat trip front Goderieh to Detroit this season No passports required for males of military age 011 this trip. Simply sign your flame for the Immigration Officer who will be on duty on board steamer at tine of departure. Except: I( men belong to Class 1 now called, it will be necessary for them to show that they have com- plied with the military service regu- lations and have the consent of the Registrar for this military district, W,10. Wisner, Dep. -Registrar, London, to be absent from Canada. T1ris ap- Plies of course only to male British subjects hetwcen 20 and 34, i,tclus- 180, who are single or are widowers without children. Canadians doming to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a head tax or make a deposit, HS, immigration officers will bo on the steamer to pass oxcueslonists, BAND MDONI,IGHT 25C - of 0oderieh-- MONDAY EVENING-, TUNE 100, 8 pan, Music and Dancing in Greyhound ball robin, T10L1VI10'SVILL,l0 'MID111 C 11 A: N T ,S' wish to amloun00 that duolllg the summer mouths ,their piaoes of usft e > e ^ U less will elect at 5 ,azi. cv t i y Wednesday, beginning June i913i, • 4i-2 WANTED -A MAID '1'O GO TO Ba Aaldfor July and A iust, washing or itonlza b'-^Vs. 1), IVIoTaggart, 44-2 NOTICID TO ORk1DITORS-1N 'r1318 estate of Alice M. Fowler, d.ebees- ed,-Notieo is Hereby givep that all per5OfS having claims against the estate of Alice M. Fowler., late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, spinster, de- ceased, who died on or about the 27th day of April, 1918, aro re- quired to deliver to Russel IP. Manning, the administrator of the said estate or his solicitor on or before" the 22nd day of June, 1918, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit, And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said 'deceased amongst e d a on the persons entitled thereto having re- gard only to such' claims as he shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. 'Dat- ed at Clinton, this 4th day '•ol June, A.D., 1918.-W.. Brydone, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said administrator. 44-3 THREE PURE BRED CLYDES•• DALE STALLIONS Colonel Bowers Colonel Bowers has been enrolled and inspected by The Ontario Stal- lion Enrolment Board and_ Passed, Form 1. His Enrolment No. is 4522 and 113 registered is the Canadian., ClydesdaleStud Book as No. 19005. His route for this season is as fol- lows : Monday -Will leave his own stable and go north to Snell Bros, for noon; west and north to Robt. Watts, 13th con., for night. "Tuesday -East and north to Wal- ton for noon; north to Macdonald's hotel;' Brussels, for night. Wednesday -East to Robt. Macdon- ald's for noon ; south to Oliver Har- ris' for night, Thursday -South to Thos, Mac - Kay's for noon ; west to John Griev- es' for night. Friday -South and. East to Chas. Little's for noon ; east and south to John. Delaney's, Beechwood, for night. Saturday -West to Dick House, Seaforth, lox- noon ; home for night where he will remain until the fol- lowing Monday morning. Jas. 11, Reynolds, Manager. Glenrae Glenrae has been enrolled and in- spected by The Ontario Stallion and Enrolment n l o eat Board and Passed, .Ap- proved. :-lis Enrolment No, is 1311 and -is registered in the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book as No. 8353. His route for this season will bo as follows : Monday -Will leave his own stable and go by way of Huron Road to tine Dick House, Seaforth, for noon, then south and west to George McCart- ney's for night. Tuesday -West to 2nd Con,, Tuck- ersmith, then south 2:4 miles, theta west to Charles Wasman's for noon ; then south to Kippen, west q mil- es, then south to James :Green's, Parr Line, for night. Wednesday -West to Zurich to Johnston's hotel for one hour, west 14 miles, north through Blake to Samuel Gingerich's for noon ; then east i;) miles then north to Thomas Robinson's for night. Thursday -By way of Varna to William Clark's, Maitland Con., God- erich township, for noon ; then north 13 miles then west to James Ster- ling's for night. Friday -East along Telephone' Road to Robert Colelough's• for noon; then east 1: miles, north 1:} miles then east to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. Saturday -East to .:ohn Noble's for noon ; then east miles, north 1+ miles, then east to his own stable where he will remain until the fol- lowing Monday morning. Thos. 1VIcbl:iehael, Sr,, Manager. Royal of Dunholmhill Royal of Dunholmzill has Wu en- rolled and inspected by The Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board and Pass- ed, form 1„ His Enrolment No. is 5048 and is registered 111 the Can- adieu Clydesdale Stud Book as No. 18787, Ile will stand at his own stable, lot 3, con. 3, Ilnllett, and will be bred to a limited number of in ares. THOS. Mc1VIICHAEL .l SON, Proprietors Seaforth, - Ontario 43-4 Dunure ttartley 0221, 1 nrotmeet No. 97. Farm 1 Will stand 101 1110 improvement of stock this season at Ws own stable, West pad, Tuckerstnith, 'Perms $111 to insure. Cf, W. NOTT, 'proprietor A PRIVATE SALE 011' 110U1.bl- hold furniture, including an oxtan.- sion table, lounge, sideboard, Wood heater, pi tulos , airt ius, e xpeLs , Peeler suite, 110810 cabinet, ills0 odd piopos of china and silverware at the iloine of Mrs, A, Couch, Ontario street, eaoli evening from 7.30 to A,3 0. -44 T+010 SALE.' -A TJDAtt 01e WORK horses, harness and wagoli',-Isaac Deno. -89 PROPERTY- FOR SAI.ID-II0USE. and lot on Station street; in good repair; good garden in; reasonable terms; owner leaving town, Apply on premises to -Airs, Oharlotta Carter, -48 1;10US18 FOR SALE -2 .STOREY frame house, corner of Townshend and Kirk streets, In good repair, electric lights and town water, Apply on premises ,to Mrs, L. Stong. -40 FOR SALE. -000D BAY MARE, drive single or double, quiet and reliable. -Apply to Ernest Row- eliffo, Clinton, Ont. 43-2 H]0USa FOR SA.;, ON MARY street, 5 rooms, summer " ki:ichen, washroom, pantry, electric, lights, furnace, hard and soft water, mod- ern conveniences, a small garden. - Apply on premises G, A. Brad- shaw. -40 FOR SALE -WE HAVE FOR SALE at reasonable prices four Shorthorn Registered Bulls from 12 to • 15 months old. Good pedigrees, En- quire at Plumsteel.Bros. store or at the farm, London Road, - mile from town, -J. Roy Piumsteet,-89 HOUSE TO RENT -A COMFORT- able 0 -roomed house on ()Tango street ; town and soft water ; gar- den with some fruit trees ; posses- sion given May lst.-Apply to Jas. Cook, Clinton. -35 YOUR CLOTFIES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the sliortest possible ;notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Hunniford's grocery store -Wm. J. Jago. --00 What Cereal do You Prefer for Breakfast? Everybody has his or her likes or dislikes, but most people enjoy Corn Flakes. Our stock is fresh and crispy," Try some with your next order. - Look over this list of Breakfast Foods ::- CORN :CORN FLAKES PUFFED WHEAT SHREADED WHEAT ICRU1MM13LES, GRAPE NUTS FLAKED WIIEAT OAT MEAL, ETC, Pineapple week is next week. NOTICE On and -after June 1st, 1918, we. respectively alk our patrons and friends to adhere strictly to the two-weekeek settlement of their ac- counts. By doing so enables us to buy to better advantage for your benefit: Respectively yours, Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PHONE 111, Cauadian Food Control Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 CEMENT, BRAN SHORTS _ FLOUR Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays CUSTOM SAWING Sawmill will run this week TERMS -CASH JOHN HUT 1 N LONDESBORO WANTED Steady, reliable men ' to work on 6 inch H. E. Shells, Experience not necessary. Phone or apply personally, to The ROB'f. DELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., Ltd, Sl;.1FOImTII, ONT, 42-3 1,1 PlING The Clinton Hour Mills will do chopping every Saturday at 8 cents a bag, FLOUR LOUR Have you , tried our North Star dour ? blade front 0010 Manitoba No. 1 hard wheat, TiDRMS ARI: STRICTLY CAST:'t, TWO FRESH COWS FOR SA1ahl, al- so seed grain. Pasture for man- lier of cattle for ren$, --Apply to James L leddIR , No, 1t Olin - ton, MRS, 13A1280 JOHNSTON WILL visit Clinton on Wednesday of oath 1 tact weak t o tare ()Mali for Spiralla corsets. She will he at • the been of Mrs. Trick, llattenburyr street, Where any message may be left for her, ' -85 FOR SALE-O-ROOIVIIID COT'T'AGE on Bond street, good cellar, acre land, .barn and drive shed, . all in good repair, small fruit:trees, town. water and good cistern, Also an aged &Ulm mare suitable for women ; set light double harness with canvas traces ; set single liar- gess ; a road wagon with dray platform with polo and shafts, cap- acity it tons.^ -Apply to Elmer Finch, '--38 CLINTON'S LEADING JEWEL'IDRY -- STORED ,MOTOR GOGGLES How about your Motor Goggles now that the hot, bright days have come'? Don't ruin your eyes by trying' to do without a pair for the matter of a few cents. I have all styles from 50 cents up to $2,50 and to suit every taste.- 12 different styles on display in the window. No harm• to look at them. Buy now before the price goes up. Bring along your glasses for re- pair or new lens fitted. Eyes tested free. Brooches, pins, rings or barretts repaired neatly and promptly. Clocks called for and delivered. It. H. JOHNSON -.? cweler. aril Optician . (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) GIRLS VtIANTED m.o.1 WE CLAN GIVH EMPLOYMENT TO FEW, MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC,, APPL11 'AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED., THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live T E A S t Hawaiian Pineapphg 1 Cook one oup of rico until soft; pour cold water through the rico to separate the ker- nels, To the rice all one cup 01 chopped pineapple, one ono of powdered sugar, and one cup of whipped cream. Set in a cool place until ready to serve, 1.1.111111 lilaT. _el The Hub Grocery rte, Get fly Prices on MIMED .IRON METAL SNINGIES- AND SIDING PLUMBING AND HEATING THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 63■ SSop over Rowland'■ Hardware. FOR Smog Sceding A stock of Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, Etc, Mangolds, Turnips, and Small Seeds also Seed Grain )Highest prices paid for Hay and Grain Tay, . imposed on Teas puts prides up ton cents per pound. Hlaving had a good stock on hand we will sell at the old price for a lim- ited time, 50c, 80e, and 65c, per pound, black Or mixed. Not more than ten pounds to one customer. E. E. HUNNIFORD (Canadian Food Control License No. 8-3123.) Just Arri ved a carload of Feed Cern. We have -also secured a quantity 01 Choice Seed Corn in the following varieties • Selected Yellow Learning, Giant Prolific Southern Ensilage, Selected Red Cob Ensilage, Early Amber Sugar Oahe. As the season has arriv- ed rrived for the hatchiug of Baby, Chicks we have in stock a quantity of Baby Chicle Feed which we are selling at reas- onable prices. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver Hull Choice); and also our usual line of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed, W. Jenkins & Sone FL0VII AND FEED, JOHN SCHOEN ALS Highest prices paid for Grain atnd Waal. Phone No, 8 CLINTON 10IOvntox Phone 109 Residence 0-192 Incubators A j We have a few Prairie State 1 Incubators Ieft which we will 1 sell at last year's prices retie- 1 er than carry over -in sizes ;; of 100 egg, 150 ,egg and 246. egg capacity, mai* Live oultry 1- : 1 I l As there yeas a shortage of poultry last year it is expect- ed that high prices will pre- vail for live poultry all sea- son, We are always in the market for live poultry `and will be pleased to quote you prices at any time. ;moo; GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. ,W, Trewartha, Phone 19Q Manager or 'Holmesvillte 4 on 1471 CREAM WANTED We will buy your cream and guar+ ante() you - HIGHEST PRICES ACCURATE RECORD PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE. SATISFACTION Write us for - cans. We supply them. Pay express charges. Pay, you for the cream you ship twice each month, Carefully weigli, sam- ple and test each can and send you a statement, Write today, prices are higlt, Agents ; Walton -•W. G. Neal Klnburn i3'alI 4.1 Varna -Beatty Bros. 15118 Seaforth Creamery Co. Box 186 SRAFOI13TII, 011TA.