HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-5-30, Page 80 Centre Huron liberals Mel in Sea Orth Tile iauntiai. Meeting of the Centre Huron Liberals was held in Seaferth on Tuesday afternoon, when ollsers for tho ensuing year were Medea i'reeident, M. D'iurdie, D'iciCillop; let vice, J. L, Kerr, Clinton; 211d vice, N, ICernigluln, Colboruo; arid vice, J, Hinohley, Soaforth; Secretary, J, L, ICfllorae, Goderich; Treasurer, 0-. 'young, Colborne; Auditor, W, Paisley, Clutton, Mr, William larotulfoot, M.P,P, fpr Centre Huron, addressed the meeting on the recent session of the local }louse, and Mr. Thomas McMillan, Liberal candidate at the need eleo tion in South Huron, • was warmly received by the audience, Two resolutions were Passed by the convention, one regarding a re- adjustment of Hydro rates, and the other censuring Mr, Proudfoot for the stand he took in support of the 1Jnion Government in December last and also his support of the extension of Parliament. Three nurses graduated from the !Alexandria Hospital, Goderieb, at the graduation exercises held there on Friday week. Natural Jruocdi ug' Dreading with the lion need not be stroublesoms.11 a limited nuutber .of chicks are required, and proper ap» pllances are provided, When large quantities aro to be raisefl, however artifleiad gleans Mttst be employed, in taking the liens off the nests the aim is to give about 26 chicks to each hen. It more than one lion comes ell at a time and there is a laying colony house available, four bens and 100 chicks can be pact in one of these houses. A little open- ing is left for- the ahlcks to run out when large enough and there is ample room for them to scratch on the floor on wet days. If the liens are all put in the house ,at the same dine, there dogs ilot appear to bo any serious trouble from lighting. As soon as the hens can ho re- moved they are put hack into ;the laying house and the. chicks aro given the house for the summer. Tho "A" shaped house is also much used for the same purpose, except that but two hens and fifty chicks are put in one of these. Small coops for 'individual broods are also used, These are made with- out bottoms and each coop is mov- ed the width of itself each day,. PIIOTOGRAI'HS Why not have a photo taken of your family before the boy is drafted in the army. .- Cheer your soldiers with the best news from home YOUR PHOTOGRAPH -- Make the appointment today. We do Copying, Enlarging, and Amateur Finishing ROY BALL, Photographer, Phone 66 1 White footwear This season, without a doubt, will be the season of ail the seasons for Women's White Footwear t We're showing the Best White Shoes made, and we ask the attention of the woman who enjoys wearing Choice White Footwear of Special Merit White Boots White Oxfords. White Pumps Ladies' Military or the New Low Tread Walking Heels $1.75, $2,Ou, , $3.00 and $4.00 Our Shoe Service is always Painstaking and every woman we shoe will have Well Dressed Handsome looking Feet I FRED. JACK SUN "THE PRACTICAL SHOE _MAN" i Special Order Clothing 1 Our new set of samples for Ordered Clothing for spring is now here, and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest selections of High-grade woolens we have ever shown. Our styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come and look them over and get one of our new Style Books. We are also showing" some new natty stylet in Men's and Women's Boots, 1VIen's Hats, Ties and Shirts See our table of Hen's Boots at $3,50'a pair Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE TII AT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 29 AGENTS—SEMI-READY. CLOTHING. NEW IDEA PATTERNS, 1 Dainty Enough For a Queen yet priced so as to be within everybody's reach, That ex- actly, describes our bedroom furniture of Wall we are just- ly proud. See the display and you will surely want one of these graceful dressers or 'nit" (orders of one of the beautiful bods contained in the o.chibit, JAS. iLrNFUIZD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone 28 1 reseieeseedestoseeilie .Most Assuredly We Want You Wall paper Business. but ire do not mat you to be influenced dti our favor by anything except the actual mer- its and reasonable pric- es of the goods offer- ed plus --your practioal good will for whieh we are heartily grate- ful. Tile W. D. Fair Co. POIten the Cheapest Always the Best."• t „•• r, enneatnsunuurma'nanun,` 1144 Dr. Shaw was in London on Mon- day. • Miss Marion Gunn came up from Toronto for the holiday. Misses Mabel and Eva Chill spent the week -end with Hensel' friends., Miss Mary Flolland spent the holi- day and week -end with friends in Mitchell., Miss Thelma Connor of Exeter has been visiting Miss Eileen Atkinson during the past week, Mr. Rees Jenkins of 'Woodlands Farce, Huron Road, spent the holi- day and week -end in Toronto. Mrs. Sutter of Stratford visited her son, Mr. J. A. Sutter of town, for a few days during the past week, Mrs. Campbell, the Misses Campbell and Mrs. Steel of Rirpley spent the week -end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J, . Torrance. . Mr. and Mrs. H. B, Chant attended the funeral of Miss Millie Holmes, sister of Mrs. Chant, at St. Cath- arines on Saturday, Lieut. E. Torrance of the Dominion Military Pollee, North Bay, spent the holiday and week -end at the parental home in town., Mrs. H. 13. Chant, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs, Floody, at Chatham, for the last six weeks, returns home this week, Mr, Eddie Shepherd of Toronto came up to spend the week -end and hcli- day with his mother, Mrs. Jaynes .Shepherd of Townshend street, Mrs. A. le. Collyer and children of London were here for the holiday and week -end visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Steep. DIr, and Mrs. Short and Mr. and Mrs. McVittIe of Southampton were holiday guests with Rev, J. 11. and Mrs. Hogg at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Walker of Lon- don spent Victoria Day and the week -end with the latter's broth- ers, Messrs. G. C. and H. C. iloI- land. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. B. Fletcher and Mrs. Stone of Exeter were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Atkinson. Miss Josie i\redd, art teacher in the Wingham high school and Miss Hollingshead of the Business Col- lege .staff visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd, Mrs. Webster, Miss Belle Webster and .little Miss Isabel Webster of Lon- desboro were visitors during the past week at the home of the for- mer's daughter, Mrs. E. G Saville. Dr. and Mrs. McCallum of Kingston have been visiting, with the lady's parents, IsIr. and Mrs. J, Wiseman, during the past week. Dr. Mac - Callum is connected with Queen's Military Hospital, Kingston. Capt. J. N: • Gunn, M. D., who has recently returned on a two -months' leave after about three years ser- vice in France, with his wife and little daughter, Jeanette, -ha'r'e been the guests for a few days during Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Robinson, Mrs, J. D. Atkinson, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Appleby, Miss S. i5loman, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ford and Mrs. Clara Rumball motored to Exeter on Thursday to attend the Deanery meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kemp and fam- ily ,motored up from London on Victoria Day and spent the week- end as guests of the fermor's brother, Mr., S. Kemp. They took a little run up to Goderich on Saturday afternoon, Mrs. J. S. Jackson left on Satur- day for Toronto, where she will spend a few days with relatives before proceeding to -her home in Winnipeg, She had spent six weeks or so in town as the guest of her sister and mother, • Mrs, T. Jack- son and Mrs. L. Greig, the past week with'Dr, and Mrs, Gunn of town. Capt. Gunn but recently recovered from a some- what severe illness, They left on Tuesday for London, where Mrs, Gunn's paretics reside, and will later go to Calgary, where Dr, Gunn practised prior to his leaving for overseas, Capt, C. E, Dowding, formerly man- ager of the local branch of the Moisons tank, who returned last week to Canada, was the guest of M's mother in town from Friday evening until Saturday morning, Capt. Dowding has been serving in France for the past year or more as paymaster but was near enough to Ilre front tont lines to receive a shrapnel wound some little time ago. 'Those Who saw hihn during his short stay in town sk.y he is looking eetratnely well and fit, Glintau New Reenrd May Mb, IAi$ E SI' " CIALiZE IN FINE DRESSGoODS BUY THEM NOW A Dress or Suit --no matter how good its style or tailoring ---is no better than its cloth. A little stretching, a few wrinkles, will ruin the most fashionably cut, finely tailored gown ever made. Only an expert can accurately judge the quality of a piece of dress goods by inspecting a piece of the cloth. But, when that cloth is made up into a garment, its quality quickly shows to everybody. Every piece of DRESS GOODS SOLD AT BROWN'S is guaraneeed all -silk, all -wool, or wool -and -silk, as the case may be ---its high quality shows in the long wear of the garment as well as in the beauty of the cloth. Well=dressed women have learned that they can rely absolutely upon the quality of all dress goods bought at WOMEN'S STORE Dry, Goods,, Ilouso Furnishings nnowiNve phone 09. . Next to Royal Bank MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library, Loncieshoro. Miss J. B. Medd, high school teacher of Wingham, visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs, J. Tamblyn, overthe week -end. Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Eaton and family motored to Hullctt on Fri- day to spend the week -enol with Mrs. J. Tamblyn. Ibir. Wm. Moon had a hog deliver- ed to him by Mr. Taylor the other day which tipped the scales at 000 pounds and for which he. paid the handsome sum of $117.80. Don't let anyone say it doesn't pay to keep hogs. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Albert Wey- mouth, on Thursday of next week. A special program is being prepared and everyone will be made welcome. Goderich Township Mr. W. II. Lobb, who is one ' of the large breeders of Holsteins in Huron county, has purchased from Messrs. Arbogast Bros. of Sebring- ville, one of their line Holstein bulls. The. animal is a son of King Alear. tra Segis, that great $2,000 bull whose dans has a record of 35.37 pounds of butter fat in seven clays. Mr.' Lobb shows enterprise in pro- curing this fine eleven -months -old calf, King Segis Alcartra Walker, to head his splendid herd of Holsteins, The Young Ladies' Patriotic So- ciety will meet next week in the Sunday School room of St. James' church, Middleton. Holmesville Mrs. D. J. Burns and Miss D. Holmes are attending the W. M. S. convention at St. HIarys this week, Mrs, G. holland of Clinton and Mrs, II. Walker of London were calling on old friends in the village on Monday. A terrific thunder storm passed over here on Monday night. Mr. G. Tebbutt bail two cattle killed by the lightning, A cherry tree in the orchard of Mr, Alt'Jervis, quite near the barn, was struck, Lots of rain these days. Constance. Mr. and Mrs, W. Stanley of Clin- ton spent the 24th as the guests of their daughter, Mrs. 'Tudor, and hers, Robt. Clark. Quite a number of the young peo- ple spent the 24th at Baytlolcl. Mrs, W, Mclntosh and Miss Vera Colckough Visited with friends in Brussels on Sunday. Mrs. R, Lawson is this week at- tending the W.M.S. reinvention at Marys, a ,t y,s t r , D Mr. and Mrs, Freci Anderson and amily of Soaforth spent Sunday as the guests of the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs, .las. Matt, Sr, McKillop Township. Mr. and.-Ilirs. DI., Irvine and their son Alex., motored up from Blan- chard on Victoria Day and visited the former's brother, Mr. J., J. Ir- vine, and other relataVes here, Hilda, the eldest child of Mr. ]Cleo. Bennewies, is very f11 with pneu- monia. There has been a large quantity of flax sown in McKillop, and the late rains have been very beneficial to this crop. The baker, who conducts business in Dublin, is again delivering bread in McKillop, Messrs. W. Manley, Joe Johnston, and Frank. Walsh have bought new cars, Summerhill Mr. and Mrs, H. S. Walker and Miss M. McLaughlin of London were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L.( Tyner over Victoria Day. Mr. and Mrs. Symington and ne- phew visited at the home of Mr, Robert Watkins last week. Mr, Fred Lawson of Toronto vis- ited under the parental roof over the holiday. Supplies shipped by the Red Cross Society during the last three months were as follows : To the 1st, 18th, and 47th Battalions, 08 pairs socks; to Sergt. Wm. Snell, 16 pairs socks; 2 trench towels; to Hyman Hall, London, 22 clay shirts, 20 trench towels, 'Phe Society desires to thank the council for a grant of $40. Teachers Will Help The following letter was received by Mr, Grigg, avho has been appoint- ed registrar for S. Huron, from In- spector Tom, which shows 4iue wil- lingness of the teaching fraternity to assist in the coming registration : Goderich, May 24, 1018, Lieut. A. J. Grigg, Clinton, .Dear Sir,—It is most fitting that the schools shall be used as polling booths for . the registration, and that the teachers shalt act as De- puties for the recording, of persons of sixteen years and over, It is necessary that all .persons shall do their utmost to safeguard Ite liber- ties and freedom of the nations. You tvilf find tate teachers of ]fest Huron will gladly do anything they can to help "Win The War." They will assist you to make the regis- tration complete and accurate. If we can not go to 'the front' as tea- chers and inspectors we suait do alt possible to ensure victory for the Entente Natloes. The teachers "Will Never Let the Ohl Flag Fall." Yours sincerely, 'J, 1.Lfl-1N TOM, Inspector of Schools &Mullett Township Mr. and lairs. J. J. McCaughey of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flynn. Mr, and Mrs. John Murphy_ of Dublin spent Sunday with friends iu Hullett. Miss Loretto Flynn of Toronto came home for the 2411 and on her return on Monday was accompanied by her sister, Miss Eulala, who in- tends taking a position in the city. Mr, Thos, O'Connor was up from Scafortlt on Sunday, Varna. The ladies of the Patriotic Society wish anyone having finished work to bring or send same in to any of the stores before Tuesday; June 4th, and anyone having yarn to let the Society know how much, as the So- ciety wishes to ascertain just what material they have on hand. - Kippen. Mrs. Wm, Ivison has been confined to her bed for the past week with a doctor in attendance, Her daughter, Mrs. Stirling McPhail, is taking care of her, We would be pleased to hear of her complete recovery. Kippeu had its usual quota of visitors over the holiday ; Mrs. Jas. C;reaves and Mrs. Russel Crozier and daughter of London were visitors with their brother, Mr. James i1Tc- Clymont. Master Chas, 'Thompson, son of Dr. Thompson of London spent the holiday with Master Gilbert Janet. Miss Edith Holmes of Tilbury and Miss Edna Dayman of Mcleillop have been recent visitors with their cousin, Miss Louisa McOlymont, A. number from around here at- tended a reception and dance given at the 11001e of Mr, and Mrs. John McGregor, '1'uekersmith, in honor of Dir., ledger Butt and bride, who were married the Tuesday previous, 11'e understand the happy couple will take up housekeeping on Mr. Wim. Butt's farts on the second of Tuck- ersmith. They have the best wishes of a hoofriends- A knittstingf bee ga.s held by the ladies of the Patriotic Vottety nn the basement of the Methodist church, on Victoria Day. Miss 11. McLean resigned her onkel as seers. tary and hiss hazel l'llgtc was ap- pointed to Ilia position. A splendid lea teas se.rvc'el and a voltectton taken up wltic'h tunouutcd to over eleven dollat•s. :111 who attettdect en- joyed the social time. Dir. Robert Ilrowulee attended the district nloetiug 111 the Methodist church winch was holt] in flungannon hist week. Ilia. ttrownlee also tcsit- tui friends in t•ledcrach. alt'. l'etei eleietvttu of Cfotleticlt AO campauu+d by his thy, t e dttulihtots, visited the former's uncle, Mr. Geo. McKay, last Friday. They were on their way home from London where they had spent part of the day. Mr. David Kyle of the town line was hurried to. Victoria Ilospit;al on Wednesday of last week and operat- ed on for appeadieitis. We are pleas- ed to report that the operation war successful and latest reports as to his condition were most encouragiae Rev. Dr. Barnby of Lucan exchang- ed duties with the Rev- J.. E. Jones on Sunday. Dr, Barnby preached here in the afternoon and at Varna. in the evening. Mr. Thomas Richardson has taker, a position with the Bell Engine. Works of Seaforth, helping to make munitions. Mr. Archie Noakes is also employed in the same place. Mr, and Mrs, Walker of London motored up on Victoria Day and spent a few hours with their Deice and nephew, Mr. and Mrs, Percy Cole of this vicinity. WHITE FEATHER FARM SLACKERS. The "farm slacker" is no better than the man who would not get in- to khaki when the call for recruite- eame, The women must . "white feather" the man who continues to live ineffectually dawdling through the day and dancing , through the night, EleetrieWirin,.C, and up-to-date Fixtures of ail kinds Plumbing, Roofing, Troughing and Furnace. Work .Estimates Cheerfully Given Byam & Sutter' Plumbers and Electricians Atone 7