HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-5-30, Page 5May 3Oth,1918 Qlinton hitws_Be and Of Interest to You and IVIe `,Phe Pend Controller will regulate banquets. In ,eohn,non leihness if rte s'1'estrlots the food he ougltt to s11ort- •All the speeohee."-Toronto Stem Yes. Cut -'eel out altogether, We .shouldn't mind a bit, We're never asked to speak anyway. .. 'The elutesare now building ships •caster than they are being sunk by Gorman submarines and are sinking :nubs faster than the Gorhuans can build then, This is cheerieg news,• May the good work go on, a* There should be no objection to the calling out of young men iu Canada Tor military service. In England they are warning the men of forty- seven and forty-eight to be ready to report for nledioal examination, The day will come when Ireland. will be heartily ashamed, as her best friends aro already, that she so Teadily became the dupe of Germany and hampered Britain in her fight ipr freeilonh, The worst we'd wish them would be a taste of "Freedom" under Germau domination, They'd have a more wholesome respect for Brh freedom afterwards. • , rt 'A writer in the Toronto Star the other clay galled attention to an •article from the pen of Pete): Mc- Arthur, who claims to bo a real 'farmer, commenting on the difficulty of, teaching a young calf. to drink and then goes on todescribe how he, a city man, and bis wife Pfeil" a calf. That sort of thing is amusing, of course, but a "real" farmer learns as a boy to teach a young calf to drink and he'd as soon think of describing how he eats his din- ner. ft's a commonplace with him. It is because be's afraid of getting that sort of useless "help" which" makes a fanner fight shy of the city .bred hired man. There seems to be some very in, Namable material in Halifax, N.S, The 'other day a couple of British sailors, -so it is alleged, went into a store and bought some trilling article, :such as a cake of soap, and failing to pay for same the dealer called a Policeman and had one man arrested. 'The other chap ran away and, gath- 'ering up a mob they proceeded to +'tear things loose." About $0,000 worth of damage was done before the =mob was subduedthepolice. The soldiers In Canada usually find kind- ly and considerate treatment wher- ever they go but it is this sort of thing which will bring the soldiers' 'cause into disrepute. There is no rocky -in Canada. for mob law ; sol- diers and civilians alike must sub- mit to proper authority, Bayfield Messrs, Clarence Pollock and Law- rence Fowlie of London spent the week -end at their homes in the vil- lage, Mr. and Mrs. G. 1',I. Elliott of Goderich spent Tuesday in the vil- lage. Victoria Day was a gala day in Bayfield, arrangements having been under way for a fortnight or so by a committee for the holding of a grand celebration on Clan Gregor Square, which plans worked out very sucoess- etilly. Early in the afternoon the crowd began to arrive and between one and :two the sports were opened by a "•calitihumpian procession and decorat- ed auto parade, which formed down town and marched up to the square. 'This parade, headed by Clansman Martyn with, his pipes, he and his family being in Highland costume, ,caused a great deal of amusement, especially to those who happened to recognize those masquerading In the procession. The witch and her in- evitienle black. cat caused some fun, the peanut venders continued to make a little money peddling their wares during elle afternoon. But in- deed all the outfits were funny, it is not fair to mention any one per - sae or group, Charlie Chapin was much in evidence. After judging the flag raising took place, The Bayfield council have secured a 'fine new flag and flag pole, though we heard, incidentally that a pole twenty feet higher will be procured later; the one sent not being suii-h- eiently high to reach up beyond the trees of the square. Rev. A. Macfarlane, who was a member of the celebration committee -and who was a very b'lsy man all day, made a little opening speech and introduced Mr, C11, D. Houck, principal of the Clinton Model school, who gave 0 very interesting and enii.ghtning address upon the Union Jack, before it was finally hoisted, Reeve Irwin manipulating the rope. As the flag began to ascend the pole bats came off and the crowd sang lustily "Clod Save the King." Afterwards Miss Joaa Woods re- cited, the school children sang "The Red, White and Blue" and three cheers were given for the King and , h,ie, Im'bediately after the flag raising Clansman Martyn and , his family gave an exhibition of Highland dan- cing on a platform erected for the purpose. Then came the program ot sports and contests, baseball, loot-' ball, races, etc. The ladies of the Patriotic Society had a booth upon the grounds wlie,'e rice cream, ole., could he purchased. Pretty girls sole red, white and h)ne badges, the proceeds for pat- riotic purposes, to the people on the grounds during the afternoon, A sprinkle of rain about SIVA ti'etoek eattsed a bit of a scurry for 'cover hilt it didn't amount to muds :and did tint dpoli the sport. .Batifleld Visitors wore present from all the surroeudilhg towns and a number of n e who s usux113sp0ni. 0 sum- mer in Bayfield had cone up from London and elsewhere for the bell- day, elmdaj', Prizes were awarded as follows~ C'afitllunipialh ehnrecter-let prize,. Mrs, Jas. Ferguson and Mies Norah Ferguson; 2110, Misses Luoy and Jean Woods. • Hest decorated auto -Dr, Metcalf. 100 yd. Dash -Mowat McDougall, l). McDougall, Foot race, boys' le and under --E, Lindsay, George Grooves, Foot race, girls' --Rota FIarrisou, Jean Woods, Putting stone --Mowat McDougall, D. H. McNaughton, Foot race, 1-8 nine -W, Townsend, W. Gray, Boys' three -logged race-Crraoves Bros,, Myrton Merrier, Clayton Wes - Sack race -Eric Chapman, Jack Ferguson, Standing jump -Mowat "McDougall, D, McDougall. Running„ long jump -Bert Stur- geon, J.. Doyle. Running, high jump -J, Doyle, 11. Keyes. Ie , . y S Ilop, step and jump -Bert Stur- geon, Ernie Little, Old men's race -D. Postlewaitc, Peter McDougall. Tug of war, Stanley vs. Gederfch township -Won by Stanley. Baseball match, Goderieh vs. Bay- field -10 to 0 in f aver of Bayfield. In the evening a grand concert was held in the town hall and the hall was filled., Rev. A. Macfarlane and Rev. W. Ashe-Everest acted as chairmen. The Martyn family of Goderieh, who danced during the afternoon, assisted at the concert and it was very much en- joyed by alI present, The proceeds of the day,,from all sources and the concert amotmted to $225. This went into the funds of the Patriotic Society. Reeve Erwin and Capt. J. Fer- guson acted as starters during the races. Rev, A. Macfarlane and Messrs. D. McNaughton and F. Keegan were the judges. It was a great day for the Patrio- tic Society and everything went off as smooth as could be. Counts News lllrs, Henry %Velper of the .Bronson Line, Hay, passed away on Sunday week after but a few weeks' illness at the great age of dearly ninety- one: The remains of the late Dr, W. J. Roe, who died in Philadelphia in 1915, have been brought to Wingham and laid in the new mausoleum which the family have erected in the Wingbam cemetery. The remains of his father and mother, who had died At the last meeting of the board of the North street church, Goderieh, a resolution, setting forth their ap- preciation of his services as an of- ficial and expressing sincere regret at his impending departure, was un- animously passed and presented to Mr, H. E. Hodgons, who shortly go- es to Peterboro where lie has bouggt a bhsiness, in 1915 and 1914 respectively, which had been kept in a temporary vault, were also placed in the mausoleum, Mr. H. Bellamy, a returned sol- dier, is registrar in North Huron. and is arranging for the registration of the man and woman power on June 22nd. Rev. J. D. Kettle of Exeter, while in his own yard where a calf was tethered, became tangled up in the rope, the calf running around him, and was thrown to the ground with the result that his leg was broken, Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy and two daughters of Wingham attended con- vocation in connection with the Tor- onto University when Miss Gretta Kennedy graduated 10 Art. Pte, Alfred Taylor of Wingham, a nember of the 18th Battalion arrived tome iron) England last week eta - Wing from nervous trouble, He joined the 18th 13attallon on May 4, 1915, and w.eet to France In Septoln- ber, Ile :ileo served six months with the stretcher. bearers 11n4 reeeivod three recommendations for gallantry, Ho also soxved throtlgl, the Boer war and in all his battles never re- ceived a scratch. The Masonic lodge of 'ilensall awl' some of the brethren from surround- ing lodges •attended divine service lit Carmel church on Sunday evening, Vie Rets. 1111:, McConnell preaching an appropria( ""sermon, Mr, Fred Davis, M,P.P., of Irri- cans, Alberta, a former well-lknown citizen of Goderich, hat rcitur,tod with llis wife and daughter for a holiday In Ontario, He will visit in Godericlh, Seaferth and Mitchell: Mrs. Davis and little daughter are now visiting friends in Philadelphia. The churches of Goderieh have de- cided to try changing tete hour of the evening service to eight o'olook for the summer months, beginning next Sunday night., Marriages QUIGLEY - CART3ERT - In the Church of the Immaculate Con- °option, Stratford, on May 20th, Mary F., eldest daughter of Mrs. Thomas Carbert of Stratford, to Alphonsus V, Quigley of Clinton, son of Mr, and Mrs• le. Quigley of Hallett. • GORBUQ'T-CARTER - In Clinton, on May 25th, by the Rev. A. B. Jones, Irene, (laughter of Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Carter, to John Gorbutt. BUTTS-114cCLOX-At Seatorth, 00 May 21st, William Edgar Butts of Klppen to Ivy May 114celoy of Seaforth. Births PLANT -In Seaforth, on May 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Plant, a SOL PERKINS-In Usborne, on May 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Perkins, a son. OANTELON-At Moose Jaw, Sask., on May 21st, to Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert L. Cantolon, a daughter. Deaths GLAZIER -In Mullett, on May 26th, Jessie Mae, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Glazier, ag- ed 3 years. COOK-In•Goderich, on April 27t11, Mary A. C'antelon, widow of the late Adam Coon, aged 91 years and 9 months. WATT -In McMillop, on May 260, Thomas T. Watt, son of Mrs. Margaret Watt of Clinton, aged 37 years, WALPE'R-In Hay, on May 10th, ilirs. Henry Walper, aged 91 years, 8 mouths and 11 days. IIOLMI:S-At St. Catharines, on May 22nd, Miss Millie K. Holm- es, daughter of the late E. Ilolnles, formerly publisher of the Clinton New Era, and sister of Mrs. H. B. Chant, Clinton, IN MEMORIA111, CLARK -In loving memory of -Mar- garet S. Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Launcelot Clark, Stan- Iey, who departed this life June 1st, 1916, "Fier memory is as dear today as in the hour she passed away." -The Family. LOST -IN CLINTON, A SMALL Gold Locket and Chain. Finder please leave at Irwinjs store . and receive reward, PROPERTY FOR SALE -HOUSE and lot on Station street; in good repair; good garden in; reasonable terms; owner leaving town. Apply on promises to -Mrs. Charlotte Carter, -43 HOUSE FOR SALE -2 STOREY frame house, corner of Townshend and Kirk streets, in good repair, electric lights and town water. Apply on premises to 114rs. L. Stong. ---40 WHITE STAR LINE 4 Osapreareeefem/rrfd °s""8"'° ANNUAL EXCURSION 'aarm4swo Goderieh to Detrol AND HIITURN Steamer Greyhound Leaves Goderieh, Tuesday, June llth, 10 aan,, Returning leaves Detroit, 'Thursday, June 13t11, 1 p.111,, Detroit titne $2 round trip. $1,50 one way -The only boat trip from Goderieh to Detroit this season No passports required for melee of military age on this trip. Simply sign your name tar. the Imtnigeation Officer who will be on duty on hoard steamer at time. of departure, Except : 11 men belong to Class 1 now called, 1t will be necessary foe them to show that they have com- plied with tihe military anrvice regu- lations' and have the cson5eut of the ltegtstrat for this ,nilitary district, W.E, Wisner, Dep. -Registrar, London, to be absent from Canada, This ap- plies ot course only to male British subjects between 20 and 34, inclus- ive, who are single or are widowers ' without children, Canadians coning to Detroit for a temporary stay are tint required to pay a head the or make a deposit. 11,5, immigration officers will be on. the steamer to pass excursionists, SAND MOONLIGHT 25C •--out el ('i•oderkh- MONPf AV EVENING, JUNP1 10th, 8 pen, lfusic and i)ancieg in Greyhound bail room. FOR SALE.• -GOOD BAY MARDI, drive single or (loublo, galet and reliable, -Apply to Evilest Row- clilfo, Clinton, Ont, 43--2 FOR SALT*;•••.A TEAM Ole WORK horses, harness and Wager -a --Isaac Bezzo, -39 WAN PED -A WOMAN TO WORK by tiro day. -Apply in the evening to Mas, 114, D. 1i"Paggert, -30 l4F'I:TING Ole HURON COUNTY Gouuoil,--The Couu n of the Cor- poration of Huron will meet in the °outwoit chamber, Goderieh, 011 Tuesday, the 4th day of June, 101.8, at 3 o'clock in tate afternoon. Goderieh, May 17111, 1018,-G+eo. W, Holman, County Clerk, 42-.-2 HOUSE FOR SALE. --ON MARY street, 5 rooms, simmer kitchen, washroom, pantry, eleotric.lights, furnace, hard and soft water, mod- ern conveniences, a small garden. - Apply on promises G. A, 13rad- thew, -40 LOT FOR SALE. -CORNER OF Riittenbury and Gibbings street, has small frame house on it. Flee building site and large garden. Che for Cheap o quick sale as owner, is leaving town. -Apply at D. G. Wheeler's, Cutler St. -39 • gib HOUSE FOR RENT. -ON ALBERT St. Can have immediate posses- sion.-11trs, Thos. Lee. -42-2 THREE PUR1D 1311ED CLYDES. DALE STALLIONS Colonel Bowers Colonel Bowers has been enrolled and inspected by The Ontario Stal- lion Enrolment Board and Passed, Form 1. His Enrolment No. is 4522 and hs registered in the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book as No, 19005. His route for this season is as fol- lows : Monday -Will leave his own stable and go north to Snell Bros, for noon; west and north to Robt, Watts, 13th con., for night. Tuesday -East and north to Wal- ton for noon; north to Macdonald's hotel, Brussels, for night. Wednesday -East to Robt. l4Iacdon- ald's for noon ; south to Oliver Har- ris' for night. Thursday -South to Thos, Mac - Kay's for noon ; west to John Griev- es' for night. Friday -South and East to Cbas. Little's for noon ; east and south to John Delaney's, Beechwood, for night. Saturday -West to Dick House, Seaforth, for noon ; Home for night where he will remain until the fol- lowing Monday morning. Jas. E. Reynolds, Manager. • Men rae Gleam has been enrolled and in- spected by 'rhe Ontario Stallion and Enrolment Board and Passed, Ap- proved. His Enrolinent No. is 1311 and is registered in the Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book as No, 8353. His route for this season will be as follows : Monday -Will leave his own stable and go by way of Huron Road to the Dick Blouse, Seaforth, for noon, then south and west to George McCart- ney's for night. Tuesday -West to 2nd Con, Tuck- ersmitlh, then south 21, miles, then west to Charles • Wasman's for noon ; then south, to Kippen, west lee mil- es, then south to James (Green's, Parr Line, for night. Wednesday -West to Zurich to ;lolmston's hotel for one hour, west 14 miles, north through Blake to Samuel Gingerielh's for noon ; then east 1e 01110s then north to Thomas Robinson's for night. Thursday -By way of Varna to William Clark's,' Maitland Con., God - °rich township, for noon ; then north 1+ miles then west to James Ster- ling's for night. Friday --East along 'Telephone Road to Robert Colclough's for noon; then east 14 miles, north 14 miles then east to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. Saturday -.Cast to John Noble's for noon ; then oast 1.:1 miles, north 14 miles, then east to his own stable where ho will remain until the fol- lowing Monday morning. Thos, McMichael, Sr., Manager. Royal of Dunholmhill Royal of Duaholtnilill has been en- rolled and inspected by The Ontario Stallion Enrolment Board and Pass- ed, Form 1., FIis Enrolment No, is '5048 and is registered in the Cat1- adian Clydesdale Stud Book •as No. 18787. He will stand at his own stable, lot 8, cols. 8, Hallett, and will be bred to a limited uutnber of mares. THOS, eleMICIIAIIL, 1 SON, Proprietors Seatorth, - Ontario 43--4 Dunure Oartley '1221, Enrolment Na. 97. Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, West 1'lnd, Tuckersuuith. 'Terns $.ib to Insure. G. W. NOT'1`, Proprietet Pon SAt - W1 HAVE FOR, SALE at reasonable prices lour Shorthorn Registered Belie from 12 to 15 months old, Good pedigrees, En• quire at Plumatool Bros, store or at the farm, Loddon P004, 4 milo from town. --J, Roy Plumsteoi,-40 HOUSE TO RENT --A COMFORT - able 6 -roomed. house on Orange street ; town and soft water ; gar- den with some fruit trees ; posses- sion given May lst.-Apply, to Jas, Cook, Clinton, -85 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - Paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentleme,l's clothes, We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Sults, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ere, etc. All orders promptlyt at- tended to. Rooms over Hunniford's grocery store -Wm. J. Jago. --00 What Cereal de You Prefer for Breakfast? Everybody has his or her likes or dislikes, but most people enjoy Corn Flakes. Our stock is fresh and crispy, Try some with your itext order. Look over this list of Breakfast Foods ::- CORN FLAT{IES • PUFFED WHEAT,, SHREADED WHEAT I{RUMBLES, GRAPE NUTS FLAKED WHEAT OAT MEAL, ETC. Pineapple week is next week. NOTICE On and after June 1st, 1918, we respectively ask our patrons and Weeds to adhere strictly to the two-week settlement of their ac- counts, 13y doing so enables us to buy to better advantage for your benefit. Respectively yours, Johnson & CO. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly eared for. PFIONE 111, Canadian Food Control Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241 CEMENT', BRAN SHORTS FLOUR Chopping Tuesdays, Thursdays 8c Saturdays TERMS --CASH JOHN HUTTON LONDESBORO WANTED Steady, reliable men to work as 6 inch 1I. Pl. Shells. Experience not necessary. Phone or apply personally to The ROBT. BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., Ltd,, SEAPORT'', ONT. 42-3 CllOPI'IXG 4 The Clinton Flour Mills will do °bopping every Saturday at 8 cents a bag. FLOUR Have you tried our North Star flour ? Made from pure Manitoba No. 1 hard wheat. TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASEI. 4 JOHN SCHOENHALS Phone No, 8 CLINTON THE FOOD P Although the American Government placed an embargo ou their fertiliz- ers, and while it took a considerable amount of persuasion to get them to realize that Buffalo Brandswere absolutely necessary in greater food production for the allies and the eventual whining of the war, we have succeeded in having it lifted, and now have a complete stock on hand for your various crops, and at very low proportionate prices. ` Of ail years this is your golden op- portunity to increase profits as well as foodstuffs by applying a . liberal supply of BUFFALO BRAND FER- TILIZERS,. We also have a fresh supply of the germine CANADA CEMENT, the re- cognized standard. • Give us a calf when in tate market for Lumber, Shingles or an'y of our various lines, as we will be pleased to meet) your wishes, Phone 11 on 018. J. 8. MUSTARD Pitelle 11 on 9.18 'DRVORFirilLD I'WO- 1,,'R1„SlI COWS 1''O3t SALE, al- so toed grain. Pasture for is, num- be): .of cattle for Teat -,-Apply, to James E. Medd, IR,R, No. 1, C111t- ton, -4-35 MRS. SAP1L JOHNSTON WILL visit Clinton 011 Wednesday at 00011 week to take orders for Spirella corsets She, will be at tbo.ho1119 of Mrs, 'Trick, Itattenburp street, where any message lug bo left foe her. -„35 FOR SALE -6 -ROOMED COTTAGE on Bond street, good eellar, 4 acre land, barn and drive shed, all in good repair, small fruit 'trees, town water and good cistern, Also an aged driving snare suitable for women ; set light double harness with canvas traces ; set single hare gess ; a road wagon with dray platform with pole and shafts, cap - unity i4 tons, -Apply to Elmer Finch. -33 CLINTON'S LEADING J.EWEI;ERY STORE) - MOTOR GOGGLES How about your. Motor Goggles now that the hot, bright days ,have come 1 Don't ruin your eyes by trying to do without a pair for the matter of a few cents. I have all styles from 50 cents up to $2.50 and to suit every taste. 12 different styles on display in the window. No harm to look at thein. Buy now before the price goes up. Bring along your glasses for re- pair or new lens fitted. Eyes tested free, Brooches, pins, rings or harretts repaired neatly and promptly. Clocks called for and delivered, R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler, an'd Optician (Nest to Hovey's Drug Store) GIRIS WANTE�! WE CAN GIVP1 EMPLOYMENT TO 1 FEW MORE KNIT. PERS, ETC: ApPLIi AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live SpecialNotice On and after June 1st, we are asking all our friends to adhere strictly to a two -week- ly payment of their account with us. The accounts are small, we know, but as a business man you will realize that all of our business is made up of these small accounts, so ,that every two weeks we must col- lect many of them if we are to meet • our running expens- es. Ali of our prices are based on this prompt -payment plan. Your co-operation in this matter will enable us to give you the very best possible value for your money,, Are you with us ? Respectfully yours, E. E. HUNNIFORD (Canadian Food Control License No, 8-3123.) Just Arri ved a carload of Peed Corn. We have also secured a quantity of Choice Seed Corn id the following uetrioties Selected Yellow Learning, Giant Prolific Southern Ensilage, Selected Red Cob Ensilage, Early Amber ,Sugar Cane. As tine season has arriv- ed for the hatching of Baby Chicks we have in stock a quantity of Baby Chick Feed which we are selling at reas- onable prices. Seed Buckwheat, (Silver matt Choice); and also our usual lino of Flout, Bran, Shorts and Feed. W. Jenkins & Son. PLOtl:II AND MD. Highest prices paid for 'Grain and Wool, Elevatgr 'Phone 100 Residence 9-14± 1 Uawaiiart Pineappl 0 Cook ono 009 of rice until loft; pour cold water irbrough the rico to separate thoker- ncls. To the rice add 0110 (1119 of chopped pineapple, pus 009 of"`powdered sugar, and ono cup of whipped mem. Set in a cool place until ready to serve, We rO'Nell The club Grocery Get Ciy Prices on CORRUGATED GATED IRON METAL SHINGLES MD MN PLUMBING AND HEATING r. set THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PRONE D3, Sl2op over Rowland's Hardware FOR Spriug Seediug A stock of Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, Etc, Mangolds, Turnips, and Small Seeds also Seed Grain Highest prices paid for Hay and Grain Ford &McLeoQ Incubators ---■• '� i We have a few Prairie State Incubators left which we will I sell at last year's prices rath- er than carry over -in sizes of 100 egg, 150 egg and 244' egg capacity.; I I1 Live Poultry As there was a shortage of poultry last year it is expect- ed that thigh prices will pre- vail foe live poultry all sea- son. We are always in the market for live poultry and will be pleased to quote you prices at any time. es0ee GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N.; ,W, Trewartba, Phone 190 Manager or 'Flolmesvllle 4 on 1411 CREAM WANTED We will buy your cream and guar- antee you- 'RICHEST PRICES ACCURATE RECORD PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE SATISFACTION Write us for cans. Wo supplgi -hent, • Pay express charges. Pay you for the cream yore Skip 'twice each mouth, Carefally Weigtf, sam- ple and test each can and send you a statement, Write today9 prices gra high. Agents : WaIt6n--W, Ci. Neal. 'tinhorn -quit & ct Varna -Beatty Bros, Seaforth Creamery Co, 130 486. , , SEA1DOR/DUL {writ