HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-5-23, Page 8Clinton Nowa-neco>rd.
bnpOrtant Point in
.Matching chickens
During the hatching season the
poultry house and particularly the
oast should be kept eloan, Olean Wat-
er and a supply of whole grain should
be provided also, If more than one
hatch is being taken off, clean out
and disinfect the nest after each
1lateh and put in now sod and fresh.
litter. Dust the hon with insect
powder before putting her in the
crest and again a day or two before
leaving the nests with the ohicicon$.
It is a good plan t0 put into Oho
Must bath a little dry sulpher o1,'
ground tobaoco,
lie sure also that the house is free.
from mites. These little pests get
Into the eraoks and earners of the
blinding and at night, as the hens
are resting, they come out of their
hiding Place, get an the hen's body
and it does not take very many oft
them to make a hen so uneasy that
She cannot sit, In some cases the
mites become so troublesome that
they actually worry the hens to
"A Lap Ahead"
Dunlop Tires—"Traction,"
"special'° ---represent doing
best what other tires may
have been trying to do well.
"Masters of the Ro_ ad"
Most Assuredly we 'Wan
Your Wall Paper
1 White Footwear 1
This season, without a doubt, will be the season of ail the
seasons for Women's White Footwear 1
We're showing the Best White Shoes made, and we ask
the attention of the woman who enjoys wearing Choice
White Footwear of Special Merit 1
White Boots
White Oxfords
White Pumps
Ladies' Military or the New Low Tread
Walking Heels
$1.75, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00
Our Shoe Service is always Painstaking and every woman
we shoe will have Well Dressed Handsome looking Feet !
but 'We do not want
you to be influenced in
out• laver by anything
except the naval mer-
its and reasonable pric-
es of the goods offer-
ed plus --your` practical
good will for which
we are heartily grate-
The W. D. Fair Co.
,1'0lten the Cheapest
Always the Best,"
Special Order Clothing
Our new set of samples for Ordered Clothing for
spring is now here, and in spite of war conditions is
one of the finest selections of High-grade woolens we
have ever shown.
Our styles are the latest and our prices are very
Come and look them over and get one of our new
Style Books.
We are also showing some new natty styleb in
Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats, Ties and Shirts
See our table of rlen's Boots at $a 50"a pair
,•• ntrrmmltmtnplinaunwuw°unnmhui
b r. Harry . Cantclon of Toronto was
here over the week -end, e
Miss Rodella McKenzie was with
Wingham friends last week.
Mr. Sam Carter, M.L.A. for Welling-
ton, was in town last week.
Mrs. James Connolly of Goderioh is
the guest of Mrs. A. J, Morrish.
Mrs. (Dr.) Struthers and babe were
with Wingham friends over the
week -end.
Mr. Wylie of Toronto has been vis-
iting his daughter, Mrs. J. L.
Hogg, at the manse.
Mrs. Joseph Guest of Wingham vis-
ited her mother, Mrs. Mitchell of
town for a few days last week. ,
Mrs. xr, Y. McLean of Seaforth
spent a few days last week as the
guest of Mrs. John Cuninghame.
Miss Flossie Hartleib of Zurich was
a guest over the week -end at the.
home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Cantclon.
Rev. J. A. Agnew and Rev.. A. E.
Jones attended the district meet-
ing at Dungannon Tuesday and
Mr. .Harold Cantelon of Toronto is
spending a vacation at the paren-
tal home, that of Mr. and Mrs. P.
Mr. and Mrs, H. J3artlill and Miss
Jewel Bartliff and Mrs. R. J.
men motored to Hamilton for ov-
er the week -end.
Air. Wesley Newcombe of Fort Wil-
liam has been visiting his father,
Rev. H. Newcombe, and his sister,
Mrs. J. S. Evans.
Mrs. Dowding left for Toronto yes-
terday morning to meet her son,
Capt. C. E. Dowding, who is ex-
pected. from overseas.
Dr. and Mrs. Black and the Misses
Eleanor and Fannie Winslow of
London were week -end guests with
Mr. and firs, Robt. Fitzsimons.
Rev. E. 0. Ford returned on Thurs-
day last after spending ten days or
so at McMaster University, Tor-
onto, attending a special course of
Mr. and Mrs. ()scar Blanchard of
Detroit are spending a vacation-
acationwith the lady's mother, Mrs. Mar-
garet Pickett,. and other relatives
in the vicinity.
Mrs. G. A; Bradshaw left on Mon-
day for 'Toronto, where lir. Brad-
shaw has taken a position and
where they will make their home
for the time being.
Mrs. Wm. Elliott of Kincardine was
the guest of Mrs. R. J. Cluff for a
'couple of days last week and also
visited her sister, Mils. Geoige
Iiudie of Goderich township.
Mr. Dodds Iiolloway spent from
Saturday until Monday at his
hone in town. He left on Monday
for Kingston to join his battery.
He expects to go to the Pelewawa
Canip shortly.
Miss Mary Irwin of 'l'oronto, daugh-
ter of the late Richard Irwin, for
many years a prominent business
man of Clinton, spent the week-
end with hiss Amy Rowson. Miss
Irwin had not visited the old home
town since the home was broken
up and her mother moved to Tor-
onto about ten years ago.
Mrs. R. Reekie and &Iiss Rate and
Miss Irollfngsliced of Dutton are the
guests this week of Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. O'Neil. The latter two as-
sisted in the concert in the town
hall on 'Tuesday and Miss
Hollingshead sings in Willis
church this evening. Mr., Ree-
kie will Motor up tomorrow and
will take the ladies back with him.
mer. Isaac Jackson came over from
Detroit on Saturday and is spend•
ing a vacation in the old home
town with itis son, Mr, Ernest
Jackson, and unless he becomes
lonely for the hum of the big city,
he may remain for the summer,
Mr, Jackson was accompanied from
Detroit by his daughter, Mrs. Wm,
Ryslop, who returned to the City
of Straits on Monday.
Mr. DeWitt 'Cowls, son of Rev. '1'.
W. Cosens, formerly pastor of' On-
tario street church, -has been in
town this week, being the guest of
Rev, .1. A. and Mrs. Agnew at
Ontario street parsonage, Mr. Cos -
ens attended the District meeting
at Dungannon 'Tuesday and Wednes-
day to be examined for ordination,
he being a candidate from this dis-
trict. He has been attending Mc-
Gill 'University and will he ordain-
ed at the coming conference in
�Plu�lsteAl Bros.
Dainty Enough
For a Queen
yet priced so as to be within
everybody's reach. 3 That ex-
actly describes our bedroom
furniture of which we are just-
ly proud. See the display and
you will surely want one of
those graceful dressers or chif-
foniers or one of the boantiful
beds contained in the exhibit.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone 114W6 28
'rlie Red Cross ;society moots on
Thursday next at the, home 01 Mrs.
John Harvey.
day 230, 1' S
A Dress or Suit --no matter how good its style or tailoring ---is
no better than its cloth. A little stretching, a few wrinkles, will ruin
the most fashionably cut, finely tailored gown ever made.
Only an expert can accurately judge the quality of a piece of*
dress goods by inspecting a piece of the cloth. But, when that cloth -
is made up into a garment, its quality quickly shows to everybody.
Every piece of
is guaraneeed all -silk, all -wool, or wool -and -silk, as the case may be
---its high quality shows in the long wear of the garment as well as
in the beauty of the cloth. Well=dressed women have learned that
they can rely absolutely upon the quality of all dress goods bought at
Dry,. Goods, Rouse Furnishings
phone 8Y
Next to Royal Bank
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Conntg News
kers, (leo. Crook of 'Brussels, mho
with her husband celebrated their
Diamond Wedding on May #th, died
after but a couple of hours' illness
last week. She was in her eighty-
second year.
Miss Ada Ward, who has spent
much time entertaining the soldiers
at the front, lectured in Seaforth
last week under the auspices of the
Red Cross Society.
The .Deanery of Huron is meeting
in Exeter today for the purpose of
planning the work for the year
throughout the Deanery, It is ex-
pected a good attendance will be
Mr. henry Strang, auditor for Us -
borne township for some years, was
appointed township clerk at a special
meeting of the council on Saturday
week to fill out the term of the late
Mr.. Francis Morley, who flied sud-
denly on May 3111.
The wind storm on Friday morn-
ing week did considerable damage
around St. ilelens and Auburn.
Barns were unroofed, windows brok-
en and silos blown down. kir.
John Rutherford's and Mrs. Jos.
Gaunt's barns at the former place
were unroofed and Mr. .1: Washing-
ton of near Auburn had a portion
of his barn root taken all and his
silo destroyed. This is the second
time his silo has been blown over.
On May and _was the seventy-
eighth birthday anniversary of the
"Poetess of Lake Huron," Miss
Skinilngs of (Federici. The lady
was the recipient of congratulatory
messages and gifts from both Chap-
ters of the I.0.0.E., , and of eon-
gratulations from many other friends
of whom she has a great many
throughout the county.
Major W. J. fleaman of .Exeter,
who wenn overseas with the 101st
battalion and who has been in an
English hospital, recuperating from
an accident which occurred in France,
is expected home soon.
A union meeting of the Stephen
and Mc'Gillvray councils was held on
Thursday last for the purpose of
letting gravel contracts on, the
town line and settling up other:
business between the two town-
Mr. H. Either, M.P.P. of Crediton,
while doing some work about his
home recently, fell from the ladder
on which he was standing and sus-
tained more or less 'serious injuries.
He is able to get about again bill
has been obliged to use crutches.
The people of Stephen and Hay
and thereabouts give their boys wire
are leaving for military service a
good send-off. At Crediton last week
two large gatherings were held- and
a number of the young met of the
community were given remembrances
and hearty messages of good will
front their comrades, It is a good
plan and might he followed by other
Nursing Sister. Bessie M, Manna of;,
Wingham, who is serving overseas,
was reported last week as seriously
ill with diphtheria. It is hoped that
by this time more cheering news
will have been received of her.
Mrs. C. 10. Walker of Gerrie has
been for twenty-three years clerk of
of the township of Ilowick, having
rendered efficient service during her
nearly a quarter of a century of of-
Reeve Elliott and Deputy -Reeve
Love of Stephen went to Ottawa
with the Farmers' Delegation last
Police Magistrate J. A, Morton of
Wingham has Seen appointed by the
Ontario Government as Police Magis-
trate for the villages of Wroxeter,
Blyth, Brussels and the townships
of Howick, Turnherry and Morris,
A11 this in addition to his duties in
Mr. .1. G. anti Miss b' in gh of Blyth
left last week to visit in .Toronto
and at North ,Bay for a few months
before going west, where they intend
residing in future.
William Sanderson, a well-known
farmer of Hullott township died on
Sunday week and was buried
on the Tuesday following. He
was a native of hull, Eng-
land, but had resided 1n Canada
Inc over sixty years, most of the
time in llullett. He is survived by
his wife and a family of Jive sons
and six daughters.
,John Madden of London has
purchased the British Exchange,
Goderich, from kir. Haines, who has
been conducting the house For some
"Huron's Golden (late" is tate new
slogan adopted by the hoard of
'.'rade, which Is putting forth an
extra effort for the "boosting" of
Goderieh. A dinner was given last
week and afterwards addresses were
given by a number of local men and
several representatives from other
towns. Well on to a handrail cit-
izens and firms have agreed to be-
come members of the Board of
Trade and pay a fee of $25 yearly
for three years.
London Road
Mrs. ,lames Nott is visiting Blyth
Mr. and Mrs. S. Townshend of Al-
goma have Seen visiting friends here-
The London Road Patriotic SO -
clay have a eau* of pictures in W.
1). Fair's window, Clinton, for which
they wish to sell tickets. Drawing
to be July .1st,
"Mother's Day" will be observed
in,the Baptist ehureh on Sunday
net at the service at half past two.
'Rev, J. F. Dingman of Wingham
will be the preacher. The choir will
furnish appropriate music and will be
assisted by Mrs. Dingman as solo-
Cars are getting plentiful in this
community. During the past week
Rev, Dr. Aitken, Mr. Jas. Smillie,
Sir. Robt. Thompson and Mr. Wm.
IIorney all treated themselves to
new automobiles.
Mr. 5, Cudmore is this week ship-
ping a quantity of baled hay from
Kippen station.
.lir. Spoilt of Port Perry has been
a recent visitor at the manse.
lfr.Robt. Thompson, Jr., has pur-
chased a new piano, Bob .says beans
are the right crop to grow to bring
in the cash.
Rev. Dr. Aitken has purchased a
new \'ictrola from tete. Gcrrard-
Ileintzman fine of Toronto. Sonne
time ago lie purchased a player -
piano from the stone firm.
We were pleased to have a call
from lir. Wm. Lanlntie, who was
confined to the house so long by a
severe attack of pleurisy. 1Ir, Robt.
Brownlee ,has taken over his con-
tract on the rural•mail route,
.lir. Frank Graham still continues
\\'eite wilill certainly have a quantity
of fruit in this district judging from
the amount of blossom, especially
an the apple trees.
5/Its. A. Sproat of Toronto, who
was visiting amongst her former
friends and neighbors, has returned
Mrs, John Anderson visited with
her son Arthur on 11Ionday.
Hullett Township
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Boyle and
children, kers. Stafford and kir. Gus
Keenehan motored down from St.
Augustine and spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Shanahan, Sr.
Mr. Charles McCarthy and Miss
Angelus Quigley of Kingsbridge vis-
ited friends in the township the fore-
part of last week.
Only a Little While
Written Arany years ago but the
writer thinks it fits the present
Only a little while
'fill passion and pain are o'er ;
Only a few short years
And we meet to part no more.
Only a little time,
For submission, patience, prayer,
Only a little more
For the tortured heart to bear,
Only a little while
Till we meet in bliss supreme,
Only a little while
And the past will be a dream,
Only a little while
For the silent tears to fall ;
Only a little while
And God's mercy covers all,
7llen 11oliutcnstlt',
Clwen, May 2bnd, 1018,
The corner stone of the Methodic.
church here was laid twenty year,
ago today, May 23rd, 1898. Mr.
John Neelands of Wingham; former•
ly of this section, was honored by
being asked to lay the stone. Thos
church in use before the present
structure was built was used f,.:
thirty-eight years.
Miss Annie Abney is spending aF
few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Wit
son, in 'l'oronto.
Miss Cora k'ieCool of the. Sterliu,
]Bank staff, Auburn, is having
two weeks' vacation under the par-
ental roof.
Miss Lawdy Young of • Regina '.-
visiting with her mother.
A number from here went to
ton on Tuesday night to hear tit,
concert in Willis church.
Quite a large crowd Attended 'tic
lecture given by Lieut. Aiken in t.h'
Methodist church last Friday even
ing. He spoke chiefly along the lits
of Red Cross and hospital work.
address was well worth hearing.
Miss Clara Young is visitiiti; her
sister, kers, Bert Brown of l3rant,
Mrs. Taylor and little grandson c.
Toronto are visiting at the home t.;
Mr. Lanham.
Mr. and iMlrs, Jack Riley and faun
ily spent Sunday as the guests of
his parents, Mr, and 'Mr's. Ben
Mrs. Thuell and sou, Janes of
Brussels visited her daughter, Mrs
13. Colclough, on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. 'lows of Seaford
spent Sunday as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby.
firs. D. Sutherland and grandson
Sinclair Kindy, returned to Tonna,:
on 'Tuesday,
Mr, and Mrs, C. McGregor was
son and Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Britton
spent Sunday as the guests of 1:br
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Love;
at Walton.
Howard Armstrong took a car loan
of. cattle to Toronto on Saturday.
and up-to.date Fixtures
of all kinds
Plumbing, Roofing,
Troughing and Furnace
Estimates Cheerfully Given
Byam Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7