HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-5-23, Page 7sseessie .•1 „„ felecielArsellissiellieleelgesselegliesiessissee A New Dress For. Your Horne Cover the scars of wear and tear on walls and Moore' and furniture. A wall re.tinted—a floor varnished" a hall painted—a chair or dining rooin set re -stained --the whole house made fresh an4 bright, sjic and span. There are IC ND a•'L SPA }�.... INIS ES for every surface --for everything you want to "do over'•ei "NEU-TONE"—the washable sanitary, soft tone Wall Finish, in pleasing tints. "WOOD -LAC" Stains make soft wood look like, expensive Mahogany, Walnut, etc.. "MARBLE -ITE" Floor Varnish—for hardwood floors.h Won't me or turn white. "LIQUID WAX" --for floors: Easily applied, Dries, bard, Shines easily: a `SENOUR'.S FLOOR PAINT" --the hard -drying paint for the floor thatwears,and wears, andwgars: "VARNOLEUM" brightens up and protects Oil Cloth. and Lino.eum. These Finishes have proved their worth and wear and economy in a great many homes. We have handled them for years and eon guarantee results.. FRUIT TAR LABELS FREE—a handy book pf them—printed in co loo and ready gummed, givers away. Write for them. • ' env A 1 rrsa.0:13 • il.Ad�ai'SlEL11 GREENS.IIIELDS AVENUE, e s MONTREALa loser see dine els l isee ee?eekl +`a`r'ses FpiS�_ Myrtle ir(C,k, r;we ' Geortiaiettnon 'CARRIER PIGEON A BIRD OF WAR HOLDS A PROMINENT PLACE IN PRESENT CONFLICT. When Wireless Apparatus and Tele- phones Become Useless, Pigeon Service is Effectual. When the wireless telegraph was invented everybody supposed that the day of the carrier pigeons he'd pass- ed. Up to that time pigeons had had a prominent place in war as well as in peace. If it had not been for pige- ons the beleaguered citizens of Paris would have been unable to communi- cate with the outside world during the long siege to which that city was subjected. When steamships first began to ply the ocean, carrier pige- one were released when the vessels were a few hundred miles from land, and quickly brought home advance information for the use of public offi- cials and business men, as well as supplying news to the people, It is a fortunate thing that the car- rier pigeon did not become extinct af- ter it had been supplanted isy the Marconi invention, for the present war has demonstrated that pigeons can be depended upon when the wire- less fails. Armies which long ago disbanded their pigeon service are hid War Saving of Sugar, Saving of Fuel, Use of other Grabs liWllea( —No Waste. Graper 5 `. ,t1ti 'lriI( nswers very �ez]ntAn� :s an econom c ti,nQun• isklirl cl )i.- ClU `b a C1 >71 bund- t�, f r rel* and maIli Dieter math. of Vigor and Try It. ,i'i"herr b.Retl5Otl" ilr'Jf' �1�41 itlftr, Ill $11,?,>gi,r now trying to accumulate all the available birds that can be found. Belgium's National Sport. As it happened, the raising of pig- eons is the national sport of Belgium. It corresponds to baseball in America. There are many associations of racing pigeon keepers in England, too, and some in France. It is generally ad- mitted that the Belgians and the Eng- lish breed the best birds, and most of the successful fanciers of this coun- try owned stock which came from British or Belgian strains. The Germans have not been promi- nent in the breeding of racing pige- ons, but when the war broke out they realized the value of the birds which the Belgians possessed. Among their first ordees as they passed through the ravaged territory of the Belgians was that all pigeons and firearms should immediately he delivered up. Of course the intrepid Belgian people did not obey this order if they could avoid doing so. Hundreds of pigeons were concealed, only to be liberated from time to time when occasion of- fered. They revealed to the English and French the truth about affairs in Belgium when the Germans were- giv- ing out wholly misleading informa- tion. With the Belgian, French and Eng- lish stock to draw upon a veritable pigeon army has been queetered back of the fighting lines, The birds are housed in portable lofts, the roofs of which are painted in bright colors which can be seen a long distance. It has been found that the pigeons will ,find their way back to these lofts even though the latter are moved a ,dis- tance of forty or fifty miles. Valuable to Aviator. When an aviator scout flies over the enemies' lines seeking information he carries with hint a number of pigeons which are released one by one. Be- fore each pigeon flies away, however, a short message is written on a piece of rice paper and the paper attach- ed to the bird's leg by means of a rub- ber band, It is the common practice to use a little aluminium case to hold. the message, but the French fliers have found that, the message is car- ried 'just as safely under a rubber band, and this simple plan is being generally adopted. The use of pige- ons makes it unnecessary for the flier to return for several hours, Pigeons are 'deo being used to carry information from ships at sea friend and lie is rarely without sev- to the hind. It is in carrying reports eral close at hand, many of the men from the front to the rear of thecarrying them constantly when in the trenches, to be ready for any emer- gettoy. Care must be taken to pre- vent the firing pin from falling out, for once this is pulled from its socket U 1r?U ,l)a;e Mo.els Simple zed attraetive is this little bloutse, lvicCall Pattern No, 7761, Ladies' Blouse.' In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents, cream Wanted sWEET QR CHURNING CREAM Ivo nuppiy Cann, pay exprose enarges end remit dally, Our price next week fifty-two cents Mutual Dairy end ensurers 00. 740-5 81nrr qt, We,it - Toronto A goodelooking suit for the young girl. McCall Pattern No. 8214, Misses' Goat Suit. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be „obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. object to hit, however, and most of them escape. Formerly there was considerable loss from the gas which the Germans occasionally sent float- ing over the trenches. Now, however, a cage with a special gas protector has been invented so that the pigeons are saved from this untimely death. Although called carrier pigeons abroad, the bird used by the army is not the carrier as known in this coun- try. Our carriers are bred solely for exhibition purposes and can fly only a short distance. The message carry- ing birds are really homing pigeons similar to the homers used for squab breeding, but trained for4flying. This training must begin 'when the birds are only five or six weeks old. First of all it is necessary to get them "settled" to the loft which they are to occupy, That is, they must become accustomed to returning there. What- ever loft they are settled in will re- main home to them. Thera is no reason why any farm- er's boy should not breed homing pige- ons successfully. Probably the in- terest in homers will continue to grow so that birds will be in demand for many years. Perhaps the raising of pigeons will,come to be ail common a sport in this country as it forelarly was across the sea. THE BOMBER'S BEST STORY. How Pat Sent a German Prisoner "Iittme:' The 141i11s hand grenade, called the Mills "bombue by the men in the trenches, is the allied soldier's bast PROFIT IN PINE TREES. Forestry is Taught in this Public Schools of Norway. Twenty-one per cent. of the'I?:ing- dotn of Norway is covered with forest —that is, shout 17 million acres, Of that, about 15 million acres is pro- ductive forest, The Government owns about two million acres. The commer- cial foreste under Government super- vision comprise about one million acres, says the Oanadian Forestry Journal, The rest, or about 12 mil- lion scree of productive forest, is'pri- vate property. Seventy-five per cent, of the Healler is spruce (picea exsel- sa), and pipe ,(pinus silvestric) in µbout equal quantities, aa well as some oak, ash, elm and basswood, Birch is found everywhere. The an- nual forest growth or increment .per sere is about 21 cubic feet, Nearly all the cut timber is hauled on sleighs to the river in the winter and floated to the coast in the spring. The fell- ing is now nearly all done by piece work, which has proved to be a great success. The value of forest products ex- ported is about $30,000,000 annually. Until recently the export consisted chiefly of logs and staves, but pulp, planks, boards, doors and' windows, ets:`; have now come into promin- ence. The pulp represents about 60 per cent,.of the export value. The people have awakened to the importance of improved and con- servative methods, and planting in' the coast districts has also been en- couraged. Most of it is done by school children. Douglas fir im- ported as seed from the Pacific coast arid raised in nurseries, is being planted quite extensively in some parts of Norway. Forestry is taught in all Public Schools and instructors give lectures in the country districts. o--o—o—o—o—o-o—o--o—o—o—o—o IQ YESI LIFT A•. CORN f OFF WITHOUT PAIN THE FIFTY-YEAR AGE LIMIT. Effect of Raising Military Service Age In Great Britain. Speaking of the probable yield of the raising of the age limit in Great Britain, an old Guardsmen, who had theadvantage of studying two gener- ations of London "soniety," made the rather startling remark that men of fifty newadays were equal to men of forty a generation ago. He held that it was the case with soldiers, says a London correspondent. An "old soldier" in his young days was a man of thirty-five, and the term really meant an enderly soldier. He usually was heavy, fat cheeked and potbellied. The Guards officer of the period when not on duty really did breakfast at eleven, as "Ouida" said. Nobody took care of himself. Every- one kept late hours and drank and ate too much. Nearly all the clubs went on till three in the morning. At the Turf Club, for instance, people used to sit down to cards after the opera, and at country houses men did not turn in usually till after two. • The lean of forty of the same class to-day—he was speaking of the Par- ish of St. James—maintains his men- tal alertness and keeps his figure till late in life. In the present century, when health culture and exercises. be- came common and tippling became bad form, and everyone took up some occupation, the whole appearance of the West End changed. • fighting line, however, that they are most valuyable. Wireless apparatus is often didmantled in the course of a battle. Then recourse is had entire- ly to the pigeon service, which aol- dom,fails, It has been estimated that ninety-seven per cent. of all meas - ages sent are delivered. Have Gas Protectors. Although the birds are very sensi- tive little creatures, they do not seem to mind the ohocft of' Moire and bat lila. Atleast they are not confused, t1 but' fly from the trenches straight back to their home lofts, So import- ant has this service become that Ger- man sharpshooters have now been I ant, after a pause. "But how de yon{ given the task of bringing down every know at this distance that one lis ani pigeon they can reach with a bullet. officer?" A. pigeon on the wing flying at tis "cos he's the only one not working, rats of a mile a minute is ,W difficult sin". A Sign of Itonk. A young ,li nteneat, was instructing ry squad of recruits in vesionaa trains "Tell me, Nigger Qnoy he mad, "how many men are there in thivt t enelt dlgging party on the edge of the hill 7" " lltietY men and oto officer.," was the prompt reply, "Quite right," observed the Houten- Lost Cannt, Two young ladies, while tatting their .daily promenade ate seaside re- port, borrowed a teleseepe to watch A vessel gut int sea from an ancient mariner, On handing the glens back, one of them remarked that it was a very good one, "Yes, miss," sold the than of the sea. "That telescope was given me by Lord Nelson." • "Circlet Scott, man! Why, Nelson has been dead for more than one hum Bred yeersi" cried the fair young thing, "Well, I'm biowedi" remarked the old tar, unabashed, "'Ow the time do fly!" GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS SKIN WHITENER. How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents. The juice of two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon akin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a' small jar of the ordinary cola creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gots in, then this lotion will ]seep fresh for months. . Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. - Cincinnati man tells how to dry up a corn or callus so it lifts off with fingers. o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o-0--o You corn -pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted off, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively take off every hard or soft corn or cullus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a shall bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. It is quite proper to wipe up your gravy with bread to save it. neon 7!4'inard's Liniment in the house. And though you gain but little thanks, That wield the spade and hoe, Your hills of corn are stalwart ranks That march against the foe, About this time get in another patch of oats -and -peas for the stocl£-when dry weather begins to pineli the past- ures. • Since so marry suffer disappoint- ment, hoping to economize by buying cheap tea, it should be pointed out that inferior tea is actually an extra- vagance, since a pound of Salada yields no many more cups and, besides, has that delicious flavor. To Keep Cheese Fresh. Cheese can be kept fresh by rub- bing the flat of a warm knife over the cut surface and wrapping it in oiled paper or in cheesecloth, wrung out of salt water. MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. A porkless day sheens no pork of any kind, no bacon, lard or ham. Aek for Mlnard's and take no other. Soft molasses cookies can be made with clarified bacon fat, and chicken fat is perfect for cakes. Had ship's anchor fall on my knee, and leg,, and knee swelled up and for six days I could not move it or get help. I then started to 1180 MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT 'and two bottles cured tie. PROSPER FERGUSON. 'Mother's Farewell, Farewell, my boy, We May not meet again, De pure for your dear mother's saltbl stain. hone xs • m lis Keepfrom Faeseeell,'My boy, When life seems a hopeless end Rontoniber there's a mother home, Her heart to always lend. God -bye, my boy, And to your dying day Remember there's a God In heaven Who's loved you all the way, A hitatika's!Muumuu nand uv x�inyaleienli, , t15KES'8IEAO 'IN a ?BRUTES Elialnatw kit ring worl:. Makro Flig�ht, j4o1�,, .etc,: w,lflow '.UcaSi., Skvc, gnu. " Ise Netinn a e000 Con.eylnn6 au ck fend den� lienee de nohtnunh do sh. 'tkiivered•nll charge. paid 10 900, 1pme, or through roar dg9eler— four lokf *1.. $2,751 tight loaf dna 03.25. .T,WRHT0. ' d ,�1f P(" HAM14Tdf1 0 $3tia,5sis CANADA QUEEN'S .UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO •IR ! ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, Chemical Civil, Mechanical sed Eleotrieal Ttnglueeting. NOME STUDY Arts Course by correspondence. 71eg,oe with one year's attendance or four sweater sessions, Summer School Navigation School July and August December to April 19 GEO. CFIOWN, Resiitrer ,e" To have vegetables in cans on the pantry shelves means that there must first be vegetables in the garden. Mlaard,s Liniment Lumber.nan'e Prlead, Ae soon as you gbt the meat, cover it with a muslin cloth wrung out in vinegar, and set in a cool place. It IS TOn 044,744 l���C X4Xs1t i.X NbWfiP7,3'X1RTld VYP7S' 5'0 Onterlo, Doing n gaud bust• even, Death of swank n ands It on titre ptarltdt. A great chance fora man with essit, Amy 1301t s2, W11soa I'Udllehli,* Ce, X4tnitea, Terumo. Teel. AO11.11eFlee N tYSI"APi7Xt and lop printing plant In Baster Ontario, Xnnurartao oartled $'1,000, lvl1 WPor 61,20'0. oa qu�tak sato. 1307: QAi ilson 'ubnnhing CO,, 1+t&„ Toronto, niettri CLLatell0t18 ' teleio wante0, Wi Ste Geo, Paul, Paul, i0e Victoria Ste Sarnia. el Aileen, TUMORS, LUMPS, RTC„, �./ Internal and external, cured with.1 oUt pain by our home treatment. Wilt* ldlloentn Mndloalen,.Mte. late. lr-ADIDS WANTJD TO DO PLAI and light sewing at home, whole o spore ttmo, good Ina,. Work seat 00 dietenee, dhartras paid, Send stamp re Particulars. National Manunaoturin CotnpanY. ;Montreal. '�yaxap+, it n Ra7.er, 01000.01110100011•010.010000i.0.12010310 A Kidney Remedy d fC l d Kidney troubles are frequently caused by badly digested food which overtakes those organs to eliminate the irritant acids formed. Help your stomach to properly digest the food by takingl5,to30 rops oExtract of Roots, sold as Mother Selgel's Curative Syrup, and your kidney disorder will promptly is - appear. Get the genuine. 7 sw A•61.ee 504 Heats like Magic- . . burns, -cuts chafing, blisters, piles, ebb scesses, sunburn, boils, bruises, and othe. inflammation.: At dealers, or Write. us`, HIRS•r REMEDY CO9lPANYI,Netentoa. tahs44 .ellIIIIIII111Ii111III11hIIII1111111IIlllilltllilii!,' IF there was •est one stow 31. WALKER s. 6ALL In each town where 3. Igo, My troubles FA than would 1 last like that ` Proverbial C ball of snow. se E Of which I have no doubt at all .1 But you have oft' heard tell. I mean the one which people say A Was located down in—well i al It doesn't matter 'bout that snow M ball, 55 Which could never last, Having passed. And I know PEACE and JOY and " HAPPINESS a To me would flow, If there was just one WALKER C HOl]5E CIn each town where I go. W The House of Plenty I The Walker�House Toronto >_ Geo. Wright & Co., Proprietors a �ll111111111111111111iililli1111111111miumffi et What int'rests you and me is .. comforts to us ass PIANOS! PIANOS! In order to get our justly bigh grade piano In eaoh town, villlago or town. ship throughout 01084101 jl we shall offer ono instrument, a.ud only one, In oath place, at factory Woe, alt fall, as It CAR be close consiatonile, These pianos are• made in Catiosla and have been before the Canodien ttttUlic for over tnventy.ilve years, antd are sold on a straight, geerauieo. Fee further In@aluiation apply 10 i31OX 481 w TORONTO, ONT, 01 Keepyour shoes neat The world is short of horses. To get the most out of your team use MICA AXLE GREASE b" Use half as much as any other" The mica flakes fill the pores and crevices in the axle and the grease keeps them there. Mica Grease means fresher horses at the end of the day and longer life forryour harness and wagons. EUREKA HARNESS OIL "Lengthens leather life" Overcomes leather's worst enemies—water and dirt. It makes harness pliable and waterproof, prevents break- ing of stitches and imparts that rich black lustre to all dark dressed leather, Sold to standardpackages by live delererryere. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES E PORE EES ADDS and i ASM li, NF ITt AN, DARN $ROWN bit OXBLOOD stiQES PRESERVE the LEATHER me Enmity CnnP00100 L,agenatot, 0,00'. Let Cutimara Care tar Baby's SI It's really wonderful how lt ., gq kiy xsu hot bath with Cu``tcure Soa 1ore d bOa gentle waiting wit tic a whCkeep baby wake til find rest- ftenent relieves 4ktRtiune ass,porul}ts alpep forin�Ant an rest ortother,.and paints tohcaltnent ,n most cases when It stems nothing would help. I59q,n, la� hash Fre. b7,NAqtil. Atte T,, poai- rtl' heti urn Asps 11,Nppatan,11441ta,4.' ole'ty doalet8 �hro,ighoet t110 wo1•I,l. ISSUE No. 21 .'t8 THA 1'i,lr�iaa� Ih �III1111111111 .1 � "Y t6 miAUE IN O AN S LF E1 Mrs. Godden Tells How I May be Passed in Safety and Comfort. Fremont, 0.—"I was passing through the critical period of life, being forty/ six years of age and bad all the egmp+ toms incident to than change—heat flash•t es, nervousness end, was in a general rupia down condition, sit it was bard for mai to do my workii Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound was recom- mended to me as the best remedy form , treelike, which{ry,n aurely proved to be. I feel better 1111 • stronger in every way shine taking it, 1 and the annoying symptoms have distil). , peered." Mrs. . Gone EIS, 325 Ma-,' poleon St., Fremont, (thio. Stich annoying nymph -di/ . as heat ; tai- • r3 c ,.1.a e h to ^ sten esu he ncivrl Dns sr ache, irritablBt,Y and the Hiles.," may .1 bo :moodily 1Vert'oine atilt tile itystom restored to tee ;nal conditions by this,{ :famous root end herb re 1..'.lp I.yLlia E'.' Pinkhaut'e 'v,,.,'tahi, t 01,1' t'nd. f qtly cotnlva lttont pr.,aont thotna,. se yes write the Heebner r e-bcine C,o,, ' Lytta, Mdsa., for etllgeail"ns how t .. overcome them. The result of fort'' t r i y esr:, 0xpatir+tree is ;tt your e rVee 0a • your lottat'held in atrict confidence.