HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-5-9, Page 8Clinton News»record
Aria)/ 014,, iA!$
Municipalities of the
Province of Ontario
A view in the hardwood forests in the Algonquin Park
OWING to the seriousness of the fuel situation
at the present time, the Government of Ontario
would urge upon all the farmers or others who may
have wood lots, to assist at this time by making
provision for their fuel supply from such lots.
The Government would also draw the attention
of the variousMunicipalities throughout theProvince
to the necessity of taking some Municipal action to
secure fuel supply. To this end the Government
has decided to issue to any Municipality in Ontario
a permit to cut fire wood in Algonquin Park or from
other Crown Lands free of charge. For particulars
as to localities, conditions of cutting, etc., apply to
Minister of Lands, Forests and Alines,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
IIWhite Footwear
This season, without a doubt, will be the season of ail the
seasons for Women's White Footwear!
We're showing the Best White Sboes made, and we ask
the attention of the woman who enjoys wearing Choice
White Footwear of Special Merit 1
White Boots
White Oxfords
White Pumps
Ladies' Military or the New Low Tread
Walking Heels
$1-75, $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00
Our Shoe Service is always Painstaking and every woman
we shoe will have Well Dressed Handsome looking Feet i
Special Order Clothing
Our new set of samples for Ordered Clothing for
spring is now here, and in spite of war conditions is
one of the finest selections of High-grade woolens we
have ever shows].
Our styles are the latest and our prices are very
Come and look them over and get one of our new
Style Books.
We are also showing some new natty styles in
Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hate, Ties and Shirts
See our table of lien's Boots at $3.50 a pair
Plumsteel Bros.
you certainly will appreciate
the beauty of She articles con-
tained in our display of china
closets, sideboards, din'ing tab-
les, chairs, etc, They, are de-
cidedly unconventional in de-
sign and will give a distinct
individuality to the dining
room they adorn. Seo the Ms -
pito and you'll marvel at the
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
a* Phone "lid'" 28
Most Assuredly we Want
Your Wall Paper
hilt we do not ,walit
yen to be iotlueoced in
our favor by anything
except the acteal mer-
its and reasonable pric-
es of the geode oiler -
ed plus—your practical
good will for which
we aro boartily grate-
The W. D. fair Co.
"Often the Cheapest
Always the Best."
a se suunuuuessanunej
Mr. and, Mrs. T. Mason were week-
end visitors in Toronto. -
Mlrs. F. A. Axon is visiting her
home -at Chesley this week.
Mr, W. Richards of London visited
his cousin; Mrs, John Derry on
Rev. and Mrs.. Ashe-Everest of Bay-
field were in town Saturday for the
play "Intolerance."
Mr. Vanstone and family, Wingham,
motored down and spent Sunday at
Mrs. C. H. Dertlitt's.
Mrs. .1. T. Winter and Mrs, W. Hill
of Fordwich were, visitors .at Mrs.
J. Martin's on Sunday, ,
Rev, E. O. Fordo is in Toronto at-
tending a special ten days' summer
session at McMaster University.
Mr. Dodds Holloway of the Royal
Bank, Sault Ste. Marie, is spend-
ing a vacation at his home here.
Miss Edna Wasmann of Mountsberg
attended the funeral of her grand-
father, the late Geo, Pollard, last
Mrs, C. C. Rance of Toronto came
up on Monday on account of the
illness of her brother, the late T.
Miss Eva Stinson of Toronto has
been in town the past week. She
is spending a vacation at her home
in Stanley,
MIr, Levi Stong returned to Newmar-
ket last week after spending a
fortnight with bis wife and daugh-
ter ill town.
itrr. .7. and Miss Grace Curtis of
Oakwood attended the funeral of
their uncle, the late John Govett,
on Saturday.
Miss Lottie Siouan of Toronto was
home ,over week -end and Miss Bes-
sie Stamen of New York is also
home for a vacation.
Messrs. W. Statton and J. Mannon
of Mitchell were in toter' last week,
having come up to be present at
the funeral of the late George
Mrs. Warrener of Hamilton and her
cousin, Miss Thompson of Brant-
ford, aro visiting at tate home of
the fornier's brother, Mr, W. J.
Rev, J. A. Robinson of St, Paul's
church preached in St. Thomas
church, Seaforth, on Sunday, it
being the annual missionary cam-
Misses Winnie Aunt and Emma Con-
nell, who have just finished a
course at the School of Commerce,
have gone to Toronto to accept
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Pollard of Weston
were visitors at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. J. F. Wasmann last
week and accompanied the funeral
of the former's father to Brussels,
Mr. S. T. Kempthorn and two lit-
tle sons left on Monday morning
to return to their home at Gran-
dora, Sask., after an extended vis-
it with_the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Doherty.
Mrs. Geo. D. Chidley and three lit-
tle ones left on Monday for their
home at Enchant, Alberta, after
spending several months at the
home of the lady's parents, Mr,
and Mrs, D. A. Forrester,
Mrs. G, A. Bradshaw vas _in Toron-
to last week looking up a house
and will ,join her husband there
very shortly and take up house-
keeping, Mr. Bradshaw having tak-
en a position in the Queen City,
Mr. and 'Mrs. H. C. Holland of town
and Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. l-lollancl of
the Bayfield Road motored to Lon-
don on Tuesday evening to attend
the graduation exercises in Victoria
Hospital, when their niece, Miss
Verna L. Vance, was the Silver
The 'ted Cross Society will meet
at the hone of Mrs, J. Rapson an
May 16th,
Mr. and Mrs, T, Mason visited at
Air, W. J. McBrien's over the week-
• end.
Mr. Geo, Johnston of Clinton
visited under the parental roof on
bit. and Mrs, Luke Lawson of
Clinton visited at his brother's,
14r. W. Lawson, over Sunday.
Mrs. Norman Ball visited at the
home of Mr.. and Mrs, IV. S. R. Hol-
mes, Clinton, for a few days last
Mt, CC..X,. Tyner and his mother
vistaed at Mr, John Scartctt'a en
t4 ,
Dry, Goods, House Furnishings nnowlsils
phone B4
Next to Royal Bank .
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
An Exhortation
Boost your city, boost your friend;
Boost; the lodge that you attend,
Boost the street on which you're
Boost thcroods that you are selling
Boost the people round •about you
They can get along without you,
But success will quicker find then
If they know that you're behind :them,
Boost for every forward movement,
Boost for every new intprovement,
Boost the non for whom you labor,
Boost the stranger and the neighbor.
Cease to be a chronic knocker,
Cease to be a progress blocker,
If you'd make your city better,
Boost if, to the final letter.
—Detroit Free Press,
List of pupils from the C.C.I. who
have gone on farms and, as far as
could be obtained, the places where
they are engaged :
Spence Jackson with Jas. Jack-
son, Clinton ; Bert Reynolds—Albert
Colclough, Clinton; John Townshend
—A. Townshend, Clinton; Geo. Evans
—C. Huston, Bayfield; Orville Murphy
—Jas. Ferguson, Goderich township ;
Allan Maccfonell—Alex. 'Buchanan,
Hensel' ; Howard Johns—H. Johns,
Clinton ; Russell Mackay—Dr. .Moy-
er, Mensal! ; Zetta .Jackson—,Iarnes
Jackson, Clinton ; Agnes Ilolmes—
Mr. 'Mitchell, Grimsby ; Edna Me-
('augliey—John Flynn, Hullett ; Kirk
Lyon—Wm. Lyein, ]Myth ; Bessie
Chowen—Wm, Shipley, Clinton; Nes-
bitt Woods • Jas. MlcAllister—Wm.
McAllister, Zurich ; Roy McOlymont;
Kathleen Elliott ; Harry Lawrence—
Jos, Blakey Hullett ; Nora Kennedy;
Fred Lawrence—T, Trick, Clinton ;
Lula Elliott—L. A. Anderson, Clin-
ton n Mildred Cook ; , Lois Holmes ;
Margaret Waiker—Mr. Flick, Goder-
ick township ; Bessie Tough W. J,
Tough, Bayfield ; K, McConnell—
Raymond McConnell, Londeshoro ;
Belle Roberton—Mr. Roberton, Lon-
desboro ; I. Cole ; A. Davidson—
Mrs. Davidson, Brumfield ; H. Stew-
art—Win. McEwen, Stanley ; Willard
Gray—Jesse Gray, Goderich town-
ship ; Erskine Evans—Alex, Bowes,
Kincardine; Harold Kilty—Geo. God -
bolt, Woodham ; Alvin Leonard-
-. Leonard, Clinton ; Bertha Ellis—
Mrs, Mcllveen, Blyth) ; Elinor Kemp
—Wm. Rath, Belgrave ; Wm. Town-
shend—Albert Townshend, Clinton ;
Glen Raithby—Jas. Raithby, Auburn;
Geo. Watts—, Watts, Blyth ; Jes-
sie Bell.
Clinton Boy Honored by Belgian King.
The above reproduction of a snap-
shot taken at the Covr. Ranges, Lon-
don, in May of 1915, will be of .in-
terest to many readers of The
News -Record,
From left to right the boys are :
Top row—G. Heiman, son of County
Clerk G. W. hobnail of Goderich ;
W11110 Walker, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Walker of Clinton, who was
killed in action in October of 1910 ;
f3ergt. Stone; Thos, Morgan, who has
recently been decorated by the Bel-
gian king, as will be seen by refer-
ence to another article on this page ;
W. Cunt, who recently returned from
the front after a partial recovery
from severe wounds, Middle row—
S. Knox ; Norman Levy, son) of Mr.
and Mrs, James Levy of town, who
Last year won the D,C.M. fot valor
on the field ; Homer Cantelon, an-
other Clinton boy who was killed In
action over -a year ago ; Cpl. Vallely;
E. HulIer, son of Mr, and Mrs. Geo,
miller of town, who was severely
wounded and who has spent tevcral
months in hospital ; T. Garton,
Berton' row—H. Maxwell and II,
Muller, The original of this picture
Ma sent to the Tate W..1. Mitchell,
formerly editor of 'Tire Nows-Eecord,
by Pte. W. Walker while 1m was in
London prior to going overseas.
Mr. and iiirs. Charles White and
daughter, Miss Corrine, have return-
ed home to Drayton after attending
the funeral of their sister-in-law,
Mrs, Thos, Millar, bin. White has
been with her over since her opera-
tion in February.
Mrs. Cr, II. David of Clinton spent
the week -end at Mr. D. Geddes'.
Mrs. Frank W. Lee and babe. have
returned to their home. in Exeter af-
ter spending a few weeks with the
lady's grandmother, Mrs. John Lee,
and other friends,
Mr. Wesley Lee of Port Colborne
spent the week -end under the paren-
tal roof, having come home to at-
tend the. funeral of his aunt, Mrs.
Mrs. Sturdy, twho spent a few
days with her sister, Mrs, I). Ged-
des, has returned to Wingham whore
she is undergoing treatment,
00 Friday evening, May 17th,
Lieut, Aiken, a returned soldier who
has been through some of the big
battles in France and Belgium, and
was wounded, will. give a lecture.
There will also bo a programtne giv-
en by Mrs. Colin Fiuglancl and other
local talent. The proceeds are in
aid of Red Cross work. On account
of Lieut. Aiken's lecture there will
not be any regular. Reel Cross meet-
ing that day.
Sunday next will be observed as
"Mother's Day" in the • Methodist
Air.h. John Cartwright unloaded n
car of corn this week,
Miss Maude. Lyon left •Saturday
for Winnipeg where she will be
engaged in .deaconess .work.
Word was received here that Pte.
W. J. Shaddiek has been wounded in
France. This is the second time
that Willie has been wounded, •
Miss Ivy Roberton of London was
a week -end visitor at the hone of
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Manning.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos.
Millar took place on Sunday after-
noon from her late residence just at
the edge of the. village, 'The late
Mrs. Miller had heen 111 for several
months and her death was not to ox-
peetcd, She had undergone an op-
eration early in the year in the
hope of receiving benefit but after
spending several weeks in the hos-
pital she was brought home and
steadily grew worse until the enol
came on Friday 'nothing last.
The deceased lady was a daughter
of Nies, Mary Lee of this village., and
was the last surviving mcmbar of
the family, a sister, Mrs.'Thos. flun-
king, having passed away only a
couple of weeks before.
She is survived by her husband and
one daughter., Miss Elsie, and to
them and to her aged mother the
sy npathy of the eommunilt+y 'is ex-
• Tho tuneral took place 00 Sunday
afternoon, the .Rev, C C. Kaine,
)aster of the Methodist ehttreh, of
which she was a member, conducted
the services. The pallbearers were :
Messrs, 1). Geddes, T. Sampson.
John and Robt. Scott, John Brown
and Fred Johnston, Interment was
made in Union cemetery, Amongst
those front a distance who were
present for the funeral on iiundae
were : Mr. T. Acheson and Mrs.
Shae£er of Gowanstown ; Mr. and
Mrs. J. Harter!, Mrs, Halliday and
Mr. McLaughlin, Fordwich; Mr. ,john
Stewart, Gorrie ; Mr. W. Lee, Port;
Colborne, and Mrs. Bradford of God-
erich. The floral offerings sent Niel.,
very beautiful, expressing as they
did the esteem in whish the deceased
lady ,was held and the sympathy felt
for those left behind,.
M:fr. Millar and Miss EIsie and it£r,,
Lee wish to express to the Irienns
and neighbors their sincere ('ranks
for the sympathy and kindness shows
them in their bereavement.
Mr. A. T. Cooper .will speak in the
interests of the Huron County Tem•
perance Alliance in tile` s..1
churoh, at three o'clock on Sunday
afternoon next. On the 260 a spec-
ial Mother's Day service will be held
when Rev, .3. F. Dingman of Wing -
ham will he the preacher. Mrs. Ding-
man will sing on this occasion,
Winston Churchill's great story of
the American Civil War.
Many characters appear _tyhostt. •
names are known to all of us,
This big 0 reel feature will be
shown in the
Friday and Saturday
May 17th and 18th
Admission 10, 15 and 25c.
Opera chairs 30e. Reserve seal:
plan at F'air's Bookstore Wednesday
morning, May 15th,
and up•to.date Fixtures
of all kinds
Plumbing, Roofing,
Troughing and Furnace
Estimates Cheerfully Given
B y am &
Plumbers and Eleatriofane
Phone '1