The Clinton News Record, 1918-5-2, Page 2II, D. 1ii'eTAcifiAwe -- is. D. McTAGOARTI McTaggart .Bros. • -- fiA 14 ENES •_.�. 71 GENERAL !TAITEINO SLIM- NESS 3TJ 1-NESti TRA NSA CITED. NOTE DISCOUNTED, DB,AFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DSc POSITS. RALE NOTES TUB. CHASED, 11. T. RANCE — )TOTAItT PUBLIC, ..00NYitL•i ANGER, FINANCIAL, RIAL' ESTATE ANT) PM TN8UR- £NClt AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRS INSURANCE COMPANIES. 6, DIVISION COURT eyir1( ULIN7'OM. W. URI'DONfs. • EARRTSTEN. ROLTC9'T"OR. 1JOTAA! PUBLIC, ETO. Office-- Sloan Sleek—CLINTO a. G. CAMERON R.O. BARRISTER, BOLIOITOB. CONVEYANCER, ETO Since ea Albert Street, ecoapeS I1I Hr. Hooper. Thuredal. In Clinton on every Ttursch aD, sod on any day pointmente are made. Office 'Dere from t a.m. to 6 p.m - A good vault in connection with lb. office. Office open every vreek•day. Yr. Hooper will snake any appointment' for Mr. Cameros. Sy Agronomist, This Department le for the Uae of our farm readers who wept theoer eu vice of an expert on any question regarding �t AIII pe answseedered crops, hrough thitc, iv s column. ate I tare W , is s, 1 f cuff general In Dom levant na .� p glatter, a enclosed Wlth your if •If, enc stamped an addressed to envelopeubliehlfl answer wlh he mailed to you. Address Agronomist, caro of -Wilson P Co,, Ltd., 73 Adelaide $t. W., Toronto. Cultural Methods for Eastern Canada. too, may be 'employees advantageous - Soil management or cultivation in ly in seed -bed preparation especially g following the disc or roller to restore its several phases is a very import- a mulch or blanket of soil to check ant factor in crop produation, On the evaporation bf.rnoistu}'e. It is also Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, a useful implement in the corn field a and several of the branch Experimental few days after solving corn and after Stations in eastern Canada, methods the corn is up to stimulate a rias in have been investigated for several. temperature in the soil, to destroy years, 'i he results obtained have war- shall weeds and encourage germina- ranted the following recommendations tion of weed seeds and. to restore the being made as applicable to average essential mulch. coalitions on eastern Canada farms. Seeding.;Th}s operation is now Cultural Operations and Imple- done by -means of seed drills. Several meats; -Ploughing is the' basic cul- types are on the market but the single portant and should be performed with poral• -operation. It is therefore nth disc drill is probably most popular. Rolling.—The roller is too fre- care and judgment. No definite rule quently used to rut a finishing touch can be laid down es to the beet -me -to the field after seeding. It may be thod of ploughing. A. safe rule, how- ever, is to plough only when the soil so used to advantage on light soils but even then should be followed by the is in shape, not too wet especially if drag harrow to break the smooth sur - of a heavy clay nature. Plough deep- ly in autumn, as deep as the surface however, should be to firm and productive soil will allow turning an up -standing furrow. Plougl. shal- crumble the soil before seeding. It low in spring, turning a low-lying should not be used on very damp soil, especially clay; let the surface dry or flat furrow. Plough well, turn first then use the roller to break the all the land and finish with straight crust. even furrows and lands. Let the Where implements are to be gur- ploughing be a credit to the farmer, chased it should be borne in mind that a reflection of his character, a stan- larger implements requir:ng from dard for other operations and an in- three to six horses handled by one centive to less thorough, though teamster provide a means of solving willing Workers to do better. to some extent the present manual Harrowing.—Of the several imple- labor problem. Besides, the work ments on the market for performing done in this way is accomplished this work the disc harrow is the most economically and thus tends to keep suitable for preparing soil for seed down the cost of production of crops. after it has been ploughed. Thorough Ploughing may be speeded up by cultivation at this time is indispens- using two -furrow ploughs. Double able and the disc harrow, should be disc harrows make a thorough seed - used until the surface .of the .,eed- bed in the least time. Tile horse disc bed is smooth and friable and the soil seed drill is efficient. More sections immediately below is firm and solid. added to the drag harrow reduce the The drag or spike -tooth harrow, time required for this work. DR. CGUNN Office cases at his residence, cor. High and Kirk streets. - DR. J. C. GANDIER Office Hours: -1.80 to 3.30 p.m., 7.80 to 9,0d p,m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.80 p.m. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence—Victoria St. CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. .REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, — CLINTON. GI !ERGS ELLIOTT Licensed £octtoarrr for the Comely of Buren. Correspondence promptly answer ed.. Immediate arrangements cos be triode for Bak . Date et The ilews•Reoord, Clinton, eta bg ming Ph000 18 ei l37. Charges moderate and aatiafaotkoe guaranteed. Sole Agent for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal and D. H. & Lackawanna Both highest grade of Anthracite The price will be at the rock bottom. and all we ask in return is that all accounts be paid promptly. A. 3. HOLLOWAY. Clinton News- R1'- cord CLINTON, ONTARIO. gubaeription—$1.50 per year, nee to Canadian addresses; the U.S. or other foreign No paper discontinued rears are paid unless at of the publisher, The rich every subscription is noted on the label. sing rates—•Transient adver- enients, 10 cents per nonpareil e for first insertion and 5 cents r line for each subsequent inser- on, Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc„ insert- ed once: for 95 cents, and each subse- quent insertion 10 cents. Communications intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer, G. E. HALL, Proprietor. • A hoary -headed poultry theory is that thunder spoils the hatchability of eggs. We got this idea from old- timers as soon as we commenced keep- ing chickens, but our oWn experience proves that it is largely a superstiti- ous myth. We have bad many hatches that could not have been better, in spite of violent electrical disturbance of the elements. M. R. CLARK, Editor. 'Quite often severe thunderstorms have come up at the time supposed to be most dangerous to the success 'of the hatch—just a few days before the eggs were due to start pipping— yet the number of chicks that carne very well at first, they will soon be - out of the shells appeared quite nor- come accustomed to it, But they will mal, and the chicks were strong and do better if ground barley is mixed silo corn in order that he may grow half and half with middlings or some fattening hogs. healthy. d Gains It be"hogged" down in the field fl' t f d' We have also had good hatches in The Insurance Iuti�al Fire Insurance Company Offoow0 SATISFACTION 4UARANTgED or'Yuar l oasy nick v QC. bon• 0 bones for 0,2,00 4t>�OR THS „ a y�,p7 t �i FJ ! y..a. k . .,rfi y.. .v -` For FREE Semple WHO Notional Coup a•Chenllcal Co. s1 IIs. ,Annum oonads Limited. ferule. -0. tri,',, Pr.. 5,0010, Itr, leo GOOD HEALTH- QUESTION BOX 13y Andrew 1. +wrier, 74,», 1)r, Currier will answer all signed letters pertaining to health. If your question Is at general interest it will be answered through these eolumna; if not, it will be answered personally if stamped, addressed envelope Is .en. closed• Pi', Currier will not presorlb0 for individual" cases or snake diagaosls, Address T)r. Andrew 3'. Currier, caro of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide St. Wept, Toronto, hypnotics, cohol, .opium, Indian 'hemp, hyos- lettuce r ho s. uat am. s . d cp Y given is>, hi h hypnoticisair w c n cu Ah r Ypg to Produce sleep; it may da other Aho soothing effect of a hop pillow things, too; but b' it causes sleep or a hop poultice, used to be known tin it is a hypnotic. Some hypnotics will produce sleep and will also produce bad and un- desirable offelts, like depressant ac- tion of'bhe'heart. Such drugs are dangerous, and particularly so when taken by the ad- vice of a well-meaning, but inade- quately informed friend. It is always best to have the ad- vice of an intdlligent physician be- fore experimenting with such danger- ous tools. Even physicians are not infallible in such matters and -have bean known to overlook heart weakness or heart injury or underestimate rte importance in their -desire to relieve one who is in need of•sleep. Want of sleep, or insomnia, is a terrible affliction, What would one not give for sleep when suffering pain, hour after hour? When one is sleep- ing, physical pain does not exist, for there must be consiciousness in order to appreciate pain. Sleep Is more refreshing than food; you can live without food a long time, many days, but not without sleep. The discovery of hypnotles was a blessed thing for + those who suffer, and the new ones are, in many respects, at least, better than the old ones. By the new ones, I mean those which Modern chemistry, by analysis and synthesis, has given us in great numbers, sometimes embarrassingly so, and which also are greatly abused. Among the old hypnortics are al- • Message to Farriers. Hon. T. A, Crerar, alinist'er of Agriculture, has sent out the follow- ing ollow ing message to Canadian' farmers, asking them in order to avert a fam- ine to plant every possible acre in wheat: "Let me again draw the at- tention of the farmers of Canada to the great need there is of plaa,ting every acre of land in wheat that seems favorable to growing it. The news that conies daily of that awful, grim struggle now being fought in France and Flanders brings home to us clear- ly and dnsnistakably this fact—that, after almost four years' war, human libeity•is still in the balance. The cal, for men is urgent, and they must, to the full limit of our. power, be sent. Their places at home must be taken by those who remain. Despite the. difficulties, we must produce more food than we have 'e'er• done before. Set apart all your land fit for growing crops and plant as much wheat as you can. Plan to bring as much new land on your farm under cultivation as possible, and thus increase your acre- age for next year. It will be needed then just as much as now!' Barley As Hog Feed. Barley will supply grain for hogs s'ooher than any other crop, A large number of farmers have been asking about this crop because of the scarcity of mature corn for feeding hogs this spring and summer, and because com- mercial hog feeds are so costly. Barley is about equal to corn, pound for pound for feeding hogs. But while corn does not need to be ground without an equal, for cattle, hogs or for pigs, barley should. The grains, poultry. are too small and hard to be masticat- In the unground or cracked state it ed and digested readily when whole. is valuable in a ration for laying hens. While the pigs may not like the barley On the cob if used judiciously it can be profitably given to working horses. The immature and small ears can be fed without waste in the autumn to TONE UP THE B QO1 14oatlle Sareaparlil a, a Opting "1'enlalt;; Medlelne, le Neeeera'y. .«a• llverybody is troubled at this Salto1. son with loss of vitality, failure of appetite, that tired feeling, or *with 1 bilious turns, dull headaches, end+ gestion and other stomach trouble$, or with pimples and other eruptions The Agan 4 face n body, h reason i o the ea u d 9 that the blood,is impure and impel/. the country, at any rate), as a first • class remedy, but we seldom hear of 'or use it, now. Drowsiness from the free use of let- tuce is familiar, and - the quieting ef- fect ofhyoscyamus, or henbane, was once highly esteemed. After the exciting effect of alcohol passes off, it causes deep sleep, as every drunkard knows, until the organs have become so saturated with it that sleep may be replaced by delir- ium tremens. Opium was formerly used by 'many physicians, not only to induce quiet and freedom from pain, but sleep as web; now it's comparatively 'little given for that purpose, I am happy to say, Tho most important of the new hypnotics are the bromides, paralde- hyde, chloral, the coal -tar derivatives, burning green wood of trees and and the synthetic preparations. The shrubs, tree prunings, ete. FLINT CORN FOR GRAIN • Flint corn, as a grain crop in east- ern Canada, has not received the at- tention that it merits. At the pre- sent crisis of food supply it the crop that can be increased without disturb- ing the system of rotation or cutting down the acreage of any other cereal. We do not increase production if we cut down the acreage of one kind of grain to grow another. By growing flint corn we can increase the total output of cereals without alteration or detriment to our system of farming. Utilization Its value lies in its feeding adapt- ability. As meal in a fattening ration it is eras n00. Hood's Sarsaparilla relieves all these ailments. Ask your druggist for this medicine and get it today. It is the old reliable medicine that has stood the test for forty years, -- that makes pure, rick blood—that strengthens every organ and builds up the whole system. It is the a11•• the -year-round bl000d-purifier _ and health -giver. Nothing else acts like it, for nothing else is like it; so be sure to get Hood's. ounces per square yard, hoed into the soil when the crops are web started. •Potash is so scarce that it can only be had throughashesderived from bromides are often very efficient as hypnotics, and as little harmful as any powerful drugs I know of. Paraldehyde is a relatively safe hypnotic and I have often wondered why it was not more generally used. Chloral is one of the best hypnotics we have, but very dangerous, must be taken in larger and larger doses, and sometimes forms a habit which ends fatally. The coal tar derivatives and the syn- thetic preparations, many of them, at }east, are of German origin and are now tremendously expensive and hard to get. I aan very glad they are apt avail- able, for we were being swamped with them, they were producing very bad habits, and I earnestly hope that for all future time the Germans will be compelled to be the exclusive users of their own medicines. fellow and Salzer's North Dakota will give an equally large yield of grain with a larger tonnage of stalks. These varieties should be grown principally in southern Ontario although they ma- ture perfectly in certain portions of Eastern Ontario and Quebec. Earlier varieties than' Quebec Yellow No. 28 do not return a commensurate yield for labor expended. Labor The work involved in growing corn for grain is but little greater than that of growing for silage, husking is the additional item but this task can be done at the most convenient time in the sirtumn and made an evening of neighborhood festivity. Who Should Grow It The dairyman who disposes of his milk to the local creamery is the man who can most profitably grow and use gram corn. If he is using silage, at the present price of shelled corn he can afford to decrease his acreage'of ether palatable hog fee ams are can rogge 11,11 or gym mg. spite of blasting or other Sieh shocks, more rapid, too, when some high pro- with profit. An acre or two of corn he farmer who wishes to increase except when the vibrations were so tein feed like tankage is fed along will fatten the hogs on an average the output of grain yet does not wish near or severe that they leveled build- with the barley and other feeds. farm. This method can be adopted to break his system of rotation. By with profit by the Ontario farmer in i growing flint corn he is producing Ings or broke window lights. Even e these days of labor scarcity. then we have found that the embryo The drystalks make excellent grain from his hoed erop. chicks are not always killed, or even Tin Can Swells Income,The pian who is without a silo, and harmed. • "Farming in a rut,"roughage for dry cows or young cat - says my neigh- (wishes to increase his hoed crop. He While we take no stock in the thun- bor, who was in a rut and now re- tle. L;tst, but not least, corn can be- can grow earn for grain purposes with -Artificial fertilizers do not supply der theory any more, yet we try to joices in being out of it, "is getting come in Canada an important factor profit likewise improving the -illi and 'e}de bbl burning underth humus, lrvegetable and dd- avoid all sudden jars or shocks direct so firmly settled inr a treadmill you- in the human diet. Many bushels of cleanliness of his fields. to the egg, as well as rough handling tine of growing certain crops ns to animal matter. Artificial, or commer- make it seem well-nigh impossible to wheat could be released for shipment Septi cid fertilizers, as they are usually in shipment. The success of hatchesif we would use the various appetiz- ing Owing to the disastrous failure of called, owing to their soluble char- ds almost always in direct proportion attempt growing other crops known foods into which corn meal can be' the seed corn crop in the United actor have a very much quicker effect to the care given thes,eggs when the to give better profits. converted. 1 I States and Canada, seed is extremely than animal matter and can be effect fertility is strong. .A. leaf from his personal experience Range of Profitable Production scarce. Each farmer should consult just at the time and in about the ,� in breaking away from the old-time g- 1 with his county re resentative as to grain -hay farmiyg system I believe The crop should only be grown; p quantities needed, reducing waste to a A Money -Making Md. will inspire some others to do likewise where it will mature in an average a possible source of supply, minimum. Commercial fertilizers My business leads me to visit farms to their profit and satisfaction. Here season. Using the proper variety, : Wherever flint corn has been grown are now sold under a guaranteed corn can be grown in practical}y all there can generally bo found a few analysis, •so the gardener may know of every kine} and character, and I is his story: k the older East -men who have developed early produc- 6; wins- amounts to apply. of } f lvee QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS M. E.-1. Is whooping -cough con- tagious? 2. Can it occur more than once -in the same person? 3. Can it be caught by simply going where there is a person who has it? 4. Is there a cure for it, or mutt it run its course? Answer -1. Yes. It is extremely contagious. 2. It is possible, through not a common occurrence. 3. Yes. 4. There are sedative drugs which may be taken to alleviate the cough. I know of nothing which will stop the Potash is required for potatoes and other root crops and fruit. In ashes the percentage of potash varies great- ly, but six ounces to the square yard will make a fair application. Sulphate of potash, when it can be had, is ap- plied at the rate of one ounce a square yard. Spray The Orchard. When the leaves begin to grow the canker -worms may commence to move up on the trunks of fruit and other trees. Bands of tar, tanglefoot, of printer's ink, if put on the tree trunlyd in time, will catch many of the pests. Tho best sticky substance to use is tree tanglefoot, as it will stay sticky longer than the other substances. These sticky mixtures may be appliet4 to the bark of the tree, but they may' disfigure the trees for several years. It may be necessary to renew the bands from time to time with the sticky material, especially if the tan- gle foot becomes hard or stiff or cov- ered over with the bodies of dead ntuths. The use of bands is especial- ly recommended on very large rough - barked elm or hackberry trees that it would be difficult and expensive to spray. Maples and oaks are not so badly attacked by the pest. The ap- ple, elm, and plum are the favorite food plants of the canker or measur- ing -worms. When the injury from these insects in severe, the trees may appear during May or June as if a disease atter it has once started. The fire had swept over them. They. may best plan is careful attention to be entirely stripped of their leaves by hygiene and diet. the worms. For small shade art fruit trees any of the arsenical sprays e• 'a`w. , stn � m'?.s[nsuivnfa. �*8 will kill the canker -worms easily if ap- ea plied about the time the leaves begin to appear. The regular summer Artificial Fertilizer sprays applied in the apple orchard yp�1y, for the control of the codling -moth and �,l�;ts�;d,•2�'.XUlfi_'ta`.8�'i�'3't'�:i - curculio will also kill the canker - Would have abundant crops reward worms. The first summer spray in thy toil, the apple orchard should be applieit And fill thy barns, 0 tiller of the just before the bloom, and the second soil? spray shoir'ld be made immediately Then ever keep in mind this maxim after the blooms fall. These two true, sprays should control the measuring - Feed well the land and 'twill in turn worms very effectively. feed you." Head office, Seaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY : President, James Connolly, Godard` }i; Vice., James Evans, Beeeliwad; pea -Treasurer, 'Thos, E. Hays, Sea. forth, Directors: George McCartney, Sea. forth; D, F. McGregor, Scaforth' J, 0, Grieve, Walton; Wm. Itlim, Sea - forth; M. McEw`n, Clinton; Robert Irorgies, Oarlock; John Bonnoweir, I3rodhagon; ,Ta . Connolly, Gode3'ifIl, .Agents, Alex oi'te1i, Clinton; . , W. Teo, Clodorieh' d, Idfnchlti Seaforth; W. Chesney, tXgmondville; R. G..Tat, Mall), Bredhagon, Any money to be paid :n may he paid to Moorish Clothing Coo Clinton, or at Cat's Grocery, Goderirh. Parties deelrh,g to tot insurance air transact ober. business will 't nd a of prompi�ly attended od t r application to e above officer: addressed to a s es o Dalry of s d to their respective post oifitar Lassa lil;speete by the director who liven i+t4t3tet the ite8ll(l, Cover the horses With cloths or old blankets, when spraying. Put vase - line or lard on face, neck and hands, or wear gloves. Machines for sawing wood are get- ting so plentiful that the old cross- cut saw pulls dreadfully hard! No excuse now for us who have wood on the farm to burn coal, A good big wood -pile helps a fellow to put a smile on his wife's face that's worth going a mile to see. --E. L. Vincent. parts o'f Ontario, the exactly ships and many counties live strains out of old varieties. Not The principal elements are nitrogen, At Your Service i . + en .ro- . N r� ten wonder why so many farms lack "The establra ung o severs table and fruit canning factories in e Town haven made a practice of drspos uj phospha�cs-$std »otash. Nitrog I. B R FI I Cx li I I will my own and adjoiningcommunities north of the St. Lawrence in Quebec,g I describe one where I recently of it for seed, these men are Dees- r and is par-� I also many districts in the Maritime duces luxuriant folial,e t+y ,,, a Il ppointed worlcship t n $wren found a market gardener' and' his son furnished the strmulus needed to help! Provinces. The District Represents- snanally n valuable source of local titularly valuable for lottuce, coo -ease',. Box 127, Clinton • Phone 44 me out of my own rut. Now, in, supply too often overlooked. and other leaf crops. Phosphates cause i'rarmi,'ar of l3rucenerd) (by the way, father and son are part- place of confining my efforts to two lives of Ontario, with the exception Chas andy all dein stationeryrtshows or three staple crops which formerly of those in the northers counties,Conclusion earlier production of flowers and fruit) Agent for Y that they are doing a partnership bus- produced only a meager living, I grow state that maturity is not the factor Any person who is desirous of and are of special value for peas, The Iiinron & Agent Mortgage Cor- iness, although the son is only in seven daylimited areas of several canning crops that prohibits the growing of corn, growing this crop and failing to ob- beans, corn, etc. Potash increases the H r on and The Canada Cor - teen) busily making every y in a more intensive way, anis have the Secretary of Agriculture for Que- tain seed this season should pian to substance and improves the quality of Trust ConnpaCa count every whit as much as the fair I averaged a nice addition to the income bot making a similar report for that secure it early in the autumn for an- the fruits, tubers and roots and is As1 the f especially cially valuable in the production This workshop m question is a ie a corn , re ed Quebecr hos hate an ' that will succeed best overthe greatermonia, part of the area 'Mdicated. It is a crops that can be grown on a farm, basic slag are the fertilizers in eons- s or stalked mature flint corn will find it profitable atof oda is used to promote clays' from the staple farm crops which 1 province. other year, long es le price o 10 1 Comm'er H. C. of J., Conveyancer, t' livid still produce V r' tis r mills feeds and live stook re of potatoes Wi and Tornado Insurance, iron rk, rooms—one general rep carpentry, "The plan followed in growing the ' Q b Yellow No 28 is the variety main as they now are, corn .for gram Nitrate of soda, sulphite of ami; Notary Public iron for pad gag. repairing; the g g other for painting. In addition to canning crops is to contract with tho b t t will be ono of the most profitable ]taunt, Sipe p p I At Brucefleld on Wednesday each saving from $100 to $300 in repairing manager of the canning factory to -seek, and painting each year, they make grow a definite acreage of some of the, h t variety giving a high Any farmer so swill fid that he can morn use. p d b a staple canning crops, such as peas, Nitrate s yield of grain, and maturing in the average season on well drained soils in a hundred and fifteen clays. Where the season is sufficiently long, Long - sarcous crates, hampers, an Uses i beans, tomatoes, sweet corn, and small which to market fruit and truest, also fruit. 13y planning for such of the egg crates; bee -hives, brooder coops, canning crops as will best work in and various other farm supplies. These with a decreases} number of standard supplies are tastefully painted, and I can easily believe, as they contend, farm crops, I can intensify my efforts i < . . Rte.+<e� h receipts over my old style of farming., to plant a few acres even though he growth and its action is almost fur - has to cut down correspondingly his mediate and it should be applied while the plants are in growth, The best time to apply it is during rainy weather and it may be used at the • ,s• i iA i rate of a pound a square rod when the ,r° ..r ^'• plants are growing well, and a second application may be given a month later. Applied in liquid faxen, use half an ounce to a gallon of water. Nitrate of soda should not be used on tomatoes end similar Omits, as it will cause the punts to make foliage at the expense of the fruit. Sulphate of ammonia, tike nitrate of soda, is a nitrogenous manure. Both are of a caustic nature and will burn if they came in eontaet with the plants, Sulphate of ammonia is less soluble than nitrate of soda, end there- fore elower in its action, but produces , the same results and retains its action longer. It. may be applied early in the spring and during the early stage of growth. 'three-quarters of a 30111101 per square rod is a liberal dream ng. Do not use en suds. crops as benne, peas and corn. Sulphate of tanunonia should not be mixed with basic slag, ns the limo in the slag causes AMAINof the nitrogen. bate slag is good for peas, beans and root crops. It. works Blower than either nitrate of soda et sulphate of ammonia, but becomes rapidly avail• able in land well supplied with. humus and moisture, -Tse five Ito eight pounds per ,square rod before planting, by dustingon the surface and rafting over lghily, Superptnos xhate is good AO an alter- native fertilizer with basin Flag or ltaintb. It is valuable, ort ptrtaitoes or teitltvtocil dill the e Elute e ite too three acreage of silo corn. that their attractive marketing con - and in some seasons double my farm m tainers have added many times the cost of the shop and equipment in "For example, strawberries, beans, thebetter prices received for produce and corn grown for the cannery may m }peed to Toronto and of made largo crops; and asparagus, cane fruitsfind The shop was purposely tomatoes may break better in regard and high enough so that wagons, mo- to cultural and harvesting require - tor truck, and farm machinery can be meats for my neighbor. But many driven in and through both rooms of of us are finding that we dict not make the shop for repairs and painting, and the fullest and best use of a consid- can be built and painted under cover. also movable poultry and hog houses erable part of our time until we be - h markets. best combine with my regular farm be - shipped HINTED FEATHER$' Highest Prices Pale Prompt Rattans—No - Comminston P. POULIN & CO. 39 Boua000ura Market 310outreal absolutely 01504,,11u any iterme any 0000, no matter slow led 52 ycar0 of success, le Pur reason foe soiling, CAPITAL HEAVE REMEDY lib of manoybnek guarauttsso• It must 'oureyour horse oryore-lousy isretundeo, A r tiLlt W':P 8t'l '1'�LtIA. Oul1ecol 1 50, tetarnpsorat1VVer t000vor 1, 40,10 tetl-Q te st teraalp1 e ln rgi�wlbito als $rb ioWtlO RE 15115 ben ou a Yt10Uhis 90Rk4 -Phu Litt vas , 7tit1(foopot9trvet,0itttava; bit. ressmoseressassonegewssece gan to plan and systematize our woric, as was necessary to do when we took on the growing of several canning crops under contract, "I feel sure that there are many general farmers who will read this who might with advantage contract to grow a :few acres of some of the can- ning crops I have mentioned by join- ing with several neighbors to deliver co-operatively their produce to the factory, even if some distance away, with a motor truck. Such a plan of delivery our neighborhood has found to be a great economizer of time, and enables the growers of the canning crop to realize several hundred, or even a thousand, dollars more from a small area of land that will not be rnissed'for the regular farming apera- tdons. Moreover, tho bgilding up of a groat canning industry 131 this coun- try is ono of the important ways of i his knees—by bringing.. the I{a ser to s 1 y making sura of a great reserve food supply in addition to the regular bur- Vested products."-- W.G. Data CUT OUT AND FOLD ON DOTTED .LINES .an.sssuta��� "1:00 0,11;14 1.0 seems ry a1 lttte.wire r" Said Will, "It's loads of fur; . Just let me take that parasol, ,ilii I'll shote you how it's lone$'- N. CC.'i' e + 127�V —TIME TABLE,— Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIY. Going East, depart 7.83 a.m. 2,58 p.m. Going West, er, 11.10, dp. 11.17 a.m. " nr. 5.5S, dp. 6,48 p.m. " " depart. 11.18 p,m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV. Going South, ar. 7.33, dp. 7,50 p.m. Going North, depart 0,40 p.m. Don•'tlotit-,art too long, it will lead to chronic' ndlgeetlon, Sri the Meanwhile you sutler from miserable, sick headaches, tier- vousnes , do rres- si'on and eall owy CIIIi1MSEIl AIN'S STOMACH 3l1 IVER g'ASLk 'S, "1iiey}'o• neve errnentation, indigos don — gently tut sural, +t�enakae io syc em andkeep tl,a stoatitetn nUllverin l)diefeoh limning order. t r lli em rl An�ldv se, r salt Co,,o1'onte 4haM�or➢ash Mediate FP111 „ ,..