HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-4-18, Page 5April I$tI, 191$ Clinton News« Record Of Interest to You -and ]Vie' `c les fight i6 lost till the spirit fail, • Q pause goes flown if On war- riors ilr4Y1 ' .Anil never a 13ritieli t.Jroek grows piffle ']'hough the dwindling legions Amid at bay." • s The Germans want the air raids ,called off, Beloro the Allies e began to Laid German cities the neves of e;e killing of women and 0hildronby arir raids on London was. greetell` with great joy in Germany and bells; .were •bet ringing arid the schoor children were granted a holiday in honour of the event. Thee don' like the taste of their own medicine, t . Thei:e seems to be in tilts country .a great lack of understanding of the food scarcity and a pretty general feeling ,that the scare is but "news- paper talk," Whether it is that Canadians lack :Imagination or whether it is that we . aro • generally speaking a selfish race and are• wilfully determined that we shall go one just as we have always ,e lone and that nothing 0 1n so far dis- tant as a war !n Europe, (even ,though, our own flesh and blood. be •engaged brit), shall make ne change our ways, there is really not the general_ conservation of food and the self-denial which the situation calls ;,• for. Someone has said that "the average individual must see the bot- "tont of the flour, barrel or some -equivalent indication before there Is •economy," and Canada has always been such a land of plenty that it is probablsi harder for us to realize the general shortage. But if we are to *feed our soldiers fn the field and do Tour share towards feeding the Allied armies and the civil populations 'be- hind them there mustbe more rigid economyt practised in the homes of Canada (than was ever thought of be - 'fore. • Compulsory rationing in Canada 'presents anany ditfteulties, which map, however, have to be overcome, 'but if the housewives of Cauada, -with the sympathetic backing of their ones -folk, would set about determin- : edty..to save wheat and meat the re - :suit would be very satisfactory. atlas :saving must be commenced right away and kept up for the shortage is going to be severely felt even before •this season'sharvest is taken off. Canadians do not eat nearly enough apotatoes. Potatoes are plentille and should be eaten now by every house - 'hold once, or oftener, each day. They are wholesome and can be prepared -in .a variety of ways. all of which are appetizing 'and' attractive. They should be eaten freely, now because they'wili serve as a substitute for` broad and because if they are not eaten many of them will go to waste. And then cornmeal:, rye and oatmeal can be substitutedfor wheat la nu1n - berless ways. "But" someone ob- jects, "all that will Cost just as Much or more than wheat bread," That may be, the ,idea tis not to be saving money in our purse, it is to save wheat to send overseas. White bread should be the luxury upon out tables; instead of the staple which we have always regarded it. . Another extravagance which should be cut out entirely until after the war and the peoples of the world can breathe again is the public supper for the purpose of raising money. True, this is the recognized way of raisiug funds for churches and other organ- ,. .cations and nothing will .bring out a • nrowd like a '`bun feed," -But dur- ing the present .worlet ,food shortage neither church nor lodge nor patrio- t tic society should resort to. this sort Illorof thing in order to raise money. It is •impossible to SCrve a big supper tel'thoub sonic waste with the same 1 economy aseachandivitlual housewife i • will serve h'er own family. After- noon teas and all extra ,meals should be entirely banned, If it is felt that a supper is absolutely necessary try serving one of potatoes, corncako and molasses,' no wheat or meat of any, kited, The Women's Patriotic Societies, which have worked s,o titclessly and so self-sacrllioingly clueing nearly four years of war for the conform of ortz 'should aloe th d ers sh d t the lead in the i soI i , conservation of food for without) suf- ficient food the soldiers cannot do their work. This, then, is but an- other 1)1115 t of the work of the wonl- ' en who are interestedathioticeen- deavors anti they should take it up seriously and encourage by precept and example the strictest econorn3t in food and discourage most streritfbus ly the very smallest waste, I3y so doing. they would add aootter to the already long list of their: patriotic aceonlplisltm011ts and would be ren- derieg their country and the: cause a very important and valuable ser. 4- Goderich The storehouse owned 1)31 Itis, Crys- tel and occupied by. Peter McEkven was totally destroyed by fire 031 Moe - 'day aiteroon about 3 o'clock. The lire originated by some people billet- ing grass 0ii a. vacant let. 111x,. Ores, 'eel values the building at about, $1,- 001),, with $450 lnsurrtnce,on ft. bit, dick=wan inti considerable stuff stoeed in the building, which was totally. .deitto3+ed; With tee insuranen, The fire had consldetable start when the firemen atrive(1 and other building t were in danger front flying fragments which kept them: hefty (01; some time. Perth County Council is a sit Slaw U11dea: tide oapti-on, "Our Stolid County Council," The Perth County Herald, Stratford, timely comments upgn :the lolly of :delay :in having an agricultural representative 41110100d and sets forth some of the adlantag- 13ac r 7 C cwt to the comity s.' �5i l g 1)o sea 1 g 30011 an official, Huron was in t130 s "•m10 p0131tio11 for many years but at last the comity eoun011 passed the necessary vote and the representa- tive,, kir. Stothors, is already/ at work in Tlurolt. This county will have an experience different from that of othcrs if the benefits are not a1)- parent before a twelYe' month Wane - est "We regret with, we believe, a large proportion if not largo, majarity of the best farmers of . Perth Coultty, that the Perth County Council has again refused tc,take, the mild steps required to bring about appointment of a District Agricultural Represen- tative for this county, to give his whole time -to the advancement anis improvement of agriculture and meth- ods of all kinds, both in the interests of individuals end h u i h a dt c blc. It as ,P come to it that Perth is the only county in the province of Ontario which thus, stands in its own light. With ever3i 0onnt33 but ono having secured the services of such an of- ficer, surely argument as to the wise dim of the policy is unnecessary, What is needed is not argument, but a surgical operation oosome sort up- on the majority of the County C'oun- oil. M1 that is required is that the County Council shall set apart the modest sum of $500 annually to as- sist`:in carrying on the work, of the District- representative of 'the Depart- ment of Agriculture, .Tie must be a graduate 01 the Ontario Agricultural College, and is to devote his ,talents entirely as stated, He has, also at command the services of the whole O.A,C. and staff to aid in advtice and experiment as may be needed. The Departnient of Agriculture defrays, we Understand, all the other expenses of the office, so that the county's share of cost is a minor one. Every county but .Perth could bear witness to the utility of its District Representative, 'Lamb -ton affords a striking illustration. A few years ago the township 01 Sarnia did not produce potatoes enough to supply • more than oue-fourth of the home heeds, It has since shipped surplus potatoes out is carload lots and brought many thousands of dollars into the hands of the farmers. The Phenomenal growth of the fruit in- dustry in Lalnbton ' was stimulated and aided„ materially by the District Representative. Fruit Growers' As- sociations were. formed and tremend- ous striates were taken by this indus- try, .until now Lalnbton is noted as a frit county and land that used to command no more than $25 an acre has risen to $100, and when planted with trees to $300 an acre. In hun- dreds of ways the Representative has in county after, county proved of im- mense value. The $500 asked by Perth County to- ward the cost of a District Represen- tative would amount to only 10 cents for each 100 -acre farm or one-tenth of one cent per acre. In the light of the experience of Lambton Country, cited above, it is apparent that the Position taken bp the Perth County Council is 'penny wise aid pound foolish' ie. the extreme. It is with' shame that wocomment upon the lone attitude of Perth County and upon the ultra conserva- tive, even sluggish, attitude betrayed by our County Council upon questions such as this. Why should such el- emouts gain and retain control of public bodies 7 We fear it must. be admitted that a contributing cause has been the apathy of the people. A modest organization in townships where such isepessary would quickly gather a nucleus of progressive then p g about it before which the hack -num- ber County Councillor would have to bend, Hundreds of farmers must realize that the County is an1551ng it in this platter, which 'leans that'in- dividual farmers are missing it as well, it few 'hen with strength of will and nter1nisi• nd PF ogrGss could effect a revolution is the Count3>i Council, by its next session, without an election, 1331 heading movements seek as the one herein advised. Let UP hope that the leaven will start to work at once." 1 APRIL, ROD AND OLIN, The April 155lue of ,Rod and Gun is replete with interesting stories and articles for the out of doors' man. Aanoilg the stories appearing in this month's issue are "Following the Fur Bearers" by Bonitycastle Dale ; "'['he Mysterious .Wolf Pack" by A. W, Peck ; "The Job" by Marvin Leslie Flaywerd ; "Jus1t Fishlmg" by Welk G. MOldlhinncy ; "A Soldier Fishetmali" by Helen Guthrie ; "A 1'l'rip Down 'Peace River" by harry W, Laughy ; "'Che Way of the Migh- ty" by U. 0. Haddon ; "Rivers of the North" by 1Vlabel Burkholder, etc„ etc, The regular departteents are Well maintained, those devoted to fishing, guns anal nmanunition, ken - eel, etc., beteg of special interest to sportsmen featuring these particular 111%1160a of sport and outdoor life. '71115 repre5ofltative "ti'anadtan sports- man's magazine is published nu W: d, Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Opti,, Marriages 1)11 i McC4-illi l(11t Al Brecel eid, I1lizabe411, deegl ter of'iltigh 71'le- Grogor of ,Stanley, to Williinl Dietz of l'nokersrnitli. 3,0WRI11--Te091--At )3113150313, 933 April 3rd, Chas. Lowrie of Lon- desboro, to Nellie, .daughter of Mr, and 11lr1.. Ptt6urton ito0 0l 11iclCillap township. Births 13A,LL=-In Mullett, 011 April 233(1, to 119'), and Mrs, Norman Ball, a son, 1VICTL'i; In Goderich, on April 9th, • to M4yor and Mrs, 3D, R, Wigle, a son, IVIATHI RS -In &fortis, 011 April 1011), to Ilir, ;and Mrs. 'Henry Mo- thers, ' a son. Deaths MoLEAN-In Dungannon, on April 0th, John McLean, aged :;80•years and 4 monops, WOlIT LEY --In Seaforth', on April MAI, Agues Robinson, wife of the late John Wortley, is her 79th year,. THOMAS -In Exeter, o1 :April t Ap 11 3rd, Sophia Whiteford, widow of the late David Thomas, aged 78 years • and 13 Bays. Mc01%IDATtI-In God(lich, on April 10th, William McCreath, aged 04' years. Goderich Township Mr, tAdani Cantelon left on Wednes- day for the west after spending the winter with his brother, Mr. H. FI, Centelon. He pruned ton acres of orchard tor his brother, "III. 'C3." thinks he should get a fart: crop of apples +thio summer, - The Young Ladies' Patriotic So• piety are holding their regular meet ing with a special tea on Wednesday, bIay 1st, in the Sunday school room of St. James' church, Middleton, en- tertaining all those who so kindly knitted in the knitting contest. .All the knitters are cordially invited to be present. •••- The Society is also asking for old rpgs, papers, rubbers and iron. Any- one wishing to give any ci i;llesc kindly leave them at the home of either Miss M, Middleton or Miss A. Elliott by April 31st. WANTED One vest maker and one pant maker, apply to Stewart Bros , Seaforth U11'113RLLLi1. EXCHANGED SOME weeks ago in the postofece. Miss- ing umbrella has the initials "ID. M. G." on top of handle. Party having same may receive their own baa returning umbrella describ- ed to Rev. E. 0. Fordo. --37 DISPERSION SA•L.E OF 70 HEAD of Pure Bred Shorthorn Cattle and 2 Stallions.-Tbc property of J. J. Merner, MP., 2 miles from Zurich, Wednesday, Ont., on kednrsday, ilfayllst, com- mencing at 12.30 o'clock sharp. Cattle comprises 60 femmes and 10 bulls, including such popular ' fam- ilies as Rosemarys, Cierefli, Prin- cess Alice, Carrie C., Miss, Rams- den, .Butterfip, Dutchess of, Gloster, Crimson Flower, and others. A number of the cows have calves at foot, balance of breeding age in calf to service of such halls as Meadow Signet and Village Mar- quis, son of Galnsford !Marquis. 3 year old Clydesdale registered stal- lion, King's Glory, son of Cumber- land's Gloryy, sire of dans King Thomas, also the great standard bred trotting stallion, Emperor McKinney, 54151, Trains Blot day of sale Catalogues on application to .1 J. Menet,Seaf ttbOnt. Auctioneers -C. W. Robinson, Frank Taylor, E. Bosseuberry, 1loilt, Luk- er, 37-1 AUCTION ,SA1 1d OF ROYAL HOT - el, Seaforth, and Contents, also Royal Hotel Stables. -Thos. Brown been has,instructed tosellb pub- lic ub110 auction nt the Royal Hotel Seaforth, on Wednesday), April 24 at 10 o'clock a.m., the following The Hotel -The hotel is a three storey white brick building, situat- ed on cornet of Main and Goderich streets, Seaforth, containing 24 rooms ; the whole in excellent .con- dine'. The stables are (roma in good] condition and will 'stable about 50 horses. Household effects also in Orst class condition, eon- silting of tables, dining chairs, kit - thee chairs, bedsteads, springs, mattresses and bed clothing, dress- ers, stands, itipliontds, bathroom equipment, cutlery, glassware, stov- es, :subngel, crockery, couches, oast' chairs, bar fixtures, one large fur- nace- newly installed ; one horse, sound, not afraid of ,autos, also good buggy and harness, curtains, bbiuds, pi0tur00 and every kind of equipment to be found in a first class hotel, also 80 loads of ice. An inspection of the hotel and, con- tents wile be allowed two days pre- vious to the data of sato. 'l'he Whole will positively be sal'd as tate proprietor 13 eloping the ltolel and leaving town. T'tins-AD'sunts of andwider, R10 a cash 1 over teat amoutet 1 11101tths' eted it will 130 given on Chrnisilirig bankable, Napery A diecouet of 0 pereent, per 13111131m Off for cash. -V. Drown, Altctl.0n- eer ; le (i, Weir, t'reprietar, GAU7DiEN LOTS 1'071 SAL1-S1W eeel veeent;.lots 1lplonging' to the estate of- Q!eorge l,avis, an different pints el the tusvti,- seitebl,e for gar'dealeg polISOOas;-Apply ter J. 13, Latle. -30 SEED BEANS 1303 SALE.• -A LTM- ited amount of elks a PAmeeicaa Wonder" white Pea BOW, which e h •sped f 1 were arpt, last . fall before the Wet Remelt, at a reasonable pricer- Patrick Quigley, R•IC, No, 1, Clin- ton ; phone 10-037, -30 AUCTION SALT1.-TH19 'UNDL,I%- signed has been instructed to sell by public auction at the premis- es, Ontario , St,, Ii3ast, Clinton, "tut. Satur lay, April 201311, the follow - 'lug ; 1 driving mare 0 years old, will nalce'e good third horse, 1 cow 4 years old freshen last of April, 1 rubber tired buggy nearly, new, 1 two -seated fight wa'gon, 1 cutter, 2 small cabbie boxes., - 1 pair woolen horse blankets, 1 dozen grain bags, 8 dozen hens, 1 54skat- chew'an robe, 1 set light harness with collar and tame, 1 set of light harness, 1 set of plow har- ness and collar and other small ar- ticles, 'Perms« -All suans of $10 and tinder, e•ash ; over that t a ou t 6 months' credit1t will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, 3 percent. straight for cash an credit amounts. Hells cash,-Iddo Crich, Proprietor'.; George Elliott, Auc- tioneer. 89-2 HOUSE, FOR SALE. -7 -ROOMED house on Maple street, town water, also house and lot on Mill street. ;For particulars apply to Georgi R. Taylor, -35 TWO, FRESH COWS FOR SALE, al- so seed grain. Pasture for a num- ber of cattle for rent. -Apply to James E. Medd,' R.R. No, 1, Clin- ton, .--35 CAR 9'0T( SALE -A 7 -PASSENGER Studebaker car. Price reasonable, owner leaving for the west. -Apply Box 90, Bayfield, or at Johnston's Feed Store, Bayfield. -35 FOR SALE. -ONE 47. h,p, GASO- line (or Coal 011) Engine, good as new, One pair 2000 lb. Scales. One Canadian Regal Car used as demonstrator, :good as new, all new tires, a bargain. -Seeley Bartliff, -35 MRS. SADIE JOHNSTON WILL visit Clinton on Wednesday of each week to take orders for Spirelia -corsets. She will be at the home of Mrs. Trick, Rattenbury street, where any message may be left fol, her. -35 HOUSE TO RENT -A COMFORT - able 6 -roomed house on Orange street ; town and soft water ; gar- den with some fruit trees ; posses- sion given May 1st. -Apply, to Jas. Cook, Clinton. -35 FOR SALE -6 -ROOMED COTTAGE on Bond street, good cellar, i acre land, barn and drive shed, all in good repair, small fruit:trees, town water and good cistern. Also an aged - -driving mare suitable. for women ; set light double harness with canvas traces ; set single lar- gess ; a road wagon with dray Y platform 'm withpole and shafts., cap- acity 1a tons. -Apply to Elmer Finch. • -83 MISS EMMA LAVI,S IS PREPAR- ed to take a number of pupils for piano instruction after the Easter holidays at her home, Joseph • street. - --34 EGGS FOR. FIATC'14ING-FROM IM- ported Mported Brown Leghorn hens and prize cockerel, $1,00 per setting of 13. -Apply to J. Cudmore, Hol2nes- viile. 83--6 ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF LANDS.- Bp ANDS-B31 instructions of the impeders of the C. 13. •FIa1e estate : and other owners, I oiler ,for sale by tender the following parcels of land in the Town of•:01iuton : Parcel 1-47 lots andparts of its in a• known 1 parcel as the Golf Course bounded by Rat- tenbury, We and Newton streets and the London, Huron and Bence Railieayt containing about 9e "acres exclusive of about 4 acres of street allowances, etc,, enclosed with the lots ; Parcel 2-10 lots !mended by Newton, Milton, Vof th and College streets, 2' acres nearly ; Parcel 8 0 lots bounded by Erie College and Milton streets and (on the north) J. A., Carter's land, ik acres, more or less ;. Parcel 4-8 foes bounded by :Cute, College and Milton streets and, (on the south) Dr, Gum's lands, 2 acree,''tore or less ; Parcel 5-2 lots on Cowper street, south of Dr. Gunn's lands, •e acre, more or loss ; Parcel 6-4 lots on Cowper, Milton and North streets south of W. Steep's lands, 1 acre, more or less ;- Parcel 7 - Parts lots 701 and 702 oft Batten - bury street ; Parcel 8 -Lot 680, 1.1010n street ; Parcel 9--28 lots and parts of lots known as the Grove, lying west of the London, Huron and Bruce. Railway anal 'containing by estimation over. 0 antes, 0xeluq- Ivo of about; 4 acres of Street al- lowaneco, ebe., enclosed with these lots ; Parcel 10 -Parts lots 951 and 055 east of the 'Jnttetion of the L. cep, B. and B.'84 L. 'IL Railways; Parcel it -Park lot 0, Ob acres ; Parcel 1.2 -Pirie let. G, 10 acres, 2 30x(15, 13 perches, Teriris-Phe strut is sabjeC:t to reservations which Will he made known (except as to price) Ott application. No tender neces- sarily arec)t'e3, '1'oderee will be readied till to noon ol_Apill SO1Pf. T''or terms, pine and 1i1310rmatien ing0ird of W. 1Yrydonc, bated Ap.. 1,11 t01,h, 101.8, - -30 • 0 0 0 0 1) A 0:0 A 131 fi 0,9 0 0 0 0 n Q o 13:11(1 S FOR HATCHING o o *13074.IJ1i1NS THAT LAY, 1) 0 o We are prepared to supply 0 o large quantities of eggs for p 0 hatching from our' Guild strain Q O of Single Comb White Leghorus o o at 00 cents per sitting of 18 "O o gs; egor $4 , O 0r lots a sltecia3t3iper100, Wo Inoubat will oo o have for sale After Sept, lst o o 200 White Leghorn hens two o o years old at 75 cents each. o o $798.60 worth of eggs were 0 o sold from our 206 White Log- o o "horns in ,1017. o O 0 o 'Holrnesville Poultry Yards o o N. W. '1'REWAIZTIJAo o Proprietor, o o ' Phone 4 on 142 83.-0 o O 0 O 00 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 Q o o 0 0 o HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE -A frame house, stable and two lots, corner of Matilda and James streets, Clinton. Will , be sold cheap, terns to sunt, -Apply J. Oudmore, Idolnaosville. 33-43 CREAM 'AND EGGS V ANTCD. - I will gathercreamand eggs this wagon ,on routes formerly gathered by Lorne Jervis of Hoi'mesvillo. l0ggs for Gunn Lento's Co., cream for Seaforth Creamery. I will test cream myself and pay cash eachc week. -Edgar J. 7.'rewartha, Phone 15--•153. -31 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice, Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Olean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and a1l. kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. Alt orders promptly' at- tended to. Roosts over Johnson's jewelry Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -00 PROPERTY FOR SALE-} MILE south of Londesboro, two ac- res of land,, seven roomed house with good cellar and good cistern, also barn containing horse stable, driving shed and chicken house. Never failing spring on place, Ideal for thicken farm or gardening. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply on premises at to R. G. Gibbs, Londesboro. Phone 19 on 28, Blyth central. -32 Calves for Sale ! The undersigned has made arrangements to handle a few Shorthorn grade._ calves this spring. March and April is the time to secure them as the supply is limited later. W. MARQUIS Daylight Saving HAS ITS ADVANTAGES AS WELL AS ITS DISADVANTAGES. You who aro wanting Garden Seeds to help along the productiou of f oot will find our assortment sv 1 0of garden seeds are of a well known variety, and have given good satisfaction fn the past and will in future,- Multiplier uture,Multiplier onions 10c per Ib,; Dutch sets 20c per 113, . To those who could, not get to town on Show Day weoffer ases l1o- ials for Saturday 2 lbs, Rice for 25c, 1 pail Jain GOc. 1 . can 'Standard .Peas 15c, Our - special tea offer le 56c per lb. or 5 lbs. tor .$2.60, Extra good buy- Mg. HIIGHIEST PRICES 1.0R PROD7JC13 Johnson St Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared fox. PHONE 111, THE FOOD 9 Although the American Govermuent placed an embargo on their fertiliz- ers, and while it took a considerable amount of persuasion to get 'then to realize that Buffalo Brande were absolutely neocssar3tt in greater food production for the allies and the eventual winning of the war, we have succeeded in having it lifted, and now ]lave a complete stock on hand for your various crops, and at very low proportionate prices. Of ail years this is your golden op- portunity to increase irrofits as well as foodstuffs by applying a liberal supply of BUFFALO 13R)1N'D FER- TILIZERS. Wo arse have a fresh SUpply of the genuine CANADA CEMENT, the, te- Cogeized standard, Give us a call when in the market for Lumber, Shingles or airy of out various lines, air we will be Pleased to meet your wishes. Phone 11 off 018, , BA.ItAND 1130(3IClaGOS PROM PAi;1L and. Gulld's 200• -egg bred -to -lay strain. Eggs. mostly from year - !lug anti two-year-old liens, $2,00 pet; 15, Ultfert.lo eggs replaced free, -11. A, Hovey, Clinton, 04--9: 100 Tatchos 100 Watehos .on sale at the lead= ing. jewelry store, Don't, forget tha big watch sale for two, weeks only 1113 greatly reduced prices. Time '15 money and in 111e50 FA) en" 11111108 it 1)313"13 130' he on time, so why not call at the leading jewelery store and get a watch. Over 100 to choose from, both lad- ies' and gent's, pocket and wrist. Poekeb watches eanghlg in prices froml $1,40 uP ; wrist watches ali prices, Ladies' wrist watches fr1ith $4.75 for gold filled oxpanslion .bracelet up to $25,00. These l e 11lces are 25 ereent below regular prices. Remember the sale lasts for 2 weeks only. After fair daythey will. go back to the regular price. Drop in and look them over and see the bargains for yourself. R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler • an'd Optiolan (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) 1000 Muskrat Skins WANTED !` Season opens March 1st, closes April 21st. Boys semi them in bp parcel post and we will remit Ex- press Order by return malland pay1 postage. PRICxl5'ARE HIGH 'PHIS SEASON -- JAS. STEEP & CO. Bos 192 Phone 120 GIRLS WANTED! +eII, WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO C FEW MORE KNIT.. PERS, ETC. APPLE AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Seed Time Seed time is here again and we have the well-known kinds, xi s Petr ec Steel B D M. s Briggs, F Co, and Rennes in five and ten cent packages'. In bulk we have American Wonder _anti Premium Juno Peas and Gold- en Bantam and Stowell's Ev- ergreen Corn, Golden Wax Beans, Beets and Kid- ney Beans',, Carrots, White Beans, Dutch Sets, Multiplier 01110115, Nasturtiums Dwarf Mix, Nasturtiums Tall Mix. BUTTER AND-FtlhGS WANTED. E. E HUNNIFORD Bey Ioiir Seeds Early Wo have a full stock of the fol- lowing seeds and grain ; Red Clover, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa Clever, Timothy, Blue Grass, Collard Grass, Marquis • Spring Wlteat, Seed, Oats (different varieties) Buckwheat, .Silver Hull, choice Barley, 2 and 6 row, We are always in the market for grain and will pay highest market pries, t6.7.4.4 W. Jenkins & Sono FLOUR AND FEED, I?ya ��yJ�b ��J+�r D 1)501)6 110 C Higheet pricee pall for s e AM Grain and Wool, l;loaalto2a Phone 11 on .018 il$i,L1C7;'7T10L1) 14e'eldenee plfolte 9-'1424 1 This Week ForPies 2'ibs Of Raisins or 2l s b of Cooking Figs for 25c W. T. O'Neil The Hub Grocery Get tly, Prices on COMMUTED IRON METAL ZEES S AND SIDING PLUMBING SND HEATING A ING THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Reda Furnaces PIHONE Q3. Shipp over Rowland'. Hardware, FOR Sur�� Seethllg sso A stock of Clover, Timothy, Alsikee Alfalfa, Etc, Mangolds, Turnips, and Shall Seeds also Seed Grain Highest prices paid for Hay and Grain rr.. Fm'd VIlIcIA WANTE ti New Laid Eggs Fancy prices are being pain for strictly new laid, eggs at our poultry, piaat, 'Bring your, eggs to us and get the readyd cash.. LIVE Poultry Wanted Highest prices will be paid; for largo quantities of live Poultry, that will be required to meet the increasing de- mand due to meatiees daps. Pout k Poultry' taken, the first threw during each days f eek y o w g thn winter months, Be good to ,your fiosk of hens this year and help produotiou, This is patriotic work and at the same time helping your, own pocket. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. W, Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or Holmeeviire 4 on 1.424 CREAM WANTED 1 We will buy your C1e31n and guar" antee you- 1TIGIHEST PRICES A:COURATE RECORD PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE, SATISFACTION Write us for cans. We suppl35 tllehn. Pay express ellarges. Payr you for the cream you ship twice each month. Carefully weigh, sant- pie and test each can and send yotf a statement. Write today, ptioes are thigh, Agents 1 Walton -W, C+. Neal Liinburn��hial] & Co, Varna -Beatty Moe. rum Se;t orth Creamery Co. B0, 4:86 SEAFO(ITZI, ON'I