HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-4-11, Page 4Clinton NOWS" etora
►pr11 [Iti1,, ,(918
"Brighten Up"
Your Rooms
FOR Tial; lg2ON•i)Y JNVL:S-
'1'1'liD NO 1)1CORATION ,GIV
1314TTFR \'AL>:1'l. THAN
')'11S 'J'tJi)AD)Y 'PRIMMED."
A. T. .00per
C',N, Railway_G,N.W. TelegraPh
Clinton, Ontario
— between -
M 0 N T •it E A L
T 0 R 0 N'' O
0 1) 1 C A 0 0
Unexcelled Dining Cat Service.
Sleeping cars on might trains and
Parlor Cars on principal
. day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or 0. 1;. Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
onto, Ont.
Phone 5? Uptown Agents.
"Ontario will plant 1;000,000 " acres
more fn cereals and cultivated crops
this:apring ;, Quebec, 009,000 and the
Maritime Provinces, 400,000 acres
extra. The farmers in Eastern
Canada are- called upon to plant five
acres per farm extra. 40'0,000 farm-
ers la Eastern Canaria. can save the
Goderich Township
The v tr letter •eco
) rtr sr7 ii ter n lv •t...
lz )) l r t i
Cpivpcl by Me, hl, Slcclrparsi.of Orli-
fin, Seek,, will be, read with much
intereet iry the may friends of IVliss
1{'l:aneos, WO, sre glad to sap that
tholtgh ,Frances is still very ill, Mgt
holies arse held for. het recovery
linear Mailani,--lit reply• ''to your
daughter Frances 1 beg to says ,that
ailo had her work well fir ,rand at the
thee she left school and' would x)
doubt have been suceeis°1tl at the'
coming raid s:tntt r e exacts. she was
above the average of the class. The
i»onlbprs • of the staff loin with me in
wishing your daughter' a speedy re-
covery and .hope to see her baeictwith
ns in the near future, Yours truly,
Cltas. 14, Joyce, Principal Weyburn
Sunday school will be reopened, in
St. James' church; Middleton, on
Sunday morning next at 10 o'clock.
Mr. John Middleton lies been a.p-
ponted superlatendent.. All the
children in the vicinity are cordially
invited to attend, An Adult Bible
Class will also ,he held at the same
hoer. All welcome. At a meeting
'of the vestry on Easter Monday Mr,
Ed. Wise and Mr. Guy Ificks were
re -appointed wardens Lor the ensuing
year. The report of the closing, year
was very faVourable and. the citadels
aro very optimistic: as - regards the
future of the church,
Goderieh township council tncb
April ist with all members present,,
Reeve Lobb in the chair.
Minutes, of last meeting as read
were confirmed.
Mr. T. W. Brock, Field -Secretary
of the Public Resources Committee,
was .present and addressed the' coun-
cil on the heed of greater production.
On motion or Cditncillors holland
and Ginn the council gave a grant of
$10 to tlte.C.'linton Live Stock Show.
' On motion of, Councillors 'Vander -
burgh area Glue the following ac-
counts were ordered to he paid: Geo.
Tebbutit and others cutting ice Mait-
land river $22 ; Municipal World, sup-
plies $3.00 ; A. J. Courtice, express
80c ;. Geo. porter, ]municipal cash
hook $15.50 ; Geo. Wilson, sheep kill-
ed by dogs $25 Geo. W. .,Sturdy,
valuating sheep $2.
On motion of Councillors Lindsay
and `'Holland council adjourned to
meet Monday, May 0th, at 2 o'clock
—A.dain -C'autelon, Clerk,
The executive of the Red Cross
Seeietyi of Regina has asked that
the advice of the Food Controller be
carefully observed at any gatberinge
in the interests of the Red, Cross and
that if the hostess really wishes to
serve food she sbould at least be
i careful not to use the commodities
most -needed overseas. •
cv ase o
u r
and The Cure
(al, A. Wl)itl1)411, Lansing, >rlacll.,)
Altair elite° the present war started,
the most irorrlblo war .ever known,
We have been askhdg oureeives the
question, What is the cure '1 I would
trot ease to express my views public-
ly on such a deep subject without
some'safe and solid foundation upon
which to }mild, su 1 stall • tette .A
text, Altho' 1. admit I an act
qualified to' preach a sermon or even
write anything that could be called a
sermon, any text is this "Without
the sncddlag of blood there is rto
Mission of slit,'.' Go back with me
to the days of Abraham, -Moses and
Elijah, when it Was the custom to
offer sacrillcee, to. pick .out the most
,(temper iamb, goat or other innocent
animal, to oiler it upon an alter ea,
voted for that purpose, thinking that
by so tieing they 'would in some way
appease the wrath of God and Secure
forgiveness for their sins, We would
tookupon• anyone ivlio followed this
old alld oltsclete custom now as a
fanatic. Are we to infer that ,]esus
approved of this old custom when he
said, "Without the shedding; of blood
there is rio remission of sin 1" I
do not think so, Perham, when Ito
made his great sacrifice and shed his
blood he did it for the remission of
the sins 01 all, the generations that
followed clown to the present time,'
Notice, please, 1 sear perhaps. , The
teachers and the preachers of. tllirtjr
or about that many years ago, taught
us that the blood of Jesus shod twen-
ty centuries ago would blot out our
sins if we just believed in flint arid.
asked forgiveness for our sins. 1;hey.
taught us that altho we were had
all our lives we could repent at the
eleventh hour and stili get into that
heavenly kingdom and be permitted
to wear a white ;robe and ,play on a -
harp, simply because Jesus paid the,
debt on Calvary's cross. 1 never
could accept that doctrine. 1•rather.
incline to the belief that "as a man
swath so shall he reap," I believe
too, as a nation swath so shall it
reap. I believe that Jesus' life of
self denial, of ministry to all classes
of men and women, Tris unflinching
devotion to a great principle and his
martyrs death was to show us the
way. We hear the remark sometim-
es that so and so Lived many years
ahead of his time: Jesus lived so
Many centuries ahead of his time
that we are only beginning to catch
up with kris doctrine. We should fol -
,low His example and make sacrifices
and give,up our lives if ,need. be to
save a world from sin, if there is
no remission .of sin save tltrtti the
shedding of blood. 1 ought not to
have said if, 14e who spoke these
words was the greatest antbority in
all history. We have no right to
question their accuracy, It being
true that there is no remission of
sin save thru the shedding of blood,
to What can we charge this greatest
slaughter in all tate world's history
that ,or over three years has been
going on upon- the European battle
fields. The answer seems simple :
This war and all wars was caused
by sin. When after forty clays in
the wilderness, Jesus was led upon
the mountain top and shown the
world and the glories thereof
he turned down Satan's pro-
posal and resolved that tris
mission in lite was not to try and
take from but ,to give to the ,world•
Here again Jesus showed .us the
way. How different with most men,
For forty years the German nation,
directed by the Kaiser and other men
of his stamp, has been preparing for
war, training her inen to tight, per-
fecting the most deadly weapons and
machines of destruction that the in-
genuity of man could invent. And
what for ? In order that she might
push out the boundaries of her own
domain. In order that she ).night
take by, force that which was near
and dear to other people lite lib-
erty and home If this ambition to
become _richer and more powerful by
making poorer and auore wretched
the people of the. lands she 'coveter..
isn't sin in its most gigantic form,
then what is sin ? If when a man of
might and power, whether he is- ,
potentate of the old world or not,
goes upon the mountain top and
leeks out upon the world and its
richness, and proceeds to break the
tenth .commandment, falls down and
worship§ Satan instead of Clod, lays
pions to
get the poor fellow he sees
toiling its the valley and take front
him by force the savings of a life
time—if that isn't SJ11, what is sin ?
Still another form of sin has had
much to do with bringing on this
war. We retro somewhere in the bible
that in somedistant day we nth
looking for, "The lion and the lamb
shall lie down together." For a
long tee the German government
and :some .other governments have
trained theii boys, while still keys
and in the, formative period of their
lives, to ,learn the arts of war, to
be ready when they were grown
mon to ovcruome by force the peo-
ple who live across the border. The
very nature of the` training was such
that the savage, blue brutal, the lion -
Ulm nature or man bee been. kept
alive and cultivated ; delaying' andel
iloltely the day when the lion and
the lamb ntayt lie down together. If
that isn't sin, then what is sin ? 1f
silt causes War,, then they fn whose
inhale this war had lbs beginning,
(and all actions are but the result
of someone's thought), they who .
at the bcgiuning of the war took the
offensive are the greatest dinners
since hlisbory began, I will qualify
this ,by saying that we expect a lit-
110 more, of menwho profess to be
eivfilzed now than we did 2000 years
'ago, Whon, after many years 01
peace, a supposedly Christian nation.
started this great war in 1014, some
oho whose faith was- woalk said
Christianity has failed. r do tot
agree. Christtanttst has not failed
but it is man's Wore to accent
(;ha)4timntp, 1 do not wish to make
my indictment'against the German,
people too strong, • There probably
aro and have boon hosts of good
Chrietiuh pod* .among the Glerruans.
but as fan as.their government Is
concerned it is just about an (lodiess
as were the ehildren of israol when
they asked Aaron to make for them
a golden calf. If I am'rigbt in any
viow that sin, !to porfiisteitt 61:00-
in k-0)4 Of the tenth commandment, cant-
oe war, what is the 01100 ? Wo have
beard the thought expressed that
when this war is over 'eve will never
have .another war, 1 hope that is
true, .but I do not believe . that it
Will be safe for the mittens of .the
earth to .disarm ns hong ai, slti
COLI MF.:sn01t a dominant part in the
lives of men.. Our Lord told its
that "°'ie that heareth these sayings
of intim, awl "teeth then I will liicen
unto a wise tnau who built his house
on a rock." When wen everywhere
not only hear the sayings of Jesus
but do them when instead of 'try-
ing 'to got the . other fellow we go
unto n whoan N
have enough character so
• that we
can go upon the mountain top, look.
upon the world, , and comp away
without being overcome by a desire)
to break the tenth commandment ;
then, I believe, war will cease and
we . will have, peace permanently. Our
best informed men are saying this is
a war between Autocracy and Demo-
cracy, and we are hoping and trust-
inging when this war ns over that it
government of the people, by .the peo-
ple and for the people slda11 not 00-
iy not perish from the earn but
may. spread Leto all lands. What
is a Democracy anyway 1 When Lin-
coln said a government of, by, and
for the people, what classes of peo-
ple did he mean 1 Men only ? Some
states are ahead of slur own, but in
Michigan we might say we have al
government of and for the people
but when we say by the people some
very good citizens are left out. Let
me draw you two pictures—one a
blear-ey�.d, whiskey -soaked man who
has no ambition to own a home,
doesn't apparently want to perform
any laudable service to the commun-
ity in which he lives and whose
highest ambition seems to be to
merely earn enough to provide him-
self with food, clothing and sbelter
and any surplus he spends In a wap
that weakens him physically and
morally. Ile is enc of tide people.
He can vote. The other picture is a
mother. She is helping to build a
home, faithful, industrious, works as .
many hours and frequently mere -
than her husband, has as good an
education. She is jest as vitally in-
terested in and affected by the laws
that are passed and the administra-
tion of then) or the character. of the
men who bold'of0.ce as is her hus-
band or brother. She makes daily
saeriftces for lier.children. She at-
tends' to their every need. When
she has tucked them into bed for the
night she prays to her God that
they: will be led not into temptation
but delivered/. from evil, and she has
the right to go to the polls and
vote against, evils which, if allowed
to continue, may tear down and de-
stroy in, a short time tide very
things she has spent the best years
of hcr,life in trying to create. She
has just as good a right to vote on
any;. question as the type of man I
have mentioned. H will go,- further
and say she has rite right in a more
superlative degree. Since woman has
these rights, why don't we give her a
chance to use them 1 in our state,
women who own property and pay
taxes aro' allowed to vote on certain
tidings. It is too bad that we are
still measuring things according to
the gold standard. If this shatter
was left for me to decide, I wo*dd
say give the franchise to the women
who pay takes by all means, but why
discriminate against the mother who
does not pay taxes 1 Of all persons,
'regardless of sea who has a better
right to say what kind of to environ-
ment shall be placed around the boys
than their mothers? Ain 1 going too
far to sat that we haven't now and
never have bad in our state a real
democracy? When the equal suffrage
question was submitted to a vote in
Micbigan equal suffrage was defeated.
This 'proves one of three things :
either tide majority of those w110 vot-
ed dill not believe in, democracy, or
they dill not know the meaning of
democracy, e tai, .
e y, r o•else i d0 not know the
•meaning of the word. Personally, I
believe the irrational way adopted by
the women who have sought publicity
by Parading up' and clown in Croat of
the White ]-louse has hindered rather
than adyaticeddt the equal 'suffrage
movement. Personally I would
rather see the franchise given to the
old fashioned" mewnan who attends to
her own household duties, cooks ,dor
husband's'' meals and looks after the
welfare of her own citildrelt than to
the lady who neglects these Bumble
tasks and parades um and down the
Street with a banner. I d0 not be-
lieve the average woman wants the
franchise just fol: the mere sake of
saying that she is 111511's equal. 1
believe the average woman looks tip -
on the -franchise, when she gets it,
as alutt110r task, another burden, but
site is willing to pick up the burden,
altho at tunes it may tire- her to
carry it, it byl s0 doing site esti
perforin a ttscfntl service for human-
ity. Wily all these years of agita-
tion 1 Why should we waft for re-
peated. 1ntcolring oh the boor. 'If wo
believe women 'are moral aad lotell-
igent eltougid to be trusted with hire
ballot, why aren't we men chivalrous
and magnanimous 01110ttgh to give fret
a chance to use tide eight she already
has. This may he a little aside front
my subject, and I have hot written,
this bemuse I think ler a moment
that giving -bo woman fret t•fglrts will
have 10110 to do with caring War,
but 511100 tbfs was is a struggle be-
tween Auttoetaey aid Demoeraoy
ha)h'I1 is well tihit WO Understand
what iletimerecy uteatts And 'may ,
views, oa the (alual suffrage' question
were given to donne in some measure
my views on n0rrrocrae3Y, Suppose we
write a new definition of Democracy,
Let us say that it is a government
of,, by and for the people and make it
Plain that people lneludes wenn% as
well as men, I said, a little while
ago that the (German government was
absolutely Godless, at least they
sewn to have departed 10010 the kind
of a Clod we believe in, '[How about
our own boasted civilization ? Our
country is at war, in these times all
patriotic Anierluane are willing. to
make sacrilces they never thought
necessary ,before to save the food
and man power beeausc our cottntry
needs them 'both, And yet ht these
tinges, .there were lift men enough in
Ohio and Iowa to overthrow the
liquor traffic, ."Whom the Lord
loveth He' cltastenoth," Perhaps
when we have been chastened enough
we will see the need of purifying our
Democracy and rashion it after the
teachings of the founder of Christian-
ity, In 'His victory on the mountain
u His 111inTifs ole Jesus
t e, death, J s s
showed the way. 1 --Ie blazed out a
pathway that was thee new. When
the tilme comes for the oppressed)
People of Europe to have a teeth of
a now form of government, a - free-
dom and a civilization that to them
is new, let us hope that America will
be 'Prepared to show them the war.
May we arrive at the _point where
wo can show then). an example of a
Democracy that is fair and square
and just. Many of us believe that
the war is a struggle between Auto-
cracy and Democracy and some of us
believe that if the Allies win and
Autocracies are all overthrown the
war will be worth what it 'cost and
the problem will be solved. • But will
it ? I do not believe we can take the
class..of people we find in Gen -many
and Russia and make them enduring-
ly angelic liy simply changing their
feria of government. Something else
is needed, T do not believe that
democracy, or the best form of de-
mocracy that has yet been known, is
the end that the people of the world
are fighting for. It is on131 a means.
I do not believe that peace is the
end, it is only a means. The great
thing that the people of the earth
are struggling for and need more
than anything else is righteousness:
When the price for the sins of man
has been paid, when the last battle
has been fought and, peace has been
declared, 'let us hope that the king-
dom of God may come and 1•Pis will
may be done on earth,
(The above paper on the cause-' anti
cure of war was written by Mt. -C.
'A. Whitman of Lansing, Mich., and
read by him at a gathering of men
M that city a short time ago. Mr.
Whitman maa,, say some things with
which we do not all agree but he
nevertheless says some other things
with which most of us will. i17r.
Whitman is a son-in-law of Mr. John
Sturdy of Gotlerich, but formerly of
0odcrich township.—Ed.)
Canadian x
�� a J1iA
for Aeroplanes.
Word has been received at Ottawa
that Colonel Wrailiand of the Cana-
dian Expeditionary ]forces has been
requested by the War (Vice to bo-
rne4lately. Proceed to Canada to sup.
ervise the d'istributlon 0f MAI) flax
seed .which it is anticipated w111 ae
urgently required la order to supply
the manufacturing needs for :aorop)an-
esii) the near future.
A.s the importance of those tCPplios
eanu01 bo exaggerated 1t is cxceed-
higly desirable that there shall be
cordial co-operation between the, far-
mers who will sow this special flax
seed and Colonel Wayland who will
distribute the seed to iso sown. 001-
onel Wtiylgnd has been empowered to
offer suitable terms tq farmer:s sow-
ing this seed, Pie is proceeding to
Canada ab an early date and in the
meantime enquiries may be addressed
to him Co, Grain Exchange, Winni-
QueQn� �rY sSilver r
The Queen 11Mar 1's Needlework G `''4"" Guild t
in Ontario earnestly asks the people
of this Province to contribute to a
shower. 01 Soldiers' Comforts, Sup-
plies for Hospitals and trenches, or
money with which to buy them. 1)a-
11ati01'tsmay be sent in until the lash
wool( in May and should be addressed;
to Mrs, Arthur 'VanKoughn'et, 80
Ring St, WtOst, Toronto, daring
wlticit week a meeting , will be held in
the P5nliament Buildings when the
.shower will be on view and reports
made of the .contributions received-..
immediately after, shipment will bo
made to aingland, to arrive 1n tine
for ,her atajesty's Silva); Wedding
Day, on July 0th,:1018, 11
"Ter Clod's name, what are eggs and
Compared with-ftal victory ?", .
Uo you
prnettco it'
Directory First!
TO guess at telephone numbers, to rely
on your memory, or to consult old
lists of telephone users means wrong
numbers, delays and general annoyance.
tjj Sometimes it takes a little longer to make
sure of the number; more often it is clear gain,
even as regards time.
4J Why not adopt the motto Directory First
in telephoning?
The Bell Telephone Co.
of Canada
IIIflIN111111111111i11111111I111111tI11111111111Ii111111NIiIflIt11111111f IIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIN1111II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II111111111111(IIiIIfl1111Ri111111111111110111r11111
Necessary Farm.
MORE and more the Ford car is looked
upon by progressive farmers as necegs-
sary farm equipment, the same u tHi1s
p ow, the hav-rake, the drill, the mower t
harrow and other labor and time -saving
A farmer with a Ford car can dispense with
one or two of his horses and make the trips to
town, railway station, creamery, or to the -neigh+.
bouts in one-third the time, In fact there is no
farm machine made that will save th bus
farmer and his bush wife so much valuable i
s av
a Ford. And its so easy to take care of—
easier than a horse. No bed to make, or hay an
oats to get, no harnessing and unharnessing, and
no stables to clean. The Ford practically takes
care of itself.
Ask any farmer who owns a Ford if he would
ever again try to get along without it, His
answer will hasten your decision to own one;;
'Touring - . $595 Sedan ^ - $970 1
Runabout 5575 Chassis - - $535 1
Coupe .. , 6770 One -ton Truck $750
e Langford, Dealer Clinton
Dry Goods
Cebu. & Co.
Reataly te.
Wee r
O11 1Ir
us a
the most
The new
rich fabrics.
while they
a complete
the best
of paramatta
a liki
Spring has-.
in Women's.
in which
ever dis-
inspect out
coats from
and get
very satisfac-
of pleasing
We have
$7 to
we have
the hour
in Canada.
32 to
V ,
a stock
Of Women's
the most
brought to
and Misses
all the newest
—by far
full. You
and their
New 'Raincoats
MITE have
yours here.
tory coat
light and
Other makes
The Store that shows the New T#'rings Fiirst
cv ase o
u r
and The Cure
(al, A. Wl)itl1)411, Lansing, >rlacll.,)
Altair elite° the present war started,
the most irorrlblo war .ever known,
We have been askhdg oureeives the
question, What is the cure '1 I would
trot ease to express my views public-
ly on such a deep subject without
some'safe and solid foundation upon
which to }mild, su 1 stall • tette .A
text, Altho' 1. admit I an act
qualified to' preach a sermon or even
write anything that could be called a
sermon, any text is this "Without
the sncddlag of blood there is rto
Mission of slit,'.' Go back with me
to the days of Abraham, -Moses and
Elijah, when it Was the custom to
offer sacrillcee, to. pick .out the most
,(temper iamb, goat or other innocent
animal, to oiler it upon an alter ea,
voted for that purpose, thinking that
by so tieing they 'would in some way
appease the wrath of God and Secure
forgiveness for their sins, We would
tookupon• anyone ivlio followed this
old alld oltsclete custom now as a
fanatic. Are we to infer that ,]esus
approved of this old custom when he
said, "Without the shedding; of blood
there is rio remission of sin 1" I
do not think so, Perham, when Ito
made his great sacrifice and shed his
blood he did it for the remission of
the sins 01 all, the generations that
followed clown to the present time,'
Notice, please, 1 sear perhaps. , The
teachers and the preachers of. tllirtjr
or about that many years ago, taught
us that the blood of Jesus shod twen-
ty centuries ago would blot out our
sins if we just believed in flint arid.
asked forgiveness for our sins. 1;hey.
taught us that altho we were had
all our lives we could repent at the
eleventh hour and stili get into that
heavenly kingdom and be permitted
to wear a white ;robe and ,play on a -
harp, simply because Jesus paid the,
debt on Calvary's cross. 1 never
could accept that doctrine. 1•rather.
incline to the belief that "as a man
swath so shall he reap," I believe
too, as a nation swath so shall it
reap. I believe that Jesus' life of
self denial, of ministry to all classes
of men and women, Tris unflinching
devotion to a great principle and his
martyrs death was to show us the
way. We hear the remark sometim-
es that so and so Lived many years
ahead of his time: Jesus lived so
Many centuries ahead of his time
that we are only beginning to catch
up with kris doctrine. We should fol -
,low His example and make sacrifices
and give,up our lives if ,need. be to
save a world from sin, if there is
no remission .of sin save tltrtti the
shedding of blood. 1 ought not to
have said if, 14e who spoke these
words was the greatest antbority in
all history. We have no right to
question their accuracy, It being
true that there is no remission of
sin save thru the shedding of blood,
to What can we charge this greatest
slaughter in all tate world's history
that ,or over three years has been
going on upon- the European battle
fields. The answer seems simple :
This war and all wars was caused
by sin. When after forty clays in
the wilderness, Jesus was led upon
the mountain top and shown the
world and the glories thereof
he turned down Satan's pro-
posal and resolved that tris
mission in lite was not to try and
take from but ,to give to the ,world•
Here again Jesus showed .us the
way. How different with most men,
For forty years the German nation,
directed by the Kaiser and other men
of his stamp, has been preparing for
war, training her inen to tight, per-
fecting the most deadly weapons and
machines of destruction that the in-
genuity of man could invent. And
what for ? In order that she might
push out the boundaries of her own
domain. In order that she ).night
take by, force that which was near
and dear to other people lite lib-
erty and home If this ambition to
become _richer and more powerful by
making poorer and auore wretched
the people of the. lands she 'coveter..
isn't sin in its most gigantic form,
then what is sin ? If when a man of
might and power, whether he is- ,
potentate of the old world or not,
goes upon the mountain top and
leeks out upon the world and its
richness, and proceeds to break the
tenth .commandment, falls down and
worship§ Satan instead of Clod, lays
pions to
get the poor fellow he sees
toiling its the valley and take front
him by force the savings of a life
time—if that isn't SJ11, what is sin ?
Still another form of sin has had
much to do with bringing on this
war. We retro somewhere in the bible
that in somedistant day we nth
looking for, "The lion and the lamb
shall lie down together." For a
long tee the German government
and :some .other governments have
trained theii boys, while still keys
and in the, formative period of their
lives, to ,learn the arts of war, to
be ready when they were grown
mon to ovcruome by force the peo-
ple who live across the border. The
very nature of the` training was such
that the savage, blue brutal, the lion -
Ulm nature or man bee been. kept
alive and cultivated ; delaying' andel
iloltely the day when the lion and
the lamb ntayt lie down together. If
that isn't sin, then what is sin ? 1f
silt causes War,, then they fn whose
inhale this war had lbs beginning,
(and all actions are but the result
of someone's thought), they who .
at the bcgiuning of the war took the
offensive are the greatest dinners
since hlisbory began, I will qualify
this ,by saying that we expect a lit-
110 more, of menwho profess to be
eivfilzed now than we did 2000 years
'ago, Whon, after many years 01
peace, a supposedly Christian nation.
started this great war in 1014, some
oho whose faith was- woalk said
Christianity has failed. r do tot
agree. Christtanttst has not failed
but it is man's Wore to accent
(;ha)4timntp, 1 do not wish to make
my indictment'against the German,
people too strong, • There probably
aro and have boon hosts of good
Chrietiuh pod* .among the Glerruans.
but as fan as.their government Is
concerned it is just about an (lodiess
as were the ehildren of israol when
they asked Aaron to make for them
a golden calf. If I am'rigbt in any
viow that sin, !to porfiisteitt 61:00-
in k-0)4 Of the tenth commandment, cant-
oe war, what is the 01100 ? Wo have
beard the thought expressed that
when this war is over 'eve will never
have .another war, 1 hope that is
true, .but I do not believe . that it
Will be safe for the mittens of .the
earth to .disarm ns hong ai, slti
COLI MF.:sn01t a dominant part in the
lives of men.. Our Lord told its
that "°'ie that heareth these sayings
of intim, awl "teeth then I will liicen
unto a wise tnau who built his house
on a rock." When wen everywhere
not only hear the sayings of Jesus
but do them when instead of 'try-
ing 'to got the . other fellow we go
unto n whoan N
have enough character so
• that we
can go upon the mountain top, look.
upon the world, , and comp away
without being overcome by a desire)
to break the tenth commandment ;
then, I believe, war will cease and
we . will have, peace permanently. Our
best informed men are saying this is
a war between Autocracy and Demo-
cracy, and we are hoping and trust-
inging when this war ns over that it
government of the people, by .the peo-
ple and for the people slda11 not 00-
iy not perish from the earn but
may. spread Leto all lands. What
is a Democracy anyway 1 When Lin-
coln said a government of, by, and
for the people, what classes of peo-
ple did he mean 1 Men only ? Some
states are ahead of slur own, but in
Michigan we might say we have al
government of and for the people
but when we say by the people some
very good citizens are left out. Let
me draw you two pictures—one a
blear-ey�.d, whiskey -soaked man who
has no ambition to own a home,
doesn't apparently want to perform
any laudable service to the commun-
ity in which he lives and whose
highest ambition seems to be to
merely earn enough to provide him-
self with food, clothing and sbelter
and any surplus he spends In a wap
that weakens him physically and
morally. Ile is enc of tide people.
He can vote. The other picture is a
mother. She is helping to build a
home, faithful, industrious, works as .
many hours and frequently mere -
than her husband, has as good an
education. She is jest as vitally in-
terested in and affected by the laws
that are passed and the administra-
tion of then) or the character. of the
men who bold'of0.ce as is her hus-
band or brother. She makes daily
saeriftces for lier.children. She at-
tends' to their every need. When
she has tucked them into bed for the
night she prays to her God that
they: will be led not into temptation
but delivered/. from evil, and she has
the right to go to the polls and
vote against, evils which, if allowed
to continue, may tear down and de-
stroy in, a short time tide very
things she has spent the best years
of hcr,life in trying to create. She
has just as good a right to vote on
any;. question as the type of man I
have mentioned. H will go,- further
and say she has rite right in a more
superlative degree. Since woman has
these rights, why don't we give her a
chance to use them 1 in our state,
women who own property and pay
taxes aro' allowed to vote on certain
tidings. It is too bad that we are
still measuring things according to
the gold standard. If this shatter
was left for me to decide, I wo*dd
say give the franchise to the women
who pay takes by all means, but why
discriminate against the mother who
does not pay taxes 1 Of all persons,
'regardless of sea who has a better
right to say what kind of to environ-
ment shall be placed around the boys
than their mothers? Ain 1 going too
far to sat that we haven't now and
never have bad in our state a real
democracy? When the equal suffrage
question was submitted to a vote in
Micbigan equal suffrage was defeated.
This 'proves one of three things :
either tide majority of those w110 vot-
ed dill not believe in, democracy, or
they dill not know the meaning of
democracy, e tai, .
e y, r o•else i d0 not know the
•meaning of the word. Personally, I
believe the irrational way adopted by
the women who have sought publicity
by Parading up' and clown in Croat of
the White ]-louse has hindered rather
than adyaticeddt the equal 'suffrage
movement. Personally I would
rather see the franchise given to the
old fashioned" mewnan who attends to
her own household duties, cooks ,dor
husband's'' meals and looks after the
welfare of her own citildrelt than to
the lady who neglects these Bumble
tasks and parades um and down the
Street with a banner. I d0 not be-
lieve the average woman wants the
franchise just fol: the mere sake of
saying that she is 111511's equal. 1
believe the average woman looks tip -
on the -franchise, when she gets it,
as alutt110r task, another burden, but
site is willing to pick up the burden,
altho at tunes it may tire- her to
carry it, it byl s0 doing site esti
perforin a ttscfntl service for human-
ity. Wily all these years of agita-
tion 1 Why should we waft for re-
peated. 1ntcolring oh the boor. 'If wo
believe women 'are moral aad lotell-
igent eltougid to be trusted with hire
ballot, why aren't we men chivalrous
and magnanimous 01110ttgh to give fret
a chance to use tide eight she already
has. This may he a little aside front
my subject, and I have hot written,
this bemuse I think ler a moment
that giving -bo woman fret t•fglrts will
have 10110 to do with caring War,
but 511100 tbfs was is a struggle be-
tween Auttoetaey aid Demoeraoy
ha)h'I1 is well tihit WO Understand
what iletimerecy uteatts And 'may ,
views, oa the (alual suffrage' question
were given to donne in some measure
my views on n0rrrocrae3Y, Suppose we
write a new definition of Democracy,
Let us say that it is a government
of,, by and for the people and make it
Plain that people lneludes wenn% as
well as men, I said, a little while
ago that the (German government was
absolutely Godless, at least they
sewn to have departed 10010 the kind
of a Clod we believe in, '[How about
our own boasted civilization ? Our
country is at war, in these times all
patriotic Anierluane are willing. to
make sacrilces they never thought
necessary ,before to save the food
and man power beeausc our cottntry
needs them 'both, And yet ht these
tinges, .there were lift men enough in
Ohio and Iowa to overthrow the
liquor traffic, ."Whom the Lord
loveth He' cltastenoth," Perhaps
when we have been chastened enough
we will see the need of purifying our
Democracy and rashion it after the
teachings of the founder of Christian-
ity, In 'His victory on the mountain
u His 111inTifs ole Jesus
t e, death, J s s
showed the way. 1 --Ie blazed out a
pathway that was thee new. When
the tilme comes for the oppressed)
People of Europe to have a teeth of
a now form of government, a - free-
dom and a civilization that to them
is new, let us hope that America will
be 'Prepared to show them the war.
May we arrive at the _point where
wo can show then). an example of a
Democracy that is fair and square
and just. Many of us believe that
the war is a struggle between Auto-
cracy and Democracy and some of us
believe that if the Allies win and
Autocracies are all overthrown the
war will be worth what it 'cost and
the problem will be solved. • But will
it ? I do not believe we can take the
class..of people we find in Gen -many
and Russia and make them enduring-
ly angelic liy simply changing their
feria of government. Something else
is needed, T do not believe that
democracy, or the best form of de-
mocracy that has yet been known, is
the end that the people of the world
are fighting for. It is on131 a means.
I do not believe that peace is the
end, it is only a means. The great
thing that the people of the earth
are struggling for and need more
than anything else is righteousness:
When the price for the sins of man
has been paid, when the last battle
has been fought and, peace has been
declared, 'let us hope that the king-
dom of God may come and 1•Pis will
may be done on earth,
(The above paper on the cause-' anti
cure of war was written by Mt. -C.
'A. Whitman of Lansing, Mich., and
read by him at a gathering of men
M that city a short time ago. Mr.
Whitman maa,, say some things with
which we do not all agree but he
nevertheless says some other things
with which most of us will. i17r.
Whitman is a son-in-law of Mr. John
Sturdy of Gotlerich, but formerly of
0odcrich township.—Ed.)
Canadian x
�� a J1iA
for Aeroplanes.
Word has been received at Ottawa
that Colonel Wrailiand of the Cana-
dian Expeditionary ]forces has been
requested by the War (Vice to bo-
rne4lately. Proceed to Canada to sup.
ervise the d'istributlon 0f MAI) flax
seed .which it is anticipated w111 ae
urgently required la order to supply
the manufacturing needs for :aorop)an-
esii) the near future.
A.s the importance of those tCPplios
eanu01 bo exaggerated 1t is cxceed-
higly desirable that there shall be
cordial co-operation between the, far-
mers who will sow this special flax
seed and Colonel Wayland who will
distribute the seed to iso sown. 001-
onel Wtiylgnd has been empowered to
offer suitable terms tq farmer:s sow-
ing this seed, Pie is proceeding to
Canada ab an early date and in the
meantime enquiries may be addressed
to him Co, Grain Exchange, Winni-
QueQn� �rY sSilver r
The Queen 11Mar 1's Needlework G `''4"" Guild t
in Ontario earnestly asks the people
of this Province to contribute to a
shower. 01 Soldiers' Comforts, Sup-
plies for Hospitals and trenches, or
money with which to buy them. 1)a-
11ati01'tsmay be sent in until the lash
wool( in May and should be addressed;
to Mrs, Arthur 'VanKoughn'et, 80
Ring St, WtOst, Toronto, daring
wlticit week a meeting , will be held in
the P5nliament Buildings when the
.shower will be on view and reports
made of the .contributions received-..
immediately after, shipment will bo
made to aingland, to arrive 1n tine
for ,her atajesty's Silva); Wedding
Day, on July 0th,:1018, 11
"Ter Clod's name, what are eggs and
Compared with-ftal victory ?", .
Uo you
prnettco it'
Directory First!
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Necessary Farm.
MORE and more the Ford car is looked
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sary farm equipment, the same u tHi1s
p ow, the hav-rake, the drill, the mower t
harrow and other labor and time -saving
A farmer with a Ford car can dispense with
one or two of his horses and make the trips to
town, railway station, creamery, or to the -neigh+.
bouts in one-third the time, In fact there is no
farm machine made that will save th bus
farmer and his bush wife so much valuable i
s av
a Ford. And its so easy to take care of—
easier than a horse. No bed to make, or hay an
oats to get, no harnessing and unharnessing, and
no stables to clean. The Ford practically takes
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Ask any farmer who owns a Ford if he would
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answer will hasten your decision to own one;;
'Touring - . $595 Sedan ^ - $970 1
Runabout 5575 Chassis - - $535 1
Coupe .. , 6770 One -ton Truck $750
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