HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-4-4, Page 8COMMA News -Record April 4th 1918 Kippen (Intended 1'or last.Waic•,) We regret to report the death of lir. Jqs, f.iaestiey, which masted At itis lion otr the third coti'eesiiion of Taokersmith -On ,S`tindey last,„.Ao op- eration was performed on Saturday previous in hopes of 'saving his' life but lvtithout-avail, `{'110 teasel took 7tlace on Tuesday Atternoou to. Hen- • all Union eemetes)). Mr, Chesney leaves e widow and three dAugltters, also a brother and sister., who re- side iu the west. - Mr. Wan" Tierney of the town line, who recently liatl a bone broken in one of his feet, is now, we are sor- ry to hear, ;xtillexiog . front an, attack Si ,plj urisy, MTcd, Mist. f8rewitlee has 'been Spending a week with her mother and sister at Luau. Miss'I'3•mfly ivison, late of Toronto, is assisting in the store.'• Mr, W.H. ,Johnston very 'ably supplied the pulpit in the Methodist ohurclt during, the ajtaeucei. of .the. pas- ' Rev. J. E. Jones, who was called to Sotnbra to attend the tun- ... erel of his wife's mother,. London Road (Intended for last week,) Mrs. Nott has returned home after spending the winter with her daugh- ters, Mrs. Grant end Mrs. Peacock of Clinton. Miss:E. .Waldron recently returned from a visit in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge of McKillop, who have leased•.the farm of Levi Wfltse, have.'taken possession and are ready for the commencement of the spring work. Mr, George Watts is moving to Clinton to the house recently puts abased there. He will probably, be settled in his, new home next week,' The Easter literary meeting In con- nection with the Epworth League was held at the home .of M. and Mrs, George W. Layton .on Tuesday, even litg, "at. Helene (intended for last week',) Wedding bells lire riming, Mrs. Wm, Webb had the mistortune'- to break her mitt the other: clay, . SO. Donald Murray received word last • week that t itis son, Ross Slurs' rays, had been gassed. Making ample isya:ttp, is tine order of the day around bere,at present, Mr, anti Mrs Merman Phillips spent Sunday at the Moine tl1 Mr, Geo, Phillips, Mr., John Durnin lost a very val- uable horse lest week from pneu- menia, We are sorry to report that Mr, • Ewart McPherson isivery fill with pneumonia. We hope be will soon be restored to bis usual health again, Miss Ramsay spent the weok,end with Miss •Eva Humphrey, ' Rev. Mr. Little has been an the sick list but we hope he will soon he around again. Messrs, James and Elliott Miller aro busy sawingwood in this vicin- ity at present, • Blyth. Mrs, A. E, Bradwin returned to her borne at Arnprior after spending some time with her father, Mr. J, G. Esnigh, who has been versa ill. Dr. W, R. Elgie visited Owen Sound friends recently. ' Mr. Archie MCQuarrie =has returned to the west alter a visit with his mother in town. 'JVI'rs. J. C..Iletgron was in Brussels attending the funeral of her father, the late Jos. Gainer.. TIIE NEWS -RECORD LEADS FOR TOWN, TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY NEWS.. Women's Low Iloel Boots The New, Low Military Heel Walking Boot will be one of the most popular models in our entire line of Women's Spring Footwear. Leathers of Pecan Brown Calf, Nut Brown Calf, Brown Vici, and Black Kid with high tops $6, $7,00 to $9.50 -. The Low. Heel Walking Boot is designed and made for the express purpose of protecting the foot— making walking easy—and looking neat and trim. It is just the sort of a boot a woman will want to wear with a short skirt. -.-- acv FRED. JACKSON "TIIE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN" Special. Order Clothing Our new set of samples for Ordered Clothing for spring is now here, and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest selections of High-grade woolens we have ever shown. Our styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come and look thein over and get one of our new Style Books. - We are also' showing some new natty styles in Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats, Ties and Shirts See our table of flen's Boots at $3,50 a pair PIumsteei Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS' FOR LESS. PHONE 28 � 6.GENTS- GENTS -: -SE READY CLOTkIING, NEW IDEA PATTERNS. 1P YOU ADMIRE FINE FURNITURE you certainly will appreciate the beauty. of the articles eon - tallied in our display of china closets, sideboards, dining tab- les, chairs, etc. 'Pheyare de- cidedly unconventional in de - Sign and will give .a 'distinct . individuality to the dining ZOOM they adorn, See the dis- play and yeu"]l fnareel at the prices, JAS. Et1UNC'Q D Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone - litaow 18 1 1 * Send hits a Fours. * twin Po. It win * he a great cgnven- * ienee for - hint when writing to * you, * * * *. * * Tile it I D. Fair no . "Often the Cheapest Always the Best." ;AII,,fPi, 111 +..�.-_..._ ._..,,,.,.,.111. Registrar Coats of 'Goderich was lit town on Monday. Miss Lottie Sfoman was up from Toronto for Eastertide. Airs, J. A. Irwin spent the Easter- tide with London friends, , Mr. Ray Rtuubafl was down from •Goderich for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gantelon were in Toronto for the Eastertide. Miss Effie Rath spent tate week -end the guest of Londesboro friends. Mr. Chas, Cautelon .of Toronto spent Good Friday at his home in town. Miss Knott of Thornbury visited Mrs. J, A. Rphinson over the -week- end. Mr, Fred Tucker of Exeter has taken a position with the Jackson Mfg. Co. Miss Holmes of Sarnia has been vis- iting her ,sister during the holiday season. Mr, J,•F, Wasmann has been visiting in Windsor, and Essex during the past week, Mrs. J. McDonald was an Eastertide guest with her sister, Mrs. P, Daly of Seaforth. Miss:Macdougall of the C,G,I. staff is spending the vacation at her home its Cannington. Mrs. J. E. Holmes is speeding the Easter, vacation with her sister at Holyoke, Mass. ' Miss Lyla Ford of Ottawa is spend- ing the Easter vacation at her home in town. Miss Hardie of London was an Eas- tertide guest at the home ,oi Reeve and Mrs. Ford. Miss' Sinclair of" the C.0.1. stall is at h'er home in Walkerton for the holiday, season. Mr. and Mrs, W. Jackson returned on Monday evening from a , trip to Mount Clemens. - Miss Violet Barge of Sarnia has been visiting Miss Ruth Walkinshaw dur- ing the past week. Miss Grace Walker of Brussels is spending the Easter vacation at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Macdonald have returned home atter spending the winter in Toronto, Miss Kate Webster was the guest of. Mr. and NIrs, W. A. Beacom of Harlock over Easter. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Lawson of Windsor are visitiog th'e lady's father, Mr. T. Judd. Dr. W. Holloway of Peterboro was the guest of his brother, Me, A, • J. Holloway, over Easter, Mrs. Tucker was the guest over the week -end of her daughter, Lieut, Tucker of the Salvation Army. Mrs. Forbes, who has been spending the winter with her daughter tp. !Hamilton, is in town this week, Miss Rathwell, teacher at Kinlough, is spending the Vacation time with her parents, 11tr, ,and Mrs. T. Rath - well. Ole, and Mrs, Robt. Dunlop and two children of Winnipeg are visiting the lady's parents, Ole. and Mrs. Geo. - Burnett. Mr. TI, Lucas of Hanover raver wax a visitor with his sister, Mrs. -J;- A: Robinson, at the rectory over. the week -end.. - Miss Minnie G. Rudd attended the meeting of the Ontario" -Library As- sociation in Toronto the beginning of the week. Mr. James Finch and son Harold of Stratford spent the Easter holi- days with fire formers parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Finch of town: Miss Rata Cook of Toronto was' an Easter visitor at her home in town, OIi'ss Cook sang a solo very accept- ably in Wesley catch on Sunday. evening, Mrs. T. J. McMichael and .iittle Miss Evelyn of rlultett were guests of the lady's father, Mr, A. Scott of the Base Line, fora few days over the Week -end, • Rev, R. b', Irwin and Mrs, Irwin of Glencoe were guests for a few flays last week at the ?tante of the tormer'•s brother, Mr, J. A, Irwin. They returned home on Saturday.. Mr, Henry taker Mit on Monday Morning fat 13etnalto,Alberta, Where lie has a farm wiiieli he will i in i spend. the next few months nths in= ' proving, This is in the 1ldmontoh district where conditions are favor-' able for mixed and stock tanning. SERO Snappy, Stylish, Serviceable FADELESS INDIGO SERGES are in the SPOTLIGHT of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits. They are made of only the+finest .'udtralian wool in the hands of only skilled and competent crafts- men. They are SOFT and PLIANT ---yet FIRM and STRONG. Theyare rich in feel and uetre and will never row "shim( with use, g � nor fade, They are the result of years of experience in the weaver's art. - INCIDENTALLY—We stock " INDIGO SERCE " in all weights and prices. If you like blue serge .clothing --do not hesitate because your last one faded or got shiny.- "BUY A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE" because we are behind it with an absolute guarantee. Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGES is one of the largest in Canada. Come in and see them. WOMEN'S STORE Dry, Goods, House Furnishings phone OV Next to Royal Bank nowN78 MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Publie Library, People You Know Miss Graham, who has-been spending the winter with relatives in Lon- don, retiirned to Clinton on Mon- day and will resume her classes in palming, - Mr, Walter Ring left on Monday to visit his son in Hamilton. Air. King has been laid tipall winter and it is honed the change will be ,Uenefic- ial to ilial. ' Miss Grace Muff came up from Tor- onto lot Easter and on her return was accooipauied by , her sister, Miss Nellie, who has taken a posi- tion in the city. Mrs. T. J. McNeil attendedthe tun - oral of .the late Mr. Th'ompson, who dropped dead at the 'Union Station, Toronto, which took place in Sea - forth on Friday. Mr. Wm, Cooper of 5t. Thomas has returned- to Clinton and will snake his home with Ids son, Mr. Geo. Cooper. Clinton was for so long itis home that Mr. Cooper thinks there is no 'plata just so desirable as a place of residence,. Hullett Township Kipper. The elders and managers of St. Andrew's met at the manse on Wed- nesday evening of; last weelk to spend a pleasaint hour with one of their number, Mr. Jas., Robertson, who, havingsold his- fine farm, intends leaving to spend the sltmmec with relatives in the west. During the coarse' of the evening bit. Robertson _ was presented by bis friends with a leather suitcase as a slight token of respect and regard for one who has so long been associated with them, both as a member 'of session and chairman of the board of managers. Dr. and Mrs, Aitken most hospitably entertained the party which broke up with the singing of 'Blest be the Tie That Binds," Mr. Walter AIe- Cullie read the address and Mr. J. B. McLean made the ,presentation Mr.. Robertson has been an active worker and a most_ liberal supporter and Itis removal is a distinct loss to the congregation. Mr, J. 0, McLean ha been cotr(in- ett to his bed for some dans but is now well on the way to recovery, Mr. W, H. Johnston left for Tor- onto Monday, morning to attend the Provincial Teachers' Convention' be- ing held in that city during Bastes week. Mr. Johnston will no doubt bring, bale an excellent report or the business done for the benefit of the West Huron Teachers' Association 01 which body he is the able secretary, Mrs. Chambers and daughter of Clinton visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. French during, the holidays, - Miss Margaret Meths is spending the vacation with friends in Elgin County. • E Jartot visited with Miss Etta Ja to is h t London friends over the •week -end, re- turning on Monday evening, Mrs.: Thos. Ri1hardson' speut a very pleasant two weeks with her daugh- tor, Mrs. A. Noakes of eafoort . She retuned home on Sunday. Mr, Win, IJenley is making saris-' factory progress towards recovery, four correspondent in looking over a Minton New Era" of June Oth, 1806, noticed that the best coal oil was sold at titty cents a gallon as advertised by Searle .k Davis, a bus- iness firm, no doubt remembered by scone of the older residents of Clin- ton. The paper also contains the sidvcrtisemeltt- of "Thos. Jackson, Clinton _Clothing Depot," "Comman- der it Elder, sign of the Elephant," and a number of others well known in business siroles at that time: Sap's r008iu' 1 In ,South Western Ontario Peter McArftlutr of Ekfried tapped his trees early in March. Season's late this year tlidugh--old• fashioned winter. Get o u' t all th e t buakrts, cid and nea acid make the meat of your time, There's a good market for &very pouud of ;sugar Aud gallon of sytu $, Mrs. A. Townshend was in Goderich on Monday visiting her sister, Mrs. Porter.; who is ill. The Townshend family are moving this week to their new home on the 10th concession, of Goderich township. They. will be missed is the neighborhood and are followed by the good wishes of a host of - friends. Sirs. Dominic Flynn spout Easter: in Toronto. Misses Eliza and Maggie Johnston eemmenced their term at the School of Commerce, Clinton, this, week. Mr, John Quiglets is moving this week to the tarns which he purchased on the ,London Road. ' The following is,the report of S.S. No 5 for the month of March :, St.' 403—Wellington McCool 80, Percy Gibbings 74, Lilian Cart- wright 73. Jr. 4th --Rosalie Crawford ,71, Dora Vodden 67. St. Sed—Margaret Brown 72, Al. bert Holloway 68, Jr.. 3rd --Laura Snell 78, Evelyn Gibbings 10, Edith Gorbutt 53, Al- vin Cartwright 48.. Jr, 2nd—Gertio Quinney 38, Warren Gibbings 70, l-Iughie Radford 51, Harry Snell 80, Charlie Weymouth.. 50, Charlie Brown 38, Habit! Vodden 118. Jr. lst.--Norma Snell, Borth Nott, Ernest Brown, Pruner --,-Ivan Carter, Willie~ Stev- ens, Freddie Vodden. Best spellers for month 1 '>tosalde Crawford, Dora Vodden, 1'Ivelyn Gibs r Linda f bins g LAlvin Catt- 5 Snell, weight, Cxet do Quinfiey, Warren Gib- bins. " s-Olite 13. -Cale, Teacher, Porters Hill Mr. aod.Mrs, Worm ancl.Miss Sadie Woods of Eurich spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. James Blair. Mrs, Trewartha of ifiolmesville spent a few. days recently visiting her daughter, Mrs, Bert (lox. Miss Pearl Potter of 'Toronto Un- iversity is spending the Easter vacs - lion at her horn,here, Miss Minnie Johnston of Stella was home for Easter. Miss Campbell, our school teacher, is at her home its Ora for the .Laster vacation, •Master Ernest and Miss Edith Van- derburgh spent a few days visiting friends and relatives in ICincardine. The marriage took place at the Mae of Mrs, Frances S. Weston at half past flue on Wednesday afternoon of last week of her daughter, • Annie Elizabeth, to Mr, George Allan Bet- ties ,son of Mr, Thos. Betties. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. Ashe-Everest of Bayfield and was witnessed by about forty; invited guests. Tho bride, who was given away by :her uncle, Mr, Geo, Vanderburgb, wore her suit of, blue cloth and pret'- ty white silk bodice, The young couple were unattended, Mrs. Frank Picot, sister of the bride, played the wedding chorus and during UM sign- ing of the register Mrs, Ashe-Everest sang, "0 Perfect Love." After the ceremony the' 'wedding feast was partaken of, Mrs, Wesley Vanderburgh and Miss Edith Vander - burgh being . the deft -handed wait- resses. The bride was the recipient of many lovely acid valuable gifts. For the evening the bride donned a pretty, burgundy silk poplin frock and led oft in the dancing, Which Was kept. up until the wee 'snta' hours. The friends of the young couple join in wishing there a long and happy • inertia life (Intended for last week) Mrs. It. 1'. Cox spent a few days last week with friends at t.'lande- hoye. - M4iessrs, Bert and Win, Cox got phones, installed in their houses last week, We aro sorry* to heat that Mr. Samuel iltnnterson tfs itot improving as quickly, as his friends Would like, Mr. Russell Currie spent Sunday at his sister's, Mrs, R. Temmorson, ]Mks Georgie 'McPhail, and Mrs. Wesley Vandenburgh spent a day re- cently 4n Goderich the guests of Miss Vttnstone, Mt, James Wait had a wand bee last weoir. Auburn The Auberu Red Cross have shipped to headquarters in the last two mon- the -following, tot February •i •208 lir. socks and 54 -day shirts Mid for Match .107 pr, seeps • and 84. day Jltlrts, Varna. Miss Mossop. spent Easter . with her sister, Mrs, Stephenson, Goshen. Line, Stanley. Miss '"Morrison of 'Toronto is spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. ElinobU. Mr. J, T, Reid has purchased a new car, Mr. W. Johnston, Bayfield Road, has disposed of his fine 180 acre• farm for • 87,500 to Dr. Lloyd Moffatt oi' London, De. Moffatt get; immediate possession. 'Phis • farm was formerly the Moffatt homestead. Air. S. Moffatt, it is said, will oc- cupy the farm. Scarling has begun on a small scale.altliough rite •ost has not alt. left the land, generally speaking. Constance Mrs. Milson continues very low, Mn,sB, McLean of Buffalo and Olt. Fred Milson and'son of Forgery ;lIan., wore called home on account of hes serious illness, • Mrs. 4I. Colclough and daughter, Miss Vera, spent Sunday with •her lather, Mrs, Tltuefl and outer friends . in .Brussels, Mks. C. McGregor, 147rs, Ili. Briton . and sister, Miss Edna Love, spent Sunday as the guests of the latter's phrents, AIr, and Mrs. Love of Wat- tart, The Misses Mary and Mattha Cook of Goderich township are spending the Easter holidays as, the guests of their sister, Mrs. Joe Riley. Miss Florence Taylor of Toronto is spending Easter holidays with her estate, Mr. and pn Mrs. II Taylor. .,,vlr, Mr, and Mrs. John Riley; Sr„ of ' Clinton spent Saturday' with their sister, Mrs. Jas. Mann. 'l'fie Red Cross social on Friday ev- ening was a. success, Rev, 1Vlrt Av- ery's v- ery s address was higbly ly appreciated by all. The collection amounted to over 820. Lord Rhondda, British Food Con- troller, says the food situatiou los the Allies will be most clificult Slit:-• big tite neat two months. Syrup Season -Y,,,,, is Here SAP PANS AND PAILS MAD)) TO ORDER. ELECTRIC WRING AND 1f7XTUJb• ES OF ALL KINDS, ROOFING AND IRON I'I1'ING. ON HAND, Byam Sutter - Plumbers and l:lcetricianti Phone 7