The Clinton News Record, 1918-4-4, Page 5April 4th, lbld glints n News -Record Of Interest to Yo u alnd. Me Hang up the fiddle and th0 , bolo, 'take genet the shovel and the hoe ; for there's pleiaty .af wog1e far est all to do e'er we go where .all geed 211g- iers .goo !'Yoeca'n't grow n war: gardelh by trairi> g''it o`ter' in your mind,", --lie ,gine Loader. 110, you bet "you oan't, it tames 801110 good, ,11a44 ereroisc with spade; and hoes' But nevertheless there's 0rwar toapowerfulo going b L lot I 1 gardens • grown in Canada in this year of grace. M . # Dr. Nathaniel lsurwash, ex -Chancell- or of Victoria College, and an , out.. standing figure in Canadian Method- ism, died in Toronto, en Saturday .ab the -age of seventy-nine years, During the past year, several of,the stalwarts"'' of Canadian Methodism have passed away ; Dr, Burwasli; 1)r, Carmen,. 1)r, Griffiths., Perhaps the most out- standing Methodist amongsir the old- er men now in Canada is Dr, Wm, Briggs, the Toronto publisher, * * * It is most regrettable that while are fighting r ' our boysb g the brutal ell* enhy in Frauce so that Ile may not he able. to plant his tyrannical' foot on the -tree soil of Canada that we should leave to waste energy fighting- each Aber here, There is but one way to deal with the situation in quebec,l"however, that is to deal melee it as quietly as . possible but with a firmness .which cannot possibly bet mistaken. We must have law and order in this British. Dominionand the -will of tho majority must rule, not. thet of a foolishly .discontented minority. * a r ,All articles which can be manufac- tured in Canada late ,to be in future prohibited from importation from the United Status. This will in- crease the production of the Canadian manufacturers and the Canadian ••treasury will lose the revenue form- erly collected in customs duties, `on these goods, i3ut in ',order to bal- anoe.up things a special tax rate of leu percent. will be levied upon all products 'manufactured in Canada whish are on . the import embargo list. It is said the :Unified ...States Government is taking similar action 'and' will; shortly ;publish a list of articles which may not be imported from, Canada, The list of articles barred from Canada includes automo- bilee, teres,, accessories, patent med- icines, silverware, jewellery, musical cal instruments,. hots, shoes and made, made clothing. Raw materials for the manufacture of any of these ar- ticl'es may be imported. This ought to be a good move in order to encourage 'manufacture in Canada but the Government will have ..ittceatch the working out of .the law or Canadian manufacturers. may take - advantage of it for their, own, en- richment. A ten percent. special tax may be all, right as far as the Doni- inion treasury is concerned but the Government must see that the Can- adian consumer is not charged exor- bitant prices. for necessaries. Easter Report Clinton Collegiate Institute Below are given: in order ot merit *Ile names .of all pupils that obtained percent. or ov r lifty over in the o egg - e ,gate on the last term examination : Foran L -E, McTaggart 79.4 (hon.), 11,. Nediger 76, (hon.), II. Ball 72, G. Fowler 71.8, B. Murphy 71.8, E. Fear. :70.7, M. Gibbings 69.8, K. Carter .63.7, E. Ferguson 68, 13. Morrish 07.9, G. Raithby 65 3, D. Pollock :64.4, C. 'Hamilton 61.4, S, Thompson ds '3 A. I a , Reynolds U H 1 r 13 3,9 F. R 6 0 yn , 3 e2.8, W. _Bell 62.6, 14I. Beaton 62,3, W. ' 14Iatch •61.4, Cr. Watt 61.4, , D. 3irednan. 01,, J. Rands, 60.1, M. Me- •Gregor, 59.9,,..E: Bradshaw. 511,4,; A. -Reynolds 59, 13. Lindsay 58.4, B. .reni. 57.5, D. Rorke 56.0, K. Ladd --e 56,. G. hall 55.2, F, Libby.'54.8, 0. Mathieson 54.8, G. Carter 54, F. Powell 53.3, A. Iiudie 51.8.. Form II. -J. Townshend 82.9 (hon), 1(7, Cooper 79.8' (hole.), R. MacKay Draper 72.1,. C Tyndall . .'D 74.2,S 1 , 6 r 9: G NT J 63 Jones , 8 "00.2, HI'. Ross 0 , M. Shaw .68.2, A. Walker 68, IL, Pot- -ter 67.4, . B. Cooper 07.2, Iv, Me- Caughey 66.2, A. Macdonnoll 64.7, F. Smailacombe 64.5, H. Johns 64.8, :G. Evans 61.2, S, Jackson 60.6, IYI, :Snyder 60.6, A, Glen 59.3, A. Law- rence 58.5, A. McCorvie 58,5, G.' Rut- ledge 57,6, B. Reynolds 57.5, H. Rathweli 57.4, A. Meknes 07.8, AI. Flynn 55.8,' N. Priest 55.8, Z. Seek. ,sen 55.1; W. Nelson 53,2, T. Bouek. Forel 111,--13. Tough 74, 13, Chow - .en 71.7, F, Fingland. 71.:0, II, Arm- strong" 09, r. 7Iiggins 67.6, K. El- liott 66.2, 11, Livermore NA 31, Walker 05, 0, Mr.Gi11'63,0, 14, 31e- 'Conthell 01.4, 12. Mealy/tient 67.2, P. •Graham 63.1, V. Snyiler 00.3, M. Cook 59.2, 1i. Lyon 58.3, 13. Law - X0000 58,2, N. Kennedy 57.4, M. Ilol- land 55.4, E. Stirling 55.4, 7, Ste cleft 56.1, L. Mudie' 53.6, I, Cole '53,4, G. Green 50.5. P'orm IV. Faculty Entrance Part 'eel ..reaps 78.4 (hon.), .1, 11. Cay. '~for 75.5 (1ton,), A, Leonard 70.8, le, Kemp 70.2, IL Cantelon 64.7, 14. Churehf1l02, Ti. McMath 57,8, M. Ull- •man 57.2, 111. Mcelath 57,1, i10. Crich 03.5, 13, Ellis 50.2.' Faculty' .13ntranee Part II, -L. Mac - gay 83 (Iron.), J. Ferguson 77.3 (3011,), P. Scott 75,3 (lion.), I•I, Stewart 68.1, T. ,54others 68.1, M. McMur:chle 04,2;' W. Gray 03.3. 'Memel Matriculation TI. Potter 73.1, J. 'Middleton 09.6, W, Town- •sllend 07.7, M. Chfdtey 06.2, 41310110118 should be hatched eat'ly' title year se that they will mature ,sit the fresh green stub's 01 the sem- ' nlor season, Store feed is booed to fifer 1ti.glt this Hear, Plcss'tog of an: 014 Resident, of tlullett. Mr, Thomas Fear On Mandayi 'Thomas Fear, an old and well ]cthown resident of Mullett, passed to his long, home at the great age of nearly ninety-six years, The late Mr, Fear was a native of England, but be came to this eountr Y with his father in 1849. That was the year that 'cholera was. prevalent in parts of Canada and, ' during his journey up Irom the . seacoast the elder , Fear contracted the plague and died and, was. burled at Bramp- ton. 'Phe next year was spent by the young Arian in Chinguacousy township and then i10 came up to 'I-Iuron, He' fleet settled' on a farm.on the 8th' of Iiullet4, working, at his trade of ear= pantry and chopping and cultivatiog his farm between tine's. Later' he secured the farm on the Gravel Road, which he bas, since continued to oc- cupy. The late Mr. Fear was a Man of, sturdy health and knew little during his long life oil physical weakness. Until a couple of years ago he used to make 'periodical visits to Clinton. and was always pleased to meet and' chat with old friends. His death was due to an attack of pneumonia.. He had been going about and out to the barn every day until about a week previous to . his demise, 11ir. Fear is 'survived by one son, William, with whom. he lived, and one adopted- daughter, Mrs." Hum- phrey 'Snell, 'Mrs. Fear, who was also a •hative of England though they were married here, dried ' six . years ago. The funeral took • place yesterday. afternoon to Clinton cemetery. The services at house and graveside wore conducted. by the Rey. C. C. Kahle of the Londesboro Methodist church, The pallbearers. were 1vlessrs. 'Chas., and Albert Weymouth, Edmund Crawl - ford, James Snell, J. G. Gibbings and Geo., 0, Thompson. County News Bruce county, accordihig to .the Lucknow Sentinel, has in its towns and villages no fewer than siety- eight- p u rehes of different denomina- tions: No doubt there are also sev- eral more in rural places.' A number of young men from the vicinity: oiZurich have left during the past fortnight to,jointhe colors. Mr. A. M. Carthew, for the past few years manager of the Blyth l • ii li f �Bank n has c n the of.Gomr orct,, i as been transferred to Dundalk; Mr. W. Telfer of Winghare has succeeded him at Blytll. The Zurich Publie scbooi will have one less teacher after the Easter -vacation owing to a decrease in the attendance. A meeting of those interested - in the growing and marketing of wool r will a held theUnion 1 h I t in Un o Roto Godericll, tomorrow, Friday, at two o'clock in the afternoon. A repre- sentative from the Department -of Agriculture will be present. A ,very 'haudsome stained glass win- dow has been placed in St, George's church, Goderich, by Mr. end .Mrs. W. L. Eliot in memory of their son, Lieut. L. Eliot, who was killed in the battle of Vimy• Ridge. During the Easter holiday• season the G.T.R. put on the .morning and evening train to Kincardine, reent- er cancelled. The, towns in the northern .parts of the .county and in Bruce, which have had very unsatis- factory railway service during tee past 'winter,.found it a convenience. Mr, 1). ie, •14am1inlr'gf Gociericlh has offered-Lwenty-0ve acres of ground along the lake front for agricultural Purposes, Also, if the land is used to produce the sort of " stuff which' he uses in his canning .factory, 'he guarantees to .purchase it at, market prices next fall, Wingham places of bus;ness -will now close at six o'eloelr. each revelling in the week but Saturday, Ten -thin- ty will be the closing hour for Sat- urdays and nights before a holiday., - Marriages BL I"PLl S-WLS'1.ON In Goderi011 to,t0nshfp, on March 27111, be the Rev, W. Ashe-l,:vsrest, Annie lel- 'rzabotlh Weston,. to George Allen ' Nettles. W',A'1 SON-PeeDO'tl5',ALL In (lodes ich, on March 271h, Irary Scott McDougall to Prod Watson, both of Bayfield, GALI3RAIT74-Meteetilele-in Goder-: ioh, on March 270, Mary Mc - (flu a,, datgbtcr: of Mr, and .li is. Jas. McClure, to John Galbraith of Tata. ' Births BAleKER-1n llrueerls, on March 20t11, to itir. and Mrs, Cleve 13ealt- or, a Sail, 514101,L --in Exeter, ell Merclt 25t11, to Der. atgd MI's, led. .511611, a daeg114e1. Tuckersmith Township Axis, '1', O'Brien is visiting this week with `1'.aronto and Stratford friends, She was aeeolnieulled by) Mrs, D. Flynn of Hallett, ?03 ,SAlerie .AN 1EDISON P)80N0- graph with records.• -+Apply to Mrs, T, '1'Wiechell, . -35 11'011,`11') 10013 SAi,f .--7-ROOMLD house on efapto Street, town water, also booth and lot 041 Mil1 street. .i' ax •Particulars 1 apl>ly to George ]'t. Taylor, ' -85 CAR FORA SALE --t 1-PAblSI'3NGER Studebaker ear.., Pelee reasonable, owner leaving for the west. -Apply Box 90, Bayfield, or at eobnston's Feed Store, Bayfield. -35 EGGS 1004. HATCIIING..-AUS- traliaa White. Leghorn, world's champion layers, $1,50 for setting of 15, Brahma Bantam eggs, '$1 . 1>i . of for s •e4tr g 15. -John Walton, Co. W. Jackson. -85 FOR SALE. -ONE 4L li.p; GL#SO- line (or Coal Oil) Engine, good as 11011,.- One pair 2000 11i. Scales, One Canadian Regal Oar used as demonstrator, good as new, all new tires, a bargain, -Seeley 41 Bartell. -35 MRS. SAleIE JOHNSTON WILL visit Clinton on Wednesday of each week to take orders for' Spfrella corsets. She .will be the hone of Mrs. Trick, Rattenhury street, where any message may be left fon -her. -35 Al;cTION .SALE 01'1' FARM STOCK and Implements: .-The undersigned has been instructed to sell' by pub- lic auction at Lot 12, Con. 8, 'Hul- lett, oh Friday, April 12th, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following:' ,Horses Draft mare rising 8 years, Draft horse rising 9 years, Draft (illy rising 3 years, Draft filly rising 1, Driving horse 9 years old. Cattle= Cow due fit June, 1 fresh calved . cow, 2 farrow. cows, 2 steerdetising 2, 2 -steers rising 1, 2 ,heifers rising 2, 2 heifers rising 1, 1 heifer calf. Pigs --1 young sow due time of sale. Sheep -1 Leicester ewes. Fowl -2 dozen hens, pair geese, pair ducks, Iluplements-6-ft. Deering mower nearly n el , Dasse eI arras 10 -hoe• seed drill, Clover Leaf manure spreader Na 3, ,Deering hay loader, El es harrow, Seca diamond, harrows, Single furrow Oliver riding plow, Single furrow Frost ed Wood walk- ing plgw, Wagon with box, Stock rack, Fanning mill, Root pulper, Set scales 2000 lbs. with stook Platform, Portland cutter,' Top buggy, Set bench sleighs, Bugg3r pole Light spring wagon, Wheel- barrow, Set double harness, 0Iay rack, Set single harness, Daisy churn; De Laval cream separator, 4 ladders, chains, forks and other small articles. Tereus -All sums of $10 and under, 'cash ; over that amount, 8 months credit will,be given on furnishing approved jint notes. 5 percent. pee annum for 011511 011 credit amounts. A11 will be sold without reserve as the pro- prietress has sold her farm, Mrs. ' le. asker, Proprietress • T. Gun- 35-1dry, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE 010 HORSES, CAR- riages, Sleighs, Robes, Harness, Etc. -rhe undersigned rias been in- structed to sell by public auction at the premises, Ratlenbury* St.,' Clinton, on Thursday,` April' 11411, as 1 o'clock 5, m•, the following lIrtes- I lh good d Loadsi el 8 years old, 'Tarkie" ...extra good road horse 7 years' 010, "MUM" good road horse 9 years old,; "Nig- ger" a jee black good ladies driver 7 years old, "Nettie" good reliable delver ,7 years old, "Jennie" a• bay pader..extr'a good road mare 9 years old, , "Motto" 3 year -Old colt, "14'rank" good ladies, driver 10 yrs. old, Pacing colt sired by Mack Thistle, "Nellie" aged mare , good quiet allvel, Farm horse 9 years old 4. -year-old horse nice_ driver,. Cows -1 Milstein. coW 6: ?bars , old due in June; -1 fresh cow, Carriag- es, Etc. -3 rubber: tired red geared buggies good as new, 1 rubber lir • ed black. geared buggy good as new, 5 steel tired buggies, 1. rubber tired surrey new, 1 two -seated carriage, 1 three -seated carriage good as 1, new, 1a wagonette,, 1 carryall, 1 light wagon with polo or shafts, 1 set heavy sleighs, 1 three -seated pleasure sleigh new, 1. two -seated pleasute..sleigh nearly, new, 5 Port- land cutters, 1 piano box. -cutter, 1 . set delivery sleighs, 1 combination' cutter aid buggy pole, 10 Saskat- chewan robes, 1.5 long-haired robes, 12 buggy! robes, 12 buggy dusters, 12 0110101115, 3 woolen rugs, . 4 woolen .blankets, 0 new blankets, 10 stable blankets, IIarnese--1 set heavy farm harness nearly new,• 2 sets carriage hatncss nickle' mount- ed, 6 sets goldene 'mounted sitlgle 1.larness, 0 sets rubber mounted sin- gle (harness, t set light• driving 11ar- ness, 10 good driving. collars 2 sets harries, and tugs, 1 power clippers, 1 pail fly nets, 0 strings of bells, 5 neeltynlces, 1 est doubtetrcee and whf0letrecs, 20 feet new rubber boyo with nozzle, 1 writing desk, 1 office sofa, bay fork, ropes and eere whips, shovels, Corks and 0111- e1' small artitles, Ievetythieg will be sold as the proprietor Is goihig cot of business, Terms -All steers of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 7 morrtlh$ credit will be given on furnishing approved; joint atones; 4 percent, straight for..cash Oil credit amounts, -0, J, Lovett, Proprietor ; 'Phos. efln dry, Atiction- r, -'3G 1VrRS. ISAAC1.CAR'TER IS 1'lelr.i'Arie ed to d0 1101.10eeilemine and wash- ing by, the day. (No hotting), 05.1 l`.iIYIO'1 TIT! , ,S104D, FOR SALE . -A limited quantity of clean seer(, rat el No. ,1 by Government test, -p', C, Waldron, 13rucelield, Phone 4 on 7.07, ;, -35 TWO FRESH COW'S FOR SALE, al- so seed grain, Pasture tot a num- ber er cattle for rent.. --Apply. to James E: Medd, lilt, leo. 1, Clin- ton. •-+3G HOUSE TO RENT -A.` COMFORT - able 6 -roomed ]louse on Orange street ; town and soft water ; gar- den wth same fruit trees ; posses- sion. given osses-siongiven May 1st,-Apply,to Jas, Cools, Clinton. -8e Ai:ICTIGN SALE 010 LIVE STOOK and Household Effects --'Mi, W111. Evans will hold a sale of live stock, lern'fture and household ef- fects at. his place, Bayfield, on' Wednesday, April 10th, at 1 o'clock pan. -. -35 $20 REWARD WILL BE 3'.471' 'TO any person giving information lead- ing. to the convietuion 61 anyone T Pigeons.- shoot(11g my, Homing g Pzge t s. John Walton, -34 MISS EMMA LAVIS. IS PR'I:IPAR• ed to take a number of Mils for piano instruction after the Easter holidays at her home, , Joseph street. .-8h EGGS leOR, IIA'CCHING-FROM IDI - ported Brown Leghorn hens and prize cockerel, $1,00 per setting of 13. -Apply to J. Cudm.ore, Holmes- ville. 38-6 HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE -A frame house, stable and two lots, corner of Matilda and James streets, Clinton. •al'il1 be sold cheap, terms to suit. -Apply J. Oudmore, Holmesvillo.' 83-6 O 0000000 0 o EGGS FOR HATCHING 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Holnlesvill'e Poultry Yards N. W. TREWARTHA, Proprietor. Phone 4 oil 142 33-6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 070tH HENS THAT LAY. o 0 0 0 We are prepared to supply large quantities of eggd for hatching from our` Guild strain o of Single Comb White Leghorns o at 60 cents per setting of 13 a eggs, or $4 per 100. Incubat- o or lots a secciait3s, We will o have for sale after •Sept. 1st o 200 White Leghorn hens two 0 years d at 75 cents each. o e s of $793.60 worth of eggs were o sold from our 206 White Leg- o horns in ,1917. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 n 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Calves for Sale ! The undersigned bas macro arrangements to handle a few Shorthorn grade calves this spring, March and April is the time to secure them as the supply is limited later, W. MARQUIS It's Here; Come Co a to and See It! • The NEW Falrbanim;: Morn FARM ENGINE Economical — Simple Light Weight—Substantial Fool -Proof Construction — Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore (:.elk -proof Compression. 6 H. P. Grinder' extra pulley and belt $282 1 H • ^' P . on skids with IRLIILT-IN MAGNETO 3 L'i. P.- $126,; 6 H. P - $225 All F. Oe 13. Factory "More Than Rated Power and a WoliOr at the Price" One second=Band coal oil 15 il.p, f4 alrbelik engine, 0110 :10, ih. grinder, 48 He of new 0 in. belt, for quick sale $300. A11 111 good shape, E. H. EPPS, VA NA ptioNte t4on 118 'ilOUS17 1! Olt 541,1 —0041711143 OP' 'I'ownsl>end and 3310easels, rooms, 90,114ry and'woodshed, geed ecllar,,furllace, 010etric Ilghts, town. water and salt water. --Apply on peeruises to Mrs, F. French. -•83 FOx3 SAL11 o-1RO0M'Lp COTTAGE on Rotel street, good collar, .ji• acre land, barn sad drive short,, e11 in good repair, snarl rruit'trees, town water arid good cistern, Also an aged dLeLving mare suita'bl'e for women ; set light 'double harness with canvas traces , the single ha m - 6 ss s a eoed wagon with dray Platform with pole and shafts, cap- exit)/1'3 tons. -Apply to lamer Finch. -33 SEED WHEAT 0011. S,A.1,P-A L143'. ilea quantity. of Marquis wheat, suitable for seed,. -W, el, Middleton, R.13, No• 8, Phone 1-156. -31 10004 SAX.17. FLOUI1, FEED AND grocery .,business,,; including eggs and pouitryt-Apply to James Johnston, Ba7►Oeld, -31 PROPERTY, FOR SALE -.3 MILE south of Londesboro, two ea - roe of land, seven roomed hone° with geed cellar and good cistern, also barn containing horse stable, driving shed and olii'cken house. Never failing spring on place. ,Ideal for chicken farm or gardening. Terms reasonable. Ap- ply on premises or to R. G. Gibbs, Londesboro, Phone 19 on 28, Blyth central. -32 SPRING MUSKRATS • WANTED.- -Highest prices paid, Highest pric- es paid for alt other prime furs. - H. At Hovey, Clinton,' -31 THE TOWN COUNCIL ASKS FOR tenders for street watering for the coming season. State price per hour. -D. L, Macpnerson, Clerk, -31 CREAM AND EGGS WANTED. -e will gather cream and eggs this season .00 routes formerly gathered ' by Lorne Jervis of Holmesville. Eggs for Gunn Langlois Co., cream for Seaforth Creamery. I will test cream myself and pay cash each week. -Edgar J. Trewartha, Phone 15-•158. -31 FARM FOR SALE -I OFFER FOR sale my farm consisting of Lots 21 and 22, MR. Con,, Godericb tow -- ship, containing about 205 acres. On it are two comfortable' dwell- ings, two large barns with stabling for 100 cattle horses rse s and e100 0 hens, two silos, two windmills and abundance of water. 45 acres are newly seeded to clover and timothy, 80 acres fall plowed, 70 in pasture and 25 well =inured last fall and. present winter, This tafan, having been, for many years, used as a stock and grazing farm is now in a high state of fertility. It ad- joins the town of Clinton, is with- in 15 to 20 minutes walk of post - office, collegiate, public school, churches or G.T.R. depot. Will sell jointly or separately. Posses- sion as may be agreed upon. -D. A. Forrester. 29 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the sliortest possible notice, Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly' at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelry Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -00 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 77, MAIT- land Con., Godericb township, con- taining 55 acres of clay loam, suit- able foragri a to xe or grass. 5 acres 01 choice hardwood bush, Never failing spring creek running through. 15 acres of plowing done. Possession can bo had . at once, -Apply to Wm. Bedonr, 11.11. No. 2, Clinton, Phone 12 on irt3. -27 S. 0. S. GALL. -ALL THE BOYS from 13 to 19 wild are willing to assist on the farm during the next few months should enroll at once, and 1 arm 1 df 4 h all farmers 1 co the help g of, these. boys should apply at once. A. T. Cooper and S. B. Stothors will be pleased to accept your 'en- rohnent. 3:1-2 1 THE SPRING DRIVE! The leme of year is approaching that Busy Housewife is ,getting ready tot the minuet spring drive of dust and flirt that, has accumulated during the past strenuous winter and must get armed with goods. that chase the deist and dirt, such as - Brooms, Brushes, _ Mops, Soap, Peariine,. Chloride of Lime, Ammonia Powdery Bon Anil, Luxe Mistime, tete, Etc. To add that to appetite our hues of catsup, pork and beans, camlod goods, sweet or mixed pickles, sal- nion, all show in our window„ will assist you in preparation of your Meals, Try our profit sharing system ;0n cash purchases at our store, Satle- tactioh guatienteed. Highest g(lest m rices q for 'produce), cash or trade. Jol1,i1 D1'1 & CO. The .Store of Quality. Rhone ordots 500011411 oared tor, PRONE 114., 4)643(RED 3 0000' ROOS leleOlVI PARK and 011110'14 ,200 -egg rated-to-la3' strain, 1,6gs rnostly (real year, ling and iwo-year-old hens, $2,00 pee 15, "Uufemtile 114418 replacer( tree. -II. A. Hovey, ClHeton, .84-1 Prevention of Eye Trouble Prevention is better than cure. It is cheaper. It Is possible when cure is impossible. Eye trouble may be avoided by timely use 01 glasses, averting 'discomfort and permanent atpipairnient of sight. We aro prop- erly equipped to adjust glasses ' and guarantee satisfaction, Drop in and get a pair of sun glasses. Our sale of silverware is still on, Goods going every day so don't miss ;the bargains. Some china still loft at bargain prices. If there is a watch or clock In your house that refuses to go bring itin as it would go if 11 could. A few minutes time at a few' cents cost may make it as good as ever. R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler an'd Optician (Next to Hovey's Drug • Store) 1, 1000 Muskrat Skins WANTED ! Season opens March 1st, closes April 21st. Boys send them in by parcel post and we wi11 remit Ex- press Order by return mail and pay' postage. PRICES ARE IIIGIi THIS -- SEASON JAS. STEEP & CO. Box 192 Phone 126 6IRLS VIIANTED ! WE CLAN GIVF3 EMPLOYMENT TO 'A FEW MORE KNIT•+ T.ERS, ETC. APPLY 'AT ONCE: Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. THE. COBNEH STOHE Live and Let Live OUR AT HOUSECLEANING If you are, let us help you save labor in cooking. We have a delict• ous line of cooked 'IIam-all ready for the table -that the entire• family, will appreciate. Or, if you prefer, you can have your choice of, a number of other litres that are easily( made ready to serve. Read this list: Cooked Hain, Canned Salmon, Kippered Herring, Caroled Tomatoes, .Corn, Peas. For quick desserts we would tug. gest- Jelly Powder,. Tapioca,(ready to serve in a mfnuto) .Tams and Marmalade, - E. E IIUNNIFORD Buy 1oiir Seeds Early We have a full stock of the fol- lowing seeds and grain lied Clover, Atsike Clover, Alfalfa Clover, 'ritn0Uhy, , Blue Grass,, Orchard Grass, Marquis Spring Wheat, Seed Oats (different varieties) Buckwheat, Silver hull, choice Barley, 2' and 6 tow, We ate always in the market for grafi' and will pay, highest market price. W. Jenkins &, Son. FLb1T14 ANI) FEED.. Phone 1094 Highest pticest geld for Girafn sand Wool. Eietest0I, Resideecth 'Aerie 0-1411 y VillieleWeseremesseereellialleellienereseesni JAMS AND JELLIES This is . the season for them. WeII a know Pic- Laren's Jelly Powder is the best. Have you ever tried ' r'iag'>✓tar„,,,; and... !Imre Jams? In Glass Jars at 35c In 5113 Pails at 75c 1 ■ ■ �jl 1I! The Hub Grocery CREAM WANTED ! We will buy your cream and guar- antee yolk - HIGHEST PRICES ACCURATE RECORD PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE SATISFACTION Write us for cans. We supply them. Pay express _ charges. Pay, you for the cream you sirup twice each month. Carefully weigh, sam- ple 'and test each can and send you a statement. Write today, prices aro high, Agents : Walton -W. G. Neal Kinbura-'Hall & Co. Varna -Beatty Bros. T110 Seaforth Creamery Co. Box 486 SEAFORTI1, UNT, Spriugieilli sev Astockof Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, Etc, Mangolds, Turnips, and Small. Seeds also Seed Grain Highest` prices, paid for Hay and Grain Ford &AIcLeo( WANTED New Laid Eggs Fancy prices are being pair$ for strictly, new laid eggs a•0 our. poultry plant. 'Bring your, eggs to us and get the teade cash, LIVE Pou!try--Wanted Highest prices will be paid for largo quantities of live poultry, that will be required 'to meet the increasing dee nand due to meatless daps, Poultry' taken, the first three days of each week during the winter months.. • Begood to your flock -df;' liens this year and help production, This is patriotic work and, at the same time helping your own pooltet, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. W. Trewartha, Phone 190 Manager or Ilolmesviite4 on 1431 1V .R._ Your Sap Pans and Buckets 'now So as to be ready when the sap begins to r>m.. Agent for Hecla Furnaces THOS. tL&WKINS. Plumbin and Heating P." win) ever Rewland'i Ilsrdwat a 1''IioNE) 63,