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The Clinton News Record, 1918-3-28, Page 8
Clinton New Record EASTER VYe are,inviting everybody to come and see our Splendid Display of Easter Shoes. Every Woman Will want something choice and artistic in Spring Footwear to go with her Easter gown. Every flan. Wi11: want a new pair of shoes to go with his''new suit and his new top cost, Every Boy and Gari Will want a new ;pair of shoes to go with the • Easter suit or dress. Every member of : the family has• been carefully thought of and cared for, at reasonable prices. 1 The Bestis our Shoes atconstant any statedclaimprice FRED. JACKSON "TUE PRACTICAL SFIOE MAN" Special Order Clothing Our new set of samples for Ordered Clothing for spring is now here, and in spite of war conditions is one of the finest selections of High-grade woolens we have ever shown. Our styles are the latest and our prices are very moderate. Come and look them over and get one of our new Style Books. We are also showing some new natty stylet in Men's and Women's Boots, Men's Hats, Ties and Shirts See our table alien's Boots at $3,50 a pair Plurnsteei Brun. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 25 AGENTS--SEMI-READY CLOTHING. NEW IDEA PATTERNS. MIMMIMMINUOUNIMMIM Dry Goods and House Furnishing Couch & Co. PIION.E 78. Millinery and Ready •to - Weer Garments - Easter Week Finds This Store FA.11ed with the Choicest of SPRING, APPAREL Every new fashion in style, ma- terial and color is shown in our wonderful display, Our stocks are complete in readiness for the big Easter rush. You can make your selection now from the finest as- sortment we have ever had. Lovely. Easter Blouses The soft materials,. Georgette Crepe and Crepe-de-Chene, distin• guished for their wonderful work- manship. their little individual ?© . i touches in the collars, cuffs and �I the neckline. Colors, flesh, nmaise; c:, wry cream, white, and black, Prices from $6.00 to $9.00. A Wonderful Se- „. lection of New Spring Suits at $28.00 and $30.00 In wool serges and gabar- dines, in the latest spring styles, in all the fashionable colors of navy. black, brown, green and taupe. Other styles at $21, andgpr ciut►�tN1's many exclusive styles at $3.54 $40 and $4500 NEW EA$TE12:NECKWEArt ON DISPLAY Every Day is Fashion Day Always Some-, thing New • Sena him a Fon- * t,aiu Pen. It will *•- be a groat conVen- * Imo for him * when writing to you. * * .4+ * * 1 Y W. fFair Co. "Often the Cheapest Always the Best" 9NA Hi%unUno meIIflfl ,adlA dllR �„Mih, � M. •. J. Scott was DI , Toronto over the weekend. Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto is in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. J, Torrance were in Toronto last week, Miss Zetta Bowden 'returned on Mon- day from a visit in Blyth. Mrs. J. G, Chowen leaves today . to spend Easter in Hamilton, Miss Beatrice Greene is expected up from Toronto for the week -end. Mrs. William Coats of Goderich has been in town during the past week, Miss Suddick of London was a guest at the home of Mrs. Bowden over the week -end. Miss Esther Lyon of Londesboro was a visitor with Clinton friends over the week -end. Plisses Marjorie and Ruth McMath were with Londesboro trienfis over th'e week -arid, Rev. W. 13," Moulton preached in Holy Trinity church, Mitchell, on Tues- day evening. Miss Shirley Bowden has returned home after a visit of some weeks with Hensall friends. Mrs. A. Forda.of 'Tn''nonto is the guest of her son, Rev.•18. 0. Porde, of the Baptist church. Mis9' Grace Shepherd is expected up from Ottawa to spend the Easter Vacation. at her home in. town. AIrs, Woodhull of Lambeth will be the Easter vacation time guest of Airs, J. Shepherd of Townshend St. Mr, Barry Twitchell of Detroit has been visiting his mother and sis- ters in town during the past week, Mrs. A. Hunt of Lambeth is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Agnew, at the Ont, street parson- age. Miss Edna Levis is expected this evening from Toronto to spend the Easter vacation at her home in town, Major M. D, McTaggart; paymaster: of the 101st battalion, arrived home from overseas on Monday ev- ening. Mrs.•de la Penotiere returned to her hone in Kincardine on Saturday af- ter a ten days' visit with Clinton friends, Her son, Master Bobbie, accompanied her. Mrs. Weir of Detroit spent a day or so in Clinton last week as the guest of her brother, Mr. R, E. Manning, Mrs, Weir came over to see her son, who 11 in training at London and who expects to go ov- erseas. Another son, wha was among the first to enlist, is now convalescing after having been sev- erely wounded. over a year ago. Londesboro. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held in the Foresters hall on -Thursday, April 4th. "Vegetables and Flow to Grow Thein," by Airs. E; Adams, Discussion on salads, Mr, 'Thos. Sampson was in London this week. The school children are writing their Easter examination this week. We wish then success, A "Pancake Social," under the aus- pices of the Rad Cross Soolety, will be given in thetownship hall on Easter Mondavi -night, A good pro- gramme is being prepared, Come and , enjoy yourself and help buy 'Comforts for the boys who ate lighting for our safety. • The Misges McMath of Clinton spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrs. Win, Lyon, of the Caravel Road. 8'he service in the Methodist chur- ch next 'Stinday morning will be in the hands of the Sunday school, There is a special Easter programme being given by some of the scholars, 'I'he service at night will also be along the 11110 of Easter and will be taken by the pastor., Miss Annie Weymouth has returned home after spending some time with her sister in 'Toronto. London load Mrs, McKnight, ,$t",, had the mis- fortune to fall in her own housa" "on 'fThu1day last and fracture her leg. She Is doing as well es 800111 be' nx- t3eet01- hut will be confined to bed for some tfnle, March 28th IR SERC ; 5 Snappy, Stylish, Serviceable FADELESS INDIGO SERGES are in the SPOTLIGHT of POPULARITY for men's and women's suits. They are made of only the finest siudtralian wool in the hands of only skilled and competent craft - men. They are SOFT and PLIANT ---yet FIRM and STRONG. They are rich in feel and $uitre and will never grow "skint( with use, nor fade. They are the result of years of experience in the weaver's art. INCIDENTALLY -=-We stock " INDIGO SERCE " in all weights and prices. If you like blue serge clothing --do not hesitate because your last one faded or got shiny. "BUY A FADELESS INDIGO SERGE" because we are behind it with an absolute guarantee. Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGES is one of the largest in Canada. Come in and see them. WOMEN'S STORE MEN'S STORE Dry, Goods, House Furnishings 7 8 Custom Tailoring and Phone 67 (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Neat to Royal Bank Opposite Public Library Bayfield Anglican church services will be held this 'week as follows : Varna— Good Friday service at 11 a.m. ;. Bayfield service at 7 p.in. Subject, "The Seven Words From Cross," Laster Sunday-13a}i7e1d special chil- dren's service at 10 a.m.. Morning service at 11. Subject, "The Mess- age of Easter." • St. Luke's church, Goshen Line, Easter at a p,m. Var- na service at 7 pan, Subject, "The 1lIessage of Easter." Misses Catherine and Susan Parke, who have resided in New York City for a •number of years, returned to the village on Monday where they ex- pect to reside in the future. Mr. and Airs. Geo, E. Greenslade, who ha8.e spent the winter at De- troit, returned to' the village on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. 'Tiros. Ring have re- ceived word from their son, Pte. Har- old K, Kung, that he has arrived safely in England, Copied from the Ontario Library Review, Tpronto, of February, 1918 ' "Bayfield—This small Iibrary, sit- uated in a'conununity with a popula- tions of .400, did very creditable work in the year 1917. One hundred and. thirteen dollars and forty-four cents was spent on books. The selections were especially commendable. The year's purchase was well-proportion- ed, and the individual selections show that_careful thought and method were used isy those responsible for the pur- chase of books. The library's total expenditure for the year was $148.00; 190 vohunes were added to the shel- ves, including 40 which were donat- ed." Mr. James 'Donaldson of Sault Ste.. Marie is the guest of Ills parents this week: - Mrs, John Tough, who lias spent the winter with her sister at Galt returned to the village this week, The young ladies of this village and community gave Miss Mamie Mc- Dougall of this village M miscellan- 1 NIMiffirdriOWECO eous shower on Tuesday evening of this week Previous to her. marriage, The shower was held at the residence of Mrs. Copeland, who entertained the ladies during the evening. The Anglican church will hold their annual congregational.. and vestry. meeting as follows : Monday, April 1st, Goshen Line ; Tuesday, April And, 'at Bayfield, and Wednesday, Apnil 3rd, at Varna, at 8 pan, Reeve A. E, Erwin attended a special meeting of the county council at Clinton on Tuesday. Stanley Township Mr, Win. Stephenson had a success ful wood -bee on Monday in Mr, G -co, Clark's bush. It looks as though he expects to keep. his own lire gofug next winter, A very pleasant time was enjoyed at the old Reid honlesteacl on Mon- day evening when a number of the friends and neighbors gathered to say farewell to Mr.' Gee. Reid, son of ex - Treasurer Reid, who left Tuesday morning for Regina to report for military duty. During the evening: Clerk Richardson, on behalf of the company, expressed the good will and Syrup Season is Here_ SAP PANS AND PAiLS MADE TO 011DER, ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTUR- ES OF ALL KINDS, RO031ING AND IRON PIPING ON HAND. Byam & Sutter Plumbers and Electricians Phone 7 IF YOU ADMIRE FINE FURNITURE you certainly will appreciate the beauty -of the articles, con- tained in our display of china deescts, sideboards, dining ,tab- les, tab -les, chairs, ate. They are de- oidedly unconventional in de- sign and will .give a distinct individuality to the - dining room they adorn. Seo the dis- p1a10 and you'll marvel at the Prices. JAS. I UNFORt Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone 28 good wishes of all for the young man and he was presented with a wrist watch, case pipe and purse of money. lir, Reid replied with feeling and thanked his friends heartily for their good wishes and gifts. The evening was pleasantly spent in music and social intercourse. Mr. Reid, who has been engaged as superintendent of elevators in the west for some years, has been spending the winter at home and returns to report at Pegina the beginning of April. 1 -lis sisters, Alisses Ida and Eva., accom- panied him to London. FIULLETT TO11'NSHIP. Mr. and Alrs. Jack Flynn, spent the week -end ."with friends at Goderich. Only 2Days More Saturday will be the last of our Big Reduction in Photographs. Let us take a photo of guarantee good results. Studio open all day Fri Photos taken Saturday Sale Price, your new Easter suit? We day. will be delivered later at the Roy Ball, Photographer Pt1ONE 66 MIUM dIONSUMNIPMEZIESIMPMES SPECIAL SHOWING Todaiy and Saturday, March 28 and 30 The last two days of this week we will have an unusual showing of New Easter Models, affording you an opportunity of seeing the latest styles IN SPRING! MILLINERY We invite you to attend, M. E. CANTELON Having opened a millinery parlor in the Normandie Block, we invite the ladies or this vicinity to Come and see ottr display. A share of your patron- age solicited,