HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-3-28, Page 7WEAK, ANAEMIC GIRLS Coq Rowan Good Health Threug'ly Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Illoadaesanese is the troiibleOf Many girls who .ought to lie full of life and r,'ood spirits/ laetaad they axe pale, their lies Shave no color, they Ilave 1:o appetites, their digestion is poen and lf, they uratic test, either in the etrcot or' going up steirg Wiley are so• tired and emit of broatli that their hearts beat as• if to burst, Aitmost always soh girls are thin, slat -chested and sallow, with nothing. attractive about them, If they, donot get .better they will have a et, ugh in the winter alld Bien, not unlikely, coneuntptioal, that most hopeless of all dis'eage$ will de- velop. No girl should be line this. , She should bo plump, rosy-choolced and full of lire, able to talk fast and to stand exertion without tieing breathless end palpitating, To be in this healthy, 'happy condition she must have plenty, of good, rioh, red blood, as it is only through the blood that the body can be Healthy. And the only medicine that will keep the blood n supply, inch and red and mire, is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Thele effect ups on the pale, weak girl who gives them a fair trial is wonderful. They im- prove the appetite, backaches and headaches (nea.ps/ear, the glow of health tinges the cheeks, the eyes sparkle, and the step becomes light and elastic, Thousands ,of girls throughout Canada owe their health and attracting appearan•oe to Dr. Wit - )hams' Pink ,Pills • and do not hesitate to say so, Miss Jennie Book, Wilmo- t valla, On"t. say= :"Isuffered for over 1 two years from anaemia, and gradual- ly grew vary ilk' Previously I.had been strong and robust, but grew pale and a mere shadow of my farmer self, 1 1 I tried several medicines, and while some seemed to give me temporary relief, I soon grew worse again, As , the months went by I began . e de- spadr of getting better, when niy mother' happened to read an adver- >. tisemenn of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and suggested that I should try them. By the time the first box was enlisted I knew they, were helping me, and I continued the pills for nearly three mosuths,using in alt nine boxes, when I was restored In every resat to my old time strength. This -was several years ago; and as I have not striae had any return of the trouble, I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a permanent cure for this trouble, and I strongly recesnmend item to all anaemic girls:" You. can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Madicine Co„ Brock- ville; Ont. BRITlaH RflGIIUiTiNSa MIOsION, To Santo 20,000 Men From In Three Moothe, For the Week ending March tines the Britesh and Canadian Recruiting Xis - Mon 0ienateheel to Canada 1„080 voliln• teens fors• the British ape Canadian armies, Duping the absence of B1:rga- dlar-General W. A, 'White, C,lff•Ge Colonel Jr S. Dennis of the Canadian Expeditionary Ferro le in command of the i'eeruatlntg Prov fiat 1n the 'United ! !States, Brigadier -00016i White 10 'mincing a tour through the South iai' an effort to stimulate . interest' le re, are able. Tho plcteees aecosnpanyieg this article illustrate the campaign that is being carried on in New Torn by the Mi-ssloai, Brigadier>Genoral White and Colonel Dennis have started a whirl- wind campaign for recruiting Whistl- ers and Canadians in 'the United States covering the. Inert two months. Their ambition Is 10 geenre 24,009 men from the United States,„if possible, ' before the terms of the draft conven- Iton between the United States and Great Britain booame effective. Dur- ing the e15111 months the Mission has been at work in the United States it ha s s cured e 22,000voluntearis for the British and Canadian armies, and. has ' examined about 16,000 more, Brigadter•Generai White has inane the point that if a Britisher or Cana - Man desires to aid the Allies hal can do so by promptly volunteering, be: i LOS OF FOOD BY LIGHTNING. Every Means Should be Taken to Pre - ....vent Destruction of Foodstuffs. In eastern Canada, April and May are the worst months for fires result-. ing from lightning. In Ontario, light- ning fires during ,April and May,191 7 ,. numbered 172, entailing a loss of $158,921, little over half of which was covered by insurance. Many lightning -rod systems have been installed during the past few _from the mast of a sailboat and was years, and these are gradually show. killed. Lieutenant Crossley had gone ing results. fWhen properly installed, through a hundred thrilling experi- they give almost absolute protection, ences and bouts with death, but he so much so that many of the farmers' mutual insurance companies report no losses by lightning on rodded .build- ings, while others will not insure a risk that is not rodded. Nearly ell insurance companies change a lower premium on insurance on buildings equipped with lightning rods. • The rapid increase in the use of wire fences Constitutes a serious lightning menace to live stock. Many hundreds are killed by getting close to wire fences during n thunder storm, When lightning strikes the wire fences, if there are no ground wires, or if iron fence posts are not used, the animals furnish the path of least resistance between the fence and the ground. Wire fences should have a ground wire sunk to moist earth every few rods, to carry off the current. Lightning -rod installations should be inspected before April, in case any 'break in the continuity of the cables has been caused by the severe 'winters weather; the grounding' of the cable should also be assured. With the tremendous 'werlcl short- age of fo61 and the great demands being made upon Canada to increase the supply; it is of the utmost import- ance that the great destruction of foodstuffs caused. by lightning strik- ing wire fences and destroying barns and their contents should be overcome. cause the machinery, of tiie British and Canadian armies for tlalniug men bas been so well developed by three and a half years of experience that it can trade a rngn, 'put him in the firing lino, acid have ]hire Invalided home in Six months, This 11l$ actually been clone ill quite. a number of cases. On the other hand Che United States ("frWernnlent,' starting much later, has haat its hands full in tra3eing the fleet contingent of the draft numbering about 700,0'00 men, and the second draft will follow close upon the heels Of the first. LIT TLE SKETCHES OF THE WAR ODD. HAPPENINGS HERE AND THERE. Story. of Two Brothers—Pagan Spirit of the Hun—An English Humorist. Lieutenant Charles Vernon Crossley, a heroic, commander of a mine sweep- er,h in a manner r tlY met drat wrecently recalled the end of "Steeple Jack" McCormick, of America, who, after climbing steeples and chimneys all over the world, fell fourteen feet Wakef u1 Nights go out Of style in the family that once drank tea or coffee but now USeS iiistant Postu TMS 'Wholesome haus erage of dellcitsus fia- vol contal'J1,5 Tie drug -, eltemen+4 ilei u at hesf't or nerves and ius epee •y goodness lfi just the thing In tan way of a heat table &ink. "Tllcrc's a Reason" died the. most peaceful death imagin- able. He turned over in.his.sleep and suffocated quietly while his face was buried in a soft pillow. A member of royalty recently fell in with a germine English humorist, and she is threatening to reward him. She was going through a hospital, when she came to a young•man of most happy disposition. He was con- valescent. She chatted with him for some time. When she went on her rounds she left a valuable package with him, saying, as she placed it be. side his chair, Will you please keep your eye on it?" When she returned the chair was vacant. The package was where she had left'it, end on it was a glass eye with a note saying, "I did as you requested." Thomas A. Maynard was arraigned in courtfor bigamy. It developed that he was married first in 1889 and then in 1917. He was let go because he convinced the court that he had en- tirely forgotten his first marriage, Ike was in the war from the start, and contracted his second marriage on'be- ing released from a hospital. He met a youngwoman and married her at once. When confronted with the in- contestable- evidences of bis first marriage he broke down and said he had completely forgotten it. His ease was described as a new form -of "shell shock," and so sympathetic was the court crowd that it cheered the ver - diet which freed him. A most remarkable story, of two brothers has been told recently in Eng- land. The brothers were Walter and Thomas Maggs: Here is their record: Both were educated at the Printers' Orphanage. paid by that lousy brood of liars, the .English. "To us nothing matters, neither death nor hunger, so long as we know that our vile enemies of the islands of deceit and -hatred will go to their well merited perdition. We, however, shall cling fast to the iron mines of.Briey, to Wallonia, to Flanders, to the Ger- man provinces of the Baltic and to the area surrounding Warsaw. "Nor is this all. Rumania, too, we shall have, and the rest of them. We are not satiated; our hatred must have more food to nurture itself on. Wherever once the German language has been spoken there we shall fix our standard, there we shall remain for the masters, o evermore." A NOVEL WEAPON. Trawler's Skipper Smashes Periscope With Coal Shovel. When one's vessel is, in danger from enemy submarines anything will do as a weapon of defence, as is shown by the story of a captain of a British trawler who used a coal shovel with good effect against a German' U-boat. The trawler, according to the story told by one of the crew, was in the North Sea in a stiff breeze when the skipper awn a periscope crawl through the breaking surface of the sea about a hundred yards off'. There, was no gun aboard and the trawler's best speed was less than eight knots. "It was a situation to dismay most men," said the seaman. "Our skip- per, however, has a fighting spirit. A touch of the wheel sent the trawler's blunt bows pointing at the submarine's whaleback, and we wallowed 'menae- ingly toward the pirate, "The U-boat swung round to avoid the impact and the sides of the trawler scraped along the sides of the submarine, The periscope still was well out of the water but was be- ginning to slip down as the submarine dived. "The skipper bawled for a hammier, a crowbar, anything that would hurt. One of the crew thrust a coal shovel into his hand and he scrambled on the bulwarks and leaned over, two of the crew hanging to Ins coat so that he wouldn't fall overboard,: Backward sled forward he swung the heavy scoop at the fragile periscope, and the third blow reduced it to fragments. "The submarine commander, hear- ing the noise and wondering what new -and horrible device the enemy had in- vented, crept to his periscope to; have a look, but all spas black. He was blind, and the trawler got away in safety." Both worked for the same firm, one THE ONLY MEDICINE a printer, the other as compositor. lea FOR LITTLE ONES as Both had good voices, and they al- ways 1ways sang duets. Both were married on the same day, their respective, brides being sisters. Both lived in 13fixton, their flats ad- joining. '' -Both joined the London regiments and they went to the front together. Both got leave atter ., twenty-one months fighting, and they canlo home together last December. Both returned on December 29, and on January 10 both were killed by the same 111.1511. encl.:Ow their widows are working side by gide. The urns pagan spirit of the Ilun is revealed now and then ins editorials In newel/alms in 0111 o1. the way places, Herr Max Lochner', ie thee:Gonzen- hOhuel' Zeitung, shows himself t0 lip at true disciple of `Von Tirpitz in this following utterance recently 1Ound his newspaper: "We shall conclude 110 peace of any. kind with our Western enemies until We 11076 el aired a guarantee that all the 005110, t1i1;1 ilrilt hl0.x writ will he Once a mother has used Baby's Own' Tablets foe her little ones she wilt use nnotbieg Mee. Their use teaches her they' u'e absolutely enfe; that they nevl3r 1111 to give relief and that the 1111le 0335 do rut dread talking them as they do castor oil and other harsh purgatives. Clam,00iwing Ilio Tablets Mrs. ,none M, 'Weaves', Blisefield, N,B„ sayet---"I have wised Baby's Own Tele lets for the :post ten years and bale Sound *OM so good 1 always peep a litilt in 1130 home," The Tablet's are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The :Dr, Wllliems° Medicine Oa,, Brookviile, Ont. gifow good parsnips ]1) 0115 0 the soil deeply, make it rich, deco and triellow, Thteo feet' is the propel depth of soilfor the very best.carrots, De Wean not to bring the 'bottom eon to the etutece. 1.lATU1 E'S CAltE. Wise Provisloia' Made for Pr$ecl,ion o Bii'ds.and Anijoigis, Nature provides for her children, The birds with their wonderfully vori- oil plumage are so colored as to best protect and shield them from enemies, and in their natural home, their col- ors so blond ,with the surroundings that it requires sharp eyes to detect them, Tie coloring of 'merry insects is wonderful, including the Various col- ored bronzes; snnit es are' of many col - ore, and, setting Olio the natural ann meaty we have for them, in studying their aaearking's they will be found to , beevory beautiful, particularly the smaller and harmless snakes, Animals aro colored to protect aid hide -them. With flowers the case is , exactly the opposite. They are colored to attract attention and scented to add to their attractiveness that in- sects may be dravet to help fertilize them encl"that animals may notice then and help d'oatter their seeds and thus aid•in prdltTTging the existegee of,the race, e" Proved Once More In Southampton,_m Ont. That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cue Ithetunatism. Harold D. Bertram Had inflammatory Rheumatism aro One Box of Dodd's Kidney Pills Cleared it put of His System. Southampton, Ont„ March 25111— (Special)—That rheumatism is caused by disordered kidneys and that Dodd's Kidwey Pills will cure it is again proved by the caro of Harold D. Bea tram, a young man well and favor- ably known here. He hall infiamma- they rheumatism for two months. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured hint. "The doctor said,my trouble started with the grippe," Mr. Bertram states, "My hands and feet were badly swol len annd the doctor diel not seem to be doing me any good. My grandmother, Mrs. 0, Grasser, advised me to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. I took one box of them and:I haven't been bothered since. I am clear oe the rheumatism." That Mr, Bertram's trouble came from his kidneys is shown by his other symptoms.He had stiffness in the joints, was tired and ner nus, and there were flashes of dight before his eyes. He had a dragging sensation across the loins, was always thirsty and felt heavy and sleepy after meals. ',Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood Cured kidneys strain the uric acid out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills cora the kidneys. • Revolutionize the Fire Department. Are we serious in our attempts ' to combat the fire waste? The records of 1917 hardly prove it. To the most superficial observer it is obvious that we are directing our energies along wrong lines. Despite first-class fire fighting equipment and firemen amongst the -most -expert in the world, our losses continue unabated. Our most efficient fire brigades and utterly discomfited by the raging conflagra- tions that, with increasing frequency, destroy buildings, devastate whole communities and wipe out human life. Canadian municipalities spend millions of dollars annually for the mainten- ance of fire departments and a few paltry dollars in fire prevention. With- out deprecating the provision of ade- quate fire extinguishing facilities the short-sightod.nelicy that neglects pre- ventive measures must be condemned. The fire departments of the country should be revolutionized. For, every dollar appropriated by municipalities for fire protections fifty cents should be used for fire prevention. 0-0-0-0-0-0— 0 —0-0-0-••-0--0-'-O YES! MAGICALLYI CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS You say to the drug stare man, "Give me a small bottle of freezone. This .will cost very little but will positively remove every bard or soft corn or cal- lus from one's feet. A. few drops of this new ether com- pound applied directly epee a teudor, aching corn relieves the soreness in- stantly and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all, dries up and can be lifted off with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that freezone doles in a moment, and simply shnlvels h p .the corn' or callus vrithout irritating the k surrounding aline. Don't let fatter die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at his Caere, but chip this -out and make 114m try it, If your druggist hasn't any freezone tell hem to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug house far you. It is better to clean meat by wip- ins it off with a we cloth.than tolet water run over its 1 11,ivard'r IdninrenVOures Bandirttff, No .Need To Stretch. The village concert was in full swing. r The neat item on the pro- , gramme was,2 a song by Miss' Ever- scroaeln, and the audience braced them- ' Selves for the ordeal. The song was too high, and thel pitch et the piano teas even higher. The • 0111lt 1705 that, in spite Of weird and wonderful contortions, Miss Ever. screech could not reueh the top nota I "I'll hang my harp on a weeping' willow -tree,' she tried •t<o :neg. but couldn't; and when she'd made throe attempts a voice came from talc back of the hall: "Tey anging 7t on a lower ltranrli, rn1ssi" i Ihebest gnu can let BOOKS ON GARDENING. Accurate Knowledge lefeans Greater Production, Home Vegetable Garden and a Pat- riotic" Gardening Competition,* I?Y W, T, 3'4acoun. Pamphlet No, 18, Oe,ptral Experimental Peres. Deals with situ- ation of the garden, preparation of the oil, planning the garden, and gives list of suitable varieties of vegetables. Farm Garden Bulletin No, 6, Mani- toba Agricultural College. Discusses size, location, arrangement, soil cul- tivation, seeds thinning, transplant- ing, storing, and gives notes on the various garden crops and recommend- ed varieties. Apply Manitoba Agri- cultural College, Winnipeg. Production in the School Garden. Rural Education Monthly, published by Dept. of Education, Regina. Vacant Lot Gardening,* Pamphlet No. 6, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. Gardening for Schools. Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 152. Apply Dept. of Agriculture, To- ronto, Improvement of School Grounds, by the. Ontario Dept. of Education, To- ronto, Oat. Profusely illustrated. Dis- cusses flower borders, perennials, vines, nursery stock, shrubs, making of lawns, acid gives plans for laying out school grounds, The Gardenette or City Backyard Gardening, by Benjamin Is. Albaugh. Discusses vegetable gardening and flower gardening, dealing particularly with city small yard conditions.,, Price $1.26. Published by Stewart and Kidd Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, *May be obtained from Publications Branch, Dept, of Agriculture, Ottawa. LEMON JUKE I5 FRECKLE REMOVER Ginel Make this cheap beauty lotion -into clear and whiten the skin, Squeeze the Juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white; shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beauti- fier, at very, very small eost, Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply three ounces of orchard white for •a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freoldea and blemishes disappear -and how clear, soft and white the skin be- comes, Yes! It is harmless. For iron rust either on white or colored clothes wet the spot with lemon juice, then hold over steam of tea kettle and the spots will disap- pear like magic, If the stain is old it may not come out with the first trial. Mallon :Bridge, C. B., May 20, '02, I have handled M'INARD'S LINI- MBNT during the past year. It is al- ways the first Liniment asked for here, and -unquestionably the best seller or all the different kinds of Liniment I handle, N17IL FERGUSON. In planning gardens this year re- member that cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips, potatoes and other root or winter crops can be stored and will be available all next winter when food bids fair to be very much scarcer than during the summer. "ME Granulated Eyelids; .a Eyestamed SoreC,a named b y Sun, Deer Wind quickly relieved by Murine. Try It In OYour Lyes and iaBaby's l0Ycs. �� _ if Ho Smarting, Just Eye Comfort Murine Eye Remedy moii ga onr"orila° oau�lba Eye Sotos, in Taloa 22,. For 110,1, of the k'f/e- free. ask alhairlae Lye Remedy Cu., Cideage a Proper ;Food makes all the differ- cn'ce in the world to the health of a family. filnera's Lirutitant anrea Surlrs, Ilte. Baked Fruit --Mix 3 pints bread crumbs with 1 cup chopped raisins, 1 Cup currants, 1 cup chopped dates, 1 cup molasses, :l punt milk, teaspoon each cinnamon and salt,. Pour in buttered baking dish and sprinkle bits of butter over tho top. •b a lc.3.. 'Healslike M g bums, cnts, reset 15, Musters, ptfes,"'ahqv"i 'i•: se03,cs, slln1(11, boils, braises, and 0lh0!! 1til130(313tiee, Ai dealers, or Write 1121 ON'rAf310 FERTILIZE/1S, LIMITED ulrtsr 0511501 COMPANY: liarni11on tp'itada? Mb3034r# wgimmerti :ser slug 5Ve,vw:1,1k WEST 1' 1RON`t'q t CANADA, ISSUE No, 18—'18, A flllght Mistake. awltins," saki the olfieer to his Poekney sekvant, "I've left my mese boots out this morning. I want 'em soled." "esslrl" said xlawkins, But Inter in the, day, when the of - flees returned, he could not find his boots, "Ifawkins---Hawking, where are nay boots?" ' "What, sii'l Those mese boots? Oh, 'ere you are, sir! One and sixpence! 'That's all could get on 'ere, I took 'em all around the camp, but the only man who'd •buy 'em was a corporal, and he couldn't give more'n 0110 and six, 'cos pay' day wasn't till next Fri- day." 13Iiliard's Liniment 7 eliovea Neuralgia, "Pa, does .it get colder When the thermorheter fells?" "Yes ,my soli," "Wel1,•.ours has fallen," "Flow far?" "About five feot, and when it struck the floor it broke.' Cuanza Stops Itching .xtree Treatment,: Cleanse With Cutic ra —f Soap;-- Dig oap,- Dig add tical With Cistiara Ointment For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irri- tations, pimples, dandruff, sore hands and baby humors, Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment are supremely effective as well as ideal lrgr toilet purposes. Samples Each Free by Mail Address "Cuticura, Dept. N, Boston, II. S. A." Sold throughout the world, • Brrullgea and Sprains Have Sloan's Liniment handy for bruises and sprains and all pains and aches: Quick relief follows its prompt application. No need to rub. It quickly penetrates to the trouble and drives out the pain. Cleaner than mussy plasters er oint- ments. Sloan's "Liniment dues not stain the skin nor clog the pores. For rheumatic aches, neuralgia, stiff muscles, lame back, lumbago, gout, sttal0e. and sprains, it gives mock relief. Generous sued bottles as all druggists, PO* 10,n71 111:01CLY N17WS1'A1>lln 1'it 'Wlillil. ern Ontario, Laing 0 g. od butHt• none Aoath 01' o1ynot' 18100513 It on fire marlcol. A grovat 131,11 250 for a man with etlaih. Amer 1317' 05, Wiloon Publlshleq Co„ Limited, 'Toronto, IC'XrRBA. UazrzPl>101 NT9W$PAPl'Lt Cf and job printing plant In ,eastern Ontario, insurance, carried 81.605. •17115 go for ;7,200 on (Allele silo. Box OD,, Se11son 1 ubllsuing Co., Ltd„ Toronto. 777.1,1,1V0 CT5 A.0050It, TUSIORs, LOJMPS, 1!170„ ne internal and external, cured with - mit oath by our bolo .treatment. write us�before too lata Pr, 13ellmu6 Medloal Co„ Limited, Collingweod, ant, The Soullof a Piano is the :Action,' ,Insist on the' rc OT TO MCI A-18 PIANO ACTION 0•4sr47,res.A40.42d6^a•O^Ex©Atc,•t9 Cause e$ Early OM Agee F The celebrated Dr. Michonhoff, an autlto.ity on early old age, G says than is "caused by poisons generated in the intestine.” .When your stomach 4igeztefood A properly it le absorbed without oforming poisonous matter. Poi- 7eons bring on early old ago and 41) V premature death. 15 to 30 drops of "$ciget's Syrup" after meals makes your digestion sound. ro IllillilltilIlllltilltltlttlltlitllllllllhllIU1� ShoppIng r 5 ` �n.,..r.:4143 f' � c. rLl�.' ' Cityi Scarcely anything pleases a woman is more than to come to the city to e shop. There are so many big stores e with such endless variety and W choice of everything. 6 Still there is just that little draw- - e back about whore to stay. The LI Welker House solves that problem. 2 7. It is a home for you while in the a e. city, and you can have all your pur- re chases sent direct there, where • there are special•facilities for look- ^^ „ing after your parcels. E Come to the city to shop and stay at W The Walker House The House of Plenty . ,, TORONTO, ONT. 5 P.S.—Special attention given to E., lattices and chill en travelling with - G out gentlemen escorts. 5iJUHI11111111i11111111111111111111111111IJJ1111 Sloan's prices not Increased 25c 50c $1 IN MISERY FOR YEARS Mrs. Courtney Tells How She Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. Oskaloosa, Iowa,—" For years I was simply in misery from a weakness and awful pains—and nothing seemed. to dome any good. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's V e g e- tabie Compound. I did so and got re- lief right away. I can Certainly re- commend this valu- able medicine to other women who suffer, for it has done such good work for me and I know it will help others if they full g ive it a fair trial." --Mrs. LIZZIE COURTNEY, 108 8th Ave., West, Oskaloosa, Iowa. ._ Why will women drag along from day to day, year in and year out, suffering such misery as dol Mrs. Courtney, when such lettere as this arecontinuallybeing published. Every woman who suffers from displacements ..irregularlttes, in- flammation, ulceration, backache, ner- vousness, or who is passing through the Change of Life should give this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For speciei. advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co,, Lynn, Mass, The result of its long experience is at your service !J f. and '1 The world is short of horses: To get the most out of your team use AXLE AXLE GREASE ," Use half as much as any otter" The mica flakes fill the pores and crevices in the axle and the grease keeps them there. Mica Grease means fresher horses at the end of the day and longer life for your harness and wagons. EUREKA HARNESS OIL "Lengthens leather life" Overcomes leather's worst enemies—water and dirt. It makes harness pliable and waterproof, prevents break- ing of stitches and imparts that rich black lustre to all dark dressed leather. Sold In standard sized packages by live dealers everywhere. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES C f 1 e ;WO to 1111111111 flf MICA Ella MAR P n 04 IIi�ilmid1�V� ;Fa --a nuc nn Ahl'A.7.1tiVif,q5.4 P?IFSF,i Is Dangerous Gas and Acids That I rt The Stomach—Sour The Food Case Dyspepsia, Indigestion Reconlmeltds a Safe Way to Treat Stomach Trouble At=[Helm,® DRenY stomach suggerers Who are sour. inrmauting lass into the tn. a13vsY5 211i11 of Bas anti whore etoyn- 0081htos cad 00 Tal e'P tht1etomaoh Oohs urtt with seta atter nearly , bean 5(t2i1 the (old tat it remains in tut vol' Mem thlnh 150e thingn Ore the stomach 10 generate M0'e gee an e a 1CttIL1 the), dh0IigepiUS When 121 I produce inure trouble at 1Eh0 nor 51. trp Just AS foolish to give It you 030 using digestive alis a2 - nes fugostlo2te aural as psp,1n, etc., f ter moats drop then) for a while anb 19,0 a 9103230132 tint of gas end told us I Instead get a few 6 gran tablets 01 11 you " pi 1le.0al• a an who end sten. erre bisurotet9 m3h 10510 2Pont nee nee on e. #AOk to rub nnttttent on hlfs 1/1055121 sell talt6 two with *ash coot wiyliout ren:ovillg the took. meal. Motivated 1500/100113 does h0t Some stet aphs i enerato Inc mob . dlaeet food but will neutralize the tot. Ree end aela. Was dirtjends the stem- reed‘n told 111 Year stomach, keels mei walls, ranging a tea, b1001001 on- the rood sweet and will erne, the 10k n; essiv0. feeling While the Field irri- ? end bloat right out of your b„d1', ee totes nue 11283001 the items of 113h0130(1 110510 is 1reparod in va'i0ne nt,nne,•b. Nemirow the food t'ormants forms be Sere 10 got Blsniated lana• • i d some, dieeet102, 15 often 110103 d l nests, 2102' this purpose at,ita is trot itnd slonla,•11 Jolson.1s the rrvult. I Ie.,at'iVe and in this refna fmrn1 Will Au 101c40i dlfresirnts will 1011111 11115 hot 1111ure the stcmaih in any woiy'.