HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-3-21, Page 8Sesswinenisseeneasamil
Varna. Auburn
The March shipment of the Patric- A uaiou prayer Meth% will be
1;10 Society consisted of 2 pillows, d held in the Methodist eluireh We ev-
suits pyjamas, 14 day shirts, 80 pairs ening, all deno Mations joining, when
of nooks, besides 1'0 Pairs of souks .the Bel, Mr. Olken will speak,
and ,p Shirts sent. to the home boys
overseas, 20 pales of these nodes
were ltnitted by the young girls.
ill Photograph.sBigReduction
A. good citizen is known by the
food he eats, ,
Until March. 30lh
Make soldiers happy with photos of home folk
We have just received a new stock of the latest
styles in folders and we are selling them at the same
Why not have a picture of your soldier boy en-
off an old
o you ha a We guarantee in good resule as tsall our
We do developing and printing for the amateur.
Roy Ball, Photographer
Three Shoe .Points
There are just three thingsto consider about
men's shoes—the Style, the Quality and Price I
The Style!
Our Shoes are made by the Best of Hen's Shoe Manufactur-
eYS, We've styles suitable for the very Conservative Business
Mian or the limit of Shoe St yle and Swaggerness •for the Young
The Qualitg!
There are no better Shoes than ours for every detail of Good
Shoemaking is well looked after and our Shoes, are made by makers
• -who know how
The Price!
It's the best at any price here.' Pay us $4.00, $5.00, $9.00
o} $10.00 for a pair of shoes and you'll reach the limit of Shoe
Value at any of these Prices.
Clinton News -Renard
I. 4.
* r
* Send him a nun-
* taro Peng It will 4.
* be a great conVens'
• ienee for hitn
* when -writing to *
*-- .you. .
me W. D. Fair Ca.
"Often the Cheapest
Always the Best."
Miss Florence Cmtinghame was in
London yesterday.
Miss Gladys.- Crich of Tuckersmith is
visiting Miss May Davis.
Miss Mabel Chef has been in London
for a couple of days this week.
Mrs. MbLean of Kippen Was the guest
over the week -end of Mrs. J. Kerr
of Victoria street.
MTs. J. Scott of Ropeville is the
guest of Rev. E, 0. and Mrs.
'Mrs,! J. A. Robinson has returned
from a visit at her parental home
in Markdale,
Mrs. J, E. Holmes of London was
the guest over the week -end of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Doherty,.
Miss Maine Clift of Goderich town-
ship, is spending a Few days' with
her aunt, Mrs.:R. J. Clue: of town.
Masses Ida and Laura Wilken of De-
troit are visiting at- their home in
town,. Miss Laura has just re-
covered front a severe illness.
Mr. Alex. Sloman visited in London
for a few days during the past
week, 1VIr. Sloman leaves the end
of the week for the west again.
Miss Evelyn Scotcltmer of Stanley
has been visiting her uncle and
aunt., Mr. and IM's. A. Townshend
of the Base Line, during the past
Pte. T. Kennedy of the American
Infantry is spending a short leave
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don-
training at Camp Kennedy.
iVIiss Jreek,ennie Holmes, who was v,Fsit-
ing friends in Tuckersmith, and
Mrs. G. Sharman, who spent a
fortnight with Goderieh friends,
have returned to their home . in
Nies. Luker, who has been with her
mother in Goderieh For some time,
has been visiting her brothers, Ole..
QIarry Cook, who has been ill, and
Mr. Arthur Cook, and other friends
in town during the past week,
MYs. de la Penotiere and Master
Robert of Kincardine have been
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Doherty during, the past week, Mrs,
de la Penotiere came down to as-
sist at the Wesley church anniver-
sary services.
Rev. E. E. Scott, who preached an-
niversary sermons in Wesley church
on Sundays and lectured on Monday
evening, and Mrs, Scott, who ac-
companied him, were guests while
in town of Rev. A. E. and Mrs.
Jones at Wesley parsonage.,
Misses B. F. Ward_and M. A. Stone'
of the School of Commerce were in
Toronto for a -couple of days the
end of the week, having been guests
of honour at a reunion dinner giv-
en at the Walker House on Friday
evening by the ex -students of the
School now in Toronto. Craik
Miss, Alice • Scotchmer of ,
Sask., who has been_ spending the
winter as the guest of her sisters
and brothers in Stanley and
'Hill -
lett townships and d vtt
h 'other
friends hereabouts, left Tuesday
• morning on her return trip to the
M2,west. G. A. Bradshaw leaves on Fri-
day on a trip, to the Pacific Coast.
It may be that Mr. Brad-
shaw will decide to locate
somewhere in the west but
whether or 'riot he wishes to see
'what that country looks like. He
goes by Chicago, Portland and
Mr. and Mrs.VanBuren of Calgary,
have. returnedto theft western
home after visiting the lady's aunt,
Mrs T, J, Watt, of Clutton, her
sister, Mrs.. 0', II. Cloultis of the
intron Road, Mid with other friends
in the east, Mrs. VanBuren and
little son have been cast for a
couple or months or so, her hus-
band corning down to accompany
them borne.
Tuckersmith Township
air, James Ilunt of 'Toronto, form -
Cr of
Tinto -
later ' lam
r r , of 4V g
field, came up the beginniiug of the
week to visit his brother: and other
friends hereabouts, Mr. 'stunt was
for a good many years in the em-
ploy of the (LTA. but for the past
twelve years hits been working with
the 0,11.12,
you certainly will appreciate
the beauty of the articles con-
tained in our display of china
closets, sideboards, dining tab-
les, chairs, ete. Theyare de-
cidedly unconventional in de-
sign and will give a distinct
individuality to the dining
room they adorn. See the dis-
play and you'll marvel at . the
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Eee Phone ItcW. 28
Fon this week we have picked out a lot of broken
lines of Men's Fine Shoes, just'a -pair orbtwo of any
one kind, in box calf', kid and patent leather, and you
will fend them on our tables all at 50
one price to clear •
Our stock of shoes for the coming season is heavier
and better assorted than ever before, and although
prices are still advancing you will.find our prices even
lower than last season.
Men's fine shirts, slightly soiled, Lot l your choice iOc
Lot 2 your choice 85c
Lot 3, mixed lot of fine and working shirts, choice 60e
Men's Ties to (,fear at 2 for 26c
Another lot of better Ties at 190
More specials next week. Wateb for announcement
Plumsteel Bros.
.GENTS—SlMVli 7:1r0A'D? CLO `NTNG. N.NW IDIA PA'L i101tN ,
tvllari t 2ist'lcilb
Snappy, Stylish, Serviceable
POPULARITY for ' men's and women's suits. They are made of only
the finest ,5iustralian wool in the hands of only skilled and competent crafts-
men. They are SOFT and PLIANT ---yet FIRM and STRONG.
They are rich in feel and lrujtre and will never grow "Attu( with use, nor
fade. They are the result of years of experience in the weaver's art.
INCIDENTALLY ---We stock " INDIGO SERGE " in all
weights and prices.
If you like blue serge clothing --do not hesitate because your
last one faded or got shiny. "BUY A FADELESS INDIGO . SERGE"
because we are behind it with an absolute guarantee.
Our stock of GUARANTEED INDIGO SERGES is one of the
- largest in Canada. Come in and see them.
Dry, Goods, House . Furnishings
phone 67
Next to Royal Bank
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
1Tr. Thos, Millar spent one day
last week in London.
Miss lidna Lee of Port Colborne is
spending a few weeks at her home
Rev. Jas. Abrey preached in the
Methodist church on Sunday evening
The pie social given on Tuesday
night hp the Women'Institutesupper
Pp a was
well attended. : good
programme were provided, The young
people of Constance gave the play
"Topsy Turvey" which was well act-
On Monday night, April 1st, the
Red Cross Society intend holding a
"Pancake Social".
A very pretty wedding- took place
at four o'clock of Saturday, 'March
9th, at the home of Mr, anct Mrs.
Jos. Manning, when their eldest
daughter, Ruby May, was united in
marriage to Mr. Albert E. Hiuiking,
also or the township of Hullett, The
Rev. C. C. Maine of Londesboro of-
flciated. The bride, who was given
away by her father, wore a dainty
dress of white marquisette and lace
with bridal veil and orange blossoms
and carried a boaquet of pink carna-
tions and sweet peas. After the
ceremony a sumptuous • repast was
served in the dining -room, the decor-
ations being in pink and white. The
bride's going away costume was a
suit tot brown cloth with broom satin
blouse. and hat to match,
groom's gift to the bride was a
pearl and ruby pendant and to the
pianist, Miss Elva Manning, an opal
ring, The bride was the .•recipient of
a ttFnl and )
an beautiful many
After an enjoyable evening the bride
and groom left for their future.home
accompanied by the beet wishes • of
their many, friends,
A very unique event took place on
Sunday, March J.Oth, at the home of.
Mrs. Wm. Morris of 'Hullett town-
ship, the occasion being the celebra-
Out of Iter ninetieth"�blrthda Y
of her large family of eight seven re -
male and all were present, Those
from a distance were : Mrs. A: J.
Nelson of Flighwood, Montana, Wm.
anti Enoch of 'Toronto and James of
St, Thomas. 'Phe other members of
the family are Joseph, and Mary who
reside on the old homestead anti
Mrs, Jos, Manning of 11u1l1t,
Rev. R. J. and Mrs. McCormick of
Blyth called un a few friends here
un Monday, having been in attendance
at the funeral of the late 11r, J.
Maple syrup making is the order
of the day. Yum I, Sunt ! it tastes
good, too.
Mr. A. '1'. Cooper of Clinton will
conduct the services in the Methodist
church next Sunday.
A very interesting meeting or the
W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs.
Alaock last Wednesday afternoon.
The concert and play given by the
Glcaper's Mission Circle last Friday
everting proved a huge success. The
audience was delightfully entertained
from. the beginning until the very last
number when "Mrs. Kelly" and her
guests of long ago sang "Auld Lang
Syne."' All those taking part ' ac-
quited themselves splendidly and the
young people certainly' are to be
commended for the concert they gave
Porters Hill
Master Eddie Lindsay, sot of Mr.
Bert Lindsay, is spending a few days
with his aunt, Miss Sophia 1,indsay.
Miss Vanstone of Goderich spent a
few days recently at_ Mr. Sterling
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Plcot and fain-
sly. spent Sunday at Mr, Wesley Van-
Miss Ruby Potter spent a few days
recently with friends at Ailsa Craig.
We are glad to shear that blaster
Peter Harrison is improving again
and also very glad to hear that Mr.
tt icl
Harrisonrrisoa is able to bt. nr0 1
The Ladies' Aid will meet at the
bone of Mrs. John McClure on
Thursday, Mar, 28th, A' good atten-
ance is req
tion of oJ,tcers.
Making maple syrup is the order of
the day.
The people of the vicinity were
very sorry to hear of the loss of Mr.
Richard Burke's. house,
Mr, James Blair. has been used up
the last few days with a lame back,
Miss' Gladys MtDotigall is home,
now for a few weeks,-
Mr. James Grassick realized a nice
stmt the other day from his, steers
when he delivered fourteen of them
to Milton Love or Hensel]. They
averaged 970 lbs. and at $11.55 per
cwt. brought $1598.49, Mr. Grassick
has still thirty-three head of cattle
left. He is a good feeder and al-
ways does well with his cattle. Last
year ho received $1940.90 for the
same number of head.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cameron of
Kindersley, Sask,, who have been
spending .the past two and a, half
months with relatives hi this sec-
tion, left for their western home on
Mrs. S. Bisset of Saltford 'Heights
visited her cousin, Mrs, Alex, Me -
Kenzie, on Thursday last.
Master Albert Brownlee has been
confined to his bed suffering from a
severe attack of quinsy. A. doctor
has been in attendance and be is
now on the way to recovery.
Mr, and Mrs. Wcsle}l French have
moved to the village. We are pleas-
ed to have them for citizens. We
hear Mr. French contemplates mak-
ing, extensive improvements on his
Mr. Wm. Waite of Goderich was a
guest at the house ! of Mr, Alex. Mc-
Ma. Wm. Fasken, our genial sta-
tion agent, was again called to El-
ora to attend the Funeral of a rela-
Milsses Rosa and Ethel Pepper of
Ilensall spent a couple of clays with
•tltc4r grandparents, ilIr, and Mrs.
Geo. Taylor, prior to their leaving
for the west with their Father,, Mr,
J ,
Jelin Pepper,
ch pl
A. great many of the farmers are
engaged at the syrup malting.
Mr, John Truemner left last week
for his hone in the west after a
visit with relatives Here.
IVtessrs, N. Beaver of Zurich, Chas
Deaver. of Sarepta and Sam Beaver
3 oint
or near Exeter went 20Yn, t
Mi h„ last week to attend the fon.
oral of their sister -le -law.
Miss Fanny ((loathe of the Breen
Sob Liner llay, was -married on.itri
day week to Mr,' David Oesch o1
Port Abert
Mass Liza Young is at Detroit at .
present, her sister, Mrs, David Mar-
tin, being sick.
Mr. arta Mrs. James Oliver are vis-
iting friends at Stalla and Stratford.
Mr. Jas. hIcWltinney was in Goder-
ieh the past week, being on the jury.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Oliver are
home front their honeymoon trip to -_
Toronto, Hamilton and Stratford.
Mani congratulations. 1
Mrs. John Sehoc'nhals of Clinton.
spent a few days with her son.
Herb, and his family, a week ago.
Mr.. Harry Hawkins made a trip to
Kincardine this week to visit his -
uncle, Mr,. William Tout.
Mr. John Burrows was in London
last week to see his brother, Pte. L. -
Burrows, who is very low, The
wound he received, at the front is
likely to ,prove serious,
Mr, Robt, McLean, Goderieh, has
bought a number of horses -through.
this neighborhood, The horse trade
is brighter than for some time.
Miss May Dixon was home front
Goderieh for a few days last week.
Mr. and 1lrs, TboS. Dixon attended-,
the. wedding of their neice at the --Au,
Nile last week.
aIr. and Mrs, William Grey, who
have been ,at the Blyth rectory with
their brother, the Rev. Mr. Hawkins,
since last December, are home•again.
1i,9ss Hayden .got a fall the past
week hurting her side.
Messrs. Geo. Richardson and Wilt.
Hawkins, who have been under the -
weather for a week, are again on the
'Between the frost and the wino
storm very few of the windmills am -
working this spring,
d vested as it is the elec-
Hullett Township
Me, Garnet aleBrien, son or Mr. W.
J, McBrien, is now at Oshawa train-
ing for overseas,
Mr. James Sinell, 41u11ett's well
known sheep breeder, is in London
this week assisting in the arranging
of the Prize lists of the Western
Fair, he being a member of the
Sheep Committee of that institution.
1VIr, James iiugill. had his barn
unroofed during the recent severe
Windstorm which did . considerable
damage throughout the country.. Al-
though Mr. llugili had his buildiig
insured against wind his loss will be
more ,or less ,heavy in spite of that.
bir. A. Townshend, who has lreo1'
farming on tine fifth concession for
spine time past 11x5 Purchased the
faun of IVIr. John J. Smith en the
10111 of Goderieh township and will
get possession the, beginning of April.
341x. Townshend is an energetic farm-
er who has made a success of his
calling and that he will continue do-
ing se there is small' reason to
Mr. Don. Snell pont 5 few days
With friends in Loddon,
Mr. Jas. 'Phucll of Brussels visited
witch his sister, Mrs. ill Colclough,
Mr, Ernest; Adams was down to
Toronto of business last Week,
Mrs, Jas. Mann, Sr., has a very
severe cord.
Mr, R. (rumbella bas hired with
t mer,
h stn
' Ban for
IVs r, Tilos,
Don't forget the supper in the
church en Good Friday., 'Phe north
will give the' supper and the, program
will consist of music and an address
by 1° Bev. Mr. Ahery of Londesboro on
"The War and lied Cron Work,"
5 '1/511,
01,5 1
Bayfield --
Mrs, Brandon is spending a feu
weeks with her mother at Belgrave.
:Mrs, I1..Darrah is visiting her sis-
ister, Mrs. Derr, at Brantford,
Messrs. Herbert Johnston and Wil -
lien Williamson left last week for
Corrine, Sasli., •
Messrs, I. Merrier and S. Kiefer:
attended the funeral of W. Oswaid at
Zurich on Sunday.
Syrup Se.ls
is Here
'I'0 "OWER.
am & Sutter
lumbers and Electricians
Phone 7