HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-3-21, Page 4"Brighten Up" Your Rooms 'WITH , Wi%LL PAPER FOR TUE MONEY iN4'L. +- TED NO DECORATION GIV- ES 13ETTER. VALUE THAN WALL PAPER, Ti-Jh AsmonTivrwns ARE NOW COMPLETE, :ASK FOR TH1; "READY TRIIti'LMED." A. T. cooper A C.N. RailwaygeG.N.W.nt: - Telegraph ' Clinton, Ontario 1 RAND 1I1Utll\ SY TEM THE DO•Ui3Li1 TRACK ROUTE between — M 0 iN T R hl AL TORONTO D ]'; T R O I T and C H I C A Cr 0 Unexcelled Dialing Car Setvice. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto, Ont. I. RANSFORD Le SON; Phone 57 Uptown Agents. Staeatrorth„ ' 11'ir. 3, A, Wilma was in '1'oroiUo last week attending n meeting of the Hydro Eleetrio Assoeiatlon, itves. Aeeest Guhr and Miss Pear! ciiihr have returned from a visit ill Stratford. Dr. and Mrs, Davis of efonitoulbt, who have been spending a eoupio of Menthe to Florida, visited friends in town last ween, Mr, and Mfrs. fetor Campbell of Cromarty have tarsen possession of their new home on Higii street, Mr, Robert Laird, who line boon training in Texas all winter,has been visiting his mother in town, Mrs, T, Elder has returned from a visit with o 1 her ' rt i t iyt in Hensel'. Rev,,Father Corcorani, parish priest here since 1901, died suddenly at Ms residence en Wednesday of last week, from paralysis; The Funeral took place frown St. James' church on Friday morning and was very large- ly attended, Pontifical mass of re- quiem was celebrated by Bishop p'ai. Ion of London, and interment was made in St, James' cemetery, James Hayes has received from overseas s medal uedai awaa,rted his son, Corp. Howard Bays, for bravery, at Vimy Ridge. Corp. Hays enlisted with the l'rinoess Pats and has been fighting in France for nearly three yearn, IIe is now in an English hospital, during !February the local Reti Cross Soeiety forwarded to hears- quarters the following supplies ; 295 suits of pyjamas, 30 flannel shirts, 252 pairs of socks, 382 towels, 30 trench caps, 36 butter cloth hand- kerchiefs and 1,600 surgical wipes. Miss Helen 11. Wilson, A.'1'.C.M., daughter of Town Clerk .1. :1.. Wil- son, has been -appointed choir leader and organist in Victoria Presbyterian church, Toronto, to succeed Donald C. MacGregor, Biuth Mr, and Mrs. John Cole and family have returned to Blyth after baying spent the past few years in Strat- ford. MIs:. and Mrs, Guys Blackall expect to take up their residence in Detroit about the end of this month. Mrs, 1). D. Crittenden was in Ex- eter recently owing to the illness and death of lien sister. or. Mid Mrs, Billedouell rosily vihitvd the ratter's lather At MUM. Miss' ,Edith tI"illlaiils' is spending a few weeks as the guest of her broth- er, Mr, Montagne of Day- oft Ohio., • Mrs ',A. G. NIsblt and soli are visltiug the lady's sister iii Chicago, Mks, Webster and iYfiss J•;di.tit"Web- ster of Hamilton aro visiting Mrs. J. II, Hamilton, On Tuesday of last week Mrs% Nieoi Shirray, mother of Mrs, IL J, D. Cooke of town, died at the house W her daughter at the age, of seventy- eight years„ The funeral tools place to i]onsall, the foraner, home of the family, Three daughters, Miss Shir- ray and Miss Agnes Sliirray' and Mrs. Cooke all of Godcrich, and Nicol of Winnipeg 'tnu] David on the home- stead near Hensel!, survive. Mr, Douglas McRenole is at Pbrt Colborne fitting out the steamer Riv- erton, of which he is chief engineer. Miser Dora '[lowrio of 'Toronto vis- ited the Musses Nairn last week, Mrs. Thos. Holmes of Sarnia le visiting son,hQt Rei Gordon. ou f Ilutntes, • Mrs. Gundry is spending a few weeks with friends in Buffalo, 'Toren - to and other points. The. funeral of the late Wm. Mac - Math, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs, tf. J, Trowartha, took place from his late residence, the Bayfield Road, on 'Thursday last to Maitland cemetery, Mr. W, :I, Orem, accountant in the Sterling Bank here for some time, has been transferred to the head of- fice, Toronto. Mr. II, McGregor suc- ceeds Mr: (bait. Miss efeCool, led- ger keeper here, has gone to the Auburn branch and Miss Gladys Field has taken a position in the local of- fice. Me. G. J. 5. Loylies, manager of Dungannon, was here : for a few days last week. Bluth Miss Otieil left Friday for London. A very enjoyable supper was given by the 13oy Scouts of town at the Commercial hotel on the evening of March Bth. Many manifested their interest in the movement by, being present and the proceeds of the af- fair amounted to over eighty-six dol- lars. Clinton Ne, ecerd Equal Privileges Equal Sacrifices Cancan's Wee (Jovernnicnt aRtitl hardly have stopped et , soleQ- tive QQ,rfscri'ption of tare power, sok. etreivo couscriptlon of wealth, oil the basis of ability to pay, was a corol- lary that iroonor or later' bad to be adopted as an integral part of oar war machine. Awl so tete income war tax carne into, being, Like the law conscripting the man -power Or the natlou,the !Nome war tax is based oh the axiom that equal, privy ileges of oitlronrltip dconand •equal sacrifices, And like the law . cont- scripting the man -power of the ca- tion, the Jneonte war tax. is designed to bear least heavily on those leaet able to conform to its provisions and most heavily on these hestable to bear the burden of its demands. Its fairness is at once its Justification and its charter of success, The laconic war tax provides that a levy be made on all incomes in ex- cess of $11500, enjoyed by all unmar- ried persons or widows aird widowers, without dependent children, and on all Incomes i mss ]u excess of $3,000 enjoy- ed by all other persons, Corporations and Joins. Stock Companies. A11 triose coming within the provisions of the act must file on or before, the 81st ,of March, all necessary informa- tion concerning their incomes for 1917.as detailed on forms provided for the purpose, which it is their present duty to obtain without loss of time. Penalties have been pro- vided for tion-fulfihnent of the pro- visions of the act, But the Can- adian people aro a unit in their de- termination to carry the war to a successful conclusion and it is not an- ticipated that these will have to be invdiced in the application of, this most necessary measure, Sending Parcels to Prison- ers in Germany. The German authorities have issued a memorandum to the effect that parcels for Prisoners of War interned in Germany must be addressed to the "parent" (or main) camps to which the prisoners belong and must not bear the, names of any branch or working camps ,or of any other place to which the prisoner might be de- tailed for special services, The metn- • a M.arcb list; Income Tax _. . .. �Ox Are- now available Returns must be filed on Or 31st March ,before TE IJosninion Income War Tax Apt requires -you'to fill in one or more of e 1dYe special or m 8 pageide before 3%st March, X018, Xn order to assist the public to understand not what le required of them, informations' on each Form i given s >r en below, Rea carefully,then t three c a r�e rete opiatf of th4 forms that fits your case and fill them in. Answer al question$ #'tally Musci taagrggtely. For matin aloe statements, a penalty of $10;000 or slx fnonthso Ilnprlsomnent, or both, Is proytded. f. divtduir..•—A11 persons unmarried; and all widows or widowers without dependent ehildreei 41s !tamale is $1200 a year or mor.t.must fill in Tom Ti. An other person; whose income is d Dor 4` more, use the same Foi tn. Where any Y is derived from diel J ' and 3 y. a r E r l amounts Cp mt d from tt{tt� 'Ve r Canadian and Foreign securities separarely. Fill In pages 1 2 and $only, Do {tot mark on page 4. Partnerships, es such aegd not file returns, but the individuals forming the part- nsrehlps must. Corporations; and Joint Steck Com miss, no matter how created or organised; each pay the normal rmA a income exceeding 9 4. Vey or $ Form TR— .vinparticulars o c gi o as ome. att a t� KAle 0 attach a Canadian Cross ort, et approved ove iait9, show In detail amounts paid to Patriotic stand and Gsnadian Red Cross or other approved�ar Fonda,un Trustees, Executors, Administrators of Estates and Assignees use Form Ta. Full particulate of the distribution of income from all estates handled must be shown as well as details of amounts distributed. A separate Form must be tilled in for each estate. Employers must use Form4 to give name. and amounts of salaries; bonuses; commiseloas !ted other remuneration paid to all employees during 1917 where such remuneration amounted in the aggregate to 31000 or over. - CoVporatlen Lists of Shareholders.—On Form TB corporations shallive a statement of ail bonuses, and dividends paid to Shareholders residing in Canada during 1917 stating to whom paid; _and the amounts. Figures in every cane are to''cover 1917 inrn a --ell Forms must be filed by 31st March, Forneglect, a fine of 3100 for ash day of default may oto hnpeaod. Zn the case of Forms Tl and T2, keep one copy of the filled in Form and file the other two with the Inspector of Taxation for your District, In the case of T3, T4 and TB, keep one Dopy and Ate the other two, with the Commissioner of Taxation, Dept. of Flneare, Ortawm. Forms nisyy'ba obtained from the District Inspectors of Taxation and from the test. masters at ail leading .centres. Postage roust 0. yacid oft ole leaf rf and daectoroif.faexatioonrwarded to Inspector a bei Depat'tment of Finance, Ottawa, Canada - Inspector of Taxation, George R. Tambling, London, Ont. orandum states that prisoners have been detailed for services site the "parent" camps have who out - been enjoined by the .German authorities from -the very first, to inform in this sense anp relations or other persons lee "4444444444444o4444441 444• 4114 44 flfefi46 4.46 flf. 444+444 444 404 flo4 4 44440448410 14644444�4 111.40441108 EASTER IS EARLY VERY EARLY EASTER 14LiRCH 31st: T SPRING, e�� CO'7.. HIS ARE YOU' READY 7 1 '$ THIS REAR—. 4 s4 . nr� fe/ Y1SZ■T 3e TELEPHONE 78, 4 ..� ■� ■ _ i.■�.....- s y Spring Announcement gin,,,► .39 4 High-class Ready-to-wear Garments i s?l 1 11111111 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Select Your Easter Suit Now YOU will find it a pleasure to sel- ect your new Easter Suit from a collection of suits such as we have now on display. A iuost impressive showing of Women's smartest suits in the correct models and materials, and very reasonably priced, Ladies' Dresses 111311 atm* this, season is even more complete than ever before and shows a largo variety in the ,very latest styles made of silk, poplins, cloth, ehamlirey, gingham, eta, We feel confident that we can satisfy ev- ery wish and meet every require- ment. eseredwastateessesznateariwawitweigemewswave I1VIMI,Y DAY IS FASHION' SHIO'N' DAY CHIS store has decided to give up millinery for the se • corning season. We have devoted the 2nd Floor for High=class Ready -'to -wear Garments and House Furnishings. This will be one of the largest and most up-to-date Ready-to-wear Departments in the county. WE ARE CARRYING A BETTER .ASSORTMENT OF COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, WAISTS, ETC. We give you our word for it, that this year Early Buying will pay you well. But whether you are ready to buy now or not, you are equally welcome to call and see the beautiful new models. Spelendid Display of Draperies and Curtains Everything is here in. the New Draperies Goods and Curtains. We would be pleased to have you call and inspect our stock. We also carry a very large stock of RUiiS L1NOLt UI1S OILCLOTHS :ONGOLMUMS MATTINGS VERANDAH RUGS ETC., ETC. ¢,msrstummwcrxr=arna■eusvrrVee neSSel mmvSIAaueaevitians4aan+NRrw trirMrivgro COMPARISON HELPS TO SELL OUR GOODS." aderdomersereemes csighnovN'Aa,xxx Nrimui.a•,roeoaw..mtir the eivgrirtiogip Select Your Easter Coat Now HESE coats are made in the very newest styles from the lat- est spring materials, including shad- es of green, brown, taupe, navy and black, richly lined and prettily trim- med, These coats are exeoptional value and we advise an early selec- tion, New Spring Skirts A NOTAl3Ll; display in Ladies'` Skirts in all,tho newest styles, including silks, sergos, gabardines and tweeds, .Prices trona 50.00 up to 512.00, in VII) nett iseVirtir° i"°ira' lefrillots* his WAYS Cl011 1iTIIING rJla.W. from whoiu they expect to receive postal parcels. • Parcels' ,for prisoners of war in hospitals also conte with- in the meaning of these regulations. Inthe interests of the prisoners it is therefore essential that these reg- ulations should be strictly adhered to as otherwise' the German authorities will not deliver ,;lie parcels to "the prisoners of war for which they are intended, and it is suggested that persona in Canada when writing to prisoners. in Germany should ascer. tain .definitely the name of the "par- ent" (or main) camp so that they eau comply with the regulations of the German, authorities in addressing parcels to prisoners. Money in Maple Sap binge sugar and syrup is produced at the timeof year when the farmer is least busy, and it costs him Int• tle, if any, more now than before the war. 13y tapping 100 trees he can sell syrup; netting from $100 to $150 in three weeks. This is more than the soldier fighting in France gets in thrice the time and be offers in exchange hie . life. Will you who have maple trees not offer: so short a space of pour time to help him and to put money in your pocket as well ? It's Here! Come to and See lid' ssiaua The NE �airtralak�A 3 Morse FARM ERIGH Economical -- Simple Light Weight—Substantial Fool -Proof Construction Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore —Leek';-po•bof Compression. 6H.P,Grinder extra pulley and belt $282 a a Po taro skids with U LT -1N a f . P, ---$126.E 4 0. P,— $226 All F. O. 1;. Factory e' Mare Thais Rated Power and a Wonder at the Price" One second-hand coal oil 15 h.p. 1'airbank engine, one 1.01 10. grinder, 43 ft. of now 6 in. belt, for quick sale 5900. All itt good shape, E. 8. EPPS, VARNA PHONE 14 on 178