HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-3-14, Page 5• • c b t -s March 14th, 1016 Qlinton' Newo.Renc+rd _._ organs. .: ,.... ....- _ Kippo1. Anatiior pafriofta dance was held In the twee hall Tuesday of tole wools. ltaiss C, ATCISeitzie of j3eocligxati'o •. Fum, GPdcricli tewttsltip, is .spend- bug a week as the guest of her lire- thee, Mr, Alex, MisKeezle, wood be was 17olti lasl;w°Olt 1t1 Mr. „ Peter Stewats bush iii tuokw ersniith to out the year's wood for St. Andrew's clench, the Members of the congregation doing the work. 4Ii', harry Clteslley,'who on Mon- Gol'Township ' 1,'110 ..leant ladies' 1'atriotio So^ g dishy will meet !text Week at 1110 ]1o]7ttt of urs. (ltgv. W, 13, Nloaltotl, Clieton, Ilopoxt for S. S. No, 10 los l3.eb- ,i'uary, tlii>d and fourth classes were exantleed in arithtnetie, geography Y and spelling, the outer Masses in aritbnotivoly � [nt. Viola 1ttoltingr, 80, po}coui,. Jr, '4th-13erb North 73, Stewart Middleton 00, Mary Stewart ,to, Lei- ward Lindsay 40, . ' . Jr, 3rd -Charles Groves 72, George, Bootled M. R. Blair ane, With a vol Y 5D1i0ue 1050 1111 Friday aftgrnGplr last :whoa ]its house Nei part of the toff-Wia1 tents wore fatally destroyed by fire. .It was 0111y pertly insured, Mrs, John hieLeod is, visiting. Leer son, Dr, 0lol,eod 01 Wroxetor, at Present, 1 MrsIJ](ut}o left on Monday for Godo1}olt hospl 111Yorp she avail undergo g 1 a h fru operation, , , H re°ovo litany Y y.• Mars, Jarrett of iiillsgren is. the guest of Mrs. SPackpnaa,• ..,..:.t�- ..':: C... elves for 'Sale ! The undersigned has }na'do arrangemellt> to handle a fe1Y Shorthorn grade .calves tills . spring, 14iarch . and April to the unto to secure thein as . tine supplyis i ignited later, • W, MARQUIS SHOZ711NS iron �Al-. la,- ONII:.. CATTLE, SALT+,T14 YUuag bull, red, 12 oaths old, a f tiiluford, best of quality, also a gop(1 • We -Year-old he;if°1':^I), 11, Wise, ma, No, 8, C'litlton Moue 12 on 103, ,-,31 ,YOUTN.C1 FOR yeerliegs, 8 two-yeareolds and. ttvo-year-old hailers to calf,• -•Chas., ill It 1 s, t,Tt, No. 2 Gunton phone 4 on 143; -x30 �ry p /�t� D.L om ltd ,t1P ............. ...... ...` -. MAN WANTED.-1viAN 44'AN'CI D for [arm work, Marriccl malt pre- ferrel,: Personal application is de - sired, a i)ufias to bo i1t abot i.5thA 0int, g PFOYeIII1OII. MarGl]„-D, A. )roxrestor, DO-� e 0� � Iple61n,ac age( Cocoa - n a'b In packages only 160 o must) AND LOT FOR SALU.,,,--AN eight roomed house in good .repair Ontario St,, town welter, soft ~valor, electric lights, good fuxuaco end dry cellar, two chicken hour- es, I. aOre_of Al garden land with 501611 fru;has fruit trees. Troub!o of loave L1geCi j}rome- da„ dates, find know how gt)Qd they are. i?regnedrlrf+ Cocoanut is day Moved to the lace he lensedn 3 p Groves 03, ShirleySbirloy Beaootn 01, Trona hire. Cleo. Alair, Inct with a baci,aecidattf 131 having the prong of a fork run into his foot, Dr. Moir was called and dressed the wound. Mr. John Workman also moved ,Ott 11o1ulav to the place vacated by Mx. Chesney, he having • vacated sed it Sr, tad -...William Hatchings 82, ,Randle Colo 73, iViariglt Lindsay 00, Jr, Zed -Marion Middleton 73, Floss sie Lindsay 70, . Lewis BUilwood 06, Kenneth Whitmore 10, Joan Groves 87,P ---�, ^ -- 0 Wing`haln ,1 The Misses 13entloy left last weals for their home at Ashvlllb Mao.,alt ter v ,,,does t a iait with, line latter's grunts Mr' and Mire, Alex:; Forsythe, li, 11ZLNNEI.L TIAS Tk1l�I+,N OV1;R the dray}ng business of Josh Cook, All.. orders entrusted to hint will beAlp , ltrotntaice attended 1(1 ]hong or- falcon at the old number 42. i2^2 and Good for and o r' e. price right for quick Prove tion is hotter than hen I Salo. For particulars etc,, apply,t p +Is cheaper. It is possible when tame on premises, -A,` L: ,Murch, -29 isimpossible. Eye may be hush as good, --�s-- - - - - - sonie time ago. Mr. frank I Skelton of T uclte'rsrnttli N moving to the :house en the !sander's farm vacated by Mr, Workman,, We regret to report that Mo. 1 M.. Laramie Hensel], one of our rural 1st-]aditit Middleton 74 Muriel 5attwell 08, Rota 130500111 52, Dor- otby Rathwell 28, Pr, -Lois Hampson, Number'on roll 2L Average attendance 14. -M., R, Culbert, Teacher, "-- . Mr. W. M. Guknoy. made, a business trip to Chicago recently, Mr, and Mrs. W'in, Pyle of Orwell Y wer'e in town last week on their honeymoon trip, Miss Trills Buchanan had poen vis- sting in Toronto. Mrs. Thos. Forbes has returned. PROPERTYi FOR SALi:- } 1VITLI9 south of Loiulosboro, 7 roomed house with good cellar and good**airport cistern, also barn containing horse stable, driving sited and chihken house. Never fabling spring on place, Ideal for chicken farm or FARM FOR SALE, -I omi r,,IR FOR sale Illy f `averting arm consisting of i,ots 21TeS11 and 22, ET,R, Con, Goderich town - ship, cntaining about 205 acres. On it are two comfortable dll'°11- ings, two large barns with stabli00 for ] 00 cattle, 8 horses and lU0 'hens, awn silos, two windmills and abundance of Water, 45 acres are newly eeeded to clover and timoth 3' 80 acres fall plowed, 70 in pasture.' and 25 well ntanured last fall and. been present oars fused having Y y as n stock and grazing farm is now in a high avoided bytimet ase of lasses so of 3 g 'discomfort and permanent of sight, • We ars jirop- ed tof adjust glasses and gray guarantee guarantee satisfaction, Drop in and get a pair of stm °lassos.' Oatr sago of silverware is still on, Goods going evaxy day so don't atlas ;the bargains. Some shins still left at bargain P rices. SP lhore is .a watch or clock in your house' wo t refuses to go bring to in as to weuhd o if it could. A g" few minutes time at a few cents Fresh aws The Lettuce Celery O'Nellis Flub Grocery mail carriers, has been confined to his room for file past two Weeps &u1- 'eying from an attack , of pleurisy. __ _.4, St�S�i'� Township from a visit with her son at Oak- land, Cal, gardening, Terms reasonable, Ap- ply on premises or to R. •G. Gibbs, Loados'boro, Phone 28 on 19, Ole would be pleased to hear soots of 17x. Lammle's recovery, Mr. Wm. Mr. Robs. Foster and Miss Elena find Miss E. Carter of Stratlielair, Marriages Blyth central, -32 talon sha work at g present. Mr, Tilos, Butts of Tuokersnlitli Ind Miss May Glazier 01 Clinton Fire quietly married in London kednesday of last week, prior to eavin for Alberta where.they' .in- g end to reside, Congratulations : Miss Dora Howie of Toronto spent t weak with her sister, Mrs. (Dr,) 1.itken, at the manse. r wan., who have spent the winter with the former's brother, Mr. Chas, Foster, and other relatives, left last, week to spend a few days in Bell- view, Hastings County, after, which they will proceed to their home in Stxathclafr. The following is a report of S, S, No. 3, for the month of February, showing the marks obtained in class and examination work : rClinton Sr. 4th -Wilmer Reld 020, Hubert J1'&NICINS-LANGFORD-=,10 Clinton, oil March 12th, by the Be'.'. A. E. Ivy Laren°, only daughter o of Otto. and 01-rs, Bert Langford, to Herbert R. Jenkins, eon of Mr, and Mrs. Roland Jenkins :of CTcdericli township. BUTTS -GLAZIER -In London, on Mar. Gbh, May, Wavier, daughter of Thar. and Mrs. Adam Glazier of to Thomas Butts of DO NOT FAIL TO SEE TEE HUM- orous and entertaining itlay, "An Afternoon in Friendly Z iliagc, to Village," be:given by the young people known as "Th'e Gleaners Mission Circle" ' in the Holtnesvilie 1 Mao. 1st ohne- eh on the everting of Mar, 15th, It will be interesting. Don't miss it, Proceeds to be used for the educes tion of an Indian girl at Kitimat. Adntissi.on 25c. 32-1 ,, state of fertility, •It ad - 3 pins tate town of Clinton is with- cosh may matte it as good as ever4 in 15 to 20 minutes walk of post - office, collegiate, public school or G,T.]Z. depot. Will- ecil R. H. JOHNSON CREAM WANTED 1 joss sell jointly or separately, Posses- ey. Sion as may be agreed upon. -D, A. Forrester. -29 J e w e 1 e r a n •d 0 p t i c i a -n Next to Hovey's ( 9 a Drug Store)you- We will buy your cream and guar - antee IiIGII&3ST PRIORS NOT -MUCH OF A TALE It won't be much of a story, will ry t ," Bess 561, Clifford Claris 450, Arthur Peck 444, Garnet Taylor 185. Jr. Ord -Alma Rathlv0I1 047, Har- old Taylor 020, Y r Sr 2nd-tlxdell, Grainger 613, Cor- 7°uckorsmilh': OLVER McMILLAN -At God0I''e, on Mar. 2nd, Jas,,Edtvin Olver and Jessie Ann McMillan, both et Port Albert, FOR SALE. --FLOUR, FEED AND grocery ' business, including eggs and poultry, -Apply to James Johnston, Bayfield. -81 y CHOICE SEED BEANS FOR SALT: -A limited quantity of Pea Beans, harvested without getting wet and r flail threshed. -W. S4 Marquis, R. R. No, 1, Clinton, Moue 14 on 166,-30 000 Muskrat Skins -WANTED Season opens ,you pus ➢Tarek 1st, closes ACCURATE RECORD PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE SATISFACTION Write us for cans, We supply, Them. Pay express charges, Pay, for the c'reant you ship twice „ 7"• "Mat • "When our grandchildren ask us what we did in the great war, and ve have to fell Cham that_ hath a veek we went without moat,' -De don Elliott 596. Jr. and -Sarah Reid 492, Blanche raylor 430, Pt, 2nd--rl{p,thieen Elliott 276. Primer Sr. -Murray Grainger 300,postage. , BRINN-McLEOD-At Goderich, on' I eb: 22nd, Arthur.. Norman Blinn of 'Toronto and Gladys E. Mc-ilod Lead of Goderich.. ysuitable SEED WHEAT FOR SALE -A LIM quantity' ,oE Marquis wheat, for seed, --W, H. Middleton,parcel RR. No, 8, Phone 7-156. -31 FOR SALE -,ROUSE ON LOT 024 Mill street, 5 rooms, stone cellar, pantry, and back kitchen, water- works connection and good garden. Cheap for prompt cash sale. -In- quire of W, Brydone.-John Men- nell, Owner. 30-3 April 21st, Boys send them in bye• post and we will remit Ex- Press Order by return mail and pap, PRICES ARE HIGH T'IPIS SEASON --- eacix month,, Careful]. weigh, sam- sans - Plg and test each can. and send you a statement, Write today,x prices gra high. Agents : g Walton -W. G. Neal - Kirburn-Mall as Co: ,roil Free Press, • - Louis Taylor 260,Russell Hobner -80 1- (absent). Births _ FORDE-In Clinton, on M'ar, 14th, to r FOR ,SOLE. -GOOD SECOND HAND 18 power REQUIRED FOR HEALTII AND BEAUTY. Primer Jr. -Marie Grainger 120. -Margaret Peck, Teacher, The following is the February Rev. E. 0. and Mrs. Fordo, a son (George Alexander). •MeLEAN-At Toronto General Mos - wind mill, ft, wheel, for sale cheap. -Apply Valentine Wild, Bayfleld. Phone 16 on 78. 30-3 -. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RG- paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- les and clothes. We -.---• JAS. STEEP ti CO.Tata- Box 192 Phone 106 Marna -Beatty Bros: CreameryCo. Bos 486 SEAFOR!rl3 OMT. It is surprising that it is necessary g 3' o repeat again and again that the Icahn and beauty of the skin re- . montttlp report of S.S, No. 14, nam- es in order of merit : 5th -Gladys lttacLean. Sr. 4th R. McC 1 'moat E. 1 . 1 pital, ou March 1st, to•M-. and Mrs. Robertson McLean, Young (Formerly Miss L. Macdonald of Goderich), a claU.ghtei, WANTED -GOOD GENERAL SER-Seaforth vent. -Apply Mrs. M. D. TtTcTa31 garb. -31Gentlemen's guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean I adfes Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat etc. All orders promptly, at tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelry Store. -Wm. J. Sago. -OD G I " D ES WANTED i t�` WE CAN GIVEisat BLACKSNiIT�f probably You have probably learned y that nire that the blood shall be pure. 1 the arteries of the skin receive i,rt- mre blood, pimples azul blotches ap_ ;ear, and the individual suffers from umbrs, Powders and other external fisher, G. J. Cooper. Jr, 4th -W, Workman, W. AT. Ross. Sr,Parsons.-C. E. Harvey, L. S. Near, f. R. Jr, 3rd -L. Workman, W. A, Ross. CARTER -In Blytfi, on Feb. 26th, to Mr, and Mrs. Albert Carter, a daughter. T STA\BURY-In Exeter, on March 6th to Air, and Mrs, J. G. Stan - SPRING 1MIL-+SIKRATS • WANTED,- Highest prices paid. Highest pric- es paid for all' other prime furs.- M. A,, Hovey, Cl'ittton, -31 ,pplications are sometimes used fortended hese affections, but will never have he desired effect while the causes of ntpure blood -remain. The indications are very clear thathour.-D. �, , Sr, 2nd -E. Anderson, 0. M. An- Berson•• _ A. Mustard,daie, J,. Mc- Kenzie 2nd-II, and Pt: -.7, Anderson, W. MOLach- bury, B.A., a daughter, (Jean Isabel.) FE 4th, to Morrison Mar.ear ind township, a daughter, (Mary Bell.) THE TOWN COUNCIL ASKS FOR tenders for street watering for the coming season. State prico per I,, Macpnerson, Clerk. -31E14ZPLOYM FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 77, 11LAIT- land Con., Goderich township, con- tainting 65 acres of clay loam, suit- able far agriculture or grass. 5 of choice hardwood bush, Never failingspringcreek runningAT through, 15 acres of Mowing done, can b° had at once. -Apply to tiro, 12 0, R18. N. 2, Clinton, Phone 12 on .1113. -27 NT TO 41 •- FEW MORE KNIT-, ETC. APPLY, ONCE, Clinton MKnitting CO. LIMITED. hese strenuousimp timestool $ smithing coal. In spite 'of this fact we have been successful in securing a large car of our high grade "IILEAN • WELD PREPARED SMRrT3SNe4'+ which we expect will arrive shortly.' Secure our supply y pply from this carload as w0 are never sure of another, Iooc1 s Sarsaparilla is the most sue- essfuY for purifying the. food medicine pimples and -blotch- removing s, .and giving health and beauty toseason he skin. It gives tone to all the and builds up the whole Sys- ani, Insist on having Hood's Sar- eparilla when you ask for it. Don'tg) ake anything else, • tan, P, McKenzie, Tile' best spellers in the monthl Y speilin • matches were :acres S 5th-GladysracanCooper. Jr. 4th -Walter Workman, Si. Ord -Clarence Harvey. Jr. Brd-Lloyd Workman. ir. 2nd -I Iva Anderson. Jr. 2nd I3elen Dinsdale, LEECH -In M'erris township, on March 51h, to Mr. and hiss. Jas. Leech, a.son. ALEXANDER -In 'r«eltersauitii, on Feb. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs.' John Alexander, Jr„ a son, JohnyPossession { Fleming.) - D¢Rt115 CREAM 'AND EGGS WANTED,^3• will gather cream and; eggs thisTERS, routes formerly gathered by Lorne Jervis of Holw°sville. Eggs for Gunn Langlois Co., cream for Seaforth Creamery. I will test cream myself and pay cash each week. -Edgar J. Trewartha, Phonegetting g' 15-153. -31For •ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM FOR Sale, -Let 20, .Con. 1, Huron Road f known as the Wise TAll Wise farm. Ail fenced with woven wire, fair buildings, soil in good state of cultivation, Running stream on place. Apply to Geo. Beauregard on premises. Phone 20 on 144. 29-6 �l I� CORNERSTORE - - Live and Let hive further information call us up at our expense-� We aro alLuo dealers in all kinds: of Logs,Lumber, M4N'air Brand Shingles, Canada Cement and Buffalet Brand Fertilizers. , a', B. MUSTARD /� D ll�fl u STLi 111 Learn to control your own appe- -V4t. H. Johnston, Teacher. SOU'THCCTT-In Loudon, on Feb, 27th, Mary, widow of the lath EXECUTORS' UTORS SALE OF FTOUSETHE and Lot, -There be offered for ite, before you try to control your eighbor's. _._ Every little bite makes a muckle. James Southeott of Exeter,, aged 91 years. will sale at public auction on Saturdays the 16th stlay of March, 1918, at 2 es `�" • -' o'clock p,m., at the premises, north' half lot number, 096 on the east y _ f x. "�).1•1V---.al • . '' , e ,: . ,, / "'` �;' ;,+r ( / "' i ' `. l pilaf of Queen street, Clinton, con- tabling I of an acre of land more or Less. On the premises there is a la.sIorey,. dwelling with 7 rooms. The location is very central and desirable in every way and the FOR Lenten Season SPECIALS BRUCEFIELD. __ . . SprillgSeedill 4.0%. A stock of Alsike, Clover,Alfalfa,Timothy,tcLobsters Marigolds, Turnips, and Small -Seeds also Seed Grain Highest prices 4Ve have tt veryr fine stock, ofive_4properi,y it Lente e n season.p We mention. a ,few specials below : Canned Salmon, Cod Fish, Isippard ILerring in tomato sauce, Heddle, Sardines, Fresh Fish, Salmon Trout,as IIailibut , Fresh Cod Stock, Fresh herring, e74 A_ N1° �J LaidEgs� Fancy prices are being paid for strictly,now laid plant. Grin °gat y the read eggs us andget B your.yr cash, • LIVE , i 1 " r """ .. will make a eontfortable home fora small family, Terms- 10 percent. cash, the balance in %-. �� �= -- , T.,__.-i-..>Vrcbrieu, .. _ I _. - 30 days. -J. S. Miller. and W. J. Executors George Ell - liolt, Auctioneer, 31-2 I', jmini.-1.--17, oa1-./` �'-'.;:-..,--e•-•-•• �� l�• __ U� , ' Www.\ ',Made in Canada"las . f�� '-(700.0-4 a° �-` , •/�� \ � MTSS;GLENA' OF GLENAr CHAR -Finnan Toronto Canada's lisle Fash- ash- fon Store, will/be in Cl -lair lash- ion' Sat- _,..-_... ter,_-_ - _ sr,.: a�I�►. � �� �`� urday, March 16th, Normandy TIat _: �' _ - - - el, with a full line of ladies' and Truck,forithe Farmer gentlemen's hair goods. If you erg not satisfied withh tiro appear- ince, of your hair consult Miss Glenn who N an .authority on hair Goods and individual hair styles. Free demiontration, , 81=2Butter • paid for Hayand Grain mon, •for FarilMeLoot! and eggs wanted-highestPou1trLllddl�/ prices cash or trade, '"" Highest prices will be paid largo quantities of live j� E. jJ N j F® poultry that will be required Eo N L to meet Etre increasing de - plana due to meatless days. °i�1A1t1V� equipment 1.1 saving, an therefore fullyconsidered The farm wagon, bf all farm equipment, farms by a sturdy, will haul any farm stock, fertilizer, town or city -many at a much lower The Ford One I,' very serviceable farm will save • and will enable you age with less difficulty. 'p•TM The Ford truck lrtlits you to select designed for the Thus you Can mount xequiretnents. w Price which' will effect h bine. and labor+ a money -saving, must be care- byeverygood farmer now -a -da s. y • which for years was the most useful ,. is now eing replaced on the best' • dependable motor truck. The truck' product fruit, grain, vegetables,' or wood -around the farm,or to the miles distant, in half thtime, and cost. -� -Ton truck is a rapid, economical and' • p fdriving means of transport. One of these on-.,. you weeks ai time in a single season • to pass through a crisis of labor short -_. sEv0}•y is sU �7lied as a chassis Only. I Thisper. any o the many body styles especially. 1J y. Fiord truck and already on the 'market,' the one which suits your individual, . , ;, n yy�+ 1 $750 f.o.b. FordoOnta �`.,,. � JOINT. AUCTION SALE. -MR. 'Thos, Gundry, auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public lauetfon at Lot 22, B Ii,S., one utile Oast of Var- na, on Friday, March 15th, at 1,30 o'clock sharp, the following : Mors-- es -1 heavy draught gelding coltBuy rising 2 ears 1 yearling g Y Y g gelding colt sired byIndex 1 ye°xiittg gelding colt sired bpy Earl O'Cl'ay, 1 dttviilg mare 1 years .old (can be registered), 1 driving mare 4 years old, 1 driving Hoare G years old, 1 mare 2 years old, Cattle- 1 cow 5 ' years old (Carrow), 1 cow 0 years old calf at foot '2 cows 0 yeare old due to calve my Mn,ya 1 cow D years old due to (1115 in calve pril,a1 cow 0 years old flue to t time of gale, 1 flow 4 years Pld, milking, tresllened ill bet„'1 heifer rising 3 years sup- posed to be in calf, G 1 -year-old steers, 4 1 -year; -old heifers., 5 2- year-old steers, 10 2 -year-old heif- ers. Implements - CUhO°[bartow, wagon, ear and sopa 150 ft, The above stock will positively be sold Poultry taken tho seat days'during ,lig " 3 - _ It's . Ess f® D AQial�Eggs BUT I1'S HARD TO BEAT THE Yolir Seeds glhreo n ter months, week Be, good to your Mak of bens this year and help production, This is patriotic wok and at the sante titne helping your own pocket, QUALITY OF QUALITY TEAS OR . COFFEE cup is full of satisfaction aria you -who enjoy a good flavored tea or coffee Will appreciate our lin- lin- gs, All priaos. lea biaelt, faired o1 green. Coffee -Royal Excelsior.,ss, 8 a.-•-� We r i COyour nava a full stock et 1110 f"1- GUNN I.ANGLUIS C lowing seeds attd grain : GUNN y Red Clover, CLINTON AClover, Manager or tha, Phone 190 A1falIaC1 rr N. IlaWager or olmesvilto 4 oti 146 Clover, Timothy,tie , Special in tea this week, black or mixed 40 eta,per lb, Try some of our good sodas with y0nr next order, They are frosts and crisp. Osco used alwaysused. You got' n1'or0. fOr. Atli 100110 18 ole y y,::.,a Orchard Grass, Marquis Spring Wheat, ORDER Seed, Oats (different varieties) Buckwheat, Silver Hull, ehoict+. Your Sap Pans and Harley, 2 and G row: p Buckets now' ruiLi :fie �I' .: without 30500(0 as the Owllel5 IYaVe given up their grass tarns. 'Perms Per Ib, oaten every. Saturday and 13ondtiy as. Usual. HIGHEST PRICES FOB, PRODUCE We are always, in tate market tor a9 ti0 be read Vp la9al the '' Y grafti grafi win pay highest market Sft b�lli8 EO 1'Ul�l, pxbce. • Ageta 1.4.4.-:3t for Hecla T">711C11aCe$ , i „ .,; 1 of Sale -All sutras of ten dolNrsSO i ' ' ,%''s ®I a,, and under, cash ; over that amount 76 i1 'y °;' # y' � • - n roe ,e '4,, *; ' b " s - eight months credit will be givctt on furnishing approved joint notes.' "* a' Tc _ "'. .ace. ..,., v ► . Om of; the ritual! body sfzdee that may be rrlotal2tecl oeo the roil iitreit Cftl189t7tf ,be n�i•a �� e ClintonI'LOiTIt 'or .1erln A. tlidoouuf of 4 itoi:ceitt, per an- ftit3n will lie allowed fbt, cash Ott unlit amounts', Elverything mast sat,efeetoeiiy settled far before leavig the 'itromises• lags, Gun- eh;y, AhtOli011008 Meek Ai'bNititt(f1t tot1, itnderielr McRnzic, 1`foprle+ •,.. . •�.�, CO.Wa O11rISOjlI , C The Store of Quality. Phone 8810008 promptl+ cared Cr.• i't-rClNl3 ll,i. Jenkins & Son //���t gg�� t���yyTT��• tt �+ Tfl1�45 AAA 1M g1tA NS AND FlDli'Dr s e Phoyto 109. -Ingeam, psleea pals tai: Plumbing and Heating Grairi and W'oot. Eltvatoe Sl2op over Rwlad'e >Idwra1[Bert Rxsidaaco atom 2-142. 14401Sl>r, Ak. 1 M m tors: 31.••2