HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-3-14, Page 41 NEW Methodist Hymn Book New stock now on hand and more expected • soon CALL AND SEE THE SAMPLES ■raieenselsl® •eI T. cooper Agent: C.N, Railway G,N.W. Telegraph Clinton, Ontario !GRAN E4in SYSTEM THE DOUBLE TRAGI: ROUTE between -- MONTREAL T 0 R 0 N. '1' 0 'DETROIT a n d C 1.1.1 0 A (1 0 Unexcelled Dining Cox Service. Sleeping ears on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal. day trains. Full information from any •Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. Ie. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto, Ont. J: RANSFORD & SON, Phone 57 Uptown Agents, Holmesville We, were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Monate, wine!). occurred Sun- day eiter000n lkI, the Biome of his dtiughter, Mrs. Bert 'rrbwartha, with whom. be haul Neon ,residing for the past few 11101411s, The Ccleaners 1liiesion Circle, that energetic, band of young people, are having an entertainment in the liletll� odist oliltroh 1)if Friday evoking of this, week. 'rico program will con., slst of a pla3i mei other interesting features, See advertisement, for par- tiotilars. Mrs. Wm. Pickard bas spent the last few days in Clinton in ' atten- dance on her sister,' Miss Georgina lilunhail, who has ,been ill, Owing to bad roads the attendance at the services Sunday was rather sttlatl. By answering an advertisment Mr, A, J. Courtice' recovered his valuable coach clog, which had been missing' since January last, The dog was found back near Auburn. Welcome back, Sport. Mr. A. Jervis bas moved into the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Render, Fish may not I e a brain food but brainy men are eating more fish. Making Maple Sugar The appeal of the Food Controller to produce large quantities of maple sugar and syrup this spring should receive a ready.respouse from those who have groves of maple trees. While maple sugar can be made as it was in the early' days of settle- ment, with very simple apparatus, the work is greatly reduced and bet- ter products' made when a modern equipmentt is utilized, For the in- struction of those not entirety fam- iliar with advanced methods, the Publications. Branch of the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa has issued- Bulletin No. 2-13 entitled "The Maple,Sngar Industry in Canada," 13y texe and illustration it makes very clear the operation of ,a maple sugar plant. The time to tap„ the utensils to use, the refining, and handling of the product are all dealt with. This bulletin is available for distribution to those who .apply for it. , Sun nerbill 'Pile. Red Xress.Soddy will. ingot at the home of Mrs, Albert Lovett on Mkaxeli 28th. During the three months past the following ertieles Icave, Neon shippdtt by the Red Dross Society 1 144 ware of socks direst to, France and 28 flannel shirts and 10 trench towels to Hyman kl'all, London, The Summerhill beef ring, which bas been operated for several years for the benefit and convenienceof the farmers hereabouts, ensuring them the best of summer ' meat at the least possible cost, will; for various reasons, be disoontilnuecl this earning season, a Bluth 114r•. and Ms. John Carter of Sett - forth will shortly become' citizens of Blyth, having leased the McGregor property on Ming street, " It was decided at the recent mesas• ing, of;the Blyth' Agricultural 'So- ciety that a spring show would not be held Here The eanimal field com- petition will be held. Mr. Luxton 11111 has purchased the express and Braying business former- ly carried on by Mr. Archie Tanney. Mr. L. Proctor was at Sadppen last week supplying for the G.T.R. agent there. 1100 AND GUN.._ Marsh Rod and (tun is on the news stands and its contents are of spec - MI interest to lovers of the out of doors. Some of the stories most worth reading are, "A Canadian Cousin" b'1 Marvin Leslie Hayward; "Skin for Skin" ben Harry W. Laug- hy ; "The Cache Thief" by P. W. Parkinson; "A Canadian Wolf Story" by. T.:5..Scott ; "A Big Game Hunt at Bruntil Creek" by A. G. Ludwig ; "A Week in the Mountains of Que- bec" by Marian T. Scott ; "Suffi- cient unto, the Day" by 11. C. Had- don, etc., etc. The regular depart - Monts devoted to Guns and Ammuni- tion, Fishing Notes, Along the Trap Line, Alpine Club of Canada, eta, are well maintained and the number as a whole is replete with goad things, W. J. Taylor, Limited, pub- lishes Rod and Ctdn Magazine at Woodstock, Ont. Clinton News -Record Graduated 'War Tax on Incomes. Those Enjoying I.Ilgheet Mooings Will few, Largest: Acnaunt. If the income war tax law, about to be applied, did noticing more than oause a national steep -taking, 11 woel.d Serve a most useful purpose, 'Pile tatting of an hiventdry of 911C'S resources euvarfably induecs a desire to. save and a desire to save when translated, as it very frequently is, into a determination to save, moans getting on with the war, as well as happiness all around. This process';. first an inventory of one's resources, then a desire to save, applied to m- orel unmarried person, or widow and widower without dependent children, receiving an_iiicoiue . of $1,000 and. over, and to alt other persons re- ceiving an income of $3,000 and ov- er, ver, will unquestionably result In a large proportion of cases, in a deter- mination to save. And that means more general prosperity and renewed national strength, ek But stickle only 1t national sto a g Is incidental, f course, o 0 n 1tal, 0 t the thief purpose of the income tax, which 'in tp provide revenue for the Prosecu- tion ef•the war In as equitabl'o a manner as possible. The tax is to be graduated, according to one's abil- ity to pay. 'Those who are in • re- ceipt of only a living wage or salary will not be called upon to pay; thane enjoying the highest Weenies will be called upon to pay the greatest amounts, and the great body of , in- come receivers between, will be call - eh upon to pay in their due propor- tion. Moreover, the purpose of the act is to distribute the burden equitably Luong a11, classes. By way of illus- tration; the farmer will be required to add tothe value .of his actual in- come, the value of. the Home-grown products which, his own family con- sumes. Thes places the farmer on a plane with the salaried man, the value of whose services is wholly represented in the income received encl against whichhe must charge all his living expenses. Canada 'has established a war rec- ord that is the envy of the world. It is ccstain'that the Canadian.peo- ple• will run true to form in answer to this latest call of their war gov- ernment, March 4th, [018 CANADA, Income Tax F. . -.ns Are 'now available Returns must be filed on or before 31st March -: HE Dominion Income War Tax Act requires "you to #l11 in one or more of the five special Forms prgyided before 31st 14larch, 1918. In order tQ 1. P t Is required of them, infirrnatioii' assist the public to understand just aha on each Form is given below, Road carefully, then get three copies of thel form that fits your case and fill them in. Answer all questions fully and Accurately. For makingfalse statements, a penalty of $20,000 or ills month's' Imprisonment, or boh, Is provided. Individuals. --AU person$ unmarried; land all widows or widowers without dependent children; 'whose income is $1500 a year or more,;i�must fill In Form T1. All other persons whose income it 03000 or more, use the same Form, where any income is d rived them dividends, list alpounte received' from Canadian and Foreign securities eepararely. Fill In pages 1 2 and 8 eerily. De Atli$ mark on page 4. Partnerships, ae ouch need not file returns, but the individuals forming the part. nerships must. Corporations and Joint Stook Companies, no matter how created or organised; shall pay he normal tax n incomep t a q exceeding 78000, Use Form Ta—giving particulars of income. Ataq attach a financial statement. 'Under Dedugtions, show In detail amounts paid to Patriotic Fund and Canadian Red Cross or other approved War Funds), Trustees, ;Executors, Administrators of $states and Assignees use Form TS, Full particulars of the distributionof income from all estatee handled must be shown as well as details of amount®. distributed. A separate Form must be filled in for each estate. Employers must use Form T4 to lire names and amounts of eugenics; bonuses, commissions gmother remuneration paid to all emp oyeee during 1917 where such remuneration amounted in the aggregate to $1.000 or over. Corporation lists of Sharehgldera.-0n Form T5 corporations shall give a statement of a bonuses, and dividends paid to Shareholders residing in Canada during 191`7 stating to whom paid and the amounts. Figures in every case are to cover 1917 Income—all Forme musts be filed by 32st March. Phe neglect, a line of $100 for each day of default may be Imposed. In the case of Forms T1 and T2, keep one copy of the filled in Form and file the other two v.itli the Inspector of Taxation for your District. In the case of "r3, '1'4 and8, keep one copy and tilt the other two, with the Commissioner of Taxation, Dept. of Finance, bttat ra. Forms may be obtained from the District inspectors Mt Taxation and from the Feste masters at all leading centres. Postage must be aid on old letters and documents orwarded by mss to Inspector of axation, Department of Finance, Ottawa, Granada Inspector of Taxation, George R. Tambling, London, Ont. Goderich Mrs. Armancia .I, 9Tartyn, who •1c- companied the remains of her moth- er, the late Mrs. Clow, from Winona, Minn,, visited friends, here for a few 44•Teets4444 51.4t=444044.1444646 444 1• 44.1=4P444.14 1•44 44.1.4 V 4 EASTER IS 4 VERY EARLY 4 THIS YEAR MARCH 31st. 1 4 4 1 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 Select Your Easter 4 Suit Now 4V OU will find it a pleasure, to ser- a act your new Easter Suit from a 4, collection of suits such as we have. now on display. A most impressive showing of Women's smartest suits in the correct 'models and materials, 4 and very reasonably priced, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 3 Ladies' Dresses 1 OUII, stock this season is even more complete. than over before and shows a large vctiety lit the very latest styles made of sick, ,ilotil.ins, *rFti,'. 3 cloth, chambrey, gingham, ate. We feel confident that we can satisfy eve. erg wish and meet every require - moot. EVERY DAY; IS FASHION DAY 4 COC & CO'7. TELEPHONE 78, Spring Arinouncemerit High-class Ready-to-wear Garments HIS store has decided to give up millinery for the corning season. We have devoted the 2nd Floor for High=class Ready-to-wear Garments and House Furnishings. This will be one of the largest and most up-to-date Ready-to-wear Departments in the county. WE ARE CARRYING A BETTER ASSORTMENT OF COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, WAISTS, ETC. We give you our word for it, that this year Early Buying will pay you well. But whether you are ready to buy now or not, you are equally welcome to call and see the beautiful new models. S pelendid- Display of •raperies and Curtains Everything is here in the New Draperies Goods and Curtains. We would be pleased to have you call and'inspeet our stock- We also carry a very large stock of RUGS LINOLEUrIS OILCLOTHS CONUOLEUM5 MATTINOS VERANDAH RUGS ETC., ETC. remmeseresseenenentervenesenvermer "COMPARISON HELPS' TO SELL OUR GOODS. imeterteVettetfflt **tan' I r' i alutaiwi P` "i6e', + ' a'IViles'ai'i„°,ieikt EARLY EASTER THIS SPRING, AIIE YOU' READY 2 Select Your Easter Coat Now THESE coats, are made in the very newest styles from the lat- est spring materials, including shad- es of green, brown; taupe, navy and black, richly lined and prettily trim- med. These coats are exceptional value and we advise an early selec- tion. New Spring Skirts AN()'L'A13L1 display in Ladies' Skitts in all ,the newest styles, including sluts, sorgos, gabardines and tweeds, Ptiees from 10.00 tip to $12,50, ALWAYS ,h0111I0 'IIINO days, Before leaviug she was noti- fied of her appointment to a position in the War Department at Washing- ton, 0.0. She returned last week to her home and will go on to Washing- ton almost immediately. Mrs, George Sharman of Clinton is visiting friends in town. Mr, H. IC. Revell has been on a lecturing tour for the Department of Agriculture. The. funeral of the late Mrs. Wil- liam Wright, who died suddenly while on a visit to Brantford, took place to Maitland cemetery on Tuesday _" t..- last week, Miss Gladys Irene McLeod, daugh- ter of Mir. and Mrs. D, 0. 11bLooct, was united in marriage on Feb. 22nd to Mr. Arthur Norman Brinn of Tor- onto. • Mrs, John Robertson of Park street slipped on an icy street recently and fractured her right arm. Mrs. Reynolds, mother, of Sheriff Reynolds of town, who is over eigh- ty-two years of age, knits steadily for the soldiers, knitting over a sock a day.' On March 2nd the Rev. R. 0. Mc- Derinid united in marriage at the manse Miss Jessie A. MbMillan and Mr. James 1;. Giver of Port Albert. The young couple left the same af- ternoon on a honeymoon trip. It's Here tl Gate in and See HI 1110 '01Sit z,sla FA( T E 'GENE Economical * Simple ,-- Light 'W w..Light' Weight—Substantia l Fool -Proof Construction Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore :7-Leal';-pr000ff Compression. 6I-1. P. Grinder extra pulley and belt $282 Vi H. P. 4 era $odds with' �`. 1i�i�i6 DMAGNETO 3 H.Y.-$126.j'6Ii.P - $`225 All F. 0. E. Factory ee More Than Rated Power and a Wonder at the Price" One seeend-band cent oil .15 1Pai:banir engine, one 10L in, grinder, 48 ft, of new 0 in. belt, for quick sale $800, All in good shape. E. H. EPPS, VARNA PtION4 14 oti 178