HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-2-28, Page 8nosh. Mr. 1''pfp takes man:,Mr.
11'lowbray's house and lot oil '1'ie'orie
ails. R. 'Ilutellinsoa fell on 1111
icy Walls and broke her atm recently,
Mr. ,Brock Brandon of 'Hanover vis-
aed his another in town recently,
Mr. and Mrs, Alberti Stein of Ay1es-
bui:y, Sask., have returned 'to •tJlefr
iton)e after visiting for some time
with friends iu the east:,
Initght Ltetts, ChesleY McLean and
W, '1'. Armstrong HJio Kava beenin
traiiii))g at Fort \With Can)p, Texas,
spoilt a few days inst. Week at their
respective homes in town before go.
iug overseas,
c e
e recent fire and
ary to settle all
bilged to call in
accounts, large
oh 18th.
pairs, etc., must
n future.
at Jackson's
ar we are making our
ly of Rubber Footwear.
reduce the quantity, we
we are calling you to a
caliber Sale
1 to everyone—Men's,
ths, Misses, Children's
bers of all kinds go into
e the lines of sizes are full
s 85c, Boys 85c,. Youth's
dren's 55e, Workmen's
of Former Store
you certainly will appreciate
the beauty of the articles con-
tained in our display of china
closets, sideboards, dining tab-
les, chairs, etc. They, are de-
cidedly unconventional is de-
sign and will give a distinct
individuality` to the dining."
room they adorn. See -ane
glaP and y'ou'ir marvel at the
iidertaker and Funeral Director.
Phone > 28
this week we have picked out a lot of broken
den's Fine Shoes, just a pair ory�two of any
, in box calf, kid and patent leather, and you
them on our tables all at 35�✓✓ ('�
to clear •
stock of shoes for the coming season is heavier
er assorted than ever before, and although
e still advancing you will find our prices even
In last season.
le shirts, slightly soiled, Lot l your choice 700
Lot 2 your choice 85c
ixed lot of fine and working shirts, choice 50c
es to dear at 2 for 26c
Another lot of better Ties at 19c
Icials next week. Watch for announcement
1umsteei ros.
PHONE 23 .
Clinton News.Itecor4
5"end him a:.Poun-
* tain Pen, It will
* be a great eoaven-
•* lone° for hicu *
* when writing to *
* you, *
* * * *' *
Tie W. D. Fair Co
"Often the Cheapest
Always the Best"
tl1 I" li 1115IIRUImI*IIIP'I 1111111111
Mr. J, Cuninghame was in Exeter on
Mss Stone was in Toronto over the
Mr, John Ransford was in Hamilton
last week.
Rev. J. A. Robinson was in Wing -
ham this week,
Mt. H. Cantelon of Toronto was in
town over the week -end.
Lieut, E. Torrance was with 0ril1i
friends over the week -end.
Rev. J, E. Hogg is visiting his
• 'home in' Uxbridge this week.
Mrs, Wes. French of Rippon was the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Chambers,
last week.
Miss Elsie Martin of Goderich spent
a few days last. week with?Miss
itraudelean Carter.
Mrs,' C. C. Rance returned to Toron-
to on Friday after spending a few
days with friends here.
Mrs. ,1 W. Treleaven and Miss Nor-
ma are visiting the lady's sister,
Mrs. hay of Lapeer, Mach.
Mrs. Jack M'acKinnon and her broth-
er-in-law, Lieut. W. MacKinnon,
visited Listowel friends last week.
Rev. J. A. Agnew and Mr. A. T,
Cooper are in Toronto this week
attending the Temperance 'Conven-
Miss Minnie Cooper returned last
week after a visit'at the home of
her brother, Ilr. Ogle Cooper of
Mr, J. Burns of Detroit has been
visiting his aunts, Mrs. •J. W.
Moore of Clinton and Mrs. H. Mc -
Brien of Summerhill.
Flight -Lieut. Dudley Holmes of
Wingham anti Lieut. Jones -Bateman
of Goderich were in town on Tues-
day, calling on Lieut. 1:. Torrance.
Miss Rossep Lavis has gone,to Tor-
onto to the millinery openings.
Miss Lexis returns to Niagara
Falls for the spring millinery sea-
Miss Kathleen Quigley returned to
Toronto yesterday afternoon to re-
sume her position and: having
spent a fortnight or so holidaying
owing to illness.
Mr, J. Taylor is in town this week,
combining business with pleasure
by: looking after some business•
while he at the same time meets
many old frieq u_,._
, , a: ltaiston of Pittsburg, North
Dakota, and her sister, stirs. Geo.
Hudie of Goderich township, were
guests over the week -end of their
cousin, Mrs. R. .J. Cuff.
Mrs. MacKinnon of Caledonia and
her son, Lieut, Wallace MacKinnon,
who has returned home from over-
seas after being severely, wounded,
spent a few daps during the past
week as the guests of Mas. Jack
ylr.. Thos. Elliott • of Gravelburg,
Sask., who has been spending the
winter with friends in Clinton and
surrounding vicinity, has been vis-
iting during the past few weeks in
'Para and Wiarton. He returns
west this week,
AIn's, 0, J Wallis has been in Goder-
ich during the past week, having
gone up to he with her aunt, the
late Mrs, Chas. Blake, whose death
occurred on Saturday, last, N.
Wallis, the Messrs, Jenkins and
other relatives from here attended
the funeral on Monday,
Pte. Arthur Meereary and \Mrs, Mc-
Creary of Hamilton were in town
with friends over the week -end.
Pte. McCreary was in England 100
a couple of years working on
munitions but was obliged to re-
turn to Canada for 'the sake of the
health. of a member of his family,
Ile enlisted in the A,M.0, since
returning and hopes to go back
soon. ills son, ",.Jimmy" who
will he remembered by many here,
has enlisted in England,
l'ta:, Will. White is able to he about
again after his illness.
Mrs, James ?,iulSlroy returned last
week to bor boric at Nanette, Iran.,
after spending several weeks visiiMug
relatives and friends hereabouts--
Misses Ii:ul>y and (lextrude '(Gibson
and Elsie Fawcett are attending the
milliner} openings,
F'ebrunry 48th, lath
DRESS Goons.
A Dress or Suit ---no matter how good its style or tailoring ---
is no better than its cloth, A little stretching, a few wrinkles, will
ruin the most fashionable cut, finely tailored gown ever made.
Only an expert can accurately judge the quality of a piece of
dress goods by inspecting a piece of the cloth. But, when that cloth
is made up into a garment, its quality quickly shows to everybody.
Every piece of
Sold at
is guaranteed all -silk, all -wool. or silk-and=wool, as the case may be
---its high quality shows in the long wear of the garment as well as
in:the beauty of the cloth. Well-dressed women have learned that
they can rely absolutely upon the quality of all dress goods bought at
Dry, Goods,' House Furnishings
phone 07
Next to Royal Bank
7 S N
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) , Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Mrs. 44jn. Moore, who has been in
Detroit visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Slade, who. has been quite seriously+
ill, returned to her home last week.
We are pleased to note that Mrs.
Slade is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wrightnnan of
Pollock, N.D., who have been visiting
their relatives iu this district, re-
turned to their western home last
AIrs. Tlobt, Parsons has been to at -
man near Chiselhurst, who had the
misfortune to fall and break her an-
kle. As the lady is eighty years of
age it may be some time before she
Mr. 1t. 13,, McLean, who has been
confined to his home for some weeks,
able to be
Mr, and Mrs, Jarvis Horton of the
London Road a t:Prtalaa_,T- ;masa.
of their neighbors and relatives in a
most hospitable manner one evening
last Week,
Mr. Harry Chesney has rented the
property on the 3rd concession of
Stanley owned by Alrs. Geo, Atair,
Mas. Alain intends having a sale of
her household effects. Mr. Chesney
will take possession in about a fort-
Tire patriotic dance held in the
town hall Thursday of last week was
largely attended.
We are informed that Mr, Ed,
Drake,' who went west about two
weeks ago taking a number of horses
with him, had the misfortune to lose
four of them on the way.
Ar, and i Yh
Jones. 's Norman Jn. s of the
3rd concession of Stanley entertained
a number of their friends on Friday
evening last. It is needless to acid
that all present spent a most 011-
joyable evening.
141r. and Mrs. Verne 'l'erry'bcrry of
Tucleersmith visited with the latter's
Parents on Sunday,
Mas. Andrew Pennington and three
daughters of Veteran, Alta„ who
have spent the past three months
with their relatives in this locality,
left on their return journey this
Nfr, Cleo; hill of the 2nd toaeession
of Tuckersmith, who recently sold his
farm to his neighbor; Mr, Geo. Fair-
bairn, will, we understand return to
13rticelield to reside.
Tho following is the January mon-
thly report of tS.S, No. 1'.I, Stanley,
names in order of merit
Rh—Gladys 1IcT ettn,
Sr. dtli—R. V. Weelymont, E. I'.
Fisher, (1. J, Cooper.
,Jr. 40—W. L. Workman, W, 147,
Sr, 3rd -4,1. 1', 'ilarvey, W. J. liar-
vey, 1>' Tl Parsons.
Jr. 13rd-4V. A, Ross, I.t, C. Work..
2nd Te„ h', Anderson, 0, M. An-
Pt. 2nd ---,Ins. 1 iMnstar.d, J, T9,
lifeKenzie, 11, ,A, binsdale.
Pt, 1st—J. A. Anderson, P. Me-
Katizie, W.. 1). A'I,cLachlan.
The best spellers hi the monthly
matches were :
Sr. 4th—Ella Fisher.
Jr, 4th—Grace Fairbairn.
.Jr, and Sr. 3rd—Lloyd Workman,
2nd --,Elva Anderson.
Pt. and—Helen Dinsdale.
The annual winter concert given
under the auspices of the Patriotic
Society was put on in the Foresters
hall on the evening of St. Valentin-
e's Day and owing to the inclemency
of the weather which prevented so
many from being present was success-
fully( repeated on Friday evening,
Feb, 22nd. In honor of St, Valen-
tine gay pink and white hearts, tiny
swinging cupids and many colored
Itag-ia-,ijfloated entertainingly to
and fro, "U Gadder:'—'contri-
buted, by the Glee Club as an open-
ing chorus and received well merited
applause. Mr, Raymond Redmond,
who is always popular with a Bel -
grave audience, generously conttibut-
ed several violin selections. Rev.
and Mrs. Davidson delighted the
audience with duets entitled "Sam
and Tildy's Courtship" and "Matri-
monial Sweets," Mr. Davidson also
sang in good voice, "The Garden of
My Heart," while Mrs.. Davidson
contributed a reading entitled "Over
the Ililis to the Poor house." Mr.
Ernest Geddes gave, two splendid
violin selections, which were' very
much appreciated. The dialogue en-
titled "The Irish Linen Pedlar," giv-
en by members of the Dramatic Club
was a pleasant variation of the pro-
gram, each one doing their part well,
Everyone was delighted to sea 'Mrs.
O. W. Proctor once more on the
platform in Belgravc. Her render-
ing of "Somewhere in France"
brought prolonged applause which
continued until she ro-appeared, giv-
ing as an encore, "On the. Road to
'Home Sweet' 1.lonte." Piano duets
i by Misses Geddes and Armstrong
pleased the audience immensely, 111x,
and •Mts. 1',, (]Geddes accompanied 11)'.
Rc(ntond in several good. numbers.
1 The Pantontine, "Crown Mtn 1•nrd of
A.11" by twelve girls, assisted on
1 pinto by' Mrs. 1'1. (letldes - and in
t Voice by Mas. Davidson tuns e)-
muted with much greet, and charm,
R'v, A. M. Boyle. contributed a
splendid reading pal ti d, "The T 1rsi
Settlers TTonte." 'Tim singing of
"For. Canada and Old England" by
the 'Glee Club brought •the program
to it close. The accompanists of the
evening were. May, Ernest (leddes,
Miss istrgene C1eddes and Miss 15,
Scaatdrett. Proceeds amounted :to
"1'110 l'atricttc. Society have shipped
this month to tiyntaii 11all,; London,
00 pairs of seers, 11 shirts 111111 2
suits pyjamas.
S eaforth.
Mrs, James Cowan visited her
daughter in Toronto last week,
Mr. Wm. Carnochau and family left
last week for their home at Dods -
land, Sask,, after spending the win-
ter with relatives here.
Mr, (1, '.P, Turnbull took a car of
horses west last week, He intended
going1to Wilkie, Sask., before re—
Capt. Freeman, who recently re-
turned from France, spent a few days
in Seaforth recently.
Mrs. Burns and little ,son of Wet
askiw'in, Sesta, have been visiting at
the home of lir. A. D. Sutherland.
1Ir. W. D. Stewart has returned. tc
St. Paul after a visit with his
Al'rs. R. S. Hays is visit ng her
r ' Detroitwho ill.
sister in •s w t 1 .
Mr. John Lacey of Palmer, 'ask.,
is spending a few weeks with lativ-
es in town.
`file. ,ioiili 13iV,:S„p..and his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Gillis and Mr. ant Mrs:
Matthew Bates of Goderich were
here last week attending the funeral
of the late Mrs. Clow of Winona,
1V13im,, which took place to Maitland.
bank cemetery,
Goderich Township
Master Lesl,e Pearson entertained
over a dozen of his young friends at
a skating party on Friday afternoon
and evening.* It is needless to say;
the young people had a good time.
The 'Young Ladies' Patriotic So-
ciety will sleet next week at the
home of Mrs. John Hudie, •
Pte, I1. R. Stoddart, son of Mr..
James Stoddart, is reported ill o:
diphtheria ill France.
While you Wait,
Byam & Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7
A Sig Rediiclion
In Pho1oraphs
Come Early and get Your Choice of our Large
Stock of Latest Styles in Folders.
Old prime Sale price
$1.0,00 per down, ,('Dirt or black and white $0.00
0,00 „ z 5.00
8,(1(1 tr 5.25
7,00 ,t „ 4,75
6 01) " „ tt 4.50
5.00 ,t tr 3,50
.100 t' 't 3,01)
3.00 „ ,I 't 2.00
We have n lot of Picture Frames at a big reduction
Wo do Copying, Enlarging, and
Amateur Finishing,
Rt,,,y Ball, Photog