HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-2-28, Page 7ALMOST HELPLESS
On03' .Abele to Move About on
C,'litches.l)1', Willi<lzns' Pink
Restored Activity,
latiutmnlalory 1h0114latl010, e'0
111011.111040114 MM.rheunlatio fever t
ttitterecat names for praetioall'
same thing, 11 comes on with her
any warning. Tile pate is excruei
ing, aiel there is a tendency of
disease to attack the hoist, when
meet have fatal results, '
4t14y one who has suffered from
€tetaek of leflammetol'y r1let mals
111; owe that. the usual treatment
146h1y unsatisfactory, External
;Teatime; of het credos arid linlnlen
a:nd 111teenal closes of salicylates, to
Novo the pain are not enough, 1'orth
do not drive the poteol frau; the bio
and 111e sufferer is liable to renew
ali.aoks whenever exposed to colts
To cure ncoun them :to that 11 w
slay cured the rheumatic poison in t
- bleed nmol, he driven out, and et
blood mach: rich and red, When 1
blood is mire_ there can be no rho
lecithin, 1)r. William' Philo Pills but
up the blood; matte it rich, red a
pure and in this way cure the 1140
obstinate` eases of rheuula11sm,
George I4.arbotete, R. it, No. 1, Faye
sh0m, Ont„ is one hose cure tllr0u
the use of Dr. Williams' Pini( PIl19
most striktpg'. Fits mother gives 1.
particulars of his attack and cure-
. follows:—Sonia years ago while )
t - eon was working as u blacksmith in
Michigan lumber camp Ile'was attac
ed with 197011 natit' fever', -He ryas•
once taken to x hospital at Marsene
and was "there under medical ire
meat for fou' months with but lit(
or ,no relief. fie then decided to
to Mount llemineus, where he too
i 1 the baths for three weeks, but did n
And any benefit from them. By 411
time he felt that his case was hop
less and decided to return Ilam
�• When he reached home he could on
move around by the use of a Crutc
and a Gane: One knee, was so stiff
thn.t h•e weld not hemi it, and most of
his ;joints were swollen out of shape.
He could neither dress nor undress
himself and had to be helped like a
child. I urged hint to try 1)1•. Williams'
1 - Pink Pills and flualiy he consented to
de 90, He had only Bete taking the
pills a few weeks when. he could Item
about, without the crutch, and his ap-
petite greatly lent/rayed This gave
him new courage and as he continued
the use of true pills"he showed con -
Stant improvement, and was able to
walk about outside. He continued to
Ilse the pills for some four months, by
which time every symptom of the'
trouble had disappeared, 9nd he went
to his work in Michigan a cured man.
His case was well known to the neigh-
,. hors around here and bus cure was
looked upon as marvelous, for evory-
0110 t1 Gugltt that at the best he Wa
. doomed to be a rheumatic cripple.
ft is because they have Made such
wonclerfnl cures as Mr. Harbottle'
that Dr, WilIiams'l Pink Pills have a
world wide reputrition, and are th
only medicine used in thousands and
thousands of homes. You can ge
these pills through -any nied1ei a deal
er or by mail at 50 cents a box or s4
boxes -tor $2.50 from The Ar. Wil
Danns' Medicine Co, Brockville, Oat.
at -
he Dress the small lad in a middy east
he illi 110 WJJM be pr'ofectly IiaPPY• Me-
lte Ca11 Pattern No. 7776, Boy's Middy oa'
u- Sailor Suit, In 4 sizes, 2 to 8 yenrs.
ld Price, 10 cents.
It -
The Weekly
Simple and effective is this attrac-
tive dress. McCall Pattern No. 7587,
s Ladies' Dress. In (i sizes, 34 to
I bust. Price, 1.5 cents.
9 eThes( patterns may be -obtained 1
from your local McCall dealer, or g
e I from the McCall Co„ 70 Bond St., g
Toronto, Dept. W.
Are Popular West
f t �-r
o �e Great 'Lakes
N!'.4'b. W. J, Yale Tapes of 1)0(10'6'
1 i41n0); PAIR,
She Also Tells How Her Dyspejisla
Was Corea' By Ung D4dd's Oy.e-
pepsla Tablets,
Pan€loa, A.lta,; Vele 1i5th---(Spat11a1) ,
—"We ere )lover wethouL a box of
Dodd'a Richey fills in the )louse,"'`
That's w'llat Mrs, W, J, Cale, a well-
known and highly -r'especte'd resident
of. 'tills Matte hips to say of the great
(lonadian kidney remedy. "My Mei-
band suffers from lerabago, and they
alti'tye help him," is tete reason that
site gives,
' "'1 ulnas. also tell yea, Mrs. Vale
continued, "wlltet 1)oj1d's :Dyspepsia
'Tablets Meager' me, They cured p e
of ii very bald attack of dyspepsia, 1
have also derived great. benefit from
the use of Dodd's .tCitlttey Pills,"
it is evidence like title that, proves
that the Dodd's remedies have gained
a permanent place In the family ntedl-
olne °P is of the li'est, :Dodd's Kid-
ney 1)111s 'are particularly popular'.
The success with which they have
been used to treat all kinds of kidney
ills from backache to rheumatism and
Bri•gllt's'disease have earned fol" tbon
the gratitude of thousands oe people
on this sic1e of the Great Lakes,,
Invisible Rays „Striking Retina Said to
Undergo Chemical Change.
Not satisfied with the old explan-
ation that a cat's eyes glow in the
dark because they catch and concen-
teate every little glimmer of light that
may beeabout, scientific men have been
making experiments recently to make
some outer explanation for the eye
glow when there is no light at all.
This is tree of most nocturnal crea-
The first man to point to what
seems to be the true reason was Prof.
Begnidu, of Switzerland, who in log
suggested that perhaps invisible rays
—such its the ultra -violet or infra -red
—were transformed' by some chemical
action into Visible rays at the instant
of reflection from the eyes.
Now come two Costa Ridan profes-
sors, G: Michaud and 3, F. Tristant,
reporting their experiments from the
effect of ultra -violet rays on the eyes
of (nen and animals, They filtered a
ray of sunlight through a special fil-
ar composed of a cell of Uviol glass
containing a solution of copper, sul-
phate and a film of nitrosodimethylan-
ilin, thus cutting off` all the visible
rays and allowing none but the in-
visible' ultra -violet to enter a perfectly
dark room.
In the room these rays were allow-
ed to fall upon -the eyes of a dog or a
an who had been in the dark for fif-
een minutes. The pupil immediate -
y became sharply defined in luminous
Peen against the violet black back -
round of the iris.
This startling effect, they believe, is
eased by the pigmented iris abeorb-
g the ultra -violet rays while'he of
ie tissues inside the eyeball, perhaps
to purple of the retina, fluoresces
hen they enter.
Crows and Foxes.
Although crows build their nests in
ees where no fox can climb, and al -
tough they can escape from any fox
y flying, they, for some reason, seem
have a mortal ,antipathy to foxes,
d every time they see one they lose
opportunity to harms it.
According to an experienced hunt-
anci . naturalist of Bangor, Maine;
e best Lime to observe the malice of
e crow against the fox is on a cold
y }n early winter, when the hounds
n follow a trail without touching
eir noses to the ground, If there
e any crows about1 they can be re-
(1 is on to show lgreulerZ a is
How the Drawing of Two Simple
Lines Altered the Picture.
A teat once performed by Bret
Harte, to the warm applause of a
brother writer, might, after all, be
considered as the legitimate and pro-
per wort: of a poet; certainly it gives
evidence of a very readyeind very feli-
citous imagination. Harte was the
first editor of the Overland Monthly,
and the story of the origin of that
magazine's famous cover is thus told
in Mr. 11, C. Merwin's Lae of Bret
The cover of the Overland was
aderne(1 with the historic grizzly bear
that, standing on the ties of vita
13; laic] r'niiweet to t7 Wiihaif-turned
-body and lowered head, seems prepar-
ed to dispz ' the right of way with
the Ioc
omm, drat might shortly be
expected to come screaming down the
track. There was originally no rail-
way track in the picture; merely the
baa. How
the deficiency r
e ency was sup-
plied Mark Twain expiable in a letter
to Thomas Bailey Aldrich:
Do you know the prettiest fancy and
the neatest that ever shot through
Home's brain? It was this:
When they were trying to decide
upon a vignette for the cover of the
Overland a grizzly was chosen, and
the page -vas printed with him on it.
As a bear'he was a success he was e
good bear. - But then, it was objected,
he was an objectless bear—a bear that
meant nothing, in particular—simply
stood there snarling over his shoulder
at nothing-�abd was painfully and
manifestly a boorish incl ill-natured
intruder upon the page, All hands
said than—no one was quite satisfied,
They hated badly to give him up, and
yet they didn't like to have him there
when there was no real point to him,
presently Harte took a pencil and
drew two simple lines under his feet,
and behold! be was a magnificent; suc-
cess, The ancient symbol of Califor-
nian savagery snarling at the ap-
proaching type of high and progres-
s'i've civil'
rzattot 1
lirst the '
t overland
■.� cemotive! I think that was no lo -
less than inspiation'itself. tltirig
Tee Cantron That ,Really Fire.
Seine ingenlotte tvoltifen In Petro.
grad nolethan }
years(' ago caxver]
elk calrnolts out of blocks of lee, rude
ail theta) Inlet/Me and bored them foi>
shells. And they actually fired
elutes 110111 then, Tho 150 NV09 ate.
iciently strong; to withstand tire' eae
trlosio) of 110011y 2,000 grains of t'eai
The stormy, blustery weatbei: which '
we have during February a,nd March tr
is extremely hard on children, Cion- tl
dittoes make it necessary for the mot- 11
her to keep them in the house, Thee to
are often confined to overheated, bad- an
4t' ventilated rooms and catch colds ee
which rack their 'whole system. To
guard against this a box of Baby's er
Own Tablets should be kept in the til
house and an occasional dose given til
the baby to keep his stomach and ill
bowels working regularly, This will ca
not foil to break up colds and peep th
the health of the 'baby in good condi- al,
Lion_till tile -brighter days come along. lie
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by m 1.
all at 26 cents, 110, 1
.flora The DT:14ill1atns' Medibi110 Co,,
Brockv111e, Ont, -
Ability to Speak a Strange Tongue
Saved Colonel's Life,
Often toid minds en ,.hal m nils rho course,
of in China seems justicee s verY strange.
The- appalling frequency of executions
and the ingenious forme of torture are
alike horrible. But in Through the
Chinese Revolution, Mr. Fernand Far-
jenel tells the story of a young Chi-
nese whose life was saved by means
that in any other country would hltve
been impossible.
. 'We had decided to travel .secold-
class, in oril'er to have a better oppor-
tunity to study the amusing crowd 0f
Chinese passengers;lays Mr. Far-
jonel, and we were well rewarded, Wo
made theeacquaintance of a yoltng col-
onel of engineers who wore a beautiful
new uniform. He spoke French ex-
cellently, and eye could not have hit
upon a more entertaining companion,
He was one of the revolubieearies who
threw a bomb at Yuan Shih-leas. They
made the attempt in one of the prin-
cipal streets of Pelting. The bond)
killed an officer, a few soldiers, a
hose, and some of the passer;, -by, but
Yuan Shih-kai was nnmjm'ed,
Several of the bomb throwers were.
arrested, nn t 11eC
stet ) i. o f end beheaded,
1 `I
and ouryoung f1•ie0)d, tet, would have
paid the extreme penalty had ho not
been aMember of n French club in
Peking, (slim oil oar coundt'iyymen hear-
ing of his arrest, went to the prison
where 119 'Wee lying tender sentence of
death, and talked voluble French. to
the warder, t1'110 0ndetstood nothing
of what wa.s befi)gesaid to 119111, but ha-
twined, amid the confusion o1' those
r'eetolutiolary times, that the stranger
hoer the right to deemed tilt, prisoner's
release. So the colonel departed, and
the follosving morning lois nceomplices
Were balheoded,
Irl 'feeding cattle this winter use ht
maximum of roughage and a milli -
mum (Sf 'oenne(1118tes. fir a One
like tlrls high -9019h may net be moot
On such occasions, says the hunter,
I have seen' 510w5 watch for .running
foxes for hours. As soon as 'a 'fox
emerged from the thick woods every
bird evu
o ld hover over the running
beast and peck at it with every evi-
dence of bitter hatred. Several fox
hunters that I know make n practice
of following
the crows
when owe £o
xes aro
teaming the back lots.
' Mafi)llno la I'reeidento..••
Permit olrni4 t4little 1r'rratall levet to �c
01111 present to you his wishes
Most sivaea;'e, My parents Join
mo in sending their best enmplint
for the ale* Fear, and in than
You 10 ''0411 Brost lclv(1a)ells. l tl
70(1 all; dear good ladies, fol' the
things : you "ave put b1 with
clot)in ; addi•0ssed to Inv Hoax P
livery evening in my prayer's I risk
God to spread his blessing ever^ you.
Memel 'e again Madame la Preshiente
and all the ladies, the bast wishes of
yyour 1ltt79 pl'otega,--Charles Ops1e-
'Phis little letter' has Jost been re
eelved in Toironto, by the President of
the ":Friends of France," who knows
what interest it will have for twiny
people h1 el cry part of Cimeda, ,who
have ao generously sent help to the
]iospltele aed rofugeos, Charles and
his Mother were repatria:tett from the
North _of France mat long ago, and
find themselves with little or nothing
to live on. During their captivity the
mother was struck by a shop, end lost
a leg. The father is an ambulance -
driver for a hospital In 0ulaie, and
this Is what lie says: "Dear Sand
Good Ladies:—I thank you 'so much
for the parcel that has ,just come, It
contained 4 pairs of socks, a flannel
shirt, chocolate', sugar, soap, cocoa
and soup. :rf you knew hew happy
we Lire to have these things, for now
it is so hard to live that my poor wife
can never get aeytining nice, She
is so happy la be near 1ne at Calais,
but unfortunately the "eochons de
Beetle" come often to bombard us,
On Monday they threw a dozen bombs,
there was only material damage hap-
pily, but since my wife was struck,
she has such a terrible fear. We hope
that the Boches Will soon have finish-
ed their crimes, end we can be happy
again in our dear country. God
watches over es and will protect us.
,Receive, good ladies, my affection and
thanks the most sincere,
Le Soldat Arthur Opdebeck,
The "Friends of France" beard of
this family through one of the hospi-
tals that they help near Calais, which
is visited-daijy by scores of refugees.
The nurse in her last letter says:
'Without Canadian and American Help
we could not exist. Many' hospitals
have had to shut down. The cost of
living is so high and the government
can give us $o little.. Many of our
woended are very i11, and- need
nourishing food. One egg costs 13
cents and butter and meat are $1,00
a pound. Just now enormous mem-
bers of refugees are arriving from the
North' of France, in a state of exhaus-
tion of which you can truly form no
idea. -It is specit.11y at the begin-
ning that.these families need help,
when they are so weakened and de-
moralized. It is a question of ma-
terial help to revive their morale, be-
cause after a time they pick up won-
derfully, and in a few months gather
together a little home less sad. All the
second-hand clothing you send, which
is so good, finds owners immedi-
ately." ,•
The "Friends of France" is an in-
corporated society under the War
Charities Act. Its headquarters are
21(1 Poplar Plains Rd., Toronto, and
the President, Mrs. Wells, will gladly
receive and acknowledge gifts in
'money or kind, such as clothing, food
and hospital supplies.
Light le rom•Our Nearest Star Reaches
_ma 7erve1le)'y' >P1ato1 lather; Vurloei
.. erce1atureo V10tvresi Needle,vevk( Miele
o11)e 0011 1(03)a CM f,*2R951 O1')t>t)ullat9
OA Y etalWe termor Alegre;
Mi pzoos to
wL'111 s, ra so aylrlxrzNs, xllattea
• 1 1N1'1 et 7! CiAI 1 Irl
mite `' e . e • tl es
zs nett ,3.(f Co11e;:e 8troet, eceronto,'Qttt,
lank )leo .119y1' BRllltilf SLO(,AN
the Win 'War in the Kltche€t-,--130
n4a Aro
' Usln. Four and Hall' Years.
A theory gaining scientific accept-
ance is that in the void of interstellar
space there is a substance which 'veils
from our view the stars beyond a cer-
tain limit of distance. Consisting
presumably of microscopic and widely:
scattered particles, 'it nevertheless
makes a barrier to vision when dis-
tances are sufficiently great.
In other words, if the were fa
enough away from the sun there woul
be enough of these particles betwee
ourselves an(1•inat.Iitminary to 1'en1lel
it invisible to us,
Dr, C. 0, Abbot, of the Smitllsonia
Institution, says that the estimate
density of this "substance" is on
trillionth of that of the air we breath
Pretty thin, one might say. And yet
a sphere (in space)`whose radius was
the distance from the earth to the star
nearest to our solar system would con -
thin aquantity
e substance equal
to 1000 times the mass of the sun!
It takes eight minutes for a ray of
t to travel 98,000,000 miles from
sun to the earth. But the time
uired for alight ray from the star
rest to the solar system (Alpha
ntaues) to reach us is four and a
f years. A vast majority of the
ars (every 'one of which is a glowing
) are so far off that it takes thou -
ds of years for light from them to
octet' Abbot says that at least one
four of all the stare are double or
multiple"—meaning that they are a5 -
gee! in pairs, in triplets or in
rhes that compose systems of suns,
Pole star' probably consists of
e distinct suns, but it im s0 far
y that astronomers are 110t quite
Mho. Centauri, our neatest stellar
libel:, le unquestionably a "double"
at is to say, two• stars, eacJh of
ell is about the same ei9e as our
But the -two are more than
Ay -three
al Apart al. the
l e
and the earth
era's :olntltion41 0ukea oiatetuner,
Baby of Mine.
'1'm'ned late MutlitJous.
Save that old bon, it may 'kill a
This is the thought • that 1'1€fishes
through the mind of the English Imus
wife' these days following all a'ppo
made to her to conserve all the of
bones from the kitchen that they ma
be used fit the manufacture, of gla
marine and then be lne0rparated int
bombs a11i1 shells for the army i
France, The movement has the 1€p
proval of the Ministry of Munitions.
The appeal to the housewife say
that bones will produce grease, whic
yi01<1s glycerine for explosives; glu
torr the malting of eeroplanes and bone
meal, a fertilizer. which increases food
crepe and thus aids in the battle
against the German sebmlmines.
For the lienee which were former!
thrown .away or burned the hbusewif
will receive one cent a pound from he
butcher or margarine dealer, who i
turn will receive a profit of 0130 0011
a pound in turning them over to th
general collector, to whom a fait'., pro
fit also is allowed.
Front the enthusiastic response fro
the women in. England it begins t
look as if the plan to "Win the war it
the kitchen" will prove popular will
those unable to go to the 'front 0
otherwise offer their services to th
• 'file A5(1€}il h Family.
!tor. Asquith's family ' have been
rendering' great and .dietlngLlislls( Het'.
vices 1u the war, fila third son,
Brigadier feeue)'ai Arthur Asquith, is
tweeted to have beim seriously
Wounded in Peunco, 14aving 10a0)Ved n
compound fracture of the tinkle while
reeunl1Ultl'ing a (;nrman 310:+ltlon, lie
hoe been hounded on two preview; oc-
0981011H, 'aid has a sp1041did Military
rerord. At all early stege of the war
he Joined the Royal Naval Division,
end as a'suh-lieutenant in the Anson
Brigade participated in the defence of
Antwerp. He won his D,S.O, to
a` which. he was recently awarded t1' bur;,
al 13)S high military aptitude is betoken-
tl .ed by his rapid promotion, One of his
Y brothers, Cyril, has arise been recently
wounded: Raymond, the ex -Premier's
o eldest Hon, fell in :Action more. than a
11 year ago, He had a very pronaiair)g
rareer,ut the Bar and in politics,
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents
to remove tan,, freckles, sallowness.
Your grocer has the lemmas end any
Mug store or toilet coulter will aim.
Y ply You with throe 01)14(es er orchard
e while for „a few coots, Smaie'/.o the
1 juice of two fresh lelnon1 t'nto a bottle,
1) then put In the orchard white and
t shake well, This makes a quarter
Pint of the vera' best lemon skin
whitener and complexion beautifier
known, r54lassaget this fragrant, creamy
m lotion daily into the Mee, Renk, arms
o and hands and just: see bow freckl05,
t Lan,. sallowness, redness and rough -
1 mess disappear and holy enlon(10,+soft
r and Blear the skin becorn0s. vest It
e to hornless, and the beautiful results
will surprise you, ,
° Apply a few drops then lift 1
corns_or calluses off with
fingers—no pain. 1
Just think! You can
lift off any 00121 0r cal-
lus'mithottt pain or sore-
A Cincinnati elan die
covered this ether com-
pound and named it
freezone. Any drug-
gist tvi11 sell a tiny hot-
tle of freezone, like bete
shown, for very little
cost. You apply a few
drops directly (1pon a
tender corn or callus.
Instantly the soreness•
disappears, then short-
ly you will find the corn
or callus so loose that
you can lift it light off.
Freozone is wonder-
ful. It dries instantly.
It doesn't eat away the
corn or callus, but
shrivels it up without
ever irx'tat ng the surrounding skin.
Htird, soft or corns between the toes,
as well as painful calluses, lift right
oft'. There is no pain before a' after-
wards. If your druggist hasn't
freezone, tell him to order a small bot-
tle for you from his wholesale drug
A Word For The Peanut.
The peanut is ti substantial food, a
wholesome, palatable food, declare the
people who know. Six ounces of shell-
ed peanuts equal 2 1-8 ounces of
beefsteak, 5 ounces of cpollsit, 1 ounce
rice, 4.2 ounces rye bread, 35 ounces
of spinach, 5 ounces of ',apple, 11' 6
ounces of bacon.
Mansonville, June 27, '18.
Minard's Liniment Go., Limited.
Yarmouth, N. S.
Gentlemen,—It affords me great
pleasure and must be gr')l.tifying to
you to know that after using 36
bottles of your Liniment on a case of
paralysis which my father was afflict-
' •'1 with, I was able to restore him to
normal coiditivireelloping other suf.,
fevers may be benefited `6t'"tire "X" 0f
'en^�. ,I
lyour Liniment, I am, N
e Sincerely yours, -
0 "°"CEO. H. HOLMES.
ur i st
n e i l
jest a W00 thing with a tlalnlyr air,
And n shining plop of g01(len hair,
With Dyes so soft and wistfil, too,
That they b1'uise and hurt the hetet of
!Wares little; harms that seek and cling
Ancl malee y04) love this baby thing,
Dar litti<1 heed against your breast-
Cuddling there like a bird in Its nest,
i!rngrant lips as cool end sweet
As n budding rose in he suromen'
• Jana—
pat I open me eyes ,-and srnil0• -rout
13ttby of mine d 111 dream's gone ity!
Elinor ttaxwoil,
A Baked
Cereal Food
D'iffer'ent frons the usual
run of toasted or steam -
cooked cereals,'
Gape -Nuts
is baked in giant ovens--
haked for nearly twenty,
hours under amen ratk oan-
di1ions of heat, so that the'
whole wheat and malted
barley flours may develoii
their {inti deb svveetliess.
You tlol'1'tneed sugar on
"There's a Reason..
At Last.
Ho had been going from church to
church trying to find a congenial con-
gregation, and finally on Christmas
Eve he stepped . into a little church
just as the congregation read with the
"We have left -undone those things
which we --ought to have done, and eve
have done those things which we
ought not to have done."
.fhe man dropped into the nearest
pew with a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness," he said, "I've
found my crowd at lust"
fir'x!i ,S Granulated Eyelids;
-'+kj Sore Eyes, Eyes lnasmcd by
0aa tu'flt' ?a elieves by Murine. TTryl t li
it #'i EVyouresandtnlOaby'&Eyes.
iifbU qq»» NoSmarHng,JostEyeComlert
NMtlrineEyeRenaedy84 Te jD 6or�i1' iauNns
Pre Salvo, in Tuben 25e. Fee sleek of 1ko litre-• Free.
Ask 14Sar1ate Eye 1401130dr Ce., ChIcntto u
The Ship of State.
In spite of rock and tompest's roar,
In spite of false lights on the shore,
Sail on, nor fear to breast the seal
Om: hearts, our hopes, are all with
• them
Our hearts, our hopes, 11111' prayers,
ellr tears,
Our faith trttunphaut o'er our fears,
Are all with thee, ---ere all with theel
reti11ak<(4'e remit:mut Moot ]Yielethekht. ..
Ohl the f'ar'm the automobile Is dist.
einetly a business necessity, for a
hinter, unlike titre city )man, etlu 110t
J1.110 on a trolley when he wants to
Nee a
o t 1 or buy a4 talo of shave
ing oream, Iia doesn't buy a car
me'eiy for the saite of seeing the
wheels go 'round•. -he really needs it
in his everyday farming life,
fe>� r Wiae - it �epy anraP'
Store the Ice.
Ily storing all tIe natural he that
it is possible to harvest, lee companies,
farmers, creamery owners and others
will help materially in saving am-
monia this year. alven at the pre-
sent, time there ie an absolute short-
age of ammonia i)1 the United States
of (10,000,000 pounds per annum for
war and commercial purposes,
Mhnara's .Linbeent Cures Colds, lite.
G -et' Out Your 'Sae, Buckets. .
Farmers and others who have maple
sugar outfits, even if they have not
been in use fur years, should put them
to work this year: There is a sugar'
shortage,, and Canadian maple trees]
shouide be made to produce to the
maximum. So even ]f you haven't'
the most: up -to -elate equipment, tap I
all the trees you can and make the'
most of the fealt3es , you have on
hand, There'll be a good market for;
all the maple sugar and :wrap pro-
Pay your out of fawn accounts by
Dominion Express 1V1eney 0rd0rs, )
Five dollars costs three cents.
Every shovelful of coal, you waste'
lowers the efficiency of the man on:
the tiring line, lowers the temperature
of the cantonments, reduces the speed
of the submarine destroyers, I
diminishes the force of the projectile
and slackens the speed of the m11111
tion plant.
A Guaranteed Starting System for
Ford 'Cars. Sells ,for $22,50,
The Soul of a Plano is the
Action. Insist on two
e1 OTTO H1GE Lai
A Care for
Bad Breath
$$ "Bad breath is a sign of decayed
•teeth• Foulstomachor unclean
bowel." ieseeerteeth are good, yt
look to your d g0etive ergta9 1L L1
I once. Get Seigel's Cure 11117 i
at druag
druggists. 15 to '
after meals
clean u
o r food '
passage and stop the aud breath
odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles.
o u substitutes.
theg enuin
and other's
Make God Incomes
with our
Sample ple Books
We Pre4>ng 11e;peeeu CLaraee
Consumers) Wallpaper C
Meta/Malted 18e0
And Win a Phonograph
No!! tut One
Pees Simple
�e e
C0tlf1t the
Squares 111 NOW
1.4an1 1'itouogl'apl> will bo Siren to
41505) pero0tr w1)0 001113,tp t110 31utub01'
1 Snares in 411(0 diasrant 0015-
FtCTX,x alta 61111119 one 511)1)115 con -
that, This 00sa1tto11 le easy.
D'ount lite s0ttrtroo very eor1iully 1113,)
Mena year annnror to
sn7 Ti Aa'11 FAMMAX,TX C6., latt,t•, X
»enwer 591, yin, 7t',, eazdeoetTo
p00 W11.
Rinse with tepid Wate,
fragrant, super -crew
the complexion of p ir.
roughness, ss, cleanse t
falling hair and softer
Soap to cleanse and
mens to soothe and b
50, emploo aUUrrcq pe' t
Canton, Ohio.—"I
female trouble which
ao I can do my housek1
d Iilcult , 1 advise al
afflicted with female
Lydia E. l'inkhaln'a
ound D trial and It wi'
hem,"--Mge�. 1VIAMIp'
N. 11., Canton, pll
• Sometimes there a
tions where a bospite
only alternative, but
fo many women have
amous root and herb 1
Pinkbam s Vegetable
doctors have said that
necessary— every w0
o avoid an operation
trial before sub
trying ordeal.
If complications exin
1,, Phlkham Medicine (
for adv]ro Tho rosul
-experience is at your s
_,.. rSSt'lt No,