The Clinton News Record, 1918-2-28, Page 5February 28th, 191$ Clinton Newa-Meeovd of interest to You and me ,4001u4 Jaime all grief and groans,- "1Vltat's wrong with your gardon, Josh 7" .seaooiety Duds are hcoles my spuds; .And. they've ruined the crop, b'goslt I" -Life The Methodist Church of Canada proposes to start a thirty-niiltion •tiollar fire insurance company, The live companies may object to this intrusion but fire insurance is with.. -In the sphere of Lige church's opera tions,.-Xincerdiue Review,. f "13o1slieviki appeal- to all tfe resist -Cr erman• hoards to last breath. Rus- sian resistance growing." The foregoing is a news item pub- lished in yesterday's dailies. There is an old saying that ''second ;thoughts aro bust" but•in the ease of Russia, .whiles the thought or resis- tance map be an improvement • on ',their previous, "I'11 be your servant, 'Sir" attitude, they were too long in reaching, the determination, ,From this disbande it looks like a repeta- tion of the case ot. thea spider and the 'fly, Russiewalked with her eyes .open into the web from which she will find difficulty in eatr'fenting her - ,self. She's bound 'to lose a log or two, anyway, and will be lucky if she doesn't lose her head. * * A.11 that is necessary in order to -ii%i'clerstand and approve Germany's ,methods is tohave the German point of view. Happily, outside of 'Germany, that point of view is not -.,common. But it might be as well 'for the ordinary man and woman to ,endeavor to understand just what, 'tliab point of view is. It might -sweep away . a lot of complacency in, regard to the present situation and might ,help to stiffen our backs for 'further and very necessary sacrifices. 'Canada has so far been taking this -war "lying down" so to speak. With -the exception of the men who have •gone to the front and their families we have sacrificed nothing. If this war is fought to a finish and a sat- isfactory peace is reached every !man, woman and child in Canada will be• called upon to bear a share of the •sacrifice. We should be practising •on the small things 'now so that we shall be prepared to make the larger +sacrifices when the time comes. Goderich. Jack Swarts has won. a Military 3YIedal and also . been promoted to the rank of sergeant, Miss Bloomer of Toronto was the guest last week or her niece, Mrs. Ernest Colborne. Mrs. Laing of Weyburn, .Sask.,. who " lfome on a visit to her parents, Mt. and Mrs. G. 0. Sturdy, was. the guest last week of Mrs. C. K. Saun- lers. Mrs. R. H. Reid of Woodstock was the guest recently of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wood. Lieut, •E, Jordan has returned to :his duties 'overseas. Sergt. Reg, Platt of th'e A. M. C., London, was in 'town for a day or so recently, Making Huron "Bane Dry" 1111 ' e » Wiien the ctjse u6•artist itotI 1toPor was .being argued an -Clintont last week both crown .Attorney ;Seaga er and Barrister J. MS Best of Seas forth made speolal reference to the way the Tonipereneo Laws were be- ing enforced throughout Heron Coun- ty., and congratulated the (idlers and the County 't'em'perance ovgaulzation which has beets% aetirelyi. assisting since the CASA, carne into force, "It' has been demonstrated very (learly," said Mr. Seager, "That the Prolelbitton law can be enferoed and that Huron County will bo 'Bone Dry' in the very near future, and that thisverydesirable position is being reached without using harsh methods," While most of the former license holders have been observing the law there have been a few'who will per sist in "defying" ;publio.opinion and have no right to expect leniency from the oiliieers who ,are pledged ' to en- force the law, Nor are the former license holders the only violaters, as was demonstrated last week in Hen - sail when a prominent citizen 'wider - took to treat his friends so generous- ly that they were filially rounded up as '"drunks.''- , Prosecutions have been instituted in a number of cases against res- taurant keepers who have failed to comply with the requirements of the Order in Council restricting the use of beef and"bacon and requiring that substitutes for white bread be pro- videcb'in all public eating places, 11c- tioo is pending le other cases. Marriages 1vrrILROY-+COOPER-In. Seafortb, on Feb. 200, Dora Map, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. Henry Cooper of th-e Iluron Road, to John Mcllroy of McKillop. HEDDLI1-NIVINS At Goderich,' on Feb,. 20th, Martie G., daughter of Wm. Nivins,'to James Meddle, all of Goderich, Births LEE--Jn Clinton, on Feb. 200, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lee, a daugh- ter, STRINGHAM,--In Stratford, on Feb, 21st, to iMr, and Mrs. .Andrew Striugbanis (formerly' Miss Pearl Wheatley), a daughter. COLING -In Wingham, on Feb, 150, • to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Coling, a son. LEEMAN-Iu Wingham, on February 100, to Mr. and Mrs. 'rlerbert Leeman, a daughter. Deaths 13ARR-Accidently killed near 'Hyde Park, on Feb. 23rd, Samuel Barr • of -Clinton, in his. 2Sth year. ORR-In Stanley 'township, on Mon- day,- Feb. 25th, Sarah Slack, wife of Robert Orr, aged 51 years and 2 yeAis. VV'ILSON-In Pickford,, Mich,, on Feb. 9th, Fanny Salkeld, wife ot Mr. 'George Wilson, Pickford, and daughter o6 Mrs, John Salkeld et "oderich. BLAKE -In Goderich, on Feb. 23rd, Elinor Jenkins, widow of the late Chas. Blake, in her 84th year, Goderich I Lieut, Jonas-Batoulttit arrtvai . ht. town last weak .after spending about three years overseas. 'ale has 'been invalided home. Pte, Neil MFtcl)onald surprised, his family by walking 111 011 them one civs ening last week while they •were seated ttit supper, Ifo was wounded at Vimy Ridge and is tomo on leave, Mr, Harold W31lian1e sots ar Mr, and 111rs, Goo. Wililams of town, who has been on the stafb or, the genic of Commerce here for the past couple of years, has been transferred to the St, Thomas branch and will have the position of toner, WANTED 'P0 P' U R C H A S squall second-hand cream separator. State price, -Box 170, Clinton, -30 GOOD UPRIC#HT I?IANO; N10'L'I Y carved case, including a course of 1101110 lessons worth $5.00. Apply at News -Record for price, -30 FOR SALE,-GOOD,,SECOND alA'NI) wind mill, 13 ft. power wheel, for sale -cheap. -Apply Valentine Wild, Hayfield, Phone 16 on 78. 30-+3• GIRLS WANTED FOR CANDY ANI) 'biscuit department. Light, airy factory. Good wages. Boarddng houses' within ' walking distance. Apply McCormick Mfg. Co., Ltd., London. 80-1 FOR SALE,-,FIOUSE ON LOT 624, Mill street, 5 -rooms, stone cellar, pantry, and back kitchen, water- works connection and good. garden. Cheap for prompt cash sale. -In- quire of W. Brydone,-John Men- nell, Owner. ' 30-3 AUCTION SALE OF -COWS, YOUNG Cattle and Pigs. -The .undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 28, Con, 5, R3ulle'tt, 3 miles north of Clinton, on Thursday, March 7th,. at 1.30 is 111., the , following Cows -1 red thorobred Durham cow 8 years old, milking, 1 roan thorobred Durham c o w rising 6 years due to calve May 6, 1 Durham cow rising 7 clue at time -of- sale, 1 Durham cow rising . 7 duo to calve April 20t11, ,1 Durham cow,rising 5 due about -hne of sale, 1 Durham cow rising 5 due to calve. in April, 1 Durham cow, ris-_ ing 4 due to calve in April, 1 big Durham heifer rising 4 due in Mar,, 1 Hereford cow rising 4, milking and, supposed to be jut calf, 2 Hol- stein heifers in calf, Young Cat- tle -2 Durham'heifers rising 2 yrs., 3 Durham steere, rising 2 yrs„ 1 Hereford steer 1 year past, 6 steers rising Is year, 3 Holstein heifers rising 1 year, 8 Durham heifers rising 1 year, 1 roan calf, 2 months old,.1,young call a few weeks oid. Pigs --1 sow due to Carrow March 15th, 1 sow due to farrow in' April, eight pigs six weeks old. Terms -3 months' credit on approved joint notes or 8 percent. ,per au11mn off for cash, or 9 months' credit will be given by adding 5 percent. straight. Ev- erything must be saliislactorily set- tled for before leaving preinises-.- Albert Townshend, Proprietor ; Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer. 30-i 10tAiitt Z. ;K 4 The Ford Saves the Hay and Oats a the _ orses Eat T HAS been estimated that five acres of land are required to maintain one horse for a year, and that the same five acres would produce nearly enough food for two people. If 50,00Q Canadian farmers each replaced one horse with a Ford, 250,000 acres would bo added to the Nation's source of food supply and enough extra food made available to. feed 100,000 people. Just think what a great service this means to the country at the present time and the benefit to the farmers from the sale of food produced on this acreage. A Ford ear also saves the farmer a week or more of valuable time each year, which can be used for further productive work. The Ford travels three times as fast as a horse and rig -costs less to run and keep, and is far easier to take care of. With labor so scarce and high priced, time means money, so do not delay in getting'your Ford. Runabout - $575 Touring - • $595 Coupe - $770 Sedan w - $970 .t+": 0, P. MBA Bert Lamerd Clintott• YOUNG CATTLE L 1+•()ls +SALL).--14 yealrliage, l tap-y+ear-olds eatci two-year-old hldfere "la eajf,-Chas, V5'illiams,' 1t,11, No, . 2, Clinton, Phone 4 0a 143, -30 0140ICE ,SI6161) JILIANS 1108 SALE -IA limited quantity of Pea Beaus, harvested without getting wet and flail threshed. -W, 1Warallia, R. R. No, 1, Clinton, Finnic 14 on 106,-00 AUCTION .SALL+ T111 UNDER - signed will soli' by public auction at the store forinerly occupied' by' T, J. Nlhtrks, Reyliold, on Friday, March 8111, et 2 o'clock p,cn,, the following goods,' viz ; A number of meet's ready-made suits,. 2 pianos, 1 organ, 1 small safe, and a aunt bei of other articles. At the same time, will be offered for sale 1 span of iron grey ponies,,;_8 and 4 years.old. Terms --All surae of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 6 mounter credit will be given,•• -George Elliott, Auctioneer ; Charles Marks, Proprietor. 30-1 COTTAGES FOR SALE.. ,I HAVE on my list of houses for sale a number of very desirable properties for those who wish to purchase a neat comfortable cottage suitable to a retired couple or a small fam- ily of moderate means. They are snug, comfortable houses mai can be had at reasonable prices. Par- cels 1 and 2 are two brick cottag- es, each with a garden, located on Ontario street next west of the manse. They have been held at $1000, for quick sale I will accept $900 for either. Parcel 3. is on Princess street in rear ob Frothy- - tonin church, a frame cottage very commodious _ and well arranged suitable for a family of 2' to 6. Has .been held at $900. Will sell _ • for $800 cash. Parcel 4 is west of parcel 3 and is a brick • cottage well built and with convenient ap- pointments. It is worth $950, but will be sold for $850 cash. For in- spection or particulars apply at my office. -W. Brydone. 29-2 HORSES FOR SALE -2 HORSES suitable for delivery or general work, -Apply at News -Record Of- fice. -20 THE BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS of Josh Cook will be attended to for the next month or so, during his absence, . by Chas, Lovett. Phone 89:- All calls promptly at- tended to. 29--3 BUTCHER WANTED. -FOR SUM - mei: months for Farmers' Beef Ring, -Apply to W. H. Ball, Lon- desboro, or John J. Snaith, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. -29 MAN WANTED. -MAN WANTED for farm wort:. Married mail pre- ferred. Personal application is de- sired. Duties to begin about 15th March. -D. A. Forrester. 20-1 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -AN eight roomed house in good repair on Ontario St., town water, soft water, electric lights, good furnace and dry cellar. Two chicken hous- es, acre of Al garden land with small fruits and fruit trees. Good terms and price right for quick sale. _ For particulars, etc., apply on premises. -A. L. Murch. -20 A CONCERT, UNDER TIIE AL'S- pices of the ,Shanley Maple Leaf Patriotic Society, will be held at Baird's school house.oa Friday ev- ening, March 1st. The main 'fea- ture of the ,concert Is a play in tour acts, entitled "'Farm Folks." This play is full of humor and clever plotting. Other .features of the entertainment. aro an attract tive 'drill by sixteen girls, vocal selections, etc.- A good time is assured, to ail who attend. Con- cert commences at 8 o'clock, F'ro- ceeds entirely patriotic. 29-5 FARM FOP, SALE. -I OFFER FOR sale my tarm consisting of hots 21 and 22, H.R. Con,, Goderich town- ship, containing about 205 acres. On it are two comfortable dwell- ings, two large barns with stabling for. 100 'cattle, 8 horses and 100 ileus, two silos, two windmills and abundance of water, 45 acres are newly seeded to clover and timothy, 80 acres fall plowed, 70 in pasture and 25 well nlanured last fall and present winter, This farm having been, for .many years, used as a stock and grazing farm is now- in a high state of fertility, It ad- joins the town o1 Clinton, is with- in 15 to 20 minutes walk of post- ofllee collegiate public school, churches or G.T.R. depot . Will sell jointly or separately, Posses- sion as may be agreed upon, -1), A. Forrester. --29 HOUSE VOR SALE WI'1'It TWO lots, a stable and a •good garden and fruit Orchard. ' `rhe house has 0 roma with an excellent cellar,. new bathroom, hot and cold water, It lute been recently rennovated and oxtensiSely1 repaired and le • ix- cello tt coltliltieit. Pried very inod- crate,-Applyc to W. Bryiiono. 20-13 ONE HUNDRED AGIip , I+ ARM FOR Sale. -Lot 29, Con. 1, Iiuron Road SurveY,'I'Uckettsmith, known as the Wise farm. , All fenced with woven wire, Fair buildings, soil in good state of cultivation. Running stream on place. Apply to Geo. Beauregard on 'premises. Phone 20 on 144. 20-6 GRASS FARM TO RENT. -Apply to 0. J. Wallis, Clinton, 28-4 FOR SALE -10 ROOMED HOUSE on Mary street, one acre of garden and orchard and barn, This is a very desirable house and will be sold at a bargain. Apply at News - Record Office. 28-8 HOUSE FOR SALE -ON' CORNER of Townsend and Kirk streets, see. - en roomed house, also pantry and summer. kitchen ; soft water cis- tern, town water and electric lights, -Apply. to L. Stong, Clinton. -27 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 77, 11A1T. land Con,, Goderich township, con- ta4ning 55 acres of clay loam, salt - able for agriculture or grass, 5 acres of choice hardwood bush. Never failing spring creek running through. 15 acres of Blowing done., Possession can be had at once. -Apply to Wm. Bedour, 11.11. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 12 on 113. -27 FARMS FOR SALE -CONSISTING of two lots, No. 25 on the 14th concession, containing 80 acres, and S.E. half of No, 80 'on the Maitland Con., Goderichi township, containing 40 acres. France house, good bank barn, sheep and Mgt pen and drive shed on first -mentioned farm. Both places well supplied with water. -Apply for particulars to Wm, Meanings, Ilolmesville P. 0., Phone 14 on 160. -27 AIJCTION' SALE' OF FARM ,STOCK, Etc., at Lot 37, Con, 5, Goderich township, on Monday, March 4th, at 2 &clock t 1 heavy draft hoarse rising 5 years oid,'1 black driving horse rising 0 years old, 1. black Percheron colt rising 3 years, 1 cow 7 years old supposed to he in calf, 2 heifers to calve in April, 2 lumber wagons, 1 wagon box, 1 set` bob sleighs, hay reek, horse rake, steel roller, Frost & Wood gang plow, Wilkinson plow, set harrows, Deering disc drill, frost & Wood disc harrow, Frost fiy Wood scatter, scraper, pea iharvoster, Frost & Wood mower, wheel barrow, set of heavy ,harness, ladder, fanning mill and bagger, cuttieg box a quantity hay, eream separator., churil,forks, chains andother articles, All sums of 00 and ender, cash ; oVel: that atnottnt 8 months' credit out aplirovelr ,joint notes on -4 percent. off for, melt oft credit anlottits.-•10, (Sundry, Atlatiotleer .Iohn S. Bar- bee. 20--2 Clearing ^ut Stale _0E._ CHINAWA -of- CHINAW.d RE, - GLASSWARE, ORANITEWARCI, HARDWARE,' - DRY GOODS, ETC., ETC. GRP:ATER REDUCTIONS THAN EVER DURING NEXT. FEW DAYS UNTIL STOCK IS ENTIRELY CLEARED OUT. G. A. BRADSI-IAW Variety Store, Clinton. It's Ease to Beat Eggs BUT ITS I•IAIID TO BEAT TIIE QUALITY OF OUR TEAS 011 COFFEE Every cup is 15111 of satisfaction and you who enjoy a good flavored tea or coffee will appreciate our lin- es. All prices, Tea -black, holed or green, Coffee -Royal Excelsior. Special itt tea this week, black or mixed, 40 cts. per lb. Try some of our good sodas with your next order. They are fresh and crisp. Once used always used. You get more tor your money. 18 ets per lb. Open every Saturday and Monday as usual. HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PHONE 111. Stec. Reducing SALF � i10WL'OAC111 SAILI':-UNDER AND by virtue of the powers. 0011taialed bit a Carta'in.lnortgah ge which, will lie produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Aucbiou by 'Thomas Gundry, at the premises on 1Tomday, the Oa days of March, A.D., 1918, atlthe hour of two o'clock In Lite afternoon, the following properly : Lot No, 37s• Con. 7,- Cort. 5, 'township of Goderich, eott- tainiag 80 acres of land, 0n the, property are .a dwelling house and• - bare 80x50 with stabling enders- noelh, 'rho land is bn a good tate of cultivation and suitable for mixed farming or grazing pur' poses. For terms and conditions of sale apply to W. Bry done, Sot-, icitor. Dated at Clinton, -Ont:,. tliiH 130 day of February, A.D., 1018. 28•-3 COTTAGE F0I1 SALE. -ON RAT- tenbury street, wee , 0 rooms and pantry, good cistern, town water and electric lights. Good stable and garden. -Apply to W. T. Henry, Clinton. -20 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25, liUR- on Bead, Tuckersmith, containing 98 acres, with buildings. For par- ticulars apply to It. W. Gibbings, R, R. No. 4, Clinton. •-07 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes, We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelry Store. -Wm. J. Jags. -00 CLEARING ALL CHINA AT COST. DIAMOND RINGS REDUCED, Some of the reductions are as fol- lows : 1 PlaOtaulnl setting was .$70 for $00 1 clam setting was $50 for $40 1 gent's cluster was • $45 for $35 1. ladies' fancy sotting was $35 for $25 1 at $35 for $22.50, 1 at $22.50 for $20, 2 at $20 for $17.50, and as Mar as $12. Genuine diamonds. Silver knives and forks as low as $2.50 per doz. Grasses repaired and fitted at the old prices, AGENT FOiL PITONOI.AS, 1 , 11. JOHNSON Jeweler: stn'd Optician (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) 1000 Muskrat Skins WANTED ! Season opens March 1st, closes April 21st. Boys send them in by parcel post and we will remit Ex- press Order by return mail and pay postage. PRICES ARE HIGH T1HIS • SEASON JAS. STEEP 8' CO. Box 193 Phone 120