The Clinton News Record, 1918-2-28, Page 3GERMANS CONTINUE ADVANCE . EAST
immense Booty Taken, including 8,700 fries, 4. 5 Officers, Over
:1,300 :Guns and Nearly 5,000 Motor Cars.- ,
.A. despatch from London says; The
Geri -nen troupe have entered, Minsk in
their advance eastward in Ania, 1ze-
e01'dingi to the report from German
1leadclual'.ters On Thursday evening.
• The Russian tette] of Rowse boa
been cleared of the Russians, the J1orw
lin War Office reports, !'rains with
abettt 1,0,00 tsars, many laden with
,f.00d, have been raptured, as well as
airplanes and an incalculable amount.
of war ntateriai.
Between Dvfnak and Pinsk the
Germans are pressing eastward.
General von T,insiugen's movement
continues, :Important 'railway and
highlvayJunefions have been once -
A Berlin desp:tL,'h states than the
' Russian , weitten confiriilation of - the
ncceptanee of pedes: terms has pass-
ed to German lines, T'hfa disposes of
remora of the full tf the Lenine-
Trotsky Government,.
The German War Offlee attltotrnces
that 1,853 gens and between 4,040
and 6,000 motor ears have been Cap-
fured from the Russians thus far in
the new campaign, The Germans have
Made prisoner i+ General eomn]ancling
an nimy, 426 °Mears and 8,700 men,
Rovno is the most easterly of the
triangle of Russian :fortrosses h Vol-
hynia, 1.,utalt, the 'western eitadel in
the triangle, ctipitu'Iated to the Ger-
mans on February 1$ without fighting.
The third fortress in Volhynia, Ihibzit,
Ices about midway between Rovno and
the town of Brody on the Galician
I EADIl0C ARKET to 56: rholre i1111]s clanm $13 to $16
sheen, $11 50 to $12, lain ea, $1.4 to 30
-t setae'. hogs orf., oars, $19 to $19,60
sows, to $17,
Toronto Feb. 2.:; Manitoba wheat -•-
N' x zeal Ihern. $2.2U:
Na,' 2 do,; 524A' BRITISH TAKE 0 F8 Cod for Dinner.
.+a. 3, do„ $>a7d Na, a'wheat, $2,1ot: ii A OVFR load of cod caught in the Gulf of St: Lawrence, The Fish Committee is asking the eat the
in store Cott William. including 240 tax.
Manitoba oats—No.
C �t 9 (1, $6150 STRETCH
�Q jy -, coarser brands of flap as the supplies of "Luxury Fish" is not large enough to meet the demands.
No 1 toed SUt`c In stole
t lV llh - -• -•- - -
What is Going
and Los
The .Royal 11
has been prese
Park avenue,.
boy from drow
Major W.
Boith, has bro
airplanes, and
M.illtary Cross,
Lieut. Robert
Allan, 34 Toll
been awarded tl
A flag day
distriet, in aid
$eottis)z Hospi
diens and Sai
William Neal
Dollar Academ
English =stet
emy, Glasgow,
Miss Georgi)
some time ago
Leopold "I., h
French Croix c
Captain ,T, 1
JL$c exert No. 1 feed, t'; 4 FRONT ....-. Mrs. Young',• r
4morlean coni-- W0, 3 Yellow.... kiln
i^-- .__a._ - - tented with
REPRISALShaving won th
New Construction Adds 360 Beds With Hugh Holli
Augmented Treatment Facilities. BEGIN IN EARNEST D. Halligan,
dried' 519E tack Fermin, ----•
No, 9 white, 96 to 90a. accoretna to 'l'1'ansfer of Considerable PArt BRITISH CAMP ON,
ireJgltis outside,
Onlnrlo wheat ---Nn, 2 Winter, per car of Line Below St. Quentin
int $".2« basis in store Montreal.Peas-No-2, . $3,70 to $3.90 according From French.
'to ['root. outsidt+.
Harley—I,Ialtin> $1.66 to $1,67, ac: A despatch from the T3ritish Army.
cording' to 'freights outside, _ •
Buckwheat ---$1,7o to. $1.72, according in France says: Another striking illus.
°Mario oats ----Ne. 3 white e6 to 97O:
to frtolghts outside. tratioli of the co-ordination between
90i+lrietl pts outside.
quality,-5u.ip, the allied armies on the western front
new bags, Toronto.: has been given in the successful trans-
flour—War quality, 0'10,001 Per of a considerable stretch of the
frelRhtn prompt shipment
7?1 e—No. 2, .'52,03 to 52.05, according
new bags. Toronto unit Montr•ea front below St. Quentin from French
inreed--C.'ar lot: ---Delivered Mont- to British hands. From the inception
rt'eigli t.5, iia gE included: 14ran, per of this delicate operation no hitch oc-
curred. Thousands of French troops
and scores of great batter es moved
quietly and methodically out of the
line day after day to make` room for
similar British units. It was done as
easily as though the whole vast pro-
gramme had been rehearsed.
Groat credit is due to the French for
the excellent condition in which they
left the defences in this important
region. Untold confusion, perhaps
ton $35; shorts, per ton, $46, middlings
wbito, per ten, -915 to 946; good feed
flour, per bag, 53.40. c
Hay --No. 1, per 'ton. $1.7 to 716;
mixed, $14 to 510,-t:rach.7'aronto.
S1911.w—Cal' lois, per ton, $8.50 to 50,
track Toronto. �_... ...
Country Produce—Wholesale
Tuition---Chratnerv, solids; per lb., 47
to 479o; .prints, per 19., 43 to 1.696;
dairy, Per lb., 10 to 38e,
18i ge—Fresh gathered eggs. 50 to 52c;
new laid. 55c,
Poultry--ih'eseod, chickens, 26 to 23e:
yowl, 23 to 25e; ducks, 23 to 240; geese,
� 30
to L -c, ttu my,. rob to [.,
WbOtesniers are selling to the retail disaster, might have resulted had the
trndoat ti, . following Prices;-- defensive system been Inferior, but it
Choose—Noir, large, 23 to 220.c; ,twins,
.233 to 232c; early cheese, 26} to 26e: is such as to draw the highest praise
large -twin, 26 to 2610. i from the British command,
. 23utter--Fresh dairy, choice, 40 to 41e; -
creamery prints, •19 to 50e; solids, 47 '0
toBggs—:Vow laid. in rartoops, 60 to 05c:MONUMENT UNVEILED •
No, .1 storage 50 ce 51e; select storo4e, I '1'O CANADA'S IMMORTALS.
43 to 54c.
Dressed pDoultry- Spring -chickens, 30
to Sao; milk -fed chickens, 32 to 35c; A despatch from Canadian Head -
fowl, 26 to 30c; htrkeYs, 35 to 40t-;
dolts, Spring, 27 t0 30e; geese, 27 to (Warfel's in Prance says: Canada -in
-$I�tve poultop--Ttcr'rcys, 80n; 9prring France paid reverent tribute to the.
chickens, 19., 22 to 25c; hens, 22 t.o 5se. inamory of the Canadian gunners who
duelcs, Spring, 2nc: geese, 15 to 17e.
lrioney—Strained, tins, 24's and 5's, 20
to 22c per -lb; 10'c, 22c; 00's, 20c,
i9eans Canadian, hand-nicited, bush„
ole er5 to SIicdian. imported,
G 79 fol$ ; Japlan, 88uto
53.'25; .limas, 104 to 19b.
PotateLs--Derawares, bag, 52.40: On-
tarios, hrg•, 52:80 to $2.35.
provisions --Wholesale
• smoked ntea.ts---?dales, medium. 24 to
3,7e; do„ heavy, 99 to 300; cooked, 45
to 470: rolls 2.8 to 30e: breakfast bacon,
40 to 42e; backs. plain, 43 to 44c; bone-
less, :45 to 46e.
Cured meats ---hong clear bacon, 26 to
29e; clear bellies, 27 to 25o. t
Lard'—Pure lard, tierces, 29 to 250c;
tubs, 299 to 291c; pails, 200 to 80s;
oaltip0und, tierces, 259 to 20c: tubs, 859
1n. 264c; pails, 26 to 2052.
3WO2txeal aZiarkete
Montreal, Feb. 26---Oats--Canadian
westertr..No. 3, 51.10 to $1.11; extra No,
1 teed, 51:10 to 51.11; Yo. 0 local white,
' •51.00; No, .2, do.,4,
Flour—Ide* standard grade, $11.10 to. mons.
.:$11,20: spring wheat, $11,10 to $11.20,
Boiled cats—flags, 00 lbs„ $5,50. Bran,
5319 m
shas, 540. Middlings, $48 to 550. MORE UKRAINE GRAIN
112adli'1lc, 963 to 560. Hay—No, 2. per
ton, car lots, $17. TITAN CAN BE MOVED.
A despatch from' Amsterdam says:
Winn)net:, ' Feb. 26—Cash prices:-•- In an address to the Lower House of
Oats—No, 2 C.W., 585o; No,- 3 C.W„ the.Reichsrath at Vienna, Dr. von Soy -
91 e; extra No. 7 feed, 8550; N0, 1 'teed,
80 0; .No. 2 feed, 3350. itarleY--No. 3 dIer, Austrian Premier, declared that
$1,669; No. 4 C,W, 51.612; re- under the ponce treaty with the
. W.d,, 93'45' rT ,.'.2 C W„ Flax—No.
419;N No Ukraine there had been placed at the
N 11v-” 53'24' disposal of the Central Powers the
'Suited states Markets Ukraine's surplus of agricultural pro -
Minneapolis, _Feb, 26---Corn---No, 3 duets. This surplus was
greater than
, 51,35 to 51.85, Oris—No, 6 the Central Powers, at the most favor -
Bran -482.5S
to 0290. Glqur—ilnchanged' able estimate, could transport,
Bran --950.50.
tell in action during the Vimy Ridge
operations, when Gen. Currie unveiled
a memorial erected to the gallant dead
by the Canadian Corps artillery. Sir
Julian Byng was present, and with him
was Gen. Sir H.. S. Horne, command-
ing the First Army.
A despatch from London says: The
British captures in the past year in-
clude 108 heavy howitzers, 88 heavy
guns, 487 field guns, 1,057 trench
mortars and 2,814 machine gulls. This
statement was made by James Ian
MacPherson, Parliamentary Under-
Secretary for War, in introducing the
army estimates in the House of Com,
,'ti7i3n1.neg Grata
Duiute, Web. 9---Linseed--$3,764 te---=---��«-----
bid;kJuly%, 58 7+2 bid; October, $$;t 60 DAYLIGHT' SAVING
asked,IN BRITAIN MARC(( 24.
Toronto, 'tees. 26---71xtra choice heavy A despatch from Loddon says: Sir
steers, $22 to 912,25; do„ good heavy,
511,21 to $11.76; butchers' cattlo, choice,
411,00 to $11.85; do.,009, $10.90 to
511,25; do, medium, 50.25 to 510.50•
do., 0amnson,
$8,00 4o $1420; butchers'
saris, olioico, 510 to 510.50; 90., good
bails, $1) to $5.26; d0„ medium Mills,
$3' 35 to 5000' da rough bulls $0.50
Live Stook Markets .
to$7: butchers' cows, choice ''
$10 to
920,50; do„ good. 58,75 to 59;. do„
medium, $8 to 55.50; stockers; 57.50 to
$8.60; feeders, 50 to 510; cantors and
cutters, 00 to 50.50; milkers, good to
notes, age to 5140: do., cola, and mec1,
565 to 518.20 5561 springers, 500 t0 5140; light
to 1i 57,2; Yearlings, 510; sheen, los 512,756
lambs,' 518 to 518,,6; calves, good to
choice, $15 to 516:50; hogs Ped and
'watered, 510; do., weighed oft cafe,
819,25; do., ries., $18. -
Montreal.Web. 20—Choice steers,
$10.76 to 511.50; good steers, 58.50 to
$10)0; choice butcher cows, 50.50 to
59 t5; good c00,5, $8.25 to 59.00; choice
butcher bolts, 00.50 to 510.26; good
bulls, 55.26 to 59, canners cattle, $5.60
George Cave, Home Secretary, an-
zzouneed in the House of Commons forty different uniforms worn by wo-
that file Summer period would begin hien in service, says a correspondent.
March 24 and end September 29, These show that 'women are engaged
y---.- as messengers, munition and agricul-
Britaitt Stands by the 'Poles, titre workers, nurses, &c., and that
A despatch from London says: Thathey are the pride of the girlhood of
British. Government has instructed its the country.
agent at Kiev to makethe deciaratiion Not satisfied with this showing the
that Great Britain will not recognize ‘women managers of the exhibition
any peace in the }last wllieh.,involves have issued all appeal to have ]women
Poland without a previous Consultation engaged in out of the way positio s
with Poland. report, that their, jobs may be added
Advancing from Jerusalem To-
wards Damascus -Within 4r
Miles of Jericho.
A. despatch from London says:
British forces advancing in Palestine
train Jerusalem towards Damascus
are now within four miles of Jericho,
and the tents of Allenby's soldiers ars-
pitched in the valley where the pro-
phets sought retirement from the
world, after Elisha had "heated the
spring of the waters." Beyond the
Jordan the British aviators are oper-
ating where Elijah "went tip by a
whirlwind o:e fire,"
Jericho is a village in the Jordan
Valley, about 16 miles east-north-
east of Jerusalem. The ancient city
stood near the foot of the mountains
on the west side of the Jordan plain.
The Roman City, -which existed as
early as the time otl''Chl'ist, was rather
farther. south. In the middle ages the
town stood farther east, Jericho was
famous -for its palms and gardens of
There is no particular military ad-
vantage, apparently, m -the possession
of Jericho. Gen. Allenby's objective is
Damascus. Towards this city, about
160 miles north-east of Jerusalem', as
the crow flies, the British from Jeru-
salem can follow the main roads dtie
north to Shoehorn or Nabulus and to
Samara, where the Damascus railroad
will be met.
A. despatch from London says: Two
hundred and four Americans lost their
lives on'the Tuscania, according to the
latest figures received at 'American
army headquarters. Of this total
there have been identified and buried
three officers and 187 men; unidenti-
fied buried, one officer and 81 men;
missing (presumably went clown with
the ship), 82 man.
$31,920.000 A DAY.
A despatch from London says: An-
drew Bonet' Law, Chancellor of the
Exchequer, speaking in the House of
Commons, said, the average daily ex-
penditure during the four weeks end-
ing February 16, was $81,920,000,
Now Engaged in Forty Lines of Wer
Those who have thought that the
women of England • might not have
been doing their bit in the prosecution
of the tear were astonished when they
entered the imperial war exhibition at
Burlington House in London, to see
"Why does that hen insist on roost-
ing on the mail -box?" "Very natural!
She was hatched Prem a parcel post
WiliVrs 'R MAry'ER,
Nov sore A13ou'r?
to the daily increasing lists,
Increased military hospital accom-
modation in British Columbia is being
provided by the Military Hospitals
Commission at Esquimalt and Vancou-
ver. Approximately 200 beds are to
be added to the Esquimalt centre, with
augmented treatment facilities, In
Vancouver about 150 beds are being
added to the Shaughnessy Military
Convalescent hospital and a building
for the accommodation of hydro-
therapeutic equipment is under con-
struction at the Military Annex of the
Vancouver General Hospital.
The decision to develop the Esqui-
malt Hospital as a large centre for
the care of Vancoaver.,Island patients
requiring special treatflr'e7t, has been
arrived at after much deliberation
and. visit -L. -to the premises by the Com-
mission's architect and engineer,
A standard wing of .150 beds is to
be placed immediately north of the
present administration building, while
by erecting a now kitchen and dining
pavilion. and' remodelling the admin-
istration building additional ward
space to the extent of 50 beds will he
obtained. A recreation hall is also to
be erected on the adjacent grounds
providing 'aecommodation for concerts
and entertainments, dances, and gym-
nastic games.
At Shaughnessy Military Convales-
cent Hospital 150 beds are being add-
ed by remodelling the entire upper
upper floor, which in the early clays
of the building when it was used as a
school, was abandoned its a useless
Vocational . training buildings ars]
being erected at both Shaughnessy and
Fairmont Hospitals, while the special
treatment facilities for this district
will, of course, be -found at the Van-
couver General hospital Military An -
British Will Carry Air War to
(lemon Cities in Retaliation
For Run Outrages.
A despatch from London says: -The
campaign of air reprisals on Gorman
Alderman ,
cities and towns is about to begirt 10 been appoints
earnest. of Berwick fc
"Reprisals" is a word not officially Mrs. Boltot
used, iii Great Britain, Ilowever, let it eel word that
be set down here on the very highest Bolton, has 1:
•authority that if the Germans believe Medal,,
they can bomb London every moon- Lieut;. W.
light night, (tilling women, children who won t
and cripples unable to find shelter, been present
and then trust to the Christian spirit by the citize
of England to prevent reprisals, theyIlug'h
may loop for a violent awaitenfng rd interimLivi s
from their barbarous slumbers. of the Stews
It is conceded generally that the Robert Yo
fine/ bombing of cities containing military scal of Bar
bases, supplies, troops and munitions ed precast
will be one of the big features of the shire,
war from this time on. It will veri-
on - The sum
tably be a war in the air, and may, by the emp
perhaps, have a vital effect on hasten- iron Compa
ing the end of hostilities. Improve- for charitab
ments in aircraft have been almost Captain 1
magical since the war began, and the 1,ears in th
'world may well prepare for astonish- town and C
ing things. died recentl
For every Jaid on London or other eraig.
un:fortified city there -will be raids on The sum
i German cities, No one expects the through 21
1English flier's to go to Berlin just now, ane week r
A return trip to the German capital rite arms
under present conditions would be too
uncertain, but it may be said that the
Germans are not the only ones who art
making wondrous strides in the net
,fection of aircraft.
with a gots
honor of hi
At the ane'
kirkshire R
treasurer rept
from Selkirk,
There has never been so wid
spread and a'i:tivo a demand for see
corn and it is sure to increase wititi
sex: the neat feu'• weeke,
burgh Sou
(Tuns StrikeaI; Dismembered Ratti
See that all implements and liar- Map shows portion of battle line between Riga and newly formed Re
nest are in shape for spring opera- public of Ukraine where the Germans threaten an,nf9ensive with 'Pette
Hons. •
i grad as the objective.
pow14 Tb -1M epi ice
' Tr4N0U! ---
1 W411" To see i"µAT NEVI
-----'-i .Ir L "100 NAve.'l i5
OFFic , \“,,,
1 ,
•. MAO r�1r7
yeS,`ioUsaEm go rE
IN'rERes1 lgD 114 )-)R LOOKS
CLF m f
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