HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-2-21, Page 8:9 Clinton News»Record 81, melena' Miss Lottle henry spent a To)v days with her friend, Miss Ethel. 19,n - Orson, Miss Gladys Webb ;anti Miss Pearl. Frazee wont Sunday With Miss Will - ;oared floods. Mx• Johnson Is visiting Iris ltep99ow, l9ir, John R, Webster. M , slid Mfrs, R. ',,i, Woods visited friends in Ashfield on. Sunday, Miss Joan ,Webb event to London on Saturday. The children of M Robert, Web- _ IF Y01.1 ADMIRE FIND PVRNITU.1 you certainly will appreciate the beauty of Lire articles con- tained in our display of china closets, sideboards; dining tab- les, oto They. aro•-de• eidedly unconventional in de • - give a s n individuality to the dining room they adorn. S 0 , See the dis- 1 t t -plap and you'll marvela the prices. Mori 12tH con,, Ashfield, are vislt- inr at the hem of M. ',4'r'airis 'Todd mid Ms. 13uchana», Miss J tiiel Antle!soli has rotur'nod liotuo otter spending •.a few weeks. vis- iting' friends aroundCelt. , •19hiss Lily Taylor of 'Blyth spent the week -end at .the home of l . Wm, 'Taylor, A box social will be held in the hall at St, ilelens on Friday evening when the play "131undering Billie" bp the High school students of Lu�tnow Will be presented. les, chairs, sego and will'distinct ct } JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director.28 28 Phone' tvtay ie Be True ',13ehind the, curtain of the utturo lie Sappier years than the year gdn4 by," l menroonesemel BARGAINS Foa this week we have picked out a lot of broken lines of Men's Fine Shoes, dust a pair or;;,two of any one kind, in box ,calf, kid and patent leather, and you will findthem on our tables all at $3.50 one price to clear Our stock of shoes for the coming season is heavier and better assorted than ever before, and although prices are still advancing you will find our prices even lower than last season. Men's fine shirts, slightly soiled, Lot I your choice 70c Lot 2 your choice 85c Lot 3, mixed lot -of fine and working shirts, choice 50c Men's Ties to clear at 2 tor 25c Another lot of better Ties at:19c More specials next week. Watch for announcement Plumsteei Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 25 AGENTS—•SEMI-READY CLOTHING. NEW IDEA PATTERNS, : y 4 lit4 4 4 111111011111 Tile W. D. Fair CO.. POI ten the Cheapest Always the Best." Mr. Oliver Johnston of Goderich was in town on Friday -last, Ms. J, Johnston and Miss Isabel of Goderich were in town over the. Week -end, Miss Mabel Rathwell of the Bayfield Line is visiting her parents, Mr. and Ms, Ed, Rathwell of town. Mrs. J. A. Robinson left Tuesday for Markdale, being called hither by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Luc- as. Mr. Wilbur .Ford left Monday for Teterboro, where lie has accepted an important position in a large store. Wks, T. McKenzie, Jr., and children were in Blyth last week visiting th'e lady's mother, Mrs. James Nes- bitt. Miss Margaret Torrance, who has been visiting the parental honk, that of.Mr. and Mrs. John Tor- rance of town, for the past three months, left Tuesday for Port Ar- thur to resume her position. M. Joshua Cook leaves next ,week for Toronto and intends, after , visiting friends there, to go on a trip west as far as the Coast. IFox thirteen years Mr. Cook leas been in the bus and Braying bus- iness in Clinton, meeting every I train and }ook`ng alter inComing during and outgoing that time has had few holiday's. He 'thinks be is -entitled to a good vacation now and intend( having one. Mr. C. Lovett will attend, to his business during his absence. February 2.0 191t3 SPACIAL NO'SICE We request payment of all over- due accounts on or before ilAltdll. 19t, 1918. If any old accounts remain unpaid or payment- of same not arranged for, after the above mentioned date, we will have no other alternative than to em- ploy such means as we deem necessary to compel payment. WOMEN'S STORE bry, Goods, House Furnishings phone 64 Next to Royal Bank AWN BMEN'S STORECustom Tailoring and (phone 108) , Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library 44 4644.44 z inaugurating a. CASH SYSTEM in our business, believing se inaug u�ating a CASH SYSTEM in our business, believing 15 consideration we nllTUOs _ of .ter due consideration the t modern way of conducting a business. 4 t 4 this to be the most _ ' , Morrish Clothing Co. adopts the Cash. System. .A s -the 1918,The Therefore„ on March 1st,merchandise in our line require much additional capital it is need- 4 prices of all kinds of ndin accounts, and from the date above mentioned we sorry to cull in all outsta g 4 conduct our business on strictly cash terms. ` in a Cash System eliminates much clerical work—: 4 �benefit will. be MUTH A'L, as operating The at closer prices, and thus to sell to you at closer prices. P� enables us to buy 15 the change in our business system we will commence a generalR � � In order to introduce . Ellt�lll�'' �F�iI�CSt�a�', Fei�. 28tnin rids , Feb. Sili, �le I�e��Men's.Rain Coats $850, Sale Price° ClearaneC $10.6Q Mens Rain. Boats $16.00, Sale prjico SIM3 dozen Boys Caps, in broken lines, regu Mews Ram Coats $53.00, Sale price 50.00 lar 5Uc I Alen's Ram Coats $26,00; Sale price 22.50 , to clear at 25c, ]Men's Negligee Slii>;ts $1.25, Sale ]nice Men's Negligee Shirts $1.50 and $1, 75, Sale price Men's Negligee Shirts $2,0 u 0, Sale pre Men's Pyiamas $2,50, Sale price ...,.... Men's Pyjamas $2.00, Sale price Men's Fancy Vests 25 only in lot, re g, $4.50 and $5.00, Men's 'House Coats, 0 only hi lot, reg, 14.50 and 6.00, Men's Bath Robes $7,00, Sale Price— .,, Men's Suspenders 25e, Sale price...,., ..,... Men's Suspenders 85c, Sale price Men's Suspenders 550e, Sale Price Men's Ties 25d, Salo price Men's Ties 85c, Sale price 3U Men's Ties 500, Sale price 1.50 Men's Ties $1,75 and $2.00, Sale prl ce 1.25 5 Doz, Overalls and Smocks, Blue stripe, to clear at Two dozen Knitted Scarfs, regular 50c, si 1to clear at 25C. ingsszumamasselusmausammlaumararacrrav 4 Men's Suits, next season $15.00, Sale price i' " Men's Suits, next•season $20.00, Sale price' "lien's Suits, next season $25.00, Sale price Mao's Suits, next season, $30,00, Salo price 13.50Men's Overcoats, next season $20.00, Sale Price i 1.50- Men's Overcoats, next season $22.00, Sale price ......, , 15.00 Men's Overcoats, next season $28.00, Sale price ..... """"' 8.00 a Boys' Suits, next season $7,50, .Sale price ,...... ,. 5.65 Boys' Suits, noxa season $10.00, Sale price .50 •7 Boys' Suits, next season $15.00, Sale }nice 8•fi0 Boys' Overcoats, next season $12.50, Sale price , 10,00 Boys' Overcoats, next season $15.00, Sale price 0.00 ' Men's Odd Trousers, next season $2.60, Selo price ti., 1.75 4 ..Heir's Odd Trousers, next season $3.50, Sale • price _ 4.75 Man's Odd 'Trousers, next season $5, 50, Sale price ,25 5 Men's Lined Gloves, :next seasen $1.0'0, Sale price .... ...,.• , • 1.70 MMen's Lined 'Gloves, next season $L. 50, Sale price. 1.60 en's`3,iiied Cloves, next season $2. 00 Sale price 5 dozen Men's and Boys Underwear, in broken lines, regular $1.00 and 1.25, to clear at 750, 2 4 4 4 4 eZ 1.90 Men's Lined Gloves, next season $2, 50, Sale price 1 25 Men's Winter Caps, next season $1.7 5, Sale price 05 Hex's Winter Caps, next season $1.2 5, Sale price - 75 Moo's Winter Caps, next season $1.0 0, Salo price _ .10 Men's 25e Heavy wool sox, Sale pile a 29 Men's 40c heavy wool sox, Sale price 25 Men's 85c cashmere sox, Sale price— ............ .........••,. - next season $1 ,50, Sale price L.10 Men's Sweater Coats, 1.95Men's Sweater Coats, next season $2 .50, Sale Price Men's en's Sweater Coats, next season $4.50, Sale price 50 Men's Sweater3. Coats, next season $6 .50, Sale price 55 Boys' Pullovers, next season 60c, Sa le price30 0 Boys', Pullovers, next season $1,.00, Sale price 1.75 Sweater Coats, next season $2,50, S ale price. loris Velour ]lata, in plain and stripe Regular 2.25, sale price $ .75 aso 0.50 11.50 14.50 20.50 ,08 1,25 1.65 L•O5. 1.65 Sale Price,., Sale price.,• 8.25 8.50 5.00 .19 .25 .80 ,25 tad i;: ' lafe7s xa , A! ;i kitare El ul for cru 1"', i an Q . i��, a'a� 9a.� . fler C.P.;"a a '�'c��4�ii''¢� xA � �A ,,g r� tn'�rx,Pr e���t�� �,�y 'ae•'� "' r�t,�.� c�'® �e'•�: „�,y � 1� �7��y� �r � r v i;,�tneilz .glie 4 L aplA4*T �,tloolio,IP'eN ttoeteinleeID fuel f$ "eVel �3 V L 75" to 3r±' n 65"into gin sod? �".giet i "91i a 2 i6 iti k0 'tii"0�"r.ti af�"'F"i&�JIG�s�D��9i�i�� �f c�"fid`-�di-�y2pWb7eR� tA'�,"96�'8r� `36"ty"'�i' d+ � �� i" 11 118 f2,