HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-2-21, Page 7ill AMR EFFECTS
Qft'`en Worse 'Tian the; Disease
Itself'-.-V'ictiyn:$ "Left Weak,
Nervous and Worn. Out.
La Grippe—thename by which in-
fluenza is moat genet^ally known --ie a
disease prevalent throughout Canada
during the winter and spring months,
Anyone who hag felt its pangs Is not
likely to forget the trouble, La grippe
starts with a slight cold—and ends
with a oomplicetion of troubles. It
lays a strong man on his back; it
tortures him with fevers and chills,
headaches and- backaches. It leaves
him a'prey to pnelmoninM leronchitisi
consumption 'and other deadly (HS -
eases, Ile fact its after effects are more
SWAM than the trouble itself. You
can avoid 12 grippe and winter colds
by keeping your blood rich and red
by the occasional use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. If you,iave not done this
and the cliseasd'cl'aye you low, §ou
can banish all its evil after effects by
this same great blood -building, nerve
restoring medicine. This hes been
proved in thousands of cases through-
out Canada by la grippe victims who
have been made well and strong
through the .use of Dr; Williams' Pink
Pills: Among the cured is Miss Irene
Bootes,•,'ortsmouth, Mite' who writes_.
--"I take much pleasure in recom
mending Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, be-
cause I have proved their worth in
my own 'ease; Last winter I had a
severe attack of la grippe and it left
• -- 1 eme weak and all run down. I had
severe pains in the chest and
the arms, -palpitation of the heart' and
'attacks of neuralgia which left me
with the feeling that life was scarcely
worth living. I *as taking doctor's
medicine, but it did not help me and I
was .mueh discouraged. -"I was advised
.toii'y Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and be-
gan their use only on the principle
that I would try anything that • might
better rimy condition. I had only `been
using: the pills .a couple of weeks When
the pains began to leave me. Gradual-
ly my strength returned, my appetite
e improved, and in a little more than a
month I felt all my old time vigor, had
returned. I am sincerely glad I was
persuaded to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and I shall always have a good
word to say for them."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not only
cure the disastrous after effects of la
grippe, but are also a specific for all
these troubles due to poor bleed, such
as anaemia, heumatism,- indigestion,
wom inn's ailments; and the generally
worn out feeling that affects -so many
You `these pills
people. Y u can get p
through any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at. 60 cents a box or six boxes for.
$2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
„Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Livi.UUY Al1v. wain.
At' Railroad Speed On An ,Elepbant'f3;
Meghmala was a big elephant, She
stood nearly eleven feet high and had
A tail .timet touched the ground, with a
tuft -of black hair at the end, She wes
the central figure in a lively adven-
ture that a lady who writhe in the
Field had during a,shooting expedition
in India.
We were once allowed to take Moils -
male out for a whole day, says the
write!'. Our little party consisted of
the and her drivel' T] -,
$t'Fdr~.cr `er44F7WTW
Nl, r alJJ1Ch WA.1NTin> ..SI DC: ,PLAIN
J and light aewinta' ,tt Mime. Willes or
cirri time, gook ne, , week sent any
s .oUapo, otiarta'as pelt�IY. sand s on111 for
®�� ��� (� ��, niiralomilars. Nallastfsl JvLanuPlloturini;
7°9R fz/iit,27 .
Cemptter, Montreal,
Mrs. Mantle Tells Why She Used TElolcl,x. NEWSPAPER IN 1}>letam.
'7 ere Ontario. Doing, armee melt -
Ott, nese, Cµ.'_ e- 0\i'nel`p Places market, A great phance 'fora Pau With
DQdd's X£Id ty Pills Death f t o a It on �he
nitsh• initoS'_ Jicx 32i-1vilson publ'iShin.g.
.: t:t1•, l,illl ted', 't'ol`ento,'
Results, Site States, Were So (rood lsf f. AQ .0, nrl'vtils i3�19it
All.lob p,lutU'1 lmla,lt 111 T9
That She RecomMends Then to
, On ta,'tU. 1:,taaran0o Cam'rled ;f 7.,f1ll U, Will
Sufferers From Kidney Meese, yo Eor $1200 on quick stale lion 69
St. ,Cohn, N.B., Feb'y 18th (Special,) l INtZSpnx, ANricit7S- "
, —Mrs, Mantle, an estimable lady )iv -1,-- .T- --
myself and a, West guard, We. Went ing at 117 Iiiitg St. East, this dity,.is C ;n er>n i andA2exte`r,aI, cuRe$.w tb
into the densest •part of the jungle, always ready to tell of the benetlt she out 1)510 be' .our home treatment, Write
and had to go very steadily as the has received• from using Dodd's Kid- ueo beQore too male, rro. 13onmanMedical
trees, were so thigk, On the, way, Cc„ zttnited, conlntrw4oa, unt.
ney Pills. ,
were crossing a sandy place, we saw Tr , t
_ a large tracks that the mahodt •Yes, Dodd..a Kidney P]Tla have done 'QPU�,Ua'S �t U991>lslf�Hlll
om g mo °,,,, wondexfnl lot of good, Mrs. 111). ,
told ne were made by a Wald elephant. Mane toad m interviewer. "Fax
After. an hour of trekking we saw a three years I as in a w.orit out condi- �,Ulit''o Dd''99 ,�`c r �'�ae Eyes
beautiful sam'bar, and E— took aim tioml, often ltalmmg to lay off fax a day 1'".hyblglans and eye specialists �m'o-
and got hint with his first shot;dolvlmn or two.: ; inrthe treatment
as a safe home remedy
he dame, and es we dashed up, '1VIeg "I suffered from drowsiness and in the treatmesi of eye Lrou dos and to
stronBthon eyesight. Sold under money
mala trumpeted loudly. The boast sharp pains across my back. I had rotund Buaranty uv all drusatsls,
was not quite dead, and E— jumped headaches ands -Was subject to neural -
down, also the forest guard andh.
( Wilson Publishing Co l.,ttl Toronto
gia and rheumatism. SHORTAGE OF MEDICAL MEN.
mahout, in spiteof protests from me, "Dodder Kidney Pills helped me so _
to'-hallal the beast—a religious Gere- much, that I` can highly recommend Million Children Handicapped in Eng-
mony that' must be performed before them to anyone suffering from kidney land as Result, Says Doctor. ,,
the animal dies, else the natives are'disease " -
net allowed to eat the meat,
Dodd's' Kidney Pills are purely a Dr. Addison, speaking at the prize
And now occurred an awful thing. kidney remedy. Making'the kidneys .distribution at the Charing Cross Hos-
Meghmala turned mound and started healthy enables them to strain all the pital Medical School, London, said that
off with me on her back! The mahout impurities out of the blood. That to -day there was greater need than
called, commanded and did all in his means pure
blood and good health
Pills are recommended
Dodd's Kidney P
by thousands -of women who were once
run down and worn out,
The Hero.
It is not the deed but the danger
That tests the hero's soul;
And the songs of strength are not so
rare -
As the sign of self-control.
A torch, a cheer and a niche of fame
For the man who met the foe.
But here's 1.0 the mao who fail or win
In a stress we do not know,
power to stop her, but it was of no
use, and I••realized that she intended
to runaway: You can imagine my
feelings! I had everything on the
pad with me -E —=t$ gun,. rifle,
glasses; camera, and our-coats—and 1
knew I must try to keep them safe.
I lay full length on the pad and grasp-
ed the side -ropes, an kept my head
as low as 1 could. ' It. was an awful'
ride. I would not have ,believed that
an elephant could go -at such a pace
through thickjungle; but we flew, and
what ' trees came in Meghmala's way
she merely pushed down with no ef-
fort whatever. T was sick with terror,
but I -managed to keep hold of the gun
and the rifle. •
At last I saw a low hough coming,
and I felt that all wars up. My toper
had been swept off some time before,
and my hair was combed straight by
branches. The bough caught my head
with an awful blow, hut 'I passed un-
derneath,' and on we swept. I • now
realized that I must somehow get off,
.es I might'not, be so lucky another
time; so I got ready the guns, and
when we came to an open bit of pain-
.pas grass I dropped them and let my-
self slide_ot behind by her tail. !fell
with a bump; and got up in time to
see ,Meghmala vanish in the jungle be-
yond. I called and called; and my joy
when I heard`an answering call near-
ly did for me. The mahout found me
first, and when we found E— and
the forest guard E— was shaking
all over and could not speak, and the
men were nearly as bad. How eve got
home I do not know, but we did, and I'
was put to bed. i Mr. 0—, E—, a
friend, and thirty coolies with another
elephant, Ramkalli, then started off to.
hunt for 11' eghmala.
At eight o'clock that. evenigg .they
came home With both elephants. Ram-
kalli had caught up with Meghmala,
and the mahout had jumped from one
to the other. Everything -`except
E—'s coat and my tepee was on the
pad, loose. And my tepee and E—'s
coat were found; also the comb out of
my hair, My idea is that Meghma]a
scented the wild elephant, and that
when she 'made off with me she was
going in search of it. Had she met
the other elephant I should have been
killed instantly. �^
But Airships`Have Proved a Fiasco—
Thirty-two Destroyed. ..
Writing from'the French front, G.
H. Perris,,the London Chronicle's spe-
cial correspondent, says: .
By the efforts of the past year,
which I recently reported,' General von
Hoeppner has now ,-brought the
-. strength of the German aviation ser-
vices pp oto rather more than 200
squadrillas, representing a total . of
about 2,500 machines. They are di-
vided as follows:
Bombarding squadrilla.s, 23; chasers,
• 40; protection squadidllas, 30; patrol
equadrillas, 80; artillery squadrilias,
1014 total, 273.
To these groups must be added the
aeroplanes and hydroplanes of the
4 navy, a dozen or more gafiison squad -
lilies, and about a dozen training
I have before me a detailed account
of the fate of rather more than 50
Zeppelins, which explains in the most
satisfactory manner why these prodi-
gious vessels no longer frighten the
world, and so far as land operations
are concerned can no longer be seri-
ously counted in the ail services.
_Apeer rom two destroyed before the
war, the Est may be summed up as
Destroyed in Germany, 10; destroy-
ed in neutral countries or near.; the
front, 5; destroyed in England, by the
British Navy, or on their way home
from Ib'hgland, 16; others destroyed at
sea, 2; out of use, 5; in use as train-
ing schools, 4; in use chiefly in the
North Sea, 9; total, 50.
Considering the millions of pouiid0
spent and the unlimited hopes built
' :upon these nionstel's, we may' regard
'the result as one of the most con-
'spicuous fiascos in the history of in-
dustrial and military science.
Stars Wore time Only Guide to. Ice -en-
circled "Endurance."
Although Sir Ernest' Shackleton's.
, ship, the Endurances made a perilous
,voyage of 2,000 males through pack
lice in the Weddell Sea, scientific work
,never ceased,' After three days' gale
the ship was, held ,fast, and then sltc
',drifted slowly on the ice to the north-
' hard. Finally she had to be aban-
I Work of the scientific instlem.enbs,
'said Lietihcnane J. It Wordit why: had
'charge of the' oceanographic worm:, at
the Royal Geographical Society, was
'considerably hampered by .four inches
of frost rime, and the posielon of the
'ship was tested by the sun's.
'When the ship .was abandoned amid
,the pack ice, said Lieutenant Wordie,
he crew took to the heats, bee It was
'Nome menthe before "they could finclea
passage through the ice, and it, was
Blot ufmtil April, 1916, that, after many
,adverltnres, they were able to land on
',Elephant .Island-
Lieutel7armt Wbrdie spoke of two
'points of land 111 the Weddell. Sea
lvhiell had been named' by their Ccr-
finen disroVbrers, "le uitpold Barrier"
ltd "Wilhelm Barrier." Re thought
,the names ought to be changed to their
inglisll equivalents, "Leopold" and
Milliner*" Barriers, but the Admiralty
sInsisted upon the :first names being ea-
tainod, '
Some are cheered by a nation's honor
And some by a steadfast friend;
And some by the light of a woman's
Till the strain and strife have• end.
And after the story is writ and read
The heart of the world is stirred.
But here's to the man who toiled alone
And whose tale was never heard. ..
There is joy in a fateful struggle
If the Watchers --understand. -
There is joy in the lift of another's
load -
By a lbyal heart or hand. - -
But some things fall to the lot of
• life,—
And ever it must be so,
Some no others can understand,
And so
me no one can know.
In the long, long run we reckon
Each man at his social worth;
With a partial glance at his circum-
And the stars above his birth.
13u0 under time breest that stands the
The heart tides ,ebb and flow.
Then here's to the one whose. 'duty's
In a stress we do not know.
—Charles Poole Cleaves.
To guard the baby against colds
nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab-
lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative
that will keep the little one's. stom-
ach and bowels working regularly.
Itis a recognized fact` that where the
stomach and bowels are in good order
that colds will hpt exist; that the
health of the little one will `'be good
and that he will thrive and be happy
and good-natured. The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers, Or by mail
at g5 cents e,..box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Girlsl,Make this cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten your elan. •
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three 'ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you
have a quarter pint of the best freckle
and tan lotion, and complexion beauti-
fier, at very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white fere` a
few cents. Massage this sweetly fra-
grant lotion into the face, neck, arms,
and hands each day and 'see how
freckles and blemishes disappear and
how clear, soft and white the skin be-
comes. Yes! It is harmless.
In Memoriam.
(Lieut -Cbl. John. McCrae, author of
"In. Flanders' Fields.")
Another cross in the same row
Marks' thine own place
In Flanders' Fields ---•Whore poppies
The Beacon Torch lights us the Way
to Victory.
Eagerly we grasp it.
We'll break no faith;
Sleep on, and be content;
No need to fear.
ever fola,the best that any of them
could db. Statistics showed that the
annual wastage of the civil,medical
population was between 900 and 1,000.
It was estimated that the recruitment
in 1918 would be barely 900, and in
1919, when the depletion of their ranks
through the war would be most felt,
it would only be 519. That was to say,
that for some years to come the medi-
cal profession would not be recruited
in a sufficient measurer to overcome;
the ordinary civil wastages
It was evident, said Dr. Addison,
that -.there were*tio fewer than a mil-
lion elementary school children who
were seriously handicapped in the race
for life owing to some defect or dis-
ease which for the most part we knew
was preventible. When the end of the
war came they would see the total of
those who had been loet, and they
would be able to compare it with that
million which was being wasted now.
We should `spare no efforts of mind
and body to overcome that handicap
in the• next generation. There was al
vital need that we should ac'hieve
greater unity of direction, and that
we should have a sustained and com-
prehensive programme of health ef-
o L
Her Knitting Bag.
She sat in the amber lamplight
In an old-fashioned,roeking chair;
On her face alook of rare sweetness
'Heath the white of her soft, silky
And her needles gleamed in the fire-
As ger fingers, rapidly flew,
While her ball of yarn slowly twisted
In its hag of windrows hue.
There was tan like his suit of khaki,
And blue as bright as his eye,
And green as fresh as time parting—
Though months had glided by.
There was. crimson as, deep its his
• courage, '
And purple her king could wear,
With shades of gold intermingled
Like the lights in his curly hair.
0 -smother, so silently loutth%
Witim your yarn of ashen gray,
The th.Jr�ughts through your' nm]nd a-
Match the roseate h0eseef day.
For you, too;,, the bluo of the loyal,
The red of the heroes bold,
The white. of. saints°tried by fire—
And yetis! heart that is purest gold.
'Toreephiee M. Fabricant, -
seinerns Liniment dune- colas) oto..
"What's your name, little girl?"
"Peggy." "But What's your last
Immo?" "I don't know what it will
be; I'm not married yet,"
Restewith the dead.
Thy work has been well-done.
The poppies bloom .upon thy faee,
And long as memory lasts
We shall not lose the place
That marks thy bier. _
No humbug I Apply few drops
then juct liftthem away
with fingers.
--o-- o o a es 0 0 0
new drug is an ether com-
discovored by a Cincinnati -
chemist. It is called
freezone, and can now
be obtained in tiny bot-
tles as -here shown at
very little cost4rom any
drug store lust ask
for freezone. Apply a
drop or two directly
upon a tender corn or
callus and instantly the
soreness disappears,
Bhortip you will find
the corn or callus so
loose that you can lift it
off, 'root and all, with
the fingers. '
Not a twinge of pain,
soreness or irritation;
not even the slightest ,
smarting, either when
applying freezone or
This drug doesn't. eat
up the corn or callus,
but shrivels them so
they loosen and come .right out, It 1s
no humbug I It works like a charm.
Fax a few cents you can get rid of
every hard corn, soft corn or corn be-
tween the toes, as well tae painful
calluses on bottom of your feet. 'It
never disappoints and never burns,
bites or inflames. If your druggist
hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to
get a little bottle for you from his
wholesale house,
' This
OU'can ao
more Miring
the day if you
have had a. really
enjoyable shave
—an AutoStrop
Every time yott
rise your Auto-
Satop you realize
what it means to •
own a razor that
is always' in ger-
fect.condition for
its blade is gharp
and ]teen.
The AutoStrop
is the only razor
that sharpens•' its •
own blades auto-
Goiroetoad to Soddy
Comvlete Outfit
AutoStrop Safety
Razor Co., Limited
53.37;Dolto St,
Toronto, Ont.
Mansonville, .Tune 27, '13.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Yarmouth, N. S.
Gentlemen,' --It affords me great
pleasure and must be gratifying to
you to know that after using 36
bottles of your Liniment on a case of
paralysis which my father wasafflict-
ed with, I was able to restore hila to I
normal condition. Hoping• other stef-
ferers may he benefited by the nee of
+e'tir Liniment, Team, ,
Sincerely yours,
A bran !mot is a very good aubsf:l-
tiate for the expensive casserole,
Cheap cuts of neat browned, season-
ed and ceolced in et bean pot, in the
oven with a little hot water added are
tender -and del iciou,
Send a Dominion _Express Money
Order, :rive dollar costs three Ceuta,
These arc 224 active voleanoee in
the world:
Miliaodtif• Liitlment Cores »tStelnber.
Clover seed p0lces are going up;
farniel's intending to -do full justice,
to 'their land in seeding down with
Spring sown gt'ain should make sure'
of a supply of. alsilce and red slower.
tie/ ?colt as ,possible,
e' _ —• The easiest way to clean mirrors
is by „dipping a cloth in 'alcohol and
rubbing slightly. -
Minarets Liniment dimes escort in Cows
Tactful. "-
OShe gave me a tie :for my birth-
"How did you accept it?"
•"I told her that its beauty should
be for my eyes alone."
1JJR1' Granulated Eyelids;
♦ ;•: �. t, „"'-�,A".s i, SoreByos, Eyesanflamed by
Sun, Duni and Wind quickly
relieved fly Murine. Try it in
slESyour Eyes and in Baby's Eyes,
�T NoSmsrting,Just EyeCotniorb
MunineEye ltenietly At bony bratraist•s Dr by
mall, ban pe r4, Cu. Mu,o.
Gyn.Salvo, +e Tubas rbc, Czar too/E of t,i0 LIVE •- FI'DA,
MM9k mortise Eye 1Rerpod' Co., Clntcago a
The English Channel has an aver-
age depth of 110 feat,
Minerals Liniment Garde Dii,llt1erla. -
▪ W- h- en buying your Piano
I insist on having t5n
't OTTO H!G L"
Pickles are never goof! unless they
are nee, up with the hest elder vine-
Reduces Bursal Enlargements,
Thickened, Swollen i issues,
Curbs, Filled Tendons Sore -
mess from 61rulsee or Strains
stops Spavin Lameness, allays Dain.
Does not blister, remove the hair et
ley up the horse, :912.00 a bottle
at druggists or delivered. Boole 1M free,
ABSORBINE, JR., lot' mankind --an
• antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds,
etratns, painful swollen ven3s of glands. It
Itealo and soothes, $1,00 a bottle at_dtng-;
gists or.postpaiil, Will tell yon more if you
IN, F.10Ut40, p 0, F 810 Lyman Bldg, !361,traal, Oen,
egscrblec, add ✓ 6460biao Jr if0 fiad0 is Clieltai,
1511115 No,
On Hands From Salt Rheum
At Very Small Cost for
Soap and Ointment.
"I was a great sufferer from salt
rheum on my bands. It came in small
blisters between my thumb and finger
and it itched terribly and kept spread-
ing. I could not use my hands at all
and the skin Would crack and bleed so
that I could not bend my fingers. 1 can-
not describe what I have suffered and
the sleepless nights I had.
"Then 1 got time Cuticura Soap and
Ointment. I only,used one cake of Cud -
cora Soap and one box of Ointment
when my hands were healed." (Signed)
Mrs, Nl. L. Aiken, Highwater, Que.
Keep your skin clear by daily use of
Cuticura Shapwith touches of Oint-
ment now and 'then.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
Bostonosltl-. 8. A „ C Sold aeerryipt. A,
whe e.
vr9r 345 aoodtn y filo ossit' its't$
lir KZE CATi-1•;oCAIre
—showing our full linea of tllpycleS for Alca
and Wooten. Boys and Glrle,
'T'ir'es, Coaster Arehart, Wheels, 2aneertibee,
1 i,ataps, none, Cyvlornetera,'fladdlcs,rental
meat and rnrte, of Illeye1es. VW .6011 by,
your supplies from us et wltoloealo prices.
T. W. BOYD & SON, •
A7 Nptre Deme! Strout Weot, Montreal,
jiunu91I11111i1iumil,iumniiiitiu ul
Come to T oront1
' Your Buygnig
ty ^^ yti: In addition to the outing' end r.
: change, a shopping trip to Toronto W
3 may save you much money. Tho
ei advantages of buying in a large
,:metropolitan city are very Many.
is Wider choice, newer goods, fresher Y
M commodities, special bargains, all
of which mean a saving hi money,
teein addition to apleasurable trip.
4 And all this is doubly enhanced by
W the fact that you can stay at the G
most home -like and comfortable
M hotel in Canada, and at moderate E
cost, and have your parcels sent te
direct to our check room. There is
no extra charge. 5
The Wal er House g.
• Tlme73ouse ofPty
;d111111999I1919113113333IIII II I91II111I111I3111116
Aeu 'ctai A i ople
"You 4on'•taced ntor'Gury,potneh
r any other Ptrong rnincrril to
Cure pimples oauaeti by peer
blood. Take L:xtt'aet of sleets• --
druggist call; it "Medan' Seigel's
Cerative- Syrup -and your Skin
will clear e1) as freest as a baby's.
Itwill ;sweeten ycuretenieehand
regulate your bowels.'? Get the
enutne. 501., and $1.00 bottles.
At drug stores. S {,
Should Read Mrs. Molnyhafa'e
Letter Published by
Her Permission.
Mitobel], Ind,—" Lydie, 10. Pinlcham'a
Vegetable Compound helped meso mut
during the` time I
was lookin8'forward
to the coming of my
little one that I ant
recommending it to
other expectant
.mothers. Befor@
taking it, some days
suffered with neu-
raigia so badly timet
I thought Y could!
not live, but after.
taking three bottles
of Lydia E. Pink -
H'am's Vegetable
Compound 1 was en -1
tirely relieved of,
neuralgia, I had
gained in strength
and was able to go
around and do' all
my housework. My baby when seven
months old weighed 19 pounds and I feel
better than I have for a long time. I.
never had anymedicine do me so
much good."—stirs. PEARL MONYEA27,J
Mitchell, Ind.
Good health during maternity is
most important factor to both mother
and child, and many letters have been
received by the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Maas., telling of
health restoredduringthis trying period
by the use of Lydia E. Pinlcham s Vege-
a e
t bl Compound
Dangerous Gas and Acids That
Hurt The Stomach—SSW The Food
Cause Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Recommends a Safe Way to Treat Stomach rAroubl"e At Home
Many stomach sufferers who are
always full of gas and whose stom-
achs -burn with acid after nearly
every meal. think these things are the
RESULT of indigestion when in
realitythey aro the CAUSE.
It ijust as foolish to give at•tifl-
alal digesteTrts such as pepsin, etc„
to a stomach full of gar and acid as
it would be for a man who had step-
ped on a tack to rub liniment Orr his
foot •without removing the tach.
Some stomachs generate too much
gas and acid. Gas distends the stom-
ach walls, causing a full, bloated op-
pressive feeling while the acid irri-
tates and inflames the lining of time
stomach. Naturally the food ferments
'and sours,'dlgestion is, of ten delayed
and stomach misery is the result.
Artifleiai digestants will push this
sour, fermenting mass Otto the in-
testines and so relieve the stomach
painbut the acid still remains in the
stomach to generate more gas and
produce more trouble at the next
tf you are using digestive aids af-
ter meals drop them for a while and
Instead 'get a few 5 -grain tablets of
purebisurated magnesia from any
druggist and take two with each
meal. ]Sisurated Magnesia does not
digest ex-
cessive acid but
mInyourwill e sttomach.ralize 'keep
the food sweet and will drive the gas
and bloat right out of your body. As
Magnesia. is prepared in various
forms be sure to gerI,isurated Mag-
nesia for this purpose as It is not a
laxative and in this refined form will
not insure the stomach in any way.
Y,Schinery a.
New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust
flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,200 cash for Immediate sale, .�
GENERoTOR, a00e1 .'W., 110.120 Volts D.C.
426 cash
PULLEYS, Large size.
26x66-$30 ; 12x60-$20 ; 121/2x48-$12 ;
1 BLOWER OR FAN, Buffalo Make.
14 inch discharge -$30. -
ATIFronON, LTD.60esi orolattn
It's a money -Saver ----
this book we send you fr ee
It's no exaggeration to call this book—
, "What the Farmer can do with Concrete"--;
a money -saver. It makes money by saving money—for every farmer who
reads it and who acts on the advice and instructions it contains. How does it
save money ? Simply by telling how to build farm improvement of Concrete.
The farmer nowadays realizes that he is under a
terrible handicap in hie efforts to make money, if he
has to be constantly sinking profits in repairs. Only
by using Concrete can he have buildings that do not
call for repairs and painting. Only with Concrete
for his building material can he have his farm fire-
proof, waterproof, watertight, repaiir proof, vermin
By building Roads of Concrete we can reduce the
cost of living, and nt the same time increase the sanner'o
profits on everything be calla or have.
The welfare of the farm demands Permenaet 11I10h-
ways of Concrete. Cur farmere need them fqr the
hauling of garden -truck frees and dairy ,,rCodeta fete
town, On Concrete alone cab Chia houlitfa.e ilone
etenomlcally, it provides the only surface that resists the
twear rete is, in Oct,
necessary to sucrase,
NI road building reit to for successful
farm construction, Conpnteto roses,
• like Concrete buildings. pay
for thea nselves in the having
of repairs,
The Canada Cement Company limited, 86 8
Herald Bldg., Montreal
proof 'and on1'litary.
In our 100 -page book, there are directions whicb
enable the farmer to construct all sorts of improve-
ments of Concrete, In odd times—with the help of
his than. Send for this remarkably useful, money-
saving book. Mmis on the coupon the subjects
which are of immediate interestto you.
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