HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-2-21, Page 5e. February Visits, WO; +linton News+RaFnrd mitt# Township 1 r, and Mrs, J, I,, 1,e ego of `i�fttie Current carne clown to attend the ilureral of the letter's father, Mr. Richard' Blake, who tt'a8 buried wan ,Saturday, .arrlvfng here , Just as the funeral services were couoluded in St, •Joseph's ohuroh, Clinton. Mr,. Leeage retuned Monro ism ivlonday, Mr. Michael Blake returned to De- troit 011 Monday, havieg coma honk to ii,;ttenct his lather's funeral, Marriages ite'OON.N]dLL-J4GO--lit Cl'ittton, ort • Feb. 16th, by the Bov, 1J, A, Robinson, Erlith Maud, daughter oe Wm. I. Jago, to Patrick Thomas O'Connell' of Toronto, 'C`GRIGG-IK ;EFL -In London, on Dec. 290, 1917, Envie R. Keefe to Pto, Hugh B. Grigg, eldest son of•112r. and Mrs. A. J, Grigg ,of Clinton, &IJi1DOUR-,BOTIANNAN -- At Van- oouver, B.O,, on Feb. 9th, Blanche Batilda Bohemian . to Edward L. Bedour, 13.A., Se„ formerly of Goderich township. `h IE D L MATtFTES � - 0'V A "Hamilton, i 9 Ian tiro s on February 9th, Nina May, eld- er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- gus Matheson of Goderich, to Asnos W+illiani Field of Hamilton. HERN--PHILLIPS-In Exeter, on February 14th, Ela G, Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mxs. S. B. Phillips, .to James Wellington Bern. 'HALL-HORAN-In Seafortb, on Feb. lith, Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Horan, to Clarence Hal] of Toronto, Seaforthl, SU, W. D. ,Stewart of St, Paul,. Alarm., hurt lorttterly of Seeforth,,has presented a. llancisonte loving cup to the local curling club to be eontpetecl for by the looal plasters, Pte. Emery A, Troyer of Camera, Saslc„ and Pte, W. 1d. Flack of, Al- berta were visitors reoently, at the hour of the lormor's uncle, Mr. John Snaith. They were on their last leave before going overseas, Miss A. Pringle has rotarned to ber home in Hamilton alter a visit with her grandmother, Mrs. J. 11. Broad- foot, The marriage took place in St, . James' church on I12olideyof last week on Miss Marion, .daughter .of i M'r. and Mfrs. John X-Xorae, to Mr. Clarence Hall of Toronto. Rev. Fath- er .Corcoran performed the ceremony, Miss Cecelia, sister of the bride, was ,bridesmaid and Mr. Joseph Brown was bostnlan. After a honey. moon trip Mx, and Mrs, Ilall will reside in Toronto. PULLETS FOR SALE. --A NUMBER of Barred Rock pullets.: Apply at J. IS. Levis', ofilhe, Isaac St. -29 THE SALVATION ARMS' IS HOLD- ing their Y. P. Annual, Feb. 25th, programme consisting of dialogues, recitations, drills, ate. .Admission 10 cants. 29-4 BUTCHER WANTED -FOR SUM - riser months for Farmers' ]3eof Icing, -Apply to W. H. Ball, Lon- desboro, or John J. Smith, R. R, No. 2, Clinton. _ -20 MAN WANTED,: M A.N ' WANTED ' for farm work, Married man pre- ferred.: Personal application is de - Births sired. Duties to bogie about 15th March. -D. A. Forrester. 29-4 DRU'i1 MOND In Il'•ingham, on Feb. 13t11 to fr. andMrs. 11 E • 'told Drammond, a:daughter, KELLY -,In Tuirnberry, 0n February 11th, to Mr. and•Mrs, John A, Reny', a daughter, PEPPER -.In Stanley, on .Feb. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Pepper, a son. • Deaths 33EA''TTY Ju Goderich, on Feb. 12tb, Thomas Beatty, aged 70 years and 3 months. TIE.RNEY In Goderich, on Februarys 10th, Patrick Tierney, -aged 90 years'. McLE00--Fn, Goderich, on February '..7th, Capt Alegi. McLeod, aged 83ear y s. BENTLEY -In Wingham, on Feb. 10th, Margaret Greer, relict of the late James Bentley. KEEHOE-In Seaforth,' on February 13th, William R. ICehoe, aged 57 years. HOUSE FOR SALE WITH TWO lots, a stable and a, good garden and fruit orchard. The house has 9 rooms with an excellent collar, new bathroom, hot and cold water. It has been recently rennovated and extensively repaired and is inex- cellent condition. ,Price very mod- erate,-Applya to W. Brydone. 29-13 A CONCERT, UNDER THE AL'S - Aires of the 'Stanley Maple Leaf Patriotic Society, will be held at Baird's school house on Friday ev- ening, March 1st. The main fea- ture of the ,concert is a play ,in four acts, entitled "Farm Folks." This play is full of humor and r clever plotting. Other features of the entertainment are 'an attrae. tive drill by sixteen girls, vocal selections, etc. A good time is assured, to all who attend. Con- cert commences at 8 o'clock. Pro- ceeds entirely patriotic. 20-2 r l,'I'7;I19`°BUS AND DRAY IIUSIN 'SS of Josh Cook will be 4t4011de4 to for the next month or so, tiering his absence, by O'11as, Lovett. Phone 80, A11 calls Promptly at- tended to, 29.-3 110U,S1i1• FOR 11E1sl9^-, 7 ROOMED house .on 'Townshend- street ; 0100 - trio lights ; :sat water ana town water, For -particulars apply to Feenvh, Clinton, Phone 15, • -20 110TISE AND LOT FOfi SALE, -AN eight roomed house in good repair on Ontario St., town water, Solt water, electric lights, good Furnace and dry cellar. Two chicken hous- es, %i acre of Al garden land with small lru+its and fruit trees. Clood terms and price right for quick sale, For particulars, eta,; apply. on premises. -A, L. Murch. --09 FARM FOR SALE.,I Ole F'ER FOR sale my farm consisting of Lots 21 and 22, H.R. Con., Goderich town- ship, containing about 205 acres. On it are two comfortable dwell- ings, two. large 'balms with stabling for 100 cattle, 8 horses . and 100 hells, two silos, two windmills and o abundance f tat • � et, 45 acres are newly seeded to clover and timothy, 80 acres fail. plowed, 70 in pasture .and 25. well mattured last Call and present avinter. This faros having been, for many years, used as a stock and grazing farm is now in a high state of fertility. It ad- joins the town of Clinton, 15 with - 41.15 to 20 minutes walk of post- OMee, collegiate, public school, churches or G.T.R. depot. Will sell jointly or separately, Posses- sion as may be agreed upon. -D. A. Forrester. -29. AUCTION SALE OF FARivI STOCK, Etc. at Lot 37, C0 11.5, Goderich eri h township, on MondaY, laroh 4th, at 2 o'clock : 1 heavy draft horse rising 5 years old,1 black driving horse rising 6 years old, 1 black Poroheron colt rising 3 years, .1 cow 7 years old supposed to be in calf, 2 heifers to, calve in April, 2 lumber. wagons,, 1 wagon box, 1 set bob sleighs, hay rack, horse' rake, steel roller, Frost & Wood gang plow, Wilkinson plow,, set harrows,) Deering disc drill, Frost & 1%'ood disc harrow, Frost & Wood scalier, scraper, pea {harvester, Frost t Wood mower, wheel barrow,. set of heavy •,harness, ladder, fanning mill and bagger, cutting box, a quantity hay, cream separator, churn, forks, chains and other articles, All stuns of $10 and, under, cash ; over that amount 8 months' credit on approved joint notes or 5 percent. off for cash on credit amounts. --1'. Gundry, Auctioneer ; John ,a. Bur- ton. ' 29-2 Jackson has Moved This week has been fully occupied in moving our big stock into the new premises. It will take a few days to get every- thing into running order, after which we will have further interesting offer ings to announce. You Get a hill Measure of- SitisIaction tor every Dollar _ 1011 Invest in S oes al, This Storeo Two Doors North of Our Former Store. Fred on "Pr e ica.pt Shoeman," v IIOIZSES FOR SALE -2 HORSES suitable for iloilTery or geoerai work.. Apply at News -Record Of - nee, +--29 ONE HUNDRED ACRN FARM' FOR Sale, -Lot 20, (Jou, 1, XIuron Road Survey, 'l'uckersmiai, known es the Wise farm, All fenced with wevse wire, fair buildings, 40]1 in good stat( of cultivation, Running stream on place, Apply to. Goo. Beauregard on premises, Phone 20 an 144, 29-6 COTTAGES FOR SALE.. -1 HAVE OA 013' list 61 times for sale na iter of very desirable properties• for those who wish to purchase a neat comfortable cottage suitable• to a retired "couple or a small fam- ily of moderate moans. They are snug, comfortable' houses and can be had at reasonable prices. Par- cels 1 -and 2 are two brick cottag- es, eac11 with, a garden, lochtod on Ontario street next westof the manse, They have been . 11e1d, at 21000, for quick sale 1 will accept 8900,for either. Parcel 8 is on Princess street in rear oft Presby- terian churok a frame cottage very commodious and well . arranged suitable bl t e for a. family try of 2 to 6. Hos been held at $900. Will sell for $'800 cash. Paroeth is west of parcel 3 and is a brick cottage well built and with convenient ap- poIntments. It is worth $950, but 'will be sold -for $850 cash. For in- spection or particulars_ apply at mq office. -W. Brydono. 29-2 DISP+ERSIQN AUCTION SALE Ole. Pure Bred Registered Shorthorn Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Horses and Farm Implements. -The undersign ed, owing to inability to secure suitable farm help, has decided to give up farming and will offer for sale b u ' •' y public auction at his faun on Lot 14, Concession 2, L. R. S.,., Tuckersosith, la},miles east o9 Kfp pen, and half mile south, on Friday March 1st, at 1 p.m., the follow-• ing described personal property to wit : Horses -1 registered Clydes- dale mare 6 years old, Lady. Os- wald (36032), ,gelding 3 years old, sired by Colonel Graham ; ' gelding 2 years old, sired by Lord Arm- strong. Cattle -Males : 1 superior roan bull (Schoolmaster 111590),. 14 months old ; bull calf 11 months. old (115825) • bull calf, ' (Judge. Holden 115826) 5 ,months old. Fe- inales-Mono cow, Lady Waterloo• 2nd (98000), this is an extra . ,,las cow and is the dam ,of Schoolmas- ter ; red cow, Lady Duchess (104,- 111) 6 years old, one red cow five years old, Laura Duchess 4th (124982) ; one red cow five years old, Pie Crust 2nd (104401), this cow lies a bull calf at her foot ; red cow calved March 16, 1914; Janet McLaren (108352) this cow has a heifer calf at her foot ; 1• rear heifer Lydia J. (113147), calv- ed March 4411, 1915 ; dark red heif- er Rosette (128064) calved August 1st, 1915 ; red heifer, Bary Grey calved July, I915e Alb of the above females have been bred and are supposed to be in calf to Short- horn bulls possessing the merits characteristic of this noted breed, and all of the cows • are good milkers and have been milked by hand. Also one roan heifer HIig]t- land Bary (121981) calved August 20th, 1916 ; red heifer Flora Mac- donald (122709) calved October. 16th, 1916 ; heifer calf, Mary. Queen of Scots calved May, 1917 ;, heifer calf, Annie Laurie (132.799} calved November 21st, 1917. 411 of. the above cattle are recorded in. the Dominion Shorthorn 'Herd Book, Sheep --1 two-year-old Leicester, ram (17377). And also a number of pure .bred Leicester and Shrop, shire ewes ; and also a number of cross bred ewes. Swine -1 _pure bred registered boar (45049). Mso one pure bred registered sow, Kip. pen Belle 145178). Implements -.- Massey -Harris binder nearly 110tt, new Massey -Harris side delivery, rake, new corn scuiller and bean harvester, plough, set iron harrows, wagon, set of sleighs, mower, drill, roller, gravel box, set of double harness, disc, rack and other ar- ticles too numerous to .mention. Terms --All stuns of $1.0 and cutler;, cash ;• over that amount f, months' credit'on furnishing approved banks. able joint notes. A discount at the rate of six per cent, per an- num off for cash on credit` amounts. Doig, L.L.B., Proprietor, TCippen, RR. No. 2 ; C. W. Robin- son, Auctioneer, 99-1 FARMS FOR SALE -CONSISTING of two lots, No, 25 on tite 14th concession, containing - 80 acres, arid• S,E, half Of No, 80 'on the Maitland Con„ Goderich] township, containing 40 acres. Frame house, good bank barn, sheep and pig, pen and drive shed on llrst-mentioned farm, Both places well supplied with water. --Apply for:' particulars to Wm: Mannings, Noblesville P. 0., Phone 14 on 160. -97 Clearing Out Sale CHINAWARE, GL,AS'SWARI'I, G.RANI'rEWARI , TTARDWARE, DRY 000DS, ETC., ETC. Commencing on Saturday, Feb. lith, our fu11 stock will be sold 'at great reductions as see purpose go- ing 004• 01 basilicss. O A, B1ADs11AW Variety: Store, Ciliatef%, lV1OR'1'GAGIO ISAL1:«-UND.EIr .AND by virtue of the powers, c9ntalned 11A 801L8dn mortgage whlcil will be produced at the urate of sale, tll0re will 110.. offered, for: Salo by Ptihlie Auetrion by Tbomas Gundry, gt 111e prom1801 en Monday, the 4th day! of March, A.0,, 1.018, at 1 the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the. following property ; the, No, 37, 000. 5, Township of Goderlclt, con- taining.80 acres of land. On the property are a dwelling 1to050 anti barn 80x00 with stabling wider - Death, The land is in a good' state of cultivation and suitable for mixed farming or grazing Pur- poses. Far terms an 1 conditions of sale apply to W. firy'ione,' $01- leiter. Dated at Clinton,- ..Oat„ tlrls 131,11 day of February, A.D., 1918. 28-3 GRASS FARM TO RENT.-Applyt C, J. Wallis, Clinton: 2-4 FOR SALE -410 ROOMED HOUSE on Mary street, one acre of garden and orchard and barn. This 48 a very desirable ]rouse and will be sold at a bargain,. Apply at News - Record office. 28-4 Debentures foil Sale To meet liabilities lalling due with- in the next few months' the Corpora- tion of the Towr1 of Clinton offers for sale to residents of Clinton 'and vicinity debentures which were issued for 'Hydro -Electric and Water Works purposes, amounting to $12,000:00, These debentures' form part of the Sinking Fund and are in denomina- tions enominations of $500.00 each'. They are of- fered at a price to yield the inves- tor six percent.. As this offer is- op= en for only a limited, time intending purchasers' should apply at once, Fur- ther information may beobtained from H. WILTSE, Chairman Finance Committee D. L. ,.MACP'HER,SON, Treasurer. 28-2' SKATES Sharpened While you Wait, Byam & Sutter Plumbers and Electricians Picone 7 THE Kiddies Like It Try 01,0 lfdwardsburg -Corn Syrup, Just the seine as you buy in palls only you are not paying for the pails. Bring your, own pall or jar and we wilt fill it at 10 cents per lb. SPECIALS Good cooking beans 'a 100 per ib, Mince meat 45 2 lbs. for 35e, Glaubercattle saltsids 5c per 113. 3 only hand made cedar tubs, ex- tra well made to clear e.5 $1,75 each. . Market baskets ,p 25c each. HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared, for. PHONE 111. Stock Reducing SALE CLEARING ALL CHINA AT COSI', DIA.MONI) RINGS REDUCED, Some .of the reductions are as fol- lows 1 Platinum setting was $70 for $90 1 clam setting was $50 for $40 1 gent's cluster was; $45 for $86 1 ladies' Taney settingwee $85. for $25 1 at $25 for $22.50, 1 at $22.50 for. $20, 2 at $20 for $17,50, and as low a8 $.12. Genuine diamonds. Silver knives and forks as low as *9,50 1301 doz. Glasses repaired and fitted 'at the old prices, AGENT FOR PIIONOLAS, 1tt: H. JOHNSON Jewe.ler an'tt Optielan (Mat to Ilovoy's Drtle Store), IMAM FOR SAI413,-TOT T, MAID. laud Oen., Goderleli township, coit- trVinfng. 55 cores et (lay loam, skit- able for agrleu)turo Ori grass, 5 acres of choice hardwood Mien, Never failing spring oreeic running through, 15 acres of ulo'wing (10110, Pos0ession 050 be had at 0400, -Apply to Win, Bedour, XI li. N9,. 2, Clieton, 1' 1101(0 12 on 1)13, 27: MUST 11011 SALES -OM CORNE/It of '1'ewnsend and Dirk street$, Sev- en roomed 1101180, also- 3011try. and suptiner kitchen ; soft water cis- tern, town water and electric lights. Apply to L. Stang, Clinton, -27 COTTAGE FOR SAL1±i,-0'N RAT- tenbury street, was , 6 rooms, and pantry, good cistern, town water` and electric lights, Good stable and garden. -Apply to W. T, Henry, Clinton, -20 FOR SALE. -ON ALBERT STREET a seven roomed cottage. Electric lights ; soft and town water in kitchen. For particulars apply to T. A. Greig, _16 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25, HUR- on Road, Tuckersmith, containing 98 acres,ft w hddrn s u' b g . For par- ticulars apply to 11.. W. Gibbings, R. R. No. 4, Clinton; .-09 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad fes' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean I adios Suits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly' at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelry, Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -00 GIRLS ANTED! 10 WE Ci&N GIVE! EMPLOYMENT TO 6i FEW MORE EMIT+ PERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co LIMITED. Selected Potatoes_ Wanted.! for immediate delivery,:, We take them any (lay. Highest market price paid. We want them before cold spell comes. JAS. STEEP & CO. Bos 192 Phone 120 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Lenten Season SPECIALS We have a very fine stock, of canned fiat for the Lenten season, We mention a few specials below : Canned Salmon, Cod Fish, Hippard Herring in tomato sauce, Finnan Haddie, Lobsters, Sardines, Fresh Fish, Salmon Trout, Hailibut, Fresh Cod Stock, Fresh herring. Butter and eggs wanted -=highest prices cash or trade. E_E. HUNNIFORD BATCTNG BECOMES , A PLEASURE when our..11otur is used. Results are so sure to be successful that one cannot fail to take pleasure fn her batting, If you knew the infinite Care taken its its making from, selecting the grain to packing the flour, • you' woillci know why our Pour is so good. .A sack for trial will improve your batting et once, W, Jenkins & Son. FLOOR AND F18(. t14ione 199, Highest pt1ceb pair! Cox Grain and Wool, Elevate** Reobdtnod Ohne 0441, VIVO How Good. Good k"fune$ Can n Be We have thein 0 18 and 20 els, per pound,: Large, juicy, tender, swept, fat, Grallf0rafa Primes, It would surprise you 11 wo told you how many prunes weesell 1111. T. The Club Grocery CREAM WANTED ! We will buy your cream and guar- antee you- HIGHEST PRICES ACCURATE, RECORD PROMPT RETURNS ENTIRE. SATISFACTION Write us for cans. We supply them. Pay express charges. Pay you for the cream you scrip twice each' mouth. Carefully weigh, sam- ple and test each can and send you a statement. Write today, prices aro high. Agents : Walton -W. G. Neal Hinburn-Hall & Co. Varna -Beatty Bros. Tns Seaforth Creamery Co. Bos 486 SEAFORTH, ONT.: BLA'CKSMITHS! You have probably learned that it is almost impossible during these strentr1us times to obtain good smashing coal, In spite of this 'fact we have been successful in securing a largo car of our high grade "K;LF,AN- WLLD PREPARED!. Siv1 PHINt9SS which we expect will arrive shortly: Secure your supply frons, this carload as wo are never sure et getting. another. For further information call us up at our expense. We are also dealers in all kinds of Logs, Lumber, McNair Bramd Shingles, Canada Cement and Buffalo Brand Feftiiizers. J. R. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. WANTED New Laid Eggs Fancy prices are being paid for strictly, new laid eggs at clue poultry plant; 'Bring. your eggs to us and get the ready cash, ' LIVE Follltry Wanted Highest- prices will be paid for largo g0antities of live poultry, that will be required to meet the increasing de- mand duo to meatless days: Pouttrp taken, the first three days of each week during the winter months, Be. good to ,your dock of liens this year and help production, This is patriotic work and at ., the same time helping your • own pocket, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. CLINTON N. W. Trewartha, Phone 100 lvfanagor or 'Noblesville 4 on 14% ORDER Your. Sap Pans and Buckets now. So as to be ready when the sap begins to 'rum. Agent for Hecla Furnaces lIOS. HAWKINS. Plumbing and Heating Shlop over Rowland's Fa;+itdware. PXIoNi 83) , , l