HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-2-21, Page 1e Clinton spo-Rcord .N4.2029 w38th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2Ist, 1918 TUE HOME PAPS; T ., 'T'ws-Record to any Canadian address is $1.50 per year. Q(� pf The News -Record elU.S. orany foreign country $2,00 -per year. Subscribe now FOR THE PEOPLES PAPER 9�cket or Wriot, Which r Whether yon prefer awatch to be worn on the,wrist, or for the pocket—You ou will find it with us at its best. We have them for Mau, woman, boy and girl, in 6lcl gilled, .1terling Silver or "fickle all sizes, all prices and ail good tirne•keepera, We are particular about ane thing, viz.; " To see any watch bearing the name 'Hellyar'shall be a credit to us" el � l Vii✓• u Jewett.? and Optician - - Clinton ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,011,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,564,000• Total Assets 835,000,000 Head Office, Montreal 450 Branches, With world wide connection. A general Banking business transacted, Clinton Branch - R, E. MANNING, Manager INCORPORATED 1855 SHE M0LSONS BANK i Capital and Deserve $8,800,000 -98 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted, Circular Lr<.4ters of Credit Bank Money Orders, Savingsn meBank Ike rtnt a Interest allowed at bigbest current rate.: H. R. Sharp, Acting Manager, Clinton Branch READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING 2 he ,A'lor sh Clothing Co. OILLEHED CLOTHING From Credit To Cash Particulars on Page 8. ClearalIee Sale Begins Friday, Feb. 8 Terms Strictig Cash: 5 SH ROBE COR Motto "A Spare Deal for Every Man.", . P. R Agent C� e 1 e -'or Sfrnd'a. or' raid Gals. 1'lton �' � 1� 9 Y L,P.A„ HIELP,APPREOIATBD. Captela?.. Scott of the Sake wishes to thank the Auxiliary Girls for the magnificent way iii which they helped with the Valentine 'tea and supper. 1V, 1'. S. ,NOTES. Regular meeting of the Women's Patriotic Society on Friday aftete noon at three o'clock. r The collection of the "Pouny Bags will be.mada;Thuraday, Vele 28th, Nee TN 2I'IS OWN STORE. • Mr. Fred Jackson, the Practical Sboeman, is to be found this week in his ,own store, ,just north of O'Nei1's grocery. Me, Jackson has had this store f tied up t t 'Until it is in first class shapes and his large and up-to-date stock of shoes -show to advantage upon the shelves, The customers of. the 'Some of Good Sloes" wili,.fntd shopping an add- ed pleasure in this well -fitted and' upto-state store. ]MONDAY'S FIRE. A few minutes after one•-o'elock on M'cnday 'fire was discovered in the blacksmith shop of Mr. Chas. Helyer on Orange street, The alarm was sounded aad the firemen were seen upon the scene and very soon had the flames under control, but not before considerable damage had bei done to the interior of the building and contents.- The flames were kept confined to the one part of the building. Mr. Helyer left the shop about 12.15 when everything was all right- but it is supposed that the fire or- iginated fromthe stove which was used for heating. M. Helyer says he has been ,lu the business for thir- tp.five years and this is the first times any damage has over come to :him from fire. The building is owned by bir. Wil- son Elliott, who carries on a wood- working business under the same roof. The loss will be partially cov- ered by insurance. AMONG THE CHURCHES. The pastor will take for his sub- ject at the Baptist church next Sun - .day evening the same subject which was anhouncdd for last • Sunday : "The Face of Jesus." Mr. tJ. A. Irwin preached in this church on„,Sunday evening last,the pastor taking the service iu Vestey church, • * * Owing to the scarcity of fuel the 'usual Lenten services are not being held in St. Paul's church until Pas- sion week. The union prayer meeting yester- day evening was held in St. Paul's oburoh, the Rev, J. A, Hogg being -the speaker. Next eVeditesday even- ing it will be in Ontario street church and the Rev. A, ll, Jones will give the address. * * *. - The annual sleighride of the Willis S.S, had to be postponed en Tues- day, 'for the second time this season, on account of the condition of the roads. The supper ,was served to the youngsters, however, as that was partially prepared, and : some- time ometinme Iatter if the sleighing improves the sleighride will be given, The Sacrament of the Lord's sup- per will be observed in Willis church on Sunday morning next. Pre-com- nnmioi service Wiil be held on Fre- day evening at eight o'clock. • w * . 14Tr. J. A• Irwin preached in On- tario -street church on Smiley morn- ing last, the pastor taking the ser- vice vice in Wesleypastor The pastor preached in the evening, OnXMondsy evening the Social and Literary committee had charge et the League nneeting, when an inter- eating • program was given, bit. C. Ti. Holland gavo an address end Miss Etta Rutledge a retiein , MdssEn a Piumsteei sang a solb and a mixed quartette rendered a selection very .acceptably. The. pastor's subject. next Sundae evening will be : "A Strong Man." .At the neeeting of the official boatel on Thursday evening last an Myatt - tion was extended to the pastor to, return for a.third year. A vote was taken at this meeting relative to the pastoral terror, when. of the six- teen members present all Voted to have the present term retained, The, patriotic service which wasp to be held in Wesley church on Sunday evening last had to be postponed on account of the absence or the" pas- tor, who was called away to attend the funeral of his mother. The sere Vice will take place 00 Sunday, open- ing next, The Rev. J. A. Agnew of (Matto street church preached in the mottl- ing on Sunday and' the Rev. he 0, Porde of the Baptist church preach- ed in the evetting, hots sermons were much appreciated by the ron- gregations Mr R. le, Manning gave an ads dress at Monday night's League meeting, life subject hoiflg.: 'elite h. flowing Tide of Immigration," deal- ing with different aspects of the eittesi'iott, ter. Clifford Andrews'ren- stored a solo dining the evening, Next Monday evenieg 1412, J. W. 'i'releavell win 'speak no :. "Clxeat I3atUee of History." TIWi LOCAL MART E,T„ Wheat $eao Buckwheat $1:40, Marley $,1.40, Oats 850, Butter 88e., Eggs (new laid) 50c. Live`Ixogs $17.85, FOR T'IIE BOYS IN• FRANCE. The Young Ladies' Auxiliary will meet in the eeuneil ehalnber on Fri- day evening this week for tiro pur- pose -oft packing Baster boxes for the Clinton boys in France, All . the members and' anyone interested in assisting are requested to attend, A SUCCESSFUL TEA. • The Young Ladies' Patriotic Aux- iliary, assisted the 'Salvation .Army with 4' Valentine tea, which . was held in the S. A. hall on Thursday evening last, The decoraelons, eta, were appropriate to the occasion, the waiters were attentive and diel tea was Well -cooked and well -served. The proceeds amounted to forty dollars and the Y.L.P,A. donated ten dole Tars, bringing up the total to liiftly, which the Salvation Army forwarded to headquarters for Red Crosspur- poses, last week being the "Great Drive" in the S.A. to raise • funds for the -Red Cross. ROYAL SCARLET OFFICERS, The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Hui - lett District met in ,$eaforth• on Thursday last when. the following list of capers was elected for the com- ing year : W.10. in Command, Rev. J. A. Robinson, CIinton ;Past C. in Command, W. E. Southgate, Sea - forth ; Ex -C. in Command, W. J. Falconer, Clinton ; Compauion Chap- lain, Rev. W. B. Moulton, Clinton ; C. Scribe and Treasurer, W. J. Ken - Winthrop ; Herald ,at Arms, T. J. Monaghan, Clinton.; Lecturers; John Bullard, Winthrop, 11. 111. Han- , Iey, Clinton ; Condectors, J. Il. Campbell, Winthrop, W. H. Hellyar, Clinton ; Inside Herald, John 'Mont- gomery, Seafortle ; Outside Herald, J. Danford, Clinton. FEB. NOT . OT 50 BryD. Those of us who have cherished "hard -feelings" , against February, who have thought' it a cold, heart- less month and have heft glad that there was no more of it; are having to change our ininds this yeat, The sarcastic explanation of the ab- breviation Feb, as• meaning "Freeze Everybody,"; d 0 0 5 0% t seem to flt, February has at last shown that it has a heart, January, oh"which wo have learned to depend to. bring us a thaw and a few mild days, blew• in and blew out this year without a sign of softening, each day,colder than the last and it took February a few days to pull herself 'together and decidt to break a record and bring. on a series of soft spells, As a natter of fact the months have been sort of mis- placed since August last. We bad September weather in August, Octob- er weather in -September, and'so on i h tothe' resent. It is to e' right p 1 hoped that something will happen to break the spell before going 'too far for; while nobody objects to having Mar-. ch weather in February; or April rcii weather in l4Ia we do not want to have September woather in- aug- ust again and October weather in ;Selitentber. "Anyway, the mild weather we've had during the past couple of weeks, while it has spoiled the sleighing in a good many, plaees, rias done much to case up the feel situation. (Since the above was written it hastknz up" batt „and fast, Feb, ist not to be depended on.) 'IOCI{EY _&GAIN The first game or the Town Hockey Leaue was playedon Wednesday ev- ening - euing of last week when the 1C.0 T team won from the 1'aattane Cieb ul a•sed a of 6-4. The Pastime team was made up for' the most part of 'old players, who knew the game, and they: per, baps imagined that a' victory over the "IClds" would be easy. But one lthings never can tell how he -a• e t cs g to going, The game was a bit rough. Kitty was the stat of the C. G. I, team and Illiliott did good work for the Pastemexs. Following is the lineup Lawrence, goal ; II. ]ff1- ty, R. McCl'yniint, defence ; F. Wal- lis, II, Maiming, wings ; 0• Murphy, centre ; 11, Potter, sub, . Pastime—'W. Johnston, goal ; P. Wheatley, A. ]Mitchell, (Went ; L, Hence, IL 13111, wings ; 111, lfiliotit, centre. The second game' or the town lea- gue was played, oft in the link last night and is said by some who wit- nessed it to have been the fastest• game played In Clinton this season, The Doher:tys played the Pastime Club, the score standing at 7-4 in favor of the pian» nictitate, Ai the end of the, first quartet the . score stood 8-2 in favor of the Doherty team. By . the endof the mixt rho lesstitne.rs had palled tip and the same stood 4; all but during the last petliel the poles letterss-and iblisbers had scored three mote goals and •thus "polished oft" their onpeucuts. It was a good game 01 ltoclt»y,, LI1T'S ALL KELP A ,PeG, 11 ever, "pigs wino pigs" surely this is the '4me, Last week a 1Vlorris.: township farmer delivered a. hog to a Brussels drover and was paid the haudoorno•sum of $11.1,60 for it. His bogship weighed 720 pounds eo the price• paid couldn't have peen; as high as that. paid , last wcelt an the Clin- ton market or the farmer's cheque would have beeta ,even Iarger. W. I. MEETS. The February meeting of the Wom- en's 'Institute will be held on 'T'hurs- day. next at "the home of Mrs, , , R. leitzsianons, It is expected that this will be ., an exceedinglyinteresting meeting, NIss. Chant will > v e a paper ea "helpful Hints" ' anti Mrs.• Dowus and Mrs. !Dodd will give. "Talks on Reading." The members aro . asked to remember to bring homemade cookies for demonstration, These are to be sold to swell the funds of the. society. Visitors are always welcome. MARRIED OVERSEAS. A military wedding which will be of, interest to Clinton people took place.,at St, Stephen's church, Lon- don, 'England,' on Dec. 29.0, when Pte. Hugh B. Grigg, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Grigg of town, was united in marriage with Miss Emmie R. Keefe, The Happy couple spent their boneymoon at Carlisle; Eng., as the guests. of Rev. J. Bak- er, a cousin of the groom. Hugh's old friends in Clinton waft congratulations and wish the newly - wedded pair happiness and prosper- ity. HAS PURCHASED HOME. bIx. Chas. F. Libby, the genial and Popular manager of the Clinton Knit- ting Co., has purchased the hand- some residence of Mrs. Janes Twit- chell on Rattenbury 'street. The purchase of a place of residence seems to- indicate. that i11r, and ili'rs. Libby intend making their permanent home here and their many friends are very glad that this is so. The house in question is one of the most com- fortable and in town a tv d is admirably situated and Mt. -Libby Is to be con- gratulated upon his purchase. 'i'lte only regret is. that 1t probable means that Ilirs. Twitchell and her estim- able family will leave the town in which they have resided so long. As one after another of her family has removed from town, however, Mrs. Twitehcll has been. contemplating taking up residence elsewhere for some little time. Mr. Libby docs not get possession of his new house until the• spring., ANOTHER D.C.31. Mr. and Ars, Glen Cornish of the Base Line just north of town reei iv - ed a letter the other day from Thomas Morgan, who before enlisting with the 33rd Battalion was eneage,1 as,farm helper with Mr, Cornish. The young man was sent With an early draft from the 33rd to Fran:* and has been in almost constant ser- vice since, 11e 'was laid off once for a brief with period d o w tlt a slight wound in his foot, Enlisting as a private young 'Mor- gan is now a,sergeant-major and is pardonable: proud of his. promotion. Just recet tl too, he has been a- warded he t,C,M. I l known t_ tis uot uo u what the decorationwas given for and Sergi, -Major Morgan did not say anything about that: This 18 the second D.C.M. conferred on CQinthn Ines, Sergt, N. V, .Levy being so decorated last'summer, and Major W. Broder NlcTaggart is a 1),5,0,, wblcll is the -same decoration conferred upon officers. It is an hon- or nntch coveted, being nett - in bon- er to 'the Victoria Oleos, (.`lft.ton seems to be getting a • fair share of such honors, thanks` to her brave boys. CLINTON WON, 10 VO . The ice was "rotten" the night Was too warm for such strenuous exercise and in feet there were no favoeing circumstances at all when the Stratford Ladies' Hockey train cane up• Tuesday to play the c't But ladies.. t l c 1 res. B t theg t, a t• n came off r nevertheless' and the Clinton ladies .von. The game .Was verp close, the score standing .1-1 at the close of the first period, 2-2 at the end of the second,. Daring the third the Clinton team scored and the game was won. • The Stratford team la the - only one which ever did defeat 0li,tton so that to win front theta in 'so evenly matched a, game 1s very , gratifying to the girls. ' There were a -goodly number* of spectators and, great enthusiasm was shown in the nla'tch. Following is the lineup Stratford--ileiss Cornett, goal ; 31. Allen, Miss feeetchal, defence ; Miss Tlottey, centre ; Miss Moore, Miss Sinclair, 'wings. C'ltntont—Ila Bowden, goal ;.Jean 1V.fc`faggar4, , Amy Il�cllyar, defence; M. Sahnenhnls, ecittre; Ruby Stod- dart, 111:. 1lratnd»lel, tvlttgs, Referee, Carl Draper. It is' expected that Misses .1, itlo- Taggart, M. Brimfield and IVf, Seltacn-- hats will ge to Wellauel oil Friday to play with o picked teats which bliss Allen is •taking against the Welland lady beddest%, They may play - fit PortColborneon ,Saturday also, People You Know De, Dandier was int Toronto on Moe - (ley, Mt. J,• ef, Manor, M,P., of %uricb was in, town yesterday,. Miss Margaret Walter lets' a visitor at Arista Craig over the week -end, Rev, A,„1e Jones was called to fort 1elgin on Fridays owing toe, the death of his mother. Tile funeral tools place on Saturday. Mrs. Meson of High street, who bee been 'spending the whiter in Sea - forth, ,is in town for a few days. • Mies Kathleen Quigley underwent an operation for tonsilitfs on Tuesday morning and isnow nicely recover- ing, - n + d G • ells an i anti M s, 1; . la d artily went to London on 'Thursday: last to se& their son, Ed., whose batta- lion was shortly leaving for over- seas'. Mee. W, Leppington accom- panied'thent, Airs. Todd of Souris, Man., who with herlittle son, Milburn, has been spending the winter: with her par- ents, Mr, and Mts. Ed, RatlnwelI of town, and visiting other friends and relatives hereabouts, left yesterday for her western home. Former Resident Laid to'Itest The funeral of the late Alfred ITentry, Goodwin, who passed away at the Goderich hospital on Monday week, took place from the station .on the - arrival of the afternoon train from Goderich' on Wednesday; . The re- mains were accompanied by 14Ir. Lew- is Goodwin of Mitchell, Mxs, W. Glenn Campbell and son•Gord n of, Aylmer. ' and 1 other friends from Goderich, The service at the grave- side was conducted by' Rev. A, E. Jones, The pallbearers wore old friends and neighbors of the deceas- ed : Messrs. J. B. Lindsay, Chas. 'llelyer, John Cuninghahie, C, J. Wal- lis, E. Saville and 'John Sheppard, 1 The late Mr. Goodwin was born at Ilolmesvilie to 1852 and liad re- sided in Goderich -township and in Clinton all his"life. 7•lis wife, who predeceased him by some twelve years, was formerly' Helen Miss I- l LouiseOakes Oa es of Goderich township. Mr. Goodwin had been in failing health for tate past year or more and about a fortnight before his death had been taken to the hospital for itreatenent, Death came quietly and peacefully. He was a. faithful, mem- ber oa the Methodist Chitral, during his residence in Clinton being united with Wesley congregation. A family of four survive Mrs. W. Glenn Campbell of Aylmer ; .Mrs. S. 11. McMatlt, 4th' -eon, Goderich town- ship, Sergi. Douglas Goodwin, who is now in an English hospital, and Victor Goodwin of M»Taggart, Sask. One sister' and one brother• also sur- vive Mrs. Douglas of Niagara Falls and Mr. Lewis Goodwin of llh, Onvlftcnellgl to the condition of the roads it was impossible to - have the re- mains removed, to the home of his daughter, Mrs, 11IbMath, and a short service was held at e manse,thee home of Rev, Jas. Hamilton, Goder- ich, before the departure of the train from there. The Rev, J. 11. Feird assisted at this service anti re ferred very warmly to the deceased former parishioner in Wesle as a] y church, Rev. Me. Ford also -accom- panied the remains to Clinton and assisted with the service at the graveside. A number of old friends met the train and paid a last tribute of respect to the deceased. 11ir. Goodwin was for many ygars a trusted end faithful employee or the Doherty Co., being nightevatchmane per of the was Ilea life-long , II member 0.0.F., being a charter member of Loulesboro Lodge. Me, Goodwin's death occurred ex - wetly one war from the clay ' mt wince 1 his son-in-law, othe late Prof, s Ca pbe11nf Aylmer f r ertY of Clin- ton, tried, and their funerals occurr- ed on the ,satoe clay of the year. - Constance miss Thelma Dale entertained her school class on Saturday, afternoon, The '0.1.0, gave Miss Irene Riley a kitchen shower on Saturday after- noon, • The Adult Bible tease meets this Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Hall's. Those sewing and knitting for the n h v he mutest will try and l o finish- ed .s ed wvork all in by;. February 28th as it will be eounted,that atteruoon. While cutting wood one tray last week in Mr, McMillan's bush Messrs. Ben Riley and 4 m. dvloore bad, a lttc:lty find 'of about twenty pounds of honey in a tree. A box social will be held in. the rorestcrs hall on I,'rlslsy evening un- der the auspices of C.1, C'. and W. A. VV, clasaes. A good program will be lurttisltee. "Women and girls to bring -boxes. The boxes will be auotioped' off to the highest bidden•, Proceeds for Red Cross, work, Mr, Wm, lM»Intoslt had a wood -bee, on Saturday afternoon, Master Lorne Lawson, son of 11lx, Robert Lawson, is et present very stick with pneumonia, .1Ve .hope be will soon be better. The thaw just got hero in time OS several welts were getting pretty. dry, some hoe three wa:terweelts iron, It was a' tvelconta thaw 10 fittest everybody. e gee, A Useful Life Ended. , W. S. Lawrence The above is a photo of the late. W. S. Lawrence, formerly of Clin- ton and Galeria ' township, whose death occurred at his home en. Ot- tawa a fortnight ago, It is fifteen years since Mr, Lawrence left this section but doubtless many old friends will recognize the likeness, the or- iginal of which was taken four: years. ago: On' another page will be found as appreciation of the late Mr. Law-. ;Once from the pen of Prof. 1'. O. Elford 01 "Ottawa, formerly 01 Holmesville, and an old pupil and long-time friend, of thea deceased.. For the sake of the many other; old.. pupils of err. Lawrence, tin Clinton,. Goderich township ' and elsewhere;, who are readers 01' The Newsellecord we aro glad to publish this appreeia• tion. Varna. The February shipment of the'Var- na Patriotic Society consisted or 1 pillows, 40 trench towels, 1 sleeve- less sweater,l hitt Plaiauras,, Pairs of socks, 15 day shirts, 1 package oI old linen. Besides this 10 pairs of socks and 6 shirts and 1 trench towel were sent to our own boys ov- erseas, Twenty pairs of the socks above mentioned were kuitted,_hy the young girls. . Londe8boro... ,. Mrs. Geddes spent Saturday,of last week in London. Mrs. John Lee is visiting ' her daughter, Hers. Thos. Flunking on. the 13111 concession, Mr. Hack of Saginaw, Mich., load ed a ear of turnips' this week, Mrs. Wm. efesk has returned from London, bringing with het one of Mr. Olin Hooper's children, whose mother. died recently. Auburn There passed 'away at her home in Auburn on February 8th, Mary Mac- Kay, beloved wife of Mr. Martin. Dyer, in the 73rd year of her age. She was a person of it amiable dis- position, ed wife and t p , a devoted mother u er and held .the esteem of a wide circlet of friends. Besides her husband she leaves a grown up; family, all of wbom have much sympathy in their bereaveintent. The funeral took place. or, efonday, service being held in the Presbyterian church, Biytit, followed by interment in Ball's cemetery. Mr. Dyer and Miss Zella wish to ' exPress deep gratitude and sincere appreciation to ,the many friends for the kindness and sympathy s1,own int their recent bereavement, The annual convention of the - Aub- urn District Union S.S. AesoclatiOt0 w .1! be held in Cl oxchurch, Aub - urn on Wednesday next 1'bb. 27t1a. There trill be two sessions, after- noon and tpvening, and besides. resi- dent ministers anti workers who will take part in the progratn, Miss Ber- tha Leine of Toronto will speak at each session and will also conduct a round table conference In the after- noon, Rev, R. J, McCormick, of Blyth.. and Rev, P:. 0, I+otic of Clin- ton will cath talc» part in rho col- volition,• All S.s, workers are in- vited. Summerhill . Plee Garnet 1McBrien, who is train- ing at Ottawa, visited his sister, Mee, T. lee 1Vlason, While he was home on last leave last week. The Red Cross Society ,meets this,, Thursday, .evening at the Inane of Mrs, R. J Watkins, Miss Etta i3llBrieti 'is home after spending a few weeks in Toronto,. The, many friends of bit D. Barr; who is staying with nig sister, Mrs. Garvie, will be glad to .learn that he is recovering from. this Meese, Mr, and Mrs, le 1M4son visited re- cently at the home of the lady's father, Mt. W. J. 1Vrrlliieu, Lieut. 1C. Caldwell of Ilensall was the guest over a week-entl recently at the home of Mr, abet Mrs, II, Me. Mrs. Chas, . T>'it t spent a fee days; twee the: week -end at the home of her parents, Mt, and Mrs. George Helloed, •