HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-2-14, Page 7BUILD'S U.BOATS EXP12ItT DISCUSSES MIETIIODS nikt1 HAND.WItiTTEN DMA A t. 1,0dS stlttntlerdng sulanarine out - I 'CLASPED TO BODY, The Dodor Did Not r la a put. 33y that the'gains time iri train - lag eresve, fuld is thus nble te toad Officer Gave Life for Men—Awarded. A remarkable story of aa efficer ' Hugh Ituesell, of Notre" Dame rib writ(' or Sold f/r liaarresS $Wanted for Cash md /0Welieryi Piaui: Paver: ousleal (Biebee Man Sinint Over Twenty years allatiaturests rsietnenss Meedlowerki Zaoet. hersU-boatt straight from the build- I the Albert Medal. er as lag oo Eintrat Table Wnro D H L ti G d ''rePardng Wonderful Work. ogi Milos stin aloes Oth rnamental ystritd into lilts° water. ' At ICiel and m the be $ e who huggsal a burning bomb till it G. ram, Que., it the reverent pe meteor ' '• , ,tabliehed :submarine training AWN (Ai t 1A1.14,111 1 DS 0U 0 ed and killed urn yather thari I d $0 MI'S- 210s. ROger USed DOdfl'S of what is one of the most wonderfal 02 fjollerre Street, "reroute,' Oat apprehticethip in the navigation of threw ylt "Tde rieh the live° ef KiditeY PillS. ' bookt hi the world, It le a copy ,of the Bible written entirely In Ids OW1) htAnd, AU the exorcism He Needed • • -- Who bu iding "pirates" ;serve their t d • t, u lit the other-ele- a 211111oer Oi ins is IS toiri 41 the Lon- " U -boa s an me a g t tb And nOW 'boand; IlOt larger in The eabbler'a Mum In a mall Eng- ments Qi the""slcull and 'crest -bones" , don stotte w announcet the. e t j3n)ht OHM MO the gathering place . King has awarded :IA0 Albert Mecial Popular New Brunsvilek Teacher tells mze than the old etyle iamilY trade, As the boats me allA , Gold,g‘a`iiniarneteroygeaitniodn soefigt_hsea;pifineeepiellof- crews trained in Ono Cawl)e put aboard ous auother, and handle it competently Second,Lieutenent Grey tie .Leche -without needing n long Po'l°d of ex" Leach, late of thd"1st.Battalien ef the perience hi her before they get used Scots Guards." to their -training Yeseel. What Sp en . From podd's Kidney '0111s, • - lava:10nm IA eve* Word of an infinite , to eallVereallen young foOl- Patience and' reverence, recalling the I ball player. VV);e1; the eiblcie aaked Elm Tree, Gloucester Ot, N,E) Feb. , Work of a mediaeval monk. It irs ser- , one of the old 1»ig) if he bell ever G t beautifully written, too, hearing Of [several old nme who were Intoning Every Nerve is Being Strained Huns to Intensify the PI•oduction of Submarines. quite recently Mt, Lloyd ,Goorge told os the heartening news that oar fieet had destroyed fiye'German sub- marines in one day, says a naval ex- perts. We know that, although this calmest wife exceptional, it was by no means the only one that the British Navy.has scored in its fight against the U-lsoats. One does MR Maggerate when saying, that in the past three years a ImIger mislabel: of these ruth- less Aft than Germany possessed when she started the war have been "sent -to the bottom. How, then, does the manage to continue her submarine erunpaign ageing our shipping? Result of Concentration. . In the answer to this question lies • matter for serious reflection for us at the moment. Germany manages to •••• continne her under -water offensive vigorously because she has concentrat- ed all 'her shipbuilding and engineer- ing r esources upon'the prodoction of 1J -boats in. quantities. She mon saw that it would be hope- • less to cOmpete against us in the con- struction of surface ships. Although lir"4- her building facilities were Consider- ' Mild, they did not equal our own, ,So . she concentrated .upon submarines. • Fer this purpose the wliole of her • thirty -odd shipyards, hundreds of en- gineering shops, and the ship -con- structing power of Austria as well, Were mobilized to IZeep the campaign of piracy going. She first designed certain standardized types, and then organized the production of thein on • an extensive plan. . Lieutenant Leach 'was examining the crews in France 3.1(1„,_(spegiao__owasa aa doctor I tainlY a wonderful Piece of ealigraphY I played football, the solemn replied; t conaulted failed to" de me ,a,ny`latting hrougboat. "Nay, lud,, PU132111rU132111rU132111 played wt none Of that licked into shaPe, bents in a building on ti• , ' good I decided that my kidneys weir' 1VIr. Russell is very modest abouthis of them athietle Kamm 'esspt slogan- the host that can be safis that they September 3, 1916. Two non -cont- tho rost of IIIY trotibies and made up achievement. "No, I On not a minis7- oes," rnateh the boats. BY means, of them missioned officers vvere elSo at work in nay mind to tyy Dodd% Kidney, Pills. I ter," he said, "I tun only an ordinary - Germany.. achieves , her purPose of the building. when the fuse of one of "Yell maY Judge Of the retulte when , commercial traveller -a knight of the Canard's Ainintsixt (Mews Pleternees, keeping a submerine eampaiga going. the bombs ignited. Shouting a warn" I tiell YOP that I have not lost it day'si 'road -but I was brought up by godly ing, he made for the door, caurying tile bomb pressed 'close to .his I body, but on reaching the door he found other men outside, so that he could not . A Formidable Foe. Having: more. space in them, the lat- ter type of U-boats provide better ac- commodation for -leis prows than the earlier 'ones did. Apparently, as much I throw the bomb away mathout expos- it made of this as passible, but even yo the "pirates" have but a rough ling others to grave danger. He continued, therefore to press the time of it at the best. Although, thig bomb to his body until it exploded, may 310t concern.the kaiser arid his mortally weending him, -Grand. Admirals greatly, the crews Lieutenant Leach might easily have whom\ they hustle to sea in raw -edged saved his We by throwing the bemb submarines feel the discomforts of away, or droppirig it on the ground their incompletely' finished, craft pret- and seeking shelter, says the official ty acutely., • announcement, but either course would As fightinemachines these new U- have endangered the lives of those boats are formidable. They are fitted with it sharp bow, which enables them to cut through such obstructions as nets. They carry four -inch guns, placed on a disappearing mounting, the hood of which forms a protecting shield over the crew when the weapon, is lifted' for action, and their torpe- dom hold a charge, of about four,hun- dredweight of high explesive, 'which means that 'anything, they hit will. almost certainly b'e -destroyed. They can move very rapidly on the surface; and are double -hulled, s9 as the better to resist attack , • One of Many Heroes. „ The Ocean -Going Type. Under this she turns out U-boats in the same -wholesale way that Ameri- can factories do Cheap motor -Mrs. So far as can be ascertained, her output of these craft averages three or four , per week. They are not ,all super- submitines. One class is used,, for minelaYing, another for coastal opera- tions;- but the most important is the ocean-going type, displacing about fif- teen.hundred tons. ' The latter craft are about three hundred feet in length, carry some • sixty Alen, and leave sort equipped for a voyage of three months. They have sufficient radius • of action to carry them practically anywhere about the Atlantic or the Mediterranean. It is upory,this sort of undersea boat that Germany applies most of her con- structive energy. Possibly she may have built "diving cruisers" of larger displacement; but, if so, she has not " yet risked them at sem. work as teaoher during the past year." I parents, both -of them living still in puAt a"vssiiit7,ets"hPouluisT OPnu(nICOUnage'ert1911ktelidenin4- ho i led ; ate a'rn . That is the statement of Mrs, Jos. !Montreal, and liave love for tie 'Roger, the well-known arid popular Book of Books; teacher Isere, ju•tt how oho weal* I "People should turn to the Bible to fore using Dod,d's Kidney Pills is best day and rneYbe my work may help a told in her own words, „ "My troub.le came 'from a stralO.," she says, " and I suffered for thirteen months. Backache, heart flutterings, telatica, which this -great conflict is assuredly neuralgia, nervousness, dizziness, and f' • t id " failing memo* were among my li1yrnptpns. "I took 12 boxes of Doild's Kidney Pills in all, and I can say for them that • in or around the building. He son- •they have done me all • that was ficed his .own life to save the lives of claimed for them." -If you he.ye any of the symptoms that troubled Mrs, Roger, ask ,,your neighbors if Dodd's Pills are not the remedy you, are•looking lita hit in lust direction. Yes, it is 401 Imil"llinlvillifilMillilliffillill" ifs tr. - .- a sadly neglectedabook and some steps; = - should be taken to have more atten- = --7: , IFthero wee jast one tion pad to the Book of I3ooks in , .... M. S Ng W i WALKERBOUSE OAtl, , In each Nam Where les - I go, My troubles _ then would last like that -Proverbial .= ball of snow. Of which I have no doubt at -all = But you he,ve oft' heard tell. .I mean the one winch people say rea Was located down hi -Tali ethers. ' Where OStriches, Want. ' One of the Oddest sights on the aandy stretches of plain hi Southern Africa is a: party of waltsing. os, Inches. A writer thus describes their queer antics: "When there are a number of them they will start off, -and Punning'a few. hundred yards, will stop, and, with raised wings, whirl rapidly round till they are stupefied, or perhaps break a leg. Thei` males pose also before fighting. They kneel on their ankles, opening Omit' wings, and balancing themselves alternately fdrwarsi and backward, or to one side or the othey, while the nerk is stretched on a level with the back and the head strikes the sides, now on the right, noiv on the left, while the feathers are bristling. Then the bird appears at this time so absorbed in its occupation as to forget all that is going on around him, and can be approached and caught. The male utters a cry which sounds much like an effort to speak with the mouth Individual Incidents of -bravery at the front are so nnincrons that .only occasional mentiOn is made orthem in they newspapers. Many a gallant Tommy or poilu has risked his life and very likely lost a leg or arm, only to find that, while he has earned a medal, few persons know of his hero- ism. Recently eight Albert medals were granted by the King of England to men whose deeds pf valor stood out above the other. Sergeant Healy, in France during bomb practice, grabbed a live bomb which threatened to ex- plode and kill several men, and Ian - with it to a: point where the explosion could injure only himselff He was killed. All the others -whose lives had been -endangered were saved. The medal -was presented to his relativet, and on It are mentioned other deeds just as gallant which he did for the welfare of others. He was a hardy, Irishman. , • An Effiteient System. This is how her system of building 1I -boats rapidly is -worked. The vari- ous parts required are divided out amongst factories all oyer the :Central Empires. One firm niakes'a given sec- • tion of the hull, another firm -a partic- ular Park of the engines, yet another has one of the instrunients required for navigating allotted to it. What- ever part may be allocated to a fac- • tory, that factory does -nothing else but manufacture. Its workinay be mere- ly a piece of plating _with so many holes punched in it, or it may be a part of a periscope -fitting requiring the Most skilled workmanship. What- ever it he, every bit of time goes to the turning out of that . article. as quickly as possible. As a result of this specializing, the workmen employed upon the single job become very expert at it, and their output reaches. the maximum in goon- tity, coupled with accuracy zin •finish. As they are. completed, the 'different Parts are sent to one of the shipyards • als Kiel, Wilhelmthaven, Dantzig, or Trieste, and there bolted together. In a manner of speaking, a truckload of sections goes in at one end of a shop .and- a submarine ;ernes, out at the other. By this practiceof standardiz- ing output is raised 'to the maximum, since a boat thum"assembled" can be turned out all ready for sea in a mere fraction of the time that would be re- _ quirect'to .build one from the keel mp. Practices -Makes Perfect; Peally,,the mechanics in the yards' do init btilld at all In the accepted THE STARTING POINT OF CONSUMPTION Lies in Weak, Watery Blood— Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make • the Blood Rich, Red and Pure. Weak, watery blood is the starting - point of consumption. When your blood is in this condition your whole health declines. 'Your face becomes. - Pale or sallow, your appe:ikte fails, ydur heart jumps and flutters at the least exertion or excitement. You are always Weak and wretched and you lose interest. in,both work and amuse- ment. This is • the point from which you may easily step into that hopeless decline that leads to consumptioa and the grave. What is needed to bring back health, strength and energy is the n6 rich red blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make. In all the world of medicine there is no other toftic and blood builder like. them, and all who feel weak, run-down or easily tired should -lose no" time in giVilig these pills a fair trial They have transformet thousands 'Of weak, hope- less men and women, boys and girls into strong, robust people. In probli of these statements may be given the experience of Mrs. T. Brennen, Chart, ton, Ont., who says; -"Not only nff- aelf, but my friends think - that had it not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would have filled a consumptive's grave.., My ecmclition was most seri- ous; my blood seemed literally to have turned water; I -was as,pale as a sheet and became utterly unable to do sense of the word; they. simply SOW any housework or go about. I doctor - shut tight." WINTER. HARD ON BABY together a garment that has been cut ed steadily for a long time but was out elsewhere, But long practice at the job enables them' to do it very quickly. That is another advantage of the German system of intensive con- atiruction. Everyone employed under It, avhateveir his part may be, acquires such deftness from doing the same thing over and over again that he ago complishes 111 18 the minimuni number" of minutes, or hourt, as the case may be, allowed for the work; and all these operations are carefully timed. In fact, timing so that there shall he no wage of minutes is one of •the essential featuree of the system. The submarines tarned out liy these methods are not, perhaps, so perfect as they would be if ordinary' ways•of construction were adopted for 'produc- ing them. They are folighly finisbed in so far rig the hull goes. Inside, they may be compared to a new house with onplastered walls. 13nt the pindscopes, compasses, and the various other in- struments required for working them ate carefully made, go that newness in the mere 811211 of the craft does not matter, There Is nothiag shoddy in the more int pottant parts of het equip - eat, • Training a Pirates'. ' From the enemy's point of view the system Ilea beeh a, great tuceest, at it gloat hint numbers, Mid that hi the Object he Meet desires to attain, So lorg an he east 11209 tip all output of three or four neW aubniarinins pet Week, fie long will bis coma Paign remain a ven grate Menace to ug, NuMbers is not the only advantage Which Germany rape froln het Meth - The winter season is a hard' one THE BLUE,DEVILS OF FRANCE. Alpine Warriors Who Wear a ._ tit:fictive Blue Uniform.* The French chasseurs alpine, other- wise known as the Blue Devils, are physically stalwart, thick -legged, somewhat,shortmen. In fife ordinary course of their war -time duties they ascend mountain heights that, in times of peace, scarcely a human being dare invade, and they defend these heights. In the bitterest gays Of- winter. Al- though they have been posted in vari- ous parts of the front, it has been their particular duty to, guard the passes -through the mountain chains on the eastern frailties of France. When their generals refer to them in the or- ders of the day It is always as the diables bleus, and even the Germans know them by that name. Their uniform is as peculiar to them as are the kilts to a 'Highland regiment. The ordinary pollu in the army of France. wears a sky-blue uni- form, which speedily fades and as- sumes the role of protective coloring; on the baby. He is more or less the. chasseurs alibis have remained confined 'to stuffy;, badly ventilated faithful to the deeper hue. Both offi- rooms. It is so often stormy that the mother does not get him out in the fresh air as often as she should. He catches colds which .rack his little system; his stomaeh and bowels get Out of order and he becomes peevish and cross. To guard against this the mother . should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house. ' They regulate the stonlach and 'bow.els and break up colds. They are sold by medicine 'dealers by mail at 26 cents a box from The, Dr, Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont. WATERWORKS CONTROL, Continuity Needed to Ensure, Efficient Management. growing weaker, and finally the doctor held otrt but little bone ,for my re- covery. It wad thought that a trip might help me and 7 was taken to New Ontario. Those who saw me while on my way did not think I would reach my journey's end -alive. After I reach- ed my destination it friend strong- ly urged me to try Dr. Williems' Pink Pills, and as of course I Was anxious to regain health I did so. The pills wei•e the first medicine I had taken which seemed to help me at all, and it was not long until I :felt they were doing nie, good. I eantinueittheir use gladly, and began to feel 'hungry and soon after was able „th move about the house, Next I was able to go out of doors fuicl to 'help ia the bousewotk, and from that - time .on. my progress was rapid, and in the end I was enjoy- ing better health than I had ever done before. There are many peeple who can testify to the absolute truth of these ttatements, mutt feel I would not be doirig justice to your 'woodetful medicine if 1 did not make these facta known," You ran get these pills tinough dealer in medicine or by mail, at 50 Cents a box or six home for $2.60 from The Dr, Williaras' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ogt Dtel Heroes. loortuntite ineni Yetis coUntry lives because you died Yew. Anne 19 Otte. ad v,There the heath of callstany cat never teaeh its whine the Mistakes Of weary life ean never all 1119 bright-. neggi Coining golletatIorill will tido llp and 21111 you Under oar somewhat clumsy 275 - tem of municipal administration, the waterworks Isf a city or town is usual- ly managed by a special committee of the council, composed, in most in- stances, of business men with- little knowledge of, the essential require- ments of a waterworks System. Effi- cient management is rare unless a competent engineer is permanently employed. As the committee is elect- ed annually under the Ward system, its membership is constantly chang- ing, and frequently the position is sought in order to obtaip special ad- vantages for particular neighborhoods. There are so many objection- to the coMmittee system as applied to the waterworks department that, in all the larger cities,' the tendency is to abolish it and to substitute a commis- sion therefor. Therd'is everything to be said in favor of the cominiesioner plan, since, not only is the.work in the highest degree technical, but, in a de- partment which se intimately concerns the health and safety of the people, bi-partizanship and the interplay of local politics should have no plaee. 111 the sinaller cities and towns, where the cost of employing a commissioner is out of the question, a permanent unpaid board has a very great advant- age over the commNtee plan. 1111C lieeentr Collection for the Prison- , Ms of 'War. . • Mr, Russell, who is 'a Presbyterian Scotsman, began his work in 1894 and finished it on $t. Andrew's Day, Nov. 30, 1916. The work was done in odd moments of leisure, although more than half of ito,Wit's done since the present.war be- gan. It is -written in tyLat .Mr., Russell himself Mils "a peculiar handwriting, almost half printing it." 1.,,t is perfectly legible and, says Mr. Russell, "with- out malcirig any boast, I would be will- ing, if I had money, to offer $100 • for every error or oraission anyone could find in it." There are altogether 1,987 pages, the..,New Testameet „taking 471 of these. There ai.e double cal - limns on each page. It was written in sections of .....,___Itwenty-Lour Lagos , eafh. o-o--o-o-o'-o0 00-O-1100 - O YES! LIFT A CORNFF WITHOUT FAIN cers and men wear tam-o'-shanters, decorated with a small post horn; hence the • name of their field news- paper, the Diable au dor. • The chasseurs have their .own par- ticular march, and one flag for 1311 their sixty-seven battalions. Each corps in turn has the honor of guard- ing this sacred emblem, and it is tak en to the bedside of dying chasseurs for them to kits. Electric Smelting in Canada. Cincinnati man tells how to dry Up a corn or callus so it lifts FIERy RED off with fingers. It doeactt matter 'bout that snow ball, = Which could never last, F.."' What iut'rests you and me is = Having comforts to us passed. = And I know PEACE and TOY and 18 =, A. = • plyrolvowiftzp/o,..., TO If there was just one WALKER ALL WOMEN ... osa lx.r H°4;152:11511011iir'YVICSII: 7 9' ore Lintel:to, Dalim a good Inasi. hone, 'Math el owner ulmes It on the market, A areal for a 1110,11 (1.0/:.11,u jAnft10/1.4): ,Ii„toorsonlit20: Moon Publls111111r "•irlf3CATMANT10141 10/V14a.t.,11;1 trriutisli'ED NelVVREAJ;1111-1. Dots Pm;sg 1.1.00 tu'V'fil gp. for 11,4110 on 1151011 sato, Sox 02/ wllson 110 Co., 0.1,1„ Toronto. i A NCEft, IltaT0112, wr O., ;stereo and external, cured wi Um- CUI nil n by • I t t \ t, 111I be01.0 toe late. Dr, ilollmsn Medical CM., Limited, CollInnwoml, Ont. 411!, 014 eitX401N1111011111. Bollmelpio for the -Eyes . Phya N%nt,' an' eYe pisserlbs " ' iti the Irer:Imilegtagr'sg'ir=s cr quedt strongthen eyealglie Sold aortae!, 1111111,1tit refund guaranty by all druggists. leY The Soul of, a Plano is the Action. insist on the" QTTO PIAN ACTION .1 • ',1,,e,,i-0.,?Vis\e/f.,,i3/41\14A,S,WW, Ve\e/ii&i) (..) a 0. Rheumatic Pains • 0, ;?. Are relieved in a few days by (I co taking 30 drops of Mother Seigel's ; Syrup after meals and on retiring. 0) t it dissolves the lime and acid : accumulation in the muscles and e • Joints so;these deposits can be 0 it expelled, thus relieving pain and t e soreness. Seigel's Syrup, also • known as "Extract of Roots," a contains nodope nor otherstrong 15 o drugs to kill or mask the pain of (e, • rheumatism or lumbago, it re- 0) • moves the cause. 50c. a bottle (1 e at druggists. a To me would flow, Lall HOUSE = = = In each town where I go. - P. The House of Plenty 5 = The Walker Hot'. .5 Toronto E."' This Vsrornan ReCOITIMESSIdS . Geo. Wright & Co., Propfietors Lydia L. Pinkliaan's Vege- iiiiimminimiliniiiinintillionitimil1(1- table cempeutid_Her Personal Enperience. NO ARE Ili You correpestered men an•d women and ANDs need stiffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says tads Cincinnati authmity, because a few quieklY Soothed drops of freezone appli-ed direelly on a and Healed by soreness at once and soon the corn or ilticura tender aching corn OT callug, stops soreu e hardened callus loosens so it eon be A. small bottle of freezone costs very ' Trial Free lifted off, root and all, without pain, Bathe freely little at any drug store, but will pool. with Cuticura lively take off every hard or soft corn Soap and hot or colitis. Tbds should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not water, dry aud to irri- tate the surrounding Eicin. gently apply _ Not many years ago, the opinion Prevailed in Canada that while electric smelting was interesting, the time was far distant when it would be put into practical operation. The Situation, however, has radically ,changed. There are, at the present -time, 32 Heronit electric furnaces in Canada and 22 of other types=sin all 54 furnaces us- ing the electric process. These fur- naeesshave a capacity of 173,000 tons_ of ironand steel, 60,000 tons of ferro- silieon, and 8,000 tons .of other ferro- alloys per annum. The British Forg- Mgt plant at Toronto has ten electric furnaces Of the Heroult type and a to tal capacity of 60 tons per heat, or about 72,000 tons per annum, making •it the largest electric -process , steel plant in the world. *- LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN 'Make this beauty lotion cheaply. fel your face, neck, arma And hands. - The appeal' which was made some week's ago by the -Ptisoners of War Society, 'asking for aid -for the stiffer - i185 men imprisoned in Germany, has met with a resfionse both disappoint- ing and gratifyiag. The disappoint- ment arises fi•omn the lot that so many congregatious have shown that they haste ne interest in this inatter out of nearly two thousands chorales in the province more than niteteen bundi•ed have taken no part in the ef- fort. On the other hand, those few which have answered our appeal for help haye given with so open a hand that their salsscriptions, 'together with some from individuals W110 bale been touched by the need, and several' from different branches of Die Red Crots Society, amount in all to nearly three thousand dollars. This is it lune mon -to mine froin so :NW groups. The aointlitted of :the Society atilt hopes to inmate it by begging to have the matter contitiered orice more by thesis; who until now have, given no help, The Men are -1filligtSr, tonne of them ttartong, and we in Cfmacla hove so Minis ,Cpu WO mit Spare sot:nothing for them? If your druggist hean't any •fteezone tell him to get a troll bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. It is' find stuff and acts like a charm every - time. An appeal is inade to ell sportsmen, ! farmers, boy scouts and all others in- terested in wild life to feed the birds during the intensely cold weather when the ground is frozen and often covered with snow. The birds will Mt 'any waste from the table, grain of all kinds, bay chaff or the sweepings from the barn floor, and suet wired in a tree will be eagerly eaten by any bird during the cold weather. At the cost of a small jar of ordin- ary cold cream one car prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle Ce- tainix4 three -ounces of orchard. -white. Care should be taken to strain the juice -through a fine cloth so no lemon palp gets in, the this lotion Will keep fresh for. months. . Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach'and retnove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and, tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try ILI Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the 'grocer and make up a'quarter pint of this sweely fra- grant leinon loticm and massage. it daily into the lace, neck, arms and, Wands, 111 18 -marvelous to Smoothen roughamed herds, ...••••••••••44 'I'M:Inge and grapefruit marmalade can, be made a little at a time •ell through the winter. • rainardts Xiiattnoirt Cures Colds, ctO. While tbe gro'Kul is frozes is a good time to get manure, lime, muck, etc., into convenient places for spring work. Wood should be hauled from the wood lot while the hauling is good. Manure should -be salt la piles in Sufficient size to invent freeaing. //MN Graialated Eyelids; s;)ro eyes, Eyee'lndamed by Sao, Dust )111d Wind 11010k1), • relieved by Marble. 1514 It in r sons Eyettand Baby's Eyes OUR L NoSiestlies;lestityeemalott Mistime leYea4;9.ti s60(1 gsr, 1456 Sithmo In.Tolm/4 1+,0, Atintrino Eye ittentedY 6Chicaxie . 'rho Fiji group of islands, whist; were, alinexed by Great , 1311111141 113 1874, minthet ',ISO, all or voli•intie lartea's Mahout e.it, dotent hi COWS Fairville, Sept. fie, 1902, Minard's LiMment Co,, Limited. Dear Sirs, -We with. to inform you that we consider your MINARE'S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. When 1 tell you 7 would not be without it if. the price was one dollar a bottle, I mean it Yours truly, CHAS. 10, Tit -TON,, Callas and the hardy bulbs. in pots, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, etc., must not be permitted to dry out at this season... Keep tha soil in the pots moist. , MONEY ORDERS IL is always Its•fe to send a'Pouilnion Express Money Order. Five dollars Costa three mats. When' boiling meat_put it wire tea- pot standard in the kettle and the meat will not burn mamas; Liniment Cures Inulittierisi • Tender plants that have 52010 ex- posed to' frost should be handled (fate- fully, thawing them out gradually. Sprinkling with cold water works/Well vith some. • Raw Furs And Ginseng' Wanted litixhost Prices raid N. SILVER. 220 51. -Paul St. Icr., Montreal. P.Q. 20 years of -reliable tilding Reference -Union Ilk,' of Canada' ern.* deo T1.2 ti a 1 t Vegetable !foto ttad rfatural flower eitraals grie BABY'S OWN SOAV 115 wottderfuily aofteuing mid erogenic lather. Sett! everywhere, Albort Seam t.Ir01tsd, Mkt,,,iIsStrm,2 1 FACES McLean, Neb.-" I want to recom- ',F7E'" mend Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound to all women who suffer from any functional disturbance, as it has done me more good than all the doctor's medicine. Since taking it have it fine healthy baby girl and have g_ained in health and Strength. My hus- band and I both praise your med- icine to all suffering women." --Mrs JOHN KOPPEL/MANN, R. • No. 1, McLean Nebraska. 7,tk ment. .,Use night and morning. For pimples, redness, roughness, itching and irritation, dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair, red, roughlianda and baby rashes, itchings and chafings, these fragrant, super-creatny emollients are wonderfully effective. Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post -card: "Cuticura, Dept.N, Boston, U.S.A." Sold throughout the world, , _ IsPAIR its. ..'18. This famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pini ham's Vegetable Com- pound, has been restoring women of America to health for more than forty years and it will well pay any woman who suffers from displacements, in- flammation, ulceration, irregulanties, backache,- headaches, nervousness or "the blues" to give this successful remedy a trial. For special suggestions in regard to your ailment write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mars. The result of its long experience is at your service, Machinery For a14% 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18x42. New Autontatto Valve Type. Complete with Supply and exhaust pisune, firsiheet, etc. Will accept"$1,200 cash for Immediate sale, 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C. 'Wilt accent 5425 cash for immediate sale. PULLEYS; Large size. 26x66—$30.1 12x60—$20 ; 10l/2x48—$1 2 12a6—$8. 1 BLOWER OR FAN, Buffalo Make. 14 inch dIschaige—$30. REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. 60 Front St. West, Toronto ACIDST�MACU S DANGEROUS • MOST FREQUENT .CA,USE OP CHRONIC :DYSPEPSIA. You must neutralize the acid in your stomach, • says Doctor, or give up eating sweets, meats, potatoes and salads • , and quit drinking tea, coffee or liquor, Alarming Increase in dyspepsia and stomach disordet•s Is largely due to too much rich food, and the widespread- use of so.called digestive tablets andspllis which give only temporary relief at the • expense' of ruining the stomach later on. The best way is to consult a reliable stomach !medalist or take is little ordinary -bitinrated magnesia -nothing' else -to neutralize stomach acidity and thereby remove the cause of your :Common distress. Put a teaspoonful of liy&rochim acid imi y'our mouth, hold it there Are minutes anti all the tissues will be burned and hi:flamed. Yet, You go around with re glassfal or mare of this same powerful 9cid in your stomach and theu 'woad r why your stomach burns and hlt5tS tmid your food will not digett. And whet you cut food into. ail acid stomach, the aeld simply com- blues with the sweett, meats and pota- toes you eat MAI the tea, coffee a,nd liquors you drink mid makes alot more acid. Next, the acid may eat into your atomach walls, producing a stomach ulcer or ounces, and only hall t e eases Of stomach Meer ever get. well urgler the most treatment.; the oaten, sooner dr later, el I die, and stomach canter practically always menus death la a year at most, But this Is not ali, Thoaeld in your stom- a:eh 9558e8 on -into the intestiees, un. sets them and ditarranges year IlVer, so that you inay soon l'ettltire il. es NIB operation with the siirgeon'a knife for gall:stones or appendleitle. Generally when people have sour or acid belt:Mug or orttetailens, hearts burn, nr 11 blIrltilig N,ensation at the nit of the stomach or Other symptoms 'Mikis indicate stomach acidity, they take some a.dvertiss•ed digestive pille or inlY a box of tablets from the nearest druggisi. Such remedies roily give tataporriry isaief, hut If Toe an nn 1111. fug your moninelt with lei of drugs pal may gel to ille point after a a Mir when no food of nuy on your e101151012, 11110/011 Will 1151 (1 kW Incurable case of stomach trouble. 'Therefore he very careful what you. take. The best way is to consult a reliable stomach tpechtlist or take a little ordinary hisarateci ahse•-to eo,rrect the stomach . acidity, and thereby remove the cause of your complaint. If you have an acidstomach you most confine yourself to a diet oimilk and eggs, or if you alai) lo eat sudk antiolos of food as meat, potatoes, sal- ads, swoets •or rich foods' or gravies, or &Usk' beer, wines, liquors, tea or oaf. lee, jtou must take a teasnoonful of bisneated magnesia immediately after witting to neutralize the oddity. Sta. tistios show that 20 per cent, of tho people Who have dyspepsia itnd gest:Ion have ail excess of add, and that this is the real muse of their 1108 10. K-eep the acid neu.traltized Guist by' the free use of blearated magneMa so that it no longer Saila-meg the stomata walla, eat slowly and masticate your food thoroughly, ant; your stomach will asetserst sS011 of itsi awn. accord. Ilissurated magnesia is .abanintelY • hamlets. It is generally pregeribedi; by physiciana to he take11 in teaspoons Sul doses intrisealately atter eating or whenever you base any distress trona excess acid; but It mass be titled mach larger queniitiee anti rattail more, frequently wittrperfeels safety, Be mire to (1415111 biwuratta inng. nesiu and 11011 some other term of lea,gnestri, as ether forme aro 1.1.101(1 miS 1axu l.IVI'0121i11 nk., mouth W0811214, bu4u they have ent the SUMP rover top i ileutrallzing stumarb edgily, Which 'Is pesseeteed by 512115131211 tan.gnes8- 11111011 is ine)..nensivo and can osA 151 obtained 210723 553, rehAbto (11.1 1