HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-2-14, Page 5.1119131 ' February 14tb. 1916 , ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEW. a(l. C. I. BOAIlD MEETS, • ma (ay.'', Board held their or- ganilation meeting on Tuesdny Oren ing. Rev. J. A. Robinson was el ,ecteil chair/non, Principal. Trelenven was re -appointed •Neeretary-treneurer and the loin:min committees Were ;appointed, ; Pronerty--.W. Brydene, J. O. MeMs.ph, W. II, Hellyar, litudy and Diteildine—R, J Manning, J)r, 'Axon,j. v.HoVey. " • DIRD AT bTWA, ]an Y pope in • town but especially ,of Godefien township will regret to learn of the death of Mr. W. S. Law- •renee of Ottawa, formerly a teacher no the. 15th of Umiak:11 townahip, The deceased taU been Ill for about a month, his death taking place on 'Phesday of last week. 110. Lawrence was brother -ie -law of the Alisses ;Whitely of town and was well known, tere as -well as in Cloderieb town- ship, FORMER RESIDENT CALLED. .The death occurred in • Goderich hospital an 'Monday at Mr. Alfred 1-1 ,Goodwin, formerly of Clinton, after an illness of several weeks. Tice deceased was sixty-six years Di :age and leaves a family of two sons and two daughters : Lieut. Douglas ;Goodwin, who is overseas ; Victor, 'Who. is In Weyburn, Sask. ; Mrs. W. Glenn Campbell of Aylmer and Mrs. J. S, Mnalath of Goderich township, n2je funeral, •thok place after the. :arrival of the afternoon train from Goclerich yesterda:ia the remains were interred beside those of bis wife in -Clinton cemetery. • DEATH OF AN OLD PIONEER. Richard si3lake, one•of -Hullett's old- est residents, died at his hodie , on the seventh concession; ole Tuesday, February 12th, aged "seventy-stix yeas and six months. Sixty-seven t years ago Mr. Blake came to Hullett from 'County , Clare,Ireland, with his mother and father and three broth- ers. Ho was the last member of the ,original fMnTly. 110 had not enjoyed good health for, the last fifteen years, but death was due to Pneumonia. He is survived by his wife, two daugh- ters and eight sons : Mary E., Tor- onto ; ;Mrs. L. E. Lesage, Little Cur- ren.t; Richard. J. Winnipeg, Man. ; Thomas, Chicago, 111. ; ;Parnell W. and Earl,. 43dmanton, Alta. ; pichael, Edward and Clare, Detroit, Mich., mull Joseph at home. One , eon, ' Frank, died about five years ago.., The funeral- takes place Saturday morning from his late residence . at nine o'clock, service being held M S. 'Joseph's church, Clinton, at ten; In- terment will lie made in the 11; C, oemetery, Iltalett., In the passing Of Richard Blake another link bind- ing the present to the past has' been red. TEE' LOt.'Al4 MARKET, , Wheal, $2,10, /3uckw1tout $1.40. Llarley $140. ()its 85c, 1311tter 88e. Eggs (new laid) 50c. Live Hogs $17,65, UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENTS. - Men, George Ladd bad the Misfor- tune to fall in her own house 1,1i5 other day and sustain n fracture of the n,rist, The .aceitleal; Is all the Marc regrettable as she ,lias not filly reeovered front It injury to her ankle, Ph 'by a MU last winter, Mrs, D. Oantelon an Sunday even- ing alIPPed on some lice and In . fall- ing fraetured hen hip. Mrs, Cad - tau has trot been- in good health for some time 'aid, this accident will keep her confined to iter bed for eral weeks, it is to be. feared, N,1 -l. M.P.P. APPOINTED PM. Mr. A. 11, Musgrove, nember •ot the Provincial Legislature for North Huron since 1908, has been appointed postmaster at Winghann This appointment will leave annther vacadny in the House which will have to be (riled, but tinder the friendly arrangement made between U101'1'0/flier and the leader of the op- position there will be no party el - Mr, Musgrove was for many years principal of the Wingham Public school and has always taken a deep interest in educatiotral ,niattens com- ing before the Legislature. He- was ,prominent in the legislature, taking part in almost every important de- bate and his opinions were, listened to with respect by members on both sides 61 the house. DEATH OF HECTOR: JUNOR. Hector Junor passed atvay on SatL, urday last at the home of Mr. Arthur Cantelon. The deceased was a native of Stan- ley township, being a ,son of the late Donald Junor, and bad spent all his life 10 this cotninunity, for some time past having made his hothe with his'sister, Mrs. A. gantelon. The funeral took place posterday afternoon from the home oil Mr. and Mrs. Cantelon, Huron street, inter- • ment being made in Clinton cem- etery. The services at house .and grave- side were conducted by the Rev. J.. E. 'Hogg. The pallbearers were : D. Cauttelon D. McEwart, D. J. Centel- oa, John Lindsay, Neil MeGrenor, W, J. Cantelon, Mr. and Mts. Arthur Cantelon and family wish to thank their many friends foe their kind remembrance of, them in their recent bereavement. ; PeoPle YOU know Clinton News-Rerord W, \Vann of 004/1011 .Wa5, q'lloAday, Mies Minnie Cooper is visiting her brother, Mr., Ogle Cooper ofigwood 0011- Be*11 has returned After a three weeks slay With Mrs. Brietowe of 'Kincardine, Itios Moreno Cuitinghatoe returned , on Tuesdhy evening after speeding a fortnight with London friends, air, T, Jackaolt, Who leas been in Toronto for .the , past . couple of weeks under the tart of fl pliyalcian,, is expected, home the end ^of tins week, Mr. Thos, McMichael, llulletl's walk nnown stockmen ,spent the night in town yesterday. He returned last night from attendance, at the provineinl Paint' Aasociaiden nt Toronto, . Mrs. J, O. Greig of Seaforth was the guest of Mrs. T. Jackson for a couple oh daps this week, she having come up to attend the Presbyterial meeting. in Willie -church on Tuesday. Mrs, Chas, McDonald', of Hensall spent, a few days this week as the guest of Mrs. Bawden and on -her return yesterday was'aceompanied bp her niece, Miss Shlrley. Beavden, Wbo will spend a few weekwith her. Mrs. Logan, who has. been visiting her sisters, 'Miss Cillchrist and Mrs. Seignes, -for some weeks, left yesterday to spend a short time with Ingersoll friends before going on o her home at 'Saginaw, Mich. Mr. A. 'Wilken was in Detroit over the week -cud, having gone to aee his daughter, • Miss Laura,. who has been seriously ill. At latest reports the patient was bolding her own and 11 ,was 'hoed gaining a little so that her recovery , is now Jooked' for, , Pte. T. Carter, who went overseas with -the Inist and has seen ser: vice in France, arrived in town quite unexpectedly on Tuesday; and is the guest or his sister, Mrs- Loppington, who did not know -he was this side, the Atlantic until he arrived at her door. Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Johnson and. family attended' the funeral of the late Mrs. Cheek Johnson of Godericln which took' place at Clinton on Thursday last. - The funeral took place 111. town on Friday, last of. Miss Victoria joint - son, whose death occurred in a Tor- onto hospital The young lady had been in ill health an some time, SIM is .survived by her Mother, three brothers and tWo sisters. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones. 11111MIIM, The Last Week IIIIIIMININE1111111111111111111161111MOMIIIIIIIMUMOSIMInt The present week will be the last week ot severaltweeks ox stren- uous shoe selling in our present premises. NEXT WEEK You will find us in our own store theother side -of Billy O'NeiI's• Grocery • In our new store we 'will continue to serve the public with the best Shoes obtainable. We s all re -double our efforts to give each patron of -this Home of G Shoes The fullest measure ofsatisfaction possible. Fred "Praotica 019:11911101111WPORPOIMPUM1111111r111111111111111111.1110111111111118,1111 ac son Shoerna,:a" .Marriages clAtortw8-0413,11TE74)1, Tononto, ou Feb, 41,11, Evelyn inewrenee, only ilattglIter of the late Illerryn Jed- derrie, to f'ilptal/1 • Call Richard Carrie, yottligest soil of Dirs. Carrie, Goderich, Births WfoKAY—In Tuckerimitn, `bit '-leeb. lit, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Me - Kay a doughter Deo ths . -MILL--la Clinton, on Yob, Oth, John Wesley Mills, aged 50 yea4 , and 7 months. IJNO11.--In Clinton, on Fen. Otli; Hector Jtinor, aged 07 yearsnd 5 meths. BLAKF,—In Mullett township, on Feb, 121b, Rieliard, Blake, an'ed 7(1 yore ;and 0 months. ROBINSON—In Regina, on Feb. Ord, Fannie , Shaw, wife of Mr. G. T. .Robineon, fottnerly of Clioton, poSTE'R—In London, on Feb, 10th, Leola May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Foster or Stanley township, in her lith year. GOODWIN--At .Goderich hospital, oo • Pot), .1,111, Alfred 11 Goodwin, formerly of Clinton, aged 00 years. AIKENHEAD—In London, on 10th, Margaret, . danghter of Mr. , William Aikenliead of Stanlep township, aged -27 years. CURWIN.—At Dungannon, on Feb. and, Mrs, 'James nairwin, aged 78 years. STANLEY—At Morris, Man., on Feb. lst, Matthew Stanley form- erly 01 Goderiele township, aged 71 yeart. The campaign ' initiated . by the Food Controller to increase consump- tion of frozen fish as. a substitute for meat required overseas is meeting with much success. MORTGAGE SALE—UNDER, AND by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered, for Sale by Public Auction by Thomas Gunciry, at, the. premises on Monday, the 4th dap of March, A.D„ 1918, at i the hour of -two o'clock in the afternoon, the following property : Lot 'No, '47, Con. 5, Township of Goderich, con- taining 80 acres of land. On the property are a dwelling house and barn 30x50 with stabling under- neath. The land is in a gOod state of cultivation and suitable, for mixed farming or grazing pur- poses. For terms and conditions of sale apply to W. Brpdone, Sol- icitor. Dated at Clinton, ..Ont,, this 1.3th day of February, A.D. 1018. 28-3 GRASS FARM TO RENT.—Apply to J Wailis, Clinton- 28a-4 FOR SALE -10 ROOMED HOUSE on Marp street, one acre of garden and orchard and barn. This' is a very desirable house and- will be sold at a bargain. .Apply'ut News - Record Office, .28-4 AUCTION SALE—ON THURSDAY, Februarys 2Ist, t 1 o'clock sharp; on Mit 13, concession 2, H.R.S., Tuekersmitb, a mile west of Eg- mondville, farm stock and imple. ments,---John McNay, proprietor T. Brown, auctioneer, 28-1 Auction Sale Postponed The Auction Sale of High Grade Cattle and Hogs, which was to be held on Tuesday, Feb. lath, is postponed until Monday, February 18th at 1,30, at Mr, Geo. Holland's farm, 1 utile south of Clin- ton. T. GUNDRY, GEO, HOLLAN,D, Auctioneer. Proprietor, Debentures for; Sale To meet liabilities falling due with- in the next few months' the Corpore- tion of the' Town of Clinton offers for sale to residents of Clinton and vicinity debentures which were Issued ler Hydro-Eleetric and Water Works PM:Poses, amounting to $12,000,00. These debentures' form Part ot the Sinking Fund and are in denomina- tions of $510.00 cede, Thep are of- fend at a price to yield the . inves- tor six percent.. As ibis offer is op- en for only a limited bine intending purchasers should apply at'Once, Fue- Vier information may be obtained from . H. MUNE, Chairmait Finance Committee 0. L, M.A0PHERSON, Treamurer. 28-2 Clearing Out Sale CHINAWARE, GIASSWARE, GlIANITEWARE, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS, ETC., ETC,. Counnencing 013 Settadity, Feb. 1.01.1 eer. Itill st.00( will be sold nt great reductions as we Purpose go - i115 out of business, • - 0. k RRIU)$HAW vatiar more, cution. IMAM; 10.011 SALM—LOT 77, MAITe law Com, Goilerleh tOwenhip can - Wilting 00 titres of Way' loam, suite unle fon agrieuittire or gram, 00r00 Of choice hardwood insb, NeVer lailleg,eprilig ;creek running "iatrough, 15 titres of plowing dolle. Possession can he had at Once. --2,4CP/111140tno, WPM'hon130 al(12c5lier' nrlt+ ;137, , ,-111°1. MUSE F011 SALE—ON CORNER of Townsend and Kick streets, Wi- no roomed house, also pantry and summer, kitchen ; ,raft water cis- tern, town water and electric lights, ..-Apply to L. Stong, Clinton, ---27 THE, TOWN COUNCTT, WILL RE - move and place upou the . streets all ashes free from tins or other ream'without charge, if left non- veniontly for • removal. Citizens are also warned not to deposit any ashes on' the while snow is on the gtound. Feb. 5th, 1018—D. L. Macpliersom Mork, • 27-2 „DR.' GUNN—OEFICE, CASES AT his, residence, corner High' and Kirk streets, Clinton. --27 FARMS FOR SALE—CONSISTING of two lots, No, 20 on the 14th concession, containing 80 acres, and 8.01. half of No, 80 'on the Maitland Con., .Croderichl township, containing 40 acres. Frame house, .good bank barn, sheep and -Dig pen and drive shed on first -mentioned farin. Both places well, supplied wi 113 water.—Apply for particulars to Win. Miannings, Holinesville P. 0., Phone; 14 on 190. —27 --.... tIOUSE FOR SALE. --33 111 0 K house with all modern convenienees, also good stable, corner Rotten- , bury And William stneets. PDX' imr- ticulars apply to nits. J. Twitchefl on the premises. —20 HOUSE FOR SALE—ONE OF THE' most., desirable residential proper- ties in the town. of Clinton,,known as the Taylor cottage.—Applp to Geo, MacLennan. , —20 S AT -ES Sharpened While you Wait, Byam iSutter Plumbers and Electricians phone.7 THE' Kiddies Like It Trp our Edwarilsburg Corn Syrup. Just the same as you buy in Pails Only' you aro not paying for the pant. Bring your own pail or jar and we will 011 it at 10 cents per lb. - SPEC1ALS Good cooking beans 0 100 per lb. Mince Meet 16 2 lbs. for .36c, • Glauber cattle salts 0 5c per 1b. 3 only band made Cedar tubs, OX- tra, well made to clear ;6 $1,75.. Market baskets ;6 259 each. .11.1..••••••• • - HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone orders promptly cared for. PHONE III. WHILE THERE 18 SLEIGHING PP will he neceseary, in nese of lire, to have the hoffe lsIaigll drittve tly teem of heesee. The toWn council will Pay for tiro Iltot team arriving at the AM hall niter an Azw, the attin of $3:00 if the team is used, and 132.0011 not used, . Feb, 5th, 1018,—D. L, 27-2 COTTAGE FOR SAL19.--ON EXP- teebury street, wen , 11 rooms and pantry, Soot( Cistern, town wale); and °Metric lights. Good stable anti gnrdem—Apply to W. T. lienrYr Clinton, • - —20 HOUSE „FOR SALE-74100MED' house on Maple street, town water, also, house and lot on Mill street, For particulars apply to Georgell. Taylor FOR SALE.—ON ALBERT STREET a seven roomed, cottage, Electric lights ; Salt and town water in kitchen:- For particulars apply to. T. A. Greig. FARM FOR SALM—LOT 25, HUB - on Road, Tuckersmith, containing 98 acres, with buildings. Per par- ticulars apply to 11. W. Gibbings, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. --07 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED RE - paired andPressed and at the pliortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent's Sults and all kinds of Wooten clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms- over Johnson's jewelry Store.—Wm. J, Jago. —110 GIRLS WANTED ! WE CLAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT:. TO A/ PEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. Selected Potatoes Wanted ! for immediate delivery: We take them any day. Highest market price paid, We want thetn before cold spell comes. JAS; STEEP & CO.. , Box 192 Phone 126 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live WE SELL, ALL TEE BREAKFAST FOODS, ALL THE; DINNER AND SUP- PER FOODS, ALSO ALL THE BETWEEN MEAL FOODS, FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTION, ETC, ••••••••••.... SPECIAL WIJAKER CORN FLAKES 3 PACKAGES FOR 25 CTS. WHILE THEY LAST. Butter and eggs wanted—highest prices cash or trade. • E. E. HUNNIFORD IIMADQUARTERS POE -PI-IONOLAS The cheapest also En; host Machine on the market, ranging in prices from $18,00 to $210,00. Needles and records Always on hand, .Ht JOHNSON Jeweler and Gptinittlt bailer of Marriage) Litenses, (Next to tIovey's Drug Store) BAKING 13190001ES , A P 1, 19 A S URI0 when our noun is used. Results aro so sure to be successful that one tatmot fail to take pleasure in her baking. 11 yott 'knew the infinite Care takeit In ilia making inotrn selecting 'tile grain to packing the flour, you would know wily our goer is sg good, A sack for trial will inlet:0V° your baking ni),,elnigi. PLOUR AND PEED. Rhone too, Ilighnst Price* Mad tor Grain and WooL Elevator, Residence phone 0-1484 ' 41111.11:1 410w Cood 000d Prunes Cam Be We have •them agt and 20 ets, per pound. .Large, juicy, •teader, sweet, • fat California prunes, It would surprise you , 71 185 teltt you how many prunes we sell, . T The Hub Grocery CREAM WANTED 1 We will buy your cream and gnar- antee you -7, HIGHEST PRICES ACOLTRATE RECORD 'PROMPT, RETURNS ENTIRE. SATISFACTION 'Write us for cans. We supplp. them. Pay express charges. Pay • you for the cream you ship twice. each .month. Carefully weigh, sam- ple and test each can and send you a statement. Write today; prices are higil, Agents : Walton—W. G. Neal Kipburn—Hall. 'Is -Co. Varna—Beatty Bos. Tng Seaforth Creamery Co. Box 482 SEAPORTH, ONT., BLACKSMITHS! 1•0•10••••• You have probably learned that it is almost impossible during theso strenuous times to obtain good Smithing coal. - • In spite of this fact we have been successful in securing a large car ot our high grade "KLEAN- • WELD PREPARED SIVPITHING't which we expect -will arrive shortly.. Secure your supply from this . carload as we are never sure of getting. another. For further information call us up at our expense, We are also dealers in all kinds of Logs, Lumber, McNair Brand Shingles, Canada Cement and Buffalo Brand Fertilizers, J. EL MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD. WANT ED New Laid Eggs Fancy priees are being paid for strictly new lag eggs at our poultry plant. 'Bring your eggs to us and get the ready, rash, LIVE Poultry Wanted Highest prices will bo paid for large quantities of live poultry that will be required to meet , the .increasing de- mand due no meatless' daps, Poultrp taken, the hut three days of each ti'eek during the winter months, ' Be good to your flock of Iletin this year and help production. This Is patriotic work and at the sanne tithe helping your own pocket. 0•••••,••••• GUNN, LANOLOIS CO. CLINTON *N. W. Ttowartlia'Phone 190 Manager or Hob:m.41011e 4 en 140 Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing A, second-hand wood furnace, in good repair, for sale cheap. THOS. HAWKINS. AVIA for ileola Portioces Slitop over BoWittild's natamuo, mon s3,