HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-2-14, Page 3044444,1444•44.4 44.444444444,44+44,4 • SUCCESSFUL RAIDS REDUCE RATIONS CANAIJIANS OF HOME ARMY - Douai Tre nelny 'Except British YOutits Coder 19 filutetz Lira in Two Places. Tnining 41""d' A despatth. from London says: - A despatch front franadian Army The Frei of Derby, Beeretary for War, Ireadtmarlierss eis:---Raiding the rar resew Field arrresutl, Viscount otomy lines north of Lens, the strroneh, Commander- of the Home .1 Ferree, of WI' decision to reduce. the eunpoeted by our &AMOY, Imek emle" rations or meat, ettge and,ter for Ml in penetrating the hoetile fonttlio the borne forces, except -youths under in two places. One inlay got Within 19 yeers, training for ebreed. 20 yards a the enemy wire W1O t Srhe the whole 'melon ie being was, discovered anti heavily bombed, The enemy also openecha barrage on "ked .1:•° Y"duce food'e9nswaPti°fl in the interestof ,our armiee, abroad," , s 01-11' limit', but despite the vieierous op. pesition and the strong wire ese et.., says the War Seeretary, "I think you will agree with me that the army at ficer and two men suceeeded in rush- inghe poeition, ' 1 home will expect equally to be asked The ,9 Pll Y ' den cannot be allowed to fall wholly l Catedian hoops on Tuesday night, . . to make certain sacritiees. The be- yards of the• enemy's ine liefoxe be- ing diecovered, Itthen bombarded ,, Lkers." 1 women end children and eivilianl i s way into the trenth. T st einem He explains that the reduced eation I witlideetse before' the raiders, ' but t maintained' 0 Miff opposition. , _amperes faveably with the field in - after reeeivisr tion of most other armies, and says Twe hours later, ' thaei the reasons for making the re- eupport from an artillery tombard- duction imperative are known to all, ment, German raiders came germ No adding, "The fate of the war may Man's Land .in strength .in the Merl - well depend upon the 'spirit in which - ' coert-Avionssectors, • 'They met rvith such reductions are accepted. ' The such a `Vigorous 'reception from our grit of every individual soldier and rifle and machine !guns that they civilian is now being tested and may w ere foreed to retire with heavy be still further Sleeted...during the com- casualties; They left five priirners in our hands. . . ing months. It is the duty of. -the r - army at 'home to set the whole' na- tion OE CANADIANS don s an example df determination , and cheerfulnese, and I have no BEING RETURNED . - doubt of their response." r..s.4„ A despatch from Loncithi says:- ' • The comb continues 'working among Canadians in England, three hunderd . men last month Were sent to reserve u nite.- Some of these had been . casualties in France but had become U.S.- 'TRANSPORT , SUNK BY ENEMY Winter, • FREE' TC GIRLS RID DOLL AND DOLL CAESIAGG, Tea, 0000 Doir is 15 inches telt, 91 0 $ gi°1•InnIsteditnrilE, t1,011;411 head, hands n a feet. The Doll Car- riage. has to 0 1 Trame and' ‘vheelic and the seat, bare and beret are made or leatherette. It IS 24 inohes high and is ;Wet the right ps18:11. for tile ,131g,, •Suai send us your name and addrese anti -we win sen ;,..oti 30 packages of 0(10 tleorvellz,iterahmolenrcettio sell at 10 gents a Pacicagb (6 10Ve1y card++ +11 each pack - two), When they ore sold tienci 110 our melloY (three dollars) anti we -will Send you the )31g .Doll, with all els/4106..1_4e- paid,. and Wo win also send you the Dell Carriage without any charge if you will el ow your Doll to your friends d' go! just three of them sell our Pards and earn prizes too. Send your name ana eft' Yecrusirar)Ciel 5e; enicAi Doll Carriage nuicklY. Address-, Homer - Warren Company Dept. 36 TORONTO. Markets, of the World Breadstuffs Teronto, Feb, 12 -Manitoba. ,-wheat-j No, 1 NOithern, 92,232; No. 2, do., $2,209; No. 3, do., 92,1790 No. 4 wheat, 12.101, in store Fort William, including 29e tax, Manitoba oats -No. 2 0.W., 8911c; No, C,W.,'840c; No. 1 extra feed. 839c; No. 1 Seed, 8030; in store Fort William, American oorn-No, e renew, kiln dried, nominal, 91.00. Ontario oats -No. 2 „white, 91 to 920, nominal; No, 90 to 91c, nominal, $2.22; basis, in 'store Montreal. Peas -No. 2, $3.70 to $3.80, according again fit; 129, men were raised frem ' - - I to freights outside. Bar14,--Maiting, 21.58 to $1.60, ae- category .13 to .A, nearly two theirs- WIIS Carrying 2,179 Soldiers, of cogigii0Xei.alti% °Vreg, at9ordrug and A men had completed • training and. were raised to category Al. Equally important towards' general efficiency is that unfitinen who Can- not nsefelly. be employed in England shall return to Canada. Two thous - end , wore sent back last month And 'eleven hundred more -were returned for' further medical treatment ill Canada. • Over three thousand from- er casualties were made available for reserve units, thes-e• including men discharged ,from hosprtale here. Two thousand more were .planed in ]ower categories than A. Maley of these bei made made available for further service through a system of curative physical training now so largely adopt- ed by the Canadian Medical Servicer Over thirteen. thousand Canadians in. England were eetimined" again by the• Medical Board lest month. . . 4 . 'CANADA EXPORTS 40,000,090 IN PULP AND PAPER A despatch from Montreal says 12, A. Pringle, ICC., Canada's -paper -controller, said in a recent speech that during- the year ending March 31, 1917, the exports of ,pulp and, paper • from this country totalled $40,000,- 000. He called attention to the fact that Cauada was supplying' one-third of the noweprint'used in the United States, partly in the finished product and partly in the raw material, and the requirements of the United Statee in pulpwood were 600,000 tons a day. Pulpwood has increased in value, he said, and brought from. $2 to $7 a cord on the sturhp. ' , Canada stood third among, the countries of the world with regard to forest posseesions, he asserted, Russia and the United -States having greater forest resoutcese- IMPORTATION 01?..CORN• TO SATISFY ALL NEEDS A despatch from Ottawa says:- " The Food Controller ha; announced that arrangements had been inade with the authorities at Wishington, - under which the United States War Trade Board has apportioned to Canada sufficient corn to meet _the • monthly requirements of this coune try. This corn will be moved just as quirldy as the transportation situation will permit. The Bureau of Licenses of the Food "Controller's office in Whom 1,912 Were Rescued. . D.C., o xrelgnto Rye -No. 2, 51.96 to 51.98, according despatch from Washington, o frelght2 0002111e, says: -The Ounard liner Tuscama, 0,seeinatn:iiltorliorounit-. •wfrretirghclo uality, $11.10, carrying 2479 American soldiers, has -War quality, 510.60, torpedoed and sunk of the Irish. bag's,' Tornnto and montrem been goast, and at a late hour on Wecites- Car lotisi.rdellverecl 61 ntreai .r.reiggecilLomnt el mein. day night- 1,912 officereand men had ireights, bags inoluded-Bran, peep ton. to. $46' oo 35 shoarts,ado., $40; middlings, do., $45 feed flour, 0500 10002, 23,40. been accounted for in a despatch to the State`Department from London. News of the first great, disaster in the war to America's armed forces Olay -No. 1, 'Per ton, 916 to mixed, $13 to $10, track Toronto, Stra.w-Car lots, -per ton; 28.60 to $9. , Country Producct--Wholesale came in a brief despatch to the War Butter -Creamery DepaliMe116. to 48c; prints, per ., solids10,, 40 to'per 10., 46 469a; dairy, _ per lb., 85 to 370. ,It did not mention the possibility of g fortheir.eurvivors, but hope was built neticird.Pgse.11 gaLl'ere° 0"2, op 10 Ole; here "linen the fact that all of those 'Dressed poultry--Chicicens, 26 to 23e; rescued were 'lauded at 'two widely- irili ilor ttT•10:11.tratoo._ 240; gee"' separated Irish ports and" indicettions ' Potatoes-, Whofesalers are -paying growers and country shippers, for (tret- e ass s oc , 1.0,0, u 1 , 52.20 to $2.35 for Delawares, and $2 to $2.10 f or On tail os. • are that relief vessels were at hand quickly. The- troops; • composed -chiefly of. Wholesalers are selling to the rotatl trade detachments of Michigan and Wis- at the following prices:- Cheese -New, large, 231 to 24e; twins, consin National Guardsmen,- Were 231 to 243c; early cheese, 259 , to Ho; traveling on the Tuscenii, a British large twin, 26 to laic. Butter -Fresh dairy. choice, IS to 3901 vessel, under convoy of British war- creamery prints, 48 to 48c; solids, 47 ships, . , 10M4a8reg. arine-20 to 32e. Dggs-New laid, in cartons. 06 to 70o; klIVE HOSTILE MACHINES storage, 49 to 500; select storage, .," SHOT DOWN BY BRITISH •• Dressed poultry -Spring chickens. 30 to 38e. inillc-fd chickens, 32 to'. 8010; fowl,"26 to 30c; turkeys, 36 to 40e: A despatch from,London says:- ducks, Spring, 27 to 30c; geese, 27 to British aerial operations are report- ed in an official statement as follows: "Nearly five tifinserof bombs were .dropped Tuesday on hostile tenets. Five German aeroplanes were brought down in air -fighting, and four were idriven down out of control. A hos- tile observation balloon was brought clown. ...Four of, our aeroplanes are missing. .r0ne and a half tons of bombs were dipped at night on an,. ale- drome south-east of Oambrai and on enemy billets." s DESPARATE BATTLE BETWEEN WHITE AND RED GUARDS A despatch from Stocicholin. says: -General Mannerleeirn, commander of the Government forces in Finland that were organized to enforce the authority of the Finnish Diet, has de- feated the Finnish Red Guard and the Russians at Uleaborg, and taken pos- session of the city. : This re the Post important victory as yet scored by the White Guard, as UleabOrg was the chief militiiry depot of the Rus- sians. in Northern Finlaed, and Con- tained,considerable stores of arniffuni- turn, has apportioned part of this tion ancl artillery. Military observers corn among Canadian importers in TIOVT confidently prediathat the whole -accordance with their monthly needs, of Northern Finland 'soon will be in so that in future these importers will the hands of the Government forces. , not be required to 'secure a separate The battle of "Ulealiorg . lasted two import permit far each purchaser. . GERMAN CITY BOMBED . BY FRENCH AIRCRAFT days, and there were several hundred dead on both sides. 35 BRITISH VESSELS SUNK ' OV ,i1J-BOA'rS FROM OLD SCOTLAND e NOTES 03" l'errle'RES1 FRO.M YEA RANKS AN I) BRA . 0 • Vt hat le 'Going Oat in the Iffighianciel Mitt Lowlands of Auld Seetirr, • HOCKEY SKATES F E E 'lo auy boy or giri t:;11.o will Bell 235 pethrIere of our hstednorne einhosieed Igth ,3; !I'll) IIIMIcs35. , - Easter Poetcards at 10 canie 14 pa•cleage (6 lovely cede fei coon pookape) we wiel oesed er per of guarasethed doitible•ender Sleeker Spates (Mir, size), rtiBtIeb17 bunt of poliehod sleet. Light weight. Senctrie Your hanse,,and we will send you the cede to sell, When said ;else er, ehe inmey, WO WS head you t110 skate wan all charges proper& el OM E ir-WA IS R S lel 00„ CiE A T, 38, TORONTO ttV1 From' Tho Middle West NEWS FROM ENGLAND Pelee° G. Brebner, eon ol! Goa, • NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT, JOHN HULL AND HIS PEOPLE tory Creep. The late • jolts Morton Drennan, news p &cheer, Aberdeen, has been men, bieeed for distinginsheel 0931(11300 in the field. ;Rev. A. Laarie, recto': old $t. Episcopal Chinch, Edinburgh, has been awarded- a bar to his Mill- s. BETWEEN ONTARIO AND 13321. TiSif COLUMBIA, om royinges Where Mena Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Ilthurgh, ;left er,890 to various Edinburgh hospitals anci the ,Iroyal Onirrilo Heye,ond Girls Are , Blind Asylum. is Iran, dal World. The Military Cross bee beep award- e . s ---, ed to Captain Adam Tuther,•136etsoY, Medicine-41M's bank clearings for The Margate'Education Committee for gallant oonduct in the field east of 1917 wore close to thirty million clol- are supplying power dinners for needy Ypers.. • lap, children. The Bothwell Parish School Board Edmonton must borrow a million It is proposed to etre London fire- haye ,,granted to all the teachers in and a half dollars for current "X"' men an iterease of fifteen shillings a thole employment a rlat increase of nenditures, week until after the wor, 018 per annum. G.. D. Venini has been elected cirair- King George's Fund for Seilorrnas rhe Military Cross has been man of the Calgary Separate ...Seim)! now reached the sum of 4250,000. awarded Major Wolfe Murray, Gordon Board. i The Lord Mayor of London's Hali. Highlanders, son of Commander wolfs . cent/rollers Gray, Winnipeg, wants fax Fund has now reached the sum of Murray, Tain. to have a complete building inspee- ,.. 458,000. .- After thirty years' serviee, Inspec- tion of the•Whole city. r Two million cup of tea are given tor JaMes -Butler has retired filen The province of Saskatthewan col- every week by the Y.M.C.A. in France the Glasgow police force, ' ,„ lected during December almost $i00,- and Flanders. Sir Andrew McDonald has been 000 for the Red Cross. I There are now 5,063 prisoners of for fifty years a member of the Edin- W. J. Dyson, Calgary, has been war working in agriculture, and 1,400 burgh Merchant Company. . elected president of the Alberta Geeat more are to be emproyed, The Manufacturers' Agents Assoc{- War Veterans' Aseeciation. •1 There are 3,150 British Red Cross ation of Great Britain have estab- . Lieut. -Col. S. W. Prowse, of Wine ambulances now at the front and fished a branch in Glasgosv. It is stated that the 'Secretary for Scotland is considering the purchase of the Island of 'Lewis. ' William Urquhart, of Autchtearder, has been appointed inspector under the Food Control Orders. tion for rural municipalities of Sas- The Tyneside works suggest that Colonel R.• Balfour Graham has katchewan have now been set as peace terms_shoifid provide for an in - been appointed to take charge of the March 6,. 7 and 8, to be held in Moose ternational shortened working day. grarglockhart War Hospital. Jai-. - I The additional war...bonus to be Rev. Jacob Sykes, $eaforths, and Sergtrriasjor Adams and Sergt. given to the police of the city of Lon - son of Jack Sykes, Fochaber, has been Knight rounded up 18 defaulters of don will amount to £12,000 a year. awarded the Military Medal.- the Military Servic--------------- I, Captain Batten, V.C., ICC., of Road!' W. D. Esslern-ont, advocate, Aber- itone. evening, Ten claimed to be Manor, Bath, who was reported miss - dean, has been appointed secretary of American and one claimed, to be a leg, is a prisoner of war at Karlsruhe. the Aberdeen Granite' Association. Sergeant James Main, son of Alex. - Main, Lossiemouth, has been awarded the Military Medal for gallantry. Robert Broivn, secretary of the Scot- tish Mines, and tweitty-one ;years .0 councillor, has been »e -elected provost of Dalkeith. 'The Women's Emeigency Corps Hospital Supply has raised over 1200 by a sale and entertainment given in Drumsheugh- Gardens, Ediebnigh. All the school boards of Caithness have adopted a minimum salary for assistant teachers; commencing et 00. Supreme `110 the Commer. WAR AlMg. OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE SET FORTH IN Ifil',,CUNT SPBECII LIAOYD 0111ORGE. Comments of London Newspapers on NotoOle Utterance of British Prinne Minister, Mr. Lloyd George has set forth in unequivoeal terms'the war aims or the British Empire, Hp addressed, at the Central Hall, Weseminster, Lon- don, the Trade Union representatives, who have been conferring. there with Sir Auckland Gerldee, the Minister fox National Service, on Man -Power Bill. The following are some of the prin. eipal points from his speeds: ,Only the clearest, greatest, and justest of causes can justify the -con- tinuance even for one day of thiesurt- speakable agony of the nations, Tho destruction or disruption of Germany', or the German.people, have never been a war aim with us from the first day of this war to this day. Belgian independence must be com- pletely metered, with such reparation as can be made for therlevastation of its towns and provinces. The Terms. France. -We mean to stand by •the French democracy to the death in the demand for a reconsideration of the great wrong sof 1871, when two pro - W. H. Pritchard's general store a't The Army Council have decided tO vincee were torn from France. nmeg, home on furlough, but *Cr- twenty toes of epee parts are sent Mitchellton, Sask., was burned re- grant military funerals, where pos- Rumania, All -Round Restoration. - Complete pets to return to France shortie'. from England every week. cettly, the loss being about $26,000. Bible, to .discharged and disabled sol- restoration of Serbia, Montenegro, and the occupied parts of France, Italy and The dates for the annual conven- there. Poland. -We believe in an indepen- dent Poland, comprising all the genu- inely Polish elements. Italy and Rumania, -We press for the satisfaction- of the legitimate plain's of Italy and R"uinania. • Germany -The adoption of a demo- cratic Constitution by Germany would German. The Rev. J. Pugh Jones; curate of make it easier for us to conclude 41 broad democratic peace. Austria -Hungary. -We desire self- government on democratic lines for Twenty-five thousand 'teen age St. Anne's, Broolcfield, Highgate, has boys will be ;raised by the Y.M.C.A. joined the Royal Flying Corps as a of Saskatchewan it the campaign or- pilot. ganized by the national council of the Paddington Council has laid in seven Y.M.C.A. to aid, with the crop - this hundred tons of coal to be sold in year. small quantities in case of emergency. cently: Ile was one of the earliest 0150. in war bonds at Stockton -on- • ranean to the Black Sea to be inter - 1?. anci neutralized. Arabia, F. A. D. Bourke, a pioneer •rancher Sergeant Cooper, V.C., was present- in the Battleforcl district, died re- ed. with an illuminated address and menibers of 0118 R.N.W.M.P., and held Tees. Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria and Indians. Light Inlantry, was preseeted in the their separate national conditions. Palestine entitled to a recognition of al g the post of farm insteuctor to the Private Thomas Thompson, Durham's Efforts are being made by the hospital at Ongar with the D.C.M. and t The German Colonies. -The govern- Saskatchesvan Depetment of Agricul- Military -Medal with bar. ing consideration in all cases must be - The late Dr. Archibahl Campbell, ture to have grain screenings groend The British Government is considers ulitiadtertitigeitedoinatbli.otal toitfsanslicAlnd iittprlaatcial Aberdeen Univererty for the advance Government elevators in ordee to pro- company for developing oilfields out- side the Empire. acceptable to themselves, nf 'Perth, has bequeathed 012,000 to at Saskatoon and Moose Jaw in the ing the formation of an all -British _ , vide feed for live stork breeders. , • A Great Document. of medical work. "The Prime Minister's speech," says nationalities who have long desired it. The break-up of Austria-Hungary is not our aim, Turkey. -Capital to remain at Con- stantinople. Passage from Mediter- MiAs K. M. M. Robertson, sistant admini A-uxiliary-,Cor . The Church Robertson.. end Miss F. Nairn, are gazetted p- strators in the Women's ps. Army flag day held in tly 1 thesum of tive •Poultry -Turkeys, 30c; Spring Glasgow 1' chickens. 10., 22 to 260; hens, 22 -to 280; egeg, Chicks, Spring,..,26e; geese, 15 to 17e. Honey -Strained, tins, 21's and B's, 20 The sum of to 22c3 per Ib; 10s, 22e; 85's,20c, children's flag . Beans -Canadian, hand -piked. bush, 98 to $8,25; imported, ha nd-plciced. • or Indian, $6.75 to $7; .Tapaii, $8 to a I EL . • Totatbes-Delawaree, bags e2.25 to 12.35; Ontexios,•bag, $2.10 to $2.25, Pityvisions-Wholesale Smoked meats-hiams, medium, 32 to 3.4c; do., heavy, 25 to 270; cooked, 44 to 46c; rolls, 28 to 30c; breakfast bacon, 40 to 42e; backs,plain, 43 to 44c; bone- less, to c. Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 28 to 29c; olsar bellies, 27 to nu, Lard-Puro lard, tierces, 282 to 291c; tubs, 20 16 202c; pails,' 291 to 2921.; compound, tierces. 261 to 26e; tubs, 261 to 2640; pails, 26 to201c, •. • Montreal Markets • Montreal. Feb. 12-0ats-Canaclian Western, No. 3, 51.02; extra No. 1 feed, $1.02; No, 2 local white, $1.009; No. 8 lo. 091e; No. 4, do., 981c, tobaepring wheal patents, firsts, $11,00: do., sbconds, 511.10; strong bakers", 510,00; straight rollers, bpgs. $6.25 to $6.40. Rolled oats -Bag of 00 lbs., 56.30. dlings, $48 to 25 , mottling, 206 to 953. 01 Y • 0637 was realized on a day held, in Edinburgh 1 Times "is the most ins- ly call for tenders for the erection -of tons of seed potatoes for planting by t London It is annquiteed that the Manittlim The Food Production Department, a deaf and dumb institute 'at Tuxedo small growers in 1918. portanteStete document issued sinee department of public works will short- has booked orders amounting to 10,000 Pail', 'Winnipeg, to cost in the neigh- The schoorchildree of Hurst, Berko, the declaration of 'war. In the form borhood of half a million dollars, ' have collected one ton -two hundredl of an address to the representatives Nieeteen million theee hundred and weight o•f • horse cheettnuts for the ' of organized Labor, it is, en substance, 1 a carefullyeweighed and exactly - stocked ie elevators vmst of Winni- The Militarr Cross has fieen award- !phrased State Pape of national char - leder and world-wide appeal. "The Prime Minister's statement of eighty thousand bushels of wheat Are Government. • d var aims is more than a speech: 1 W 1 1 it is a real charter of liberty," says and Leith. •ss • peg, showing a big cleerease compare red to Lieutenant ,A. IValsh, sort of alr lOur Over -'070 was realized at a`military osceo'• ' • B • • ' f wer charities.' Not Worth Biting. During a hot.march in Palestine a sturdy Scotch soldier, six feet in height and proportionately broad, found himself side by side with a bumptious little Englishman, tTho-was five feet nothing. - - It was a hot day and- the Scot was greatly troubled with the enidges. They buzzed.around him all the time, while the little Englishman seemed to be inunune. "The midges don't trouble me!" said the little -Rol triumphantly. "I won- soft wooded plants in the -conserve- 835; shorts, $40; mid- Thty--No. 2, per ton, car lots, $3.4.50 to The Scot looked down from hes sup - $16,60: Citeese-rincst westerns, 212e; . . do., oasterns, 2110. Butter-Choinest me height. • 1 stnck, 48o; No. -2, do„ 45c. Pete; they 'nave* noticed ye yet!" 17e. Eggs -Fresh, 68c; seleoted, ee date sayrhe replied, "it's because is afforded make cuttings and pro- avecelooprdmileligif tcolostielley froeisiomInvibillgesascliavvelciz-e- , went in the "Deutches Tageszeitung," creamery, 411 to 480; seconds, 461 to --- • •,_. _ pagefe. I people -twenty men, thirty girls -for toes -.-Per bag, car lots, MOO to 62.26. Winalpeg, Fob. l'2-Clasb prices: - Winnipeg' Grain exchange for an equal number of oth- Oats--No. 2 (1.W., 8020; Nn. 3, do., 842e; er work people." The baldness of .the Advertisement aroused the Socialist newspaper "Vor- - Aeneas," and a current issue com- mented: "Here are 50 persons offered for ex- chringe as if they were cattle. 10 18 evident the human beings have as' 11:tle te say concernmg their (napes's tioe as would a herd of oxen," • Easy. ' The lieutenant was instructing the squad in 'visional training. " "Tell me, Number ' One,' he said "how many men are there in that :trench -digging party over there?" 'Thirty men and one officer," was the prompt -reply. "Quite right,' observed the lieuten- rod after a pause. "But how do you1 knoty one is an •officer at this dis- tance?" to the same 1,seek in 1917, w ion 92.- a 'saber M.P. and Parlianientary 887,000 bushels were stored. Secretary to the Local Government the Star. "It has united all parties SUNK IN JANUARY employed at tile Ministry of Munitions to wear a khaki uniform, sacred unity of the nation. With a and all classes. It has restored the Board.' 12 NORWEGIAN SHIPS it ie not proposed to order women , • s. food heart and n good courage the A despatch fron1 Washington says: The London post office officials have British peoples can nail it to the mast, during the monirl:aofggJiaenguaatrilrig bl d t h t 'th N r ve hue contributed 107 NO razors f th 12 Noe_ Lord Clinton sold 5,790 acres of land and go forward in the sure and cer- Legation from Christiania, says that troops at the front. lune in North Devon from :Which he realiz- tain hope that it will, or soon or late, wegiat vessels, gross tons, were "lost by the war," ed the sum of 091,000. geant Hugh Hines was eold at the their lives, .. and eight Norwegian 500113011 - lost gaAnetr.Vieasteoifiolvolomsserd:Gaieni,jacili..tdieildtg"toa sceor.: Next to dirt the greatest sin io the folirlae . ----e--- graves of Canadian soldiers ititpetelbel_nuaisrydiissotritinrlotth 00,17 propagat- dying in England are to be marked ing by means of cuttings all kinds .of -with a temporary oak cross. -Aea e espa o e et g N or e JP ". tory and window garden, and nearly (iermans Regard Poles as Cattle. all these strike root at this season readily. As fast as suitable growth Germany's West "Rulturalr do - ."For exchange: -Fifty Polish es-oi•lt: seeessittrI"lre. reeseressee reree • •M''' es: extrallo. 1 Teed, Me; No. 1 feed, 5090: No. 2, do.. 77iic. Barley -No. 8, $1.59; No, 4, 91.54; rejected and feed, - $1.30. R10x-NO, $3.27$ No. 2 c.W., 23.231; No, a, do., $5.18, • 'United States Markets • 1/1 ti tisane] Feb, 12 -Corn -No. 3 yellow, 51,76 io $1.80. ' Oats -No, 3 white, ssa to 8410. -Flour-Unchanged: :13ran -412.00, - .A despatch from' Paris says: -"On 1,, I u th, Feb. 12 -Li nsoccl- On tl'a.CR, Feb1+1.10,17 5, one of our bombing• $3.551 to ./3072; to arrive and may. escadrilles flew over Saarbrucice, i„ruish vessels, slink A despatch from, London' eays :- gee" ,duie, 23.00 hid; ()ember, *31?1 . s dropping 3,610 kilograms of projec- — tiles. Attacked by several grr,"' '''' groups of The Admiralty sweets 15 1)2101911 enemy aeroplanes, 01.11' cretvs accepted merchantmen seek by mine or sub -1 battle and brought down throe Gunnel marine in the past week, Of Oases Inathines and then returned intact to 10 were 1,600 tons ow . over, and five Utair own lines." under 3,600 toes, Four fishing yes - 4' ' • sell also yore sunk, . ItITISH NAVAL FORCES 130M13 The British losses by mine oe sub - OSTEND MARINE YARDS marine during the past week are ap- Dive Stook Markets Toronto, Eel). 12 -Extra choice heavy ti1.25 L' 91100; ),fgd $10. ;$11; Cat, 510.76 to 911; do„ good, $10.25 10 910.801 110,, meCittitn, $5.80 to 50.75; do., coin-. mon. 55 to $8.50; butchers' bulls, choice, 90,50 1,, $10;- do., good bulls, 08.75 to medium bulls, 97.00 to $8; do., rough Mills, 10.36 to 06.85; butchers' cows, choice, $9.60 to $30; 110,good, A8.50 lo 90; d: o. medium, $7.75 to .00; - StOeiters. 97.50 to 50,58; feeders, 0 to $1.0; canners and (mters., 15.75 lo : milkerS, good to ehnice, 600 to 8126; de cont. and med„ $05 JO 2891 aprin 111414: $90 to 1,140; lifltt ewes, 212.50 to g$14; • proximately the sante os the previous A desnatch from Amsterdam •aysi week, when nine British mere -Inuit- -British naval 'foeces have bombard- men of more than :1,600 tons, and ' ed (reseed, eseeesusg to a earpassis of lereser terinage, were cleetroyed, from the frontier. The marine yards swore se -sten -1y Soap and tepid water -will -remove damaged. chocolate attune, • 20 ere re• rese ••".a.„, o 0110011, htti,VV, 1.i is $7,25; yearlings, Solving the Mysieries of of the Machine Gun. mere to $12.75; lamblg. $18-t0 518,70. calves, isnocl to ehol,o, $15 to 516.50; Men ie this branch of the sevice have become so efficient that the T. .h$17,75. urn aseern e and dissemble their gone, while blindfolded. s - wpilthed olT rm..% $19; cle., „ /1/,./111...7.3/1/6/11.T.T11 ,{411,11,..11=1:14MUNINZWS , 19511/13,1,10M1./.131,19.1 tle 1EP CD 1 33k/ FID; /VSS . 'cO it' 't b, 33,513..ffs;. Too be's the only. one 1100 working, eta" • OR 10M, 1 SAV4 TNE.clOgsT laTTLE HAT- Dowra TOWN TODAY - IT WAS -ME tAIFTInsT- LIT;TI.E. •SAILOR -1, AS 11' WIN 'TRE. V411413044, AND l'9011 c.,00Gar rill Er E• ,itiorAwAlr l'f 15 JISST TeEi 6-T,IL o RA't . '''{Ol) 1-1 Ws . •T'oo I WAS AWFULLY SURPRIteEDI AT PRiCt - oisli-si 6189-s L.-- ' ARO -rka Vent ' • .... a 1 DID Bol 1-r — ,......-ppti'T Yqu-rHINK .) ITS PR4TIN r ' - Lal-EsT Deslat - vi%L- A- ',4+.4 . , 0 ' ' ,) . '4* ;.` - ' '" \'..;:".'• ;0104,",,', r'.,,.,,,%,,,, ' r A 44 )rnki ,,,,,,t ,or 1 tt '' - nes ' - . „ • ••00A104:11,, .-ticrer,'" alt , ..,4' ' • ,,,, • 0,= ‘„ 4-hq,-.-,-- .,:' ., , . !: ,e, i ,4 1 , - ..,,,rme . ,,,,o''' ...., '''0,,,, '1. , 0, ,,,',, • ., • 1 1..v \ • . AWN olorer.,,. '` 44,,,,., - NO, ,, 'ZAsso? ; ,. # .,,,,t,,4 4 0,40,,,o10,04 '''' '''4 1;(1".f, '''''.:',111s •,'•? • 04% L "•`-ressilreie" ilt _ .0. ,) , 'it' , ' . 'r .:t• 0 .(4t10iuitt". . . 1121,4, reptiP444:441 0 ' ' '-'i o,,..11.,:f '..,,,c Fr• it . ,••• . A C lead the world into the League of Na- tions which will end the iron age of war. In this solemn declaration ,de- mocracy challenges autoor;lcy. If and when the German people accept demo- cracy the Great War will bring forth the Great peace." A Challenge and an Invitation. "An event of first-rate importance," says the Daily Telegraph, "the -world TIOW knows the terms on which the British Govet•mrient is prepared to ,consider conditions of peace, and if the Central Powers are as anxious for an honorable peace anis lasting peace as they profess to be, Id their spokes- men reply with similar candor and plainness. The Prime Minister's speech was at once a challenge and an imitation, which must be answered with equal directness, or else the na- tions w321 draw the liiresistible eon - elusion that Count -von Herding and Count Czernin do not sepeak eut be- cause they dare not disclose their real inten ti one. "We must go on to the end; we have no ehoice. s All WO eat1 say to -day is that we can never offer better tonne; and, indeed, Mr. Lloyd George's allu- 00011 to Germany's need of raw mate, ials after the War was a reminder that, while we hold cemented of the sea, it is possible for us to harden our price. • "It is Germany's citifies 011 her people will rest all the guilt of the in- nocent blood which must still flow be- fore fteedoti is eyed and the cause of reason and justice vindi- cated," Here or Hereafter. Light-hearted 110.31141.37)' Gtoyal Cesrper--(therrot 4Attette, I shall got my wings next w.eek. Pessimistic aline sl'es,e and your harp tea, I expect. FREE TO Cni S MODEL STEAM ,t: NGIN iusauhc:i x ty, . su,rtngatearaan matillao nab 8" NS thoirgh It verge mi- ning the eleetrit light Plant iti veer town. Dee Mel moitquette boner, WI I. Sf e t y VII2VS, h111(+1. steel Aro. t'"'itIt°ti:it b :trat;0:l.:ilabl5t0:e:lnniy. Arune& :;teof beona112 te lend 110 yoUr nesi4 10 pfteltages ne 005*'betclitiful emboStie MI 700 will send ye! rater fr,00t. w(Aro to own at So eon( aolcoac. hn d IseAim ecola geed the ee nd we will trend you the engine, bifitrgoll. t Propeld,HOM-WARREN CO. i .. 2132P1', 07 w la TORONTO 4 1 4 A 4