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The Clinton News Record, 1918-2-7, Page 8
8 Zuriela Mrs. Wm, Siebert spent a few days last week visiting Ilashwoed friends, Mr. Leroy O'lisien lads taken a position with the McCiary Co., Lon- don, - Messrs. J. llaberer and W', Consitt have 'misled auditing the books of the township, treasurer, While operating a cutting box which was being used in threshing beans on the farm of Mr. James tiler \rr, Wm. ]Miller had .his band to Madly injured that amputation was ionnd. to be ncoessery• On Wednesday of last week the marriage took hided at the home of the bride's pttrents,••Mr• and Mrs. Chas, Weber, of Eva son of Mr. Weeand flugll 'Plein, Geo. 'Thiel of the 1.011 ,concession, The pupils of S.S. Na. 1 ':.sborno purpose ereotiitg a memorial tabu( la honour of former members .of tbo sebool,who, have laid clown their liv- es fon; the Empire, emairommeimenimaimmeammile 1F YOU ADMIR1 PINE FliRNI`1'URE you certainly will appreciate the beauty of the articles con- tained in our display of china closets, sideboards, dinning tab- les, chairs, eto. They ate de- cidedly unconventional in de- sign and will give "a distinet individuality to the dining room they adorn, See the dis- plall' and you'll marvel at the prices, JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 28 Phone ' 1Plika BARGAIN Foi this week we have picked out a lot of broken lines of Men's Fine Shoes, just a pair or two of any one kind, in box calf, kid and patent leather, and you will find them on our tables all at $3 50 one price to clear Our stock of shoes for the coming season is heavier and better assorted than ever before, and although prices are still advancing,you will find our prices even lower than last season. Men's fine shirts, slightly soiled, Lot 1 your choice 70c Lot 2 your .choice S5c Lot 3, mixed lot -of fine and working shirts, choice 50c Men's Ties to clear at 2 for 25c Another lot of better Ties at 19c More specials next week. Watch for announcement Plumsteel' Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 25 AGENTS—SEMI-READY CLOTEIING. NEW IDEA PATTERNS. Clinton, Newsµllwecord February 7th X 18 May JCS True n'Bell.ind the curtain of the future lie 'happier years than the year gene by." me W. D. Fair Go "Often tile Cheapest Always the Best." Miss Lizzie Burnett return0d last week after a montfi's visit with •bei. sister, Mrs, Thos, Dunbar of Sarnia. ?fir.. and i Mrs. P,, W. Patterson and children of Lethbridge, -Alta,, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston during the past week. Miss Margaret Mehaty of the post- otiine staff was off duty for a few days during the past week suffering from an attack of grippe but is again at her post. Mr. William Armstrong of Sault Ste. Marie and Miss Mabel t John- ston of Blyth wore the guests, of bit. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston for a few days last week. Mr. Levi Stong has taken a position at Newmarket and will probably before many moons remove liis family there. Clinton citizens, will be sorry..to see this family leave town again.. Miss Edna Levis, who has been on the'occasional staff of the Toronto Public schools for some little time, has been given a place now on the permanent staff, She is teaching in the .Ryerson school. - Mr. Mark. Thompson. of Gilroy, Sask., has been, visiting in Clinton and Blyth during the past week. ile came home on account of the ill- ness of his mother but was unable to reach here in time for the fun - II eral, 1 BUY COATS GOODS. FURS, DRY House AN D Furnishings N O W The price of the above mentioned lines will be DOUBLE before they are less than we are now quoting. Everything in The Store Reduced Except the Following 4 -ply. Scotch Fingering Yarn (Forbes make) $1,95 Pound. We never have, nor will we now or in the future, sell one pound of yarn at One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents to one customer, arfd one hundred pounds to another customer at a lower price per pound, One price to all whether the quantity be large or small, We would much rather sell one hundred customers One pound each than one hundred pounds to one customer. • 2 'alli-d 3 -ply Factory Yarn 98c nPoud - w. 6 -cord Spool Cotton (Coats make) 4c Spool Same as above only larger spool gc spool 12.4 Ibex Flannelette Blankets (the best grade) $2,4u pair We reserve the right to limit the quantity purchabecl by any individual person; this`we do in fairness to all Customers can have goods held for a period not exceeding 30 days on payment of a small deposit Trade Epigram "As the blacksmith strikes while the iron is hot, so the wise buyer will anticipate'her wants for a long time to come and make her selections while the assortments are good." if our prices do/not urge you to buy the clerks will not, it is against our rules We want you to make this store your -shopping headquarters. Come in when you like, stay as long as you like, we are at your service. , WOMEN'S STORE Dry. Goods, House Furnishings phone 67 Next to Royal Bank 0 Tailoring and (phone 103) Men'. Furnishings Opposite Public Library s s1. � 4 4 01.. iii. - ' �. 4 - 4 4 . .. 4 1 Mill In . .., Ili 4�• tin a CASH SYSTEM i�' our business, belie ring �, 4� After dui consideration w:e purpose inau,,ura g of conducting a business.. tis_to be the most modern way 4 ir � 's Clothing. Co. adopts the CashSystem. As the ;� 4 Therefore, on March est, 1918 The Morri h • � merchandise in our line require much additional capital it is �eeps- 4. f prices of all kinds of mere accounts, and from the date above mentioned we will. 4 sary to call in all outstanding • conduct our business on strictly cash terms• eliminates much clerical work--- ir The benefit will be MUTE' �A►.L, as operating a Cash System you at closer prices. # enables us to buy' at closer prices, and thus to sellem toe will commence a general �' 4introduce the change in our business y In order to ,Eudin �lir��sday, Feb. 28th 9' Sale, '� Frida Feb. Sib,Ile �nl�� g ��ClearanceMen's Rain Coats 38.60, Price... 8.60 2 $1x,50 S, igl•bll•olCetl lines, r4gil linen's Rain Seats 8.5., Saleele iceprrs....,.,.. 11.6 Meigs Rain Coats 313,00, Sale price 11'50 4 Man's Suits, nest season $15.00, Sale price 16,00 lar3 dozen Boys Cap Men's Rain Cats 326.00, Sale price 20.50 Men's Suits, next'season 520,110, Sale price•„ 19 s00o ��rC, Men's Sults, next season 525.00, Sale price 22,60Men's, Negligee Shirts 51.25, Sale price 98 Saleprice next season Lined, Gloves clear a . Men's Suits, next season, $:10,00, 50c,to Man's Negligee Shirts 51.50 and 31.. 75, Sale price 13,50 52. 50, Sale price 1.06 1.25 Men's Negligee Shirts 52,00, Sale poi ce 1 66 LVlen's Overcoats, next season $20.00, Sale price 16.00 Men's 1.'L6 l95 4. MMen's Overcoats, next season 522.00, Sale price 18.00 Men's Winter Caps, next season 51.7 5, Sale price .95 lien's Pyjamas 32.60, Sale price Men's Winter Caps, Host season 31.2.5, Sale price79, 1.G5 Men's Stits,iats, next season $28.00, Sale Prise Men's Pyjamas 52.00,.50, Sale ice Boys' Sults, next season $7.60, Sale price 7 3O Men's Winter Caps, next season $1.0 0, Sale, price 19 Men's Fancy Vests 25 only in lot, re g. $4.60 dna 55.00, Salo pzicr... 3,26 Boys' Suits, next season 510.00,5,Sale price 1T,5p Vlen's 23e heavy wool sox, Sale pole e Men's 'Rouse Coats, 6 only in lot, re g, 54.50 and 0.00, Sale pricn.. 3.50 29 6.00 Boys' Suits, next season 515,00, Sale price 26 Men's Bath letsbes 57.00, Sale pre .i9 8.50 Mens 36c cashmeres ,Sale price Men's Suspenders 25c, Sale Price ,25 Boys' Overcoats; next season $12,50, Sale Price , 1A.50 season $1 50 Sale Price b lU NTmt's Suspenders 35e, Sale Price 39 Boys' Odd 'fats, next season $15,00, Sale price Men's '50c, Salo Price T5 Men's Odd, Trousers, next season $2.50, Sale price 1.06 M C t xt reason $2 60 Sale Price , rp Men's Suspendersips 250, iere price 26 °, 2.75 scasau 34 a0 Sale plmc )Ion's 'ries 35i, Sato price Men's Odd Trousers, next season 55. 60, Sale price + ,l 23 vt erases 36 5U Sale price r i •i0 �"' 0 Men's Odd Gloves, next season 51, 00, Sale price 70 Mens ries 1.50 VI('r, riien's Linea Gloves, next season. 3i., 00, Sale price 1.10 niers i Han's 1 icy 51,75 and 32 00, Sale px Men's Lined Gloves, next season $1,. 50, Salo price 1..180 stripe, to clear at 1 'S 5 llo� Ovat ills and 5moalcs, blue . Men's Lined Gloves, next season $2. 00 Sale price 3 $p 50 5 •tie Attu I$ ®,m�.�u Soca n. SOc 2 .00 to 10 4 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 44 4 4 4 s Underwear, in broken lidozen nes, regular$en's and t 90 and .25, to clear at 75c. Men's 40c heavy wool sox,'Sale price ox ao's Sweater Coats, next sea 1.06 Men's Sweater oats, nen •r , 1.v Men's Sweater Coats, next3.5 6 Men's Sweater Coats, next .39 .75 1,95 yullovers next season 60e, Sa le price 1 Boys' Pullovers, next season 51,00, Sale price.- tar Coats, mixt ,(;cases , , , . conionsinanisinnensaimenammenisminsiniemignanifiiirls detour Hats, in plain and stripe Regular 2.25, sale price $1.75 50e, Sale Price +, ,c ,.a ....ice 5 i . , 1 Two dozen KnittedmaamanzenseassigtessiessmatetScarfs, regular, to clear at 25c. 6 C.P.R. Telegraph czar tear © A °yea li the nbolarnaerdupe a1 fog Everg Man a0Y1tVerirti"PVIVICS" 141. Clinton00 Q., C;1�