HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-31, Page 7• ZERO DAY theughte ere lying out in the nInd abort distatea fVonl the °Miley Witte OVery altas) snatched whet sleep, he Ttke Weouly Illa$10011s • nothing but the eky ne protecirmt. '.• THF DAY OF DAYS w:."' th— timlights' 4111°4 coeld, To those who could -not sleep their tholights Were far t00 sacred for A BlO pukileation,, To Ow whe. did pot, daern entrie,with the air :full of et • strati:go, rolling, whiney sort of roe, beggaring deseription, to. and in 4 berstiog crash, and a wall of lieree front of their very eYee. Theee ' wile slept woke th the dim, saw that Wall of flame ancidnechanically meached for their baYenets to fix them Ori their rifles. The time had come, We hall paseed bum zero day to zero home' • —7" THE PREPARATItlN FOI A.TTACKt Froin Rest Billets to Front Treacle d With Itayoeete Fixed R1111* FOK Mance. Zero day, the day of days, his mina, Every hoer of it that Paesca has an • added' value, say e Lieut. T. S. Smith, PleaSures and sensatione of that., day come and go with added intensity, for zerciralay ie the one preceding attack, and who knows what the -Morrow will • bring? • It is a day of busy preparatioMfroth daylight to dark, checking over and locoing to the men. all their need e atilt requiruments, the cleaning of *billets before we mereh Mt and while wolf- ing to nzareh we lie About, getting as inet the olleJer way. Every attack of meth rest as' possible', fez* when We rheumatism Invitee another; worse • start to move from oinebilletet, then ie than that, it reducOs the body's Power rest over for an ID:definite period. :tie so that each attack.is worse than the each company is readY goes "w" QUO before, • the road to lie and wait for the rest of If any disetlee needseourlifg early it the battaliou. The colonel is there at ddetimatiem, but there is s'earoely ••• thedeppointed • Meeting place as. we I•aiiy disease that phystelans find -more ereme along, We halt, and he _walks difficult to treat eneeeeerully. "Wiese towards us, Me of the "old contempt- a "medicine does • cure rheufnatisin ibles." Oer company commander calls tearedade1 15 worthy de.dpedidovaiee, . Us to attention, salutes, and the eol- ,modiaj agree', that the mei retuens it and then, instead of a „, blood becomes thin wieb alarming long harengue, he. eirePlY says, "1 win . rapidity as rheumatism develops. meet you, ail at Our objective. Please maw:ening the qualitrof the-ddloed is- • be there Me Wine." That's) ale but he istherefore a reasonable way of prevent - meant a great deal more. He' knew, and combatinerhemeatisni. That. and tee knew, we all wouldn't get there .ie weeks -out in _taut is shoWn by the —but why prattle abont it? . The Colonel's Message. 'To each cgmpany as became up he went in the sortie quiet, confident man- ner; giving his message to them. That RHEUMATISM A MYSTERY This Trotibl ie Rooted in the Blood and Can Only be Cured by Enriching the Blood. Someeellsemses give. Mutually from another ettack, but rheumatism works beneflemr effaces- which fallow the Plor work or play, this suit is equally treatment a rheumatism acute, mus- aPProPriate• McCall Pattern No. 7876, cigar ahe articular, with that great Mises' Service Sit, In 4 -sizes, 14 bleed tonic; Pr. Williams' Pink Pills. to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. - Thal, thousands oe People who lave taken Dr, Welliams' Pink Pills for hittle meesage-clid more to give them eller rheumatism have beat mired is ,conlideneethan a long liTie of "c't d fact •beyond dispute. That rheu- haii;" ae the company grouch ahiaYs =Heal does. not return as }mg ad the called the tong speedhes that are $eMe- blood is kept rich and red is equally times ieflicted on the boys, 'true, If therefore, you are luirming • „ef "Tommy Atkins" knows he is a bet- from rheumatism in any form you . ' ter Thall than the Bathe and he doesn't shoeld lee° To time in giving Dr. yob need to be told it, and he doesn't be- Beene' piek a fair trial, Me. A:d " lieve in worldwide advertising of the lie •,1-linton, Western Ave., Tenon:to, 'fact. Ida -knows it and so cloes the go: s • —.PIT .t Y WHEN 141411K WAS Ni 2,0l0 ¥0111-a Agolloney Wes the Only 0 SUOMI; rA v lisied of Sweet. to Vet dot of the pro - yew's ego there weer -net a 0InglanandY Thu* of it, 01* -4s,1 RQD,lo '2,000 4;t• . 801 1101e1:0 daealleVtzie7c1 4"Itidh,,elifntifY241114.1teheafl: atOro, Not eveti the Most ' Litt 'Mitre Now Milk Reguiations, The Food Controller lets Waited v. re. very opagartm amount whjel dietributore of milk • Prince Edward !shod 414Y °(1c1 °4'' 4" My Mr m wee. , 110in thti iimonet thusdaddecj meet not youeg man Meld offer to life la y love "."-^' "d" gem/ WIWI; a box Of 10111POPS, for 91101 thin4 woro milliard of, ; Sogaicin Wise days was icticten in Europe only in the form of honey, which Was _considered a great luxury, ehtainable only by the well-to-do. The high price it brougliemffered rinzeh en- couragement lio bet keeping, which Was then,a much moth nriportant'end extenerve industry, °epee/airy ASia IVItior, than 'it ta to-dey, Beate loeded with hiees flohted elong the Nile, the Imes flying ashore to gather meter Irma flOwere tha betake. It is triought likely, however, that sugar derived from cane was knoWn In China and 'India as long ago 119 4000 B, C. The sugar" eate wee orig-' inally native tothose countries, and in the enely middle ages eane sugar well hi:ought to Europe by traders from the bales., Eteppeens called it 'gamey Made from reeds." In 1747 a Berlinehemist discovered that the sainOcind of sugar could be obtained front bete, and since then the 'percentage of sugar has been ia,. creased so considerably by selective breeding of the Vegetables that tardee adays h tor of it is derived -from nine tons of the roots. • - The average persdn in this ebantry consumes two-thirds.of his owe weight of ;tiger in a year. • i'VAR WORK FOR SEA GULLS. 'United States Inventor Will Tra'n Them to Follow U -Boats. 8001) eat by more -than 544 Dodd's Kidney 'Pink/Did Mete per quart enYwhere in Manitobe, Sasketthewen, Albert and British ' For IBM ; Colembia. or by more than 5 •cents per quart tenywhezdo le Onteeio, (dee- , bee, Nova Scotia N , New 0 imam ek or Prieee EdWedrel Ialand. They 0ave Him quick Reliof From e awn ance Unit traneportm, ; 11013 prob1enie are gejlIg to be more Land more difficult, now is the time to r(10 -operate in the purehase of -spray I Materials, Don't put otr ordering them Headache and Backache—He „ auscnr,za.tcrzotra ' cemmends thern th sufferers, Cape Egrnett, Jan. 241.11— (SPeolal.)--Dcalce's •Kidney baye us -onerous bleeds 'in this tight Mlle iearal, • and among Om mese enthusl• astle ail them leddir. Manned ArseM- of,thie •place. * recommend Dadd's Kidney Pills to- 'alli mirror," Mr, Arseneauit eve; "I had been. troubled with heed - Rolle -and backache about two years un I read In Decide; Almanac hew many eufforers had benefited by using Decide) Kidney Pllle. "I. decided to send foe two boxes, Before I had 'finished taking them was feeling as wall:as ever, "It givee. me great plea,suraetoliaY a few words foe Dodd's Klaney Pills." Ail over tke iskted you find people who, tell of beet:lets received from ufrag's Kidney Pills. TheY are nice/a- nizeaud the seandayd -remedy tor kid- ney Acting directly on the 1;16- i -toys, they refresh and Invigovete those organs. Tbe result is that they lb their full work a stealth:1g all the 1m• all the seeds of dIseasei oht of the blood. That is why Dodd's, Kidney Pits are recognized as ti teethe MODELS OF RUINS AS TOYS; • Sea gplls commonly follow ships tn Christmas (lifts- for German Children the expectatiom of picicing food . Show Belgian Devastation. '6440 Waste that is thrown overboard They . Exultation over the ravages of the Teuton 'armies In France and Belgium entered lax:vier into the Gertnan chil- e• Cooked raisins are particularly good by nMierous toys ' from Germany for growing children, and the child dren's Christmas this year, as shown which have fallen into the hands of probably not to be found. Since she who will refuse raisins in any fermis othf elasn°..cihe were recently seen in Paris by a cor- Is saveclethe housekeeper:, - siSroaylxrPed 1 obey of Gleeramd Li mtio:eeplas can buy seedless raisine, much labor respondent of the Assoc dated Press in --- _ _ will even hover about the wake of a eubmarlhe that is travelling submerg- ed.• From aloft in the air they can see the underwater craft at a considerable depth. . This circumstance is said to have cost the • Geinians a lumber of sub- marines, the presence of which was betrayed to patrolboats and desteoyers by flocks of circling gulls. lanlanent Chiron DiniltherM• , NOW 15 a good time to get rid of al 'unproductive faxen steak, Animal's kept at a lose heti better not be kept at all, but turned into human food. MONEY ORDERS -Buy your eat, of town supplies .with Deininion ExPress 'Money Orders,. PiVe dell 111$ oeSte three v The craving for svdeets grime - ups as well as in phildrerf mey be entisfled by dried hulls became the fruit sugar answerathe natural physl- ologie demand foresweets and without the injury that accompates the con- ' d inary sugar foods. Many of the objections to pastry and sweet desserts will be removed if more fruits are used in their prepeiration to the exclusion of sugar. 1 IV DLL J9Gi Li 11'1, lift) kl il W.SpAillilit i Olaia",1:1.1dIli:0,4)JrItlilcl's"L'IL.,?itni11,"dur4$4;171 I Fro roe $1,905 on 0 01011 Ha ci. Jinx 99, , Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd.. 'Poronto. ,-...... ...--, " (1 ANclial, :rola arts, 1.uta t,a. 1,11,(;., : m.„, internal and exter.nsl. cured with - Iout Pain by our linnle treatment. I011 re us botora too late. r/r. Beaman 11leilicli Co., Llinited, Collingwnod, nnt. Tho publisher of the Wet Farmer's P91191' in the Marlthne ProyiaCes in writing to us slate's: "I would say tbat r do not know of medicine that bns stood the test or time like MINARD'S LINIMENT: lt has been an unfailing rerneel7 In our househAld ever since I can remeniber, and Juts outlived dozens of would-be competitors and imitators," Botha They are two interested Fife bad suffered. for nearly . three : A dainty little„dress is this for the An American 'haunter, Dr. A. D. the library and museum of war, parties, so why say any moth? years from 'rheumatism, from which : t daintY small person easy to Mike and • 11 t f 11 Pentz, has -hit upon the idea of tilde- founded. by the French Ministry of d Theadjutant reports "battalion pre- she suffered greatly. She' had been . requiring very little Material. Mc- es. Public Instruction end the Fine Arts. nig gu s o o ow enemy U-boats, ing for the mapose a friendly sub- The models showed in detail the heaps sent and correct" to the. celOnel, and under. the care of sev.eral doetcfre, be- I Call Pattern No. (1430, Child's One or ..bY his conemend we move off. In the • sides spending dollar& en adeertised two Piece Dress. In '5 sizes, 0 months marine provided with apparatus for Of brick and mortar and stones which distance, preparing the way for ui as cures, but did not get auy relief. One ' to 9,,.,.. - Price; 10 cents. distributing minced nsh or scraps of were all that remained in hundreds of . weem.arch with -our faces toward the day taIldng to a fell el 1 1 di T1 -food waete of any kind. The stuff towns of northern France and 13e1-• y e o ame floats to the surface of the water and rumUJ? , we hear the steady pounding her sister lad. •been cured of -this ' from your local.McCall dealer, or froth of the guns. 'Any one looking for any trouble :** be Dr, 17gillidens' .Pink Pills. the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., To-ronto, the birds pick it op. ' • ' " signs of emotion or riervousness/Would Although not feeling' -very hopeful I ; Dept. W. - ' By this means the gulls are to be -be fooTed: If • a man feels anyShing, hook two boXes home that evening adal e r enlisted as our allies. We shall elle 0 and every one almost el-aerie...11,1y does, urged my wife to fey therm By the CO:AL INT THE FUTURE. he doesn't show it.'' • time tirey. wove used they had done, — '',.• Clad in fighting kit we swing -along her sonneoh good that she eemilred no Available Limited\ Supply Must fle out of the village to the tune' of "The preseing to continue the treatinent, • • '031nek Begs' from the pipe -band. 'All 'and after taking six or seven boxes Conserved. , . the old French people come to wave us she was completely cured. AseI htive '-There are well-informed persons goodby. One old Erma woman 1E- said bills Was about a year ago, and who cenfidently assert that fifty years .,. quires,of Tommy, "Poogh?" and he re- she has had .00 return 09 the trouble from now the -utilization oe "raw" coal ' plies in excellent Frenoh, dOni; .Ma- Since. I feel very grkeftil for the int- for burning- in fuinaces, kitchen dame, Allemand Rhine toot sweet," mense good -Dr. William"- Pink Pills ranges and other purposes will be cot - which, pleases lier greatly. She -hob:. helve clone my wife, and I Mope other sidered almost a dame, e • bits off to tell the rest that at last sufferers will benefit by her experi• • There is just -so much coal in the the German swine will be showed over .01008, . crust of the earth economically ae- I t le Rhine iminediately, if not sooner . You can get these ills 11 ee / ceesible. Every ton taken out dimin- and the whole village cheer. in - th-eir dealer in medicine, dr by neell at 50 ishes the coal capital by one ton and braries at Acchives, and he has an- • feeble old voices, We ansvier teith• a carets a box or six box'es for $2.50 from nature deed itot replace it. 1Vianifestlye die hidden beauty? But lemon juice ' rope which leaves them all in inch The Dr. , Williams' Mediclue Co., the available, stock enderground must national gy annealine to all the Allied - flounced his intention to make it inter - alone a acid, therefore Irritating, and -- ' good cheer that they e gb back 'end feed Brockville, Ont. sb•ould be mixed with orchard white • . ' — Powers to furnish hird with documents this way, Strain tairough a line cloth 'b' gium, faithfully reproduced for the delight' of German's risingegeneecition. In addition to these objects, there have been gathered piciene books 011 - pate them to show our chasers where ed with Meat -rations of military epee - the Hun U-boats are. Then we can ations in which the German emperoses drop -a few depth bombs where they troops have always -bed ,the upper are most nectleao hand, 'their mantles invariably being annihilated. The Library and Museum of War in Paris is assuming such pro- le E -M-0 NS MAKE SKIN WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR portions that a large institution will; be necessary to bonze it._ The begin - Make this beauty lotion for a few ning of tbe collection was funishecil ' cents and see for yourself. •ley Henri and Madame Leblanc, of . Paris, who had brought together relies Wha,t girl or woman hasn't heard of from the battlefield. yetweateffaeMelilleeedtieeMeetereerteal ; The Cause of Fauity digestion causes the Heart l'rouble generation of gases in the stomach which inflate and press down on the heart and interfere with its regular action, causing faintness and pain. 15 to 30 0 drops of Mother Seigel% Curative I) Syrup after_meafirsets digestion right,which allows the heart to 0 beat full and regular. 9 os DOOM'S BCC IFon-Opto tifr floe Eyes Physicians and' eye specialists pre- , sertbe Iton-Onto us a safg honle remedy In 5115 treatment of eye troubleti and 00 strengthen eyesight. Sold under mune. refund guaranty by all druggism. - lemon. lutes to remove complexion The museum has been placed melee . blemishes; to whiten the skin and to•the care of Camille Bloch, General Tn- brie out the rose ther • h d specter of the French National Li- be conserved to the utmost. 'When coal is burned for fuel.in our present wasteful way, great values in possible byeproducts are lost, The the chiekens a little extra grain arid the pigs a little more tarnip. The . chickens eaekle louder, the pigs grueit with pleasure, the old people talk about the Allemafid and the Rhine and *ego en our way singinge So every-• - body itegappy. • - The Prisoners' Cage. • On our left is a big square com- pound, enclosed with barbed wire to a e height of about. eight feet, with thised • sentry boxes. It, is the en:ponces' cage. At the game time to -morrow it will be_fail of Boches. As we pass it we -enter the shell zone, We knoey be - 'cause the prisoners' cage is always just on thededge of the .enemyes ex- treme range. +/Prom ne•w on we are "in it," and Wore we know it we are at Vie centre of what seemed'such • a peaceful' yillage. Now it fairly teems with activity. Troops . every - J wheree trench meter batteldes, ma- chine gun companies, engineers, field dressing stations, pioneers and artil- • lerymen; horses, trucks --big fled little —aillomobiles, wagons, water wagons, feed wagons, every kind of wagon, • piles of ammunition—big and little— timber in all sizes and shapes, barbed wire and barbed wire stake*, Over it le* all the big howitzers fire congenially with a -crash that Startles, and through It all we march, on, out and'beyend, leaving it all behhal, for. those things in the village- cannot move until after dark, One thieg tve doe't leave *led; e hinct ere the guns. Insteed, as we go °me -they got thicker, their flash and bang grow more oontinuoes, There is 130 wind, yell the air is full of strange the juice of two fresh lemons into ar exln • PREHISTORIC SKULL BORINGS. bottle contelnin about thr The collection is to contain trench ° -•-•1••••••• Trephiehig preetieo he the Ancient time will arrive before long, it is believed, when no householder or mom- Pei.uvianS‘ ufaCturer will be permitted to burn The - operation called "trephining," "raw' coal. - • by' which a,,button of edmil is vemovee The will burn coke-arepidesenting eee * n te war OSE AWFUL CRAMP e of orchard,white, then shake well and journals, works of propaganda, speei, you hava whole quarter pint of 0.111 mens of papa War money, medals, Suggestione that racay save and comelexion lotion at &befit- the Parliamentary documents, military in - cost oe usuY-pays far'mn w sall jar signia, ratiocards, ar stamps, and, of ordinary cola creme Bo sure to ' • nallin fact, everythng. ithathas bearing ' Much Suffering • is regarded in these modern dais as the residue after all possible by- stain. the imam Juice so no pulp gets .oh. into tem bottle, then this lotion will re- The French Government; has asked very hazardous, and to be attempted Products have been extracted from . inain pure", and fresh_ for months. the Chambel• of Commerce' for a $50,- • only as, a 'last resort. • the coal. Conspicuous .among these But the ancient Peruvians, centuries by-products are illuminating gas and 000 appropriatiom'aed various pereone Wharmesii atTaPliehdanddasllY jttoslilloio1116t a c lei e, iipi 0 etito, have promised gifts for the further- ance of the work. Among the .exhibits are the inechtle sere* by order of the German • em- peror in honor of the sinlcing of the Lusitania and the Sussex. a 0'4f .0, n 0--Il--0 ---.0--n- 0- 0-0 --0 fANY CORN LIFTS OUT; ..„, DOESN'T HURT A 13,1T1 efOIG C011.1MbUS landed, practised it coal tar. From the latter are ob- veldt commonly. Of ' 1,000 of their fabled an 0110=0135 01101013e0 of useful skulls, recently obtained by the United things, ineleding all the colors of the States Bereau of Ethnology fronz pre- thinbeid (in the shape of dyes), and historic caves and- cemeteriesnearly no end of (Inge valuable for medicinal two per cent. had been trephined. PurPoses. The eauly Peruvians used club/ and From coal „tar is ploteined carbolic war-hateltets 'in battle• also ,11,,.1_,_..evhich Is the bliais of all the fin - throwing stones. Slcult-fratures Must often have remitted. But apparently they trephined also for brain troubles, ind possibly for other diseases,' The surgeon of ancient Peru held ehe head of his patient between his knees,and with a sharp flint sewed • out the beam of bone—an agerdzing A CORTABLE DARE ROOM. , procese, surely. Sometimes' he filled • ---- the hole with a butthe of silver, or of Photogvaphers Will Find This 'been, mollusk -shell, but more often' he was content to cover it simple* Will- the flap of scalp, • It is usually poseible, by •exanihm- lion of one of the trephined skulls, te find out whether or not the victi bleat* clear, smoothea and beatalfY the skin. ' Any druggist will simply three ounces of orchard white at very little east and the grocer has the lemons. SUBS AS "FAKE" STEAMERS. portent war explosives,. A by -pro- — — . duct of gas manufacture' from COM elieved,That Germany eisirg bum. is totted, which, by • treatment with • niersible Cruisers. nitric acid, hignede to yield thefam- ous "T.N.T." .ifor 911(1 1200 is believed in England that Ger- other purposes of military destruction. many is ming submersible cruisers in its,attacits upon' allied shipping, and tiled these, plyirig• as "fake" tramp steamers, etre the boats i:hich Admiral William S. Boum, chief of .op.erations in Ilia American naval' board, descri13- tion a Convenience. • Weighing but seven and eno-lialt pou»ds when conipletely collapsed and rawly to be carried about with the con- venience of a small suitcase the port - survived the operation, because, if he able dark .ehamber recently' perfected did so, a new'9 growth of lAne ehows by A. Benko of New Ycirk City should it. From evidence thus obtained it prove of interest to PhotograPners appears that the opmative mortality having need for such equipment. exceeded 50 per cent. • . The portable dark ream, says the Scientific;Animicamea.n be nsecl "lii/Ola daylight or artiliciel light, indoors or oetdoors, It obviates the darlcening of a eoomeor the ntting up of, a SpOeial .1.00ra :for photographic -This was rather creditable, consider- ima weird Sounds.' We come •to the leg the lack of suitable Iestruments, last village We •tvell mass:throtigh—at antiseptics, etc: But, on the Whole,. least it was once a village, Nov you an ancieot Peruvie» who, got tlAtigh • muld not tell the Mayo'a houee from life without having 1011018 hored in ilia the poorest villagmeee ofeept nmYhe mind -box was rather'fortunath. frOm the sizo of the pile Of beielcs. ' The Gray Loaf. Reaching the,:Trenedies, • ' Merchinied in half eilatoonsewe leave A contributov weeklY the village and comt out itto the opeO e fields. Abort "calf a mile in front we can nee the•entrance to, our communi- • cation treeelle winding up the sides of a. gra deell y • sloping hill tint' 1 it Marysville, Pa —"For twelve years I suffered with terrible cramps. I. 'would have to stay in bed several days every m o n th. I tried all kinds of remedies and wile treated,by doctors, butmy trouble con- tinued until one day I road about Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vege- table Compound and what it had done for otheys. I tried It and now lam never troubled with cramps and feel like a diff erent womah. I cannot praise No foolishness! Lateyour corns j4dia E. Pinichards Vegetable Com - and cahusee off with fingers pound too bray and 191)1 recomMend;.., — les.- GDOROB R. NAYLOR, Box '72, —It's like niagici int it to My riends who suffer as Ichd. 0-0 -0 0- -0 - 0 0-0 0 n- Marysville, Pa. Sore corns, hard come, soft corns or Young women who are *melded with any kind of a corn, can harmlissly be gainful or irregular periods, ,backaehe, lithe drag in •down sersations cee , g , lifted right out with the augers. 10 3(40 fanitint spells or indigestion should ed last autumn When he said' a eter- apply mom the cora a few drops of man engineer and inventor, Dr, Groe- freezone, O take ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ('Inc! authority, Compound. Thoesands have been re - ben, some time ago perfected a diving , eruiser of 6,000 toes displacement -Mal For little met' one van get a entail stored to health by this root and herb ; , bottle 61 freozona. at any dreg store, rerivrayei it for free and 'helpful advice to capable of hearing heavy cannon anti whioh w11 1 positively r16 one's feet of Lydia, E. Piekhain Medicine Co. (eon : - between twenty and thirty .themeclo tubes for the layizig of mines and the - every cm or miles without pain. •fidentia2, Lynn, Mass. Oely women (Bethune+ of torpedoes 0110 1011117 'craft, It is applied and' (10.05 not even irrie Its engines veere enormous, delving the • • tate the surrounding ektn while ap• boat. kV -twenty-six knots Om the sue - :eying it oe afterwards. .face.e,tel sixteen knots uncleidevater, 00 copld ceuise 26,000 miles. 'Phis • a lino u 17 oemen will interest England joins Tienson' statement many or mer readers. 1r your artrg. tis simple drug dries (he moment open an read such lettere. ports of attacks made by German stlusrtelybagenttaaellymall bottle fey Yoe from with Goebetde ineentioe add with ree freezone ,tell Me to work, hence does away with olleectien- cruisers on the :teem and believes that -his wh-olesetle Mils house. ' ewe gases ere, vapor, arising. Nom the thyme cruiser IS 11 010 an aeinal- Vegetable chowder makes an excel - kerosene larripe and other illuminants It'Y' apt to prove injurious to thesitized id 0011108 d odd idddded dded ddid lent meal in itself if seeved with some seillaces. . side it,s iron sides eind to all appear- hre"d "nd 1.1"ttasr' ,eays that pereone who look with die - Another great advantage. of this apr 1111008 is 4 neutral tratep, a neutral favor men, the gray'loaf that has (lie - Etc. Minfixd,5 Zintuurnt Cures nom painted large- on its paroles is the fact that the operator' °°""trY's• "00110 placed white bread, add •think of the dingy edible iie something new—uwing need not pit 11i8 1119(1 111134d0 the dark side aiding this 13011)11, (Sin lte Peri- „A cereal 000lced in milk makee am, to the War—shoviim uld iereber the, ehambee, bcn w ut aork' freely. 01)1 01(1 scope ili hidden ill ll rttiodatent 5)19 01 e -c k: 0deent .sebseitece -for alma, ev i 101503108 the Lep of the ereet.,wherelear fiftv, years .ati ja the white leaf wa a T, of it, 1)10 10111) 1150't eededm.y marii, stack anti 'is every line indicates its ' 1,4r1e1.7 of coven ts treed in the same s eutatjeee vete eds. Flame seedid .j.,,, eolunterei 1 PluTese• When seen 01)- way or breads made fron-1 scvm•cri dif- ; Aura line 'rests, Tii the morning we ilaritv, . ' , i . ohon go down Alo other side. 01 Nutt mig1100 11,4nere bed the :shock 01, seried ihrongb the ligin.7tight ' cuffe r'''"ac'Pn ..o. Illordiant „shill it is urr. !event cereals are hotter l'uoclifintu one slapeeted and allowed to approach. Alone. hill to meet the enemy. .• their lives tvillo they discovered the that "1"4 "1"1"Pnw rre'tin"I' . , Suddenly the wooden bull collapses. - for the GermariS are; not taking their fah mills could Produce nothing to sal:- • hauled clown by the sailors and heavy • Tho aln smells stroug:13" oe povv4,,, whiteness of reeeigmtiour, The Brit- WINTER WEATHER into, the v,,ater, the smoke- stark is pniNZ Graattiate.a Eyelith; though, and get into the 0, T. with no Please his eustimeers with white breed, allover! by Munim. Try It Sun, use sod Wind quickly damage done, We{ enttm the trona Tmlortz of. flour Increased alarmingly, he9i,,Ti.;;;Ilit'ledillael,a11.11,vbilloir°1;181.cal(r.eeclixetsl,",.Alfi .41nuoilll'sobuilltm8a111%in Cglitelgi"11\?111111-irvili:#17 wta1119_ OtAl svoar tiros and in Baby's eyes. • OA:RD ON LIMPLE ONES punishment quietly,. We are fort:mated fey the baker, who 3» turn had 1;0 tufeete bristling with -flaming 0.inch ' Semites, Eyes Inflamed by Single file ne it gate desk an! hecauee 13riti I stumble along In silence, f.or it has bon lo»g1 clay and wo have not vet stal.,ted on.ourdob. We, are etlXiOlts get OM: assembly trenches so that !caused 9(1911511 millers to visit Ans- Nve can rest. Ile wo scramble 'direct& theult of this do - what Scents leagues of, trenches, until Potation was that in 1 878 the iirst • finally wa branell oft to 0(10 Anill 1)00f., complete plant to reduce wheat to tier; frclifo il•faes Land; 'There we ley white flour 'was installed in Bilston until dawn should brealc, so that we So ata -ted the Pmgliab roalniftetae 0 could move inta enemy tenritory and 'ill up, our prisoners' cage, may wolnier what a manis 8031 PU C (1<1. 11'3)141rOT ellen MO SeVere that the IcwIllg'1/1'''"."- We 0 . • • tie Semites, Just tye Comfort 1111110110,1 11)01110)- eic11101 talcs the -1.141.4e one'cact• rura"ad anit'd crala0r$ ruAler for ab airing. The conseloonceis that (1'8'1,118°1 8:1,13 baby, Is writhed 'le overheated, badly marao 8711' "' " • . Rumors ot wonderful machinery producing white flour in tudapcst ventiladted rooms; taices colds and be. not' 1101.011,113 13 10 onorat-e 1111der waler tillVe broaciboal.d and breadknife! comes moss ancl.peevish, owri 990011± A8 a "1 0"1114-01 e0e8190' on the table and cut a Alft'a a bread!: Tablets should be given to keep tho 1144'1 (le-qtrii0Live Power as a Vessel 0711y 1,18 dive 1,15 demand for it, iftg0 0" hempyr They ',onto, th, or this type possesses obvious, and btordaeh how08 predyead" re Germany has them in quantities 1.21441.71'11,141111116114, tfiltOrt nistouttier, has only beep by extraordinary ac- " tivity that PIngland 11118 kepi •Mem The scrlas°1.'1 altv578 11"118 down. . m 08t 18 hog (30)31, t d s are sold by whrtt broacl, The people are hidcling medicine dealer's or, by 'mail at -21i ferovoif not lo an old friend hut to an cente a box from 'rho Dr. alien invader. • Atedtrqiit lirockvilie Ont. ' Minara,a unto:tut caresGsegot 111 (lows1SSU11 No, 5—'t8. the' Soul of a Plano la the• • Action. Nsist on the "OTTO HICISLr PIANO ACTION 411 II I 11 I Ilitilliffilintillillffill II I I Hill ii 172 4' ... :-... OW there 18 just one "4 WALKER HOUSE = In ONE TOWN where I stay, :I '10‘ And, say, you ought to i o see me grin = Wheri•my trip heads = (11 that way. re The only other time I was so happy, 01 Goodness knows, , 01 5. Was when a kid Dad bought me iat Red topped boots with copper, tee 13 toes.' • - Id F. When 'other travelers hit that g ts, towzb • • .5. They, too, don't want to roam, en ror they say, "At that WALKER "d, e HO USE e: It's just like -staying home." re Where is the ONE TOWN where -.7-1 . that' .• WALKER HOUSE is ? 'Don't zed eare you know? ' ta Why, it's that good Old burg spelled S „.,••• 012 The House of Pletkty ..., The Pfr-alker flouse i Toroni? 2. Geo. Wright do Co., Proprietors i is.`nlill ill 1 I 1 I/11 1 1 I 11 I I Will 1 II I Hi I I 111 1 II Ilia - led,` „e.* ctr.e,,, ad "ddia.a• I3deeo • vs- ..", Id" Rheumatic Ache5 Drive them out with Sloan'a Liniment, the quick -acting, soothing liniment that penetrates without rubbing and relieves the pain. So much cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments; it does not stain the akin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle in the house for. the aches and pains of rheumatism, gouti; lum. bago, strains,'sprains; stiff joints and all muscle soreness. Carieroug Biza Lottlo-etall4ruseidta. -441 Babieslifithridir - OP BurningSkinsSeep... And tired mothers rest after giving baby a hot bath witli,Cutietira Soap followed by a gentle aPplication of Cutieura Ointment. Peace falls on distracted households when. Cuti- eurlt eatOrs. Trial free. vdt, 110 small fiscal silifreag post-ennii a, 5. A.- soul deelore 00109111000 11,0011135, Its fragrance is pleasant hut the gieat value of 'iltrby's Own Soap is its creamy softehing lather which cleanses and beautifies the Doctors and nurses recomMend Babe's Own.' Albert Soaps I.Itullegt Mtn, Mentreel Sol0.4verywhere. Winery 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE, 18,012. New Automatte vary* Typo, oornplote with stymy and exhaust flywheel, etc. WM Aboopt $.1,200 oashfor immediate ems, 1 ELECTRit GENERATOR, 3.0 K.W,, 110420 Volts D.C. Will accept $426h foe immediate side. PULLEYS, Large site 2exe9--080 1 12x60--$20 ; 1216x48—$12. 1 BLOWIBR OR VAN. 1111311110 Mahe, 14 inch diseharae—$30. ESTAI'Ed CORPORA NON, . • GO Front St, West, TorotO ,