The Clinton News Record, 1918-1-31, Page 6• r. RMAN iiAL4Lo. I) a 4 '"•- • CHAPTER VT, . work deyolved cipoli the pioneers Trivial* liollewara Profaaeor of whoas hosinose it Wall to 1Ceep the , Hygiene . letiebee,sanitary, alihe following morning we wander- uilie fire trench was huitt in 'rnaell C1 through the trenches liStelling to the ennui .way as those whieli.we had the leareed-diseouree ef the genlei reede during our training in England. Professors of the PeraPet-etic Salloole In Patteva it; WAS Something like a storing up much useful information tesselared border, Vor thh space of for eutine eefeeenee. I made10 erie five _yards it ran etiaight, then it ous Winner when 1 asked Cqle of thiemetorned at right angles (mound it triti- a queetion about lairds for pro, erse of solid earth 'eix feet inmare, notinced the name Fre'nch *tenon, then avound abethei.' troveree, and eo which put me under suepieion as it throughout the jength of the tine. Eaell five -yard laegmenteivhich is tall- "dwenker." "Della try to comet,son," he said. ed A ",h4iY," offered firing room for five "S'y 'Wipers.' . That's wot we 'call teen, eThee.traverses, of conrse, were it." for the puypoile of preventing enfilade ' , Henceforth it waS "Wiper" for me'i fare, TheTheyalso limited the eXecu- although I learned that "Llepe" antHon which might be done by one shell. , "Yipps" are sanctioned by seine trench Even, so they ,ware not an unmixed authoriticia, 1 made po further mis- blessing, for they everigalwaysin the takes of this nature, and by keeping! WaY when yotiewarited to get'atywhere silent about. -the names of the town* iu a bulgy. , • and • villages along, one front, 1 wont "An' you ere in a exerY wien you learned the adcepted pronouncietion of sees a Minnie [Minnenwerfer) comin' • all of them. Armentieres ie called your w'y. But you 'gets trench legs "Armenteers"; 'Bangui, "Ballyall"; arter a -w'ile. It'll be, a funny `eight Hueebrouck, "Hazy-Beook"•'and -what to see blekes along the street' More natural than "Plug -Street," At- in Lunnon wren the wer's over. They'll kinsese for Ploegsteert? be so used to dodgint ,in an' out Ce As was the case wherevel. 1 went, teaveraes they won't be able to go itt my accent betrayed my American a -straight )Me.'larthi and again, as an Amerimin Ex- As we walked through"the firing- peditionary Force ()Lone, I was shown line trenches, I 'Cohld quiteeunder- • many favors. Private Shorty 'Hello- stand the possibility -of one's abquir- way, upon' learning that 1 was a ing trench lege. Vivepaces.ferward, "Yank," offered to tell nee "every" two to the right, two to the left, two bloomin' thing about the trenches that to the left again, then five to the a bloke needs to know." I wee only right, and sp on to Switzerland. Shorty . too glad to place myself -tinder his in- Was of the opinion that rine eould enter struction. • the trenches on the Channel coast and e "Right you are!" said Shorty; "now, walk through to the Alps without once sit down 'ere wale Pm goin' over Inc coining mit on top of the ground. shirt, an' wok me anything yer a mind Tim not in a position to affirm or to to,e, I began immediately'by a.sieieg question this statement. My own him what he meant by "going over" experience was confined to that part his shirt: . ' of the Britistefront which lies between "Bliley! You are new to this game, Messinea in Belgium and Loos in mate! You mean to ,s'y you ain't got. France: There, certainly, one could any graybacksr walk for miles, through an intimate I confessed shamefacedly that I /old maze of. continuous underground pas - not. He stripped to the waist, turn- sages. ed his shirt wroug.side out, and laid But the firing line trench was eleith. it 'upon his knee, . - ° er a traffic route aor a promenade. "'Ave a look," he said proudly. The great bulk of inter -trench business The less said about my discoveries passed through the traveling Veleta about fifteen yards in rear of the fire ' the better for the fastidimmly minded. trench and running parallel toe it. The Sulfite it to say that`I iflade my first acqueintance with annbeis _ of a two were connected by many nassage- ee 13ritisli ExpeditionareeForee which M ways, the chief difference between them being that the firelrench was not mentioned in official communiques. the business .district, while theAravel- "Trench pets," said Shorty. Then Tug trench was primmily resideutial, he told nee that theywerenot all gray - Along the tette,: were -built most of backs. Thdre. is a gieat-variety, of the (Rigouts, laveteries„ and trench species, but they all belong to the sarnm parasitical family, and wage a kitchens. The sleeping quarters -for non-dischiroinating warfare' upon the the .Inen were not very elaborate. soldiety On both sides 'of No -man's- Recesses were made in the well of the taet - Land. Germans, British , a. trench bout two egfabove-the French Belgians alike were their vietims. - floor. They were not andierthan three "You'll soon rave plenty," he saj feet high, ep that one had to crawl in reassuringly"I give you abtat a 'bead first when going to bed. They ; i week to get covered with em. Now, verc partitioned ni the iniddle, and wers supposed to offer accommoda- wet' you w,aet to do is this; always tion for four men, two on each side. 'are an extra shirt in-STer 'pack. Don't But, as Shorty said, everythind ric- he a bloomin' ass an' sell it for a pended. on the xation allowance. Two packet (et fags -like I did! An' the next time you writee to England, get some one to send you Ot t some Keatings"— he dieplayed a box Of grayish -colored e powder. "It won't hill, 'em, mind you! They din't:nOthire but fire that'll ltill 'em. But Keatingi tykes all the ginger out o"em .•They ain't .near so lively artee; you strafe 'mil with this 'ere powder.' I remembered Shortyte adviectiater when I :hemnne a reluctant:host' to a prolifica colony of graybadks. For nearly six months I was never with- '', out a- box of Keatings, and .1 was never without the need forl'S . Batheti wire had a new and terfible significance for ine.frqm thd,first clay which we spent in the trenchea. I could more readily miderstand why - there hatlibeen so long it deadlock on resounding wallop. I backed oat in all hatite. the western *elite The entanglem-ents • e° "Get the idea'? That's tow • they in front of the' first- line of trenches were from fifteen to twenty yards evide,t.the wires being thristed froxn post to post in such a hopeless jaimble that no man ' could possibly. get, • through them undee fire. The posts were set firmly in the ground, but there were mov,able segments, every fifty or sixty yards, which could he ' puttoone side in case an attack was to be launched against the German lines. At certain . positions there were what appeared to be ope.rangs through the wire; but these were nothing less (To be continued.) serviceable in eerie et an enemy 'ate CANADA 28 v.c• 'S. than man -traps which have -been found tack, In on 'assault' men foljeW the line of. least resistance when they Australia, However• - iStill hi the Is , reach the barbed wive. These ap- Lead With Thirty-four. perent openlngs are V-shaped, with the open end toward the enemy. The By gazething several new Victoria attacjcing troops think they sema clear -passage-way. They rush into the trap and, othen it is 'filled-NOE, etrug- gling ' • - ince, machine •guns are turned upon them. aud, As Shorty said, "You got ion cold." That, at least, was:the preeumption. Practically, man-treps *eve not al- ways it euctees. The intensive bombardment!) Which preeedd infantry attacks play havoc. with , entangle- ments, but there 18 alWtiyo a chalice of the eleatructioh being, ineoMplete, as upon one • occasion :Walla novae. whetee Shorty told me, a mae-trap Might a whole prfitoon of Gerinans "dead to rights." • "But oao, to wet glares' you-the'pip," he said. "'Ere we got 'three lines of trenches, all of 'em wired up so that a rat could nit get through without seratchin' hisself to death. Iseitzie'e got betereevive than wet, we „lave, en more ,pf it, Ant. 'e's got More ma - King Honors - Arthur ii• Harris, avlao Corana";aestilerilee eon: made a Knight the Dritieli IDM - etre fer his per- Yetscest)IirtootCoarnadoat Overamea Pert, it son a the late Henry • Vinton Hanes of Devonport, Dev- , oa.ineadlueeetattellidoliattehile. Devoriport n d \Stoke Grammar tf7e1 Q:elhe y t eon': couetry in ' a teeing the see- yteee of the Grand. Trunk Railway, and riee hag to the peel- tfini or General Frei g.h t Agent Through---Trettle. , In 19(12 he join. ed. the Canadian Rallevay, since which crate . to aa.ugust, .1914, Sig AliTilun he vras actively • engaged in Intl - 4:7 .11ARKS, Director if Overse'ae Transpor t. 110 is a member of St. James' Club', Montrek; Rideau Club. Ottaen.; and the Montreel Golf Club: ' .. In 1888- be niarrlett a daughter ot the late Witham B,"Lambe, BOL, of Montreal, -granddaughter of the late Hon. 'Wm, Morena -let one time Re- ceiver -General of Canada, and niece of the late Hon. Alexander Morris, Find Goverecta of Manitoba and the North West Territorieri. Attila traffie for the Compane's rail and ocean atervieet On, the outbreak 01 the sitar, the .President of the CadadJan Pacific • offered Mr. Deride' riervices to the Imperial and C'anadian Governmtente for the puepose ef organizing and directing an Cremes ,TransportDe- paetment, the. successfell adminidtra- Doe of, which is now recogetzed by Ufa- Mateestere HOW_BISHOP "GOT" HIS HUNS' TELLS OF THRILLING,EVSNTS IN exin*B. Ontario's Heroic Aviator Explains Soule of the Tricim Useatin Winning Hie Spurs: The: major (Weighed the exciting events which followed his 'second at- temPt ,down a balloon. "I was the necessity for the use of more fish must be cooked m such a, variety of thinking of nothing but my balloon, and the Fish Committee has promoted ways and so attractively that they as was so afraid of finding the 'a vigorous campaign for the pentane- will make an immediate conquest of Wrong one, and never' thought there ization of various kinds of fish hither. the family palate. By doubling our would be Huns in the sky looking at to .deprived of an honotable place me coneumption of fish we could send overseas 23 shiploads of beef and pork ole," he said. "I got over it, and div- the Market. ed down, As I did so, I bedame con- acious of two machine guns rattling, close behind Inc.,. I pulled back and described a halloop, add the Hun went by 'underneath me. Every ballet I had was precious for the banana but I couldn't red*. the machine: The ; WA.li AND FOOD tiERIES, No, V. --FISH. .Qranted that beef and burn aro to etaltifY the fish teade, A fevv var. being gradually °gaited inanY homes Where ttey bete hitherto beim popular, what then is. To he subetituted tIS a eileple food, cane whieh ha e the riourish- ing properties of meat Arid whielt may be bsecl without any qualms of copeeleece over depriving the arnaies Med the needy•of Europe With thiLS11.s- telitinCO-WhiCh toy require'? The realizatIonila being forcearlionie on the people of Canaula that flab "comes fleet in\supplying this need, and that its possibilities `are ,prebtically limitless. le this the. Dominion is engularly fortunate. But it eeeential that the women takeethe matter setiouely to -heart. Veirtually they areegeing to control and broaden the fish market, ' They roust some and palatable, ;fhe fisherman letuae bave been etandardned and have mane to represent the fish saPP1Y of Canada, evhile all the time there have been as goodifisti le the Fiell es CVO came out of it ( , The °thee day pollock wee serve(' av 10 luneheen, in Ottawa to it group of mon Who did notIcnow what kind of rash they were eating. When asked how they liked it, they .ddclared-it to be better then mei or even halibut, of whieh Canadian honeewrves, make stich persistent use, • There are the grayffsh, thesAtlantic Bine Rack, the cuelt, the hake, the cat- fish, the mackerel, the alewife, the shad and the swordfish. All of these if well cooked are extremely whole - remember that they are not neceeeerr. tly 'puying fish Means° it is cheaper than meat but because meat is needed ein Europe. The,appeal of the Allied people is one which can neither be depied nor ignored. And there is, the °thee consideration that .the armies musthave the strongest and most sus.: tabling foods. The -war should be the means of bringing fish into its true and peeper place in the diet of •the people of Canticle. • Fish has been Much neglect. ed aind it it' only pow that it is being seriouly thought of ,as ee national source pf food supply. The Food Controller haat repeatedly emphasized knows then vietueS and marvels at the women inland who scorn them. Ile is ready to supply them„. The dealer ie ready to caretr them if he is assured that there will be, a market for ,there. ' Thus it is "up to" the women of Canada to create ,the xnaeket,' They Can do it by persistently demanding 'the tinfamilim, vavieties. -" They will'soon find then) making their atipearatme on theMairket 11 the demand is leePt, up, The responsibility of the weemen does poe end' there. Once on the mar- ket the fish mnst be bought'. They ' Cestont and tradition have combined of five thOusand tons each, THE "VERY HARDEST AGE." It was a very young mother who told, me yesterday that her child was just at the hardest age. She'ls just learning' to walk and_is into every - "Yes, mother dearest," sweeter than helm bedauee be was in wrong, "Do you knoW what the I.W.W. is?" "Yes, mother darling." . "One day WheneI was oue I saw_ Hun went to the some place as he thing, bevee no doubt every mother "Very well, 'you're ale outlaw and a four enemy machinee," said Majoe . would have gone if I had asked him': 'I of a real; live child •of any 'given age, member 6f the I.W.W. .Yell can go W. A.' Bishop, V.C., D.S.0,, in wae so excited about the balloon did would claim loudly that her offspring up to bed." the course of a recent speech at Toe not watch him fall. The balloon was was at the very hardest age, for at "Don't I get any supper?" ho bel - lento. "1had already seen three other sitting on the ground .with people afi any age the child presents problems -lowed: All the cloying sweetnese that turn one's bait -gray; unless the euddenler vanished. .' child hAppens to be of the sort that , "No, I don't feed, the LW:W. If dies young, or the mother is one whose your want to belong to Wil - way is alwaye right. a -- helm's Warriors you can get your meals the. best way you can." • • "But I don't want to belong. I ain't. , he good. Can't I have even a sandwich?" "Absolutely no quarter to aimed.; 11 you can't obey laws you don't deserve to eat Go on -to bed." I had scarcely got into the kitchen groups, but they did not look good, so round waltingjor me to come down,•1 I passed then ay. I was 5130 thousand came down to .800 feet and opened fire feet 'above these four, and I followed on ft. them for about twenty minutes. The "1 suddenly realized my engine was four machines kept .gomg up and down not running at all. I tried every de- I am positive that no age could be ei. certain beat fro/IA-onset° Oambrai. • efice I knew, hut Mothieg happened. I harder to menage than that at which I followed for some time, and then I was flying at 200 miles per hour, and one of my boys has now arrived, the caner deem ,As I .did so they swerv- this carried me to the fields beyond age when he is too old to spank and ed, having seen another of our Ilia- i and I picked a field to land in. Just too young not to need it -occasionally. chines, and I had to go back. 'I care then one cyliildee gtarted, then an Just what to do with a boy who is al- dowe again after they resumed their other, then all went off with . a roar, most as big no you are, and yet not course. I Was flying about 150 miles . and ow I went. . old enough to have arrived entirely at per hour. They were flying about • self-government, VI -admit it beyond the next morning when a still, small inen who had eaten to repletion could 110, but I was flying a -slowor ma- • me at times. It wouldn't be quiteeso voice at my elbow said, "1 don't be- . . • not hope to occupy the same apart- chine and bad to make ofT in case they "The return tit/ from these raids Phard if this particular boy didn't have long to the I., W. W. this morning, ment -One had a.choice of going to saw :me, and turned on me. I came is not as dangerous as it sotmds, We quite sca much 'masculine contempt for mother. Pm 'a peaceful law-abiding bed hungry or of eating heartily and down and glided along ten feet under- ,. fly anywhere under ten...feet from the a skivt. He has more than the usual citizen." share allotted to man. And while he "Perhaps, but you'll have to sliow is fond of his mother in a very tolere me." Still very lotfy and remote. ant, superior, patronizing sort of way, "But I am, mother. • Don't be so it is really more than he can do to cruel. ', Smile a little at a feller, eclat 'Ereeepia% OUtSiUt 010 1400 a funny thing," he said neath one of them. I kept gy nose 1 Remind and dodge over hedges as they --- sa--' about ten feet, from the Hun, got MY ;appear. We follow a zigzag course "W'y do you" suppose they -makes the . Megoati open at eneend?" sights on the 'exact spot wheee the :and make for any part of our lines, as I had no ex -planation to offer! . "Crate] inside an' I'll show you." -I stood my rifle Against the side of the trench and Crept in. "Now, yer supposed to be asleep," said Shorty, and with that he gave Inc a wrack on the soles. of my boots with his entrenching"tool handle. I can still feel the pain of the blow. a"Stand tot Wirke up 'ere! Stand te!" he shaded, and gave me another Wykes you tap at stand -to, or nem your tarn' comes for sentryee Not bad, wot?" I Wei that it'all depended on whether one was doing the waking or thes sleeping, and that, for' my meet, When sleeping I nevelt] lic evith head out. "Yon would a..% if yam belonged to our lot.' They'd give it to yen on the napper just as gunk as"it you on the feet. You ain't on to the game, that's all. Let me Show oyu pilot was and pulled the trigger. .. 1 We cannot piek out landmarks that low • "My position was rather clanger- doom Why we do this is because,. render unqualified obedience to a you?" . oua, ms he nearly hit me as she • fell. after We have attacked a balloon, we mother -who. only weighs ninety-five "I'll have to see a change. Just a • 1 skidded to the right and he just are subjected to anti-airceaft guns and missed me. The other three heard machine gun fire. If you are on the my shooting, and turned, • At this mo- ground they only see you in the par- ment the. falling machine burst let° , ticulax field you are in. They will spot flames, and they muat have turned for you three fields away and wait for it moment to watch it for it gave nie my chance. It was over in fafteen sec- onds at the most for one of them. The other two did not wait to realize. They were two to cam and were flying better machines: than 1 we's, and off they went. Unfertunately I could not catc.h either of them." 'Fought he Own Air. • The Major described another Attack Ile had Made from below on a Hun ma- chine "veer our lines." It was ench a, rare thing to see a machine over an lines. Only tee -fights out of 500 would occur over, our lines last spring and Slitanter. This machine was taking photos or' something. "I.climbed im in. the hope he wouldn't see me " said the Major. a case like this, 'he ex - planed, the ascending plane was caught at a disadvantage if seen and the only. way to escape was to watch tbe machine gun on the enemy plane. Creases, announced on January 12; When it pointed over one • side the Canadians are Ooming reachlof plane below would dodge to the "other side, "It is one of the little things the Australians., °attune started first but the Anstraliate estsi.blished a lead in Gallipoli. Auetraliene have now 34 Cvosses and Canada 28'. Captain B. G. Guy, Royal Artillery, awarded the Militaty Cross, beloegs !gun, .I noticed several holes in my to Clapperton, He originallY' enlist- wings within a few feet 0±incThen ed in the Strdtheonas, A brother is a a bullet hit my engine, and another Commander in the navy and W011 the went theough my petrol tank, mid veb, in China. Another brother has, down 1 had to go, It was lucky . it; won the Militaty Croes as tank 'mem- bit that instead oil me. This just inand-er. A. thircl .biether is a eaval chaplain. Official particulars are now avacil- able of the. deeds for which several you have to watch carefully, he said, "I wasenot paying particular attention and When I evae 2,000 feet lielow him, too. ear off even to hear his anachine pounds_ when lots of the "fellersq night's sleep doesn't prove anything younger than he is. don't have to mind to me." a m'other that weighs one hundred and "I'll change. I'll tidy my room and fifti. Every once ie a while he makes eat slowly and get home at 3.45, and" a clath Inc liberty. • " —he spied the table with one vacant you. You approach et 120 miles per The last titne he was told to be chain. "Don't I get any breakfast, hour, dodge over the trees, into the home from school at four o'clock, either?" he wailed. - field andgly straight at them. By the there Was a soccer game he wanted to • "Yes; if you get it -for yourself," tithe' you reach their battery there is see, and at 5.30 he pranged into the "0, I can do that." And he did, not a man within 50 yerds of it, and kitchen. Dinner preparations were un- For one wink be gottall-his meals and every one going hard." ' . der way, with aundry smells ealcunt- sewed can all his own buttone, BY" • Comparing the man in the street' ed to enrage theappetite of a hungry 'the end of that time I agreed to take who, because he had to go witlfont boy. He fairly explained that he had him on trial again. That was six some luxuries,- called_ for peace, lie t stepp'ed to see at game, aed begged fair weeks ago and to date he has not had mentiened the heroic self-sacrifice of a. bite, all in one breath. a bad lapse. A. ewe' allusfon to an English aviator called Bewere who In the hour and a half of waiting I'd the I. W. W. at any indication of an was in ,his squadron when it was in had time to go through .all the stages, upheaval has brought. on, a spell of a hand -to -band 'fight. He Wa's shot of maternhl wXath, and was very go- meekness and sobriety. through .the spine by an expleswe lite and Gahm bullet, which exploded in his stom- "Do you know what law is?" I ask- / ' ach. "For'ten minutes he fought On, Ad. then he saw a chance' tctilip away for "Yes, mother, dear." help," he said. "If he had landed be "Do You know what an outlaw is?" would have saved his life, but Ile •-thd not think of it. He headed for home, ' come' entirely within the jurdisdtetien but dazed .freln loss of blood he lost Food Control . Control Corner of the Provincial Governments and his way. For forty-five minutes - he that communicatione relative thereto shauld be addressed to them. Meantime, other problems have cropped out, and I moose -will keep cropping. That's why every age is the hardest age with most of us mothers. flew, then landed in afield. As there was no one to help him he got out of his machine himielf. Had he stayed in, the floaters say he still eould' have been saved,. He managed to walk 100 Information received at the Food Controller's Office indicates that the ebortage of wheat ie. Fiance i; be- comingmore and more alarming each yards -and he died next day. Before week, A further reduction of twenty he teat consciousness all he would talk per cent. in thebreaderation willeioon of WaS to Send help to the crowd who -become imperative,' according to 141. were.fighting against odds up theee." Maurice Long, Ministee for General Revietualling of Prance. The maim - facture and consumption of pastry • regarded as a luxury has been entitely FOUL AIR AND DISEAsE peohibited sinceTartuavy 1st except on Sundays and. holidays. Winter Alla-lents Are Prevaleht lai ' Canada, A iNying Daddy. • 'You've heard of my daddy, of course! Right up in. the blue of the., far-o'ff He flies skiest He looks likem tiny wee bird in thc air In his brave ship sailing the distance there! :You've heard ef my daddy, of course? e serves to show that it does not go all wheat' ration cis anticipaeed. The For us at home! ,And in some of Ine In . Denmark a reduction of the He fights it was “Free as the air WO breathe" is in cereal hervaet, according to filial ' ... fights one way.. At that distance - moee good luck than gootfshooting." The same luck applied to the anti- ;applicable to fon air, the most figtires, is only abont 62,000;000 He does such feud cy and marvelaus othee commodities the latter exacts, a bushels, -which is ,20,000,000 bushels 'thingsi- Catadians serving in the imperials aircraft nns. Smoke ':froan a shell loll nom even -one who usee tie TAM- less than in lei 6 and about 10,000,000 Ili's tiiileadsi‘alveirt8dIest daddy that a*Ver Wove recently Mat OKI We Militavy I might ei velem an airman; who would erect Vitality, with 0 consequent 'pre. less Dian was estimated in the surnmee Ctess, CapL. ' IL Hepleme, Royal be lunette hod , whilst an Mallet shell ease °slime fot -such 0 isenees ' as colds „ w hen the people were put on bread Medieltq, well known in Montreal bursting several hundred yards awalY pneumonia and thbereuloeis, is the ratione. • And Avery night before going to sleep chine,guns more artillaw mere sheu and Edmontoile remained with a bat- well d . send seemel emcee of' sham)- , , , piece that lil Ohl fOr'brottlhing tee. The food ,situation in Switzerland is I'vratch the stars as they twinkle and ' They an't any little old' inaelciller tery attending womuled nail its with.' nei throlagh the Planes. "The erital- pert) ale, . It is wallaby true tbet a extrernelY serious. ' A new ration, peep, liver invented wot they 'ave ea, got dtewal, His coolness, courage and ut.' airoraft gun fire reallY doeen't worry large neteentagn br the homes in come far below the consumption evee in And 1 whisper to One who owns the • More of than we 'eve. An' at 'orne tee atisvegard of personal safety great:. us mech ha fighting 'machines, and it i'. tens nonmetal& it climate (nether to, matey of the 'count:vies at Val', has ...., air—sky—sea - they're a-s'yin', `W'y don't they get on ;neari ly ; erted all the detachments. really no excuse' fee leavinga a JO., he Canada's ath, to 11 greater or ids 05 been ordered. The new regulations -"Please bring dear daddy hack safe to e.a ,, a with it? W'y don't they smash •Limat ,T. Menem:fie. Artillee . be- tlaid, ' ' OM. breeding places for such cligeases allow only one and one.balf pomade of -me," through?' Let some -of 'era come out- . ' eye, od Single.lignded the live on en lime. • This is the outstanding reasen for the is only oneehalf pound' a (ley. end but- ' • The major- deecribeil-ettacke Made method ateValenre •of sttch (lisenses tee ration one-fifth or a pomid per I did tele shorty that e imd Munition pile. not exactly ail armchair magic, 'fleet, Archibald Royalealedi- by-- airmen, telton caetive balloons, In Cainde, dieenees foe leit areeli month. . e but at .leget a barrack -room eritie in eels; attended the Woutitiad throe ilayA 'which were attached by a‘eteel cable eir is the meet petted reneedy, , England, had woadered why Brit- at a beeeily shelled 'poet, ane eels, tit the grooncie end could be pulled Tightly cneed roome. consteueted The Food .Conteoller's Office hate ...isle and French tthops had failed to tienseif slightly 'wounded an them) down yery quickly. It was very hard flarihe i1018\5I11tp000 elf retaining heat, been receiving' Meters euggeating that places, but ho carried oh. 'to cafe!) them le the air. In attack- soon became filled aeiter poisonous regulations in the dilTerent Provinces 'smash through. A few Weeks in the - - Lieut. G. 0. Me.raggart, Engleeere, Mei:hero itmendiee y befflets were osed. genie eeheled by the imeatee, Tho the Dominion Protecting' game and formerly_ of oanadte ameetamed a "il'hey do not always work, and 'then remedy 10, Or course. better vanilla- fish ehould be modified sti that tildSe we have to take all the ehancesoand all hon. ran only be '..** reAllon 'of foods wagtail Im iviritilable ee greater the risice without any restills," he said, time when cele ,goveramiones win ita extent, as subseitutes rer fieer and The attack Was made doubly annuli; eist that srien }oh 'renneting systems bacon, by rate'lipet that batteries of anti.air. be hastened ell 14 10', Windings, pub- 41,ellet•s are also •being reeeived urg- ceeft galls were guarding the balloons,. lie tenth and puhile °Mane will' de. ing taxation and othor stops to rear d forest, survey and land classification, loth" ralluaY PAss• The hai'dest thing the aviatorg had to Mood it, In, older buildings, wheio tbe le num al use oss dog'. tie 11; Nvaald also mean perentamm, tiro. The official, who chanced to he II COntend With was 13 Peculiar kind, or only veetilation is obleined from Win- bOnStitllte meunee te sheep. egaiina 'stag with adequate fipaiutiai ,Seot, studied it sererelly. end Own shell they named a(larieg onions," thiWs, ilie ritr may he 'flushed' by open- raising end comequeetie/theve support paetly derived from essese-,snid These were belie of fire, diecharged 111g the window:an few responsible .fer ,keeping the industry milts on timber planers, its is clone `Th. man, Yatl'"? g°1' a tivk°' l'ol‘11 tritulls of ten, whieh were exceptional -I mamonis, Tide means rt 109101settle ninny *vets of the coutit4 to very other in•ovinces, toncganization tong( 'weavisonlo .1°11t110Y bill. 110 on ly hated to face. 4'01 'Course elhbotly lloal. hul. 11 1110 Minima elO 1101 lert mueb smaller Prono r ions Ili 4111 wouiti mark it new era le Forest dome. 1110 'C''iouth Westan'n RanwaY," funka that, thotighe" he explained. telan't feo lona: the .atitillg doetor's ought to b4. eervation v and it lel t 'The quiekeet way is to bag your hal- bill,' will move. ihnA effent the e,Sinan All 01101E11 a Food Crilltnollet'S to be 110004 • ,'olo notion Will not Always Have sour cretin, rot cliiieso loon and get oft again."' 1011g8 tti Duncan, „ extinguish- . captive /whoops. , ' . eepomallv during the winter' menthe. etagee per month, The bread ration 'ere an' 'art a lo That's all I got to tt ' New perimsevick Forests. The Govermnent Neve Brunswick 'trenches gave me a new viewpoint: t Could only wonder at the magnificent fighting qualities of, soldier* who had livid their own go effectively against bridge acYoss a river under, intense , exudes equipped and armed mid mina boxellivedment Be twice repaired the utterly destroyed Widget next day sivinimimg the river with a rope, the shells falling around him in ttloo river, Lieut. X. H. floss, Horse Artillery, belonge to lifonteleal, When 'WS bat- tery ?ale withdrawn, he rcrutned alone to the frOnt line with fuses, enabling the game ta open fire on the arranged time. Tilvary Irienshould know sit least. a Omit coneiug, Vaned as the Gerniarie wore, After be had linialted drugging his t poach pot*, Shorty. and 1 made a tOtIr of the trerichee.,' 2.t.tate much, Ant-, prised at seeing how clean and com- fortable they can be kept in ploaiatit 4innnior weather, hilet wisr.6 busily t'tellectleig the rabble)), Whit+ was put work. sweepinging up (he .walker into siiiitlbagii littng 6n pegs,et ltttet'- irals along the fire troth. At night the refuse WWI taken hack of Hie fr riches and Invaded, Most of this ..eill111111011110" 'Olt' 0 From Erin',s, Green Isle • , Ntws By Nam I'ROM5 1112- - LANDtS, SHORS. gappenings in the Emerald Isle of • Interest to Irish: ment The death has taken place at Water- ford of Sir Wither!' Davis 'Goff, Bart., thriee High Sheriff of Waterford, The British Parliament proposeto apply a supplemental sum of` about 450,000 far the purpose of intermed- iate education for ballot 'D. ar, S. SonibY, Dublin, has offered two prizes in zoology and geology for ten years to Belfast University. . The Military Crose has been award- ed to Lieutenant John Ross 1VieCterdie, topuit, of the, High Sheriff of ' Dr, Kestich, physician te. the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, has been caaplBpoionai treccl. peeiddent of the Web Mecli- The Food Controller has issued an order"forbiclding the sale or use of cream in Ireland eXe-det upon it doe. tor's orcAr. ' Sergeant Frazer, R.C., Portrush, and other prize-vvinners,, under the allot- me to the 11.V.F...lioepital for Limbless S 'Lieutenant-Colonel Charles James oldiers, jnotnisci3heamriecs,gave their prime money ,,. Butler -Kearney, Threeeastles, has been appointed a deputy lieutcna-nt 6f the county of Kilkenny. - The National Graves Committee held a pilgrimage from Dublin to Glasnevin Cemetery, to lay floral .tri butes on the graves of men who died for Ireland. Miss Dense -stated in an address de livered at Re -anilines on-taWar Time Economy" that before the war ' land spent, £111,000,000 a year ou food which could have been grown in the country. - of the Dublin Corporation have decid- ed to hand over the metal .bridge to the P011 Docks' Board. . A large amount of money was ' raised at the annual sale of work en in Rathrnines Town Hall last week in aid of the funds of the Soldiers' a Club.• on behalf of the National Institution and Molyneux AeylumaDeblin. 'The Estates and Finance 'Committee, e A. very seecessful concert was giv- avhile engaged in felling thebea itt Merifield, was struck on the neck by a falliag tree, and clied with- in an hour. - Michael Murphy, 701.0.0.e chairman of the Middleton Rural Counell, has been appointed a Justice of the Peace for Cork county. a° users of petrol are delighted over the announeement that the price of ell grades of motor spirit eae been reduced. MINERALS USED 1111 WAR Materials For Warfare Nearly All Dug From the Earth's Depths. . 'and. any Pebbles that litippened (6 be to warThe did his fighting with a nub ha,W10. 157 tlie,,humaif manna first wen. Nearly all of the aver meterlale of to -day are clug from the behtlie of the earth. Iron for an obvious lustonee. But the warfare of to -lay would lie ilnpoSsible Wit110111 certain rarer metals which, added to steel, give to the latter the requisite (mantes for guns, projectile.% atirplatuee, nelanno- blies and ahip tumor. Among the most impoetint of these rarer metals' are 1114111100 1580 tunas. tee, chromium, nickel,' cobalt, inolyb• clenum, vanadium and ernienti, Of great importarice oleo are itptini- llt1 to (fur airplane and automobile partQ, antimony (to harden lead bal. lets) and magnesium tbi 01.1101;0 shells and illuminating- ale& le , 1,, nark th point . at which they burn, , This is noceseara ae a guide ror silbsoonent The two greal basic! inetbrItils 'neves- • sary for the proclection or high explo- sives are nitric eon (mania furnished by nitrates feom OM(1) and 1)01t0011- trated attineurie,rield, (feria ed chiefly Dom melte (iron disul)ihitli, imported ' from Spain. The Milted Slates ale° possesses... a supply of OyritO, Canada has niol;e1 aitd celnill in abundance, And Mao asbestos:, All Ihrce aro important tor 'war f1rt41ls68. 05 quit:Reiner (taulispenstahle'for Unlade g Meta .e.xp load yes ), theellni tod States hes Alelity. Mica, utilieablie as o lrnaisearent innteriej eor gas masks, is manly enaineble te any quantity in the 'United States. Plata num (whine must be had for makieg eultainiele acid), ninthly derived 111:1inna1 tat17,"ti 1.sbere ate 01t6i1 inn 10414)- 1311111, which are prime (1081113119 lc In the weenie or to -day. 18 11000 considering the entire reorpri• • • , Not on Tiud 1 nation of the various lines of forestry • , ' , .., .., , Lo combining them under a ap gqe trefiches of Irlandevee. Pte. Thomas After two years ill tile matt 11 lie and 'are peoteetion work with a view • Aticins got his leave at last, and made head. This evoulcl mean the establish- ment of a genuine provincial forest: what he aonceived to be the best ase, service with a co-ordinated slaty of his holiday by geteing nmeriar himlitn,g 11 70 p it 0 teal a n, south*, en* On tile jouendy bark at Southamp- forcomem, of , coiling regulation, on ton, he showed to I be inepector hie ()rOw» lands end continuatimi of th, marring( certificate in mistake ror lii•( , COSI Or f1)e1, OfTicm etales that those maids le• denyel. r cooking. •