HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-31, Page 1e Clint9 No. 2026 --38th Year Your Label Lately ? Our mailing hist has been corrected up to Jan. 30� If your.Label reads, HRVE YOU ���D • . "19'' you are_paid in Advance, IF .\TOT. YOU ARE IN ARREARS. The Label Tri Lila THE 5T0n CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY Mot, [918 THE•` HOME PAPER � THE LOCAL MARKET. %- Wheat $210, 13uokwheat $1,40, 13� $ a't h.8,tr , & .ata 00. • . Q Butter •38e, Eggs (new laid) 50e. Live }Jogs $17.25, D]MPII 01'' JOHN TRYING. John Irving, a well-known resident of Clinton, passed away on Sunday morning after but a short illness. The deceased. had resided here with lit brother, -William, ever since the death of their parents some few years ago but there- are several oth- er members of the family living else- where and one brother, George Ir- ving of Winnipeg, is expected to ar- rive•w.•' on almost anytrain no . 0 • At time of writing the -funeral ar- rangements have not been made. ,- WOOD TO T5IE RESCUE. Goderich town council, fol."owing the example of Clinton, has bought a few acres of bush and is having the wood cut for the supply of citizens. Clinton has been about eA well off as any town hereabouts as regards fuelthis viuter, But as the coal . } shortag% is likely to continue it will be well for those . in authority to keep planning ahead 3n order to keop the situation in hand. --A - hundred tons or so of ' oft coal purchased from the Salt Works has helped out, tliough, soft coal at $10.75 per ton is prettyt expensive fuel. - AMONG, PIIE. 0I-JURCHES. - The union prayer meeting wak held last evening in the Baptist church, Rev. A. E. Jones being the speaker, Next week it Will be in. Wesley church and- the Rev. J. A. Robinson -will give„the, address, * + « - The pastor's subject at the Sun- day evening service in -the -• Baptist church will be, "Neglect.” The annual Sunday school sleigh - ride,' takes place this .afternoon, fol- lowed - lowed by a supper served in 'th.c church and the annual .business meet- ing of the -congregation. • * * Tho services in Wesley church on Sunday last were hbld in the S.S. rooms, the idea being to save ' fuel. At the morning service_ Mrs. - de la Penetiere of Kincardine assisted the 'choir, singing a solo and accompany- ing Mr, Doherty in a duett. The as- sistance wasemnch • appreciated by both choir and congregation, HE ALSO ENJOYS. IT. DEAPH OP C'LINTONIAN, - "Z ant- sending for the puper 1 -en William Cassels died in Flint, r Miele, . , ., ( h .f In week ageof L a WOp - tour ne rusted -a.t i meet fee s a 11I 'o os. as It P 1 I 1 1 rs, Deceased wasablack- smith lag - oa cc b Y son f to smith -by trade , a o t late Mark Cassels of Wiugieam, but a Fortner resident of Clinton, where the' soh was porta, i A number of ` the frame hbusos .Clinton were erected. by Mr,- Cassels, " to what the home town .tu t1. •xe .l 1 'doing, }urates 11'Tr'. Edward 1 ob Robinson of East )gay, Mein,,. when , *mewing Itis sub --to The ATews-lt,,rooi.'t1 • fox 1914, ° Y L. P. A, SMITING PARTY. Tho -skating party given in the rink yesterday evening by the Girls' Aux- iliary proved to be quite a success. The band played merrily, the skaters wero•manlI and enjoyed the sport, the refreshmentboothsupplied good things to eat and drink for any and all in need and - the - evening, passed all too quickly - for most of those present, - Tio hockey match ,played betvegn two teams from among the members of the Auxiliary was the• cause •of much .merriment and resulted, in a tie, The. proceedsi from entrance fee and refreshments amounted to about $50. YOUNG MOTHER, CALLED, A sad, death occurred in London yesterday when MTs. Olin- 0. IIooper. at. _ was Called aw 3 The deceased lady was the only,- datighter of Mr. N. Sunderoock of near Bruceleld and a daughter -in -lav of Mr. A. Hooper of town. Besides her husband -she leaves a little family of five children, who will sadly miss their another's care. The funeral takes place from the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Hooper, Huron street, Clinton, on Friday af- ternoon. The service will be held at two o'clock and- the interment will be in Clinton cemetery. Mitch sympathy. is felt for the bereaved- ones -in their sudden sor- row. . AND WON MILITARY CROSS. The following letter was received. recently by Mr. D. Cantelon of town from a kinsman ,who is with the y r France, Lieut. t . H. adiaus in Can Cantelon, and who only since the war has become acquainted with -bis Clinton relatives. The soldier in . a foreign land appreciated the atten- tions shown him'•by Canadian rela- tives whom he ,had never seen : "No. 11 Squadron R h.C., • 13.I;.P, France, 1e--1-18 Dear Mr. Canteloe,—Yesterday 1 received a _very nice Christmas box from Clinton and I suppose it is one of your family who has sent it. he- . cause I do not know anyone else there, Thanks very much, indeed, You see, I've been transferred from the Canadians to the Royal Flying Corps, Must say I am enjoying the flying very much. It seems to suit me quite Well, although sometimes ternoon. we have rather exciting experiences, • The Grand Trunk did not attempt I,do, not suppose you noticed in the temperate An the Buffalo line on papers that they have seen . fit to Monday, theyt just tied up until the .give me a.',military , cross,an tad, the . storm had subsided then sent a King gave it to me himself at Bris- tol during November. It was quite` an experience to meet him, ' With best wishes 'for the New Year, Sincerely, -.Fred 14, Caul:don." The pastor will preach at both services next Sundajt. His evening subject will be : "The Seventh Conte- niandtuent." On Monday evening the Good Cit- izenship del}artment had charge • of the meeting, the president'tpresiding. Two papers wane given "Education and the War," by Mr, Fred Wallis, "Religion and the War" by Mr.. Harold r,- Harold Manning. Each handled .his subject well. . Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Lobb 'rendered -a :4uott very pleasing- ly during the evening, Next Igen- day onday evening will be .the monthly .con - secretion meeting and the president especially requests all , members to attend. . * « * -I The I3uron Presbyterial was to have met in Willis cleirch on Tues- day but owing to the blockade the memberst were unable to get here and the meeting had to. be postponed for the second tiine. At the morning service in Willis - church on Sunday the Huron County Temperance Work will be presented. ' • In the evening a specially attrac- tive praise service -will be rendered. This service is 'based upon Dr. Geo. Matheson's beautiful Hymn, "0 Love That Will Not Let Me fla," .Order of servieo : , - Dosology, _ - Invocation. - i salm Selection 1,14, i Anthem—"0 Loveethe Lord." One of the wings . of the visiting Seripti to Lesson. _ team Was injured during the • game Duet—'"the Lord is My Shepherd," and had to retire. Miss Dora Schoen - Prayer, hale, Clintons spare. took her -place Anthem -"0' Love That Will -Nut and played,' good, hockey -for her ,het Me Go." - adopted, team, - - Hymn 40, A return match will be .,,played in Quartette -;'Lead ]Cindly Light." Mitchell Friday evening of nodi Sermon, k, ' 'Hymn -185. weeIt is expected that Stratford- will Solo—"0 Love'IM.Vine." . cone up the second week in Feb- Prayel' - ruary, As Stratford •is the only _ Anthem—"In Ileavenly Leve A bid_ team than eyer won from Clinton a "ring e niab- " "' ifestecl if eod l a matcltof ecanet uvbe ill 1}arras;ed God Sava the Ding. The annual congregational- meeeiltg with them. of Willis church was held on 'l burs .l5t, Marys anal Seafortii.n'so want day evening last, '.I'he reports Pre- to play With Clinton but it is doubt- sentecl by the Various organizations ful if all tate games can be arranged, showed a very successful year in alt The Clinton ladies entertained tho Y. L. P. A. NOTES The Young Ladies' Patriotic Aux- iliary. are concentrbeingall their energies this week,upon the play au:l minstrel show to be put ,en in the town hall ori Tuesday' and Thursday evenings of.nexttweek, That tho.af- fair will be a success goes - without saying. , The plan of the hall is now en r open a at 1 it s. • The Young Ladies intend ha ing 'a Valentibc 'Tea on ,F'cb, 14th. TOOK SEVEN FIRSTS. - Mr. W. 'Ilamblyn sus the only Clinton exhibitor at the 'HuronPout- tryi she(sv held in Goderich Past week and he carried off four first prizes for four Bantams which he had and three firsts for three Bull Leghorns, h seven- taking every orae' of the eve a g a first. • The Show •was a good one this s }ear and but for the fact that the storm interfered and it had to he postpon- ed and people were afraid to risk sending their fowl, there would ltiaue been over a hundred more birds, IT SURE IS TIIE I1013. . Few perhaps eyer stop to think of those things but it was brought .to the mind of The News -Record last week quite forci.bl}t that Clinton is really the "hub"' of Huron county. Spokes run out in all directions but in order to get from, one spoke to the other ,you have to conic back to the hub. Last week the county council met in Goderich but almost all the members were obliged to conte to Clinton to make connections for the county town. Bayfield, Stanley, Goderich tai nship, klullett, and al- so nearly all the members from the northern part of the county came here first, many of them refnainiug overnight, and going n n the next forenoon. It looks as if it would have been a great convenience. to many people had Clinton been the counts town instead of Goderieh, What's to binder a change even yet ? 'his ,fs the time when eefficiencydonutsP, - d ANOfl'1IER, BLOCKADE. MUNICIPAL MA' 111}RS, The eetePayers of Clinton will be glad to khow. that this Is the lash year that thet will ao called/ upon to 'tay towards the "Doherty. o Cert1. Loan" as the $25,000 wlii bo paid oil in April, '.'here only remains $8,000 of the• old consolidated. richt arill ununpaida and $0,000 or this will be paid oft this year, 'Pile surplus of soft coal purchased by the 'town'is being stored in the Ratteubury barns for lase as it is needed. LITTLE LOCALS. January has probably grown tired of keeping up a record for supplying a yearly thaw. - u'1 he o en Library The Public P vt t three days this \week,, today,'totnor- row and Saturday. • Mr. W, H. 1-lellyar,has ',melee ap- pointed by Provincial Governnnmtis- suer of marriage licenses for Clin- ton. The W. C. T. TX: meets- in . Wesley S. S. roamthis evening at eight O'clock,. The program will be Pat- riotic and all will be welcome who come. • - -Again Clinton afar been at the' 'mercy of the Storm King, Monday's blow having tile effect of blocking -traffic on the Buffalo and Goderich line from Saturday until Tuesday of-. GIRLS I'LAY HOCKEY. Nothing serves to arouse so mttc0_ `interest, in Clinton as 'a girls' hockey - match and the one on Tuesday ev- ening, when Clinton girls 1 trimmed. the ladies from Mitchell to the tune "of 6-0 was no exception and brought out a great crowd. . • The girls were in excellent form' and the score was no surprise. At the and .of the -first Period the score stood 2-0 in favor of the plow through, cleared the track and `started all over again. 00 'Cuesdap afternoon a double train came down from Godericlt, divided' at_Stratfotil, one going, on to Buffalo and the other picking • up passengers and, nail which wore, waiting and return'ng to Goderieh. - Tho L. II. and B. operated .through the storm, but ran late with: a good deal of uncertainty.- On Monday. some of the Laminar papers wore sent to Stratford in the ]tope that they 'would reach Clinton diad other towns along the line earlier. Instead, hew - ever; they, lay there until Tuesday ev- ening. Everyone will be gladwhen the soldier weather comes but prob- ably no class of citizens ncus vill have ve home team; by, the endof the Second • greater cause of thankfulness time period. they had added three goals to I the train crews, who will continuo to that , and during the last pereod work, it is to be greatly feared, un - scored one more, snaking it a round der more or less difleulties for the half dozen.reminder of the winter. A eouplee of members of the bonne team and one of the visitors -were DE1?'1.1' OF FORMER RESIDENT. ruled oft during the evening, ]vfr. W. S. IIarlaud brought into -The News -Record office yr.Sesterd ay, a copyeof a recent issue of the Do,dge- ville (Wis.) Chronicle which contain- ed a picture and an obituary notice of the late Richard Lane, a protnin- ent .citizen of that city, . who died suddenly On Jan, .180, tlepa):tments.••--•Tlle contributions to- ward the missionary budget was 1011--. siderably in , advance of any pl•eviou`s year. The meeting very c.lnanimoes- Ip granted their pastor a, berets of $100 on hest year's salaty and an. iltcrease - of $.100 per armee for .the future,. 1 r clfurd ° r.s Club of Willis\ 'petal I r 11611 their Minuet sleeting on Valdes' 'evening last when the foliowing (A- ileen were atpninted. for the ensuing yeatr t;residritt, .Miss Anna Wnte let, Vice, Miss TWO Walkinshaw 2nd Vire, Miss Reggie Smith Secretary, Miss Margaret Medially 'Crensrlrer, MMus t.Iiilt 'Torrance l'ialuat1 Miss Mande Torrence. ... visitors over: night 1. • 'l9to proceeds of the evening g the Young Ladiees' I'atrlotio they, Fallowing is.'the lineup of • day's 'game : - Clinton Canal,, (la BaWdeu. Defence, -Jean Md 'aSga rt r Centre, Margaret Sehoctihals. Wings, Mary Brimfield, Ruby • W. P. S. NOTES. The Women's P'atriotic'Spctety will meet for business Friday afternoon at three o'clock sharp. It is hoped there will be a large -attendance as there is special liitsiness. AN I N,JOYA13Lbl 1•1\!IINING, -, The Ontario street League held a very successful skating; party at the r • n id .cuoniii last, There • n a Xn a 4, rink b Y d e ant he larg- est ui -. • s a cod crowd,- r s t was g c P r g est to date, the foe was good, the hand Played well, the people old and yen ng enjoyed the skating and for Who tell, the 'need. of it those w a n e. hot coffee and sandwteltes were serv- ed, The proceeds from the gate anti. refreshment booth, amounting to a' Snug _gum, were divided between the League and the, C}iris' Patriotic Aux- iliary. , '1'O HAVE REl'R'PSLNCATIVIe, • The county eounell decided at the . meeting held last week to ask - the Government to appoint an.agricultur- county o r'e to iv for the w t f re sen t e al A Y u fT ron. A number of the counties ` In' the province have had such representa- tives for years and have. found it as great advantage in many was s. Hur- on ur • on will no doubt also uuoon parolee the benefit,, On Motion of a couple of members who realize'. the advantage of having the representative in the centre of the county it was decided that the i � v his -o 111ee representative rhotic lta c in. Clinton. It is hoped that there will be little delay lea the .tppoint- Cnent. Will those• who are lcnitt'ng for the contest please return,soclis to those from whom they received the wool the first of the week as far as poss- ible, the rest maybereturned up to Friday, Feb. 8th, but socks not fn 011 or before that day, cannot be counted in the contest. • - Everybody who braved the storm to attend Mrs. Roland's tea last Filiday, were well repaid as- a very pleasant afternoon, was spent. Pro- ceeds about $18,20. HOCKEY ,NOTES, The - hockey match played oft be- tween Mitchell and Clinton Juniors in the local rink on Thursday even- ing u '- d attendance f mbro brought a o0 n, g g . r as has been the case' at all the 0. 7-I. A. games played here this season. The score at the end of the ' game stood 8-2 in fayor of the visiting team, which is. one of the best in the_dtstriet andInline for honors. The.local team was handicapped by the absence of a cottple'uf their -best players which hindered. theist putting tip as still a resistance as otherwise would have been the case. But they believe in doing their best under all. circumstances end they did it on this occasion. The contest for the disteict is now between Mitchell and Seaforth. It is not known at time of writing wheth- er the issue will be decided in hone and home games or by, a sudden death game, if t the latter f1 may be pilayed oft in the local arena, H. W. C: A. NOTES. On account of the blockade the monthly shipment to London was de- layed a week. -Richard Lane will be remembered by several 01 the older members of this community, be having resider. here, as a young man Inc. several years. For some time he worked, together with Mr. Hariandi with the late Frederick . Runtball and later they carried on a business yin part- nership for a colide of years, in 1885. Mr,• Lane left Clinton met after spending two or. thread years in' the �i,ake Superior 'Mines, in Ohio and lowa he settled in !tri e- 0 to villa, Wis., and eleitlnued• to reside 1 It end. He had a half Atixil- i there until tltr ( interest in 111;1 important-businnss'hu Dodgeville and was a: men of some promi00000 in the city; having filled the tiveil1(tns of nutper, sharia„pori• master mid justice of :the pear. Tues - Although the quantity was” not as large as usual, because a number of the Societies 'bre 'having "sock con-' tests•," the quality • was excellent. The ladies in charge of this work at headquarters appeciat-e very much - the splendid work (toile by the Socie- ties at this centre. The shipment consisted of the fol- lowing : ' Varna -01 pr, socks, 9 flannel shirts, 4 pyjamas, 1,9 trench towels, , 3 feather pillows. Bayfield -50 pr, socks and 3 pyjam- as. Stanley Maple Leat -20 pr. socks area 7 flannel shirts. Bethany -20 pr, seeks. - Turncr's'chureh--20 pc, socks, Clinton. W.P.S.--02 pr; socks;c ks 10 flannel shirts, 6 pyjamas, IQ sheets, 32 slip', 1 cap, 1 package • old eoti i ton, To own boys--Y.I of S, E. of G. T. --t24 pr. rooks and 05,75 -worth of. .eats, • • :l IIARDWOR1 ]iJD STA ler, 11-IELPED TI-E,MSELVES 'CO COAT., A, 'ear oLeoal carne in late Satur- day night for Mx. Holloway and during Sunday, while ;it stood cn the siding, about a couple of boas were removed from the car, On going clown to unload his, coal Mr: Hollo- way discovered the loss and at first• was inclined to send the car back to Stratford to be weighed. On second thought, however, he decided to keep po3ossion of what he did have on hand and simply boosted the price of what remained of the coal a half dollar to stake up for his, loss. Ball a dollar more or less on a ton of coal of course doesn't seem to count this season. h' a son. Mr. Holloway has another ear at Scatorih and five more _-some;vhero between here and the mines. If on- ly, these could be got to Clinton It would ease up the coal situation very materially. • Amongst those who will have cause - for thankfulness when the weather settles sufficiently 00 that the traili_s will run reasonably regularly ate the postmasters along the line eel_ thole assistants.'When the trains aro stalled for a day or two and . the mail finallyt conies in to an impor- tant disteibuting centre like Clinton It cones ht literally in sleigh ,loads and the task of distrihlrting same is it formidable one. While the at - Tice must - be npcn all day and, every dap, whether there.istuty mail to handle 01: tint; the stall is obliged to work Inc into the night often 01 er- der 1,0 handle • the extra mail` When a belated trate comes its, Most pen - aims: During ai1 t ie years Into. t t g Otele, r,af k(e fariSlC tahnealt'Ch ingtaasp b a sOm - t-.� t t'dlfCB- it _ r Ll ' Harland ..t n 1 1• 'i ;1'lih1 P � : iteliilc ' d t.0 the a t i 1vha1, t d t g b ponclence with his old friend a 1 10010 maul rs not handed 0" just a s Shod- about seventeeit. 301.01 ago he vaslted promptly as on ordinary Maslow:. Mitchell Goal, C. Cools, Defence, Olive lhtele1 IT, Thorn. Centro, A. Cook.. Wings,.Nottio and 10, 'flatfeet, Referee, (earl. Draper. r him and spent a few (lays as a .tutting oneself in the other fellow's Place for a shell rnigltt rna.'e ;''time of its a bit more, considerate.• 'train I guest of the (family, Mr, (eine limn- united., i nt-nrchitert, Xtn.r.Jnnd, after the • 11.1011(1 hands, postoffice officiate, ele:pressmef of his ,young lnnlrltootl, ami all who have anything to do with Me, 1larland naturally' feels gricv- transportation aro working against ed over the death of his . early friend,_ odds these days, rd itis eldest son now a sueeesstnl People You.,'iCnow Mr, G. D. McTaggart was in Toron- to over the„week-enol,' • MTs. French has been called to Tore onto on account ofthe death of her nice, Mrs. Florence Nrallenson, and leayes.this afternoon for the city. She will be absent several days, - Auburn The following articles were shipped by the Auburn -Red Cross, Circle for the month of Dee : 108 Pr. socks, 36 day, shirts, 0 trenth caps and 0 P. P. hags and for tire• month of January 142 pr. socks, 72 day shires and 12 :pyjamas. Bagfleld Reeve Erwin is chairman this pear of the special .committee gf the county council. The. Woman's Patriotic Society, are anal;ang preparal)ions for - a minstrel concert on 'Tuesday. evening, Feb. 12th. A playr entitled "b11iss Black's Pink Tea" 'will also be put on dur- ing the -evening. a u - the social d • n e r concert. and so Acct auspices of; the. Methodist church will - be held on Tuesday evening next when the Rev, J. K, Knight and, wife of 'ITensall will take part. After the concert a lunch will he served by, the ladies. ' Mrs. A, ' E, Erwin is visiting friends at Wingham this Wesic,. The young people of'the village and vicinity are holding a dance In the town hall on Friday evening of tbie week, - Holmesville On account of the stem the lap - worth League service was withdrawn on 'Monday, evetting,r„ Snow, snow, Snow 1 everywhere, piled up, very little- braille on the roads, and that ander difficulties, The collection taken in the Method- ist Sunday school in aid of the Sy- rian and Arntehtan lead last Sun - clap amounting to $7.00 was forward - ell to the treasurer et "Coroilio• The quarterly ,meeting of the Methodist church will be held on. Sunday morning next when it-' is hoped a good attendance will be present, The Gleaner's Mission Circle tact tt the home of Mrs. Wm. "Naked ore l,tiday'evening last. - To spite of the Lather disagreeable weather there o d tteud ue and a pleas- ant • a a 0. tl t 0 a g i tint evening Wes spent, y\ ten—Cent tea was served al, sevctt o'clock at - ter which the 'usual meeting of Ilia Circle Wes held mud a selendid pro- g ram was enjoyed by all, A .letter from the imeriittelttlettt of the Bea. roltess'Tonle, Tolmtto, was read ex- ' 11005sing their titartks for the box of children's (dollies dent theist by the Circle in December, - Wrink1e,enc he and _headacke %� evil ved by wearing glasses scientifically fitted • and accurately adjusted by li W. Yi.,.. Ye11qar ,fewelet ana Optician - - - Clinton f:%mow 1 The Royal Bank _ OF CANADA. Incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,911,700 , Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,504,000 Total Assets - 335 000,000 Head Office, Montreal 460 Branches, With world wide connection. A general Banking business transacted. Clinton Branch - R. E. MANNING, Manager { 1NCORP,ORATED 1855 [ ;. D. s E THE .. MOLSONS Capital and Deserve $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted, Circular Lbaers of Credit Bank Money Orders. Savings Bank Department. Interest allowed at highest current rate.: H. R. Sharp, Acting Manager, Clinton' BANI Branch READY-TO^WHAR1ci�l 2 he orrtsh '• CLOTHING _ ,.. Clothing Co. CRD�IRHD CLOTHING - 14-DaysSa1e-14 ...._,„...- ENDS SATURDAY FEB. 2nd Your Last Chance to Save 25 to 50 per cent. . .Suitsand Overeoats - r0users � Hats . and Underwear.. • Sweater oatC Overalls, _ . Caps Ve Prices next season will be much higher Terms Strictly C ash. ILIE . otto r t3". a� .. 1511 DHflH �^a "A Square Deal Agent C.P.R for: Sda.. 1..0iiiiiIS GO1 • 9f fol. Every Mau. R. or night fit calls, THE LOCAL MARKET. %- Wheat $210, 13uokwheat $1,40, 13� $ a't h.8,tr , & .ata 00. • . Q Butter •38e, Eggs (new laid) 50e. Live }Jogs $17.25, D]MPII 01'' JOHN TRYING. John Irving, a well-known resident of Clinton, passed away on Sunday morning after but a short illness. The deceased. had resided here with lit brother, -William, ever since the death of their parents some few years ago but there- are several oth- er members of the family living else- where and one brother, George Ir- ving of Winnipeg, is expected to ar- rive•w.•' on almost anytrain no . 0 • At time of writing the -funeral ar- rangements have not been made. ,- WOOD TO T5IE RESCUE. Goderich town council, fol."owing the example of Clinton, has bought a few acres of bush and is having the wood cut for the supply of citizens. Clinton has been about eA well off as any town hereabouts as regards fuelthis viuter, But as the coal . } shortag% is likely to continue it will be well for those . in authority to keep planning ahead 3n order to keop the situation in hand. --A - hundred tons or so of ' oft coal purchased from the Salt Works has helped out, tliough, soft coal at $10.75 per ton is prettyt expensive fuel. - AMONG, PIIE. 0I-JURCHES. - The union prayer meeting wak held last evening in the Baptist church, Rev. A. E. Jones being the speaker, Next week it Will be in. Wesley church and- the Rev. J. A. Robinson -will give„the, address, * + « - The pastor's subject at the Sun- day evening service in -the -• Baptist church will be, "Neglect.” The annual Sunday school sleigh - ride,' takes place this .afternoon, fol- lowed - lowed by a supper served in 'th.c church and the annual .business meet- ing of the -congregation. • * * Tho services in Wesley church on Sunday last were hbld in the S.S. rooms, the idea being to save ' fuel. At the morning service_ Mrs. - de la Penetiere of Kincardine assisted the 'choir, singing a solo and accompany- ing Mr, Doherty in a duett. The as- sistance wasemnch • appreciated by both choir and congregation, HE ALSO ENJOYS. IT. DEAPH OP C'LINTONIAN, - "Z ant- sending for the puper 1 -en William Cassels died in Flint, r Miele, . , ., ( h .f In week ageof L a WOp - tour ne rusted -a.t i meet fee s a 11I 'o os. as It P 1 I 1 1 rs, Deceased wasablack- smith lag - oa cc b Y son f to smith -by trade , a o t late Mark Cassels of Wiugieam, but a Fortner resident of Clinton, where the' soh was porta, i A number of ` the frame hbusos .Clinton were erected. by Mr,- Cassels, " to what the home town .tu t1. •xe .l 1 'doing, }urates 11'Tr'. Edward 1 ob Robinson of East )gay, Mein,,. when , *mewing Itis sub --to The ATews-lt,,rooi.'t1 • fox 1914, ° Y L. P. A, SMITING PARTY. Tho -skating party given in the rink yesterday evening by the Girls' Aux- iliary proved to be quite a success. The band played merrily, the skaters wero•manlI and enjoyed the sport, the refreshmentboothsupplied good things to eat and drink for any and all in need and - the - evening, passed all too quickly - for most of those present, - Tio hockey match ,played betvegn two teams from among the members of the Auxiliary was the• cause •of much .merriment and resulted, in a tie, The. proceedsi from entrance fee and refreshments amounted to about $50. YOUNG MOTHER, CALLED, A sad, death occurred in London yesterday when MTs. Olin- 0. IIooper. at. _ was Called aw 3 The deceased lady was the only,- datighter of Mr. N. Sunderoock of near Bruceleld and a daughter -in -lav of Mr. A. Hooper of town. Besides her husband -she leaves a little family of five children, who will sadly miss their another's care. The funeral takes place from the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. Hooper, Huron street, Clinton, on Friday af- ternoon. The service will be held at two o'clock and- the interment will be in Clinton cemetery. Mitch sympathy. is felt for the bereaved- ones -in their sudden sor- row. . AND WON MILITARY CROSS. The following letter was received. recently by Mr. D. Cantelon of town from a kinsman ,who is with the y r France, Lieut. t . H. adiaus in Can Cantelon, and who only since the war has become acquainted with -bis Clinton relatives. The soldier in . a foreign land appreciated the atten- tions shown him'•by Canadian rela- tives whom he ,had never seen : "No. 11 Squadron R h.C., • 13.I;.P, France, 1e--1-18 Dear Mr. Canteloe,—Yesterday 1 received a _very nice Christmas box from Clinton and I suppose it is one of your family who has sent it. he- . cause I do not know anyone else there, Thanks very much, indeed, You see, I've been transferred from the Canadians to the Royal Flying Corps, Must say I am enjoying the flying very much. It seems to suit me quite Well, although sometimes ternoon. we have rather exciting experiences, • The Grand Trunk did not attempt I,do, not suppose you noticed in the temperate An the Buffalo line on papers that they have seen . fit to Monday, theyt just tied up until the .give me a.',military , cross,an tad, the . storm had subsided then sent a King gave it to me himself at Bris- tol during November. It was quite` an experience to meet him, ' With best wishes 'for the New Year, Sincerely, -.Fred 14, Caul:don." The pastor will preach at both services next Sundajt. His evening subject will be : "The Seventh Conte- niandtuent." On Monday evening the Good Cit- izenship del}artment had charge • of the meeting, the president'tpresiding. Two papers wane given "Education and the War," by Mr, Fred Wallis, "Religion and the War" by Mr.. Harold r,- Harold Manning. Each handled .his subject well. . Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Lobb 'rendered -a :4uott very pleasing- ly during the evening, Next Igen- day onday evening will be .the monthly .con - secretion meeting and the president especially requests all , members to attend. . * « * -I The I3uron Presbyterial was to have met in Willis cleirch on Tues- day but owing to the blockade the memberst were unable to get here and the meeting had to. be postponed for the second tiine. At the morning service in Willis - church on Sunday the Huron County Temperance Work will be presented. ' • In the evening a specially attrac- tive praise service -will be rendered. This service is 'based upon Dr. Geo. Matheson's beautiful Hymn, "0 Love That Will Not Let Me fla," .Order of servieo : , - Dosology, _ - Invocation. - i salm Selection 1,14, i Anthem—"0 Loveethe Lord." One of the wings . of the visiting Seripti to Lesson. _ team Was injured during the • game Duet—'"the Lord is My Shepherd," and had to retire. Miss Dora Schoen - Prayer, hale, Clintons spare. took her -place Anthem -"0' Love That Will -Nut and played,' good, hockey -for her ,het Me Go." - adopted, team, - - Hymn 40, A return match will be .,,played in Quartette -;'Lead ]Cindly Light." Mitchell Friday evening of nodi Sermon, k, ' 'Hymn -185. weeIt is expected that Stratford- will Solo—"0 Love'IM.Vine." . cone up the second week in Feb- Prayel' - ruary, As Stratford •is the only _ Anthem—"In Ileavenly Leve A bid_ team than eyer won from Clinton a "ring e niab- " "' ifestecl if eod l a matcltof ecanet uvbe ill 1}arras;ed God Sava the Ding. The annual congregational- meeeiltg with them. of Willis church was held on 'l burs .l5t, Marys anal Seafortii.n'so want day evening last, '.I'he reports Pre- to play With Clinton but it is doubt- sentecl by the Various organizations ful if all tate games can be arranged, showed a very successful year in alt The Clinton ladies entertained tho Y. L. P. A. NOTES The Young Ladies' Patriotic Aux- iliary. are concentrbeingall their energies this week,upon the play au:l minstrel show to be put ,en in the town hall ori Tuesday' and Thursday evenings of.nexttweek, That tho.af- fair will be a success goes - without saying. , The plan of the hall is now en r open a at 1 it s. • The Young Ladies intend ha ing 'a Valentibc 'Tea on ,F'cb, 14th. TOOK SEVEN FIRSTS. - Mr. W. 'Ilamblyn sus the only Clinton exhibitor at the 'HuronPout- tryi she(sv held in Goderich Past week and he carried off four first prizes for four Bantams which he had and three firsts for three Bull Leghorns, h seven- taking every orae' of the eve a g a first. • The Show •was a good one this s }ear and but for the fact that the storm interfered and it had to he postpon- ed and people were afraid to risk sending their fowl, there would ltiaue been over a hundred more birds, IT SURE IS TIIE I1013. . Few perhaps eyer stop to think of those things but it was brought .to the mind of The News -Record last week quite forci.bl}t that Clinton is really the "hub"' of Huron county. Spokes run out in all directions but in order to get from, one spoke to the other ,you have to conic back to the hub. Last week the county council met in Goderich but almost all the members were obliged to conte to Clinton to make connections for the county town. Bayfield, Stanley, Goderich tai nship, klullett, and al- so nearly all the members from the northern part of the county came here first, many of them refnainiug overnight, and going n n the next forenoon. It looks as if it would have been a great convenience. to many people had Clinton been the counts town instead of Goderieh, What's to binder a change even yet ? 'his ,fs the time when eefficiencydonutsP, - d ANOfl'1IER, BLOCKADE. MUNICIPAL MA' 111}RS, The eetePayers of Clinton will be glad to khow. that this Is the lash year that thet will ao called/ upon to 'tay towards the "Doherty. o Cert1. Loan" as the $25,000 wlii bo paid oil in April, '.'here only remains $8,000 of the• old consolidated. richt arill ununpaida and $0,000 or this will be paid oft this year, 'Pile surplus of soft coal purchased by the 'town'is being stored in the Ratteubury barns for lase as it is needed. LITTLE LOCALS. January has probably grown tired of keeping up a record for supplying a yearly thaw. - u'1 he o en Library The Public P vt t three days this \week,, today,'totnor- row and Saturday. • Mr. W, H. 1-lellyar,has ',melee ap- pointed by Provincial Governnnmtis- suer of marriage licenses for Clin- ton. The W. C. T. TX: meets- in . Wesley S. S. roamthis evening at eight O'clock,. The program will be Pat- riotic and all will be welcome who come. • - -Again Clinton afar been at the' 'mercy of the Storm King, Monday's blow having tile effect of blocking -traffic on the Buffalo and Goderich line from Saturday until Tuesday of-. GIRLS I'LAY HOCKEY. Nothing serves to arouse so mttc0_ `interest, in Clinton as 'a girls' hockey - match and the one on Tuesday ev- ening, when Clinton girls 1 trimmed. the ladies from Mitchell to the tune "of 6-0 was no exception and brought out a great crowd. . • The girls were in excellent form' and the score was no surprise. At the and .of the -first Period the score stood 2-0 in favor of the plow through, cleared the track and `started all over again. 00 'Cuesdap afternoon a double train came down from Godericlt, divided' at_Stratfotil, one going, on to Buffalo and the other picking • up passengers and, nail which wore, waiting and return'ng to Goderieh. - Tho L. II. and B. operated .through the storm, but ran late with: a good deal of uncertainty.- On Monday. some of the Laminar papers wore sent to Stratford in the ]tope that they 'would reach Clinton diad other towns along the line earlier. Instead, hew - ever; they, lay there until Tuesday ev- ening. Everyone will be gladwhen the soldier weather comes but prob- ably no class of citizens ncus vill have ve home team; by, the endof the Second • greater cause of thankfulness time period. they had added three goals to I the train crews, who will continuo to that , and during the last pereod work, it is to be greatly feared, un - scored one more, snaking it a round der more or less difleulties for the half dozen.reminder of the winter. A eouplee of members of the bonne team and one of the visitors -were DE1?'1.1' OF FORMER RESIDENT. ruled oft during the evening, ]vfr. W. S. IIarlaud brought into -The News -Record office yr.Sesterd ay, a copyeof a recent issue of the Do,dge- ville (Wis.) Chronicle which contain- ed a picture and an obituary notice of the late Richard Lane, a protnin- ent .citizen of that city, . who died suddenly On Jan, .180, tlepa):tments.••--•Tlle contributions to- ward the missionary budget was 1011--. siderably in , advance of any pl•eviou`s year. The meeting very c.lnanimoes- Ip granted their pastor a, berets of $100 on hest year's salaty and an. iltcrease - of $.100 per armee for .the future,. 1 r clfurd ° r.s Club of Willis\ 'petal I r 11611 their Minuet sleeting on Valdes' 'evening last when the foliowing (A- ileen were atpninted. for the ensuing yeatr t;residritt, .Miss Anna Wnte let, Vice, Miss TWO Walkinshaw 2nd Vire, Miss Reggie Smith Secretary, Miss Margaret Medially 'Crensrlrer, MMus t.Iiilt 'Torrance l'ialuat1 Miss Mande Torrence. ... visitors over: night 1. • 'l9to proceeds of the evening g the Young Ladiees' I'atrlotio they, Fallowing is.'the lineup of • day's 'game : - Clinton Canal,, (la BaWdeu. Defence, -Jean Md 'aSga rt r Centre, Margaret Sehoctihals. Wings, Mary Brimfield, Ruby • W. P. S. NOTES. The Women's P'atriotic'Spctety will meet for business Friday afternoon at three o'clock sharp. It is hoped there will be a large -attendance as there is special liitsiness. AN I N,JOYA13Lbl 1•1\!IINING, -, The Ontario street League held a very successful skating; party at the r • n id .cuoniii last, There • n a Xn a 4, rink b Y d e ant he larg- est ui -. • s a cod crowd,- r s t was g c P r g est to date, the foe was good, the hand Played well, the people old and yen ng enjoyed the skating and for Who tell, the 'need. of it those w a n e. hot coffee and sandwteltes were serv- ed, The proceeds from the gate anti. refreshment booth, amounting to a' Snug _gum, were divided between the League and the, C}iris' Patriotic Aux- iliary. , '1'O HAVE REl'R'PSLNCATIVIe, • The county eounell decided at the . meeting held last week to ask - the Government to appoint an.agricultur- county o r'e to iv for the w t f re sen t e al A Y u fT ron. A number of the counties ` In' the province have had such representa- tives for years and have. found it as great advantage in many was s. Hur- on ur • on will no doubt also uuoon parolee the benefit,, On Motion of a couple of members who realize'. the advantage of having the representative in the centre of the county it was decided that the i � v his -o 111ee representative rhotic lta c in. Clinton. It is hoped that there will be little delay lea the .tppoint- Cnent. Will those• who are lcnitt'ng for the contest please return,soclis to those from whom they received the wool the first of the week as far as poss- ible, the rest maybereturned up to Friday, Feb. 8th, but socks not fn 011 or before that day, cannot be counted in the contest. • - Everybody who braved the storm to attend Mrs. Roland's tea last Filiday, were well repaid as- a very pleasant afternoon, was spent. Pro- ceeds about $18,20. HOCKEY ,NOTES, The - hockey match played oft be- tween Mitchell and Clinton Juniors in the local rink on Thursday even- ing u '- d attendance f mbro brought a o0 n, g g . r as has been the case' at all the 0. 7-I. A. games played here this season. The score at the end of the ' game stood 8-2 in fayor of the visiting team, which is. one of the best in the_dtstriet andInline for honors. The.local team was handicapped by the absence of a cottple'uf their -best players which hindered. theist putting tip as still a resistance as otherwise would have been the case. But they believe in doing their best under all. circumstances end they did it on this occasion. The contest for the disteict is now between Mitchell and Seaforth. It is not known at time of writing wheth- er the issue will be decided in hone and home games or by, a sudden death game, if t the latter f1 may be pilayed oft in the local arena, H. W. C: A. NOTES. On account of the blockade the monthly shipment to London was de- layed a week. -Richard Lane will be remembered by several 01 the older members of this community, be having resider. here, as a young man Inc. several years. For some time he worked, together with Mr. Hariandi with the late Frederick . Runtball and later they carried on a business yin part- nership for a colide of years, in 1885. Mr,• Lane left Clinton met after spending two or. thread years in' the �i,ake Superior 'Mines, in Ohio and lowa he settled in !tri e- 0 to villa, Wis., and eleitlnued• to reside 1 It end. He had a half Atixil- i there until tltr ( interest in 111;1 important-businnss'hu Dodgeville and was a: men of some promi00000 in the city; having filled the tiveil1(tns of nutper, sharia„pori• master mid justice of :the pear. Tues - Although the quantity was” not as large as usual, because a number of the Societies 'bre 'having "sock con-' tests•," the quality • was excellent. The ladies in charge of this work at headquarters appeciat-e very much - the splendid work (toile by the Socie- ties at this centre. The shipment consisted of the fol- lowing : ' Varna -01 pr, socks, 9 flannel shirts, 4 pyjamas, 1,9 trench towels, , 3 feather pillows. Bayfield -50 pr, socks and 3 pyjam- as. Stanley Maple Leat -20 pr. socks area 7 flannel shirts. Bethany -20 pr, seeks. - Turncr's'chureh--20 pc, socks, Clinton. W.P.S.--02 pr; socks;c ks 10 flannel shirts, 6 pyjamas, IQ sheets, 32 slip', 1 cap, 1 package • old eoti i ton, To own boys--Y.I of S, E. of G. T. --t24 pr. rooks and 05,75 -worth of. .eats, • • :l IIARDWOR1 ]iJD STA ler, 11-IELPED TI-E,MSELVES 'CO COAT., A, 'ear oLeoal carne in late Satur- day night for Mx. Holloway and during Sunday, while ;it stood cn the siding, about a couple of boas were removed from the car, On going clown to unload his, coal Mr: Hollo- way discovered the loss and at first• was inclined to send the car back to Stratford to be weighed. On second thought, however, he decided to keep po3ossion of what he did have on hand and simply boosted the price of what remained of the coal a half dollar to stake up for his, loss. Ball a dollar more or less on a ton of coal of course doesn't seem to count this season. h' a son. Mr. Holloway has another ear at Scatorih and five more _-some;vhero between here and the mines. If on- ly, these could be got to Clinton It would ease up the coal situation very materially. • Amongst those who will have cause - for thankfulness when the weather settles sufficiently 00 that the traili_s will run reasonably regularly ate the postmasters along the line eel_ thole assistants.'When the trains aro stalled for a day or two and . the mail finallyt conies in to an impor- tant disteibuting centre like Clinton It cones ht literally in sleigh ,loads and the task of distrihlrting same is it formidable one. While the at - Tice must - be npcn all day and, every dap, whether there.istuty mail to handle 01: tint; the stall is obliged to work Inc into the night often 01 er- der 1,0 handle • the extra mail` When a belated trate comes its, Most pen - aims: During ai1 t ie years Into. t t g Otele, r,af k(e fariSlC tahnealt'Ch ingtaasp b a sOm - t-.� t t'dlfCB- it _ r Ll ' Harland ..t n 1 1• 'i ;1'lih1 P � : iteliilc ' d t.0 the a t i 1vha1, t d t g b ponclence with his old friend a 1 10010 maul rs not handed 0" just a s Shod- about seventeeit. 301.01 ago he vaslted promptly as on ordinary Maslow:. Mitchell Goal, C. Cools, Defence, Olive lhtele1 IT, Thorn. Centro, A. Cook.. Wings,.Nottio and 10, 'flatfeet, Referee, (earl. Draper. r him and spent a few (lays as a .tutting oneself in the other fellow's Place for a shell rnigltt rna.'e ;''time of its a bit more, considerate.• 'train I guest of the (family, Mr, (eine limn- united., i nt-nrchitert, Xtn.r.Jnnd, after the • 11.1011(1 hands, postoffice officiate, ele:pressmef of his ,young lnnlrltootl, ami all who have anything to do with Me, 1larland naturally' feels gricv- transportation aro working against ed over the death of his . early friend,_ odds these days, rd itis eldest son now a sueeesstnl People You.,'iCnow Mr, G. D. McTaggart was in Toron- to over the„week-enol,' • MTs. French has been called to Tore onto on account ofthe death of her nice, Mrs. Florence Nrallenson, and leayes.this afternoon for the city. She will be absent several days, - Auburn The following articles were shipped by the Auburn -Red Cross, Circle for the month of Dee : 108 Pr. socks, 36 day, shirts, 0 trenth caps and 0 P. P. hags and for tire• month of January 142 pr. socks, 72 day shires and 12 :pyjamas. Bagfleld Reeve Erwin is chairman this pear of the special .committee gf the county council. The. Woman's Patriotic Society, are anal;ang preparal)ions for - a minstrel concert on 'Tuesday. evening, Feb. 12th. A playr entitled "b11iss Black's Pink Tea" 'will also be put on dur- ing the -evening. a u - the social d • n e r concert. and so Acct auspices of; the. Methodist church will - be held on Tuesday evening next when the Rev, J. K, Knight and, wife of 'ITensall will take part. After the concert a lunch will he served by, the ladies. ' Mrs. A, ' E, Erwin is visiting friends at Wingham this Wesic,. The young people of'the village and vicinity are holding a dance In the town hall on Friday evening of tbie week, - Holmesville On account of the stem the lap - worth League service was withdrawn on 'Monday, evetting,r„ Snow, snow, Snow 1 everywhere, piled up, very little- braille on the roads, and that ander difficulties, The collection taken in the Method- ist Sunday school in aid of the Sy- rian and Arntehtan lead last Sun - clap amounting to $7.00 was forward - ell to the treasurer et "Coroilio• The quarterly ,meeting of the Methodist church will be held on. Sunday morning next when it-' is hoped a good attendance will be present, The Gleaner's Mission Circle tact tt the home of Mrs. Wm. "Naked ore l,tiday'evening last. - To spite of the Lather disagreeable weather there o d tteud ue and a pleas- ant • a a 0. tl t 0 a g i tint evening Wes spent, y\ ten—Cent tea was served al, sevctt o'clock at - ter which the 'usual meeting of Ilia Circle Wes held mud a selendid pro- g ram was enjoyed by all, A .letter from the imeriittelttlettt of the Bea. roltess'Tonle, Tolmtto, was read ex- ' 11005sing their titartks for the box of children's (dollies dent theist by the Circle in December, -