HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-24, Page 7A DISLIKE FOR FOOD
Victims of '"Indigestion Olsten
Dislike the Sight and S1nell,
of Food.
Every healthy loan end. woman
should have a natural desire for food
et meal times. This means that thei
digestion is. in working order and that
the blood is in good condition, But
if you, feel a dislike for food= -if the
sight and smell of wholesome food
repels you --then you may be sure that
all is not well, If after e night's rest
you Have no appetite for breakfast,
your digestion recmi ee attention, '1f
your -food is distasteful, or 1f you feel
that it is a trouble to oat, your stem-
ach is rebelling. You do not digest
properly the food you are taking and
therefore not hungry.
All these symptoms of a disordered
digestion moan that the blood is not
absorbing proper nourishment; from
food, for the work of the blood is to
eollect.proper' nourishment fron$ food
and impart it to the system. The
stomach tries to refuse food the nutri-
ment from which the blood cannot ab-
sorb, and \this causes the lack of appe-
tite, If you force yourself to eat
the undigested food becomes a clog�( i • R
to 'the system. Nature is warning i�,�
.you. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone Bailor suits are always appreciated
therichness and purity . the bleed
Pi a
Rlt U
and thiss
the bop
' byY,
thafuii i requires to perform rte NaturalM Call Patter!!
function. That is why Dr. Williams' good model of one. Me
Pills cure the most obstinate No. 7778, Boy's Middy or Sailor Suit.
In 4 sizes, 2 to 8 years. Price, 15
cases of indigestion why they will In
the Week
cure any trouble due to poor blood,
Miss Lizzie Ashton, Thamesville, Ont.,
says: -"I sufferedfor years with
stomach trouble. At times the dis-
tress was 50 great that vomiting
' would follow, and there was always
severe pain after eating. I tried sev-
eral remedies but they did not help
me. On the contrary the trouble was
growing worse, and got so bad at last
that I could not keep anything on my
stoinach. FinuIly I began using Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, and gradually
the trouble began to leave ale, and I,
'regained in all respects my customary
good health, and enjoyment of food.
[ make this statement voluntarily so This is a practical design for the
that others may know of the wonder- cold -weather leggings. Thero is a
cul results that follow the use of this choice of lengths. McCall Pattern
medicine." No. 6810, Child's Leggings and Leg -
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents ging Drawers. Pattern in 7 sizes,
a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The 1 to 12 years. Price, 10 cents.
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Relative 1'osilden of the Entente .attd
the Control Poln ers,
'How Kidney Trouble
Struck Uxbridge Man
i ritein hes boon snow to'roellze amyl
slower to admit, but it is now begin- -
ning to'mtil:e the confession, flunk in
the matter of food' and some other
though =eh loss important stlppllesr
time is now -beginning to j'ight on the
side of Germany and against the In -1
Lento; whereas formerly time was
always -accounted the ally of the .En-
tente, The Germans aro preparing to
make the most of the Italian agricul-
ture] sows which they have conquer-
ed 'to produce more food for A.ust1'ia
and Germany. By the 1918 crop sea-
son theylwill he able to produce very
largely from the conquered areas of
Old Poland, Rumania, France and Bel-
Further their human power for the
purposes of this production will be in,
creased. not only by the release of hun-
deeds Ot thousands of prisoners useful
enough for agricultural .purrosee if
not for further military service, but
also by the privilege of drawing upon
the labor capacity of the. conquered
areas. The moment that peace or even
a long arrnistice is arranged with Rus-
sia, Germany will resume with all
the zeal which its spectacular neces-
sities dictate, the programme of pene-
trating. Russia and making Russian
reseurces'available for the support of
G ernany.
'1 tan
• Britann P
o that
nolle of them now able to produce
nearly all their food requirements
confront a future in which their foot
necessities will tend to face an in-
creasing deficit of supplies, in propor-
tion as the cumulative effects of sub-
marine warfare become more serious.
Germany on the other hand, will tend
to escape from the effects of the food
blockade and to increase its supplies.
Is Now Importing Old Newspapers
From United States.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,
Detpt. W.
._ . -- Ann CtlnaC„„
Yr101ii i 11' QQU
Raw Figs $6111
iv M i'!„.11/1E:1?
880 1110. Vain St. W„ Nroittre51, $:Q,
134 Fears of callable trading.
WIPP Wwxr,easzl
rr Ai 111E, W111\'11811 i•(7 111) 11,A1N
J J and Ilahl eti lug et hauls Wha11, (0
4' I'l•e lime gond u111S walk unit, luny
11111k111 r'4 thILrgOrl 1(010, fiend Mann, fta•
und•teulnl Nrtllunut Alavufa,•uu•hrg
1.'uulpUn}•, 11outret,l. •
Refere09. Vnion 0181 eT Canada
Mb. 1i. 1 '1'ilolnosou Wits Seized i """"'""""","'."'""'"",., - ""..� roso1LT.Arrnove
- .��4T1'�l)1PS it !lend. tnlvrr�lt 'ri,ntuJi+ i,t'1IPIC leTc:,
With Convulsion[,. �. internal and rxl !nal, c l
n with-
out p141i. IJ' our
13011a,Q pl O f@11a he �ldl� ',4)' us before Ion late, Dr, Hellman Med eel
Articles Wanted for Cash
T ,. ", • 4 cured wit1-
I 1 home treatment t4nite
... ' t!o., 1,Imiited, (lallingwon(1, Ont.
aired of 14th After r'h miclunN and .eye slulrlit[lsla pro
Ills 1 Ile Was 1)esp
sc•riUn liuu-Uple as a. H1 ((, 1101)1, r0med5'
Delay Dodd's I�Idney I'iliS Ile I+eels t f l )1 ,1 'i (o'
13inlself Again.
Uxbridge, Ontt,, Jan, 21st (Spacial,)
-•M1•, R. J. nein/men, who lives on
R.R, No 2, near here, is load in his
praises of ,Dodd's Kidney Pills,
"1 11111 delighted with Dodd's"Kidney
Pills,," Iso -says, "The doctors .said I
could not live, and if I did I would
never he able to do anything agalu, as
I had chronic Bright's Disease, But,
thank God, I am doing my own work
"My trouble came on very soddenly,
I had just finished lay dinner, and was
taking a man home when I was taken
with a convulsion fit. I bad fourteen
that 'afternoon, and the third day I
had nine more.
r(I have taken only eleven boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pills,. and I feel like
myself again."
Mr. Thompson is only one of many
in this neighborhood who look on
Dodd's Kidney Pills as the standard
remedyfor kidney ills. Theyare
purely a kidney remedy; and are used
, 'Incall kidneytrouble from backache
t s i
The scarcity of paper has become so Responsibility for Wife and Children
acute that China is now importing Increases Will Power.
ever issue and old 'newspapers from I am inclined to believe that mar -
the United States in largo quantities. riage does increase the will power, for
One Hongkong house alone reports when a man marries he at once as -
that so Inc this year it has imported sumes a responsibility, and if he has
such paper to the value of over $225,- the right sort of stuff in h.m he at
000 gold. once makes up his will to succeed, says
The papers are imported to he used an American writer. Ile wants to
Inc wrapping purposes, and to meet earn more money in order that he may
the needs of the market it is neves- give his wife the things that success-
sary that they be whole and of good ful men give their wives. He elimin-
standard to large size. In some re- ates tinge -wasting amusements and
cent consignments bales- have been bad habits that were relics of his
found to contain old magazines and bachelor days. Marriage sobers him
even old clothing, shoes and other and gives him poise. Opportunities
waste. A shipment to Saigon through neglected through sheer indolence in
Elongkong and for the account of a his bachelor days are now eagerly
Hongkong 'firm was found to be so seized. His hands are on the rounds
badly mixed with all sorts of waste of the ladder that leads to success, and
. that the Chinese concerns Inc which his wife is behind him, waiting to
the paper had been -imported refused boost him up.
to accept it. Many bachelors achieve a fair meas-' rangements were immediately made to
In some cases material mixed with ure of success, and then stick in one restore the big depot which has re -
the paper would have as much value place all the rest of their lives. They ceived thousands of alert in the past
Inc paper stock as the over issue lack initiative because they havn't any year, and the work has been conplet-
newspapers, but it is not wanted and incentive to do bigger things. This is ed,
loos not meet the purpose Inc which very true in the cases of inen who have In the interim the amen returning
the newspapers are purchased. The no one dependent on them. If they had were landed in New -York and train
Hongkong General Chamber of Com- a wife, or a mother or sisters, solely service handicapped by lack of coal de -
pierce now has on hand an arbitration dependent upon _them, they would ex- layed their homecoming considerably.
of claims growing out of the shipment est their wills to some purpose. Lack- The value of the. Military Hospitals
of paper not.up to contract, and Hong- ing this they are satisfied to let well Commission in the splendid facilities
enough alone. and organization of Halifax for the
IF .r
When food !les 1110e lead in the stom-
ach dest and .You have that
distended reeling, it is because of in-
sufficient blood supply to the stomach,
combined with acid and food fermenta-
tion. In such cases try the plan naw
followed in many hospitals and advised
by many eminent physicians of lalling a
teaspoonful of pure bisurated magnesia
in half a glassofwater: ns hot as yat1
e"'1) comfortably --drink it. The hot wa-
ter draws the blood to the Htomaeh and
the bisu rated magnesia, as any physician
C41.11 tell -you, instantly neutralizes the
this!simrple plan n ands yeti will beins-
tonished at the immediate reeling of re-
lief itncl contort that always follows the
restoration of the normal process of di-
gestion: People who find it inconvenient
at times to secure hot water and travel-
ers who aro frequently obliged to tape
hasty meals poorly prepared, should al-
ways take thyro or three ace-gruin tablets
iii t d 'Magnesia atter meals to
to Bright's disease.` —
]Bluefish Resembles -the Pruselans In
Its Barbarous habit.
31) ttte 5105Uuen 14 aio r1 011 es n I
strenglb nn e.raal(rht Sold uurlam money
1•efuhd guai'lu(ly b,v nil druggists,
The bluefish is the leading subter-
ranean exponent of kultur now that
the U-boat has began to subside. Not
even the shark is proportionately so
vicious as this small game fish. He
kills for the fun of killing, without
reason or excuse slaughtering any-
thing that crosses his path, and not
hesitating to attack any large creature
he deep that goes sailing b .
of t g !, Y
Scarcely ever weighing more than i
five pounds, he consumes at least sev-
en ounces of food a day, and this,
weight does not take into account the
amount of food he swallows, for 'the
bluefish has the most barbarous habit
of all fish. e
As he attacks he bites off large
pieces of flesh from his victim, and.
without taking time to cast the
mouthfuls aside lie swallows the quiv-
ering meat and snaps again with his
powerful "chopping machine" jaws.
of sm-ue ugneH a He keeps this up until the flesh he has
prevent fermentation and neutralize the sovallowed makes him slow, in which
acid in their stomach. ' case he darts away and vomits the ac-
cumulated mouthfuls. After this he
sweeps back to the attack again. When
attacking a giant fish elle bluefish as-
sault in force.
Kultur with thein is scientific, as it
is with the Prussians. They move in
perfect: order and discipline, sweeping
round and round the fleeing manatee
in circles, Mich fish darting out of the
Halifax Hospital Ready for Disabled
Men From the Front.
The Receiving Depot of the Military
Hospitals Commission on Pier No. 2
at Halifax, which was badly damaged
in the great eplosio11, has been re-
paired' and is now ready to receive the. circle, tearing away a piece of flesh
ships from overseas bearing the in- and falling back into the line,
valids and disabled men back to Can- __—.--
ada. --o-o--o-o-o-e-o-a-o-o-o-o-
t of the news
} WITH '11011 FINGER
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or
any kind of a cern can shortly he lift-
ed right out with the fingers if you
will apply on the corn a i'ew drops 0f
freezone, says a Cincinnati authority,
At little cost one can get ft small
bottle of freozono at any drug store,
whieh will positively rid one's feet of
every corn o1' callus without pain 0r
soreness or the danger of infection.
This new drug' is an ether com-
pound, and dries the moment it is ap-
plied and does not inflame or even ir-
ritate the surrounding tissue. Just
think! You can lift off your corns and
calluses now without a bit of pain or
soreness. If your druggist hasn't
freezone the can easily get a small bot-
tle for you from his wholesale drug
Immediately on -teems,
of the disaster, Lt. -Col, J. J. Sharples,
C.O. of the Military Hospitals Com-
mission Command, left Ottawa 'Inc the
scene to offer all the aid which the
military hospitals could afford in the
care of the injured. On his arrival ar-
kong importers at present are accept-
ing deliveries only after examinations.
There is a steady demand Inc these
over issue and old newspapers
throughout the Far East, which can
be maintained as 0 profitable trade
(at least to long as the price of paper
. remains where it is) provided export- Capt. C. 3. Willoughby, of Toronto,
ers will realize the special purpose Inc who in 1016 went overseas with the
which the paper is bought and ship Royal Army MMledical Corps to work in
,, only such stock as will probably fulfil Mesopotamia, is now home on leave of
requirements. absence after service in India and
care of returning soldiers has gained
WHY ARMIES MOVE SLOWLY: a new appreciation in this one experi-
Transportation of Supplies in "llfeso-
potahmia Takes Up Much Time.
Mothers when your baby is ill; when
his little stomach and bowels are out
of order; when he is troubled' with
constipation, colic, colds or his teeth-
ing is painful give him Baby's Own Mesopotamia do not progress faster.
Tablets -the perfect medicine foe lit- This is the chief reason: The sup-
ones. Concerning them Mrs, Al- tulles have to be movedspo tf0111 Basra
phonse Pelletier, St, Dannase, 1)e„ to Bagcliul, One transport can talon
about'150 to 200 totes, and it takes
says; -`Baby's Own Tablets are a two weeks to make the trip. If we
grand remedy for little ones. I used
them on my bans with wonderful re-
sults. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
Egypt. Capt. Willoughby states that
when the British captured Bagdad,
they found that many of the Turkish'
pr�isone1'n were suffering from typhus,
.but the British troops were free frons
this disease.
"People often ask," said Capt. Wil-
loughby, "why it is that armies in
1Vlivard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Sirs, -I have used your b INARD'S
LINIMENT''or the past 25 years and
whilst I have occasionally used other
liniments I can safely say that I have
never used any equal to yours.
If rubbed between the hands and in-
haled frequently, it will never fail to
euro cold in the head in 24 hours. It
is also the Best :for bruises, sprains,
'S'burs truly,
Dartm ouche
bad had a railway there we would
have taken the whole . of Mesopo-
tamia long ago.
"Tire general api 1;011 there is that l
Britain will have to keep N esopo-
The populality of the easily twee -
Bible wrist watch was doubtless what
inspired the prodniticln by Parisian
jewelry designers of a ring watch. It
consists of a tiny- timepiece mounted
on 0 finger ring, and, if desired, em-
bellisher with precious stones.
In taking out silage for feeding re- LTRI RINE Grain3�.asedi Eyelids;
move an equal depth of the material
i- SoroEyea, Eycs.inflamed by
Sun, Duet end Wind quickly
:From the whole surface daily; this ex- ' �ry� ."xt' relieved by Murine. Try It In
poses the smallest possible quantity "a "" vour Byes aedin Baby's Byes.
of. the silage to the air and so pre- �R L. doSmartieg,JustEyeCamfort
g At Yonr 1)800 irt'a or 6Y
vents excess spoiling. 181)1ne ilO'ye lfteetedy mail nanpeehotrllc, e9arlae
afro salve, In T,hoe 25e, Far (1011 of the Tye- Fe01,.
, .i1 X1) rine Eye 1t(ciaedy Co., Obifealro 0
Mousy Orders.
Sind a Dominion Express Money
Order. They are payable everywhere.
Cleanliness is a matter of teemen-
cents a ilex :from the Dl:. Williams' I dolls importance in everything that
M,uciiefne Co., Brockville, Ont, taenia to keesl Gertmul inliuence Out. `--- pertains to fond. r
D Germany sought to stir up unrest in The City of Lyons has opened a
iamoncl Cutting
For Heroes.
India, but; if Britain retains Mosopi- professional training school for the bitnara's Ltttin)el,t Cares Disteuteer,
When peace is restored WA, Eng' taria instead of: allowing it to fall
land's disabled soldiers return to civil into the hands of the Turks, it will
life they will not he without resources. he impossible :for the Teutons to exer-
Bernard Oppenheimer, who fought for cine that influence. if Britain does,
England in the Boer War, realizes the keep 11, she will establish a base
lot of an ex -soldier who • has to face there." •
life with the handicap of an amputated
highe•.technic•al and scientific develop-
meat Irf. French women.
Mthesd'e r,intmont Cares btphtberla•
Canoes of Maliogatty.
Major John S. Leitch, one of the
leg or arm.' Giltl.,i. WHITEN ,tiliV flee wingers of the Dominion I o estry
L I II 111 btcad, etc.
Its the Tendon Technical (".allege luau li In 1ltuntnUa, who ham been
411.1'1! LEMON JUICE r -F-.---e___.---_,
about 100 limbless soldiers ni'c being 1 Ottl . r:t:i from the beginning of theire
taught diamond rutting. '.11he scheme
A Quick t . rr.
kk Kellet
tor aadaehe
A headache is frequently caused
by badly digested food; the gages
and acids resulting therefrom
absorbed by the blood which in
turn. irritates the nerves anri
causes painful symptoms called
headache, neuralgia, nceuma".
• tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of
Mother Seli;el's Syrup will correct
faulty digestion and afford relief.
Haul A Load &Ch Way
Crops must be hauled to town, and
fertilizer must be hauled home.
Why Not Combine the Trips?
a,rrxuva^. r+ S.s 'rya
you take r x '. "
load la �,
to town
Plan 60.Hcrut A . 4z.,u Of
Sprarlu Fertilizer
of the
l,' at." trip
tr'l ')
Play safe and get your fertilizer
stored in your own barn. War con-
ditions have ;)ccreosed the supply of
fertilizer, and increased the d.:rnnud.
Co-operate 6Yith Your %`cater
Pew dealers have suirieient morose space.
Shipments In leas than capacity car learts—
ucc cd
even re-
to 50 tons
—we now—enable
Order n
ew—en¢blc your dealer to
combine orders and make y ua r ply cos
toad. when car arrives take your Part of
the fertilizer directly from )C—tree the
car for other uses.
Order Staring Eartitizar IVO'W
name time help relieve rur ailroad congestion.
Send for literature to Department 45
Soil lsoiprevelraeerot Committee
Lit, the National Ferti(izerAssaclatioa
ratkiTdetmh Bldg.: Chicago the Mangey Bldg.,ta0_u"_
The soy bean is a specie of the bean
family having seed ports. It closely
reSelublee the navy bean, but takes
longer to cook and requires 1101'0 heat:
It is used for baking and in soup.
There is luso a flour form of sop heart
has been se successful that Oppm,- payee a beauty lotion for a few cents
ee-) heimer has started building a block, of to remove tan, freckles, sallowness,
factories in Beighlron, where nt'm•e Your grocer has the lemons and any
than 1,000 will be able to learn the drug store or toilet Counter will sup-
tea(ie. Six months is the period of ply you with three ounces of orchard
training allottedlhe soldier workman. white :for a few cants. Squeeze the
On cnmpletioll of the training Oppen- ,juice of two fresh lemons into a: bottle,
heimer offers them a guaranteed mini- then putt in the orchard white and
7 ke wall. Phis maitre a quarter
t totay in the factory and pant of the very boat lemon ricin
,mute of three years employment of s 10
they care s whitener and complex en beautifier
a lmhtiilnnm waged p10 a tussle. known, ' Massage 'this :fragriult,
creamy lotion daily into the fuse,
neck, arias and handy end just sou
how freckles, Inn, sallowncsa, refinery,
and'rouglincsa disappear and how
smooth, soft and clear the shin lie-
eomeA'. Yea! 11 is harmless, and the
b0 51111ul results will surprise you,
It is hardly pneelble to realize the
lash of knowledge of proper gardening
Methods which exists among tho :turni-
ing population of certain portio 15 of
the country.
1kfllna'drrl Llilltn°at tures '«(1.1581 fu Clow
war v.ith the Royal Fusiliers in Biit-
i h leest, Africa, writes a:: follows:
'Out in the tropics the majority of
rivers can be crossed by a standing
jump as it were. Rivers such as Can-
ada ]itis aro a great surprise to the
tropical man. "'What canoes are here.
010 dugouts made by native's mut of
solid mahogany or teak trees. They
take Months to make and are very
heavy, I have yet t0 see the first
African malting a portage with his
canton 011 his back, • Some of these
tames are big enough to take 80 men
or 8''4 tons of stores"
Minitter5 xrittliitoltt Cuter; twee, 0100,
'flue Wotst tiling about many ma-
chine spuds II chicken,
1 'SUKN 17-'-'.187
Ranroad Meat
These men itnova from experience
that Sloan's Linimcn_ tr:il•take the
sti6ner; cut of joints and the sorsa
non out of musdcs--And it's so
convenient! No rubbing required.
I t quickly 911110rnte1 a:.d. brings .re-
lief. ]rase to apply and cleaner than
mussy plasters or ointments.
Acv have n bottle is the house
for rheumatic echos, la -:- back,
sprains and strains.
Generous sized hot t:ca 1 dru
o1a ,soweileny: Plate: Savor: Cur(oei
rvriniatnresl 1Plobutes: rfeedlowvr7c; T,aaoa
Oil) 01115111 Gat g01 001 OrL•ryYaaP 191.
W1400110141 Maps: arable tnrare.
Write et, Penn by 0)Ipre05 to
In. 111 SO T. anerzs15, Sillattee
A;�'1'Cel C'1 fl 4lal.l.ill .11;c
28 111x40 ae College Street, 0050nto, Out,
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
" OTTO HIGE#e,.rr
SELO' , .l SEE
a big knee like this, hot your horse
may have a dwell or bruise on 100
ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat.
will clean it off without laying., 01
tl(c horse. No blister, no hat:
0 few
gone. Concentrated -only
drops required at au application. 712 per
bottle delivered. D ca•e for .n1)v,
and nook 31 free. A00 I, 48..de natl.
uformankind, reduces Painful Swellings.Enlarged Wandswens, Moises, Varicose vein,: allays
Pain and inflammation. Price 01 and $0bottle Ai drugging
s(If11111n11111II1111.1III 111 1111.1i111111.
.130.1yllig piE9roijtr)-
d' 7, You'11 enjoy,buving in 5
Toronto. The big
stores aro s1) busy and�
le attractive. And the range of mer-
chandisc is no extensive that it
;: certainly a great pleasure -buying
in Toronto.
And tills pleasure is the greater
because you can stay et the most
o f table of home -like hotels
a House of Plenty) wlrere'every at-
tention is given to ladies and chlid-
ren travelling without escort.
3 And your purchases may be dello
;i erect there for you and retieve you
,tj of all worry.
3W When you come be sure you rtay at
The Walker House W
The house of Plenty
rattf11lilt 1II IIII IliIII
ee gestiooas to Childless
or delivery ( £"J
41 f YOUNG 0 tl F Ii10 Lymans Bldg., blantrsal, Can,
V 'emcees
sksorb;uc and Absorbinc, Jr., ora sada In Canal&
! Among the virtues of Lydia E.
' Pinkhem's Vegetable Compound is the
ability to correct sterility in the
' cases of many woman. This fact is
(1 5 well estubliahcd as evicleneecl by the
, 'nli r it • following letter and hundreds of others
wo have published in these 0010515.
S Poplar 1108 Blulf„ Mo. ---"I want other .
,vom 'n to know what a blessing Lydia
Itched and Burned. Wanted -; E.Pinkm
to Scratch AU the Time.
Soarcely Any Sleep.
"When I was fifteen years old, ecze-
ma came in a rash, first on my head,
then on my ears, and
,oe„ afterwards on my body,
'-'?"-1-".2.5„.:,,1% It was very pained and
fel.; rc= was itching and burning
so I wanted to scratch
all the time. I scarcely
had any sleep.
"After fused four cakes
of Cuticura Soap and six
boxes of Ointment I was
healed." (Signed) Mrs. R. H. Carlton,
Country Steep Creek, Sask..,1� eh. 6, '17.
Clear the pares of impurities by daily
use of Cuticura Soap and occasional
touches of Cuticura ointment.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sold evarywlere.
ir 1l,
Green feed is essential to the health
of laying hens, and it must he remem-
bered that only healthy hens can lay
table Compound has
been toinc.I We
110,1 always wanted
baby in our helve
but 1 was in poor
health and not agile
to rhmy work. l-111
mothoer •Incl hus-
hand both urged me
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ham's Vegetable
Compound. I did
so, my health fm-
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Compound makes women normal,
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