HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-24, Page 6. oRmAN'UALJL.. MP CRAMER v.-00.14'4> ilualCIPO. Pat into the MMIcneSS, ;Whenb eese Wee 'Aimed at • e,ef, waled peas:tints who form the major- Ae we cane.; Within the range of Yell back into the teem)) Witheut ity'of the Italian troop e (ff. theie Yens - HUN TRICKS IN Meant towne etel mild that hundrede ALSACF LORRAINE eithene, moistie women Ansi chi!, • a dIS iem, lied beets Meet down by British ' • RICH PRIZE ITALY'S UNDOIN(; L171""alhl" Cl".e331111""1; nisi:ore order oe templed under feet by Fetnieli nevalry eedered ;to ee, Charge the &meld of tlefeneelesseho- ENEMY'S PLAN ;WAS TW(W.00, pie asking foe breast, Tilden Aecounts Were .ellorie often Mei/MOM:0,as if inu, Wined by the eedsor, and weeded m sae)) A way as \ convinee eimple SAYS CORRE,SPONDENT, rate fire., we again changed...our tormn- ciy. L waS a i • , i: tion, and merehed in single filo elope would net hove :believed that o hMet Ale edge, or the, road. The sharp, could no horribly disfigore one. 11fe creek! of small arms now, \Yes given first aid by' the light ot a seueded with v.ieions and oniinoes die,candle; but it WAS MOOS, Silently tincenees. We hosted the meltmeholy ; his coserades 'Vemoved his idol:tithe- 4ong of the rieochets and spent.bullets,' Von disk end *nipped biln in e as they whirled in a wide are, high', blanket. "Poor old Weal" they said, over oity heads, and occasionally the l An hoer later he was buried in a shell • lese pleasing plilterne! of thosehole at the beck of the trench, • . 4PeedIng etreight from the moezle till One thing we learned during otie 0 German rifle, We breathed more first night in the trenches woe of the he/01Y when we elites:eel bus commithi-lverY firstimPorthnee. And 'that was., ration trend in the seater of a little i reepect for our eneades. We eame thicket, a mile or moee back of the from England :tell of absurd pews, fieet-line trenches. - paper tales about the German soldier's mare we at, but the defeat of the Italian finny We wound in and out of whet ap- , inferiovity, as a fiethting petered in the darkness to be a hope-luid read that be Was a Wratebed woe not the' main bbjectiVe of the - less labyrinth of earthworks. Cross-!meeksman: he would not stand up to el„ustro-German Wort againet Italy, sti cets and alleye idd off in every, the bayonet: whenever opportunity of which was also expected ' to weaken , direction. All along the way we badfend he crept over and gave himself the resistance of the coentvy, provoke , glimpses or dugouts lighted by can -I up: he was poorly fed and clothed mid widespread agitation for peace and dles, the doorways cerefullY concealedi wee SO W0411117 of the war that his ox- above all destroy the faith of the pee - with blankets/dr pieces of old sackinge floors had to drive him to fight, at the , , ., e • lite ,in the valor of their avmy id its 0 roues of anommies, in comfortable I rouzzlds of their revolvers. ' We nooks and centers, were boiling teal thought him almett beeeeeli contempt. leaaer,s, or frying bacon ever little stoves model We were convinced in a night that we The Emperor Of Austria announced of old iron buckete or biscuit tins. Iliad greatly enderestitriated hie abili- thaeoffensive against Italy in terms / marveled at the eleill of our trench ties as a mnrksman. .As for bis- ell- which left rio,doubt as to As - main ob- • guide who,eyent confidently on in the ' Mind !inferiority as a fighting 1050, jectiv.e. 'It, will not be necessary for • darkness, with scarcely a pause. At I one of the Gloucesters put . it rather you to shed rem blood," he told his length, after a winding, zig.ztig jeer- •Well:— . trop,"as out..enemiee will help you ney; we arrived at slur trench where . "'Ere! If Vie Germans is so blonmin' . , . . to haeten nonce" The fact that the we met the Glonceetees. rotten, 'ow is it we ain't aefightin"em a \ ' There isn't one of as who has ei't, sommevs along the Rhine, or in Aus, Austro-yermans counted more upon a MUM »pot RI his heart for thei try -Hungry? No, they ain't a-firin, a revolutien in Italy than on an in- Gloucesters: they welcomed us eo I wild, I give you my word! Not heartily and initiated us into all thee arouncl this part o' France they ain't!. mysteries of tveneite °title -tette and, Wot do you see, Jerry?" treech tradition. We were, at best; I Jerry made a most illuminating con - bit AmateurTommiese In them. I t tribution to the discussion of Fritz recognized th,e lineal. descendentofas a fighting man:— •: the Atkiese;men whose grandfath1 ers "I'll tell you wet! If ever 1 gets lied ;fought m the Crimea, and whose throbgh this 'ere war; if I 'aithe luck fathers in Indian mutinies. They; to go 'ome again, with me eyesight, were : the fighting sons of fighting 1 Pll never feel syfe w'en I sees a girdle and they taught es more of life; Fritzie, melees- .I'm a-lOokin' at 'im in the trenches, in fwenty-four hours, I through me Peeise0110 from helnd a than we had lehrned during nine''hit o' cover,' 'e.g.,. . Mbethe of training in Englencit A1 n Howeuree i 1 to ftesea really eciVid pic- infantryman of my company has a lure of :trench life as I saw it for the : - very kindly feeling toward one of first timee how make it live for others, them who probably saved his life be, fore 'We had been in the trenches five ininutes„ Our first question was, of when I remember that the many .des- criptiee aceounts 1 had read of it in England did not in the least visualize 1 course, s• • Cidef Ohjecelye Woe to g. Proyeire Re/VW. Hilikelffedly special circumstances had to be taken into acconet Ole Itallau Cover:Arica befove full par- ticulates explaining the euccess oe the great Aestre-Gernme offensive against Italy could with safety, be Masle public, leafs a Rome corvespond, ent, • -ft, is well known that' the enernY'e plan waS twofold. In the fleet place a seesational Military success was aimed HOW for is it to the German it for red? . 1 watched the rockete . • e lines ?'s .and in his eagerness to see, my rising from the_German bees • watched -feltow Tommy jumped up on the fin there burst into points of liht, over troops, who they hoped could be easily ' ., iese-bench for a . look, with a 'flighted the devastated strip -of country called deceived end thrown into a state of ceeeeette id his mouth. He 'wee pelted "Ne -Men's -Land". fled drift slowly, Panic. down into the trench just as 0' rifle down. • And I watched the charitable Ry thus overcoming the reswalreee- exiles mid found work ter all, either • cracked and 'a bullet went sing -g -g , shadows rush back like the very wind of the Italians and humiliating tbe in agricultural labor, 10 printing'hooks s -from the parapet precisely Where he Of darkness. The desolate. landseane tinny the Anstre•Gennans'felL eastern dad 'templets on liberty and flume peep e wou c rise and- insist rights; or in the ordinary tenches cone liad, been standing. Then the Glou- emerged from the gloom and receded thet the 1 I 1 ' •• ' • cester gelve hints friendly little he- again, like a seriee of pictures thrown o; oe, The plan, although care- Inc!? to Viligg(' Me' The. Russians Screen' An of this was s° fillryl-pci.e.pa-red, failed. As was to be . • . . 'turd which none of us afterwarde for- uPon /a .ousit. nee" houses and took cottages got . • - : e new, 'so terrible, I doubted its reality. eevected, however, tt metein amount 01'0u1 en Southbourne itself, teal went • "Now, look 'ere, son! Never get Indeed, I doubted my own identity, As lip for a !squint at Fritz with a fag .on! one does at times when brought face of succese attended the Austro -Ger- on Printing the literature that was 'E's got every sandbag along this to face with some experiences which man propaganda among the troops) spreading Toletsey's doctrines in every' parapee numbered, same ae we'Ve got calmed be compared with past egged- whose deficient resistance had dl- ;Part,or the world. They began book - Is snipers is a-lyin' fee us same ences err even measured by them. ,I estrous - eesielts. Rad these troop binding,. ern), in some of the houses. as ours is a-layin' fer am." •Then, greyed darkly, for some new truth held out the a ) o ie e 1 b tl g 5. i n t y le enemy s So prosperous did tbe community be - ain't arsigin' to !avemo burial parties. bonier of consciousness. But I Was PP - Y Details . of the 'stratagems esed be, .C-131.181;°41/1.°• Wate"warics (‘°"1"" - stiff, stand up Lv'ere t.his guy lit the Venture that it did licit come to 'me Success DM to Pieleagendle. How it Was that this propaganda among the soldiers WAS )1011 discoVer- ed no combated by the officers in cern- 15 a mystery 'which 'cannot be exPlained, ' No explanatioe is. needed why the Italians whose Inhale were thus poisoned weve unneeved turn dis- couraged to sneh an extent that they hivedly opposed any reeisteme to the eneeny'e attacks and obeyed the or - dors of the false.officers to retire. • The success, of • ;the Austro -German offensive agtylast Italy Was OZ4011.1S/rOlY due to peoPegaude and mean 5trata- gems which killed the valor of •the. Italian troops aid lost the bard won results of two years and a half of war. ' - A RUSSIAN VILLAGE IN ENGLAND, Modelled After" the Plan of a Com- munity of Peasants In Their Nome Land. 1» lengland there a village in \flitch all oil the inhabitants are Rus- sians and In ernich the religion, work, ensioins and language are all times of vasion of the country as the first re- Russia. '11 is Tuekton, which lies in sult of their offensive can be ' easily the panels or Christchurch, on the prove.d. . Southbeuree side of the river Stour, The Comte Foe Looked For Revolution. unity had ,its beginning No doubt they eepected to drive several yeam ago ct-'1111/1 Al, Vladimir the Italians out of Austrian territory, Tchertkorr came there to 050000 froth P.ussian opmession, eays tie Engifsh but they Made no pie:wish:in foe an ex, tenshre invasion of Itelee. Had they ' .D8149(11°1. He bee been a wealthy done so they would have had sufficient lanademer in Rusein mid en officer 30 the imperial Guards, but fie became a. cavalry not only to prevent the re- treat of the Italians from the Isonzo convert 10 the wisdom or Count `Pols- but also to overtake and outdistance toy and erierwards wee that uoted Man's chief frleed and 'helper. the retreating armies anehireiede Ven- ice and Lombardy before the Italians M. Toltertkoff made his home at could resist on the Tagliamento. le-.• what was then celled Tucktou House, •stead they pinned their Nth on a ve- 1 a largo residence with eight or ten yelation end relied on propaganda acres of land about it, and. ha brought among the simple minded Reline , with hiln friends and dependeuts who I id the foundation of what is 110W a rair-sized colony. At Tunkton Teher- he weleomed Marty: other Rusetan tinning to the'rest 'of us, "Now, we which was. flickering just beyond the would have been sto ed and nal come that M. Tchertoff finally leased would not have been invaded. the disused prethises of the old But if any of you blokes want s to be so blinded by the. glamour -of the ad- . - then. Later I understood. It was the Austro -Germans agaiest the nal- for his printing establishment, - - Theve were .iet any takers, and a my first glimmeringeneelizetion of the 1011 troops holding. Vie weakest, point The villagd el' Timeton is one or the . r, 'LUl )lStIlIty ' on the front are now available and most peacete in -51egland, and all its moment. later. /Another Millet struck a sandbag in the, same spot. "See? '3d spotted. you. 'MI keep aepottin away at that piece tor an •'hour, 'Opirt' to Catch you lookin' over .again, Less see if We can 1104 'im, SECRET OF FOOD CONSERVATION ' Give us that hischit bit, $nery," . .; Then we learned the biscuit -tin- obey :the "Food Controller" en Your - finder trick for locating snineet.. It's Tongue—Chew More. - only approximate, et course, but it gives a peetty good hint at the diree- "Chew your food wen," Silye Goad .tion from which the shots come: It Health. The biggest waste of food doesn't work in the daytime, for a In tills eountry grows out of hasty snipee is to clever to fire et it. But eating. Half -chewed food is half di- e biemeit tin, set ou the parapet at gested, The other hair is wasted. v BerYbodY has a "feud controller" bank of his tongueeLan active force .the jagged etigee of tin around the of food dietatOrs—about forty of them, .bunet boles. Theo, as the Gloucester the PoPilice eireurnevallate (put your tongue far out and you cea see these wart -like Every 05.55111,1 is a food inepeetor, it professiolial taster and food dictator, Sbus 0510 IIW of war • • (To be continuede.. night m a 'baby smped position, is almost certain to -be hit. The angle from which •the shots come is shown by said, Give un a meg little April ehOwer out o' yer machine gun in that direction. Yeti may fetch 'ine , But if you don't, 'e )..on't bothev you no more i011 all 1101.11' or two. We learned how orders are passed an expert In food economy that' 'will down ,Lhe line, from sentey to seeigy,i infallibly ten you, when you bare eat. quietly, and with the speed of a Man en enough, it given a rair chalice to miming, We learned how the sentries peetorin ite ftmetion. • • ave posted and their duties. • We saw Ir you 1111.the mouth hopper so ,fcs[ the mtricute mazes Of telephone wires, teat the food morsels have to be and the mon of the signaling corps at sWallowed like after-dinner pills, the their posts in the tresen enches, in --- ------ rood-slins be the ineneetoi 11110111SOIN ed 111 1111/0111/011 with brigade, divisional. . , -. '. - . - - --:!---- - and the dietetor doesn't have thne to and army corps headquarters. 'We ' • learned how to "sleep" five men in a gal OilL 5111 "Injunction," Use reasons for their being withheld residents live in almost ideal Onli- ne longer ixist. Instead itis right that munistie fashion, Teey toren ledeed-modification during the Roman period they shoeld be' known to contradict a large hand of exiles, brought. to- by the aerival or a German peoplei, the in Pi.ace. • the reports sPread by the•enemy, who gerrlsr as brothers, laboring for the r -* • ' ;1 L th War is a dreadful thing, and \ve all. WII,L OE ONE DETERMINING IS, SHE OF GREA,T This .1.1"sivongi LandRes Woo :tile Vaa.t ball of Kluge and Itulere From lately theye. Signe aecumulate that Aleace-Lor- eaine will he one or the determining essees of the chenille» of the Great Wev, France, backed by.Britain and the United States, insists that the.Wel. mast go on until this rich territoey (gm be restored, while Germany is ee,yet igen' mood to consider suesh a Rane., That a war miming mole than half the world eend ceiling out nearly 40,000000 soldiers ehould in at lefer stages comientrate largely on the ries- eeesion' of a plot of 5,000.m:tare twice is one of the inernes of the.. (methyl:, The bitternens of the struggle •shows the _deep-seated sentintent • of both Femme tied Germany, the,fonner to regain her lost pro:vinces .the tatter to hold what she had takee by the sword irt 1871. Since the Conquest the children of France have had hat- red or Connelly eonsteently intIlied th;rough the etorY of cruelties during that war. Smiling and Proeperous. Roughly speaking, Aleace-Lorearne might be compared in size with that belt of southweeteen Ontario between Hamilton and Windsor mid north to the Guelph and Steatfard line.; It is one of the prized portions eir leekope, industrious and . thieving, a smiling farm land, with -prosperous industeies in the cities. It is largely a plain, reaching pp to the Vosges Mountains on .the west, With their peaks snow - (Sapped half the year. Corn, wheat, barley, potatoes, flax tobeceo. and grapes are scene of the fruits Of its fertile soil, and copper, iron end coal come !from •Les hills and moun- tains. In A word, it is a salt -of -the - earth region, of the kind that makes trade aed wealth for the nation that owns it.: Its cities—the largest being Strassberg, in Alsme—and which -com- prise about half the population, are noisy with the hum of.spindles, for here is the meet important cotton in- dustry of' Germany. Little wonder such a favored land should be made the football of 'hinge and: rulers. From a very early period it has been ,a dispeted territory, and has suffered much in succeeding' wars. The Romans held R for nearly five centuries; and then it passed 'melee the sway of the Feanks.,, Beth Alsace and Loveable underwent territorial varia- tions, and were the posseseion of dif- ferent princes and kings for several centuries, until Strassbeeg pasted to France in 1697 and Lorraine in 17(10. During. the cenLuriee of mediaeval weefure . there were considerable changes in the character of the popu- lation. Originally Celtic, there came a 11'ootball of Kings. Food Co trot Corner -gee, Benefits amounting in' the Image. gate to teleilly thoesends .of dollars Inwe been keened for the publie isp .tei31.°1111r1;g":(1!he°90170110:41or et-X:e4a81111i8)0191111esestriv; peekeges, The prObibition of the etele of ettell erns/ducts in original pack, ages of lees. time twenty pounds, ex,. eept under Meese, end :the refused to home licenses 11' the price cherged •to Wetfid have been inereaseee—in Immo heel kent the price of. sueb paekages ceses by es much as :five. .cems• pet Tem edVancing, deSPite the inerease in the cost of. most el' the cereals, in portion to.the cost of the new trusteIlal, bulk, Theve nen be 'no donbli that had vidalicieus.umer woke oat of due Pro-. it not. been foe the attituee takee by the Feeld Oentreljer the price of many al!. the package cereals on thei merliet IleAenseltuihmavbcerbeel restfliPiPseicir otli.°;c111:1alylfe°J, pendnig changes by the menefacturers to eomply with the Food Controiler's _regulates -ie. One firm selling cereal Moducto in two-poand packages hus- agreed to increase the net ,weight of pontents frem two to two and onethelf pounds, leaving the selling price the same, as,a result of the Food•Coetrol- ler's ruling that the peke charged to the consumer WAS 011t Of proper pro - Portion to the cut of the product in bulk and his refusal to issue a license until a satisfactory readjostment was made. The difference will be made up by Bonk reelection 115 the met of pack- age and other selling expenses, In'the case of a nurither 'or package seeeleities it has been found that the public were being charged a price which, in the, opinion of the Food Con- troller, was too high. it is the Food Controller's policy to encourage. the consumption of cereal products in the simplest form in 'which they ere even - able for direct human consumption. He will require that the cost of pack- age should only represent a small part of the selling price. High advertis- ing expoesesetuo, will not be consid- ered es a justifiable souse foe an ex- cessive price. 'Very ithpovtant advantages are promised to the consumer by reaeon of the requirement that the weight. of the net contents must be .legiblg. stamped on each package. It has been foend that in many caees there 150 wide difference in the contents of packages of the same • size. Under CANADA'S CHARGE OF LIGHT BRIGADE WHEN CAMBRAI WAS WITHIN • BRITISH GRASP. 0 How Canadian Cavaleymen Pessetrated peen into German Line, .Rut Was Recalled, Of Cenada's Charge of the Light Brigade, of the magnificent (testi of Fort Clart:y Horse anei mime of the Strathconas tipsiest the Gennep lines near Cambrai, a participant told The London Telegram recently. The horseman bad been over to reeelee bbs decoration from the King, and in the telling of the tale his demeanor WAs a mixture of pride and triumph for' this eiffendid feat of aims, and of chagrin that this little van of the eavalry charge had not been followed up by the gTeat masses of British lidera which weee waiting reeerve. wes Balaclava all over again— just a handful charging an army, go- ing right through the battery smoke, ' sabring the gunners, and ell the rest of it," exclaimed the narrator. "It, was simply magnificent. Awl then, when we had got away with .it, and rushed the enemy off hie feet, and had him in full retreat, ut- terly surprised and stampeded—tbern the new regulations, however, the %Alen the biggest smash -through the manufacturers will be required to British army hes ever had the chance guarantee that the package contains to make WAS right in ouv mitt, the at least: the amount printed upon it. tholisands of riders behind us failed to ,There is reason, also, to believe that come up, and we were recalled. It was purchase of cereal •Moducts in. bulk heart -breaking.. Our Colonel is a bit- tern been etimulated by the report of terly disappointed man. We had Cam- ille Special Committee of the Food grai apparently in our grasp, and by Controller's Office. The report taking it would have flung the Hun eniphasized that even at to -clay's 1r;" buck' Now we must wait, al- ,rbiell 'ere closer to the bulk though we shall get Cambrai sooner or later, don't worry. Doubtless the higher command knew something 550 didn't know, and held back the cavalry in this anticipation, but at first sight it does seem as though 'they might INVENTIONS FOR WAR. have taken a chance. However, -who 'knows? - Many of Them be Found 'Useful prices than they weve beipre the war, • ill t 1 1 t ceteale n be c ate s -teepee o e conmuner than those sold in packages, --4•• takes good care not to attribute the l good °r humanitPi theY eeerY success of the offensive. against Italy 1 s°11; of well-educated men From Ros- etta as well AS oT the luwer peasantry. At Tuelgon you may meet and talk with clever journalists, phy- sicians, lawyers, university folk, los'. to treachery or deceit. A Ruse de Guerre. Thus the enemy bulletins omit to mention the rusee de giterre they re- "lor• wealt4 twine and allstwrais sorted to, These included_ the sending ol' Russia, 11110 11A.WII all either escaped of detachments of creatath troops the clutches of the, authorities who wearing Italian uniforms into the used to serve the czar or have velem Italian tretuthes to provoke panic and tartly exiled themselves in order to confusion before the attack. Afimy share In :carrying out the enlighten- Bulgarien officers who received their meet of the: mesas or their renews. military training in Italy and acquired .11.01.11 this secure tweet or 'freedom by 515005' Jil manni, also German tribes, came to hope the lame will soon co)ne when 'Alsace, and then the Franks, who there will be no ;need fot• nations fight- '2 o'clock in the afternoon—the main drove the Alarnanni into the south. eeen 'for the sake of justice. Yet • body or the Fort Garrys having re - \Von Him the Victoria Cross. "I suppose you have read how we. (lashed into Mesnieres village right behind the tanks? It Was then about Since that period the population has been Mainly Teutonic, Deepite the re- cast Ifeench• occupation, Se per cent. have German as their mother tongue no;., and the balance French or a pa- tois of French. Three-fifths or the people are Roman Cathollee, tis' e ec o wa evevy whit Sete as may be easily caved orders from Headquaeters. to remain in the village—that Major• moic . , Henry Sheehan, whose exploit won 'sonic of the most wonderful inven- him the V.C., rode out on a cavalry. Hone ever puezled out by the brain of , 1,„id whier, wth forever le, raviolis in . - man have been made to kill, to maim, the military apnals of Canada, Mes- to destroy the enemy and to aid, ad..; „iel.„ ‘5.05) ahma see „ones. jo advance . nuke, peoteet those who are in the .01. the original British line. Struchae . Annexed by Connally. business of killing. And as seine of l and his borseme» advenced at least The WAX of 1870-71 was a sore trial- these inventions, more or less changed 1 another six miles into enemy territmy. a guent knowledge -not only of Italian the charming banks or the Stour. for Alsece-Lorraine. The early bat- to meet peeceful conditions, will be! provinces and Strassberg after a se- tirely new, others improvements on ! informant, ties wore on the territhey of the two used after the war, smne being in u.se, ther ls, :Irina ull- I towards the Roche rear," (teetered my "Strachan's men rode stvaight back who was not with this vere bombardment, destroying ninny methods remedy /11'011, "111111 they saw little in the; old bedhlings, was captured. The therefore, a tlemdect gain to be re-; '!hear so much of. They als'o encoun- way ;•"ef the -formidable defences we Germansewith their usual aggressive- corded through indulging in war, tared very' little opposition. They ran nese, at once assumed the civil and 'rhe sulmiarme tor dredgmg and the yeilitavy government, and Put German observation 01 channel bottoms, the' up against Scattered troop::: and a few officials in charge of the railways. perfected torpedo for the destructoei machine gunners, and some field are but also of 'the Piedmontese and other Among the hardest wonted and the dialects willingly helped their Anstro_ busiest or all the settlers in this Eng - German masters. list) hamlet Is M. Tebeetkorr eimself, Wearing Italian Weems' uniforms, for he oversees everything, and ads they rushed over to the Italian lines -as Ihe "little father" of the whole anci ordered the soldiers .10 retire, community. Ile moulde 1115 05511 lite They were naturally mistaken Tor real on the simplest plain he eats frugal - Italian officers and.'their orders were iy, and. furnishes hie Olvn rooms as Herein lies sonte hint of what Cerman of wrecks: and derelicts, the caterpillar ; linery al' a Taney heavy type. Stra- obeyed. . . ' plainly as if ho were the lowest of the oceupation Would mean to any land of tread for heavy trucks end loads over ,chan's men just rushed at these Huns Important positions 'which cOrild peasants., The whole eamlet is gellited the Allies they were fortunate to can- any kind of ground, motor lorries 'for ' and killed them. One Foit Garry cm- easily- be defended were eonsequently In' him, and modeled et if it were AA thee, Requisitions weve demanded on transportation in general, the im- 1 penal actually, after killing a machine aba»dened- tele lioi e -eommunie tion ordinary Russian village of peasants a large scale, awl paid for in checks Movement ill exravati" as practised !emitter, turned his gun against sortie ...four-hy-six clegoille and, when there' If you will Oat considerable (1ry, were cut off and guns 55010 destroyed in the heat( or a Ruseian forest. Ile which WCIVO to be honored at the close in the trenches, the general advance. in other Germans ancl wiped them out. ' are 116 'dugouts, luny to hunch up. on kard food and take care to avoid hate as these false officers shouted in good nod those he Inn:mints for the purpose or 'the weir by whichever side was in shipping, the adoption ot me, and! One field batierY they surprieed fieed the firing-bdnehes with our waterproof ey andwill chew each morsel or Mon Italian "Si salvo chi nem!" (Let those leek tiller tha excellent sanitation, the the impleasant position of the con, wonderful methods in hospital man- . its guns et point-blank fi.om a dis- ilieets ewer. One heads, and tithe, with thortniglily, poet. rood dictator evill save themselves who can). et is re_ health, the eleonfineas or the settle. grieved. Of course France lost, and agemerli and eurgerY are some or the . tome or about one hundred yards, The . our knees for a pillow, We learned work automatically and- will shut the Ported that these spurious officers meln. They take note of any domes. bee burden of indemnity kept the benefits the war will bring. ;Huns missed, and the next instant our the order of precedeece for troupe in Truly in this matter of wars, , , • es well . • • ., •" • • - . . . .. . .. • , appetite gate at Just the right time...-. knew the iyatchword to Tess the Hal- tie.errangements aniong new workers etmetey poor for almost a generation. hoes. w etc lolling them with their the- communteation teencees. . ..,,,,,„„ 1 ' most things that are generally I . • . - • s good you have eater) all yeu need, - ian sentries on outpost duty aed a cer- that are llol as satisfactory ass they When peace terms we discussed in 00 •11 • b ., , 1 . . i !geoids in the Obi st5101" - ' "Never forget that! Gavin' troops: '''"'" 'as- riele o' Way. They t 'ad eheW, nheW AS long es ihereere tain eniount of treachery is. therefore shoilld lie, and fiesta 00 an immediate February, -------------- eek at once dee unfortunate, et e Lent in the oldH .elmost. Reached (embrei, alieration; they act es guidee and no rest, ale they're All slathered in 8115 11:11".111 r°°d. That's °no swIleaed mud, likely, no' dead heat for sleep.'thing we chew toie-te crest and sett- .• Theomi„, tr„ops is ergo), en, ; they,' en the reed so that we den detect and staede • to e1111 411110 to lel the others, elljOY 110 flavor. . pass," • e I 'Food. hurriedly eaten le only half ttp- We SAW the listening patrols seb out' predated. The flavor Is mulled 02 at at night, theough the underground before the "teeth lit d " 1 v fon th , pae ,ssage -which leads to the far side of the, barbed-wire entnnglemeas. 110/ong end 'the thrth 14 itlia ;hove are taste buds in tge stomach:. From therethey rreep far out between The Talmud tells or a man of glut. the opposhig lines of treeehes, to keep f toilette disposition who wished that Ise watch upon the tooroments othe enenlY) -end to report thc presence of hen a neck like a crane a mile long, ;ifs worleing parties or patrols. This and that he could taste bis food all IS dengorous, neeve-trying work, for the way down. the men scot out upon it are exposed One doesn't need a longer throat, the retying Itahaes. .1 United States, enys n London weekly, not only to the shots or the enemy, but 'ler owe tasie blnie. If we chew our lt was next to imposeible to rem, 1 The iinioe originally consisted or to the Wild shots of their own corn- food until all the taste ie extracted, garnet, resistanee ellen on fines further ; thirteen 81048, ga, Deetaration op le. tacks as well. I saw one patrol come in just before dawn. One of the 01011 we've gotten all the satieraelion pee- back. The parne speoad 11105111'. Ell- I dependence was sigeed by thirteen brought with hen a. piece of barbed r bilte cut of it, 4tncl it takes only shoot • (ire i.egirnouts got reheat Up. Marph . inenz,antl 11155,0 Ween thirteen stare in The confusion that followed can ewe. mentors to the newaoteevs, and grad- ily be explained. The Willett troops ually teach them what it Is neeessavy fled from the trenches and rushed tee For dwellers in England to lthow nett ward the advancing eeinforeements, at the serne time help' ep raisin their whose progress they Rimester] and true Residue individualism ened ne- wborn to a great extent they (teetotal- tionailtY. . . Ned ernee, as is well known, panic is contagions. The enemy heetened to occupy. the abaridohed 'positions tied attacked the Italians under most eta-. -- vorable circninstances, while Austro.! Geenian aieplanes {Whig low All patriotic A11100IeAlle might to drolaled 1 slime President Wileones better that bombs and opened machine gun (keen ;thirteen , is the. lucky number or the "THIRTEENP! wire, clipped from the German en. 18 as mach. Neel le produce t In diselp Vettelost. 1 1. the eligible fing undor whisli the tanglements two gueiyed aed line sense of entiolv 111111 01/1'i "11111015 11" i IS 011 . .. Mi., 1 1011 8111,0*..$ A 1 e, yards away. • In recent years Horace Snatcher, Sowieg Revolutionary Seeds. 1 voit, "Taffy, 'ave a look at this 'ere, who M01leere0 A: renalesanee of new- Fortunately sortie -resistance 15051 There is n Thirteen Club, 55 0500,' Threegily stuff wet; 5905 eftn 'artily get leg, 11158 erovnd 111011 11 man can live on opposed by detachments who ; held !hay knows in gibs country, wlech PCI nippers through, 'Act to eam, en' hair as touch rood ir he chows well their ground aid rn go retired iood rderm .' em, in 11,1,1111 i:i at file Holborn Res. taw, an' ev'en 1 all het 'ad it, lemmy! ‘and wie enioe hts rood tmoloosoly 1 ! 'rhos worse 5011501.1ene05 Wel'e ElVeh,01., 1/11111111 1, este thirteen tables, end see if they did n't send tip a rocket wot more Nem wh 1 01 i ;-, an w 1)- '1 "a"I and guns and WAV materit, wove ; thirteen at a tame; if possible, end al• bleedin' near 'it me hi the 'end!" . • ' , :, 1 • ,. • "Tyke it to Calibedn Stevens. I without 111111 telert,112 - l' ' eaved 'from posithme where the emmy ! ways hee 115 knives sot crosswise; terds'S? s wanting a hit to shcey. SD (IOWA }MVO 0 AY roar or a roori could „IAN, have OIL Oft every -way 1 but Anwrica na5 a rlidtlY.irlii5(000511 ±8j: a the artilla7 blekee. •'E's fannlle. ; J11:•'1 chew, and gel ePorP. of retreat end eurroended a coeeid- Club, which meets' wheneVer Friday body, eke io chew, end tigive win be 0, ender) number or troOps• fails on the thirteenth or the month, got a bet on with en that Il's three- ply wire. Now, don't forget, 1301,11ei Touch 'im ier a (ample o' packets ce 'lege!" • • ' levee trentendously,interested. At that timeee it Smed ancrediide to me that Men craWled cive' to the German lines in this Manner and clipped plecest of Gemini Wire for soovonies, "Did you licele anything?" 5 Asked hire, - "Tara a flute sorne Fritzle wee a- pleyins of, An' yoe ought to 'eve 'oiled 'gm a-singieri Doleful as SeVend Mee Wete killed mid wound- ed dirnieg the night. • One or thorn ,,00s 50 sentry with • whom I had been 'braking only et few rnomeiste before, Ile ;Was et:null/1g on the firingefeensh eurplits if food, Foe Horne thee befove the emissive be president coesiders himself the the Italian trenches weris deluged irith 51141151081 of men. Ile Anis bore on Fee- inal/Phleto. leaflets and ether Pranted • day, :111 11, graduated on 'Seedily, 31115, (),f ni",1"n tlso :215)1 (55 555113' ," °I,1„Nvi'Mall matter perporting to inform the Ital.. and got married on the same slay end WI", 8858 ielT 001(1101'S 11101 eevolution was rag- date, a Mile later 011; Ms' "xl)elr'ra°m' ran°11., in Italy, where the people had 'rim let& Pro:adorn. Morgan used to Issasa(.1 1 0551 556lIte1 -killillg, rise1i. to intiosse peece. Copies of the defy feta houtstes his n11 treaeeres, Ws) leading 1 tOIiOIS papere, the 0/».- whice ; ware ,,'i 511 50 PrInee'ff ries'e della d'Illatia or IROMO, so cleverly Cate, lemiton, Ilia It 0 it fact that a imitated that 1155558 11)11)080W to sus. tenth or 1151 London streets tire 111111 115 peels theia genuilieness, were distri- 1110 i,usssbor. There le re) thleteett 15 hilted by ilmilsallde affleng the the Strand, Holborn, Westbolam troops in sotee mystenione way. Grove, the InlYnlarketi Ste +Mal 05' These Miens contained srcororts or Street. Le/winks Setiere, Perk telle, itnaginavy revolutionary outheeelss in Thew\ ilneedir streo Tokenboese Netplee, Ilorence, Sicily And other ire- Peed or Lendell Street. eesee eionstuee and mid coesnlerable plaril food for the crop. .. • . The.Theled Slates% Bureau of Pith- twies has annotieced that the meat or whales porpoiseS is, suitable fos' human eonsineptiOrn In texture and eppearenee it vesseue'le• goer, thongh 51 (111'01061` 17011, 1110 L! fI of all fishy; WSW, mended and inners conceded the an- ae age. , "It's an ill wind that blows nobility; l3y tithe time Stradnuesl party had, nexation of Alsace-Lorraine. Theve I cut three lines of German telephone was £1, strong protest from the 109515-g0651•" - The ill wind of war has blown and 1 wires far in ' the reat, and cleared eentatives of the two provinces, and bigger' away .wleit few obstacles 111011 11111:0151deepite the promise of Bismarck to do will blow to mankind mime, or i interpoeed the advance or the in - everything noseible to comiliate the and better ideas conceening ways Dusk was emning on, mid people, 45,000 of them availed them- living for °Mathes and for each other, 1 rolltrY. The little party selves of an Mier to determine under , besides means and methods in delete!, !Pot 00 reiu•rorcements. ' of horsemen, now quite noes) to ('am - which flag they would live, and em- brat, could see a stream or infantry vowfully took their departure for Faith Cure. burying out i11. grout confusion --a . Irvanee in 1872, A. young' (lectern recently took a . thousand'or so scratch troops, saki to Old Straesherg, with its impute. Young leidy to the opera. The certain !have been composed of batmen, clerks. Hon or 180,000, 0 a section of mediae- was late in rising, says .the Force:est, end anyone they contsi. meester at a val Europe. I18 11 /MOW, e.n---l014011 --.,----- and the girl complained el' feeling, momenta; notice, to thy and defend the streets alid the quaint costumes of the fo-iing The doctor • took something ' Once. These Huns proceeded to dig 'Alsatians contrast strang:ely with the . from bis pocket and said: 1 themselves in along a read. Straelum, •neW Pnblie buildings evh.ich replaced "Here, keep this in yinir 515011111; heti expecting reinforcements any time, those deetroyed in the stege of 1870, be iinre and don't swallow it," I selected a neighboring sunken road AS and which give the eity rank next to She 'placed the tablet upon heel a good place to apend the night, A.c- Berlin end Leipeig inthis reepecie . . • ' . • tongue and turned it over And o0±0, I rantingly, into this ready-made trench a . , p; or,Ls ±511510115 , 7 dral dates 'Nen 10 1 5, and the 55550, nnisbed in 1275, 0 all 1ln specimen of i pure ilolhic Reforeeletion ili Quebec. I Reforestation or denuded lands in Quebec gontinues to melte progress, though on a small ecale. The ramie - (nal Jorest -nursery at Berthierville ts to be materially extended. The venire estation work of the Laurenticle COM.- pany is particularly notable. Platting also has been clone by the Rhythm Company and the Vejepscot Compeny, So tan practically all of the foreet planting ha,, been clone on privately - owned hock, but the peovinciel goy. velment, hag now undev consideration the queetion of eyetereatic reforestee Lion or denuded Crown laeds, the crneetioe 1 oue of the highesti poseible frapertanue. Banff is -trimly); a monee or adding flavor LO made -aye]. /neat diitt05, but it would eot diseolve. She felt , the Fort (thery's serembled with their better, however, and, after fl while she ' horses. Several Mph/0M methine took' the tablet from her mouth anal guns were set up and brought into oc- slipped 1± 31110 her glove; she W11.11 run- casional play, just to make the enemy ow to examine, when she was once1 imagine e fair-sized roree , opposed street, lip:11 1 and, unbuttoning hig• therm glove, seid: -15"awn mine at lea, arid sone after "That tablet 501.1 5050 1110 104010 me it A 1nossnp Mejer Streams to feel ever so much better," -She bent velum at once, So the remnant of the mei% hs the light, the tasteless sub- squadron rode back, having several, stance that had given hey such relief. encounters on the way, and foreleg After they bad left the oPora house a German prisoner to ;:how them the the girl stopped under en electric dlrectinn tss Meenieres, which he (1111 over something white and 1.ound in arter alllea Protest:11U", lYina 11"" '1 al her hand, looked up et the elector mid time'. nlld refusing to go du. stantreered, "D-Dleld Why, it's only. a pearl bitterns!" "Everything in the world is his who longs for knowledge and appreciation, Cut pickles into Hey bite end add to and not for possrssios.". -11r1chis 5,155 isolate salad to give relish, Hutton. Berolle washing ebony bruehes fll, 1101 the Soap I» waehing wine einem a little vesoline over the barks. dowe. Close, soft water end 11 PISVO Tilie preVeni the Soda i11 wa- sort cloth witi suir ;clime A lit* 101i rvom injoving the ebony. Care.' tie alcohol poured en the cloth for the and polish with a (117 eloth. fully 01111 the r000rtoo orr afierwanle,1 (Buil polish will make the glees brit.- Hastily dear. )