HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1918-1-24, Page 3CERIUM DECLINE ATTEMPT
Not Acceptable it Present Form
by Centra, 1 OWer"i.
A dompateh faom T3erlin says: An
tlflleial sttttetn.edI issued here on
Thursday, gjving Wee reply by. the
Oentrai Powers to the Ruseialr 'pro-
posals at Brest -Litovsk on Monday,
-"liityslhe Russian proposals concerning
the regions occupied by the,, Centre)
Powers diverge to such a deg'reo from
the views of the Central 1'4\VOre that
m Mgt' present 'form 'they, tu'e unac-
ceptable.. /
The official staantent says the
Russian proposals do not show n
comproniaing attitutde and clo not
swishier the opposite parties on a
,lust hall. Nevertheless, it adds,
the Central Powers again are p1e-•
parcel ,to give a clearly formulated
exprtsaian of their opinions and to
try to And a basis for a compromise.
• For the Central Powers, as ilia -
ti t from the :'ase with Russia, the
-""'nrtotrneement adds, a conclusion of,
)care with Russia has no connection l
with at general ponce and the Cm -deal
Powers are compelled to• continue the
war against their other enemies.
CANADA'S T1ADEs. n ' i r i l-
order.for the arrest of Kt g Fe d t
l3olsllevik PreJmiei Shot at by
Members a Crowd in
A tlospatch from Petrogrefl says;
An automobile carrying Niltola} Le-
nine, the •Bolshevik Premien, was fit eel
upon Monday night, when heves dries
a meeting of the Council' of
Paople's Commissaries, Faux shots
were fired. Lenine was not Mulct, but
the bullets shattered the windows of
the anttolnobile and a Swedish Socialist
with the Premier was *ended in the
hand, The attack was made just out-
side the ball \in which belted been ad-
dressing 8,000 of the Red Guard, who
were going to the •front. AS his auto-
mobile .swung. through the e'ow3 her
shots flashed in the darkness. One of
the bullets missed its Mark by only
a few inches. Scores of arrests ' were
Rumanian Monarch to be Tm-
• prisoned at Petrograd.
A 'despatch from Petrograd says:
Premier Lenine or Thursday signed nil
Aggregated $2,06S,-40,991 For
Last Nine Months of 1917.
A de patch from Ottawa, Ont., says:
-For the nine months of the fiscal
year ending Dec. 91st, the total trade
of the Dominion aggregated $2,058,-
4(10;071, as compared -with $1,.7700,337,-
790 9'or the same period last year. For
December alone it was to the value of
$213,30t3,644, as against $201,193,194
for I)etetnber, 1916. Exports from
the Irorainion for the nine months'
perik& included, domestic products t0
the value of $1,257,684,900. Domestic
exports for the same period last year
were to the value of $861,529,513.
Those figures are exclusive of coin
and bullion.
First 5,000 Volunteers of New
' " .rnty' of Democracy"
Leave Petrograd.
A despatch from Petrograd says:
The first 5,000 volunteers of the new
Socialist army have left for the front,
sped by one of the most enthtisiastic
demonstrations the .city has seen in
Meath. Red flags lined the route of
- the parade and seo'es of bands played
revolutionary music;
Teri thousand other volunteers for
the new 'nirmy of democracy" are
now eenrelling in the Petrograd district
.alone: The volunteers are responding
to a special appeal to the people is-
sued by the Bolsheviki Government
and by the Russian Connander-in-
ehiN'f, Ensign Krylenlco.
A despatch from Fengehen, Shansi
Province, China, says: The hotbed of
the pneumonie-type plague prevalent
bete and in other pai`te of Shansi Pro-
vince, is at present Paotechow, on the
Hoang -Ho, west of Ningwufu, and
the villages surrounding it. 'The na-
tives ore dying by scores in the
streets. Appeals for help are being
sent broadcast by the American doe-'
tors, recently sett into the Province to -
investigate the (plague. condition.
A despatch from London •says: -
The following. official communication
denting ...with aviation was issued
Tlursday evening:
"fn spite of very bad weather Wed-
nesday night, bombs were dropped on
large .tidings at Bernsclorff, thirty
miles southeast, of Metz, and on the
railway south of Metz,
"All oat matinee returned."
A despatch from LondonS
73ritisb ,tdntir•alty nnnotm es the loss
of two torpedo-boat• destroyers in a
violent gale and a heavy snowstorm
Wednesday night.
:the vessels ran ashore on the
dtotch coast and were totally wrerk-
Ul and all hands on board lust, except
MO man.
':'ravel Eeslfietiolsto be Continued.
A dt patc•h from London says;
There is no likelihood that the present,
reetr.retions against women and ehll-I
-din'n travelling on the ocean will lie
removed. They are solely in the in-
terest of the travellers themselves. •
and of Rumania, who. is to be sent to
Petrograd for imprisonment in the
fortress of St, Peter and St. Paul.
The order for the Ring's arrest de-
scribes in detail the way Ads to be
carried out and in which 'the Ring is
t0 he guarded. The Bolsheviki be
lieve they have sufficient forces on
the Rumanian front •to carry it out.
The evening papers: declare that
the arrest by Rumanians of Aus-
trian olfreers who sought to go
through, the Rumanian lines on their
way to the Russian front to feato•nize
with 'the Rtisslans, is one of the prin-
cipal reasons for the crisis between
the Bolsheviki and Rummania,
Bitter Conflict Between Bolshe-
viki and Ukrainians.
A despatch from'London •says: -The
Stockholm Ukraininn Information
Bureau announces that it is in posses-
sion of information showing that the
Russian Bolsheviki troops are tearing
up • railroads, destroying stations •and
undermining bridges in order to cap-
ture or'disperse Ukrainian'troops com-
ing northward.
The bureau says the' Bolsheviki
troops repeatedly, have lured Ukrain-
ian. units into a trap • »ear Minsk,
disarmed then(, committed various
deeds of violence and sent them north
as prisoners, The annou neement adds
that great numbers of German prison-
ers are'•returning from Siberia 'and
that the Ukrainians are taking their
Bloody Bepulse For the Teutons
on Sector Nearest Venice.
A despatch :from Italian Headquar-
ters in Northern Italy, says:‘ --The
enemy has received another bloody re-
pulse on the Lower•. Piave in the sector
nearest Venice. Here his attack was
thrown back after four hours of
desperate fighting. The enemy suf-
fered heavy Iosses, the ground- being
strove with itis dead.
The Italians captured 150 prisoners
and a large quantity of gust; and war
A despot :1i front Fairbanks, Alaska,
says: The islands reported to have
been discovered by Explorer Stefans-
sol, it is believed here, evidently lie
near a large continent he discovered
north-west of Prince Patrick Island
in 1914. Banks Land and Prince Pat-
rick Island lir neat' each other in the
Western Arctic, and northwest of
tier» is 0 large stretch of 'frozen
waste heretofore unexplored.
The explorer, says Capt. Laney who
btoromug ft the inform
n, is preparing
Ie 300 -mile dish
avert} e n. i.
nortl and west of the Western Cana-
dit n Arctic coast daring the Summer
of 1918, in search of more new land,
Stefansson, he said, intends to leave
his irescnt
rase lir r1 prfl and hopes to
reach Wrangell Island, off the Siberian
coast, in July or August. Ile will spend
the 1918-19 Winter on the island.. and
end his explot'atio e by sailing
through 1111 Bering Straits to Nome,
Alaska, in 19.19.
Markets of the World A LONG JOB ,,
H4eadattatP �T LAST FINISH -El
Taaonla fan 22 •A{a»Ilobit \vbeat
No, Nat thorn, 3g; ped; 4 1 do 4L LOa
'el'0, S do 94,.173 Au, A.. w iI11i le Rio
1n slo,a 1 011 151,11[cm, lrtalapf„l, 2 4 tax,
A•auituba onta••--iaa 2 c �\ fou: Nn.1)1tI;Al1'I (11`' IIC(tR'lI -LION,
S .1.1,11 826.e;e; Nu, 1 extra feed snot No,
1 feed Io; In store hurt W11110111.1113AR`I' FUL1'fzi,LI4 1),
,Arnerlean own--ro, 3 yellow, nand,
0nlntlo 09.1.14-1.40, 2 white. 83 to 54o,
nominal 140. 8 do., 92 to SSe, nominal,
according to freights outside.
92.221 tiaOaasis,l911 std a\,liontreal. 1\'deter,
Pons -No. 2, 95.75- to 98.90, 0000rdhtg
to 3f'reights outside '
Neediighyto liol�,hts 31143
shin. o 91,45. tic-
13uctttvlteut--•$1,411 to 91,68, according
British Banners ply Over the holy
Cie,)', the.Peliil'e of the
Richard Lion -h'ear't and his fellow
to �'rc+!(;pts autslrle. •crusaders may »ow rest in their
1t\•0-140, 2, 91,714, according to graves. The mission in life which
i'i•e(gOt$ outside
1lfauitoba flan-�•-rust laatebts, fit iota they laid down in 1199 !s aompleto in
Un�•a, 91x,50; do soconcis, 911; sb•ang
1917. Richard "Yea Nay," b1'ay.
U9. sax s , 010„ $161.:°;-,07.
40 traruttty' est of
Unlart0 1inu1-•-Nlnte,', arebrcwlg to vuglish icings, may nota sleep.
.sample 914:10, 1n U008, z`lantt'aa11 99.95, deltic olc1 olel Fl•enoh ehurchycwd ab
Toronto: 99,(10, buJlc, 00t(304r8, prune( ,
sbimm�np, p'ontevratllt, where Itis dreams
�1i111'norT-Cie late, delivered mem"' t Oolt 1
hash t . bags lisetwee -rerun, per ton, h $ 1gUt • the Captures have poen so
436; shorts, do., .940; mtddling'u, doe fittingly (dreamed,
:41:3).06to; g44;Good :eveatofloslu5r: PerUng,325.Dreant0d of the Crusaders,
49.1 'Na. 1, ,fewi,artan9l:50,5$00 In rnlseit, ilo,, lr'elt '!'o- thel:is vnhe countrymen have finished
j peed bis herculean
Straw --Car lots, per fon, $14.64 .04, strength to accompl}sh-the taping of
country Ptoctaoe-wtxoloaate Jerusato.'
alem. Nothing in life was $o
T3uue) creamery, souls, ner 1b„ 441 dear to Iris tumultuous soul •t, tot the
to •I& mints. lea lb„ 45 to 459c; dairy, wresting of the 1I01y City from L'lre
nor 11,, 32 to 340. - •
Lgga--b'r0sh 1;urhered rt g's, 25:1°•1•100
e, tutbelievers. :It Wtts the only thing .in
rtl,'IS t 20c; ducks, rkens 4e.to 2ao; the wot•]cl that awakened the real man
Towl,'89 to Som; ducks, 26 to 24. c; geese.
2r to 32e; lurl0ays, 214 to SOc•
.in his roving Urease, `1'o all else he
I'o latoee - 1V halesala,s ere paying w:t indifferent; reckless with his,
gi'0"' s an8 Country Shi1,prey, 1913(• "0141- ,�
class stook, f.o b., outslrle points, $$L.:ti England, ruthless incl. cruel with dais
to $2.35 Tor Delawares, and 92 14 $5;10. enemies when the mad fit came on him,
tar Ontarlod,
\yeomenlent are soiling to the retell gallant anti easy With them in other
.eade at tete I'ohIowing ul,res --- moods, careless and for etful with
l�liertia-New•, la•g•e, Lar fn .4r: CwiaS, g
"3'1 to a4$e; carts- [•hoose, 351 t0 240+; women, he w•erlt across history a love
Im•go twin, 2ti to 243c, 'aide boy with a giant's strength.
13ulter--1Presh dairy, eh nice, 88 In 39c;
ct•eet»let•y prints, 90 to .17e; sones, 45 ' Oltce and once only Was he serious;
to 4ei when therusades carried him to
,Margarine ---20 to 32c, I
.No,^"i sLo uem,147r11e445,rl cartons 05
re, Asia 11Pnorc nAt all outer tines he What is Going On in the Highlands
01)1)1.,`.',,,V4 1 played, making g nook of his govern-
,uwtr,-Sp,' chletwos, 2; meat, shameless in his. sale of titles, and Lowlands of Anil
to ese: milk -fed chansons, in, sac; £01.1. indulgent and thoughtless with his Scotia.
24 to 20e; tuft ers. 35 to 37c; duces,
swing, 27 to 30o; geese, 25 to 27e, sub10 1:S,'always aliasing' himself, al-
.l.lvn poultry-7`urtceys, 280; ('J inK ways receiving and never giving, a R. 11Iacl'au•]atte, of Aloe. Academy,
rhiolu+ns, 1U., 20 fo 'L1 r; 1tenS, t l lu 24
0110104, .miring, 20 to 22e; geese, 20 to torrible enemy of himself, forever the has been appointed science teacher in
Lto, heroic child. Dumbarton Academy. operations will not be endangered by
ilone>-numb--i:\u a ane. 1.0" 9.r.., 1110. and Mrs. John Smellie have other U-boats would be foolhardy, tar
•Hush 1eQ '`.t�•liis531•'�uit-'G -40 tea $_50
Never Entered Jcrttsalem. just celebrated their golden wedding
official of. a well known steamship line
.t,th; le'0, 1x0 l'-'; 1911 s0•g, 1' 10 Hr.
13ut Wheal the ciarson-voiced priests I t ±ir limn in 13o'00,5 it otuecl. At the same time, he said,
,leen)--C'anarlla i. brw8-plctc0d, bush., at tit e it must be understood that the work
914 to 914,25;• 111 rtrO. hit-01.14.ct, talo- came preaching the%Cheri Crusade he plight Lieut. Ronald Graham,
ala nr 1ntI an, $9,50 (0. 97; dc,nan, 914; brushed all ,petty whims from his D.S.O., Caste Douglas has won. the of salvaging vessels is not an after the
ldiinss. 191,' to l,c. mind; his brain, clouded withthe measure, It will be started when
rotatoes--Dei hag. .92.5 to youthful Croix de Guerre with pain.
$2.3:0: ontie•Ies, bug, 9e. Ii In $_,Lu. • quarrels, suddenly cleared and he halt- The Town Counit1 ofaaI•Iawiek have
the "bottling lip" process is complete.
FroviSiohxS-Wh' resale ed ace plans against his enemy, decided on building five hunched new Hnnchdrhi of steamships and sailing
HmnlOrd mrnts-Ttnn,4, medium. 31. ro France, to make ready for the sacred houses at the close o£ the war, craft, fishing smacks, trawlers and
Sac; do., heavy, 20 to 27n; conked, 43 un duty of clearing' the holy Land of The Scottish Veterans' garden city patrol boats, are resting now in eon -
4 44c;rolls,itrMlel , U� rte 30e; breakfast
4Sr torT44e; 1it�iiin- ptailammedanls. With his boy's im- •at. ILongniciclry was formally opened llal'ais ,'9.i little water. Some of them
ex -
less, 45 u, 400, petuosity Ile sold ti cams, otlices, Ulm other clay by Lady Beatty.
can be raised simply by havin�,aa diver
- t'uved meats- ),ong ah,;n• haven, 29 to grants, even his nation's honor, Dir Lieut. J'ame5 J'ardine,'son of 11014, fasten chains to (hent. Salvage opt
29tt; clear belles, 27 to 2se. lens already 9.11'4' arranging to adopt
Lara -Pure lard, tierces, 2141 to 20r; gold with Which to pursue his new ,Jardine, George street, PcablOs, has1 �' fd g
lulls, 28Y t0 ,29 0; pulls, 2U to 291140; dnty, modern means to recover cargoes of
coupeund, ner, 5 ^4d to 25c; tubs. 24$ been awarded the Nliiittuy Cross. metal from other of the vessels that
to 25ic; mils, "5 to .9.,c. No feats of arms in history eclipsed W. Anderson, military representa-
his cyclonic attack upon Saladin, 11011- five of Linlfingnw, has keen appoint_ may have broken up. This can be dote
Montreal Markets er of the Saracens. At Acre he threw even with vessels at a greater depth
llentreal, ,Tan. 22 -Oats -Canadian
to the {'ood co»trod connnittee' than three hundred feet. Tests have
-TI ester», Aon a, 914. (a 91:14.; extra No, r. himself into Ude UatCle with such pro- Under the housing• and Town
teed, 95,to 95t,•c; No. 2 local whirr, 92 digi009 8t1engt1 of arm thtlt he cure- Plannin[ Scheie one hunched uew been made and the schend.' has been
I 11.21'; - o. ;1, J0001 r leo tio91 11'1 81 ttrI ', ed out victory single-handed, Never' souses are required for Dunbar. Lound to Work to po•fecli0n.
Aasetteha spring wheal latents, firsts, cid he enter Terusalem. Twice he led A. A1aiGlip, teller of the C'drew- • The first real try -out of the scheme,
i ,00 straight $oiil;l•: strong batters', the allies to its gales only to ]rove dads bank, has been a ointed to the it was said,. will be in Thunder Bay,
S o gh r 9.514, $5, n to pp Lake Superior, (his spring, where the
95.40.' .Rotted oats -nags. 90 tis., 95.30. France and Austria desert hint, of- office of town clerk of Tobermory.
loS;rs 11 $45. Shorts, .8�4 1• $u�d Iltngs, $4 fended by his imperious mannerisms. Ree. D. Al. Jos, has resigned Che ore laden Powuhic went clown fifty
2, per ton, oar lots, $14.50 to $1.5.50. leis whole soul was set. on hearing charge oP Coldstream Nest kirk, to years ago. IC this is sueressful, gree
:peeve, • Piles( we5re,•n0, "trop ttur•8t the Cross into Jerusalem and even his g noses ons (veld be lade to mobilize the
er1'. 940 star. Ti; seconds, 4 i events- rearm: duty •ld to army chaplain. necessa•v machinery in the war zone.
�r>•, 9ac1 en 94,9.; seconds, a4t: to 460, massive strength \09.14 expended to its Pte, John 18'. B ,dues, Tlawicic, who y
Eggs-I'•'i•es•h, 0 ';` selected. 520•; No. 1 limit gime and again without avail, , t l'oe ear, a 11150001 in Vessels sunk in the Luglieh Channel,
tock. 480; No, lock, 45c•. T'utimes-- WS for i y 1
rer bug, ecu lots, 91.90 to 42.2:;. for his earlier Wastrel habits caught off the coast of theelaud and in more
_ g Conlan} ,has returned to 1111 honit+' shallow parts of North Sea will be
up with him and ruined his crusade, Tho lwilittu•y C'ro,s has born
Wiuniueg Grain Nest tried.
\vinniheg, ,tau. 22--c'ush ctuatxtinn4 lectors departing from England he awerdcd to Capt, D. A. Ross Haddon, S0c; No. 3 t,.\v, had put his scoundrel brother, John Tlawidc far gallantry all the field. Interest eitonis in the passibility
uut4---No. 2 c.w,• ) that the L usitania, of. the Cunard line,
.Ali',., extra. Nn. t feed, 11le; No. 1 fres of Lo1111143 on the throne as his sub- A mural tablet has been placed in •
111 is �c c2 gsna, ,i'4r. rlla,`to,'-N n, 3 c1 )untfrics to the may be raised fromfeet her resting place,
$ 91. to .r d. $t.2a stitatc• t, Gcnrgr's Icirl\, L ,
feed. 41.20. I lax- No. 1 Ntt.c.. 42.199 Now his mistake became vital, foe 0100)01' of the bate 1'3.1105 McNeil, •three hundred feet beneath the smr-
lvu _'_ - John, the rumors 000111,' was ruling .face, oil the old penal of Kinsale, Ire -
B'=1' land. Recovery of treasure in the
United states Mncorp abominably and scheming to talcs the: A lurxc roll of holo• bras• tablet strong room on one of the upper decks
(Mown 31ne, ani 7. Corn --No. 3 throne for his own. So Richard, his has hecu presented to the Lutgh of
white. 91.61 to 91.97, Outs. -No. 3 leonine soul dejected, depau'ted frons Strtuu•uc1 by 1G•. Belford, the town is to be attempted. It is believed pos.:
white. 714 to 790, Flour aAtnge,1, Bible that the giant ex its• k I
Brian, $3::.50. his desire and by im•1:uous, harassed - clerk , ! •' a.te.mshin
$715ahth, Jun. 22-T.itlsr•01 -On track, pa t.hs found his way after too years 11', T3uchan, •n Hallie of Peebles, may be lifted a few feet. and dragged
9 t 1 h r, $3.53: ,4 11 11(0 p • closer' to the Irish coast, Where divots
43.b- hid; 11 9.1, 43.50 bid; oily, $3,441 to his country, where he died soon has been appointer) 11 dirrctor of the,
hid: tletoLpel•, 93.30, unm),el• after, a wretched man floc all the' • , may descend to her.
firm of 3les5rs. Lever• Bros., South
Iriwe Stook Markets hero-worship that his people gave him,' ,�f),ic,l. 1 "l -�
Turin, U,. Jan. 22-.-ICVNI rhotco ho;.w So, if men who die before their time The drath tool: plan,` ('00011118' tet, 14,1DC1F. OI? HONOR 1012 I1ER01•;S.
steers, 1t'L to $):t: do., good heavy, lose in lli±it tombs and mourn for :(3,434 anurchan or Tames lirlin01/11 - ,
311.30 t[n41(il1 butchers' rot �ttl%io:[irilr�10 their work not done, Richard Coeur le _t1 well-known {,10111 and mail eon- C'onvalescent. Patients to be Dislin-
$11,25: do., medlun,, sin to 915.4(1: dn„ Lion may sleep at last. The British wished by Blue Arm Bands.
emanon, 89.25 to 99.:70: butchers' bails,. banner, that he bo,' have g000 into tractor. g
choice, $10.26 to 911; els, good hues. 14; The Bing has •invested Dr, , eta' The "Blue Badge or Honor" familiar
to 29.50; do., medium buns. 414,25 to the gates that he se often swore to en- 9lorray, licdefcrha,, \ciLh the in-'
$x.75;. .Ito.. rmigh boos. 4.• to y7.4o; ter, and a 1»•ave Britisher, Uenrral Al- to everyone ill England as the mark of
Elm., good. caws, shah'., 49.7o to Si 0,00: sig'»!a al' rt htfecha, of the Order man suffering tram disabilities en-
do., good, 148.)5 canners 94and dtt s, St; t lenhy, has finished the long jot. ,
$7.75 to $3; 97.5 and cutters, 149 to of _the 1(13British Empire. an•red in 11!14 cOroLt•y's disabilities
9;.25; stockers, 97.2'14 to $x,75; teederN, A h:nulsome set of ellse'-mounts,(
appear era in Canada shortly when the
$'+14,26 Cn $10; n1tkers. gond In ehnioq
9,e t1 1-108 c, (3 ran,, •red rued., $145 to GUNS.
506 s 3110; r4, , ' to 9134; tight 'i8 10 FOR 91(1 to 91.); sheep. heavy, 96.50 to 97.75;
3< //1 $12,25 to $13,25; 101, 30, 918
to 910.59; calves, gond to choke, 914 tc,
911.00; hogs, fed and watered. $19; 110,,
weighed off cars, 419,2E do., 1'.o.b., 310.
Montreal, ,inn. :2.. _t1aotc•r steers, $12; ^-- been awtll'dl`c! llle. Military :Medal and . (nen of the new reinforcement writ,,
gnarl ..tear,, $11 la $11.75; medium
't'n". $,n " 414,64; h1 he,• boils. German 't'radel.5 have Freei:ed the D.C.M.
choice. 4N to 410,26; good hulls,$9.25' and \till be horn by. all saddest; \who
to 9t,h� The Comite;:: of 1'inry nsul Ii`itlilr furs patticnt, of the military convulcs-
ri $4.75; hu lobe)' cows, to choice, 414, in .100 Booths Alongthe $t 9..6(1; gond cows, gr;! 11 t 9ve,,, ran- ins npenrd the uc\v prenlf ea at C' cent holt{�ilals in l"anadtt.
acre, $6(314 to $i;: 4herp, $I2 to 913;' kZ.ilssutn t+1'Ont. linghill, as 0 nn03111 l and child Wel- 09 the 11;1.:',5 non who are eligible
'lambs, Ala to $19: gr; enlre4, 47 In 0(41' centre. for 111114 honor lo -d, 9,8141 are pile
98: 01)01 -fed ea l wes, 81.1 I" $10: Ings, A. (les x1,11 front 1.,0)1110» says: ;1.
rau,fco selects. 919.7.,. p The of .£dl w•9.•: raised by a tients enrolled fen treatment in the
telegram from Bene to the Morning xalc of work and concert in Gula-
Pnst says 1(111 eseent hospitals, L'3i;ti arc pat-
R{.'!'URNlN(, TROOPS o1- shtick, in aid of -t.hc Soldiers' Comforts Gents in sa01' Una, and 7:11 patients in
DOCK ;�'C 5'f. JOH News has reached here from It Fund;
_ land that German traders have al- various other hospitals.
ready taken advantage of the Seton- 1i'il!l1' 0 Black has brei electei> a with the 00ening nt on. thele were
'A despatch from St. ,Iola; N,B,, „lend,,,, of tine 12o11u'say Taw„ (.'nun- wniy 3¢f 211 men streugt.h of the
says: A large transport docked here 13011 (11 Russia and have erected '3M rel in the place of 01.1(9llli, StnW'ar'f rormnnnd, but 8°811111:010 transports haul:
on Thursday wit, sone nine( hdotlis at convenient spats along 9.»d �, liven taping •Lie newly troops across,
y pas- resigned,•
seng'ers, I,lrirt,v of titentµCanadlan owe, in clnsesC proximity to the Russian A flag :lay and flee g''ft: sale at the hospital ships have been bringing
:ers hmnernnling :Eton war, included front' Allna, on behalf of the funds of the 't5 heel: rind the increase !n
(anon them Was Capt. B f: It appears 111(1 the Russian soldiers National ''.1LC.A, realized the Sum eine invade:.. ,,,e
R �. 1 C. _ock- Nato n r the populaHon• of the vontali aliment
burn, of Han than, a graduate of the are most anxious to obtain plying wf £780. hospitals has been steady.
(Royal Military College al llolfgsto,• cards, and they readily barter a nut- William 'Cyter, (gent for the Royal It 1118 sots brromt` arll'isnhlc herr.
chino gun i'ot n each of cci'ds. I3a»10 of Scotltnnd, 11:14 been appointed UKRAINE BECOMES -- ' „- 0 member of the Rothe:my School a in 7inglan • 3( io 1esus to ihc men who
1114 bread will be wasted if the leaf , are patients in the3)01 hospitals ape at
a.- is put en t110 table with the knife he- vice, ol• 'disqualified {'o further ser -
i despatch from Steel:holm 001 •s: side it and the bread cut only as need- 11 I vice, some mark which makes them
I y Na -_platter how high prices climb, distnngui:drable from fresh forces,
The proclamation of Turkestan RS aild- ed, Nviiting paper will always be : tation- The "Blue Badge of Boma" will
autmlomous repubiiri allied t0 the Fed- Nail 11011 in wood may b0 lidded erv. Ihe)caftee snails the puhlie to identify
oral republic of Russia, is ammnneed up by mixing sawdust With glue till 1 se men who have sarri(iced so
by the Ukraine, it is the consistency of stiff paste, Burst water -pipes may be mended i those
u 1 by Wrapping dry leather tightly over I much for' their country's cause ane!
" ✓ Press this compound into the holes,
and it will become 1114 hard as the Wood the holes. The swelling of the. lentil.;Who have not as yet 1•ecowored eu1H-
Salmon CR 11 hl' used instead of cod-
fish in potato calces. itself, ern Whoa Wet stops the leaks. I elently to be disehargod,
:, ....:. w,...�s..vs�nn,,.Vu„r,,,,m.,s.,w-.,e,,,.s:,m.»u-.,:d-air.,q,-r-a,r,k„.,.,.-•.,,.-k,:<amuw.asx.+a,.� ran.,e:a..,.m�c..xb..:�W..,,......::.r Vmwr�v+.�„wn. Fy; ""°.
SeSS, .? L o9.
The shortage of coal in Canada has been the cause of mucid suffering, bu
tions in good spirit. Al] manner of means are used to convey what little rue
rely on what the kiddies can pick up 011 the railway sidings,
if 4i ��j�y Salvage of Sunken Vessels During
War is a Possibility.
Announcement by the British Ad-
miralty that; all of Germany's sub-
marine bases have been blockaded Will
be the signal for beginning the salvag-
ing' of numerous vessels sunk by tor-
pedoes or mines in shallow water.
This was' learned recently from an
authoritative source in shipping cir-
cles. To begin to salvage the lost
steamships before it is ecrtaiii,that
BARTER- h,9. rp'rynes was presented to the Bae 1 n
g f. 1 ' I l,.l:.ih men on the strength of the
Mountain Battery by (.apt, and LadyPLAITIN1lilitnry Hospitals Commission Com -
nand w111 he issued 11110 arm Jannis.
Ptc. 'i'homa4 \Cri ht, of Trauent, • The blue bond Will distinguish the
G CARDS Royal Scots. h.5
lormerly of the than who hos clone his bit frim the
Tama .22t.,
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-DVk5t' WOMAht
Pio, N'e+R11AAi-4y NO TRY
'TO 1=L3R'T - -_- -- _.-
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